HDQoL Rash
HDQoL Rash
HDQoL Rash
Patient-Reported Outcomes
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Background: Although health-related quality of life is key for patients with long-term neurodegenerative conditions,
measuring this is less straightforward and complex in Huntington’s disease (HD).
Objectives: To refine and validate a fully patient-derived instrument, the Huntington’s Disease health-related Quality of Life
questionnaire (HDQoL), and to elucidate health domains that are meaningful to patients’ lived experience.
Methods: Five-hundred forty-one participants, from premanifest to end-stage disease, completed the HDQoL, together with
generic quality-of-life measures and in-person motor, cognitive, and behavioral assessments. The psychometric properties of
the HDQoL were examined using factor analysis and Rasch analysis.
Results: Four HDQoL domains emerged, reflecting the classical triad of HD features; they were Physical-Functional, Cognitive,
and 2 different behavioral aspects, that is, the Mood-Self domain and a distinct Worries domain. These domains clarify the
behavioral sequelae as experienced by patients, and all showed good to excellent internal consistency. Known-groups
analyses illustrated significant and graded changes in clinical assessments and corresponding HDQoL domains across
disease severity levels. Convergent and discriminant validity was demonstrated by the expected pattern of correlations
between specific HDQoL domains and corresponding domain-relevant clinical assessments as well as patient-reported
measures. The data demonstrate robust support for the refined HDQoL across disease stages.
Conclusions: The HDQoL, with its 2 distinct behavioral domains of Mood-Self and Worries as well as the Physical-Functional
and Cognitive domains, is a relevant, reliable, and valid patient-derived instrument to measure the impact of HD across all
severity stages.
Keywords: Huntington’s disease, patient-reported outcome, presymptomatic/preclinical Huntington’s disease, quality of life,
* Address correspondence to: Aileen K. Ho, PhD, School of Psychology and Clinical Language Sciences, University of Reading, Whiteknights Road, Reading, England
RG6 6AL, UK. Email: [email protected]
1098-3015/$36.00 - see front matter Copyright ª 2019, ISPOR–The Professional Society for Health Economics and Outcomes Research. Published by Elsevier Inc.
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capture the impact of living with HD. Data from our studies4,5 and Motor Score motor examination (high scores indicate poorer
others6,7 provide indications that generic scales are unlikely to function), Total Functional Capacity assessment of everyday
comprehensively capture the true impact of living with all aspects function in 5 domains (low scores indicate poorer function), Total
of a medically complex condition such as HD, which has Functional Assessment 25-item checklist of functional task
profound genetic and psychological ramifications. Although there domains (low scores indicate poorer function), and Independence
has been some HD-specific work,8–11 there is still need for a Scale 0-100 score (low scores indicate poorer function and greater
psychometrically robust and fully patient-derived instrument that dependency). Measures of cognitive performance used were
comprehensively captures and measures the full impact of HD in psychomotor tasks that tap executive function, namely, verbal
patients’ lives. (letter/phonemic) fluency,16 Stroop color naming, word reading,
The Huntington’s Disease health-related Quality of Life interference condition,17 and the Symbol Digit Modalities Test.18
questionnaire (HDQoL) has been generated directly from The scoring and interpretation of these measures and of those
in-depth individual interviews11,12 with patients representing described later herein are summarized in Appendix 1 in
the full spectrum of HD from presymptomatic to late stage. Supplemental Materials found at https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jval.201
Feedback on the pertinence of these initial interview items was 9.01.016.
obtained from 281 people across Europe and Canada with The most common neuropsychiatric symptoms in HD were
different levels of HD severity, including presymptomatic and determined via semistructured interviews of patients (with
at-risk individuals. The resultant 40-item HDQoL was shown to partners acting as informants where present) by a clinician, using
be a reliable instrument with high test-retest correlation the 11-item short version of the Problem Behaviours Assessment
coefficients of 0.7 and higher for all domains.11,13 Development Scale (PBA-s).19 The more robust severity (rather than frequency)
of the HDQoL was therefore fully driven by patients from the scores20 on a 5-point scale were used, with higher scores
ground up to allow concepts to emerge from patients’ views, so indicating poorer outcome.
