Part 2

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AHMED BAKR 00966566450398

Digital SAT Revision

Part 2
Overall Structure:

When answering these questions, focus on one detail within the question: the
beginning or the end of each question: only one answer will fit.

1- The gaslight shone yellow through the frosted transom above the door of Number 31.
Gordon took out his key and fished about in the keyhole- in that kind of house the key
never quite fits the lock.Thedarkishlittlehallway- inrealityitwas only a passage-smelt of
dishwater and cabbage. Gordon glanced at the japanned tray on the hall- stand. No
letters, of course. He had told himself not to hope for a letter, and nevertheless had
continued to hope. A stale feeling, not quite a pain, settled upon his breast. Rosemary
might have written! It was four days now since she had written [. ..] The one thing that
made the evening bearable was to find a letter waiting for him when he got home. But
he received very few letters- four or five in a week at the very most.

Which choice best describes the overall structure of the text?

a) It presents a character who has repeatedly failed to receive an important letter and then
explains why it has not been sent.
b) It depicts a character's inability to enter his home and retrieve a letter and then describes
his reaction to that situation.
c) It describes the reaction of a character to an upsetting occurrence followed by his
happiness at receiving a letter.
d) It portrays a character's desire to receive a letter and subsequent disappointment when
none is found.

The Revolution in SAT 1


2- Although publishers and critics classified Octavia Butler's novels as science fiction- a
genre that Butler enjoyed deeply and referred to as "potentially the freest genre in
existence"- her works attracted a diverse readership, and Butler resisted being associated
exclusively with that form. Indeed, she was also the author of a number of essays, and
her book Parable of the Sower was adapted into an opera by the mother-and-daughter,
team Bernice Johnson Reagon and Toshi Reagon. Combining African-American
spirituals, soul, rock and roll, and folk music, it debuted at The Public Theater in New
York City in 2015.

Which choice best describes the overall structure of the text?

a) A work is presented, and its effects are considered.

b) An interpretation of a novel is described, and an opposing view is introduced.
c) Examples of an author's writing are given, and their significance is discussed.
d) A claim is made, and supporting examples are provided to illustrate it.

3- The following text is adapted from Gwendolyn Bennett’s 1926 poem “Street Lamps in
Early Spring.”

Night wears a garment

All velvet soft, all violet blue...
And over her face she draws a veil
As shimmering fine as floating dew...
And here and there
In the black of her hair
The subtle hands of Night
Move slowly with their gem-starred light.

Which choice best describes the overall structure ofthe text?

a) It presents alternating descriptions of night in arural area and in a city.

b) It sketches an image of nightfall, then an image of sunrise.
c) It makes an extended comparison of night to a human being.
d) It portrays how night changes from one season of the year to the next

The Revolution in SAT 2


4- Musician Joni Mitchell, who is also a painter, uses images she creates for her album
covers to emphasize ideas expressed in her music. For the cover of her album
Turbulent Indigo (1994), Mitchell painted a striking self-portrait that closely
resembles Vincent van Gogh’s Self-Portrait with Bandaged Ear (1889). The image
calls attention to the album’s title song, in which Mitchell sings about the legacy of
the postimpressionist painter. In that song, Mitchell also hints that she feels a
strong artistic connection to Van Gogh—an idea that is reinforced by her imagery
on the cover.

Which choice best describes the overall structure of the text?

a) It presents a claim about Mitchell, then gives an example supporting that

b) It discusses Van Gogh’s influence on Mitchell, then considers Mitchell’s
influence on other artists.
c) It describes a similarity between two artists, then notes a difference
between them.
d) It describes the songs on Turbulent Indigo, then explains how they relate to
the album’s cover.

5- The following text is from the 1923 poem “Black Finger” by Angelina Weld Grimké , a Black American
writer. A cypress is a type of evergreen tree.

I have just seen a most beautiful thing,

Slim and still,
Against a gold, gold sky,
A straight black cypress,
A black finger
Pointing upwards.
Why, beautiful still finger, are you black?
And why are you pointing upwards?

Which choice best describes the overall structure of the text?

a) The speaker assesses a natural phenomenon, then questions the accuracy of her
b) The speaker describes a distinctive sight in nature, then ponders what meaning to
attribute to that sight.
c) The speaker presents an outdoor scene, then considers a human behavior occurring
within that scene.
d) The speaker examines her surroundings, then speculates about their influence on her
emotional state.

