Pearson - Aimsweb Assessment Instrument Description - CO
Pearson - Aimsweb Assessment Instrument Description - CO
Pearson - Aimsweb Assessment Instrument Description - CO
When? How How frequently the instrument Benchmarking is designed to inform instruction to improve achievement. Benchmarks
frequently? can be administered in a school are established three times per year for all students, based on established school and
year, and recommended or district windows. The school district determines the screening periods, depending on
required administration the local school schedule, but two-week windows generally are recommended during
windows. • The first four weeks of school
• The midpoint of the year (around the eighth week of school)
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• The last four weeks of school.
Strategic Monitor provides schools with the option to increase assessment frequency
for students who have been identified as “struggling,” or minimally at-risk in the
Benchmark process – or for all students, if desired. Increasing assessment frequency
provides more opportunity to evaluate the effectiveness of instructional changes and
to verify struggling student achievement levels or to confirm there is no degeneration
of progress in minimally at-risk students.
Progress Monitor is a continuous assessment and improvement system designed
specifically for frequent assessment and monitoring of at-risk students, including those
receiving Title I services, or those identified with a learning disability or other special
Content Area (s) Content area or areas being aimsweb offers assessments in each of the following areas:
assessed. • Early Literacy (English and Spanish)
• Reading (English and Spanish)
• Written Expression
• Spelling
Learning Specific learning objectives Early Literacy
Objectives being assessed, at as detailed a Letter Naming Fluency Student says the names of visually presented letters;
level as is provided. This may number of corrects are scored
be "topics" or categories or Letter Sound Fluency Student says the sounds of visually presented letter;
may be actual learning number of corrects are scored
objective statements. Phoneme Segmentation Student hears orally-presented words and says their
component phonemes. The score is the number of
segments said correctly in one minute.
Nonsense Word Fluency Student says the sounds of visually presented non-real
words; number of corrects are scored
MIDE (Spanish Early Literacy)
Letter Naming Fluency Student says the names of visually presented letters;
number of corrects are scored
Letter Sound Fluency Student says the sounds of visually presented letter;
number of corrects are scored
Syllable Segmentation Student identifies the specific syllables in orally
Fluency presented words; number of corrects
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Syllable Reading Fluency Student reads CV syllables presented visually; number
of corrects are scored
Syllable / Word Spelling Student writes CV syllables (K) or primary vocabulary
words (Grade 1) as prescribed orally; correct letter
sequences and number of correctly spelled
syllables/words are scored
Reading (English)
Reading-CBM Oral reading of a grade-appropriate narrative fiction
passage of 150 to 400 words. For screening, three
probes are administered. The final score is the median
score on the three probes. The score for a probe is the
number of words read correctly; the number of errors
is also recorded.
Development: The oral reading passages are derived
from narrative fiction passages carefully written and
tested with students to ensure that the passages within
each grade level are similar in difficulty.
Reading (Spanish)
Spanish Reading-CBM Student reads passage aloud; number of words read
correctly are scored.
Spanish MAZE A multiple-choice cloze task that students complete
while reading silently. The first sentence of the 150-400
word passage is left intact. Thereafter, every 7th word
is replaced with three words inside parentheses, from
which the student selects the correct word. The # of
corrects are scored.
The passages are the same as those used for R-CBM.
Written Expression
Written Expression CBM Student hears a “story starter” and has four minutes to
write a narrative (one minute of mental preparation
and three minutes of writing).
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Three scores may be obtained: Total Words Written;
number of Correct Writing Sequences (adjacent words
that are correct in meaning, syntax, grammar, spelling,
and mechanics); and Words Spelled Correctly.”. 1-8
Spelling CBM The student writes dictated words presented at 10-
second (grades 1 and 2) or 7-second (grades 3-8)
intervals. Two score may be obtained: Word Spelled
Correctly, and Correct Letter Sequences
Individual The scores provided at the Student Level Reports include:
Metrics individual (student) level. Benchmark - For benchmark screening data, individual student scores for fall, winter,
and spring are displayed in conjunction with the score distribution for a selected
reference group, which is represented using a “box and whiskers” format.
Screening results can be interpreted through both criterion-referenced and norm-
referenced methods.
• A criterion-referenced interpretation compares a student’s scores with designated
scores that indicate a good likelihood of academic success. The criterion scores may be
based on expert judgment or on an empirical demonstration of the relationship
between the screening score and a positive outcome.
