Tronville FiltSep November2008
Tronville FiltSep November2008
Tronville FiltSep November2008
6 140
1 author:
Paolo Tronville
Politecnico di Torino
All content following this page was uploaded by Paolo Tronville on 29 April 2018.
Keeping it clean
Controlling industrial air pollution
• Developing air filtration
• Cutting the cost of
compressed air
• Achieving cleaner air
with filter media
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The latest industry news
Improving filter media
Controlling to achieve cleaner air
industrial air
Contents • Features
Filter media: Improving filter media to achieve
• Editorial 1 cleaner air 20
Filter media plays a primary role in determining the overall cost for
Time to set the standard?
operating an air filtration system. Hollingsworth & Vose discuss how
media performance can be improved.
• Industry news 4 Air filtration: Air filter media – an industry evolves 24
Lon Edelman of Kimberly-Clark looks at the evolution of filter
• Technology news 10 media in the air sector of the industry, with a particular focus on
• Cover story 16 the industry in North America.
Air filtration: Using filtration to control industrial Developing standards: Global standards for air
air pollution cleaning equipment 28
Ken Sutherland reviews the various kinds of air pollution from industrial Paolo Tronville considers the importance of developing global
and commercial operations, and the means used for its elimination – or standards for air cleaning equipment, and looks at the challenges of
at the very least, its minimisation. merging existing test methods.
Replacing air systems
Developing standards
for air cleaning
Air filtration and efficiency: Cutting the cost of to provide compressed air to international standards, as well as dealing with
compressed air 32 other critical areas.
While compressed air can be a relatively inexpensive form of
Compressed air systems: Auditing and replacing
factory power, energy costs are forcing managers to review its use.
David Wright explains how effective air-line filtration can reduce
air compressors 41
costs. Ensuring compressed air systems are cost effective and working
efficiently is a must. We take a look at how a European company deals
Air filtration: Choosing the right filter class for with issues relating to compressed air.
HVAC systems 36
Getting the best from a system is not just about choosing media and
correct installation. Thomas Carlson explains the importance of using
and selecting the right filter class for HVAC systems.
• Diary dates 43
• Applications • Product Finder 44
Manufacture and design: Improving compressed
air production 39
Engineers set out to design a cartridge filter that worked efficiently enough • Advertisers’ Index 48
Dates to remember
• 10-13 November • 2-5 December
Water Expo China, Beijing, China Pollutec, Lyon, France
Filtration+Separation November
November 2008
28 Feature
Filtration+Separation November 2008
Developing standards:
Global standards
for air cleaning
aolo Tronville considers the importance of developing global
P standards for air cleaning equipment, including the challenges
of merging existing test methods, filling the gaps and
developing new tools.
Introduction • Making the design, production and supply the Participating Members (P-Members)
of products and services more effective and are represented and five active Working
In this era of globalisation, [1] [2] the air Groups (WG) that are made up of experts
cleaning equipment business and industry cannot representing their personal point of view:
exclude itself. Standardisation plays an important • Safeguarding consumers and users;
role in this respect because the widespread • WG 1 – Terminology;
adoption of International Standards means that • Sharing technological advances and
disseminating innovation; • WG 3 – General ventilation filters;
suppliers can develop and offer products and
services that meet specifications which have • Providing governments with a technical • WG 4 – HEPA and ULPA filters;
wide international acceptance in their sectors. base for health, safety and environmental • WG 8 – Gas-phase air cleaning devices;
Hence, businesses using International Standards legislation, and conformity assessment.
can compete in many more markets around the • WG 9 – Particulate air filter intake systems
world. At the same time end users appreciate The current ISO/TC142 structure includes for rotary machinery and stationary internal
standards because they ensure desirable the main Technical Committee in which combustion engines.
characteristics of products and services such
as quality, environmental friendliness, safety,
reliability, efficiency and interchangeability.
The ISO (International Organisation for
Standardisation) [3] is the world’s largest
developer and publisher of International
Standards. ISO standards are developed by
technical committees comprising experts from
the industrial, technical and business sectors
which have asked for the standards. These
experts may be joined by representatives of
government agencies, testing laboratories,
consumer associations, non-governmental
organisations and academic circles.
ISO Technical Committee 142 “Cleaning
equipment for air and other gases” has been
reactivated in 2005 after being inactive for
nearly 30 years. Several work items are being
discussed and developed inside ISO/TC142 for
the sake of:
• Making the trade between countries easier ISO standards are developed by technical committees comprising experts from the industrial, technical and
and fairer; business sectors which have asked for the standards.
