Body Ferrer

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A narrative report submitted to the faculty of the Department of Management, Cavite

State University–Tanza Campus, Bagtas Tanza, Cavite in partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the program Bachelor of Science in Business Management major in
Marketing Management with Contribution No._____________. Prepared under the
supervision of Dr. Tita C. Lopez.


On-the-job Training is part of a college curriculum that helps students obtain

some experience and extend their knowledge and skills to do certain work by

exposing them to the workplace. It also prepares and develops the learner to be

professional according to their field. On-the-Job Training is one way that students are

exposed to various workplace scenarios to offer them the chance to use the theories

and computations they have learned in the classroom. Also, this Training is crucial

because it helps students develop critical skills that can't be learned in a classroom

setting. OJT is of the utmost importance since it helps students learn about their

chosen careers and shows them the realities of the workplace.

This famous quotation, "Nothing beats experience as the perfect learning

tool." Practical experience is the best; it is a stepping stone for students to pursue

their dreams of becoming professionals someday. This will give student confidence,

ideas, knowledge, ethics, and skills that a worker should have to be successful. It will

also help the students build their competence to complete the task successfully and

create a foundation for being a good employee someday. This experience will also

develop one's professionalism in dealing with different people. The trainee will be

able to handle complicated situations that enhance their ability to make the right call


Work and sincerity are required for this on-the-job Training. A trainee needs to take

this seriously because it will help them prepare for their future as a professional.

Additionally, it may give rise to a recommendation for a potential future position.

Objectives of the On-the-job Training

Generally, on-the-job training (OJT) aims to provide instruction and practice

opportunities for all students to develop key knowledge and competencies required in

a workplace that they may encounter in the future.

Specifically, it aimed to:

1. enable students to gain self-confidence, independence, and a sense of


2. enable students to develop the value of professionalism, love of work, and

commitment to the people they serve;

3. provide students a work experience relevant to their chosen field;

4. provide students the opportunity to acquire more skills and techniques in

doing various tasks and responsibilities

Significance of the On-the-job Training

On-the-job Training helps students to gain experience in the actual work

environment. This experience will also develop one's professionalism in dealing with

different people. The trainee will be able to handle complicated situations that

enhance their ability to make the right call decision. This will help students get an

opportunity to gain working skills and improve themselves as an individual as well as

a professional. This will give student confidence, ideas, knowledge, ethics, and skills

that a worker should have to be successful.

Time and Place of the On-the-job Training

The Training was conducted from March 27, 2023, to July 7, 2023, with the

allotted 600 training hours at Tanza National Comprehensive High School- SHS

admin office at Daang Amaya II, Tanza Cavite. The trainee rendered her working

hours from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. from Monday to Friday.



This chapter includes the background, location of the establishment, vision,

mission statements and overall organizational structure and duties and

responsibilities of the Tanza National Comprehensive High School where the trainee

was able to apply and enhance her knowledge and skills.

Background of the Establishment

The need for a secondary school in Tanza, Cavite was pressing long ago

because there were only two high schools in Cavite province, Cavite High School in

the north and the other one is Indang Rural High School in the south. The 25-

kilometer drive from Tanza to the city presented challenges, particularly for the

students that came from barrios and neighboring communities. To make room for a

high school, Tanza's civic-minded residents worked arduously.

The Tanza High School was inaugurated on November 5, 1949, however, all

classes were held at a rented building that failed to meet the education bureau’s

standard, since the area used to be a rice field, there was no playground, and

medical facilities were not enough. The teachers and pupils have to make the most of

the resources available for each purpose. However, those issues were resolved

when the school was fortunately chosen by Honorable Justiniano S. Montano to

receive the government's "pork barrel" allocation.

After the assistance was provided the school acquired a property measuring

40,000 square meters, and conventional home economics buildings and two-story

main buildings with eight rooms were built. Tanza High School relocated to its new

site on October 27, 1952. Every year after that, more students started attending the

school. And the school built extra buildings to fulfill the demand for accommodations.

Tanza High School initially offered a primarily academic curriculum during its first few

years of operation. In response to community needs and the educational reforms of


the New Society, the curriculum was changed to RSEP'73 throughout the following

years. This balances the relevance of academic and vocational disciplines.

Tanza High School changed its name to Tanza National Comprehensive High

School at the same time. Previously, the school only received funding from the city

government through grants and tuition fees. The curriculum's thoroughness allowed

for the inclusion of academic electives and specialized courses. Additionally, being a

national high school, its expenses are now covered by the national fund.

Over the years, Tanza National Comprehensive High School will keep soaring

to produce an increasing number of productive citizens through its excellent quality of

education they providing.

Figure 1. Logo of Tanza National Comprehensive High School

Location of the Establishment

The establishment is located at Daang Amaya II, Tanza Cavite


Figure 2. Location of Tanza National Comprehensive High School

Vision and Mission Statement of the Establishment

Vision. To develop and produce students who will be capable of ensuring

the dignity of a true Filipino people, highly intellectual morally upright, life skilled, and

responsible citizens that would contribute towards the building of a peaceful,

democratic and progressive society.