The Revolution in SAT 3


6- The following text is from Walt Whitman’s 1860 poem “Calamus 24.”

I HEAR it is charged against me that I seek to

destroy institutions;
But really I am neither for nor against
(What indeed have I in common with them?—
Or what with the destruction of them?),
Only I will establish in the Mannahatta [Manhattan]
and in every city of These States,
inland and seaboard,
And in the fields and woods, and above every
keel [ship] little or large, that dents the water,
Without edifices, or rules, or trustees, or any
The institution of the dear love of comrades.

Which choice best describes the overall structure of the text?

a) The speaker questions an increasingly prevalent attitude, then summarizes his

b) The speaker regrets his isolation from others, then predicts a profound change in society.
c) The speaker concedes his personal shortcomings, then boasts of his many achievements.
d) The speaker addresses a criticism leveled against him, then announces a grand ambition
of his.

The Revolution in SAT 4


Statement Function

1- To drivers, the color red means stop, but on a map it tells traffic engineers to leap into
action. Traffic control centers like the one on the seventh floor of Boston's City Hall-a
room cluttered with computer terminals and live videofeedsofurbanintersections- represent
the brain of a traffic system. The city's network of sensors. cables and signals are the
nerves connected to the rest of the body. "Most people don't think there are eyes and ears
keeping track of all this stuff," says John De Benedictis, the center's engineering director.
But in reality, engineers literally watch our every move, making subtle changes that
relieve and redirect traffic.

Which choice best describes the function of the underlined portion in the text as a whole?

a) To describe a problem commonly faced by traffic engineers

b) To point out some important differences between traffic control centers and the human
c) To discuss the purpose of items found in traffic control centers
d) To provide examples of ways in which drivers' actions can be monitored remotely

2- In August 2009 a consortium of European observatories reported the discovery of

COROT-7c, a second planet orbiting COROT-7. Using the data from both planets, they
were able to calculate that COROT-7b has an average density about the same as Earth's.
This means it is almost certainly a rocky planet made up of silicate rocks like those in
Earth's crust. Not that anyone would call it Earth. The planet and its star are separated by
only 1.6 million miles. 23 times less than the distance between the parboiled planet
Mercury and our Sun. Because the planet is so close to the star, it is gravitationally locked
to it in the same way the Moon is locked to Earth.

Which choice best describes the function of the underlined portion in the text as a whole?

a) It emphasizes an important distinction between COROT -7b and Earth.

b) It suggests that COROT-7b could eventually come to resemble Earth.
c) It supports the hypothesis that Earth and COROT-7b may share a common origin.
d) It explains how Mercury came to occupy its position within the solar system.

The Revolution in SAT 5


3- Scientists have long known that color plays a role in warning animals about danger. Only
recently, however, have they begun to understand how wavelengths of light (and thus
color) appear at different depths and how various marine creatures' eyes perceive this light
and each other- far differently than humans see them. Where waters are murky, the
majority of creatures employ nonvisual forms of communication such as smell, taste,
touch, and sound. But in the clear waters of coral reefs, which make up less than 1% of the
world's oceans, light abounds, vision predominates, and animals drape themselves in
blazing color- not only to menace potential enemies but also to evade predators, hunt for
prey, and even hide in plain sight.

Which choice best describes the function of the underlined portion in the text as a whole?

a) It explains how reef animals use color to hide from predators.

b) It describes an unusual form of marine communication.
c) It presents a novel theory about underwater perception.
d) It emphasizes the controversy surrounding a claim about reefs animals.

4- On what seems like a monthly basis, scientific teams announce the results of new
experiments, adding to a preponderance of evidence that we've been underestimating
animal minds, even those of us who have rated them fairly highly. New animal behaviors
and capacities are observed in thewild,ofteninvolvingtooluse- or at least object
manipulation- the very kinds of activity that led the distinguished zoologist Donald R.
Griffin to found the field of cognitive ethology (animal thinking) in 1978: octopuses piling
stones in front of their hideyholes, to name one recent example; or dolphins fitting marine
sponges to their beaks in order to dig for food on the seabed; or wasps using small stones
to smooth the sand around their egg chambers, concealing them from predators.

