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BluHome: - Empowering Smart Living with Arduino

Nano and Bluetooth

, Prasad Varnekar, Sarthak Chavan
Uday Valvi, Vishal patil
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Vishwakarma Institute of Technology,666, Upper Indira Nagar, Bibwewadi, Pune – 411037
Email ID: [email protected] , Sarthak.chavan22@vit,edu , [email protected] ,
[email protected]

Abstract: - This project suggests utilizing Arduino to turn on or off the appliances. For
Arduino, a microcontroller board with a example, at temperature sensor can be used to
straightforward programming language detect changes in temperature and turn on the
air conditioner when
and a user-friendly interface, to create a
the temperature gets too high. Similarly, a
system for controlling household light sensor can be used to turn on lights when
appliances. Through a web application or a it gets dark outside. [6],[10], [13],[17]
smartphone app, the system enables Arduino can be programmed using a simple
customers to remotely operate their home programming language, making it accessible
appliances. An Arduino board, a Bluetooth to people with no prior programming
module, relays, and sensors make up the experience. Additionally, Arduino is highly
customizable, which means that you can
suggested system. The Arduino board
modify its functionality to suit your specific
receives signals from the web application or needs.
mobile app through the Bluetooth module, Overall, home appliance control using
processes the signal and sends it to the Arduino is a smart, efficient, and customizable
respective appliance through the relays. way to control and automate household
The system is cost-effective, easy to install, appliances. It can save you money on energy
and can be customized based on the user's bills, increase your home security, and make
your life more convenient.[4],[14]
preferences. The proposed system can help
to automate various tasks and increase
energy efficiency while improving the
Home appliance control systems have gained
comfort and convenience of the users.[10], immense popularity in recent years due to
[13], [16]. their ability to simplify household tasks and
improve energy efficiency. Arduino-based
INTRODUCTION home appliance control systems are becoming
Home appliance control using Arduino is a increasingly popular due to their affordability,
smart and cost-effective way to control and flexibility, and ease of use.
automate household appliances. An open-
source microcontroller platform called Muhammad Asadullah, Ahsan Raza (2016).
Arduino enables you to design and program a “An Overview of Home Automation
variety of electronic devices. With Arduino, Systems.” This study compares the features of
you can control appliances such as lights, fans, various wireless communication technologies,
heaters, and air conditioners, among others. including ZigBee, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, EnOcean,
and GSM, in order to let customers decide
The basic idea of home appliance control which technology they want to employ to
using Arduino is to use sensors to detect design their own home automation system. In
changes in the environment and trigger the addition, a study of several home automation
systems is covered in this research project, Arduino-based home-automated system using
along with a discussion of their benefits and Bluetooth and an Android app with voice
cons. [1] [7] [11] prompts. The design aims for user-friendliness
and convenience in controlling appliances. It
Muhammad Asadullah, Khalil Ullah. (2017). utilizes Arduino ATMEGA328, HC-06
“Smart Home Automation System Using Bluetooth module, and an Android app (MIT
Bluetooth Technology” A low-cost and user- App Inventor 2). Users can control home
friendly remote-controlled home automation appliances via the app and voice prompts
system is shown in this work using the using Google Assistant. The system also
Arduino board, Bluetooth module, allows timed appliance switching for up to 12
smartphone, and other components. While hours, enhancing its convenience and
most contemporary conventional home smartphone operation.
automation systems are made for particular
purposes, the suggested system is a general- In conclusion, the use of Arduino-based home
purpose system. It is easy to put into practice appliance control systems has become popular
in a modern house.[2] due to their cost-effectiveness, flexibility, and
ease of use. These systems are highly
Md.Wasif Bin Hafiz. (2020). “Arduino Based customizable and can be tailored to meet the
Home Automation System Using Android specific needs of individual households. Home
Application.” The objective is to design and automation systems that are more effective
build an Arduino-based home automation and efficient might greatly increase household
system. convenience and energy efficiency as a result
To control equipment like fans, lamps, air of more research and development in this
conditioners, and automatic door locks, the field.
home automation system employs an Arduino OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY
Uno with a Bluetooth module. The main I. Developing a low-cost and easy to use
emphasis is on using an Android phone to home appliance control system using Arduino
monitor and control smart homes and to and other low-cost components.
provide a secure smart home while occupants II. Implementing the system to control
are not there. [3] different types of home appliances, including
lights, fans, and air conditioners.
Aaqib Raza “A Home Automation III. Developing a user-friendly interface,
Through Android Mobile App by Using including a web application or mobile app, to
Arduino UNO (2020)” The paper addresses control the appliances remotely.
the increasing energy consumption issue by IV. Integrating sensors to the system to detect
proposing a practical and affordable home and regulate the energy consumption of the
automation system. Utilizing motorized appliances, leading to increased energy
technology, it reduces human efforts, stress, efficiency.
and energy usage, transforming homes into V. Assessing the system's performance in
smarter environments. The system's easy terms of the users' ease of use, convenience,
accessibility via an Android mobile app and energy efficiency.
enables efficient control of appliances, even VI. Exploring the possibility of integrating the
for people with physical limitations. system with other IoT-based devices to create
Expectations of exponential growth in smart a smart home environment.[14],[16], [18]
home technology continue due to its Creating suggestions for more system design
adaptability and benefits. and implementation enhancements.