Mission. To provide our students quality education that would guide their

paths in attaining their noble dreams in life.

Over-all Organizational Structure, Duties and Responsibilities

The following are the overview of the overall organizational structure, duties

and responsibilities of Tanza National Comprehensive High School.


School Principal is in charge of all executive functions. The principal establish

performance standards for both students and instructors, ensure that the atmosphere

is safe for learning, and monitor the process to ensure that the standards are met.

They are the one who implement and monitor school policies and safety protocols.

School Assistant Principal is responsible in administering of the school, as

well as student activities and services, community links, staffing, and curriculum

delivery. They work along with the board and the principals to establish and uphold

rules and regulations for the faculty, staff, and students at the school.

Academic Group Coordinator is the person that is in charge of directing and

organizing academic activities. The role involves collaborating with different

department heads. They are also in charge of keeping track of students' progress,

determining any areas in which they might want more help or guidance, and offering

specialized assistance as necessary. They may also be in charge of planning

academic events, scheduling classes, and sharing pertinent information with students

and teachers.

Operation and learner’s support coordinator‘s responsibility is to guarantee

that children and teenagers with special needs and additional learning requirements

have access to the resources they require. Along with every grade level guidance

counsellor they foster the growth of students' academic, social, emotional, and

personal skills. Guidance counselling services assist students in realizing their

potential and locating practical answers to their day-to-day issues in order to

accomplish this goal.

The administrative officer is in charge in administrative function in an

organization. Their duties may include budget management, procurement, human

resources and general administrative support. Managing the supplies and placing

orders are sample of their responsibilities. They are also the one that prepares

regular financial and administrative reports and managing the organization database.

All employees will have access to AO, who will serve as their point of contact and

handle their administrative needs.

Administrative assistant supports the administrative officer in carrying out

administrative tasks. They may assist in managing correspondence, maintaining files

and providing administrative needs by all the employees.

Registrar is in charge in maintaining and managing student records. They are

the one that monitors the admissions and graduation procedures for students and

updating records with new grades, attendance, and financial information.


Academic Operations and Administrative Registrar

Group Learner Support Officer


Figure 3. Overall organizational structure of Tanza National Comprehensive High



This section presents the organizational structure, department functions,

facilities, and equipment used in the training area as well as the standard operating

procedures of the tasks that the trainee performed.

Organizational Structure and Functions of the Department

The trainee was assigned at SHS- admin office at Tanza National

Comprehensive High School that deals with the students and parents to answer their

inquiries about school stuff, the assistant of all administrative officers to get the

supplies that a teacher need and make sure that they signed on the

acknowledgement as a proof that they received the supplies and let them know if the

there is an applicant that has inquiries, the assistant principals' assistant who gathers

all the paperwork he will sign, and he periodically lets the trainee know where he is in

case someone wants to know where he is. And lastly, the helper of the registrar that

manage the records of the students, assist the registrar in every meeting, process

the needed document of every students/parents, route the student’s folder to their

respective advisers, encoder, update the students’ status in LIS system and sending

the students record to the postal office or LBC.

School Assistant Principal is responsible in administering of the school, as

well as student activities and services, community links, staffing, and curriculum

delivery. They work along with the board and the principals to establish and uphold

rules and regulations for the faculty, staff, and students at the school.

The administrative officer is in charge in administrative function in an

organization. Their duties may include budget management, procurement, human

resources and general administrative support. Managing the supplies and placing

orders are sample of their responsibilities. They are also the one that prepares

regular financial and administrative reports and managing the organization database.

All employees will have access to AO, who will serve as their point of contact and

handle their administrative needs.

Administrative assistant supports the administrative officer in carrying out

administrative tasks. They may assist in managing correspondence, maintaining files

and providing administrative needs by all the employees.

Registrar is in charge in maintaining and managing student records. They are

the one that monitors the admissions and graduation procedures for students and

updating records with new grades, attendance, and financial information.

Assistant School Principal


Administrative Officer LOBOS


Administrative Administrative

Figure 4. Organizational chart of Tanza Comprehensive High School SHS admin



The Tanza Comprehensive High School- SHS admin office is located at the

side part of the school. The SHS admin office is located in a single room with

individual office cubicles for each staff.


Figure 5. SHS Admin office at Tanza National Comprehensive High School

Figure 6. The trainee’s table


Figure 7. The student’s record section

Figure 8. The storage supplies


The following equipment was used during the conduct of the OJT:

Computer was used in updating students’ status in LIS system, creating TOR

acknowledgement in excel and other related to students records.


Printer was used to copy the TOR of the students, print their certificates and

print out documents related to school stuff.

Standard Operating Procedure

A. Updating student’s status in LIS System

1. Open the LIS System on web and log in the registrar account

2. Click the students name on the LIS that is not updated yet

3. Click the update status and you will see options such as

completer, incomplete, NLPA/dropped

4. Click completer and click regular then click update status

B. Entertain students/parents who needs certificates from the registrar

1. If the doorbell rang means there is student/parent has an inquiry or

need a document

2. First ask the student/parent what they need, if they need

certificates from the registrar ask where they intend to use it.