Which choice best describes the function of the underlined portion in the text as a whole?

a) To describe ways that animals hide from predators

b) To highlight the lack of complexity in animal tools as compared to human ones
c) To provide instances of novel animal behavior in the wild
d) To emphasize the limits of animal consciousness

The Revolution in SAT 6


5- Far below the mid-ocean ridge volcanoes and their countless layers of crust-forming lava
is the mantle, a 3,200-kilometer-thick layer of scorching hot rock that forms the earth's
midsection and surrounds its metallic core. At the planet's cool surface, upthrusted mantle
rocks are dark green, but if you could see them in their rightful home, they would be
glowing red- or even white-hot. The top of the mantle is about 1,300 degrees Celsius, and
it gets about one degree hotter with each kilometer of depth. The weight of overlying rock
means the pressure also increases with depth about 1,000 atmospheres for every three

Which choice best describes the function of the underlined portion in the text as a whole?

a) To convey the intense pressure that pervades the mantle

b) To suggest that scientific understanding of mantle rocks is limited
c) To describe a difference between mantle rocks and other types of rock
d) To emphasize a difference between mantle rocks in different locations

6- In order to better understand people's receptiveness to opposing viewpoints, public policy

scholars Julia Minson of Harvard University and Frances Chen of the University of British
Columbia reviewed dozens of studies spanning 1984 to 2021. Among their findings was
the fact that people who feel strongly about an issue can be receptive to others' views
without altering their own opinions. As the researchers point out, two thoughtful people
might examine each other's ideas seriously and, recognizing that it is possible for
reasonable people to hold either perspective, respectfully agree to disagree.

Which choice best describes the function of the underlined portion in the text as a whole?

a) It highlights a potential outcome of a strong disagreement.

b) It describes a process by which people's opinions can evolve.
c) It emphasizes the importance of considering multiple perspectives.
d) It discusses a strategy that permits opposing parties to reconcile their differences.

7- To be a female artist in the nineteenth century was challenging enough, but to be a female
sculptor was nearly unthinkable. Not only were sculptors expected to have a familiarity
with the human form that no woman in that age could acquire, but they had to work with
heavy materials, such as blocks of marble weighing many hundreds of pounds.
Nevertheless, a few intrepid American women wound their way to Italy and learned to

Which choice best describes the function of the underlined portion in the text as a whole?

a) It discusses some of the expenses involved in becoming an artist.

b) It emphasizes the antagonism between women and the nineteenth-century artistic establishment.
c) It explains the virtual impossibility of becoming a female sculptor in the nineteenth century.
d) It describes some of the physical limitations placed on nineteenth-century women.

The Revolution in SAT 7


8- The following text is from Charlotte Grimke's poem "Wordsworth."

Poet of the serene and thoughtful lay!

In youth's fair dawn. when the soul. still untried.
Longs for life's conflict. and seeks restlessly
Food for its cravings in the stirring songs.
The thrilling strains of more impassioned bards:
Or, eager for fresh joys, culls with delight
The flowers that bloom in fancy's fairy realm –
We may not prize the mild and steadfast ray
That streams from thy pure soul in tranquil song

Which choice best describes the function of the underlined portion in the text as a whole?

a) To criticize the human tendency toward conflict

b) To describe the power of music to express emotions
c) To highlight the consequences of uncontrolled restlessness
d) To convey the soul's youthful desire for excitement.

9- In recent years, many companies have shifted from a model in which workers are placed
in individual cubicles to one based on open-office plans, with the goal of fostering
employee interaction and collaboration. Studies suggest, however, that such strategies
may backfire, increasing job dissatisfaction and leaving workers no more likely to work
together than before. Researchers at Harvard Business School theorize that employees'
tendency to avoid one another in open offices may be attributable to the "fourth wall"- the
imaginary curtain that prevents actors from being distracted by the audience and preserves
the imaginary world of a play. To preserve a sense of psychological autonomy, employees
in open offices establish their own fourth walls, which their colleagues quickly come to

Which choice best describes the function of the underlined portion in the text as a whole?

a) To describe a drawback of open offices

b) To present an explanation for an unintended phenomenon
c) To emphasize the importance of collaboration in the workplace
d) To compare office work to theatrical work

The Revolution in SAT 8


10- A study by a team including finance professor Madhu Veera raghavan suggests that
exposure to sunshine during the workday can lead to overly optimistic behavior. Using
data spanning from 1994 to 2010 for a set of US companies, the team compared over
29,000 annual earnings forecasts to the actual earnings later reported by those companies.
The team found that the greater the exposure to sunshine at work in the two weeks before
a manager submitted an earnings forecast, the more the manager’s forecast exceeded
what the company earned that year.
Which choice best states the function of the underlined sentence in the overall structure of thetext?