Abiodun E. Amoran “Home automated HARDWARE REQUIRED

system using Bluetooth and an android Hardware requirements for this project are as
application (2021)” This article presents an follows:[9] [16] [19][20]
A) Arduino Nano
B) Relay Module AWi-Fi or Bluetooth module, relays, sensors,
C) Bluetooth Module and an Arduino board are some of the parts
A) Arduino Nano: - A tiny, inexpensive that make up the system. The Wi-Fi or
microcontroller board based on the Bluetooth module enables communication
ATmega328P processor is called the Arduino between the user interface and the Arduino
Nano. It is designed for small projects and board.
applications where space is limited and a low- The relays are used to switch the appliances
cost solution is required. The Nano features a on and off, and the sensors can detect the
16 MHz clock speed, 8 analogue inputs, and energy consumption of the devices.
14 digital input/output ports. Through a USB
connection to a computer, it may be The system is intended to be adaptable and
programmed using the Arduino IDE user-friendly, and the user interface enables
(Integrated Development Environment). The remote control of the devices. When the relay
Nano is compatible with a wide range of to switch the appliance on or off.
sensors, actuators, and communication
modules, making it a versatile platform for The system can also integrate sensors to detect
various applications such as home automation, the energy consumption of the appliances. The
robotics, and prototyping. sensors can measure the amount of energy
consumed by the appliance, and the Arduino
B) Relay Module: Using low voltage signals, board can this information to regulate the
a microcontroller may control high voltage or energy consumption of the appliance
high current circuits with the aid of a relay accordingly.
module. It is typically composed of a control
circuit, an electromagnet, and one or more sets In summary, the working principle of home
of contacts. When a low voltage signal is appliance control using Arduino involves
applied to the control circuit, the using a microcontroller board to receive and
electromagnet is energized, which causes the process signals from a user interface, and then
contacts to close or open, depending on the control the appliances through the use of
type of relay module.[20] relays and sensors. The system is designed to
be user-friendly and energy-efficient, making
C) Bluetooth module: - Bluetooth modules it an effective solution for home automation.
are electronic components that enable wireless [12]
communication between devices over short
distances. They use Bluetooth technology, Following are some components used
which is a low-power wireless communication
in the project and their detailed
standard for exchanging data between devices.
Bluetooth modules typically consist of a radio working: -
transceiver, a microcontroller, and an antenna. A) Arduino Nano: -
[20] The ATmega328P microprocessor serves as
the foundation for the diminutive and portable
Arduino Nano microcontroller board. It is a
scaled-down version of the well-known
HOME APLLIANCE CONTROL Arduino Uno board and is frequently
The working principle of home appliance employed in applications when available space
control using Arduino involves using a is limited. The working principle of the
microcontroller board, such as Arduino, to Arduino Nano is similar to other Arduino
receive and process signals from a user boards. It consists of an ATmega328P
interface, such as a mobile app or web microcontroller, a voltage regulator, and a
application, and then control the appliances USB-to-serial converter chip. The
microcontroller is the heart of the board and is Environment (IDE) may be used to code the
responsible for executing the user's program. Arduino Nano. Using a USB connection, the
The Arduino Integrated Development user may create code in the IDE and upload it
Figure 01 Home appliance control circuit diagram
Internet of Things (IoT) applications. Its
small size, wide range of I/O pins, and