Figure 2: Loading effect of several different flat sheets of air filter media by means of atmospheric urban aerosol.
total concentrations, this technique is based on by means of general ventilation test procedures. have participated and it was difficult to launch
particle counting at the most penetrating particle In the case of self-cleaning filter elements this some new initiatives. However, the task group
size (MPPS), which is for micro-glass filter becomes impossible because when pressure drop “Performance testing of dust collectors” has
mediums usually in the range of 0.12 to 0.25 builds up to a predetermined level, the filter been formed and the standard ISO 6584:1981
µm. Some alternative test methods are included is cleaned by a brief back-pulse of air, either “Cleaning equipment for air and other gases –
in informative annexes. These are common extracted from the gas turbine compressor, or Classification of dust separators” (written many
practices in several countries and include derived from an auxiliary source task. Hence, years ago by SC 1 “Dust collectors, droplet
the use for photometric detection of aerosol to test this kind of filters it is essential to use and separators and purifiers”) is under review.
concentrations and a method for production a different test rig, designed for this specific New experts have already shown interest for
testing of filter media. application. participating in this task.
Therefore the WG9 is developing the following Among the products that are still missing
Gas-phase contaminants documents: a standardised test method we can cite
During the last decade the removal of gas- • NP 29461-1 – Air intake filter systems for electrostatic precipitators for general ventilation
phase contaminants got fairly popular also for rotary machinery – Part 1: Test methods and applications; some proposals exist [8] but no
general ventilation applications. The cleaning classification for static filter elements; standard is currently available. In fact the dust
equipment sold for this purpose is still lacking loading procedures adopted, for instance, by
a method of testing and the WG8 is working • NP 29461-2 – Air intake filter systems for FDIS 21200 are intended to simulate changes
to fill in this major gap. Two new proposals are rotary machinery – Part 2: Test methods and in filter media performance with use. These
currently being elaborated by the experts: classification for cleanable (pulse jet) filter procedures, however, are incompatible (due
systems” that will address these needs. to high dust conductivity) and inappropriate
• NP 10121-1 – Test method for assessing the
performance of gas-phase air cleaning media These documents should not be confused with (due to loading by pressure drop) for residential
and devices for general ventilation – Part 1: the CD “Air quality – Standard test method electrostatic precipitators. As a result these
Gas-phase air cleaning media; for filtration characterisation of cleanable devices are typically only tested for their initial,
filter media” which is being developed at clean efficiency.
• NP 10121-2 – Test method for assessing the present by WG 23 “Test methods on cleanable
performance of gas-phase air cleaning media Similarly, testing of flat sheets of filter
filter media” of ISO/TC 146 “Air quality”
and devices for general ventilation – Part 2: media for general ventilation applications is
Subcommittee 1 “Stationary source emissions”.
Gas-phase air cleaning devices. routinely carried out either by media or filters
This test method is intended for filter media
manufacturers. Nonetheless no standardised
only and its development started when ISO/
The items covered include granular media, test method exists for this sake. Consequently
TC142 was still dormant.
fibres or pads and full size, production, gas filters manufacturers and testing laboratories supply
where the media are incorporated. Nuclear data not readily comparable and usable. Figure
Other areas
applications are excluded because ISO/TC85 2 shows an example of data obtained by aging
“Nuclear energy” will specifically deal with this Some ISO/TC142 Task Groups have been several flat sheets of media in parallel small scale
topic. Technologies such as scrubbers, absorbers, formed during the past meetings in order ducts at the same time.
non-sorptive devices or packed columns are to evaluate the need and the scope of
addressed only if they fit into the specified test standardisation activity for products yet not Beyond the laboratory
apparatus. addressed by the current activity. They are:
The scope of ISO/TC142 activity goes beyond
Gas turbine power generation • Filters for residential applications; the preparation of laboratory test methods
for measuring the performance of filter media
plants • UV and biocide devices.
and elements. In fact it is not possible to
Air cleaning requirements are getting more The scope of ISO/TC142 is broad and does standardise real world operation. The changes
important and severe for gas turbine power include also industrial applications, which of efficiency and pressure drop versus time
generation plants and no specific test method actually were the main point of interest when can be surprisingly different from the data
is yet available for this kind of application. the TC was put in stand-by more than 30 years measured in the lab by aging artificially the
Common barrier static filters are usually tested ago. Until now only a few experts in this field air cleaning equipment. The mass of dust
captured varies tremendously among different Environmental impact – incineration as a matter of fact there is no standardised test
applications. – recycling method available for measuring the efficiency
of filters in removing particles below the 100
However, data obtained from laboratory Air filters are bulky and fibrous filter media nm size. Therefore it is difficult to draft any
testing is still very useful to compare different is not recyclable, hence to dispose of these regulation for handling nanoparticles safely.
