Package Sys': R Topics Documented
Package Sys': R Topics Documented
Package Sys': R Topics Documented
R topics documented:
as_text . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
exec . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
exec_r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
quote . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
sys-deprecated . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Index 7
2 exec
Parses a raw vector as lines of text. This is similar to charToRaw but splits output by (platform
specific) linebreaks and allows for marking output with a given encoding.
as_text(x, ...)
x vector to be converted to text
... parameters passed to readLines such as encoding or n
See Also
Powerful replacements for system2 with support for interruptions, background tasks and fine grained
control over STDOUT / STDERR binary or text streams.
args = NULL,
std_out = stdout(),
std_err = stderr(),
std_in = NULL,
timeout = 0
args = NULL,
std_out = TRUE,
std_err = TRUE,
exec 3
std_in = NULL
cmd the command to run. Either a full path or the name of a program on the PATH. On
Windows this is automatically converted to a short path using Sys.which, unless
wrapped in I().
args character vector of arguments to pass. On Windows these automatically get
quoted using windows_quote, unless the value is wrapped in I().
std_out if and where to direct child process STDOUT. Must be one of TRUE, FALSE, file-
name, connection object or callback function. See section on Output Streams
below for details.
std_err if and where to direct child process STDERR. Must be one of TRUE, FALSE, file-
name, connection object or callback function. See section on Output Streams
below for details.
std_in file path to map std_in
timeout maximum time in seconds
error automatically raise an error if the exit status is non-zero.
pid integer with a process ID
wait block until the process completes
Each value within the args vector will automatically be quoted when needed; you should not quote
arguments yourself. Doing so anyway could lead to the value being quoted twice on some platforms.
The exec_wait function runs a system command and waits for the child process to exit. When the
child process completes normally (either success or error) it returns with the program exit code.
Otherwise (if the child process gets aborted) R raises an error. The R user can interrupt the program
by sending SIGINT (press ESC or CTRL+C) in which case the child process tree is properly termi-
nated. Output streams STDOUT and STDERR are piped back to the parent process and can be sent to a
connection or callback function. See the section on Output Streams below for details.
The exec_background function starts the program and immediately returns the PID of the child
process. This is useful for running a server daemon or background process. Because this is non-
blocking, std_out and std_out can only be TRUE/FALSE or a file path. The state of the process can
be checked with exec_status which returns the exit status, or NA if the process is still running. If
wait = TRUE then exec_status blocks until the process completes (but can be interrupted). The
child can be killed with tools::pskill.
The exec_internal function is a convenience wrapper around exec_wait which automatically
captures output streams and raises an error if execution fails. Upon success it returns a list with
status code, and raw vectors containing stdout and stderr data (use as_text for converting to text).
4 exec
exec_background returns a pid. exec_wait returns an exit code. exec_internal returns a list
with exit code, stdout and stderr strings.
Output Streams
The std_out and std_err parameters are used to control how output streams of the child are
processed. Possible values for both foreground and background processes are:
• TRUE: print child output in R console
• FALSE: suppress output stream
• string: name or path of file to redirect output
In addition the exec_wait function also supports the following std_out and std_err types:
• connection a writable R connection object such as stdout or stderr
• function: callback function with one argument accepting a raw vector (use as_text to convert
to text).
When using exec_background with std_out = TRUE or std_err = TRUE on Windows, separate
threads are used to print output. This works in RStudio and RTerm but not in RGui because the
latter has a custom I/O mechanism. Directing output to a file is usually the safest option.
See Also
Base system2 and pipe provide other methods for running a system command with output.
Other sys: exec_r
# Run a command (interrupt with CTRL+C)
status <- exec_wait("date")
# Capture std/out
out <- exec_internal("date")
Convenience wrappers for exec_wait and exec_internal that shell out to R itself: R.home("bin/R").
args = "--vanilla",
std_out = stdout(),
std_err = stderr(),
std_in = NULL
args command line arguments for R
std_out if and where to direct child process STDOUT. Must be one of TRUE, FALSE, file-
name, connection object or callback function. See section on Output Streams
below for details.
std_err if and where to direct child process STDERR. Must be one of TRUE, FALSE, file-
name, connection object or callback function. See section on Output Streams
below for details.
std_in a file to send to stdin, usually an R script (see examples).
error automatically raise an error if the exit status is non-zero.
This is a simple but robust way to invoke R commands in a separate process. Use the callr package
if you need more sophisticated control over (multiple) R process jobs.
See Also
Other sys: exec
# Hello world
Quotes and escapes shell arguments when needed so that they get properly parsed by most Windows
programs. This function is used internally to automatically quote system commands, the user should
normally not quote arguments manually.
args character vector with arguments
Algorithm is ported to R from libuv.
These functions have moved into the unix package. Please update your references.
... see respective functions in the unix package
∗ sys
exec, 2
exec_r, 5
as_text, 2, 3, 4
base::charToRaw, 2
charToRaw, 2
connection, 4
eval_fork (sys-deprecated), 6
eval_safe (sys-deprecated), 6
exec, 2, 5
exec_background (exec), 2
exec_internal, 5
exec_internal (exec), 2
exec_r, 4, 5
exec_status (exec), 2
exec_wait, 5
exec_wait (exec), 2
I(), 3
pipe, 4
quote, 6
r_background (exec_r), 5
r_internal (exec_r), 5
r_wait (exec_r), 5
readLines, 2
stderr, 4
stdout, 4
sys (exec), 2
sys-deprecated, 6
Sys.which, 3
system2, 2, 4
tools::pskill, 3
windows_quote, 3
windows_quote (quote), 6