What Is Concept Testing? de Nition, Methods, Types & Examples
What Is Concept Testing? de Nition, Methods, Types & Examples
What Is Concept Testing? de Nition, Methods, Types & Examples
concepts and ideas for a product or service before actually launching it. Thus, you can gauge your customers’
Arti cial Intelligence
acceptance and their willingness to buy and therefore make critical decisions before the launch.
(https://www.questionpro.com/blog/category/arti cial-
In this post, we will talk about the bene ts and different methods of concept testing. You will also learn how
to decide which method will be best suited for your research (https://www.questionpro.com/blog/what-is-
research/). We will then summarize with real-world examples how concept testing was vital in helping
companies launch their products successfully.
the case. Only customers can determine whether an idea will succeed, or will it crash and burn. That is why it’s
vital to test your ideas and concepts before launching to your customers. The insights gathered using concept Audience
testing will help you launch effective and successful products.
Using concept testing, you can also get in-depth insights into different aspects of your idea. You can ask
questions about a speci c feature, look and feel, pricing, and more. Thus you can assure the validity of every
detail before launching the product.
Organizations and businesses use surveys to carry out concept testing making it a simple proposition for
brands of all sizes to utilize. In the following section, we will discuss the different methods of concept testing.
1. Comparison testing
2. Monadic testing
4. Proto-monadic testing
1. Comparison Testing
In comparison testing, two or more concepts are presented to the respondents. The respondents compare
these concepts by using rating or ranking questions or merely asking to select the best concept displayed.