Anesth Analg-1970-ALDRETE-924-34 PDF
Anesth Analg-1970-ALDRETE-924-34 PDF
Anesth Analg-1970-ALDRETE-924-34 PDF
, 1970
A Postanesthetic Recovery Score
Denver, Colorado*
IGHTEXN years ago, at the 27th Congress
E of this International Anesthesia Re-
search Society, Dr. Virginia Apgarl first
proposed her new method of evaluation of
neonates. Since then, this method has been
universally adopted, and although revisions
of the original scheme have been thought
necessary, it remains the simplest and per-
haps most reliable manner to objectively
describe the physical condition of the in-
fant at birth.' Recently, Downes3 also de-
scribed a similar evaluative method for
newborn infants in respiratory distress.
The usual anesthetic record provides only
a few spaces in which to describe the physi-
cal status of the patient recovering from an-
esthesia, and those are usually inadequate.
I n analogy to the Apgar method, we de-
vised a score to provide objective informa-
tion on the physical condition of patients
arriving in the recovery room after anes-
thesia.4 This is a preliminary report of an
evaluation of this method of assessment.
At least one other score has been pro-
posed for this purpose;5 however, its com-
plexity prevented it from being commonly
accepted. Therefore, it was early recognized
that, to be practical, a method of evaluation
of postanesthetic patients had to be simple,
easy to memorize, and applicable to all
situations, whether a patient had received
general, regional, or intravenous anesthe-
sia. Moreover, to avoid added burden to re-
covery room personnel, only physical signs
that are commonly observed were consid-
ered. A rating of 0, 1, or 2 was given to each
sign, depending on its absence or presence.
At the end of each evaluation, the numhers
given to each sign were added. A score of
10 indicated a patient in the best possible
*Department of Anesthesiology, University of Colorado Medical Center and the Veterans Administration
Hospital, Denver, Colorado. Dr. Aldrete's present address: University of Miami Medical School, Miami,
Florida 33136.
Read at the 44th Congress of the International Anesthesia Research Society, March 15-19, 1970, Palm
Springs, California.
Recovery Score . . . Al drete and Kroulik
The times for judging the status of pa-
tients were immediately after arriving in
the recovery room and every hour there-
after, until their discharge to the ward or
the Intensive Care Unit.
This initial report evaluated the following
signs :
1. ACTIVITY: Muscle activity was as-
sessed by observing the ability of the
patient to move his extremities either spon-
taneously or on command. If he was able
to move all four limbs, a score of 2 was
given. When only two were moved, this
index was graded as 1, and if none of the
extremities was moved, the score was 0.
This permitted the evaluation of patients
with subarachnoid or epidural blocks, and
their total score was advanced when muscle
activity of the lower limbs was regained.
2. RESPIRATION: Respiratory effici-
ency was evaluated in a form that would
permit as accurate and objective assessment
as possible, without the need of complicated
gadgetry or sophisticated physical tests.
When patients were able to breathe deeply
and cough, a score of 2 was given. If the
respiratory effort was limited (that is,
splinting), or if dyspnea was apparent, only
1 point was awarded. If no spontaneous
respiratory activity was evident, the patient
received a score of 0.
3. CI RCULATI ON: This index was
probably the most difficult to evaluate by
a simple sign. We elected to use changes of
arterial blood pressure from the preanes-
thetic level. As gross as it may be, blood
pressure is still considered a reliable clini-
cal tool for evaluating circulation. Further-
more, it is monitored throughout the anes-
thetic state and is one of the first physical
signs taken at arrival in the recovery room
in practically every hospital. The grading
system was arbitrarily chosen and will
probably be subject to revision as further
experience is gained. When the systolic ar-
terial blood pressure was between plus or
minus 20 percent of the preanesthetic level
(as obtained by the Riva-Rocci method ) ,
the patient received a score of 2. However,
if the same index was between 2 20 to 50
percent of the same control level, a grade
of 1 was given. When this alteration was
& 50 percent or more of the original read-
ing, the score was 0.
