R Blends Final

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Let’s Read: br Words
I Can Identify
“br” says Say each picture. Write the word.
/br/, like in:

I Can Match I Can Read and Circle

Match each sentence to its picture. Read 3 times. Circle the “br” words.

I cut a slice of bread Brianna loves brownies! She sneaks them in

for my sandwich. her sandwich between the slices of bread.
Brianna had a bright smile, but now it is
brown with bits of brownie stuck in her
The witch brews a braces. “I had brownies for breakfast and
big pot of stew. you had bran flakes,” she brags. I know it’s
the truth because I smell them on her
Broccoli is my breath.
favorite vegetable. Color a star after each
time you read the story.

I Can Write a Story

Write a short story using some of the words listed below.

Name: br
Let’s Read: br Words
I Can Identify
“br” says Say each picture. Write the word.
/br/, like in:

I Can Match I Can Read and Circle

Match each sentence to its picture. Read 3 times. Circle the “br” words.

The gold bricks were Brad is a brontosaurus. Brad went for a

shiny. walk in the morning breeze. He began to
cross a bridge over a brook. Brad didn’t
know the bridge was broken. The bridge’s
The bride carried brittle bricks began to crumble. Brian and
flowers in her hand. Brice were nearby. These two bright
brothers handed Brad a branch. They
The branch fell of received a bronze medal for their bravery.
the tree. Color a star after each
time you read the story.

I Can Write a Story

Write a short story using some of the words listed below.

Name: cr
Let’s Read: cr Words
I Can Identify
“cr” says Say each picture. Write the word.
/cr/, like in:

I Can Match I Can Read and Circle

Match each sentence to its picture. Read 3 times. Circle the “cr” words.

I love to color with Crystal is very creative. Crystal’s favorite

crayons. crafts are crochet and cross-stitch.
Crystal has been coloring since she could
The crane is my crawl. Her crayon masterpieces draw a
favorite machine. crowd. “I give my mom the credit for my
creativity,” Claudia says.
The two cars got in a
scary crash. Color a star after each
time you read the story.

I Can Write a Story

Write a short story using some of the words listed below.

Name: cr
Let’s Read: cr Words
I Can Identify
“cr” says Say each picture. Write the word.
/cr/, like in:

I Can Match I Can Read and Circle

Match each sentence to its picture. Read 3 times. Circle the “cr” words.

The king lost his Craig is a cranky crocodile. He likes to crunch

crown. on crunchy creatures. Craig lives in the creek
with the frogs. Every night the frogs croak.
I want to eat every This drives Craig crazy. Craig created a crate
last crumb! for the creatures. He creeps up and crams
the frogs inside. “We are not crooks!” the
The cricket can jump frogs cry.
really far. Color a star after each
time you read the story.

I Can Write a Story

Write a short story using some of the words listed below.

Name: dr
Let’s Read: dr Words
I Can Identify
“dr” says Say each picture. Write the word.
/dr/, like in:

I Can Match I Can Read and Circle

Match each sentence to its picture. Read 3 times. Circle the “dr” words.

The little dragon is Drake is a dragonfly. Drake has not had a

still learning to fly. drink in days. There isn’t a drop of water.
Drake’s wings droop. He wishes he had a
Mike is sad he drink. In his dreams he is drenched in
dropped his ice pop. water, but here he is all dried out. But
wait! Drip! Drop! It has started to drizzle!
Pete loves a cold
drink on a hot day. Color a star after each
time you read the story.

I Can Write a Story

Write a short story using some of the words listed below.

Name: dr
Let’s Read: dr Words
I Can Identify
“dr” says Say each picture. Write the word.
/dr/, like in:

I Can Match I Can Read and Circle

Match each sentence to its picture. Read 3 times. Circle the “dr” words.

Mary loves to draw Drew has a lucky dress. It drapes

during free time. down past her knees. She draws
and drives in the dress. Drew even
Matt is the best dribbles and practices drills in the
dribbler in the whole dress. Drew never drops the ball
school. when she wears her lucky dress!
I can’t wait to learn
to play the drums. Color a star after each
time you read the story.

I Can Write a Story

Write a short story using some of the words listed below.

Name: fr
Let’s Read: fr Words
I Can Identify
“fr” says Say each picture. Write the word.
/fr/, like in:

I Can Match I Can Read and Circle

Match each sentence to its picture. Read 3 times. Circle the “fr” words.

The frog hopped all Friday is Freddy’s first day at a new school.
over the pond. He is a friendly boy, but Freddy is frightened.
He worries they will frown at his freckles and
The freezer holds all frizzy hair. “Don’t worry Freddy! You will make
kinds of ice cream. friends!” says his mom. Mom is right. Freddy
plays frisbee and freeze tag with Francine and
Frank during free time.
Jessica and Beth are
best friends. Color a star after each
time you read the story.

