Soil Mech End Sem Pyq 2023

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B..TECI- (2" YEAR, IV SEM.), Session: 2022-2023 (Even Semester)
End Sem Theory Examination May 2023
CE- 223 Soil Mechani. Course Coordinator- Dr. Manendra Singh
Time: 3 hours Marks: 50

Instructions: Read the i structions carefully.

• Write to the poir only. Do not write anything which is not related to the question.
• Do all parts of a :uestion in sequence order otherwise other parts may not be evaluated.
• There is no step larking therefore whatever you attempt try to do correctly.
• Assume missing data if any.

Q. 1 What is compaction curve and explain the shape of compaction curve using Lambe (1986) theory.
5 marks

Q. 2 Answer the followi, g questions. 2*5=10 marks

a) What is soil cohesion nd is it the same as the undrained shear strength? Explain your answer.
b) Does the increase in vertical stress at a certain soil depth from an applied surface load a total stress
increase or an effective stress increase? Explain your answer.
c) What would happen D the maximum dry unit weight and optimum water content determined from a
standard Proctor test if higher level of compactive energy is used to compact the soil? Justify your
d) The dry unit weights of a sand and a clay are the same. Would you expect them to have the same
hydraulic conductivity? xplain your answer
e) A container contains , dry powdered clay. A similar container contains sand filled to the same volume.
If water is added to satur .te both the clay and the sand, which is likely to have a higher water content and

Q. 3 a) Derive the folio ing expression: S.e = w.G

b) Derive the expressio : of average coefficient of permeability in stratified soil when flow is normal
(perpendicular) to the la_ ers. (5+5=10 marks)

Q. 4 a) A thin layer of It exists at a depth of 18 m below the surface of the ground. The soil above this
level has an average dr. density of 1.53 g/cc and an average water content of 36%. The water table is
almost at the surface. Te. s on undisturbed samples of the silt indicate the following values:
c„ = 45 kN/m2; (pu = 18°; c' = 35 kN/m2; tp' = 27°
Estimate the shearing r. 'sistance of the silt on a horizontal plane, (a) when the shear stress builds up
rapidly and (b) when the shear stress builds up very slowly.

b) An embankment is b. :ing built of a soil whose effective stress shear strength parameters are: c' =100
kN/m2 and (pi = 20°; nit weight is equal to 17 kN/m2. The pore pressure parameters A and B as
determined by the triaxi .1 shear tests are 0.6 and 0.8 respectively. The height of the embankment has just
been raised from 5 m tc 8 m. Determine the shear strength of the soil at the base of the embankment. It
can be assumed that the lissipation of pore-pressure during this stage of the construction is negligible and
the lateral pressure at an point is one-half of the vertical pressure. (5+5=10 marks)
Q. 5 The soil prof e (Fig. 1) at a building site consists of dense sand up to 2 m depth, normally loaded
soft clay from 2 m 10 6 m depth, and stiff impervious rock below 6 m depth. The ground-water table is at
0.40 m depth below ground level. The sand has a density of 18.5 1(1\1/m 3 above water table and 19 1(1\1/m 3
below it. For the clay, natural water content is 50%, liquid limit is 65% and grain specific gravity is 2.65.
Calculate the probable ultimate settlement resulting from a uniformly distributed surface load of 40
kN/m2 applied over an extensive area of the site.
10 marks

'1 4 ttrn surface pressure

0.4 m
= 18.5 kNtrn3
2m 3
Sand -flat= 19 kN/m
y' = 9 klWrn3

impervious rock
Fig. 1

Q. 6 A Rectangular oundation 3m x 1.5m carries a uniform load of 40 kPa. Determine the vertical stress
at point P which is 3 in below the ground surface (Fig. 2). Use equivalent point load method. 5 marks


11.5 0.5m (6)


Fig. 2

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