4. CONSCIOUSNESS: Full alertness,
as evidence for the ability to answer ques-
tions, was considered as a completely awake
state and graded as 2. If patients were
aroused only when called by their names,
they received 1 point, or 0 if auditory stimu-
lation failed to elicit a response. Painful
stimulation was discarded, as even decere-
brated patients might react to it, also be-
cause it is not a desirable maneuver to re-
peat frequently, and finally because devel-
opment of a consistent and reliable method
would be difficult.
5. COLOR: I n contrast to evaluation of
the newborn, this was an objective sign
relatively easy to judge. When the patients
appeared to have an obviously normal or
pink skin color, a score of 2 was given. In
those cases in which normal pigmentation
of the skin prevented an accurate evalua-
tion, the color of the oral mucosa was ob-
served. When frank cyanosis was present,
* J . ANTONIO ALDRETE, M.D., is a 1960 graduate of the
National University of Mexico, College of Medicine, in
his native Mexico City. A Residency in Anesthesiology
at the University Hospitals, Cleveland, Ohio, and at the
University of Colorado Medical Center, Denver, Colo-
rado, followed an internship and two years of surgical
training in the United States.
Prior to his current position as Associate Professor,
University of Miami School of Medicine, Department of
Anesthesiology and a member of the Staff of the J ackson Memorial Hospital,
Miami, Florida, he was Associate Professor of Anesthesiology at the University
of Colorado Medical Center and Chief Anesthesiologist, Veterans Administra-
tion Hospital in Denver, Colorado.
926 ANESTHESIA AND ANALGESIA . . . Current Researches VOL. 49, NO. 6, No v . - D~ c . , 1970
0 was awarded. I t should be noted, how-
ever, that this latter discoloration would be
difficult to assess in the anemic, desatur-
ated patient. Any alteration from the normal
pink appearance not obviously cyanosis
received 1 point; this included pale, dus-
ky, or blotchy discoloration, as well as
jaundice. Although some patients might have
had these color alterations preoperatively,
their presence in the postoperative period
suggests an abnormal state that might re-
quire closer attention.
To study this method, 352 patients were
selected at random. To include as many
variants of anesthesia as possible, 100 cases
were taken from the Denver Veterans Ad-
ministration Hospital and 152 patients from
Colorado General Hospital. I n both insti-
tutions, patients were anesthetized by either
in-training personnel (anesthesiology resi-
dents, interns, and medical students) or by
staff anesthesiologists and nurse anesthe-
tists. Two more groups of 50 patients each
were managed by anesthesiologists in com-
munities located in the Rocky Mountain
These patients received all forms of an-
esthesia and had a variety of operative or
diagnostic procedures. They were trans-
ported to the recovery room within 10
minutes of the completion of the anesthetic
period; once there, the first score was made
jointly by the anesthesiologist and the at-
tending nurse. Thereafter, the evaluation
was made by the same nurse, according to
the criteria previously mentioned. The va-
rious signs were evaluated and a total en-
tered on forms designed for this purpose,
the Post-Anesthetic Recovery Score data
sheet (fig. 1). Depending on the length of
stay in the recovery room, this evaluation
was repeated 1, 2, and 3 hours after the
patients arrival.
The data for each patient were then
transferred to an IBM data card by key-
punch process, according to a previously
planned programming system; each of the
80 columns on these cards representing one
of the parameters studied. These were then
grouped to fit into one of the nine cate-
gories available under each column; for
example, different locations of the surgical
procedures were grouped topographically
into specific groups (that is, head and neck) .
The independent variables such as age,
sex, physical status, anesthetic agents or
technics, use of muscle relaxants, duration
of anesthesia, were correlated with the pro-
portional number of patients receiving top
or safe scores 10, 8, or 9, and those given 7
Study Y
Date Pnmart het i c Riak
Age - Hospital Number -
Sax -
Arrival Tim t o RR -
Type of surgery
Anaethatic Agmnte
Hrucle ml uat s other than for intubation
Aneathaeia tL.
