BluHomePAPER (2) Edited
BluHomePAPER (2) Edited
BluHomePAPER (2) Edited
Abstract: - This project suggests utilizing Arduino to turn on or off the appliances. For
Arduino, a microcontroller board with a example, at temperature sensor can be used to
straightforward programming language detect changes in temperature and turn on the
air conditioner when
and a user-friendly interface, to create a
the temperature gets too high. Similarly, a
system for controlling household light sensor can be used to turn on lights when
appliances. Through a web application or a it gets dark outside. [6],[10], [13],[17]
smartphone app, the system enables Arduino can be programmed using a simple
customers to remotely operate their home programming language, making it accessible
appliances. An Arduino board, a Bluetooth to people with no prior programming
module, relays, and sensors make up the experience. Additionally, Arduino is highly
customizable, which means that you can
suggested system. The Arduino board
modify its functionality to suit your specific
receives signals from the web application or needs.
mobile app through the Bluetooth module, Overall, home appliance control using
processes the signal and sends it to the Arduino is a smart, efficient, and customizable
respective appliance through the relays. way to control and automate household
The system is cost-effective, easy to install, appliances. It can save you money on energy
and can be customized based on the user's bills, increase your home security, and make
your life more convenient.[4],[14]
preferences. The proposed system can help
to automate various tasks and increase
energy efficiency while improving the
Home appliance control systems have gained
comfort and convenience of the users.[10], immense popularity in recent years due to
[13], [16]. their ability to simplify household tasks and
improve energy efficiency. Arduino-based
INTRODUCTION home appliance control systems are becoming
Home appliance control using Arduino is a increasingly popular due to their affordability,
smart and cost-effective way to control and flexibility, and ease of use.
automate household appliances. An open-
source microcontroller platform called Muhammad Asadullah, Ahsan Raza (2016).
Arduino enables you to design and program a “An Overview of Home Automation
variety of electronic devices. With Arduino, Systems.” This study compares the features of
you can control appliances such as lights, fans, various wireless communication technologies,
heaters, and air conditioners, among others. including ZigBee, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, EnOcean,
and GSM, in order to let customers decide
The basic idea of home appliance control which technology they want to employ to
using Arduino is to use sensors to detect design their own home automation system. In
changes in the environment and trigger the addition, a study of several home automation
systems is covered in this research project, Arduino-based home-automated system using
along with a discussion of their benefits and Bluetooth and an Android app with voice
cons. [1] [7] [11] prompts. The design aims for user-friendliness
and convenience in controlling appliances. It
Muhammad Asadullah, Khalil Ullah. (2017). utilizes Arduino ATMEGA328, HC-06
“Smart Home Automation System Using Bluetooth module, and an Android app (MIT
Bluetooth Technology” A low-cost and user- App Inventor 2). Users can control home
friendly remote-controlled home automation appliances via the app and voice prompts
system is shown in this work using the using Google Assistant. The system also
Arduino board, Bluetooth module, allows timed appliance switching for up to 12
smartphone, and other components. While hours, enhancing its convenience and
most contemporary conventional home smartphone operation.
automation systems are made for particular
purposes, the suggested system is a general- In conclusion, the use of Arduino-based home
purpose system. It is easy to put into practice appliance control systems has become popular
in a modern house.[2] due to their cost-effectiveness, flexibility, and
ease of use. These systems are highly
Md.Wasif Bin Hafiz. (2020). “Arduino Based customizable and can be tailored to meet the
Home Automation System Using Android specific needs of individual households. Home
Application.” The objective is to design and automation systems that are more effective
build an Arduino-based home automation and efficient might greatly increase household
system. convenience and energy efficiency as a result
To control equipment like fans, lamps, air of more research and development in this
conditioners, and automatic door locks, the field.
home automation system employs an Arduino OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY
Uno with a Bluetooth module. The main I. Developing a low-cost and easy to use
emphasis is on using an Android phone to home appliance control system using Arduino
monitor and control smart homes and to and other low-cost components.
provide a secure smart home while occupants II. Implementing the system to control
are not there. [3] different types of home appliances, including
lights, fans, and air conditioners.
Aaqib Raza “A Home Automation III. Developing a user-friendly interface,
Through Android Mobile App by Using including a web application or mobile app, to
Arduino UNO (2020)” The paper addresses control the appliances remotely.
the increasing energy consumption issue by IV. Integrating sensors to the system to detect
proposing a practical and affordable home and regulate the energy consumption of the
automation system. Utilizing motorized appliances, leading to increased energy
technology, it reduces human efforts, stress, efficiency.
and energy usage, transforming homes into V. Assessing the system's performance in
smarter environments. The system's easy terms of the users' ease of use, convenience,
accessibility via an Android mobile app and energy efficiency.
enables efficient control of appliances, even VI. Exploring the possibility of integrating the
for people with physical limitations. system with other IoT-based devices to create
Expectations of exponential growth in smart a smart home environment.[14],[16], [18]
home technology continue due to its Creating suggestions for more system design
adaptability and benefits. and implementation enhancements.
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