• A norm-referenced interpretation compares a student’s score with the scores of
other students in a local or national reference group of students in the same grade
tested on the same measure at the same time of year. aimsweb provides norm-
referenced information in the form of a percentile, that is, the percentage of students
in the reference group who scored below a particular score. On this scale, a score at
the 50th percentile is average (higher than half the students in the norm sample), the
10th percentile is very low, and the 90th percentile is very high. Both national and local
(school and/or district) percentile norms are provided by aimsweb.
Progress Monitor - Students who are identified as at-risk in the screening process are
progress monitored. Educators carry out interventions, establish goals, and monitor
progress to measure the effectiveness of instructional changes and progress towards
the goal. Progress monitoring in aimsweb supports reassessing the student as needed,
up to once per week. aimsweb progress monitoring assessments are sensitive to small
changes in performance allowing educators to make decisions on intervention changes
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in a timely manner. If the student’s rate of improvement is not sufficient to meet the
goal, the educator introduces a new intervention—which is noted on the chart as a
vertical line and documented in the report narrative—and a new rate of improvement
is calculated for that intervention. Individual student progress monitor reports offer
significant detail for educators.
The table above (in our response to Learning Objectives) provides some information on
scores for each assessment. The Scoring and Administration Manuals provide detailed
more detailed information.
Individual Information provided regarding Student results are provided in a score for each measure by screening period (F, W, S).
Comparison how good is good enough Information provided at the individual student level for the measures includes
Points (cut performance on the Raw scores
scores) instrument. Comparison National Percentile
information should be available Lexile (for certain measures only)
for every individual metric. Rate of Improvement
This may be performance level o Student Rate of Improvement
ratings with specific cut scores. o National Rate of Improvement
o Student Growth percentile
For progress monitoring on individual measures the following are reported:
Raw score
Goal rate of improvement
Trend rate of improvement
Aimline (a line connecting the baseline score to the goal score)
Student’s likelihood of meeting the performance goal by the goal date.
Scores obtained during universal screening can be interpreted using national or local
(school and/or district) percentile norms for that grade and screening period (fall,
winter, or spring). The national percentile norms are based on large, representative samples
of students. The AIMSweb system is able to provide local norms once a sufficient amount of
data has been entered. When generating group or individual reports, you may select to
show national norms, local norms, or both. Some of the reports for R–CBM and Reading
Maze also provide Lexile® measures that correspond to the AIMSweb raw scores. The
Lexile measure indicates text difficulty and reading ability. It enables educators to choose
books or other reading materials appropriate for a student—neither too easy to be
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challenging, nor too difficult to be comprehensible. For more detailed information, please
refer to the AIMSweb Introductory guide.
Aggregate Scores provided at the group Here is a list of the reporting screens available in the aimsweb.
Metrics level. The group could be a Student Individual Benchmark (several iterations)
grade level, school, district, or Student Individual Progress Monitoring
disaggregated groups (e.g. Teacher-level reports such as the Summary Report
race/ethnicity, gender, IEP Summary Reports at the class, grade, school, district, or state levels
status, FRL status) Specify the Subgroup Reports with disaggregated data
group(s) and the score(s) RTI Tier Reports
provided. ELL Profile Reports
Student Growth Percentile Reports
Longitudinal Data Reports
Aggregate Information provided regarding aimsweb recommends using the 15th and 45th national percentiles as follows:
Comparison how good is good enough
Points (cut performance at the group level. • Not On Track: ≤15th national percentile
scores) Vendor • Further assessment may be needed: 16th–45th national percentile
• On Track: >45th national percentile
Comparison CDE cut scores for requests to Based on the body of research on R-CBM and M-CAP, aimsweb researchers were able to
Points (CDE) reconsider. select default cut scores for Reading Maze, M-COMP, Written Expression, and Spelling.
When the researchers reviewed the percentile values of the R-CBM and M-CAP cut scores
on the new National Norms, they were struck by the high level of consistency of the
percentiles across grades, benchmark periods, and measures. For both measures, the 80%
Success Probability score was consistently close to the 45th percentile and the 50%
Success Probability score was consistently near the 15th percentile. For this reason,
aimsweb concluded that it would be reasonable to use those percentile values to set
default cut scores for other measures of reading, language arts, and math.
For Maze, M-COMP, Written Expression, and Spelling, the default cut scores should not be
interpreted as predictors of state test success, because they are not based on direct
empirical evidence involving scores on those measures. The rationale for these cut scores
is that if the lowest-scoring 15% of the national student population has consistently been
found to be at severe risk in reading and math, and the lowest-scoring 45% at moderate
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risk, then it is reasonable to use those percentages as a guide to the number of students
who should be identified as at-risk when using other measures. This method has the
benefit of being grounded in empirical research, rather than using theoretical or arbitrary
percentile cutoffs.
