Printing Directions
Follow the printing directions:
Several activities require that each student have their own set while other activities require one
set for the group.
pages pages
5-14 Teaching Manual cardstock one set 41-45 Race Car CVC cardstock one/student
15 Vowel Sticks cardstock one/student 46-61 Rats! cardstock single sided one set
to double sided
16 Vowel Snatch cardstock one copy makes 3
activities 62 4 In A Row cardstock one set
18-23 Clip The Vowel cardstock one/student 63-67 Make A Word cardstock one/student
26-33 Short Vowel Sorting cardstock one set 69-80 Memory cardstock one set
34 Roll A Word office paper 5 copies 81-106 Make A Word cardstock one set
Card Game
35-40 Blend It cardstock one/student
107-108 Labels full size Avery label one set
You may wish to laminate the cardstock prior to cutting your papers.
Items to Gather
Before you begin, gather the following materials:
Assembly Directions
• Cut the label from the sticker and adhere to Sterilite container
• Cut each card along the dotted line
• Punch a hole in the corner of each card
• Put cards on the 1” ring
Vowel Sticks
• Cut vowel pictures and vowel letters from cardstock
• Glue each picture and vowel on the top of a large craft stick
(glue the same vowel and picture back to back)
• Put each set in a baggie
Vowel Snatch
• Glue the button magnet at the end of a large craft stick
• Cut each circular vowel
• Glue a vowel on a washer
• Place each set in a baggie
Which Vowel?
• Cut each picture from the cardstock
• Glue a picture on the end of each large craft stick
• With a black Sharpie marker, write 3 vowels along the
stick one of which is the correct vowel
• Turn the stick over and with the red Sharpie marker,
place a dot behind the correct vowel
• Optional: Place a foam star at the top of each clothespin
Roll A Word
• Write the following letters on the wooden blocks
Block 1: (use a red marker) a, e, i, o, u, a
Block 2: (use a black marker) g, r, d, m, j, p
Block 3: (use a black marker) f, c, b, h, t, s
• Cut Word/Not a Word templates along the dotted line
Blend It!
• Cut cards along the dotted line
• Place the cards in a baggie
Fiddle Sticks
• Using the black Sharpie marker, write CVC words on the end of each
remaining craft stick
• Using the red Sharpie marker, color the tip of one large craft stick red
Make A Word
• Cut cards along the dotted line
• Place each set in a baggie
• Using a black Sharpie marker, write the five vowels on the red tiles
• Using a black Sharpie marker, write the following consonants on
each set of colored tiles: b, t, g, c, d, j, m, p, n, r, s and z
Word Building
• Cut templates and letters from the cardstock
• Place each set of letters in a baggie
• Cut cards along the dotted line and place in a baggie
Vowel Sticks
Short Vowels Sounds
Provide each student with the target vowel sticks. For students just learning short vowels,
begin with two vowel sticks. You will want to start with dissimilar sounding vowels. For
example, you will want to avoid beginning with the /i/ and /e/ vowels since they sound similar.
As the students become more proficient with the task, you will be able to add more vowel
sticks to this activity and use the more similar sounding vowels. To begin this activity, tell the
students that you will be saying a sound and their job is to hold up the correct stick.
Teacher: You have the “a” and “o” vowel sticks. Remember that
“a” says the /a/ sound like in the word “apple” and “o” says the /o/
sound like in the word “octopus”. I’m going to say a sound and I
want you to hold up the stick of the sound I say. Ready? /a/
Vowel Snatch
Short Vowel Sounds
Teacher: You have the vowels “a” and “o”. I’m going to say a
word and I want you to listen for the vowel sound in the word. If
the word has an /a/ sound like in the word “hat”, I want you to
use your wand to “snatch” the “a”. If the word has an /o/ sound
like in the word “hot”, use your wand to “snatch” the “o”. Ready?
Which Vowel?
Short Vowel Sounds
Students: clip clothespin over the “u”, turns the stick over to see if the clothespin was clipped over
the dot.
Clip The Vowel
Short Vowel Sounds
Provide each student with the same pictured vowel card and
the vowel clothespins. Tell the students that they are to
choose the correct vowel for the picture and clip the vowel on
the card.