that each domain and each item are directly relevant to the Health-related quality of life was measured using 2 generic
lived HD experience and perspective. This facilitated maximal scales, the short form 36 health survey (SF-36)21 and the 3-level
capture of relevant health concepts for a fully coherent and EuroQol 5-dimensional questionnaire (EQ-5D).22 The SF-36 has
patient-derived framework that is consistent with the been validated in HD5 and contains 36 items that contribute to 2
patient-centered Food and Drug Administration requirements summary scales, the physical summary score and the mental
for patient-reported outcomes.14 The strong patient-focused summary score, on a 0 to 100 scale, with 100 being no impairment
ethos and extensive multinational representation in its and 0 being severe impairment; scores are standardized using a
development set the HDQoL apart as a patient-reported health norm-based mean of 50 and standard deviation of 10, with
outcome measure that truly represents the patient perspective higher scores indicating better health-related quality of life. The
in clinical trials and intervention studies. 3-level EQ-5D is a generic measure that comprises 5 questions
In this article, we present a large-scale psychometric evalua- on mobility, self-care, usual activities, pain/discomfort, and
tion of the HDQoL to validate its use in patients across the full psychological status using a 3-point scale and generates a
spectrum of disease, and to comprehensively capture the summary index (0-1, where 1 is best).
consequences of living with this disease. The HDQoL11 (see www.hdqol.info) is a disease-specific
patient-reported outcome measure developed directly from
interviews with patients with HD.12 Therefore, each item
comprises a relevant aspect of health-related quality of life for
Methods which participants provide a self-reported response on a Likert
scale. Initial pilot work suggested that the HDQoL items could be
Participants clustered into 3 overarching primary factors (ie, Primary Physical
This cross-sectional multicenter study involved a total of 541 and Cognitive, Primary Emotions and Self, and Primary Services)
English-speaking individuals living with HD. They were recruited or into 6 more specific scales (ie, Specific Physical and Functional,
through 29 UK centers of the European Huntington’s Disease Specific Cognitive, Specific Hopes and Worries, Specific Mood
Network REGISTRY observational study and also directly through 6 State, Specific Self and Vitality, and Specific Services). On each of
care homes in the United Kingdom. In addition to family history these scales, scoring was on 0 to 100 scales, with higher scores
records, 93.2% of the participants had cytosine adenine guanine indicating better health-related quality of life.
(CAG) repeat information regarding individual HD genetic status
confirming HD diagnosis. Process
Participants comprised individuals with at-risk (n = 14) and
gene-positive presymptomatic status (n = 158) as well as patients Building on initial pilot work,11 the objective was to obtain data
with clinically manifest motor symptoms spanning the full trajectory from a large representative sample of patients with HD to carry
of HD severity, from Stage 1 (ie, total functional capacity [TFC] 11-13; out a robust validation of the HDQoL, using both factor analysis
n = 80), Stage 2 (ie, TFC 7-10; n = 142), Stage 3 (ie, TFC 3-6; n = 106), and Rasch analysis.23 This combination of analytic approaches
and Stages 4 and 5 (ie, TFC 0-2; n = 40), and 1 participant without provides information to enable the scale domains to undergo a full
this information recorded. Of the 541 participants, 280 (51.8%) psychometric evaluation and to be refined as appropriate. All
were female patients, 238 (44.0%) were married or living with a factor analyses were carried out using the MPlus 6 computer
partner, and 107 (19.8%) were in paid employment. The mean age software (Muthén & Muthén, Los Angeles, California),24 and all
was 50.1 6 12.6 years, and the mean number of expanded CAG Rasch analyses were carried out with the RUMM2030 computer
repeat size was 43.2 6 4.5, ranging from 17 to 70 repeats. software (Perth, Western Australia).25 Rasch analysis is based on a
unidimensional mathematical model, used to evaluate the
legitimacy of summing items to generate measurements in logit
units.25 The difference between observed raw scores and the
The clinician-rated Unified Huntington’s Disease Rating Scale15 Rasch model estimated measurement indicates the extent of
was used in this study, including the following sections: Total nonlinearity in the ordinal raw score.26 Rasch analysis was used
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within each domain to evaluate response category structure, 0.048), as presented in Table 1. Within this model, 2 of the items
individual item fit, overall scale fit and reliability, relative appeared to be loading as a “bloated specific,” which occurs when
item-person distribution (targeting), response dependency, highly dependent items, which are often paraphrases of each
unidimensionality, and item group bias (differential item other, appear to look like a separate factor, but are really just a
functioning [DIF]) by age, sex, education level, and marital display of specific variance.30,31 This bloated specific was a single
status.27,28 factor containing mainly items 33 (Irritated) and 34 (Temper).
