Home Automation
Home Automation
Home Automation
This work aims to develop home automation systems based on Arduino. These devices can be
controlled through the applications of Bluetooth Android-based smart phones. It uses
internet (Wi-Fi) to control human desired appliances.
It helps us to control various appliances such as light, fan, TV and take decisions without
physical contact between the user and appliances.
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connected to the internet, we devices through web page and also through
can access server web based android application.
application through the internet
using compatible web browser.
3. System Model
2. Related work
As per Sirsath N.S, Dhole P.S, Mohire N.P, Controlling ESP8266 Arduino
device (phone) Wi-Fi controller
Naik S.C and Ratnaparkhi NS they proposes module
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with integration of TCP/IP construct that? The answer is by using
stack, which may help any Arduino-based automation.
microcontroller to access a Wi-
Fi network. It can act as both
Wi-Fi access point as well as a 5. Implementation For the
Wi-Fi client. It is implementation of our model, developing a
preprogrammed with AT Webpage and testing is must. The flow model
commands, so we can easily for the control of appliances with a Webpage
access and configure it using a is as given below:
microcontroller. First, we can
connect ESP8266 with Arduino
Uno. The ESP8266 runs on
3.3V. Now we can connect
relays to Arduino. Here a relay ARDIUNO CONTROLLER
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6. Analysis
After the completion of this project, the
Proposed System Implementation: electrical systems like light and fan can be
1. Start now controlled just by sitting in one place and
2. System will be initialized.
3. Initially all control devices
operate from there using smart phones. We
will be OFF after power-on. don’t have to go and control manually like
4. Wi-Fi module will be
before. Thus, this can be one of the satisfying
5. Open mobile application on solution for the demanding world of
Android smart phone. automations. Arduino based home
6. Establish connection
between Wi-Fi automations simply uses programing that
module and mobile controls everything. Arduino UNO, Wi-Fi or
application on
internet of things, smart phone and relays are
Android Smart phone.
7. Waiting for control the main components for developing the
command to be received model.
from Android
mobile application.
8. Send control command 7. Conclusion
(ON/OFF device) from
Android mobile application. In today’s world, Android is the most
9. Check received control powerful mobile platform to fit every
command format.
functionality in our mind. This project is
10. If received command is
“ON” then turn ON the about wireless home automation using
particular Device. Android mobile which helps to implement
11. If received command is
“OFF” then turn OFF the such system in our home at a reasonable
particular Device. price. Thus, it overcomes many problems like
12. Stop.
costs, inflexibility and security. Moreover it
will provide greater advantages like less
Advantage of using Wi-Fi technology: energy costs, it improves home security and
• Equipment can be placed anywhere
in addition, it is very convenient to use and
• Physical presence of human is not
required to control these electrical system will improve the comfort of our home. Thus,
• Provide wide range of controlling we can automate our house and utilize its
• High efficiency
• More secure advantages. Hence we can conclude that the
• Low cost and flexible required goals and objectives of home
automation system is achieved. Gradually the
increasing demand in the advancing world of
technology (automation) is fulfilled.
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4. https://www.ijert.org/implementation -
8. Bibliography
1. International Research Journal of andsecurity-system-using-arduino-
Engineering and Technology (IRJET) andwi-fi-through-android-application
Volume: 02. Issue: Jan
03, 2015 5. https://create.arduino.cc/projecthub/e
2. https://www.googlescholar.com/Auto e19s025/iot-based-complete-
mation-Using-Arduino-With-Wifi homeautomation-system-4b9aea
3. https://www.researchgate.net/publicat
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