3. After that give them a piece of paper to write their information such

as name, strand and contact number.

4. Process the documents they want and print it

5. Stamp the date, certified true copy and the registrar’s name. Give

it to the registrar to sign it and after that seal it.

6. And if done they need to fill up to the acknowledgment folder that

indicates they already received the documents

C. Entertain students/parents who needs Transcript of Records (TOR)

from the registrar

1. If the doorbell rang means there is student/parent has an inquiries

or need a document

2. First ask the student/parent of what they need, if they said form

137/Transcript of record (TOR)


3. Ask their request letter from their current school (request letter is a

must as it serves as a verification that the student is currently

enrolled on that institution.)

4. After that, find the students file to the records section and

photocopy their TOR

5. Stamp the copy of TOR with date, certified true copy and the

registrar’s name

6. After that gave it to the registrar to check and sign it

7. Finally, have them sign the TOR acknowledgement as proof that

they have received the TOR before sealing it to the envelope.

D. Entertain students/parents who has inquiries about the enrolment

1. If the doorbell rang means there is student/parent has an inquiry or

need a document

2. First ask the student/parent what they need, if they need

information about the enrolment

3. Get the enrolment form on the cabinet with a list of requirements

on it

4. Ask them what grade level they are going to take then,

5. Explain what is on the list of requirements and all the details about

the enrolment schedule

E. Giving the records of the students to their adviser

1. Ask the adviser the name of the students that they need

2. Search them to the TOR section file

3. After that, the adviser needs to fill up to the acknowledgement

book as a proof that the adviser already obtained the records of

the student.

4. And if the student's name was not on the TOR file, then it indicates

that they have an issue with their junior high record and must visit

their junior high school's guidance office in order to process and

amend their record.

F. Encoding and status checking of the students

1. Open the excel file then insert the student’s name that needs to be


2. Open a website and log in the registrar account to the LIS system

3. Click the LIS search

4. Input the student's information, such as complete name and

gender, to make searching easier, another option is to enter the

student's LRN.

5. After searching, select View Profile to see the student's most

recent enrollment history, school, status, and grade level.

6. After that encode the information into excel.



This section consist the tasks performed by the trainee, her observations

during the training as well as her insights on on-the-Job Training.

Task Performed

During the 600 hours of on-the-job training at Tanza National Comprehensive

High School – SHS admin office service the trainee was able to perform the following


Students’ Record Sorting. The first task was given to the trainee was the

basic one. It is to sort the students’ record to their respective section alphabetically.

Figure 9. The trainee while sorting the student’s record

Status checking of the students. The trainee's task was to determine

whether the pupils were still enrolled what grade they were in, or had been dropped.

This should be done on excel.


Figure 10. The trainee while doing status checking

TOR Acknowledgement updating. The trainee was task to update the latest

TOR Acknowledgement in excel. The purpose of this TOR acknowledgement is to

keep track of the student or parent who has previously taken their TOR and how

many copies they have already taken.

Figure 11. The trainee while updating the TOR Acknowledgment


Searching the student’s record. The trainee was task to find the students

(balik-aral) record for their advisers and for those graduates/transferred out student

who needs their documents

Figure 12. The trainee searching the students’ record

Sending documents via postal office. Along with the admin officer the

trainee was task to send the students’ document via postal office

Figure 13. The trainee sending documents via postal office


Transacting in the window. The trainee was task to entertain who rang the

doorbell. She was the one to talk to the student/parents what document they want

and their concerned.

Figure 14. The trainee assisting the parents and students

Stamping the documents needed by parents/student. All necessary

documents for students must bear date stamps, be certified as true copies, and

include the registrar's name.


Figure 15. The trainee while stamping the documents need by parents/students

Processing the documents of the students. The trainee was task to

process the needed documents of the students, the trainee while sealing the

documents in the envelope.


Figure 16. The trainee while processing the documents of the students

Checking the TOR, good moral, report card, SF5A (first and second

semester SF5B. The trainee was task to check the records of the students given by

their advisers.

Figure 17. The trainee while checking the documents given by the advisers

Participating in the meeting. The trainee was assigned to participate and

assist the registrar during the meeting.


Figure 18. The trainee participating in the meeting

Observed Strength of the Training Area

The senior high admin office demonstrates several strengths observed by the

trainee, including the staff's personality. They were easy to approach, friendly, kind,

and funny at the same time. It has a comfortable environment inside the office as if

the trainee feels she's part of the team that contributes to the effectiveness of work.

And the most important thing that the trainee mostly observed was the faculty staff's

professionalism in how swiftly and successfully they worked. If there's something

wrong or a problem, they will take fast action to address it. If there's someone furious

outside the office, they will calmly solve the problem. The quality of work based on

their role is excellent. They also ensure that the client outside the office is entertained

and do their needed document fast as they can and correctly to prevent them from

waiting too long. They were successful in entertaining and training the trainees.

These strengths help the trainee to develop a professional, accountable, and

productive work ethic.

