5 Earthquake Effects and Hazard Map

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ground goes up or down or

Earthquake both sides move with one

side going up and the other
Effects and going down
o Horizontal displacement –
Hazard Map happens when there is lateral
movement side to side

What are the effects of the
different earthquake hazards?  Transformation of the behavior of a
Ground shaking body of sediments or soil form to
liquid form. (DOST-PHIVOLCS)
 Caused by rapid vibration of the  Can cause sinking and/or tilting of
ground. (DOST-PHIVOLCS) structure above it; sand boil;
 It can damage, fall or collapse fissuring
buildings or structure resulted by
shaking of the ground. Tsunami
 It is measured in terms of the
 Is a series of waves caused by an
earthquake under the sea
o Velocity
o Acceleration  Can cause flooding, coastal erosion;
o Frequency drowning of people and damage to
o Duration properties.

Ground rupture/Ground displacement Earthquake – induced landslides

 Deformation on the ground that  Down slope movements of rocks

marks the intersection of the fault and other debris commonly triggered
with the earth’s surface (DOST- by strong shaking (DOST-
 Can cause fissuring, displacement of  Can cause erosion, burial and
the ground due to movement of the blockage of road and rivers
 Ground rupture/Ground Earthquake – induced ground
displacement Characteristic: subsidence
o Length – depends on the
 Sinking or settling of the ground
magnitude of an earthquake.
surface due to various causes such
o Width – the deformation
as extraction of ground water and
along the length of ground
natural gas, mining and earthquakes
rupture also largely depend
on the type of faulting.
 Can caused ground subsidence, the
 Types:
structures on the surface can tilt or
o Vertical displacement –
occurs when one side of the
collapse due to weakened moved; a
foundation few
instances of
What is a hazard map and why plaster.
is it important to have a hazard slight.
map in our community or even C Yellow Could Strong
experience Shaking –
in our house? strong damage
Hazard map shaking. negligible in
buildings of
 Maps that that show different good design
hazards that may affect a certain and
area. construction
; slight to
 Provide information to help people
moderate in
understand the risks of natural well – built
hazards and to help mitigate ordinary
disasters. structures;
 Indicate the extent of expected risk considerabl
areas, and can be combined with e damage in
disaster management information poorly built
such as evacuation sites, evacuation
D0 Light Could Very strong
routes, and so forth. Brown experience shaking –
D1 Darker very strong damage
Brown shaking (the slight in
How do we interpret an D2 Darkes darker, the specially
earthquake hazard map? t Brown stronger) designed
Seismic Design Categories (SDC) help us considerabl
to interpret an earthquake hazard map. e damage in
SD Map Earthquake Potential substantial
C Color Hazard Effects buildings
A White Very small with partial
probability collapse;
of damage
experiencin great in
g damaging poorly built
earthquake structures.
effects. E Red Near major Strongest
B Gray Could Moderate active faults shaking –
experience shaking— capable of damage
moderate felt by all, producing considerabl
shaking of many the most e in
moderate frightened. intense specially
intensity. Some heavy shaking designed
furniture structures;
may be frame
thrown out
of plumb.
great in
with partial
shifted off
enough to

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