products, even if some deviations among products easily is not simple. The possibility
laboratories should be taken into account. to incinerate air filters at the end of their Conclusion
Like in the case of automobiles, bench testing service life it is considered in many parts of
the world as a good solution. Some pieces A lot of standardisation work in the field of air
of air cleaning equipment should be integrated
of most filter elements could be probably cleaning equipment needs to be carried out as
by “road testing” and “virtual prototyping”.
recycled but this should be done only if soon as possible. The participation of experts
Future challenges the overall environmental impact would be from countries all over the world is welcome
minimised. On the other side, it may be too to make possible to accomplish at least some
We list here below some of the needs that hard to match fire reaction requirements of the most important goals highlighted above.
would probably require attention from the with the chance to incinerate completely the End users and facility managers are currently
standardisation activity of ISO/TC142. Time filter. Therefore a method to make Life Cycle under represented in ISO/TC142 and would be
and money are tight so they will be developed
if and when more work forces will join the
Assessment (LCA) analysis of air cleaning
equipment could help the manufacturers
welcome to join the committee. •
Technical Committee. Contact:
and the market to move towards more Paolo Tronville, Ph.D.
Since standards play an important part to the environmentally friendly products and Politecnico di Torino, Turin, Italy
users and specifiers of filters their contribution solutions. E-mail: [email protected]
would be really valuable and welcome. Tel: +39 011 5644477
Bypass – re-entrainment of particles
Calculation of Life Cycle Cost (LCC) The degradation of filtration performance due
1. Hocking B., McGuire S., “Trade Politics
The calculation of LCC is difficult for several to bypass should be assessed in order quantify
– Domestic, International and Regional
reasons. First of all it is difficult to include the negative impact on filter efficiency. Such
Perspectives”, Routledge, 1999, ISBN
in this calculation the value of “cleaner problem is relevant for higher efficiency
air”. Nevertheless a minimum efficiency filters that sometimes are used a security tool
requirement should be set before comparing and that may suffer large degradations in 2. IBM Institute for Business Value, “The
competing filters. Otherwise the calculation efficiency. Enterprise of the Future: The Global CEO
of the minimum cost would indicate simply to Study 2008”, 2008,
The re-entrainment of particles is due to
remove the air filter from the installation. com/services/us/gbs/bus/html/ceostudy2008.
agglomerated particles breaking off by the
Another crucial point is represented by the html.
air stream and is mostly related to vibrations
choice of the final pressure drop to be used for the and changes in air velocity passing through 3., Geneva, 2008.
calculation. Such pressure should actually be the the filters. If not detected immediately this
result of the minimisation of the LCC analysis. phenomenon may lead to the contamination 4. EN 779:2002, “Particulate filters for general
The actual trend of the air flow resistance versus of the whole system causing also an increase ventilation: Determination of the filtration
the operation time influences the results too. of maintenance costs. At the moment no test performance”, 2002.
method is available to quantify this kind of 5. ANSI/ASHRAE 52.2-2007, “Method of
Energy rating of air filters and air behaviour, mostly occurring in low efficiency Testing General Ventilation Air Cleaning
cleaning devices filters. Devices for Removal Efficiency by Particle
The energy labelling of air filters would allow Size”, 2007.
Efficacy in removing nanoparticles
choosing the products that require less energy
6. JIS B 9908:2001, “Test method of air
consumption (like in the case of bulbs and other Nanoparticles are particles having one or more
filter units for ventilation and electric air
appliances). In the case of air filters it is not dimensions of the order of 100 nm or less. The
cleaners for ventilation”, 2007.
obvious how to do it because filters belonging to reason why there is a lot of interest around
different families (prefilters, fine filters, HEPA them is due to the fact that at the nano- 7. Hanley J. T., Owen M. K., Final Report
filters) have different efficiency targets. scale they show different properties of the on ASHRAE RP-1190 “Develop a New
bulk material they are made of. As of today, Loading Dust and Dust Loading Procedures
Metering the energy consumption of some
there are some concerns about man-made for the ASHRAE Filter Test Standards 52.1
actual installation would probably help in
nanoparticles escaping into the environment. and 52.2”, 2003.
getting valuable information but, again, no
In fact there are some safety issues that are
standardised procedure is yet available for this 8. Hanley J. T., Ensor D. S., Franke D. L.,
currently not fully understood.
sake. On the other hand to use laboratory “Environmental Technology Verification
data would not obtain reliable results and Fibrous air filters can be very effective in – Draft Test Protocol for Electronic Air
indications. removing nanoparticles from air streams but Cleaners”, 2002.
Coming soon.......
Buyers’ Guide to
Leading the world of Filtration+Separation
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