Problems Encountered

During the training period, the trainee encountered minimal difficulties,

including balancing multiple responsibilities. There are way too many tasks that need

to be done. And sometimes, when the trainee is still working on the task, there's

always next. There's always a series of tasks ahead. And on the early weeks of the

trainee, there were a lot of students that needed assistance. However, she managed

to handle that by creating a small fill-up form with needed information to process the

document easily and quickly. The trainee handled these difficulties with resiliency,

effectiveness, and quick task adaptation. And the other challenge is that the trainee

also experienced having a conversation with a furious parent because of their

needed document. The trainee examined her folder and found out that the document

was already prepared, but it was on hold since the student has still incomplete

requirements, and the trainee calmly told the parents. With the help of the assistant

principal, the trainee managed to handle the complicated situation well, and they

apologized after since they were at fault.



On-the-job training (OJT) is a college curriculum that exposes students to

real-world workplace scenarios, enhancing their knowledge and skills. It prepares

students for professional roles and develops critical skills beyond classroom learning.

OJT is crucial for understanding careers and the realities of the workplace.

When the trainee was formally deployed in the program, the training at Tanza

National Comprehensive High School began. The trainee spent her training from

March 27- July 10, 2023, as a part of the senior high admin office staff. The trainee

performed various tasks, including helping with administrative tasks and offering

clerical assistance. As a result, the trainee obtains a greater grasp of what happens

in the real workplace environment by observing the faculty's professionalism in their

daily responsibilities to support the school's administrative operations. She gained

valuable skills and ethics that will contribute to her being an effective

employee/professional someday.

The trainee may run into minimal difficulties, but this may serve as a part of a

learning tool that makes the most of her working experience valuable and teaches

her to make the best approach possible under any circumstances.

This On-the-Job Training is a stepping stone for students to pursue their dreams of

becoming professionals someday. This will enable students to gain confidence,

ideas, knowledge, ethics, and skills that a worker should have to be successful. It

became a tool that gradually molded a professional and morally upright individual.



Capa, A. (2013). Narrative Experience. Retrieved from

Lucban, J. (2018). Experience is the perfect learning tool. Retrieved from

Philippine Locale (n.d). History of Tanza National Comprehensive High School.

Retrieved from

Appendix 2. Application letter 26

Republic of the Philippines

Phase 2 Pabahay 2000 BagtasTanza Cavite
🕾 235- 7997

To: Tanza National Comprehensive High School

Subject: Looking for Internship/OJT

Good day!

I, Shaina Ferrer, a fourth year college student taking up a Bachelor of Science in

Business Management Major in Marketing Management at Cavite State University –
Tanza Campus, would like to apply as On-the-job trainee in your establishment.

As part of our academic requirements, I am looking for a company that offers the
 OJT/Internship related to Marketing Management or any office-related work
 Need to render 600 hours
 On-site internship within Cavite
 With or without allowance
 Willing to provide a Certificate of Completion
 Must be willing to enter into a partnership and sign a Memorandum of
Agreement (MOA) with the school
 Will start by March 2023 (Second Semester)

As a student, I am required to fulfill the 600 hrs On-the-Job Training program where
I can utilize my skill and enhance my ability as a student in preparation in my future

Your responses and recommendations will be highly appreciated. Thank you and
God bless!
Appendix 1. Application Letter


Appendix 2. Resume
Shaina C. Ferrer
Appendix 3. Curriculum Checklist 28
Appendix 4. Certification of Class Standing 30
Appendix 5. Waiver 31
Appendix 6. Certificate at pre-deployment seminar 32

Appendix 7. Recommendation Letter 33
Appendix 8. Memorandum of Agreement 34
Appendix 9. Location of the Linkage Establishment 38
Appendix 10. Certificate of Completion 39

Appendix 11. Accomplished Evaluation Form 40
Appendix 12. Identification Card 43
Appendix 13. Daily Time Record
Appendix 14. Daily journal 44

Day 1: 27 March 2023

The trainee was deployed as part of the admin office at Tanza National

Comprehensive High School – Senior High at Daang Amaya II, Tanza Cavite. On the

first day of her training, she was introduced to all the faculty members of SHS admin.

Sir Alquinn, the registrar gave her a tour of the school; he said it might be necessary

for the trainee as he occasionally assigns tasks like delivering paperwork to the

advisers. The admin places her beside one of the admin aid in the office. After the

tour, he gave the trainee a basic task: sorting the students' records alphabetically to

their respective sections. Since many students were enrolled in Tanza National

Comprehensive School, the trainee finished the task in two and a half days.

Day 2: 28 March 2023

The trainee continued her duties as soon as she got to the workplace. She

keeps sorting the student's files alphabetically.

Day 3: 29 March 2023

After the trainee arrived at the workplace, she continued what she was doing.

The trainee finished it at noon since there were only a few records. After the trainee

was finished, Sir Alquinn oriented her on communicating with students and parents

who needed assistance in the admin office. If they need something from the registrar

like good morals, certificate of enrolment, and transcript of record, the trainee makes

sure that the student is, was, or is currently enrolled in TNCHS as a senior high

student; since there were two admin offices in the school, one is for junior and other

for the senior. Sir Alquinn taught her what to ask the people outside and then gave

them a piece of paper to write their names. The trainee was tasked with processing

the documents and having them complete the acknowledgment form to prove they

received the documents. This was the trainee's permanent daily task until she

finished her training.