For known-groups validity, we expected synchrony between These items were therefore grouped, on a conceptual basis, with
HDQoL domains and the corresponding clinical measures used, the factor representing the “Mood and Self” set of items.
where both would reduce with increasing disease severity levels. The final result to progress onto the next stage was 4 sets of
items representing 4 domains that contribute toward the quality
of life of a patient with HD: “Physical-Functional,” “Cognitive,”
Results “Mood-Self,” and “Worries.”
In addition, “Services” is identified as a potential domain, but
Scale Descriptive Data this should be treated as distinctly separate from the rest of the
Data regarding scale completion time were available for 359 domains because service provision is not a property of the
patients. Among these, the mean completion time was 22.6 6 17.9 individual.
minutes and the median was 18 minutes (interquartile range
10-30), with a range of 2 to 120 minutes, where late-stage patients Rasch Analysis
were allowed breaks throughout the questionnaire. When
Rasch analysis for each HDQoL domain is presented herein,
examined by disease stages, the full 40-item HDQoL was
with preliminary and final domain fit statistics presented in
completed, on average, in 11.6 minutes for at-risk/presymptomatic
Table 2 for each domain.
participants and 22.4 minutes for Stage 1, 24.7 minutes for Stage 2,
27.2 minutes for Stage 3, and 36.4 minutes for Stages 4 and 5
Physical domain
patients. All items reported excellent completion rates. The item
In the Physical domain analysis, the 12 HDQoL items were
with the largest amount of missing data was item 6 (Hobby),
initially included. There was some misfit at the overall scale level and
which recorded a nonresponse rate of 2.8%.
the individual-item level, although the item set did display evidence
of unidimensionality. In addition, at this initial stage all items
Analysis—Scale Refinement displayed disordered thresholds. The final item set was obtained
Initially, a confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was carried out to after the rescoring of all items and the removal of 2 items displaying
test the original factorial structure(s) as proposed by the pilot large underdiscrimination item misfit (item 5: Had difficulty
work. The Primary Scale Structure (3 factors) was not fully maintaining your weight; and item 11: Got tired easily). Within this
supported, with the 3-factor model displaying a root mean square final item set of 10, a degree of dependency was still present, which
error of approximation (RMSEA) of 0.10, a c2 P value of less than was subsequently accounted for through a subtest procedure.32
.001, a comparative fit index (CFI) of 0.93, and a Tucker-Lewis
index (TLI) of 0.92. Additional error correlations were included Cognitive domain
to account for the dependency within each factor, but the The Cognitive domain analysis started with 12 items. Initially,
structure was still not fully supported (RMSEA 0.08; c2 P value there was some misfit at the overall scale level and the
,.001; CFI 0.96; TLI 0.95). individual-item level, all but 1 of the items displayed disordered
The Specific Scale Structure (6 factors) fared slightly better, thresholds, and the item set also displayed some evidence of a lack
with the 6-factor model displaying an RMSEA of 0.08, a c2 P value of unidimensionality. The final item set of 8 was obtained after the
of less than .001, a CFI of 0.94, and a TLI of 0.94. Additional error removal of 4 items (item 11: Tired; item 12: Sleep; item 21:
correlations were included to account for the dependency within Remember date; and item 26: Get on with life). Items 11, 12, and
each factor, but the structure was still not fully supported (RMSEA 26 were initially cross-loading items (exploratory factor analysis
0.07; c2 P value ,.001; CFI 0.96; TLI 0.96). factor loadings in more than 1 domain), and within the cognitive
Each individual domain subscale was also assessed, in both the set, these 3 items were all clear anomalies, displaying an
3- and 6-factor structures. Within this analysis, very few subscales underdiscrimination misfit. Item 21 (Remember date) was
were fully supported by the results of the CFA, and a lot of error removed because of both an underdiscrimination misfit and a
correlation was necessary to account for apparent dependency. In dependency with item 18 (Everyday memory), and a problematic
addition, the Primary Physical and Cognitive Function Scale interaction between these issues. One significant dependency was
immediately fractured into the 2 elements of “Physical” and accounted for through combining items 13 and 14 into a subtest
“Cognitive.” while retaining all other items individually.
