2023 03 Digital SAT Int RW Module 2
2023 03 Digital SAT Int RW Module 2
2023 03 Digital SAT Int RW Module 2
Which choice completes the text with the most Which choice completes the text with the most
logical and precise word or phrase? logical and precise word or phrase?
A. disagree A. fusion
B. ignore B. dismissal
C. require C. critique
D. anticipate D. simplification
2. The following text is from Kenneth Grahame’s 5. The arrival of humans to the Americas is thought
1908 novel The Wind in the Willows. The Rat is to have ______ a sudden decrease in biodiversity
looking for the Mole, his friend, in the woods. throughout the continents. Although the extinction
[The Rat] had patiently hunted through the wood of species like the toxodon was likely the result of a
for an hour or more, when at last to his joy he heard combination of factors, from decreasing food
a little answering cry. Guiding himself by the sources to habitat destruction, most of these factors
sound, he made his way through the gathering can be directly tied to the presence of humans.
darkness to the foot of an old beech tree.
Which choice completes the text with the most
As used in the text, what does the word “guiding” logical and precise word or phrase?
most nearly mean? A. followed
A. Withdrawing B. prolonged
B. Presenting C. counteracted
C. Instructing D. triggered
D. Steering
6. Some robots such as Surena (developed in 2008)
3. Alfred Nobel intended for the Nobel Prize to be and COMAN (developed in 2012) are designed to
an award honoring those who have contributed “the resemble humans so that people will find it easier
greatest benefit to mankind.” Indeed, the work of to interact with them. To this end, certain features
Richard Laurence Millington Synge represented a such as the ability to respond to voice commands
significant ______ the field of chemistry, and in can help to create the comforting semblance of
1952 he was among those awarded the Nobel Prize humanity, but a robot that appears too similar to
in Chemistry for “their invention of partition humans can make people feel more unsettled than
chromatography.” ______
Which choice completes the text with the most Which choice completes the text with the most
logical and precise word or phrase? logical and precise word or phrase?
A. controversy in A. soothed
B. exposure to B. indifferent
C. dependence on C. revolted
D. advancement in D. vindicated
7. The following text is Rainer Maria Rilke’s 1897 the city’s unique food culture. The honor is well
poem “Evening” (translated by Jessie Lament in known among residents of the city as well as
1918). tourists who visit. It’s obvious that the selection of
The bleak fields are asleep. Buenaventura by UNESCO has brought awareness
to local recipes, cooking pracrices, and chefs and
My heart alone wakes: has provided a boost to the city’s tourism industry.
The evening in the harbour
Text 2
Down his red sails takes.
Many people in Buenaventura’s restaurant industry
Night, guardian of dreams, hoped that food tourism would increase after the
city was chosen as a City of Gastronomy in 2017.
Now wanders through the land;
However, as researcher Eerang Park and colleagues
The moon, a lily white, argue, cities must still create effective marketing
Blossoms within her hand. strategies to benefit fully from being named a City
of Gastronomy. Without an intentional effort to
Which choice best describes the function of the promote the city’s food scene, many current and
underlined portion in the text as a whole? potential visitors to Buenaventura may not even be
aware that it’s home to uniquely delicious food.
A. It conveys the speaker’s sense that he is alone
while experiencing the evening. Based on the texts, what would the author of Text 2
B. It shows that the speaker would rather look at most likely say in response to the underlined claim
the fields than at the water. in Text 1?
C. It indicates the speaker’s disappointment that A. A city that UNESCO officially named as a City
other people dislike rural settings. of Gastronomy should still make deliberate efforts
to attract visitors interested in food tourism.
D. It explains why the speaker has woken up from
sleeping. B. Many people worked together to help
Buenaventura be recognized by UNESCO, but
chefs deserve the most credit for Buenaventura’s
8. When people think of dinosaurs with feathers, selection as a City of Gastronomy.
they typically think of winged dinosaurs, such as
C. There are other benefits to being named a
the bat-like Ambopteryx. However, many dinosaurs
UNESCO City of Gastronomy besides increased
that didn’t have wings also had feathers on their
bodies. For instance, research indicates that the
wingless, large Yutyrannus likely had feathers. D. The naming of Buenaventura as a City of
Gastronomy was long overdue, given the city’s
Which choice best states the main purpose of the delicious food.
A. To discuss the presence of feathers on certain 10. In a study by Mika R. Moran, Daniel A.
types of dinosaurs Rodriguez, and colleagues, residents of Panama
B. To point out the difference between dinosaur City, Panama, and Fortaleza, Brazil, were surveyed
feathers and bird feathers about parks in their cities. Of the 318 respondents
from Panama City, 53.5% indicated that they use
C. To explain why feathered dinosaurs went extinct the city’s parks, and of the 938 respondents from
D. To argue that only one species of dinosaurs had Fortaleza, 35.7% indicated using city parks. Given
feathers that the percentage of Panama City respondents
who reported living within a 10-minute walk of a
park was much lower than that reported by
Fortaleza respondents, greater proximity alone
Text 1 can’t explain the difference in park use.
In 2017 Buenaventura, Colombia, was named a
City of Gastronomy by UNESCO in recognition of
The text makes which point about the difference and bald as a man’s head, hill after hill in endless
between the proportion of Panama City residents succession.”
and Fortaleza residents using parks? B. “[The soldiers] entered the streets of Juchipila as
A. It was much larger than the researchers the church bells rang, loud and joyfully, with that
conducting the study expected. peculiar tone that thrills every mountaineer.”
B. It could be due to inaccuracies in the survey C. “Juchipila rose in the distance, white, bathed in
results. sunlight, shining in the midst of a thick forest at the
foot of a proud, lofty mountain.”