Day 4: 30 March 2023

On another day, the trainee, when she arrived at the workplace, prepared her

table and was ready for her task. Aside from entertaining the student outside the

office, the trainee was also assigned to give the already sorted documents to the

advisers and ensure they signed the acknowledgment as proof that they already

received their student's records.

Day 5: 31 March 2023

When the trainee came to work, she had already set up her desk and duties.

The trainee continues her work by interacting with the student or parent outside the

office, asking what they want to process and having them complete the

acknowledgment form; after that, she continues giving the advisers the previously

organized paperwork and ensuring that they have signed the acknowledgment as

proof that they have received the student records.

Day 6: 03 April 2023

The trainee had already set up her desk and tasks when she arrived. The

intern continues her work by talking to the student or parent outside of the office,

giving the previously prepared documentation to the advisers, and ensuring they

have signed the acknowledgment confirming that they have received the student

information. Aside from that, she was tasked to route the folders containing the

records of the students (balik-aral students) to the adviser. She carried the

documents for the advisers and searched the department one by one.

Day 7: 04 April 2023

The intern continues her work by entertaining and assisting those outside the

office. Aside from that, she continues her task, giving the prepared documents to the

respective advisers and routing the folder. This will continue until all documents have

been finished and provided to the advisers. Since there are a lot of documents and

sometimes the trainee needs help finding the adviser, she finished the task in three


Day 8: 05 April 2023

After the trainee arrives at the workplace, she continues her daily task: giving

assistance, processing the document they need, and having them sign the

acknowledgment form. In addition, she continues her duty by routing the folder and

distributing the prepared documents to the appropriate advisers.

Day 9: 11 April 2023

When the trainee arrived at work, she had already positioned herself and was

working on her daily task and continued to route the student's folder to the advisers.

Day 10: 12 April 2023

When the trainee came to work, she had already set herself up and continued

her permanent task. On this day, Sir Alquinn set up a desktop for the intern since he

would assign another task to her. Sir Alquinn introduced the trainee to the LIS

system, wherein in the system, you can see the student's profile, enrolment history,

what grade they are in and their status, and what school a student last/currently

attended. The task was to check thousands of students' statuses and see if they

were currently enrolled and what grade they were in or dropped and encode it to the

Excel file Sir Alquinn gave her. Checking and encoding the student's status took four

days and a half for the trainee to finish it.

Day 11: 13 April 2023

When the trainee showed up to work as usual, she plugged everything in and

lit the room. Aside from doing her daily responsibility, she continues checking and

encoding the students' status on the Excel file.

Day 12: 14 April 2023

When the trainee came to work, she had already set herself up and continued

her permanent task: assisting the student and parent. Additionally, the trainee was

still working on checking and encoding the students' status in Excel.


Day 13: 17 April 2023

When the trainee arrived at the office, she immediately set to work. While

performing her regular tasks, she continuously updates the status of the students in


Day 14: 18 April 2023

When the trainee came to work, she had already set herself up and continued

her permanent task: assisting the student and parent. After she finished the checking

and encoding, her next task was to organize many folders, search their name on the

LIS, encode the folder, and check if the student was or is currently enrolled in the

school. If currently enrolled, it should be given to the advisers; if not and previously

enrolled, the folder should be filed in the record section.

Day 15: 19 April 2023

The trainee was always the first one to arrive at the office. She was the one

who plugged in the outlets and turned on the lights. After that, she set up her PC. Her

only duty for the day is to help the student and parent because there isn't much else

to do.

Day 16: 20 April 2023

After the trainee arrived at the office, she plugged in all the outlets and turned

the lights on before setting up her computer. There isn't much else she needs to do,

so her only responsibility for the day is to assist the student and parent.

Day 17: 24 April 2023

The trainee plugged in all the outlets and turned on the lights when she got to

the workplace as she normally does. She then set up her computer and got started

on her regular tasks. In the afternoon, the trainee saw Sir Kenneth encoding the TOR

acknowledgment form in Excel. Encoding TOR acknowledgment was important

since, in that way, they can easily know who has already taken their TOR and in what

way they received the tor either hand carried or via the postal office. The TOR

acknowledgment form still needs to be updated; the last update was on November

2022, so the trainee offered Sir Kenneth to lend him a hand since there was a lot to

encode since there are many students and parents who have already taken their


Day 18: 25 April 2023

When the trainee arrived at work as usual, she plugged in all the outlets and

turned on the lights. After setting up her computer, she began working on her usual

tasks. Since there is few students/parent, the trainee continues to encode the TOR

acknowledgment in Excel. And in the afternoon, Sir Alquinn informed the trainee that

she would assist him at a two-day morning meeting starting tomorrow. The first day

of the meeting is for all grade 11 advisers, and the second is for grade 12 advisers.