Anertheaiologirt -
] A t Arrival I 1 Hour I 2 Hourr I 3 Home
Able t o wow 4 extramities vol untari l v or on corrPMld = 2
Able t o daap bmathe 5 cough fraely = 2
Dyapnee or bmathing = I
Apneic 1 0
BP t 208 of Pmmeet het i c 1ev.l = 2
BP 20-501 of Rr a*at hat i c lam1 I 1 CIRCULATION
BP 508 of Pl rmaatheti c leva1 = 0
= 2 I 1 1 I 1
Pink = 2
Pale. druky. blotchy, jeundimd, other = 1
Cymoti c = o
FIG. 1. Postanesthetic Recovery Score Data Sheet.
Recovery Score . . .
Mdrete and Kroulik
I001 -
I 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 O I O 9 8 7 6 5 4
75: 50 I
m & A
, -
I 0 9 8 7 6 5 4
roo1 -
FIG. 2. Percentages of patients awarded the ditrerent total scores at arrival in the Recovery Room
and their progress during the subsequent 3 hours.
or less which were considered low or dan-
Of 352 patients, 276 (78.4 percent) re-
ceived scores of 8 or higher on arrival at
the recovery room; there were no scores
below 4. Sixty minutes later, at the time of
the second evaluation, 275 (96.5 percent)
of 283 patients evaluated were in the upper
scores. Naturally, the number of patients
evaluated decreased as more of them were
discharged. Therefore, by the 2nd and 3rd
hours, all patients still in the recovery room
had scores of 8 or higher (fig. 2) .
The anesthetic agents and technics were
correlated with the percentage of patients
receiving the different scores. The progres-
sion of the scores is shown from the time
of arrival in the recovery room to the 3rd
hour of observation (fig. 3) .
Similar correlation was made of the per-
centage of patients receiving scores of 10,
8-9, and 7 or less, with the preoperative
physical status, sex, and age (figs. 4, 5, and
6 ) . For these and the following parameters,
only the relationship at 0 and 60 minutes
from arrival to the recovery room are shown,
since thereafter all patients had scores of
8, 9, or 10.
At recovery room entrance, the groups of
patients receiving muscle relaxants (other
than for intubation) had a higher percent-
age of scores of 7 or lower than the group
not given relaxants. However, 1 hour later,
the difference was nil. I n the first evalua-
tion, the groups receiving d-tubocurarine or
gallamine had fewer patients scoring 10
than in either of the other two groups. When
the second evaluation was made, the pa-
tients given succinylcholine or gallamine
had a higher percentage of such scores
(fig. 7 ) .
When the type of surgery was considered,
patients undergoing cardiac surgery had
lower total scores on arrival at the recovery
room than the others. Thoracic, upper ab-
dominal, and orthopedic operations, result-
ed in lower percentages of top scores (fig.
8). One hour later, these differences were
less apparent.
The scores observed in the patients un-
dergoing surgical procedures lasting from
0 to 4 hours were relatively similar, but
little consistency was noted in the groups
of patients submitted to operations of long-
er duration (fig. 9), except for absence of
scores of 10 in the patients who underwent
anesthesia for 8 and 9 hours.
928 ANESTHESIA AND ANALGESIA . . . Current Researches VOL. 49, NO. 6, Nov.-DEc., 1970
75 ~ W R E 8-9
FIG. 3. Correlation of scores given to patients at arrival in Fkcovery Room and one hour thereafter,
during their recuperation from different anesthetic agents and technics.
I 2 3 4
U S C O R E c8
a S C O R E 8-9
m S C O R E 10
2 3 4
FIG. 4. With exception of a greater number of low scores in patients with physical status class IV at
one hour, there was little dserence inthe other groups of patients evaluated.
Recovery Score . . . Aldrete and Kroulik 929
mSCORE 8-9
FIG. 5. Sex did not appear to influence the scores.
0-10 teens 20's 30's 40's 50's 60's 70's >80
O S C O R E <8
FIG. 6. No significant trend was observed where the age of the studied patients was divided by decades.
930 ANESTHESIA AND ANALGESIA . . . Current Researches VOL. 49, No. 6, Nov.-D~c., 1970
mSCORE 8-9
z z
J a
a W
3 z
-1 0
> 0
z 5!
J z
Fro. 7. Correlation of the scores attained at arrival and at one hour of stay in the Recovery Room, with
the groups of patients receiving inhalation anesthesia with or without muscle relaxant drugs.
ms CORE 8-9
FIG. 8. Influence of the type of surgery sustained by these patients on the total scores observed.