Because the CFA did not fully support the early scale structures
arising from the pilot work, an exploratory factor analysis was Mood-Self domain
carried out to provide guidance as to the likely number of relevant The Mood-Self domain analysis started with 11 items. Initially,
factors (domains) within the item set, and how these aligned with there was some misfit at the overall scale level and the
the conceptual underpinning of the item set on the basis of the individual-item level and 7 of the 11 items displayed disordered
conceptual framework offered by the International Classification thresholds, although the item set did display evidence of
of Functioning, Disability, and Health.29 This analysis was based on unidimensionality. The final item set of 6 was obtained after the
a polychoric correlation matrix (to best account for the ordinal rescoring of all items and the removal of 3 items (item 26: Get on
polytomous items) using a promax rotation. with life; item 30: Personal wishes; and item 34: Temper). Item 34
The alignment of the statistical and conceptual models served (Temper) was removed because of a large underdiscrimination
as a guide to allow for the identification of the potential misfit and a large dependency with item 33 (Irritated), and a
constituent items of each individual domain. The basis of this was problematic interaction between these issues. Items 26 (Get on with
the exploratory factor analysis model with 6 factors (RMSEA life) and 30 (Personal wishes) were both removed because of large
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Item HDQoL item Physical- Cognitive Worries Mood-Self Mood-Self “bloated Services
descriptor Functional specific” subfactor
1 Carrying things 0.77
2 Balance 0.83
3 Walking 0.96
4 Jobs around the house 0.78
5 Weight 0.36
6 Hobby 0.55 0.33
7 Dressing 0.90
8 Swallowing 0.65
9 Eating 0.80
10 Operate television 0.74
27 Independence 0.58 0.35
13 Multitask 0.30 0.67
14 Slow 0.29 0.68
15 Use words 0.61
16 Concentration 0.77
17 Decision making 0.85
18 Everyday memory 0.75
19 Organize day 0.73
20 Follow conversation 0.57
21 Remember date 0.62 0.21
26 Get on with life 0.22 0.65
24 Hope 0.34 0.55
25 Motivation 0.45 0.51
28 Confidence 0.31 0.56
29 Low mood 0.62 0.27
30 Personal wishes 0.73
31 Role in family 0.58
33 Irritated 0.20 0.70
34 Temper 0.95
35 Socialize 0.35 0.28
37 Support 0.18 0.52
11 Tired 0.35 0.34 0.19
12 Sleep 0.37 0.34
22 HD family worry 0.84
23 HD worry 0.93
32 Financial concerns 0.28 0.23
36 Others’ attitude to HD 0.25 0.37
38 Services for HD 0.87
39 Management of HD 0.88
40 Information on HD 0.82
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Note. Rasch analysis summary results for the separate Services domain are presented in Appendix 2 in Supplemental Materials found at https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jval.2
CI indicates confidence interval; HDQoL, Huntington’s Disease health-related Quality of Life questionnaire; PSI, person separation index; SD, standard deviation.
evidence of unidimensionality, although at this stage all items the interaction of the age of the patients and the pattern of disease
displayed disordered thresholds. The final item set remained the progression.
same, but all items were rescored, and the optimal approach to
account for the dependency within the domain was to combine all Psychometric Data
the items within 2 subsets: items 11, 12, and 32 (Tired, Sleep, and The psychometric properties of the HDQoL were found to be
Financial concerns) were combined into 1 subtest, and items 22, acceptable, as presented in Table 3. Because the sample included
23, and 36 (HD family worry, HD worry, and Other’s attitude to presymptomatic participants, the slightly elevated ceiling effect
HD) were combined into the other subtest. for the Physical and Cognitive domains was consistent with this.