Day 19: 26 April 2023

The trainee plugged in all the outlets and turned on the lights as usual when

she came to work. She set up her computer and started doing her usual duties. The

trainee continues to encode the TOR acknowledgment in Excel because there are

few students or parents.

Day 20: 27 April 2023

When the trainee arrived at work as usual, she plugged in all the outlets and

turned on the lights. She prepares for the early meeting for all grade 11 advisers

regarding the end-of-school-year process. She gets the DepEd memo ready and

makes the PowerPoint. Around noon, the meeting ended. And after lunch, she began

working on her usual task: entertain the student and parent.

Day 21: 28 April 2023

When the trainee got to work, she did her daily routine and got ready for the

early meeting—this time, it was for all grade 12 advisors.

Day 22: 02 May 2023

There is little to do in the month of May because the heads opted to have an

asynchronous class for the entire month due to the hot weather. Only one grade level

meets in person weekly, and meetings are only half a day. So the trainee just did her

usual task and updated the TOR acknowledgment. The trainee updates the TOR

acknowledgment when she's free.

Day 23: 03 May 2023

When the trainee arrived at work as usual, she plugged in all the outlets and

turned on the lights. She then set up her computer and got started on her regular

activities. In the afternoon, Sir Alquinn told the trainee to come to the postal office to

send documents. After that, since there is no client, she updates the TOR


Day 24: 04 May 2023

After arriving at the office, she plugged in all the outlets and turned on the

lights. The trainee continues her daily task, and since there are only a few clients,

she updates the TOR acknowledgment.

Day 25: 05 May 2023

The trainee just did her daily routine after arriving at the office. After that, she keeps

up with her everyday tasks and updates the TOR acknowledgment because there

aren't many clients.

Day 26: 08 May 2023

When the trainee arrived at work as usual, she plugged in all the outlets and

turned on the lights. She then set up her computer and got started on her regular

activities. Since there are a few clients, the trainee was tasked to organize the

previous documents of the registrar and sort them by year.

Day 27: 09 May 2023

When the trainee arrived at work, she went about her everyday duties and

continued to organize and sort the registrar's documents by year.

Day 28: 10 May 2023

When the trainee arrived at work as usual, she plugged in all the outlets and

turned on the lights. After setting up her computer, she began working on her usual

tasks. The trainee was tasked to encode the 4ps student member and know their

status if they are currently enrolled or not, and after that, she went to the principal's

office to sign the paper for the 4ps list to the principal. Afterward, Sir Alquinn asked

her to create a requirements list with a logo for the upcoming pre-registration.

Day 29: 11 May 2023

Aside from doing her daily responsibility and since there are few clients and

activity at work, the trainee decided to create a new fill-up form for those students

and parents outside that consist of their name, strand, contact number, document

need, and purpose.

Day 30: 12 May 2023

Aside from doing her daily responsibility, she was given the assignment by Sir

Alquinn to compile a list of junior high pupils and construct a survey form with a

question asking if they want to continue their education in TNCHS, what strand they

are in, and if not, what school they want to go.

Day 31: 15 May 2023

The trainee plugged in all the outlets and turned on the lights when she got at

the workplace, like she normally does. She then set up her computer but then the

computer was not turning on. Sir Alquinn attempted to fix it, however it is no longer

fixed. The trainee just did her usual task; the task was to assist the people outside

the office

Day 32: 16 May 2023

She carried out her routine when the trainee came. When her computer broke,

the trainee was responsible for assisting folks outside. That afternoon, she also

assisted one of the administrative officers in counting the quantity of already washed

Pajah (sablay) that would be worn for the graduation.

Day 33: 17 May 2023

When the trainee arrived at the office, she plugged in all the outlets and turned

on the lights. After that, since her desktop broke, the only task she did aside from her

daily task, she helped in counting the second batch of already-washed rajah.

Day 34: 18 May 2023

The trainee only did on this day to do her daily task and helped in counting the

third batch of already-washed rajah.

Day 35: 19 May 2023

On this particular day, the trainee just performed her usual duties and

assisted in counting the final batch of already-washed rajah.

Day 36: 22 May 2023

Aside from doing her daily responsibility and since there is few clients and

activity at work, the trainee decided to clean her cabinet at the office and organize it.

Day 37: 23 May 2023

Apart from fulfilling her daily obligations and due to the lack of clients and

activities at work, she decided to sort the new sets of TOR in the record section. That

way, it would be easy to find if the adviser were looking for their student's TOR.

Day 38: 24 May 2023

When the trainee arrived at work as usual, she plugged in all the outlets,

turned on the light, and did her daily tasks. Sir Alquinn gave the trainee instructions

regarding the pre-registration process for the following school year. He designated

her to handle any pre-enrolment requests for TNCHS from students attending other


Day 39: 25 May 2023

When the trainee arrived at the office, she plugged in all the outlets and turned

on the lights before beginning her daily tasks. A few parents and children had queries

pertaining to pre-registration, so the trainee answered them by outlining all of the

necessary requirements and the scheduled enrolment date.