A) To summarize the results of the team’s analysis

B) To present a specific example that illustrates the study’s findings.
C) To explain part of the methodology used in the team’s study.
D) To call out a challenge the team faced inconducting its analysis.

11- According to historian Vicki L. Ruiz, Mexican American women made crucial
contributions to the labor movement during World War II. At the time, food
processing companies entered into contracts to supply United States armed forces with
canned goods. Increased production quotas conferred greater bargaining power on
the companies’ employees, many of whom were Mexican American women:
employees insisted on more favorable benefits, and employers, who were anxious to
fulfill the contracts, complied. Thus, labor activism became a platform for Mexican
American women to assert their agency.
Which choice best describes the function of the underlined portion in the text as a whole?

a) It elaborates on a claim about labor relations in a particular industry made

earlier in the text.
b) It offers an example of a trend in the World War II–era economy discussed
earlier in the text.
c) It notes a possible exception to the historical narrative of labor activism
sketched earlier in the text.
d) It provides further details about the identities of the workers discussed
earlier in the text.

The Revolution in SAT 9


12- A study by a team including finance professor Madhu Veeraraghavan suggests that
exposure to sunshine during the workday can lead to overly optimistic behavior. Using
data spanning from 1994 to 2010 for a set of US companies, the team compared over
29,000 annual earnings forecasts to the actual earnings later reported by those
companies. The team found that the greater the exposure to sunshine at work in the
two weeks before a manager submitted an earnings forecast, the more the manager’s
forecast exceeded what the company actually earned that year.

Which choice best describes the function of the underlined portion in the text as a whole?

a) To summarize the results of the team’s analysis

b) To present a specific example that illustrates the study’s findings
c) To explain part of the methodology used in the team’s study
d) To call out a challenge the team faced in conducting its analysis

13- The following text is adapted from Indian Boyhood, a 1902 memoir by Ohiyesa
(Charles A. Eastman), a Santee Dakota writer. In the text, Ohiyesa recalls how the
women in his tribe harvested maple syrup during his childhood.

Now the women began to test the trees—moving leisurely among them, axe in
hand, and striking a single quick blow, to see if the sap would appear. The trees,
like people, have their individual characters; some were ready to yield up their
life-blood, while others were more reluctant. Now one of the birchen basins was
set under each tree, and a hardwood chip driven deep into the cut which the axe
had made. From the corners of this chip—at first drop by drop, then more
freely—the sap trickled into the little dishes.

Which choice best describes the function of the underlined sentence in the text as a whole?

a) It portrays the range of personality traits displayed by the women as they work.
b) It foregrounds the beneficial relationship between humans and maple trees.
c) It demonstrates how human behavior can be influenced by the natural
d) It elaborates on an aspect of the maple trees that the women evaluate.

The Revolution in SAT 10


14- According to historian Vicki L. Ruiz, Mexican American women made crucial contributions to
the labor movement during World War II. At the time, food processing companies entered into
contracts to supply United States armed forces with canned goods. Increased production
quotas conferred greater bargaining power on the companies’ employees, many of whom
were Mexican American women: employees insisted on more favorable benefits, and
employers, who were anxious to fulfill the contracts, complied. Thus, labor activism became a
platform for Mexican American women to assert their agency.

Which choice best describes the function of the underlined portion in the text as a whole?

a) It elaborates on a claim about labor relations in a particular industry made earlier in the
b) It offers an example of a trend in the World War II–era economy discussed earlier in the
c) It notes a possible exception to the historical narrative of labor activism sketched earlier
in the text.
d) It provides further details about the identities of the workers discussed earlier in the text.

15- The following text is adapted from Zora Neale Hurston’s 1921 short story “John Redding Goes
to Sea.” John is a child who lives in a town in the woods.

Perhaps ten-year-old John was puzzling to the folk there in the Florida woods for he was
an imaginative child and fond of daydreams. The St. John River flowed a scarce three
hundred feet from his back door. On its banks at this point grow numerous palms,
luxuriant magnolias, and bay trees. On the bosom of the stream float millions of delicately
colored hyacinths. [John Redding] loved to wander down to the water’s edge, and, casting
in dry twigs, watch them sail away down stream to Jacksonville, the sea, the wide world
and [he] wanted to follow them.

