Unit 2 Paper v2
Unit 2 Paper v2
Unit 2 Paper v2
How a Pandemic and Video Games
Changed Modern Society
The stadium is dark, illuminated with a few strips of LEDs in
the stands. Thousands of people chat amongst themselves;
some arguing over which player had better statistics, others
loudly bragging over bets they made. Suddenly, the few neon
lights of the arena dim and a countdown appears on the
projector in the center of the room. For many spectators and
participants, this is the chance of a lifetime and one that they
spent a pretty penny to attend. However, this is no Super Bowl
or World Cup. This is the 2022 League of Legends (LOL) World
Championship, the Holy Grail of video game tournaments and
one example of how Esports have gained international attention.
In recent years, competitive gaming has risen in popularity,
increasing the number of spectators, players, and even
Deft Wins the 2022 corporate and academic sponsors to new all-time records. This
League of Legends massive amount of support that it has gained has even led it to
World Championship being called “the future of sporting competition”, a hefty title for
something that some critics argue is not a sport at all. Despite
Kim “Deft” Hyuk-kyu wins his first
World Championship Title and
opposition, it is undeniable that Esports have changed our
kisses the trophy. relationship with technology, for better or worse.
He does this in front of thousands
of in-person fans at San
Francisco’s Chase Center and Then and Now
millions watching online.
When Esports first appeared circa 2010, it was met with
ridicule by mainstream media and parents due to its association
Source of picture: Nerd Street with physically inept nerds. Many thought that there were no
real health benefits since physical activity is not a major part of
the game. However, those feelings have changed and today
Esports are being promoted to challenge and strengthen
memory and cognitive ability, even to the point that it is now
encouraged in middle schools
Esports have also seen incredible growth in spectators that
has been unmatched by past figures. Take for instance, how the
2022 LOL World’s had 5.15 million viewers at its peak
compared to the 2019’s 3.98 million. That is a 24.9% increase in
viewership within 3 years for one event alone and is not an
isolated case within the industry. Similar games and events,
such as Valorant or Rocket League, have also made large
splashes that have attracted new audiences never seen before.
Evolution of Additionally, competitive gaming’s new reputation has
Competitive caused it to become a developing fixture at the varsity level.
This trend can be observed by how colleges have recently
Gaming invested in infrastructure such as new high-tech game lounges
and stadiums, including the one at Penn State’s White Building
With such sudden and drastic changes, it is easy to wonder
why and how Esports rose from relative obscurity into its
Tennis for Two was invented, the present state. So, what happened between now and then that
1958 first video game on record.
caused this major shift? Like many things, the explosion of
Esports was the result of the COVID-19 Pandemic.
Increased rates of addiction are also a key problem that came with the destigmatization of Esports.
Neurologically, dopamine is released and can reinforce a desire to play to get the same rush of winning.
What this leads to is thousands of people not leaving their screens to get exercise or do other activities
like work. For pre-teen to teen players, this can mean not wanting to leave their rooms and exhibiting
anti-social behavior with friends and family in the real world. As the internet continues to demand the
attention of practically everyone 24/7, real social interaction is already fragile. Isolating kids from their
parents by adding on Esports might just break it further and they might not feel as comfortable divulging
their personal problems to a trusted adult.
Excessive playing can also mean not getting enough sleep which can hinder learning. Currently, the
US is experiencing an issue where teens are not getting proper rest and Esports could be a contributor.
Poor academic and social health can lead to feelings of worthlessness which can in turn lead to
depression. In a time when mental health is declining and suicide rates are rising, Esports addiction can
just be what makes these matters worse in the long run.
Stranger Danger
What attracted new players the most was the ability to socialize and meet new people. Due to the
collaborative nature of Esports, players often communicate through chatrooms and voice calls to
discuss strategy. Sometimes online friendships can be formed in the heat of battle. This ability to meet
and make new friends continues to this day, as Esports have become a new third space akin to cafes
and malls which are dying out due to recession and online retailers.
However, this influx of new players eager to socialize also meant
they were seeking strangers, some of whom are less savory.
Through social platforms associated with Esports, like Discord, it
is easier for older individuals to meet, groom, and take advantage
of younger participants because there is a sense of anonymity
behind the screen. Younger teens who want validation and a
sense of connection with experienced players do not have their
guards up, and as a result, often become victims.
This increased willingness to interact with strangers also leads
to meeting bigots. Much like any other online community, there will
be some people who are in it just to spread their hate. What is
concerning is that these extremists are using Esports as a
platform to meet typically young white males who liked to play
battle-royale and introduce them to the alt-right pipeline. If
competitive games can be used to indoctrinate isolated boys
seeking friends, then it could lead to a surge in the far-right, and
potentially deadly tragedies.
based on year starting is still in an era of infancy that will only be decided if it can rise itself
out of the current slowdown it is facing.
from 2017 to 2022 Despite this lessening of significance, it is important to address
Picture source: Canva the issues that it can cause because it still is present to a lesser
degree. We have to understand that while it can be something that
invokes joy and brings possible success to our lives, it can also be
an instrument of self-destruction.
Like everything else in life, particularly sports,
video games should be enjoyed with moderation and
consciousness. It shouldn’t take over your life and
corrupt your view of the world. However, it can still be
enjoyed and can even open great opportunities.
So, when you indulge in the exhilarating rush of
destroying enemy bases with your online comrades,
remind yourself that digital reality is not the only
reality. So, try taking a walking break when you play
for long stretches of time. Be careful to who you talk
to online like in the real world. And most importantly,
consider hanging up your comset more often
because if there is one thing technology and Esports
can’t replace, it’s real human connection.
Source: Canva