Day 40: 26 May 2023

Before starting her daily tasks, the trainee plugged everything into an outlet

when she first arrived at the office and turned on the lights. The trainee still answers

the inquiries of all students and parents regarding the ongoing pre-registration.

Day 41: 29 May 2023

When the trainee initially arrived at the office, she plugged everything into an

outlet and turned on the lights before beginning her daily tasks. The trainee still

answers all student and parent questions about the ongoing pre-registration.

Day 42: 30 May 2023

The trainee plugged in all the outlets and turned on the lights as usual when

she came to work. She began working on her usual task: to assist the person outside

on what they need. The trainee needs to send documents to the postal office in the


Day 43-49: 31 May - 09 June 2023

Since there was little to do aside from assisting the people outside the office,

one of the admin officers gave the trainee a task. The task is to get the signature of

all the advisers who will join the gender and development program and compile it;

ensure they answer the Google form survey before signing the GAD waiver. Since all

the advisers were busy doing their students' grades, the trainee finished the task in

over a week.

Day 44: 01 June 2023

On this particular day, the trainee just performed her daily task and continued

getting the signature of all the advisers that will join the GAD program.

Day 45: 02 June 2023

Aside from doing her daily responsibility and since there were few clients, the

trainee continued the task that Sir Ronnie gave, to notify the advisers that those who

would like to join the GAD program need to sign on GAD waiver.

Day 46: 05 June 2023

When the trainee arrived at work as usual, she plugged in all the outlets and

turned on the light. Aside from doing her daily task and notifying the advisers to sign

the GAD waiver, there's nothing else for a trainee to do.


Day 47: 06 June 2023

On this particular day, there is nothing further for a trainee to do but do her

daily tasks and tell the advisers to sign the GAD waiver.

Day 48: 07 June 2023

Aside from doing her daily task and notifying advisers about the GAD waiver,

the trainee was assigned to get the principal's signature to sign the documents of the

student to process it for international purposes.

Day 49: 08 June 2023

When the trainee arrived at the office, she plugged in all the outlets and turned

on the lights. She carried on her regular tasks, helping parents and students outside

with their needed-document and occasionally answering questions about pre-

registration from students at other institutions. She remembered to notify the advisers

to sign the GAD waiver.

Day 50: 09 June 2023

The trainee plugged in all the plugs and turned on the lights when she

entered the office. She continued to perform her everyday tasks, assisting parents

and students outside with their necessary papers. Aside from that, she helped the

admin officer to get the material that the adviser wanted.

Day 51: 13 June 2023

She plugged everything in and turned on the lights when the trainee arrived to

work as usual. Sir Alquinn got a trainee a new system unit since the other one is

already broken. They badly need it because there are many things to do when the

school year ends. Because the school year is almost over, the student's record on

the LIS system must update. Sir Aquinn gave a trainee a task to update the student's

status. Since there are many students enrolled in senior high and many clients that

need to be entertained because some of them are transferred out students that need

their TOR to graduate in senior high, updating the status took more than a week.

Day 52: 14 June 2023

When the trainee initially arrived at the office, she plugged everything into an

outlet and turned on the lights. After that, she set up her desktop and continued

updating the students' status; if the doorbell rang, she instantly reacted to assist the

students/parent outside.

Day 53: 15 June 2023

When the trainee arrived, she did her daily activity, set up her desktop, and

continued updating the status, the registrar notified her that this updating status

should be done before the end of the month since the school year had nearly ended,

and of course, no day goes by without student/parent from outside that need

something in the office, her daily task is still on-going.

Day 54: 16 June 2023

When the trainee arrived at the office, she did her daily routine and continued

updating. Updating status is getting smoothly. The trainee almost updates half of the

student's status.

Day 55: 19 June 2023

On this day, aside from doing his daily task, which was to ask the parent to the

student/parent outside, process their want, and have them sign the acknowledgment

form, she continued updating the students' status in the LIS system.

Day 56: 20 June 2023

When the trainee arrived at the office, she plugged in the outlet and turned the

lights after setting up her table. Aside from doing her daily task, which was to ask the

parent to the student/parent outside, process their want, and have them sign the

acknowledgment form, she continued updating the students' status in the LIS

system. After that, Ma'am Marinell, the administrative officer bought snacks for the

whole faculty.

Day 57: 21 June 2023

When the trainee arrived at the office, she did her morning routine.

Throughout the day, all she did was do her everyday task: ask the student/parent

outside, process their want, and have them sign the acknowledgment form. She

continued updating the students' status in the LIS system.

Day 58: 22 June 2023

When the trainee showed up to work as usual, she plugged everything in and

lit the room. This day is dedicated to cleaning. Due to a 5s observation, these two

days were hectic. Internal auditing is done on the first day of 5s.

Day 59: 23 June 2023

She did her daily routine when the trainee showed up to work as usual. This

day is the second part of the cleaning day for 5S evaluation, but this time, the trainee

and other faulty members need to do a deep cleaning because the person that will

audit the office was from another institution.