All the domain standard error of the mean percentage values were
Services domain 10.25% or lower, indicating a minimal difference between
A small set of items regarding services was identified in the observed scores and likely true scores.
exploratory factor analysis as a separate Services factor, because
this arose directly from previous qualitative work indicating that Convergent and Divergent Validity
this was relevant and important to patients’ health-related quality
Spearman correlations between the HDQoL dimensions and
of life. Because there were only 3 items (see items 38, 39, and 40 in
generic quality of life and clinical assessments are presented in
Table 1), the level of analysis was restricted compared with the
Table 4. The HDQoL Physical domain shows strong correlations
other domains. These items were primarily concerned with the
with the motor and functional clinical assessments as well as the
services that have been received by the individual, and therefore
motor-related elements of the SF-36 and the EQ-5D, relative to
contribute to a set of service level indicators. Furthermore, these
other nonmotor measures.
service-related items are extrinsic to patients and different from
The HDQoL Cognitive domain shows the expected correlations
the other 4 intrinsic HDQoL domains. Validation data on this
with the cognitive assessments performed, and because these
separate Services domain are presented in Appendix 1 in
cognitive assessments are not “pure” and encompass psychomotor
Supplemental Materials.
skills as well because of a dependence on a speech, oculomotor,
and/or upper limb motor response, there are strong correlations
with motor measures as well.
Differential Item Functioning
The HDQoL Mood-Self domain correlated most highly with the
Overall, for the final analysis stage of each domain, only 4 out SF-36 Mental Component Summary Score which includes
of 92 (4.3%) separate uniform DIF tests displayed evidence of some the Mental Health subscale containing items on mood and
DIF. emotions. The narrower HDQoL Worries domain representing
Although some evidence of DIF has been found, the extent and disease-related concerns also correlated with the SF-36 Mental
magnitude of the present DIF are unlikely to have any significant Component Summary Score (particularly the Vitality subscale) but
impact on any domain scores that are obtained. Throughout the to a slightly lesser extent. The HDQoL Mood-Self domain and to a
analysis, at the individual-item level the entire item set is very lesser extent the Worries domain also show higher correlations
stable among different sexes, educational levels, and marital with relevant items from the PBA such as depressed mood,
status groups, with the only real potential issues arising through anxiety, irritability, and apathy as well as the EQ-5D anxiety/
potential bias caused by age. Nevertheless, it could be argued that depression item, relative to other motor or cognitive measures.
DIF-by-age may always be present within this sample because of Although these 2 domains are conceptually and statistically
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Scale N Mean 6 SD Median Percentiles Skewness Range Minimum Maximum Floor Ceiling Cronbach SEM 1.96 3
0-100 effect effect a (taken SEM
scores Valid Missing 25 50 75 (0-10 on (90-100 from
(higher total on total raw
score = score) score) scores)
Physical- 541 0 66.77 6 21.07 62.97 51.15 62.97 81.94 0.05 93.69 6.31 100 0.2% 15.9% 0.92 9.18 18.00
Cognitive 528 13 62.91 6 20.74 61.55 49.98 61.55 76.09 20.04 100 0 100 1.3% 15.0% 0.94 7.18 14.08
Mood-Self 526 15 61.74 6 18.02 59.25 50.8 59.25 70.41 0.21 100 0 100 0.4% 7.8% 0.89 7.43 14.56
Worries 535 6 61.23 6 15.81 59.92 50.67 59.92 68.96 20.06 100 0 100 0.4% 3.7% 0.79 10.25 20.08
Note. Rasch analysis summary results for the separate Services domain are presented in Appendix 2 in Supplemental Materials found at https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jval.2
HDQoL indicates Huntington’s Disease health-related Quality of Life questionnaire; QOL, quality of life; SD, standard deviation; SEM, standard error of the mean.
related (rs = 0.73; P,.010), the nature of the worry-specific items domains that reflect patients’ lived experience (ie, Physical-
in the HDQoL Worries domain captures an underlying concern Functional, Cognitive, Mood-Self, and Worries). The separate
about disease impact that is a more specific and distinct element Services domain is an external aspect that reflects patients’
of patient health, and this is reflected in the lower correlations ongoing navigation of the health system.