Recovery Score . . . Aldrete and Kroulik 931
' 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
mSCORE 8-9
' 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
FIG. 9. When the duration of anesthesia was considered, few patients undergoing anesthesia for longer
than 6 hours had scores of 10.
The ideal anesthetic agent remains undis-
covered; hypothetically, it will be the Com-
pound devoid of toxicity which provides
immediate onset of surgical anesthesia and
the desired muscle relaxation without de-
pressing cardiovascular, respiratory, or oth-
er vital functions. Furthermore, it should be
eliminated rapidly after being discontinued,
with the patient awakening without side-
effects, yet nevertheless provide postopera-
tive analgesia.
Currently, such an agent is nowhere in
sight, although several intravenous and in-
halation anesthetic agents possess some of
these properties. The current inhala tional
agents depress some of the systemic func-
tions when adequate anesthetic depth is at-
tained. On the other hand, the newer intra-
venous drugs appear to spare the circula-
tion and respiration, but to a certain degree
their metabolism depends upon hepatic
and/or renal functions; therefore, some of
their effects on patients are longer lasting
than their anesthetic action.
Other variables, rather than the anesthet-
ic agent per se, can influence the patient's
condition on emergence from the anesthetic
state. Among these are preoperative physi-
cal status, the type of surgery performed,
the duration of anesthesia and surgery, the
severity of the operation and, of course, the
skill and knowledge of the person adminis-
tering the anesthetic. The latter factor will
undoubtedly be reflected in the immediate
postoperative status of the patient.
At optimum, a score of 10 should be pres-
ent in every patient; however, this is many
times impossible. Nevertheless, at the third
evaluation, after 2 hours in the recovery
room, the majority of the patients included
in this study had attained either a score of
10 (75 percent), 9 (16.7 percent), or 8 (8.3
percent). A significant increase was seen
in the proportion of patients receiving scores
of 10 from the time of entrance to the re-
covery room to when they were evaluated
for the second time, thus demonstrating the
reliability of this score in assessing the
gradual recovery from anesthesia.
No significant differences were observed
with the various anesthetic agents. At the
first and second evaluations, however, an
apparent trend was noted in the group of
patients receiving intravenous anesthetic
agents exclusively (fig. 3). At arrival in the
recovery room, the highest proportion of
patients receiving scores of 10 (55 percent)
932 ANESTHESIA AND ANALGESIA . . . Current Researches VOL. 49, No. 6, Nov.-DEc., 1970
were noted; paradoxically, the lowest per-
centage of high scores was seen in this group
1 hour later. This finding suggests that pa-
tients anesthetized by the intravenous
route were either in good condition initially
because they received a small dose of an
evanescent drug for a short procedure, or
that repeated doses were necessary to pro-
vide adequate anesthesia for a procedure
that was prolonged more than was expected;
thus a depressed patient ensued.
The groups of patients receiving either
subarachnoid or peridural blocks had great-
er percentages of high scores (fig. 3). A
higher number of 10s in the peridural blocks
probably reflected a lower degree of motor
paralysis of the lower limbs.
No obvious difference was seen in the
scores given to patients with various physi-
cal conditions except for a marked lower
percentage of high scores in class I V pa-
tients at l hour of recovery room stay (fig.
4 ) . Neither definite trend was noted when
the age by decades and sex were correlated
with the scores given.
As expected, a difference was found when
the first scores of patients who received
muscle relaxant drugs were compared with
those awarded to patients receiving general
anesthesia but without muscle relaxants. At
recovery room entrance, the groups of pa-
tients given relaxing agents had a greater
percentage of scores 7 or lower than the
group without relaxants (fig. 7). However,
1 hour later, the difference was nil. Patients
who received d-tubocurarine had, in the first
evaluation, the same proportion of scores
of 10 as those given gallamine, both being
less than in the other two groups. This find-
ing could be attributed to the duration of
action of the nondepolarizing drugs, but
would, of course, be dependent on the dose
schedule and degree of antagonizing effect
attained by the administration of anticho-
linesterase drugs.