easy-to-use IDE make it an excellent

choice for hobbyists and professionals

B) Relay module (4 Channel 5V): -

Figure 02: Arduino Nano

to the board. The microcontroller runs the

code when it has been uploaded to the
board, carrying out the required
operations. A variety of sensors,
actuators, and other devices may be
connected to the Arduino Nano's many
input/output (I/O) pins.
The I/O pins include analogue pins for
Figure 03: Relay module (4 Channel)
reading analogue signals from sensors as
well as digital pins that may be utilized as A 4-channel 5V relay module is an
input or output. In addition to the I/O electronic device that allows you to
pins, the Arduino Nano also has several control four different electrical circuits
built-in features, such as timers, using digital signals. The module includes
interrupts, and PWM (Pulse Width four relays, each of which can switch a
separate circuit on or off. The relays are
Modulation) output. These features make
activated by a low-voltage signal from a
it easy to interface with various sensors microcontroller or other digital device,
and actuators and perform complex tasks. such as an Arduino or Raspberry Pi.
The Arduino Nano is a robust and When the digital signal is applied, the
adaptable microcontroller board that is relay switches the corresponding circuit
frequently used in several projects, on or off.[19]
including robotics, automation, and
The 5V in the name refers to the operating replay module to be turn on or off. The
voltage of the relay module. This means development program MIT App Inventor
that the module requires a 5V power is often used to create that kind of
supply to operate, and the digital signals application. A well-known platform that
used to activate the relays must also be at enables non-programmers to design
5V. Typical applications for a 4-channel Android apps is MIT App Inventor. Here
5V relay module include home are the steps to create an Android app for
automation projects, robotics, and home appliance control using MIT App
industrial control systems. The module is Inventor:[4],[8],[15],[16]
1. Log in to the MIT App Inventor
website and create a new project.
2. Design the user interface: Use the
drag-and-drop interface to create a user-
friendly interface that enables users to
control their appliances. This may include
buttons, sliders, or other graphical
elements that allow users to select
settings, turn on or off devices, and adjust
various features.
useful whenever you need to control
3. Add the necessary components:
multiple electrical circuits with a single
Add components to the app that enable it
microcontroller or digital device.
to communicate with the home
appliances. Depending on the type of
C) HC-05 Module: -
appliance, this may involve using Wi-Fi,
Bluetooth, or other wireless
Figure 04: Bluetooth Module HC-05
communication technologies. You can
add these components by selecting
A wireless communication module called
"Palette" and then "Connectivity".
the HC-05 Bluetooth module facilitates
wireless serial communication between
4. Write the code: Use the block-
devices. The module is based on the
based programming interface to write the
Bluetooth 2.0 protocol and is designed for
code that enables the app to communicate
use in embedded systems. The HC- 05
with the home appliances. You can drag-
module is small and can be easily
and-drop blocks from the "Block Editor"
integrated into a wide range of projects. It
to create the logic of the app.
operates on a 3.3V power supply and uses
a serial interface to communicate with
5. Test the app: Test the app
other devices. The module can be
thoroughly to ensure that it is functioning
configured to operate in either master or
correctly and meeting the requirements
slave mode, making it suitable for a
you have set. You can use the "Live
variety of applications.
Testing" feature in MIT App Inventor to
test the app on your device as you develop
PROCEDURE OF APP 6. Export and publish the app: Once
DEVELOPMENT you have completed the app, export it to
To controls the appliance from smartphone an APK file and publish it on the Google
there must be a linkage between phone and Play Store or other app stores to make it
Bluetooth module. This module take input available to users.
from user and transmits signals to Arduino
Nano and further it sends output signal to
WORKING appliances
OF APP AND from being
controlled by
Verifying a
user's identity
when they want
to access a
system or
application is
the process of
In a home
appliance app,
ADDITIONAL FEATURES is a critical security feature that ensures
MIT created the software that gives you that only authorized users can access the
control. Android apps are created with app and control the connected
App Inventor using a block-based appliances. There are several
programming language. Drag and drop authentication methods that can be used
the blocks to in a home appliance app, including:
1. Username and password: This is
the most common authentication method
Figure 05: MIT Application that requires users to enter their username
and password to access the app. The app
arrange them in the desired order to build checks the entered credentials against a
the app's logic. The blocks represent database to confirm their validity.
different actions and functionalities. The 2. Biometric authentication: This
blocks may be put together in a way that approach verifies a user's identification
gives the programmer the required using their physical traits, such as their
behavior. This software has a very fingerprint, face recognition technology,
straightforward user interface that makes or iris scan.
controlling appliances extremely 3. Two-factor authentication: This
simple. method requires users to enter two pieces
A detection function that indicates if a of information to
Bluetooth module is connected or not
would be located at the top of an authenticate their identity, such as a
interface. There will be a number of password and a one-time code sent to
controllable appliance settings below that. their mobile device.
For to make it more user friendly and 4. Social login: This method allows
advance we gave him a Google assistant users to log in to the app using their social
support which means that it can easy media credentials such as Facebook,
control by the voice. Google, or Twitter.[4]
Implementing strong authentication
Security features are essential in a home methods in a home appliance app
appliance app to ensure the protection of provides several benefits:
personal and sensitive information of the 1. It helps prevent unauthorized
users, prevent unauthorized access to the access to the app and the connected
app and its features, and safeguard the
appliances, protecting users' privacy and
2. It provides an additional layer of
security, making it more difficult for
hackers to gain access to the app or the
connected appliances.
3. It helps ensure compliance with
regulations and standards for data privacy
and security.
4. It builds trust with users, who will
feel more comfortable using the app system
knowing that their data and privacy are
In summary, authentication is a critical
security feature in a home appliance app
that ensures only authorized users can
Voice Recognition Ac-
access the app and control the connected
curacy Test
appliances. Using strong authentication
methods provides several benefits, 20
including improved security, regulatory 15
compliance, and user trust. 10