with general behavioral measures relative to the broader The 4 HDQoL domains strongly reflect the classical clinical
Mood-Self domain. Consistently, the more discrete Worries triad of HD features, with the physical, cognitive, and behavioral
domain was also slightly less strongly correlated with the aspects represented. The latter is construed as 2 distinct domains,
Cognitive (rs = 0.66; P,.010) and Physical (rs = 0.59; P,.010) Mood-Self and Worries, which also map on to well-recognized
domains than was the broader Mood-Self domain (rs = 0.76, psychological constructs of mood, self-esteem, as well as worry
P,.010 and rs = 0.61, P,.010, respectively). and anxiety. These 2 psychological domains delineate the
Overall, the aforementioned pattern of correlations is in line different behavioral aspects of HD from the patient perspective in
with expectations showing appropriate convergent and divergent the context of living with a complex and progressive long-term
validity for the HDQoL. Interestingly, although there were condition. The natural emergence of this classical triad within
generally strong correlations between the global/general scores the HDQoL reflects the strength of the fully patient-derived
with the Physical-Functional domain, and to a lesser extent also heritage of the HDQoL, and its simultaneous relevance to care
the Cognitive domain, this was not so much the case for the from both patient and clinician perspectives.
Mood-Self and Worries domains, suggesting both the distinctness Within the HDQoL, DIF was largely absent across domains, and
and importance of tapping these more psychological HDQoL where it was manifest, such as age, it made sense at a conceptual
domains directly. level, with its link to progression, and therefore to correct for this
DIF may not actually be optimal to the measurement process.33
Construct Validity The small Services domain is a somewhat separate and
external element of the HDQoL. Nevertheless, because healthcare
Known-groups analysis was conducted to examine HDQoL
and management were nonetheless relevant factors in the
domain scores when participants were separated into different
experience of the patients’ disease journey in the underpinning
severity quartiles or levels on the basis of key clinical assessments
qualitative work, this domain can be used for information to get
(ie, Unified Huntington’s Disease Rating Scale Total Motor Score,
an indication of care and service evaluation. It may have value as a
cognitive verbal fluency total correct score, and PBA-s depressed
useful moderator for any model, because the extent of services
mood severity score and PBA-s anxiety severity score). One-way
may influence outcome.
analyses of variance showed that participants in different
In a disease such as HD where impairment and loss cut across
quartiles and severity levels had significantly different HDQoL
the whole repertoire of human behavior, the importance of a fully
domain scores (Table 5). There were significant Tukey pairwise
patient-derived instrument consistent with Food and Drug
comparisons between levels of severity, such that poorer motor,
Administration patient-reported outcome measure guidance14
verbal fluency, and PBA-s scores corresponded with poorer HDQoL
becomes even more crucial. To be relevant, the content and
scores on the relevant domains, thereby demonstrating robust
structure of a scale must stem from the unique perspective of
known-groups validity.
patients, drawing from their everyday lived experience. Each and
every item within the refined HDQoL domains originated directly
Discussion from the experience of patients living in the complex and
multifaceted shadow of HD. It was also important to use clinical
Data from this study demonstrate a robust validation of the measures to validate HD-specific scales using a large sample of
refined HDQoL in a large sample of genetically verified patients patients across the full trajectory of disease at a higher level of
with HD spanning the full trajectory of disease stages. The granularity, to fully capture the impact of disease. In addition, use
substantial body of data from this psychometric evaluation of the Rasch measurement model and robust evidence of the
allowed for a definitive consolidation and refinement of the validity and reliability presented here supports the value and
putative HDQoL structure,11 revealing 4 clear and meaningful meaningfulness of the HDQoL scores. It is for these reasons the
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Table 4. Spearman correlations between HDQoL dimensions, clinical and questionnaire measures.
Note. All correlations are statistically significant at P , .010, except where indicated otherwise. Rasch analysis summary results for the separate Services domain are
presented in Appendix 2 in Supplemental Materials found at https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jval.2019.01.016.
EQ-5D indicates EuroQol 5-dimensional questionnaire; HDQoL, Huntington’s Disease health-related Quality of Life questionnaire; MCS, mental component score;
PBA, Problem Behaviours Assessment; PCS, physical component score; QOL, quality of life; SF-36, short form 36 health survey; UHDRS, Unified Huntington’s Disease
Rating Scale.
*Nonsignificant at .010 , P , .050.
Nonsignificant at P , .050.
