Weiner, 1962
Weiner, 1962
Weiner, 1962
Three experiments are reported which investigated the effects of cost (point loss per response)
upon human-observer responses maintained by VI and Fl schedules of reinforcement (acquisi-
tion of points via critical-signal detections). (I) Cost attenuated VI response rates without sub-
stantially disturbing the constancy of responding, regardless of the presentation sequence of
the no-cost and cost conditions. (II) Fl scalloping appeared only under cost conditions. Under
no cost, a constant rate of responding (similar to VI performance) characterized inter-rein-
forcement intervals. Exposure to cost did not prevent the recovery of previously established no-
cost baselines. (III) FI irregularities, analogous to those commonly observed under Fl rein-
forcement schedules, may be produced by different temporal presentations of the no-cost and
cost conditions.
The results of all three experiments emphasize the importance of cost as a factor in the
maintenance of human behavior on schedules of positive reinforcement.
The human organism seldom produces posi- responses. Holland (1958) has shown that
tive reinforcement without some response relatively constant inter-reinforcement rates of
"cost"(e.g., physical, monetary). Relatively few observer responses are emitted when critical
studies of operant behavior, however, have signals (reinforcements) are programed on VI
systematically investigated response cost as schedules. The frequency of observer responses
a determinant of the human organism's was found to decrease as signal rate decreased.
adjustment to the contingencies of positive Unlike Holland's study, the present data were
reinforcement. obtained when observer responses were emit-
The purpose of the experiments reported ted under two conditions of schedule informa-
here was to assess the effects of response- tion and under explicitly programed response-
produced cost (point loss per response) upon cost contingencies in which reinforcement was
human operant behavior maintained by VI not only signal detections but also concomitant
and Fl schedules of positive reinforcement 100-point rewards per detection.
(acquisition of points via critical-signal detec-
tions). The concurrent reinforcers chosen Method
can be quantified precisely along qualitatively Subjects. The subjects were four male
comparable reinforcement dimensions, and humans, aged 18-21 who were paid $1.25 per
are particularly germane to the human hour for their services.
situation, Apparatus and Task. The Ss sat alone in
an experimental cubicle facing a display
which consisted of a series of 40 lamp baffles
EXPERIMENT I: RESPONSE COST arranged in three concentric circles behind a
AND VI PERFORMANCE frosted-glass screen. Each baffle contained a
This experiment was concerned with the red light bulb. Switching circuitry was used
effects of concurrent schedules of response cost to program presentation schedules of red
and VI reinforcement upon human observer (critical) signals and to randomize their
"The views expressed here are those of the author spatial location on the frosted-glass screen.
and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of Saint Eliza- The Ss' 1-hr task was to monitor the display
beths Hospital. for red signals. The red signals were non-
'This study was supported by Grant M-5600 from the
National Institute of Mental Health, U.S.P.H.S. The transient, i.e., they remained available until
data were collected at the American Institute for Re- detected. Observation of the display was made
search, Washington, D.C. contingent upon the pressing of an observa-
tion lever (with a force of 20 g through a sence of a yellow light; a 20-min VI 3 schedule
distance of 1 cm). By pressing this lever presented in the presence of a green light; a
(observer response), the Ss could observe the 20-min VI 9 schedule presented in the pre-
display for only 0.3 sec, even when the lever sence of a blue light. The Ss were exposed to
was held down. Thus, each successive "look" three cycles (i.e., three daily sessions) of this
at the display required the release and re- multiple schedule.
depression of the observation lever. The three-component multiple schedule
If scheduled, a red signal would appear on was then subdivided into a six-component
the display (0.3-sec duration) after a single multiple schedule by introducing either a
observer response. If no red signal was 10-min cost or a 10-min no-cost period, under
scheduled, the display remained blank after the control of the on-off white light, during
an observer response. each 20-min component. The Ss initially con-
When a red signal was detected, the Ss ditioned under the no-cost condition were
were required to "report" it by pressing exposed to the cost condition and vice versa.