Which choice best describes the function of the underlined sentence in the text as a whole?

a) It provides an extended description of a location that John likes to visit.

b) It reveals that some residents of John’s town are confused by his behavior.
c) It illustrates the uniqueness of John’s imagination compared to the imaginations of other
d) It suggests that John longs to experience a larger life outside the Florida woods.

The Revolution in SAT 11


16- Astronomers are confident that the star Betelgeuse will eventually consume all the helium in
its core and explode in a supernova. They are much less confident, however, about when this
will happen, since that depends on internal characteristics of Betelgeuse that are largely
unknown. Astrophysicist Sarafina El-Badry Nance and colleagues recently investigated
whether acoustic waves in the star could be used to determine internal stellar states but
concluded that this method could not sufficiently reveal Betelgeuse’s internal characteristics
to allow its evolutionary state to be firmly fixed.

Which choice best describes the function of the second sentence in the overall structure of the text?

a) It explains how the work of Nance and colleagues was received by others in the field.
b) It presents the central finding reported by Nance and colleagues.
c) It identifies the problem that Nance and colleagues attempted to solve but did not.
d) It describes a serious limitation of the method used by Nance and colleagues.

17- The mimosa tree evolved in East Asia, where the beetle Bruchidius terrenus preys on its
seeds. In 1785, mimosa trees were introduced to North America, far from any B. terrenus. But
evolutionary links between predators and their prey can persist across centuries and
continents. Around 2001, B. terrenus was introduced in southeastern North America near
where botanist Shu-Mei Chang and colleagues had been monitoring mimosa trees. Within a
year, 93 percent of the trees had been attacked by the beetles.

Which choice best describes the function of the third sentence in the overall structure of the text?

a) It states the hypothesis that Chang and colleagues had set out to investigate using
mimosa trees and B. terrenus.
b) It presents a generalization that is exemplified by the discussion of the mimosa trees and
B. terrenus.
c) It offers an alternative explanation for the findings of Chang and colleagues.
d) It provides context that clarifies why the species mentioned spread to new locations.

18- Some bird species don’t raise their own chicks. Instead, adult females lay their eggs in other
nests, next to another bird species’ own eggs. Female cuckoos have been seen quickly laying
eggs in the nests of other bird species when those birds are out looking for food. After the eggs
hatch, the noncuckoo parents will typically raise the cuckoo chicks as if they were their own
offspring, even if the cuckoos look very different from the other chicks.

Which choice best describes the function of the underlined sentence in the text as a whole?

a) It introduces a physical feature of female cuckoos that is described later in the text.
b) It describes the appearance of the cuckoo nests mentioned earlier in the text.
c) It offers a detail about how female cuckoos carry out the behavior discussed in the text.
d) It explains how other birds react to the female cuckoo behavior discussed in the text.

The Revolution in SAT 12


Word Choice
1- Despite their physical attractiveness, some butterfly species are regarded as pests
because in their larval stages they are capable of causing damage to crops or trees.
Other species play a les ____ role in the ecosystem, however, because their
caterpillars consume harmful insects.

Which choice completes the text with the most logical or precise word or phrase?

a) exceptional
b) beneficial
c) significant
d) detrimental

2- An award-winning reporter as well as the author of several books, Maria Elena

Fernandez is considered an _____in her field because unlike the vast majority of
present-day journalists, her work is characterized by a prose style that readers find
highly distinctive, even unique.

Which choice completes the text with the most logical or precise word or phrase?

a) anomaly
b) innovator
c) explorer
d) activist

3- In the two-dimensional world of maps, sharp lines are used to demarcate where one
country ends and another begins. In reality, however, boundaries between nations are
typically much more ____, with border regions that are characterized by multiple
languages and cultures.

Which choice completes the text with the most logical or precise word or phrase?

a) fluid
b) precise
c) rigid
d) identifiable

The Revolution in SAT 13


4- In Ancient Egyptian art, human figures are presented in a rigid and ____ manner. In
contrast, animals are often very well-observed and lifelike.