I Can Write a Story

Write a short story using some of the words listed below.

Name: fr
Let’s Read: fr Words
I Can Identify
“fr” says Say each picture. Write the word.
/fr/, like in:

I Can Match I Can Read and Circle

Match each sentence to its picture. Read 3 times. Circle the “fr” words.

The little girl frowned Franny loves food. Her favorites

at her big brother. are french toast and fries. Franny
loves fried eggs and Fritos too. She
The penguin was eats frozen yogurt by the
frozen solid after a
swim. freezer-full. Franny better eat
Sally has freckles all some fresh fruit!
over her face. Color a star after each
time you read the story.

I Can Write a Story

Write a short story using some of the words listed below.

Name: gr
Let’s Read: gr Words
I Can Identify
“gr” says Say each picture. Write the word.
/gr/, like in:

I Can Match I Can Read and Circle

Match each sentence to its picture. Read 3 times. Circle the “gr” words.

The grass grows tall Grace is having a great day. Today she
in spring. will graduate. Grace has learned and
grown so much this year. Grace got
He was grinning great grades. Grace’s teacher, Mrs.
from ear to ear. Green, is on stage to greet her. Grace
grins. Great job, Grace!
Color a star after each
time you read the story.

I Can Write a Story

Write a short story using some of the words listed below.

Name: gr
Let’s Read: gr Words
I Can Identify
“gr” says Say each picture. Write the word.
/gr/, like in:

I Can Match I Can Read and Circle

Match each sentence to its picture. Read 3 times. Circle the “gr” words.

Hot dogs off the grill Greg is my grandpa’s cow. Greg loves to
taste so yummy. graze on green grass and grain. My
grandpa buys grain for Greg when he goes
The grasshopper sits to the grocery store. Greg greets my
in the grass. grandpa at the fence with a grunt.
Grandpa and Greg are great pals.
The grizzly bear
looked for food. Color a star after each
time you read the story.

I Can Write a Story

Write a short story using some of the words listed below.

Name: pr
Let’s Read: pr Words
I Can Identify
“pr” says Say each picture. Write the word.
/pr/, like in:

I Can Match I Can Read and Circle

Match each sentence to its picture. Read 3 times. Circle the “pr” words.

Maxwell won second Pricilla is a princess. She lives in a

prize in the science big castle on Pratt Rock with the
prince, Prestley. Pricilla and Prestley
Jimmy likes to press like to play pranks on each other.
the button.
They also like to play games and
Pretzels are my pretend.
favorite snack food. Color a star after each
time you read the story.

I Can Write a Story

Write a short story using some of the words listed below.

Name: pr
Let’s Read: pr Words
I Can Identify
“pr” says Say each picture. Write the word.
/pr/, like in:

I Can Match I Can Read and Circle

Match each sentence to its picture. Read 3 times. Circle the “pr” words.

The price on the tag I am working on a project for Mr.

says three dollars. Price’s class. I must present it to
my class. I want to prove that I
I gave a present to can do it. If I complete the
my friend! project, I could win a prize! Mr.
Price will be proud of me!
The president came
to visit our school Color a star after each
today. time you read the story.

I Can Write a Story

Write a short story using some of the words listed below.

Let’s Read: tr Words
I Can Identify
“tr” says Say each picture. Write the word.
/tr/, like in:

I Can Match I Can Read and Circle

Match each sentence to its picture. Read 3 times. Circle the “tr” words.

Every summer my Trevor truly loves trash. He thinks

family travels to the old trout and turkey trimmings are
My dad built a cool
tasty. Every day, he travels behind
treehouse. the trash truck on his tractor
hoping to find trash treasure!
Grandpa sure loves
his tractor. Color a star after each
time you read the story.

I Can Write a Story

Write a short story using some of the words listed below.

Let’s Read: tr Words
I Can Identify
“tr” says Say each picture. Write the word.
/tr/, like in:

I Can Match I Can Read and Circle

Match each sentence to its picture. Read 3 times. Circle the “tr” words.
The treats were Tristan, Travis, and Trace are
pouring out of the triplets. They love to travel. Tristan
takes the trolley. Travis takes the
Taking out the trash train. Trace trots on a horse. They all
is my least favorite
thing to do. get stuck in traffic. Next time they
will try to fly!
Mary love’s to jump
on the trampoline. Color a star after each
time you read the story.

I Can Write a Story

Write a short story using some of the words listed below.


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