Arduino has grown in popularity as a result

1 Occasionally 2 Sometimes 3 Often
of its affordability, adaptability, and 4 Always
simplicity of usage. With the help of
straightforward software and hardware, Figure 07: Table of Working range
anyone may build interactive projects
using the open-source electronics platform
Arduino. Arduino may be used in home

Figure 08: Graph Showing Response


(HACS= Home Assisted Community
(VIVINT=Vivint Smart Home, Inc.)

automation to operate a variety of fixtures

and equipment, including lights, fans, air
conditioners, security systems, and more.
Figure 06: Actual implementation of given
tailored to the user's specific needs.
Additionally, the extensive community
support and resources available for
Arduino make it accessible to a broad
audience, from hobbyists to professionals.
The future scope of home control
appliance using Arduino is promising, as
the demand for smart homes and IoT
devices continues to increase. As
technology advances, it is likely that
home automation systems using Arduino
will become even more advanced and
sophisticated, allowing for more complex
automation scenarios and greater energy
efficiency. Additionally, the integration of
artificial intelligence and machine
learning algorithms may enhance the
system's decision-making capabilities and
further optimize energy efficiency.
In the coming years, we can expect to see
Figure 09: Comparison with existing system
more innovations and advancements in
home automation using Arduino, making
Figure 10: Workflow chart of proposed
it more accessible, efficient, and user-
friendly. With the potential to
revolutionize the way we interact our
ACKNOWLEDGMENT homes, the future of home control
We would want to express our gratitude to appliance using Arduino is bright.
the Vishwakarma Institute of Technology
in Pune for their confidence in our ability
to complete this job. We also want to REFERENCES:
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their invaluable advice on a variety of November). An overview of home
topics, including the equipment and
technology needed for our project and
other issues. We would like to express our
sincere gratitude to our guide Prof.
Vaishali Savale Madam for her assistance
in making today's project successful
because of her specific attention and
advice when we encountered difficulties.


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