Culture in Asia
Culture in Asia
Culture in Asia
I. Ancestor Veneration
A. China
1. Ancestor Veneration, or the honoring of deceased family members, is an important part
of Chinese life.
2. When a person dies the Chinese believe that their soul enters an ancestral tablet (like a
~The tablet is placed in a family shrine where they burn incense and make
3. April 5 is Tomb Sweeping Day, where families clean and decorate the tombs and shrines
of family members, often bringing food and offerings.
4. The Chinese believe that the dead also have the ability to create good and bad luck for
their descendants, based on how they have been honored.
B. India
1. Pitri-Paksha is a period of time, about 15 days, where Hindus remember their
~Hindus will donate food to the hungry, in hopes that their ancestors will also be
2. Vedic (sacred text) states that an individual is born with 3 debts.
~The 3rd is to remember your parents, and everything you do should only bring
fame and glory to their name.
C. Philippines
1. Most people in the Philippines are Roman Catholic due to Spanish colonization starting
in the 1500’s.
2. Commonly, ancestor veneration is shown by having a home altar with pictures of
people who have passed away.
3. They also believe that dead parents act as a guide to the livings future afterlife.
4. Providing the dead with some of their ‘favorites’ like drinks, foods, etc. will encourage
them to bring you into the afterlife.
Culture in Asia
I. Ancestor Veneration
A. China
1._______________________________, or the honoring of ________________________ family members, is
an important part of __________________________life.
2. When a person dies the Chinese believe that their _______________________enters an
_______________________________(like a headstone).
~The tablet is placed in a _____________________________where they burn ________________
and make______________________.
3. ____________________is Tomb Sweeping Day, where families _____________and ________________
the tombs and shrines of family members, often bringing ________and____________________.
4. The Chinese believe that the dead also have the ability to create ___________and
____________ luck for their descendants, based on how they have been ______________________.
B. India
1. ____________________________is a period of time, about ________days, where __________________
remember their ancestors.
~Hindus will donate _____________to the___________, in hopes that their ancestors will
also be_________________.
2. ___________________(sacred text) states that an individual is born with____________________.
~The 3rd is to_______________________________________, and everything you do should
only bring ____________and _______________________to their name.
C. Philippines
1. Most people in the _____________________________are ______________________________________ due
to Spanish colonization starting in the 1500’s.
2. Commonly, ___________________________________is shown by having a ___________________________
with pictures of people who have_____________________________.
3. They also believe that ___________________________act as a _____________________to the
4. Providing the dead with some of their ‘_____________________’ like drinks, foods, etc. will
encourage them to bring________________________________________.
Family Structure
2. Family Structure
A. China
1. Chinese families are composed of 3 generations.
~Grandparents, Parents, and children
2. Elder members are greatly respected because they carry wisdom of the past.
3. Younger members are expected to listen, learn, and respect all elder members.
4. The grandfather (or eldest male) has the most authority in the household.
5. All generations assist in raising children, but it is the primary responsibility of the
parents to teach respect, manners, and discipline.
6. Boys have been valued more than girls, since girls will marry and leave the families.
~ Boys will stay and take care of parents and add money to the family.
B. India
1. Indian families are traditionally ‘joint families’.
~Elderly parents, all children, children’s spouses, and offspring
2. Oldest male member is head of the household.
3. Due to urbanization, family structure is changing- Now just parents and their children.
~No longer financially practical to have all members of a family in one house
C. Indonesia
1. Common for extended families to live in one area, although less common in big cities
~Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles, Cousins
2. Indonesians are expected to follow the advice and teachings of their elders.
3. Newly married couples often live with the wife’s parents for a few years, then move
to a home not far from the family establishment.
~Children will assist the older generations as they age
Name_______________________________________________________ Date:_____________________Period:___________
Family Structure
2. Family Structure
A. China
1. Chinese families are composed of_______________________________________.
~Grandparents, Parents, and children
2. __________________________are greatly respected because they ____________________________ _____
of the past.
3. _________________________members are expected to__________________, ________________, and
________________________ all elder members.
4. The grandfather (or_____________________________) has the most authority in the household.
5. All generations assist in__________________________________, but it is the primary
responsibility of the ___________________to teach________________, ______________,
6. __________________have been _____________________more than ________________________, since
girls will marry and leave the families.
~ _____________________and _____________________________ and add money to the family.
B. India
1. Indian families are traditionally ‘_______________________________’.
~Elderly parents, all children, children’s spouses, and offspring
2. _________________________________________is head of the household.
3. Due to________________________________, family structure is changing- Now just parents and
their children.
~No longer ___________________practical to have all members of a family in one house
C. Indonesia
1. Common for _________________________to live in one________________, although less common in
big cities
~Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles, Cousins
2. Indonesians are expected to follow the _________________________________of their elders.
3. ___________________________ couples often live with the ______________________________for a few
years, then move.
to a home ________________________from the_________________________________.