The findings noted with the different
types of surgery confirm the empiric long-
standing observation that patients having
thoracic (including cardiac) and upper ab-
dominal surgery have somewhat similar
postoperative evolution, with nearly equal
chances for postoperative morbidity, since
incisional pain in these cases may interfere
with adequate respiratory function. When
the second evaluation was conducted, these
differences were less obvious (fig. 8).
There were no scores of 10 given to pa-
tients who were under anesthesia for 8 or 9
hours. No other consistency was noted when
patients were first evaluated. One hour later,
the latter group still had no scores of 10
awarded (fig. 9).
Other interesting observations were made
as more experience was gained. With few
exceptions, patients with scores of 7 or less
were not in satisfactory condition for dis-
charge to the ward; therefore, continuation
of close observation either in the Recovery
Room or the Intensive Care Unit was re-
The serial evaluation of patients with this
score provided recovery room personnel
with objective guidance for assessing the
progress in the recuperation process from
the anesthetic and surgical procedures. For
this reason, this scoring system has been ac-
cepted with great enthusiasm by all nurs-
ing personnel in the hospitals where it has
been used.
Also, we noted that when it was known
that scores were being taken, the persons
administering the anesthetics made an ob-
vious effort to deliver the patients to the
recovery room in optimal condition, thus
aiming to attain higher scores.
Seldom was a score of 8 attained with
four 2s, since the awarding of a 0 to one of
the physical signs usually was accompanied
by the grading of 1 in at least one of the
other parameters evaluated.
Other areas to which this score may be
applicable are in evaluating patients recov-
ering from cardiopulmonary arrest, drug
overdosage, multiple trauma, etc. I n the
future, factors such as the administration of
analgesic agents, analeptics, nasal oxygen,
and others used in the recovery room could
be evaluated. Also, perhaps, evaluations at
30-minute intervals may be more meaning-
ful than the 1-hour periods used for this
As reluctant as one may be to replace
words by numbers, it is hoped that the gen-
eral acceptance of this score
(PARS) may
provide guidelines for standardization o
recovery room therapeutic measures, and
allow a most objective comparison from pa-
tient to patient and hospital to hospital.
As more experience is attained, this method
of evaluation of patients recovering from
anesthesia and surgery will probably be
modified. From this, its first assessment, it
appears that it is a reliable and practical
Recovery Score . . . Aldrete and Kroulik 933
way to evaluate the physical status of pa-
tients as they leave the operating room, and
to follow their progress in the recovery room
before being discharged into the ward.
A method is proposed by which the phy-
sical condition of patients immediately after
anesthesia can be rapidly and simply evalu-
ated. Analogous to the universally-adopted
Apgar score, activity, respiration, circula-
tion, state of consciousness, and color are
scored and totaled numerically.
In this series, 352 patients recovering from
different anesthetic procedures were stud-
ied. Their sex, age, preoperative physical
status, type of surgery, and duration of an-
esthesia were considered. The various anes-
thetic agents and muscle relaxant drugs
used were also evaluated. Progressively
higher scores were noted as the period of
observation varied from 0 to 3 hours of stay
in the recovery room.
Ideally, all patients should have scores
of 10, but totals of 8 or 9 were noted to be
acceptable for discharge from the recovery
room. Total scores of 7 or less were, in most
cases, indications for continuous close ob-
Dr. Robert W. Virtue provided valuable
advice in the elaboration of the score. Dr.
Donald R. Barnes of Nampa, Idaho, and
Dr. Thomas McGranaham of Laramie, Wy-
oming, collaborated in the study, and Miss
Ruth Herring, R.N., gave important sug-
gestions that aided in the evaluation of this
method. Dr. Struther Walker and Mr.
Thomas A. Entzminger supervised the in-
terpretation of the computer-processed data.
1. Apgar, V.: A Proposal for a New Method of
Evaluation of the Newborn Infant. Anesth. & Analg.
32:260-267 (July-August) 1953.
2. Apgar, V.: Evaluation of the Newborn Infant
S e c o n d Report. JAMA 168: 1985-1988 (December
13) 1958.
3. Downes, J. J.: Diagnosis of Acute Respiratory
Failure in Children. Anesthesia Rounds 3: 1-15,1969.
