Computer Essentials
Computer Essentials
Computer Essentials
Sample Part-Test
Sample Part-Test 1
1.1 Which one of the following is described as a portable device
that can be used to call, text, take photographs and browse
the Internet? [1 Mark]
a. Docking Station.
b. Desktop.
c. Media Player.
d. Smartphone
1.2 Which one of the following terms represents instructions
that enable a computer to perform tasks? [1 Mark]
a. Software.
b. Hardware.
c. Scroll bar.
d. Flash drive.
1.3 Which one of the following contains the Start button? [1 Mark]
a. Control panel.
b. Folder.
c. Recycle bin.
d. Task bar.
1.4 Which one of the following icons represents a network
drive? [1 Mark]
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Ref: ECDL / ICDL Computer Essentials - Syllabus - V1.0 – Sample Part-Test - MSWIN72010 - V1 - 0
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ECDL / ICDL Computer Essentials
Sample Part-Test
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Ref: ECDL / ICDL Computer Essentials - Syllabus - V1.0 – Sample Part-Test - MSWIN72010 - V1 - 0
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