Alignment Information provided by the aimsweb measures have a crosswalk to the Common Core State Standards (CCSS)
vendor about alignment of this and to the learning standards for many individual states, including Colorado.
instrument to other
instruments, standards, etc.
Data Reports Description of data reports that Here is a list of the reporting screens available in the aimsweb.
are provided/available at the Student Individual Benchmark (several iterations)
individual and aggregate Student Individual Progress Monitoring
level(s). Teacher-level reports such as the Summary Report
Summary Reports at the class, grade, school, district, or state levels
Subgroup Reports with disaggregated data
RTI Tier Reports
ELL Profile Reports
Student Growth Percentile Reports
Longitudinal Data Reports
Technical The technical properties that are important for a given assessment depend on how
Quality educators will use and interpret the assessment. For assessment systems such as
aimsweb that employ general outcome measures (GOMs) for universal screening
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and progress monitoring, highly important technical properties include the
Equivalence of probe difficulty, within each grade level. A student’s
expected score should be the same regardless of which grade-level probe
is administered. This feature is important for Response to Intervention
(RTI) when progress monitoring so that the trend of scores across time will
not be unduly influenced by how the difficulty of probes varies.
Reliability of probe scores. Reliability refers to the consistency, or
repeatability, of scores. It may also be thought of as the degree to which
scores are free of measurement error. Two types of reliability are
particularly relevant to the aimsweb measures:
o Alternate-form reliability: The agreement between scores on
alternate forms (probes) administered relatively close together in
time. This type of reliability indicates how free the score is from
changes due to day-to-day fluctuations and from differences in the
specific content of the probes. (Note that if a measure has only one
probe, such as Oral Counting, then test–retest reliability indicates
consistency over time.)
o Interrater reliability: The agreement among scores calculated by
independent raters. This type of reliability is especially relevant when
scoring requires judgment.
Internal-consistency reliability (such as split-half or coefficient alpha) is generally not
suitable for aimsweb measures because they assess speed as well as accuracy, and
most students do not reach the end of the probe within the time limit.
Validity of probe scores. Validity refers to the accuracy of inferences made
from scores, such as, “This student is better at math calculation than about
40% of his or her peers,” or, “This student has a high probability of passing
the state reading test.” The inferences most often made from aimsweb
scores are based on assumptions about the probes’ content and on the
relationship of probe scores with external criteria.
o Content validity: The degree to which the test score measures the
designated knowledge/skill domain. Evidence of content validity is
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typically obtained by comparing item content with a curriculum or
with how well the tasks address the purported purpose of the
o Criterion validity: The relationship between test scores and a criterion,
such as success in an educational program or scores on other tests.
Two subtypes of criterion validity are often differentiated according to
the amount of time between the aimsweb administration and the
occurrence of the criterion:
Concurrent validity is the correlation of probe scores with
criterion data (e.g., another test) collected at the same time.
Predictive validity is the correlation of probe scores with a future
o Classification accuracy: An alternative means of expressing criterion
validity that is appropriate when there is interest in predicting a
dichotomous criterion (e.g., passing or not passing a state test). A cut
score on the predictor test (i.e., the aimsweb measure) is chosen such
that those who score at or above the cut score are considered likely to
pass the criterion, while those who score below the cut score are
likely to fail. A classification-accuracy analysis indicates how
frequently these expectations prove correct, and the results are
reported in a variety of statistics, including:
Sensitivity, which refers to the proportion of those students who
actually fail the criterion who score below the aimsweb cut score.
Specificity, which refers to the proportion of those students who
actually pass the criterion who score above the aimsweb cut score.
Area under the curve, a global indicator of the degree to which
the aimsweb measure correctly predicts the outcome on the
In addition to these technical characteristics of scores obtained at a single point in
time, there are technical properties related to a student’s rate of improvement
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(ROI, or slope) during progress monitoring. The standard error of measurement
(SEM) of the ROI is important to consider when making a decision about whether a
student’s progress is sufficient to reach the established goal. This SEM is a function
of the number and variability of the student’s scores and their time span. For
example, scores that closely follow a straight line across a wide span of time
produce a small ROI SEM. The average size of the ROI SEM relative to the total
amount of variability of the ROIs in a population of students indicates the
reliability of the ROI. Furthermore, the criterion validity of the ROI can be
evaluated by investigating whether students who show a faster rate of progress on
an aimsweb measure are likely to score higher on a criterion (after controlling for
the initial score level).
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