another lever. A reinforcement bell sounded; The components of the six-component sched-
and a Veeder-Root digital counter, mounted ule for the Ss initially conditioned under no
in front of the Ss, registered 100 points each cost were presented in a fixed order: a 10-min,
time a red signal was detected and reported no-cost VI 1 schedule; a 10-min cost VI 1 sched-
correctly. This 100-point reinforcement pro- ule; a 10-min no-cost VI 3 schedule; a 10-min
vided feedback to the Ss on the day-to-day cost VI 3 schedule; a 10-min, no-cost VI 9
quality of their performance. schedule; a 10-min cost VI 9 schedule. The
Observer responses were recorded contin- presentation order of components for the Ss
uously on a Gerbrands cumulative recorder. initially conditioned under cost was also fixed
Procedure. The observer responses of each and was'identical except that the presentation
S were conditioned separately (1-hr sessions order of no cost and cost for each schedule
daily) under a 1-min variable-interval (VI 1), was reversed.
a 3-min variable-interval (VI 3) and a 9-min The Ss were conditioned for 3 hr on the
variable-interval (VI 9) presentation schedule six-component multiple schedule. The colored
of red signals, in that order. Subjects S15 and lights of the three-component multiple sched-
S12 were conditioned with schedule informa- ule were associated with the same VI schedules
tion under no-cost and cost conditions, re- under the six-component multiple schedule.
spectively. Subjects S34 and S48 were The on-off white light and the auditory-visual
conditioned without schedule information cues produced by the action of the counter
under no cost and cost, respectively. Under provided information on the differential cost-
the no-cost condition, the observer responses to-payoff contingencies.
of the Ss were emitted without loss of points Instructions. At the beginning of the first
(cost/payoff = 0/100). In the cost condition, hour of the conditioning (under the VI 1
the counter subtracted one point from the schedule), instructions were read to the
S's score for each observer response (cost/pay- two subjects (S15 and S12) given schedule
off= 1/100). information:
For all Ss, each of the VI schedules was
associated with a different stimulus light. The "This is a vigilance task. Your job it to
no-cost and cost conditions were also associ- detect red signals that will appear on the
ated with different environmental stimuli. A screen every once in awhile. You will not
white bulb was lit during the cost condition, be able to see these signals unless you press
and it was extinguished during the no-cost and release this lever (indicating the obser-
condition. vation lever). Holding down this lever will
After 3 hr of conditioning on each of the not enable you to see the scope contin-
three VI schedules, the schedules were pre- uously. Each time you wish to take a look
sented as a three-component multiple schedule at the scope to search for red signals, you
under either no-cost or cost conditions. The must re-press this lever and re-release it.
components of this schedule for both no cost When you detect a red signal, report it as
and cost were presented in a fixed order: a rapidly as you can by pressing this other
20-min VI 1 schedule presented in the pre- lever (indicating the report lever) and then
j~ Ihu
releasing it. Press the report lever only after lower than their respective no-cost rates. The
you detect a red signal. Each time you response suppression produced by cost did
correctly detect and report a red signal, a not markedly disrupt the constancy of re-
bell will ring and the counter, which is sponding between reinforcements which char-
placed before you, will register 100 points. acterized no-cost performance. These effects
This is your reward for each red-signal are analogous to those occurring when re-
detection. Your task for the next hour is to sponse-produced shock punishment is added
detect as many red signals, that is, score to the food-rewarded VI performance of
as many points, as possible. pigeons (Azrin, 1960). Unlike Azrin's data,
You will notice that there are three however, no evidence could be found in the
differently colored light bulbs mounted present data to suggest any recovery from the
on the wall. Throughout this session, the effects of cost, either within or between ex-
yellow light will be lit. Whenever the perimental sessions. Furthermore, the re-
yellow light is on, it means that the red introduction of the no-cost condition did not
signals will appear 60 times during the produce any transitory enhancement of pre-
session. Their occurrence, however, will viously established cost baselines.
be unpredictable; that is, two successive red
signals can appear anywhere from less than
a second apart to as long as 2 min apart.
On the average, however, a red signal will
appear once a minute or 60 times during
the next hour." A
Results and Discussion
All Ss exhibited a reasonably stable Fl 1
performance under no-cost conditions by the
end of the fifteenth hour of conditioning.
reinforcement are parsimonious, but they may Holland, J. G. Technique for behavioral analysis for
human observing. Science, 1957, 125, 348-350.
be inadequate to provide a complete speci- Holland, J. G. Human vigilance. Science, 1958, 128,
fication of the controlling factors. 61-63.
Skinner, B. F., and Morse, W. H. Fixed-interval rein-
forcement of running in a wheel. J. exp. Anal.
REFERENCES Behav., 1958, 1, 371-379.
Azrin, N. H. Some effects of noise on human behavior. Received July 12,1961
J. exp. Anal. Behav., 1958, 1, 183-200.