Materials: Dominoes
Place the dominoes face down on the table. Have each student select five dominoes for
his/her pile. The teacher selects one of the remaining dominoes and turns it face up in the
center of the table. The student to the left of the teacher goes first and plays a domino
from his/her pile and places it at the matching end. For example, if the domino on the table
has a picture of a “bag”, the player can play the domino with the letter “a” or a picture with
the same vowel (e.g. yak). If the
student does not have a match, he/she
draws one domino from the unused
pile and plays it if there is a match. If
there is not a match, the turn passes to
the next player. Play continues until
one player has played all the
Short Vowel Sorting
Short Vowel Sounds
Place the desired vowel sorting mats and corresponding cards on the table. For students just
learning short vowel sounds, begin with two sorting mats using dissimilar sounding vowels
(e.g. /a/ and /o/). Provide the students with a picture (e.g. “cat”). Have them say the word and
then place the picture on the correct sorting mat. Increase the difficulty of the task by adding
the number of vowels.
Students: “mop”
Roll A Word
CVC Words
Blend It!
CVC Words
Materials: Blend It! Cards
Provide each student with a Blend It! card. Have each student
segment the sounds first and then read the word while moving his/
her finger along the green line. As the students become more
proficient, use the card with only the green line and have the
students blend the word without segmenting first.
Race Car CVC Words
CVC Words
Provide each student with a race car track and a race car. Have the student move the car
along the track while reading each CVC word as the car passes over the word.
Fiddle Sticks
CVC Words
Place the sticks word side down in the cup. Have the
players take turns choosing sticks and reading the
words. If a player chooses the red tipped stick all of
his/her sticks are returned to the cup and play
contines. The player with the most sticks at the end of
time wins the game.
Make A Word
CVC Words
Provide each student with a Make A Word Card and the letter tiles. Have the students build
the word using the letter tiles to correspond to the picture on the card.
Word Building
CVC Words
Provide each student with a word building mat and only the letters listed on top of the
corresponding activity. Place the letters in the large box at the top of the mat. Tell the
students that they will be making words with the letters. First have the students begin by
moving 3 letters from the large box to the smaller squares to make the first word. Instruct
the students to change the letters as directed in the activity box. Be sure to provide the
letter sounds (do not name the letters to be changed).
Teacher: Let’s begin with the word “cab”. Use your letters to build the word “cab”
Students: move the letters “c”, “a”, and “b” into the boxes
Students: move the letter “b” into the large box and the “p” to the small box
Students: “cap”
Word Building Words
Four In A Row
CVC Words
CVC Words
Materials: Rats! cards
Place all Rats! cards face down on the table. Each student takes
turns turning over a card and reading a word. If a player turns over
the Rats! card, all of his/her cards must be returned face down in the
pile. Play then continues. The player with the most cards at the end
of time wins the game.
Writing Words
CVC Words
Materials: Dry erase boards, dry erase markers, CVC word list
Provide each student with a dry erase board and a marker. Say a word from the CVC word
list and have the students write the word on their board.
CVC Words
Place the cards face down on the table in rows. Have the students take turns turning over
two cards. If the cards match, the player can keep the cards. If the cards do not match, they
must be returned to their place. The player with the most cards when all the cards are gone,
wins the game. Be sure to differentiate this activity by choosing how many cards to use.