HDQoL has advantages and provides a more direct and germane psychoemotional aspects of (and anticipation of) decades of life
measurement of health-related quality of life in HD. with a degenerative condition as understood by patients. The
When HD genetic testing uptake remains the exception rather Worries domain taps into specific concerns about the health
than the norm, contrary to initial expectations, there is no valid impact on patients’ lives and families, and is indeed separable,
replacement for confidentially disclosed patients’ experiences in a though related to the more emotionally oriented and
complicated and all-encompassing disease such as HD. Especially self-reflective elements of their experience of life with HD as
where changes in cognition and psychological emotion regulation captured by the Mood-Self domain. These 2 domains provide a
are part and parcel of the disease, this phenomenological better understanding and conceptualization of psychological
experience is most authentically elicited using individual aspects that patients can identify with and serve to inform
interviews conducted in the privacy of patients’ homes to approaches to person-centered therapy and care. They also have a
allow for free expression of personal experiences that are clear clinical resonance and implications for care, monitoring and
uncontaminated by external influences.34 Non–HD-specific items, intervention.
general HD focus group discussions, theoretical discourse, clinical The 4 key HDQoL domains provide a meaningful profile of
judgment, or academic analysis cannot really provide a substitute scores that cover the triad of HD symptomatology as perceived by
for the actual words and expressions embodied in the HDQoL, the patient. Although this profile reflects the multidimensional
which were derived from authentic individually elicited firsthand concept of health-related quality of life and allows for measuring
accounts of living with HD. These direct accounts anchor the discrete areas, this also means the absence of an overall composite
HDQoL11,12 and provide a strong basis to elucidate the complex score. Another practical limitation of this UK-wide study means
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Table 5. Mean HDQoL domain scores for different quartiles or levels of clinical measures demonstrating known-groups validity.
Note. For the HDQoL (0-100) and verbal fluency scores, higher scores are better; for the UHDRS Total Motor Score and PBA-s scores, higher scores indicate poorer
HDQoL indicates Huntington’s Disease health-related Quality of Life questionnaire; PBA-s, short version of the Problem Behaviour Assessment; UHDRS, Unified
Huntington’s Disease Rating Scale.
*Significant Tukey pairwise comparisons (P,.050) between quartile 1 and quartile 2 (or between absent and slight).
Significant Tukey pairwise comparisons (P,.050) between quartile 1 and quartile 3 (or between absent and mild).
Significant Tukey pairwise comparisons (P,.050) between quartile 1 and quartile 4 (or between absent and moderate/severe).
Significant Tukey pairwise comparisons (P,.050) between quartile 2 and quartile 3 (or between slight and mild).
Significant Tukey pairwise comparisons (P,.050) between quartile 2 and quartile 4 (or between slight and moderate/severe).
Significant Tukey pairwise comparisons (P,.050) between quartile 3 and quartile 4 (or between mild and moderate/severe).
that future work beyond this sample would be helpful to Busse, Cynthia Butcher, Jenny Callaghan, Stephen Dunnett, Catherine
strengthen the applicability of the HDQoL more globally. The Clenaghan, Ruth Fullam, Sarah Hunt, Lesley Jones, Una Jones, Hanan Khalil,
Sara Minster, Michael Owen, Kathleen Price, Jenny Townhill, Anne Rosser
strengths of the study include the representation across severity
[Schools of Medicine and Biosciences, Cardiff University, Cardiff]; David
levels, including later stage patients up to Stage 5 who were in Goudie, Lindsay Buchanan, Paula McFadyen, Alison Tonner, Anne-Marie
care homes, and also the clinical measures used to establish the Taylor [Scottish Huntington’s Association, Ninewells Hospital, Dundee];