Which choice completes the text with the most logical or precise word or phrase?

a) dazzling
b) artificial
c) impressive
d) realistic

5- The camera obscura- adarkened room with a small hole or lens through which an image
is projected- was perhaps the earliest known imaging device. First referred to in a fourth-
century Chinese text known as Mozi, it was ____ of the modern-day photographic

Which choice completes the text with the most logical or precise word or phrase?

a) a forerunner
b) a relic
c) an heir
d) a proponent

6- For centuries, _____ have questioned the authorship of Shakespeare's plays. In total, no
fewer than fifty alternative candidates, including Francis Bacon, Queen Elizabeth I, and
Christopher Marlowe, have been proposed as the true writer.

Which choice completes the text with the most logical or precise word or phrase?

a) partisans
b) zealots
c) advocates
d) skeptics

The Revolution in SAT 14


7- All of the factors that allowed the Great Barrier Reef to _____ are changing at
unprecedented rates. Over the next several decades, marine biologists believe, it is
likely to decline below a crucial threshold from which it is impossible to recover.

Which choice completes the text with the most logical or precise word or phrase?

a) flourish
b) diminish
c) extend
d) succumb

8- Although traditional historians and historical filmmakers differ in their choice of

medium, the most respected ones share a scrupulous regard for facts and the rules of
evidence that ____ their acceptability.

Which choice completes the text with the most logical or precise word or phrase?

a) deny
b) complete
c) dictate
d) rely on

9- In the past, psychologists dismissed fiction as a way of understanding human emotions.

In more recent times, however, they have developed a new _____ for the insights that
stories can provide into human behavior.

Which choice completes the text with the most logical or precise word or phrase?

a) disregard
b) explanation
c) responsibility
d) appreciation

The Revolution in SAT 15


10- Okakura Kakuzo is credited with the revival of Nihonga, painting done with traditional
Japanese techniques, at a time when Western- style painting was threatening to _____ it.
When, in 1897, it became clear that European methods were to be given prominence at
the Tokyo Academy of Fine Arts, he resigned his directorship and shortly after helped
found the Japanese National Arts Academy.

Which choice completes the text with the most logical or precise word or phrase?

a) supplant
b) deny
c) salvage
d) challenge

11- Like many of the surgeons general before her, Joycelyn Elders became an outspoken
advocate for a variety of controversial health issues. As a result, she quickly established
a reputation for being a(n) _____ .

Which choice completes the text with the most logical or precise word or phrase?

a) pragmatist
b) polemicist
c) curiosity
d) amateur

12- Chicago epitomized the remarkable _____ of urbanization during the nineteenth century.
The city expanded from several hundred residents in 1830 to nearly two million just
eighty years later.

Which choice completes the text with the most logical or precise word or phrase?

a) velocity
b) significance
c) mastery
d) influence

The Revolution in SAT 16


13- Lynn Margulis's revolutionary theory of eukaryotic cell development was initially met
with almost unanimous _____ because it built upon ideas that had largely been
discredited. In fact, her groundbreaking 1967 paper, "On the Origin of Mitosing Cells,"
was published only after being rejected by fifteen journals.

Which choice completes the text with the most logical or precise word or phrase?

a) scorn
b) jubilation
c) consideration
d) impatience

14- Proponents of the Arts and Crafts movement claimed that its simple but refined
aesthetics would ______ the new experience of industrial consumerism. Individuals
would become more rational and society more harmonious.

Which choice completes the text with the most logical or precise word or phrase?

a) contain
b) elevate
c) compromise
d) enjoy

15- The whale is a remarkably _____ navigator, migrating thousands of miles each year
without a compass and always arriving in precisely the same spot.

Which choice completes the text with the most logical or precise word or phrase?

a) docile
b) advantageous
c) adept
d) precocious

16- At its peak,roughly corresponding to the Middle Ages, Constantinople was one of the
largest and most influential cities in the world. It ______ a powerful cultural pull and
dominated economic life throughout the Mediterranean basin.

Which choice completes the text with the most logical or precise word or phrase?

a) defended
b) exerted
c) restrained
d) thwarted

The Revolution in SAT 17


17- Former astronaut Ellen Ochoa says that although she doesn’t have a definite idea of when
it might happen, she _______ that humans will someday need to be able to live in other
environments than those found on Earth. This conjecture informs her interest in future
research missions to the moon.

Which choice completes the text with the most logical and precise word or phrase?

a) demands
b) speculates
c) doubts
d) establishes

18- Beginning in the 1950s, Navajo Nation legislator Annie Dodge Wauneka continuously worked to
promote public health; this _______ effort involved traveling throughout the vast Navajo homeland
and writing a medical dictionary for speakers of Diné bizaad, the Navajo language.