C. It was calculated using sources that predate the
survey. D. “The sierra is clad in gala colors. Over its
inaccessible peaks the opalescent fog settles like a
D. It is caused by something other than the parks’
snowy veil on the forehead of a bride.”
proximity residents.
12. The Underdogs is a 1915 novel by Mariano D. Many readers find the Aubrey/Maturin novels to
Azuela, originally written in Spanish. In the novel, be remarkably entertaining despite flaws in the
the town of Juchipila is depicted as a striking sight novels’ structure.
for a group of soldiers as they view it from afar:
______ 14. A student is writing an essay about four
pyramids for a history class and wants to note how
Which quotation from a translation of The long ago each pyramid was built. Consulting the
Underdogs most effectively illustrates the claim? table below, the student finds that the Tikal Temple
A. “All day long [the soldiers] rode through the IV was built ______
canyon, up and down the steep, round hills, dirty
Pyramids in Egypt and the Americas the infants’ heart rates decreased more during the
lullaby than during the non-lullaby. Since a
Age decrease in heart rate is associated with relaxation,
Height (years
Pyramid Country the team concluded that the lullaby relaxed the
(meters) before
infants. Noting that reduced heart rate can also be
associated with increased attention, one critic
The Pyramid of 4,500 to argues that instead, the lullaby simply attracted the
Egypt 143.5
Khafre 4,600 infants’ attention. Bainbridge and colleagues also
measured pupil size, as pupils typically become
1,900 to
La Danta Guatemala 72 larger when a stimulus captures a person’s
The Tikal
Guatemala 70 1,300 Which finding, if true, would most directly weaken
Temple IV
the criticʼs claim?
The Pyramid of 3,800 to A. Blinking, which indicates attention, was equally
Egypt 55
Amenemhet I 4,000 frequent whether were listening to the song in
Scottish Gaelic or the song in Seri.
Which choice most effectively uses data from the
B. Neither the Scottish Gaelic language nor the
table to complete the text?
melody of the Highland Scotts lullaby was familiar
A. 1,900 to 2,300 years ago. to infants in the study.
B. 1,300 years ago. C. The infants’ pupils were smaller when the
C. 4,500 to 4,600 years ago. infants were listening to lullabies than when they
were listening to non-lullabies.
D. 3,800 to 4,000 years ago.
D. Parents of infants in the study chose the lullaby
over the non-lullaby when asked which song they
15. Life Among the Paiutes is an 1882 would use to calm their child.
autobiographical narrative by Sarah Winnemucca
Hopkins. In the work, Winnemucca directly
addresses the reader to establish her authority and 17. In the early 19th century, ships in the British
credibility, writing ______ Royal Navy were ranked based on military
strength. The system considered the number of a
Which quotation from Life Among the Paiutes most ship’s cannons and decks. “First-rate” was the
effectively illustrates the claim? highest ranking, and “sixth-rate” was the lowest
ranking, followed by unranked ships. This ranking
A. “My dear reader, I have not lived in this world
determined the size of a ship’s crew: first-rate ships
for over thirty or forty years for nothing, and I
had between 850 and 875 crewmen, while lower-
know what I am talking about.”
ranked ships had fewer. Two of the ships in the
B. “I was born somewhere near 1844, but am not British Royal Navy from this period were the
sure of the precise time.” Dreadnought (98 cannons and three decks) and the
C. “Oh, dear readers, these soldiers had gone only Royal George (120 cannons and three decks). Of
sixty miles away to Muddy Lake, where my people these two, only the Royal George was ranked a
were then living and fishing.” first-rate ship. It can therefore be concluded that
D. “But how can I describe the scene that
followed? Some of you, dear readers, can imagine.” Which choice most logically completes the text?
A. the Dreadnought had between 850 and 875
16. Hypothesizing that lullabies, characterized by crewmen.
their slow tempos, are universally calming to
B. all ships with at least 98 cannons were ranked as
infants, Constance M. Bainbridge and colleagues
first-rate ships.
played a lullaby sung in the Scottish Gaelic
language and a non-lullaby sung in the Seri C. the Royal George needed a crew larger than 875
language to a group of infants. The team found that people in order to operate efficiently.
D. Not all ships with three decks were ranked as A. is ranked
first-rate ships. B. to rank
C. ranking
18. At 1,006 meters, the Forth Road Bridge in the
United Kingdom is one of the longest suspension D. having ranked
bridges in the ______ the Yavuz Sultan Selim
Bridge in Turkey, at 1,408 meters, is even longer. 22. As an object-oriented computer programming
language, Kotlin is used by coders like Black Girls
Which choice completes the text so that it conforms Code founder Kimberly Bryant to create programs
to the conventions of Standard English? by manipulating “objects” (that is, specifically
A. world, but, defined variables or combinations of variables) into
interacting with each other. Conversely, Pascal,
B. world,
______ in software development and educational
C. world, but instruction, is not an object-oriented language.
D. world but
Which choice completes the text so that it conforms
to the conventions of Standard English?
19. Both Heinrich Böll and Camilo José Cela have
A. to use
been commended for ______ contributions to
literature, perhaps most notably when the Swedish B. used
Academy awarded Böll the Nobel Prize in C. the use
Literature in 1972 and Cela his in 1989.
D. using
Which choice completes the text so that it conforms
to the conventions of Standard English? 23. Fans of the film The Princess and the Frog
A. it’s (2009) likely ______ the commanding bass voice
behind the character Dr. Facilier. It belongs to actor
B. their
Keith David. The veteran actor has performed in
C. its everything from commercials to Broadway
D. they’re musicals, but he is most known for his voice acting.