Introduction To Floplast Soil & Waste Systems

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Introduction to FloPlast Soil & Waste Systems

FloPlast founded in 1991, has established itself as Standards/Quality Control

a manufacturer of high quality plastic building and FloPlast consider that an integral part of our business
plumbing systems for the construction industry, in undertaking is to minimise any potentially harmful
particular domestic and commercial new build and effects on the environment that our activities may cause.
refurbishment projects.
FloPlast aim to take into account sustainability in
FloPlast offer an extensive choice of systems and our product design, applications and commitment to
products, in a range of sizes and colours, to suit all the protection of the environment and prevention of
tastes and applications. pollution, in all we do.
The FloPlast reputation for technical excellence, FloPlast operations embrace Quality, Environment
quality and competitively priced products have and Energy Management Systems which have been
established the company as a leading supplier of Above accredited by BSI to BS EN ISO 9001:2008 Certificate
Ground Plumbing Systems. No. FM 501414, BS EN ISO 14001:2004 Certificate No.
EMS 538445, BS EN ISO 18001:2007 Certificate No.
The FloPlast ABS Solvent Weld, Ring Seal and Solvent
OHS 593622 and ISO 50001:2011 Certificate No. ENMS
Soil Systems have been rigorously tested by The British
Standards Institute and have been awarded their
prestigious Kitemark:
For CE DOP’s (Declaration of Performance), please refer to
our website at
All products are subject to continuous quality control
procedures and products manufactured to British
Standard Specifications are marked accordingly.
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