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Here's a breakdown of experiments and real-life applications for each of those:

Orifice: In fluid mechanics, an orifice is often used to measure the rate of fluid flow.

- Flow entering a culvert or storm drain inlet may act as orifice flow
- https://youtu.be/wNYvEHPAYtg?si=OePqjBcxui1ooA6u&t=282

- storm drain inlet may act as orifice flow

- the bottom outlet of a dam is another example.
- It's also used in experiments to demonstrate Bernoulli's principle, which states that an increase in the
speed of a fluid occurs simultaneously with a decrease in pressure.

Venturi: A Venturi tube is commonly used to measure the flow rate of fluids in pipes.

- It works based on the principle that as the velocity of a fluid increases, its pressure decreases.
- Examples include spray bottles, carburetors, water filters, flow meters in industries and musical
- https://youtu.be/Na9ORhYjvJU?si=G-tiSf4OW7u01W0E&t=138
- https://youtu.be/Na9ORhYjvJU?si=nu-hR0x_r-unGyKd&t=189

Nozzle: Nozzles are used to accelerate the fluid flow

- are common in various applications such as spray painting, firefighting, and propulsion systems like
rocket engines.
- https://youtu.be/hljZdY8SaLE?si=8qehXG4Gxx_9SrtF&t=92

Pitot Tube: A Pitot tube is used to measure the velocity of fluid flow, particularly in air and water.



- Pitot tubes are used in anemometers to measure airspeed in wind tunnels and aboard aircraft in flight;
they are also used to measure the flow of liquids (see flow meter).
- The pitot tube anemometer allows access through tiny openings to take measurements in small pipe
systems and other confined spaces. Stored measurement values can be recalled on the device itself or
on a computer. Data transfer to a computer is completed quickly and easily using a USB port.

Gates: Gates are used in hydraulic engineering for controlling the flow of fluids, such as water in dams and

- They are essential for managing water levels and preventing flooding.

Weirs: Weirs are structures placed across open channels to measure or control the flow of water. They typically
have a notch or opening through which water flows. By measuring the water level upstream of the weir,
engineers can calculate the flow rate using established equations specific to the type of weir being used. Weirs
are commonly used in various applications, such as water resource management, irrigation, and environmental


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