~Children will assist the _________________________________as they age
In the space below, draw your family tree based Color China Green
on Asian cultural traditions. Color India Orang
Color Indonesia Red
Weddings and Marriage Ceremonies
3. Weddings and Marriage Ceremonies
A. China
1. Historically, Chinese parents arranged their children’s marriages, and it was common
for the bride and groom to meet on their wedding day.
2. Today, picking your spouse is more common, but parents still play a large role in
bringing couples together.
3. Parents arrange a formal meeting, Xiang Qin, and visit with an astrologer to see when
the best time for marriage would be.
4. On the day of the wedding, the Groom eats with the bride at her parents house, then
they go to the grooms house for the wedding.
5. The bride usually wears red, while the groom wears dark colors.
~They will burn incense and family members will give money in red envelopes
B. India
1. Indian marriages are still predominately arranged, while some couples are
participating in ‘love marriages’.
2. The ceremonies are structured into three parts:
~Pre- Wedding: Bride decorating her Sari with gold and diamonds, painting hands
and feet
~Wedding: Bride sits on the right side of the groom, then on the left to signify
their unity
~Post Wedding: (Vidaii) Bride leaves her fathers house and joins her husband
C. Cambodia
1. Choice of spouse is complex, as a male involves his family and friends.
2. Consult a matchmaker and fortuneteller to help find a wife.
~Women can veto men who have been ‘matched’ to them
3. Last daughter to be married is expected to stay with family and take care of parents.
4. Traditional weddings are long and colorful, lasting a day and a half.
~Hair cutting, tying cotton threads in holy water, passing candles, and having
respected married couples bless the new couple
Name_______________________________________________________ Date:_____________________Period:___________
Weddings and Marriage Ceremonies
3. Weddings and Marriage Ceremonies
A. China
1. Historically, Chinese parents _________________________their children’s marriages, and it
was common for the bride and groom to____________________________________.
2. Today, ____________________your spouse is more___________________________, but parents still
play a _________________________role in bringing couples together.
3. Parents arrange a_____________________________, Xiang Qin, and visit with an __________________
to see when the best time for marriage would be.
4. On the day of the wedding, the ________________________with the bride at her parents
house, then they go to the _____________________________for the wedding.
5. The bride usually wears___________________, while the groom wears ______________________.
~They will ___________________and family members will give _______________________
B. India
1. Indian marriages are still________________________________________, while some couples are
participating in ‘_________________________________’.
2. The ceremonies are structured into_______________________:
~_____________________________: Bride decorating her _____________with ______________and
_______________________, painting hands and feet
~_________________________: Bride sits on the right side of the___________________, then on
the left to signify their unity
~________________________: (Vidaii) Bride leaves her ___________________________and joins
her husband
C. Cambodia
1. Choice of spouse is_______________________, as a male involves his
2. Consult a _____________________and _____________________________to help find a wife.
~Women can _______________________men who have been ‘______________________’to them
3. Last daughter to be married is ________________________to stay with ___________________and
take care of_____________________.
4. Traditional weddings are ________________and_________________, lasting a day and a half.
~Hair cutting, tying cotton threads in__________________, passing__________________, and
having respected married couples ____________________________________________
Family Relations
5. Family Relations
A. China
1. _______________________, ___________________ to and _________________ for ones’ ___________________
is the most important of all Chinese virtues and _________________________________ is a
____________________ offense.
2. Filial Piety states that ____________________should ________________, _____________, and
______________________________ while they are alive.
3. Filial Piety has three levels:
~1st: To __________________ Ones _______________Through Achievement
~2nd: _______________________________ Oneself or Reflect Poorly on One’s Parents
~3rd: ______________Ones __________________through Old Age
4. ______________________should be shown to_______________________, and not just parents.
5. ________________________taught ‘an honorable relationship between young and old’, and
that ______________________________________ be more important than maintaining human and
____________________ relationships.
B. India
1. Strict ___________________________________ followers in India actually
______________________their____________________, wives, and children to become Monks.
~Buddhist Monks have to____________________________________, and see family as an
encumbrance to mortal life as a Monk
2. Buddhism stresses _________________________salvation and has _____________________________for
Confucius ideas of Filial Piety.
3. Buddhism also advocates _________________among_____________________, which is the
complete opposite of Chinese Filial Piety, where children are suppose to take care of
C. Indonesia
1. _______________values play an ___________________part in Indonesian life.
2. ‘__________________’ is also _________________________important.
3.___________________________, and avoiding criticism of others in _________________________and in
the ______________________________is also important.
4. Kinship, _______________________________, is the biggest priority in Indonesia.
5. ______________________can be a burden but is vital since government and agencies do not
provide: Social Security, _________________________, medical______________________, old age care,
or legal help to____________________________.
~All help, if needed ___________________________________________________