Day 60-67: 26 June - 07 July 2023

When the trainee arrived at work as usual, she plugged in all the outlets and

turned on the lights. She then set up her computer and got started on her regular

activities. The last two weeks of the trainee's training are extremely hectic since the

week after next week is graduation. All the advisers must submit the students'

records. For grade 11 advisers, they must submit the TOR or transcript of records of

the student, SF5A first and second semester, and report card of the students, and for

grade 12, they must submit TOR or transcript of records of the student, SF5A first

and second semester, SF5B second semester, good moral and report card of the

students. These documents should be carefully checked one by one and see if

there's a signature of the advisers since this will be given to the principal to sign. The

principal might only sign the document if the adviser's signature is present.

Therefore, releasing the documents could be delayed. Therefore, the trainee and Sir

Kenneth must be watchful and vigilant to spot any discrepancies in the documents.

Since there is a client outside the office, this checking takes place for more than a


Day 61: 27 June 2023

The trainee went through her morning routine when she got to work. She

spent the entire day performing her everyday duty, which included asking parents/

students what they needed, processing their requests, and getting their signature on

an acknowledgment form before continuing to check all the documents given by the

advisers carefully and after checking they needed to sign the acknowledgment as a

sign that they already completed with no discrepancy. And if the trainee finds some

error, she must notify the teacher to correct it.

Day 62: 29 June 2023

When the trainee arrived at work, she went through her morning obligation

after plugging all the outlets, turning the lights, and setting up her desktop. She

continued doing her daily task, which included asking parents and students what they

needed, handling their requests, and getting their signatures on an acknowledgment

form before reviewing all the documents provided by the advisers carefully. After

reviewing, they were required to sign the acknowledgment as a confirmation that they

had completed the task at hand without error. And if the trainee discovers a mistake,

she must let the teacher know so that they can fix it.

Day 63: 30 June 2023

On this day, aside from doing his daily task, which was to ask the parent to the

student/parent outside, process their want, and have them sign the acknowledgment

form, she continued checking all the documents the advisers gave.

Day 64: 03 July 2023

When the trainee arrived at the office, she plugged in the outlet and turned

the lights after setting up her table. Aside from doing her daily task, which was to ask

the parent to the student/parent outside, process their want, and have them sign the

acknowledgment form, she continued to carefully check all the documents provided

by the advisers having them assign the acknowledgment form as well as proof that

they are already completed with no discrepancy.

Day 65: 04 July 2023

When the trainee arrived at work, she went through her morning task after

plugging all the outlets, turning the lights, and setting up her desktop. She ready

herself for today's task and continued doing her everyday responsibility, which

included asking parents and students what they needed, processing their requests,

and getting their signatures on an acknowledgment form before reviewing all the

documents provided by the advisers carefully. After reviewing, they were required to

sign the acknowledgment as a confirmation that they had completed the task at hand

without error. And if the trainee discovers a mistake, she must let the teacher know

so that they can fix it.

Day 65: 05 July 2023

When the trainee arrived at the office, she did her morning routine.

Throughout the day, all she did was do her everyday task, which was to ask the

student/parent outside, process their want, and have them sign the acknowledgment

form. She continued checking the documents of the students provided by the


Day 67: 06 July 2023

On the 67th day of the trainee on her OJT, she did her morning obligation

when the trainee arrived at the office. After setting up her table, she plugged in the

outlet and turned the lights. Aside from doing her daily task, which was to ask the

parent to the student/parent outside, process their want, and have them sign the

acknowledgment form, she continued carefully check all the documents given by the

advisers having them sign the acknowledgment form

Day 68: 07 July 2023


This day is the last day of the trainee on her OJT. When the trainee arrived at

the office, she plugged in the outlet and turned the lights after setting up her table.

Aside from doing her daily task, which was to ask the parent to the student/parent

outside, process their want, and have them sign the acknowledgment form, she

continued carefully check all the documents given by the advisers, having them sign

the acknowledgment form. Afterward, when it was time to go home, they gave a

trainee a gift.

Day 69: 10 July 2023

When the trainee showed up to work as usual, she plugged everything in and

lit the room. Aside from doing her daily responsibility and checking the documents

from the advisers, one of the admin aides gave her the task to dry sealing all the

students' diplomas and double-check their names on the list.

Appendix 15. Photo documentation 59

Appendix Figure 1. The trainee searching the student information in LIS system

Appendix Figure 2. The trainee while encoding the TOR acknowledgement


Appendix Figure 3. The trainee while encoding the students’ status


Appendix Figure 4. The trainee while stamping the documents


Appendix Figure 5. The trainee while printing/photocopying the documents


Appendix Figure 6. The trainee while organizing the students’ folders


Appendix Figure 7. The trainee while cutting paper for certificates

Appendix Figure 8. The trainee while assisting the registrar in the meeting
Appendix 16. Routing Slip 65

Republic of the Philippines


Tanza Campus
Bagtas, Tanza, Cavite
(046) 414-3979

Department of Management


Name of Student/s : FERRER, SHAINA C.

Type of Study : Thesis EDP Field Study Narrative Report




OJT Adviser

Department Chair

OJT Coordinator


Campus Administrator

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