validity of the HDQoL. Maureen Edwards, Carrie Ho (Scottish Huntington’s Association), Marie
McGill, Mary Porteous, Pauline Pearson [SE Scotland Genetic Service,
Western General Hospital, Edinburgh]; Timothy Harrower, Sarah Irvine
Conclusions [Department of Neurology Royal Devon and Exeter Foundation Trust
Hospital, Exeter]; Peter Brockie, Jillian Foster, Nicola Johns, Sue McKenzie,
This study provides robust psychometric support for the Jean Rothery, Gareth Thomas, Shona Yates [Scottish Huntington’s Associ-
refined HDQoL across disease stages, showing that it is fit for ation Whyteman’s Brae Hospital, Fife]; Catherine Deith, Jane Ireland, Stuart
Ritchie [Glasgow HD Management Clinic, Southern General Hospital,
purpose in measuring the impact of disease in patients’ lives in a
Glasgow]; Pauline Brown, Liz Burrows, Amy Fletcher, Alison Harding, Kaye
meaningful way. This underpins its suitability for use in clinical Harrison, Fiona Laver, Mark Silva, Aileen Thomson [Department of
intervention trials, where any effects on the triad of HD symptoms Neurology Gloucestershire Royal Hospital, Gloucester]; Carol Chu, Carole
can be investigated from the patients’ perspective to examine the Evans, Deena Gallentree, Stephanie Hamer, Alison Kraus, Ivana Markova,
felt impact on patients’ lives. In this way, patients’ perspectives Ashok Raman, Liz Rowett [Castle Hill Hospital, Hull]; Alyson Andrew, Julie
can more formally contribute to decision making in clinical Frost, Rupert Noad [Millaton Court, Launceston]; Jeremy Cosgrove, Deena
Gallantree, Stephanie Hamer, Emma Hobson, Stuart Jamieson, Alison
management and care to promote a more person-centered
Kraus, Mandy Longthorpe, Ivana Markova, Hannah Musgrave, Caroline
approach in HD. Peacy, Ashok Raman, Liz Rowett, Jean Toscano, Sue Wild, Pam Yardumian
[Department of Clinical Genetics, Chapel Allerton Hospital, Leeds]; Carole
Clayton, Heather Dipple, Dawn Freire-Patino, Caroline Hallam, Julia Mid-
Acknowledgments dleton [Leicestershire Partnership Trust, Mill Lodge, Leicester]; Sundus
Alusi, Rhys Davies, Kevin Foy, Emily Gerrans, Louise Pate [Walton Centre
We thank the participants and families involved in this study for their for Neurology and Neurosurgery, Liverpool]; Uruj Anjum, Jan Coebergh,
participation. We also thank the European Huntington’s Disease Network Charlotte Eddy, Nayana Lahiri, Meriel McEntagart, Michael Patton, Maria
UK centers (Lorna Downie, Roisin Jack, Kirsty Matheson, Zosia Miedzy- Peterson, Sarah Rose [St Georges Hospital, London]; Thomasin Andrews,
brodzka, Daniela Rae, Sheila A. Simpson, Fiona Summers, Alexandra Ure, Andrew Dougherty, Charlotte Golding, Fred Kavalier, Hana Laing, Alison
Vivien Vaughan [NHS Grampian Clinical Genetics Centre and the University Lashwood, Dene Robertson, Deborah Ruddy, Alastair Santhouse, Anna
of Aberdeen, Aberdeen]; Shahbana Akhtar, Jenny Crooks, Adrienne Curtis, Whaite [Guy’s Hospital, London]; Thomasin Andrews, Stefanie Gosling (nee
Jenny de Souza (Keylock), John Piedad, Hugh Rickards, Jan Wright Brown), Stefania Bruno, Elvina Chu, Karen Doherty, Charlotte Golding,
[Department of Psychiatry, The Barberry Centre, Birmingham]; Elizabeth Salman Haider, Davina Hensman, Nayana Lahiri, Monica Lewis, Marianne
Coulthard, Louise Gethin, Beverley Hayward, Kasia Sieradzan, Abigail Novak, Aakta Patel, Nicola Robertson, Elisabeth Rosser, Sarah Tabrizi,
Wright [North Bristol NHS Trust, Southmead Hospital, Bristol]; Roger A. Rachel Taylor, Thomas Warner, Edward Wild [The National Hospital for
Barker, Deidre O’Keefe, Anna Gerrtiz (nee Di Pietro), Kate Fisher, Anna Neurology and Neurosurgery, London]; Natalie Arran, Judith Bek, Jenny
Goodman, Susan Hill, Sarah Mason, Rachel Swain, Natalie Valle Guzman Callaghan, David Craufurd, Ruth Fullam, Marianne Hare, Liz Howard, Susan
[Cambridge Centre for Brain Repair, Forvie Site, Cambridge]; Monica Huson, Liz Johnson, Mary Jones, Ashok Krishnamoorthy, Helen Murphy,
Descargado para Anonymous User (n/a) en Community of Madrid Ministry of Health de ClinicalKey.es por Elsevier en septiembre 29, 2022. Para
uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2022. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
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