The Role of Clinical Pharmacists in The Emergency Department

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J. Med. Toxicol.

(2018) 14:114–116


The Role of Clinical Pharmacists in the Emergency Department

Brenna M. Farmer 1 & Bryan D. Hayes 2 & Rama Rao 1 & Natalija Farrell 3 & Lewis Nelson 4

Received: 30 September 2017 / Accepted: 5 October 2017 / Published online: 26 October 2017
# American College of Medical Toxicology 2017

Background positioned outside the ED. Among EDs with dedicated phar-
macists, few have 24-h coverage. This position statement by
Clinical pharmacists are integral to the care and safety of pa- the American College of Medical Toxicology outlines the im-
tients in the hospital, particularly in specialty and high-risk portance of dedicated pharmacists in the ED to improve care
settings. Emergency departments (EDs) represent care envi- of adult and pediatric ED patients at all times.
ronments that carry unique risks that may be addressed
through the addition of clinical pharmacists specifically Importance ED Pharmacists have demonstrated a positive
trained and/or experienced as an ED pharmacist. Adult and impact on patient-specific outcome measures, timely medica-
pediatric patients present with undifferentiated medical, neu- tion administration, optimization of therapy, medication safe-
rological, traumatic, psychiatric, and surgical complaints 24 h ty, and cost of care.
a day, 7 days a week. Patients are generally unfamiliar to the
emergency care providers, may be unable to communicate
relevant medical information, and may require time-sensitive Timely Medication Administration
interventions. When present, ED crowding is associated with
increased risk for medication errors [1–4]. Other factors that Published data demonstrate that the presence of an ED pharma-
raise the risk for error include the expanding pharmacopeia, cist is associated with a reduction in time to antibiotic adminis-
the increasing complexity of patient drug regimens [5, 6], and tration for patients with sepsis [11–13], time to first analgesic in
problems related to health information technology [7–9]. trauma patients [14], time to sedation and analgesia after rapid
Despite the evidence supporting the role of pharmacists in sequence intubation [15, 16], time to thrombolysis for patients
the ED and support from national Emergency Medicine with acute ischemic stroke [17], and door-to-balloon time for
groups including the American College of Emergency patients with acute myocardial infarction [18].
Physicians [10], some hospitals rely on pharmacy personnel ED pharmacists also facilitate medication management for
other time-sensitive situations such as cardiac resuscitations
[19–22] and mass casualty events [23, 24]. This frees clini-
* Brenna M. Farmer cians from retrieval and medication preparation, allowing
[email protected] them to remain at the bedside to render care.

Division of Emergency Medicine, Weill Cornell Medical College of
Cornell University, New York, NY, USA Optimization of Therapy
Department of Pharmacy, Massachusetts General Hospital and
Department of Emergency Medicine, Harvard Medical School, Pharmacists are uniquely trained to verify medication orders
Boston, MA, USA for appropriateness, taking into account the indication, dosing
Department of Pharmacy, Boston Medical Center, Boston, MA, USA intervals, and adjustment for patient-specific variables such as
Department of Emergency Medicine, Rutgers New Jersey Medical weight, organ function, allergies, and drug interactions. In
School, Newark, NJ, USA addition, pharmacists can rapidly access documents regarding
J. Med. Toxicol. (2018) 14:114–116 115

drug resistance patterns, current therapeutic guidelines, and 52–54]. We support 24-h staffing of emergency departments
local hospital antibiograms to improve selection of antimicro- with dedicated ED pharmacists as part of the clinical care
bial therapy [6, 12, 15, 25]. In some settings, ED pharmacist team. ACMT also supports studies to further define the impact
review of post-discharge cultures allows regimen modifica- and value of pharmacists in the ED and other areas of ED
tions while also decreasing return visits and subsequent ad- expansion such as urgent care and observation units.
missions [26–30]. In addition, ED pharmacists routinely make
recommendations to optimize pharmacotherapy regimens par- Sources of Funding None.
ticularly in regard to high-risk therapeutic classes such as cen- Compliance with Ethical Standards
tral nervous system and cardiovascular medications, opioids,
insulin, anticoagulants, and thrombolytics [31–33]. Conflict of Interest None.
Pharmacists in the ED can review discharge prescriptions with
patients and providers to ensure optimal therapy [34] and im- Disclaimer The position of the American College of Medical
proved compliance for chronic illnesses such as asthma, Toxicology (ACMT) is as follows: clinical pharmacists are integral to
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and congestive heart the care and safety of emergency department (ED) patients. Emergency
failure [35]. ED pharmacists also work collaboratively with department pharmacists positively impact time to critical therapies, in-
cluding antibiotics for sepsis and door-to-balloon time for acute myocar-
emergency physicians and nurses, hospital pharmacists, med- dial infarction. Pharmacists optimize pharmacotherapy regimens involv-
ical toxicologists, and regional poison centers to manage pa- ing high-risk therapeutic classes, such as thrombolytics. Clinical pharma-
tients with toxic exposures [36]. As part of the care team, cists improve patient safety by intercepting prescription errors and recog-
pharmacists can recommend interventions that improve med- nizing adverse drug events. The potential cost avoidance of reducing
errors and meeting standards for reimbursement provides financial justi-
ication utilization and adherence to evidence-based medicine fication for dedicated ED clinical pharmacist staffing. We support 24-h
and national quality standards [31]. This has been particularly staffing of emergency departments with dedicated ED pharmacists.
important with the increasing prevalence of critical drug short- While individual practices may differ, this is the position of the
ages including antidotes [37, 38]. American College of Medical Toxicology (ACMT) at the time written,
after a review of the issue and pertinent literature.

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