Which choice completes the text with the most logical and precise word or phrase?

a) impartial
b) offhand
c) persistent
d) mandatory

19- Following the principles of community-based participatory research, tribal nations and research
institutions are equal partners in health studies conducted on reservations. A collaboration between
the Crow Tribe and Montana State University _______ this model: tribal citizens worked alongside
scientists to design the methodology and continue to assist in data collection.

Which choice completes the text with the most logical and precise word or phrase?

a) circumvents
b) eclipses
c) fabricates
d) exemplifies

20- The parasitic dodder plant increases its reproductive success by flowering at the same time as the
host plant it has latched onto. In 2020, Jianqiang Wu and his colleagues determined that the tiny
dodder achieves this _______ with its host by absorbing and utilizing a protein the host produces
when it is about to flower.

Which choice completes the text with the most logical and precise word or phrase?

a) synchronization
b) hibernation
c) prediction
d) moderation

The Revolution in SAT 18


21- Given that the conditions in binary star systems should make planetary formation nearly
impossible, it’s not surprising that the existence of planets in such systems has lacked _______
explanation. Roman Rafikov and Kedron Silsbee shed light on the subject when they used
modeling to determine a complex set of factors that could support planets’ development.

Which choice completes the text with the most logical and precise word or phrase?

a) a discernible
b) a straightforward
c) an inconclusive
d) an unbiased

22- Seminole/Muscogee director Sterlin Harjo _______ television’s tendency to situate Native characters
in the distant past: this rejection is evident in his series Reservation Dogs, which revolves around
teenagers who dress in contemporary styles and whose dialogue is laced with current slang.

Which choice completes the text with the most logical and precise word or phrase?

a) repudiates
b) proclaims
c) foretells
d) recants

23- For painter Jacob Lawrence, being _______ was an important part of the artistic process. Because he
paid close attention to all the details of his Harlem neighborhood, Lawrence’s artwork captured
nuances in the beauty and vitality of the Black experience during the Harlem Renaissance and the
Great Migration.

Which choice completes the text with the most logical and precise word or phrase?

a) skeptical
b) observant
c) critical
d) confident

24- Mô nica Lopes-Ferreira and others at Brazil’s Butantan Institute are studying the freshwater
stingray species Potamotrygon rex to determine whether biological characteristics such as the rays’
age and sex have _______ effect on the toxicity of their venom—that is, to see if differences in these
traits are associated with considerable variations in venom potency.

Which choice completes the text with the most logical and precise word or phrase?

a) a disconcerting
b) an acceptable
c) an imperceptible
d) a substantial

The Revolution in SAT 19


25- Researchers have struggled to pinpoint specific causes for hiccups, which happen when a
person’s diaphragm contracts _______ . However, neuroscientist Kimberley Whitehead has found that
these uncontrollable contractions may play an important role in helping infants regulate their

Which choice completes the text with the most logical and precise word or phrase?

a) involuntarily
b) beneficially
c) strenuously
d) smoothly

26- Critics have asserted that fine art and fashion rarely _______ in a world where artists create timeless
works for exhibition and designers periodically produce new styles for the public to buy. Luiseñ o/
Shoshone-Bannock beadwork artist and designer Jamie Okuma challenges this view: her work can
be seen in the Metropolitan Museum of Art and purchased through her online boutique.

Which choice completes the text with the most logical and precise word or phrase?

a) prevail
b) succumb
c) diverge
d) intersect

27- Scholarly discussions of gender in Shakespeare’s comedies often celebrate the rebellion of the
playwright’s characters against the rigid expectations _______ by Elizabethan society. Most of the
comedies end in marriage, with characters returning to their socially dictated gender roles after
previously defying them, but there are some notable exceptions.

Which choice completes the text with the most logical and precise word or phrase?

a) interjected
b) committed
c) illustrated
d) prescribed

28- In studying the use of external stimuli to reduce the itching sensation caused by an allergic
histamine response, Louise Ward and colleagues found that while harmless applications of vibration
or warming can provide a temporary distraction, such _______ stimuli actually offer less relief than a
stimulus that seems less benign, like a mild electric shock.

Which choice completes the text with the most logical and precise word or phrase?

a) deceptive
b) innocuous
c) novel
d) impractical

The Revolution in SAT 20


29- The province of Xoconochco was situated on the Pacific coast, hundreds of kilometers southeast of
Tenochtitlan, the capital of the Aztec Empire. Because Xoconochco’s location within the empire was
so _______ , cacao and other trade goods produced there could reach the capital only after a long
overland journey.