Make A Word Card Game
CVC Words
CVC Words
-ab -am -ad -ag -an -ap -at
cab ram bad bag can cap bat
nab ham had nag man map hat
tab yam pad tag ran nap mat
lab Sam sad rag tan tap sat
Pam dad wag fan lap cat
mad pan pat
van fat
-ig -in -ip -it -ed -eg -en
big bin dip bit bed beg Ben
dig tin nip lit led Meg pen
wig pin sip sit red leg den
fig fin hip fit Ted peg ten
win tip pit Ned hen
zip hit fed men
lip wed
-et -op -ot -ub -ug -un -ut
bet net mop cot lot cub bug bun but
let jet cop hot tot pub jug nun hut
pet pop not tub dug sun cut
wet hop dot rub rug fun nut
get top jot sub hug gun gut
met rot mug run rut
set got tug
a e i
o u
e i o
a a a
e e e
i i i
o o o
u u u
Clip The Vowel Clip The Vowel
m g s n
Clip The Vowel Clip The Vowel
m p t n
Clip The Vowel Clip The Vowel
p n t p
Clip The Vowel Clip The Vowel
w g t b
Clip The Vowel Clip The Vowel
b g b d
Clip The Vowel Clip The Vowel
m p p t
Clip The Vowel Clip The Vowel
j m s d
Clip The Vowel Clip The Vowel
n t s b
Clip The Vowel Clip The Vowel
p n p g
Clip The Vowel Clip The Vowel
f x f n
Clip The Vowel Clip The Vowel
b t d g
a e
Clip The Vowel
i o
r g u
a e
e o o
a a a
a e e
o o
u i
o o
u u u
i i
Short Vowel
Short Vowel
Short Vowel
Short Vowel
Short Vowel
Short Vowel
Sorting Cards
Roll A Word Roll A Word
Word Not A Word Word Not A Word
Blend It! Set 1 Blend It! Set 1
m a n c u p
s u n t o p
d a d d o g
f a n f u n
Blend It! Set 1 Blend It! Set 1
s a m f i g
s i t t u b
Blend It! Set 1 Blend It! Set 1
b e d r u g
h u g n u n
Blend It! Set 1 Blend It! Set 1
r a n t a p
t e n s u b
Blend It! Set 1 Blend It! Set 1
b a d w i g
h i p r u b
Blend It! Set 2 Blend It! Set 2
cab rip
Blend It! Set 2 Blend It! Set 2
lip beg
Blend It! Set 2 Blend It! Set 2
nut bun
Blend It! Set 2 Blend It! Set 2
dig yam
Blend It! Set 2 Blend It! Set 2
lab nip
Blend It! Set 2 Blend It! Set 2
wig top
Blend It! Set 2 Blend It! Set 2
Pam tab
Blend It! Set 2 Blend It! Set 2
set jug
Blend It! Set 2 Blend It! Set 2
fed nip
Blend It! Set 2 Blend It! Set 2
bug dug
Blend It! Set 2 Blend It! Set 2
sun get
Blend It! Set 2 Blend It! Set 2
fin fan
Race Cars Race Cars Race Cars
Short a Short a Short a
Race Cars Race Cars Race Cars
Short e Short e Short e
Race Cars Race Cars Race Cars
Short i Short i Short i
Race Cars Race Cars Race Cars
Short o Short o Short o
Race Cars Race Cars Race Cars
Short u Short u Short u
Rats! Rats!
Rats! Rats!
Rats! Rats!
Rats! Rats!
cup sun
bat fin
fig tub
dig met
Rats! Rats!
Rats! Rats!
Rats! Rats!
Rats! Rats!
gum get
him jet
jam kit
Kim lit
Rats! Rats!
Rats! Rats!
Rats! Rats!
Rats! Rats!
mat mop
nap nip
net pet
pig pod
Rats! Rats!
Rats! Rats!
Rats! Rats!
Rats! Rats!
pug pit
rat rug
rot ran
rid red
Rats! Rats!
Rats! Rats!
Rats! Rats!
Rats! Rats!
sit sat
sun set
sip sad
sag tub
Rats! Rats!
Rats! Rats!
Rats! Rats!
Rats! Rats!
tip tic
tin tab
tag ten
top van
Rats! Rats!
Rats! Rats!
Rats! Rats!
Rats! Rats!
vet wet
web wed
wag zip
top van
Rats! Rats!
Rats! Rats!
Rats! Rats!
Rats! Rats!
zap cap
cab can
cop cob
cub RATS!
4 In A Row
zip dig bat dog fan
a e i o u c d b
f g h j k l m n
p r s t v w z y
Memory Memory Memory Memory
CVC Words CVC Words CVC Words CVC Words
fox fox fox fox
Memory Memory Memory Memory
CVC Words CVC Words CVC Words CVC Words
fox fox fox fox
Memory Memory Memory Memory
CVC Words CVC Words CVC Words CVC Words
fox fox fox fox
Memory Memory Memory Memory
CVC Words CVC Words CVC Words CVC Words
fox fox fox fox
bad bed beg bun
Short Vowels
CVC Words Vowel?
Make, Take & Teach
Vowel Vowel?
Clip The
Vowel Vowel
Clip The
Vowel Vowel
Clip The
Short Vowel Vowel
Short Vowel Race Car
Sorting Cards CVC Words
Make A
Make A
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•All pages of this product, including the clip art images, are
copyrighted. You may not create anything to sell or share
based on this packet.
•This product is for one teacher use only. Do not share
with colleagues. If they like the product, please send them
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•You are permitted to share the cover image of this
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