Aldrete, J. A. and Kroulik, D.: Un metodo de
valoracion del estado fisico en el period0 postanes-
tesico. Rev. Mex. Anesth. 18:17-19 (Ene.-Feb.) 1969.
5. Carignan, G., KeBri-Szhntb, M. and LavellBe,
J.-P.: Postanesthetic Scoring System. Anesthesi-
ology 25:396-397 (May-June) 1964.
Guest Discussion
Department of Anesthesiology
University of Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
During the decades past, we have solved
many of the problems of the operating room
with predictable, rapid, pleasant anesthetic
induction, airway control against hypoxia,
hypercarbia, and aspiration, temperature
and blood pressure control, establishment of
muscular relaxation, and maintenance of
operative optimal facility and reversible
pharmacodynamics of many of the toxic
However, many of these superb achieve-
ments have shifted the problem and dangers
for the patient to the recovery room. Happi-
ly, they are collected here as a significant
achievement, replacing their dispersion
throughout the hospital of a quarter cen-
tury ago. I n the recovery room the patient
remains under the care of the experienced
Medicine, and especially obstetrics, re-
lated anesthesiology, and pediatrics are in-
debted to Dr. Virginia Apgar for her prac-
tical, and now universally accepted, guide to
scoring the vital systems responses of the
newborn. Dr. Aldrete and Dr. Kroulik have
wisely extended these evaluations as an im-
mediately accepted and practical monitor-
ing system for postanesthesia-room surveil-
lance. The full acceptance and application
of this method will improve the parameters
of patient safety. I t will immediately im-
prove the meaning of assessment of patient
recovery from anesthesia by nurses in this
area of service. A numbered system from
1 to 10 digits is more easily understood than
adjectives: going downhill, shocky, a
little better, weaker, losing ground,
shallow respiration. I n fact, this easily-
learned system will make recovery room
nursing more interesting and more scien-
tific with its definitive guidelines of pa-
tients discharge to either their own rooms
or to intensive care rooms.
Of greater importance, this system be-
comes a research tool for evaluating drugs
and anesthetics, technics, risks of anesthet-
ics, and surgical procedures, in patients of
varying age and physical status. I t can
grade the improvement in progress of stu-
dents and residents whose increasing ex-
perience and skills and understanding of
934 ANESTHESIA AND ANALGESIA . . . Current Researches VOL. 49, NO. 6, Nov.-DEc., 1970
agents and technics which will be increas-
ingly reflected in improved scores of their
patients, at least in the first recovery room
But more importantly, here is a method
of value not only to the practical security
of the individual patient, but also as a pub-
lic health tool to evaluate entire populations
of patients and departmental performance
year by year. I t may be equally valuable in
grading patients recovery from disease.
The fact that this study was made in the
Denver-Rocky Mountain area at an alti-
tude of 5600 feet, or 1-mile altitude, makes
us wonder how well a comparable series of
patients would respond at sea level or at
altitudes of 10,OOO feet. I have just returned
from administering anesthesia in La Paz,
Boliva, at 13,800 feet altitude, and I can
assure you there are significant differences
in anesthesia responses of the gases and
vapors, and anesthesia machines at this alti-
tude. When we consider that more than 2
million people live at altitudes of 10,000 or
more feet, here is a real area for such meas-
urements of recovery.
Once weknow the baseline of PAR scores
for standard agents and technics from sig-
nificant studies, in many clinics under dif-
ferent challenges of altitude, hemoglobin
variations, temperature and fluid balance
variations, race and socioeconomic status,
wecan better assess the advantages and dis-
advantages of different new anesthetic and
analgesic agents in critical early trials.
I predict an early interest and applica-
tion of the Aldrete-Kroulik scores with due
credit to Apgar. Perhaps with the use of
the interplay of words in thanking both Dr.
Aldrete and Dr. Kroulik, we can give credit
to both authors by designating this score
from monitoring the return of the patient
to A.O.K. condition.
A man is called selfish, not f or pursuing his own good, but for neglecting his
-Richard Whately
* * *
It is astonishing what force, purity and wisdom it requires for a human being
to keep clear of falsehoods.
-Margaret Fuller