Which choice completes the text with the most logical and precise word or phrase?

a) unobtrusive
b) concealed
c) approximate
d) peripheral

30- As Mexico’s first president from an Indigenous community, Benito Juarez became one of the most
______ figures in his country’s history: among the many significant accomplishments of his long
tenure in office (1858–1872), Juarez consolidated the authority of the national government and
advanced the rights of Indigenous peoples.

Which choice completes the text with the most logical and precise word or phrase?

a) Unpredictable
b) important
c) secretive
d) ordinary

31- Due to their often strange images, highly experimental syntax, and opaque subject matter, many of
John Ashbery’s poems can be quite difficult to ______ and thus are the object of heated debate among

Which choice completes the text with the most logical and precise word or phrase?

a) delegate
b) compose
c) interpret
d) renounce

32- The Cambrian explosion gets its name from the sudden appearance and rapid diversification of
animal remains in the fossil record about 541 million years ago, during the Cambrian period. Some
scientists argue that this ______ change in the fossil record might be because of a shift in many
organisms to body types that were more likely to be preserved.

Which choice completes the text with the most logical and precise word or phrase?

a) catastrophic
b) elusive
c) abrupt
d) imminent

The Revolution in SAT 21


33- During a 2014 archaeological dig in Spain, Vicente Lull and his team uncovered the skeleton of a
woman from El Algar, an Early Bronze Age society, buried with valuable objects signaling a high
position of power. This finding may persuade researchers who have argued that Bronze Age
societies were ruled by men to ______ that women may have also held leadership roles.

Which choice completes the text with the most logical and precise word or phrase?

a) waive
b) concede
c) refute
d) require

34- Within baleen whale species, some individuals develop an accessory spleen—a seemingly
functionless formation of splenetic tissue outside the normal spleen. Given the formation’s greater
prevalence among whales known to make deeper dives, some researchers hypothesize that its role
isn’t ______; rather, the accessory spleen may actively support diving mechanisms.

Which choice completes the text with the most logical and precise word or phrase?

a) replicable
b) predetermined
c) operative
d) latent

35- According to a US tax policy expert, state taxes are ______ other factors when considering an
interstate move. Even significant differences in state taxation have almost no effect on most people’s
decisions, while differences in employment opportunities, housing availability, and climate are
strong influences.

Which choice completes the text with the most logical and precise word or phrase?

a) consistent with
b) representative of
c) overshadowed by
d) irrelevant to

36- The author’s claim about the relationship between Neanderthals and Homo sapiens is ______, as it
fails to account for several recent archaeological discoveries. To be convincing, his argument would
need to address recent finds of additional hominid fossils, such as the latest Denisovan specimens
and Homo longi.

Which choice completes the text with the most logical and precise word or phrase?

a) disorienting
b) tenuous
c) nuanced
d) unoriginal

The Revolution in SAT 22


37- Interruptions in the supply chain for microchips used in personal electronics have challenged an
economist’s assertion that retailers can expect robust growth in sales of those devices in the coming
months. The delays are unlikely to ______ her projection entirely but will almost certainly extend its
time frame.

Which choice completes the text with the most logical and precise word or phrase?

a) Dispute
b) withdraw
c) underscore
d) invalidate

38- Some scientists have suggested that mammals in the Mesozoic era were not a very ______ group, but
paleontologist Zhe-Xi Luo’s research suggests that early mammals living in the shadow of dinosaurs
weren’t all ground-dwelling insectivores. Fossils of various plant-eating mammals have been found
in China, including species like Vilevolodon diplomylos, which Luo says could glide like a flying

Which choice completes the text with the most logical and precise word or phrase?

a) predatory
b) obscure
c) diverse
d) localized

39- For her 2021 art installation Anthem, Wu Tsang joined forces with singer and composer Beverly
Glenn-Copeland to produce a piece that critics found truly ______: they praised Tsang for creatively
transforming a museum rotunda into a dynamic exhibit by projecting filmed images of Glenn-
Copeland onto a massive 84-foot curtain and filling the space with the sounds of his and other voices

Which choice completes the text with the most logical and precise word or phrase?

a) restrained
b) inventive
c) inexplicable
d) mystifying

The Revolution in SAT 23

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