Energies 16 06439
Energies 16 06439
Energies 16 06439
The Research Agenda on Smart Grids: Foresights for
Social Acceptance
Hafize Nurgul Durmus Senyapar 1, *,† and Ramazan Bayindir 2,†
1 Gazi University Rectorate Quality Coordinator Office, Gazi University, Ankara 06560, Turkey
2 Faculty of Technology, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Gazi University,
Ankara 06560, Turkey; [email protected]
* Correspondence: [email protected]
† These authors contributed equally to this work.
Abstract: The “smart grid” (SG) refers to an advanced electricity grid system that possesses the
capability to effectively co-ordinate the activities of all its connected users, encompassing both energy
producers and consumers, with the primary objective of ensuring the provision of a reliable, cost-
effective, and environmentally sustainable electricity supply while also prioritizing security measures.
Research on the adoption of SG technology holds significant academic value as it addresses the
crucial issue of user resistance, which can impede or postpone the progress of SG initiatives. In this
paper, bibliographic data obtained from Web of Science and Scopus documents on SGs are analyzed
with two complementary methods of bibliometric and thematic analysis. The findings revealed that
academic production in the field is in step with renewable energy use but tends to diminish. The
authors, publications, and countries that shape the field have been identified. The in-depth thematic
analysis uncovered that safety concerns, artificial intelligence, and electric vehicles are the main areas
of study, and economic benefits are found to be more effective than environmental concerns in SG
technology’s social adoption. Studies and policies on SGs should consider the shift in consumer and
producer roles. By comprehensively examining the literature on the social aspects of SGs, which is an
oft-neglected area, this study aimed to provide researchers and policymakers with fresh perspectives
on how to expedite the adoption of this innovative technology, thereby facilitating the transition
towards a sustainable, environmentally conscious, and fair energy system.
Citation: Senyapar, H.N.D.; Bayindir, Keywords: bibliometric and thematic analysis; consumer behavior; energy management; prosumers;
R. The Research Agenda on Smart public acceptance; social adoption of smart grids
Grids: Foresights for Social
Acceptance. Energies 2023, 16, 6439.
sector, leading to the improved overall efficiency, reliability, and sustainability of power
systems, resulting in cleaner, more sustainable, and more dependable power for industry
and households [7,8].
SGs support demand response programs by smart meters offering precise and up-to-
date information on energy consumption, allowing consumers to make informed decisions
about their energy consumption in response to real-time pricing signals and encouraging
them to consider shifting their energy consumption to off-peak hours, thus assisting them
in achieving cost savings [9–11]. SGs also enhance energy justice and energy security by
prioritizing a dependable and robust power supply, particularly in regions that are distant
or have limited access to resources [12–14].
SGs provide increased operational efficiency by leveraging improved asset man-
agement, predictive maintenance, optimized energy distribution, and cost savings for
utilities [15]. Utilizing dynamic pricing and energy management systems can help reduce
the overall demand on the grid and improve energy usage efficiency [16]. Allowing not just
for in-the-moment system data collection, but also for complex analysis and deliberation,
SGs facilitate a more precise load forecasting and control that boost the grid’s performance
and efficiency, which aim to create a resilient and adaptable energy infrastructure and meet
the rising electrical demand while integrating renewable power sources [17–19].
The decentralized nature of SGs offers the opportunity to seamlessly incorporate
distributed energy resources [20] that enhance the grid’s resilience by mitigating the risks
associated with single points of failure, thereby improving its ability to withstand natural
disasters or cyberattacks [21] and potentially reducing the expenses associated with repairs
and maintenance [22]. SGs have self-healing capabilities, as they can identify problems in
real time and reroute power to lessen or prevent disruptions [23]. This degree of complexity
is a substantial advance over outdated power networks and has the potential to significantly
increase grid stability and reliability [24]. With a more adaptable, responsive, and sturdy
infrastructure, SGs greatly reduce the likelihood of outages and extensive blackouts caused
by aged power networks, ensuring a more reliable supply of electricity [25–28].
Smart grids have the potential to make significant contributions to environmental
sustainability by mitigating the inherent uncertainty of renewable energy sources (RESs)
which can be unstable and require a more complex grid. SGs maximize the potential
of RESs by enabling their seamless integration into the existing grid infrastructure and
lessening the reliance on fossil fuels, thus helping to combat climate change and reduce
greenhouse gas emissions [10,29–31]. Smart grids enhance the efficient utilization of energy
resources, thereby minimizing waste and encouraging energy conservation [32]. SGs
also improve energy distribution efficiency and decrease transmission losses, which can
contribute to mitigating the environmental consequences associated with power generation
and consumption [33].
The large-scale adoption of SGs might have far-reaching effects on not just our energy
infrastructure but also our lifestyles and relationships with the natural environment [34,35].
Smart cities, which include networked and ecologically optimized transportation and
housing systems [36,37], may be built by these grids, which have the capacity to co-ordinate
a wide variety of digital devices and infrastructures, such as electric vehicles (EVs) and
renewable energy systems [38,39]. SGs enable EVs to transfer excess power to the grid,
thus supporting e-mobility [40]. The connectivity between energy users and producers is
improved with this dynamic and decentralized power generation [41,42].
Furthermore, SGs enable consumers to take on a novel role in the energy supply chain
as “prosumers” [43]. Prosumers are people who not only utilize renewable energy but
also produce some of it themselves. In this case, the customer might choose to sell their
surplus power to the utility company by feeding it back into the grid. Not only does this
empower individuals by providing new avenues for economic success, but it also improves
the reliability of the energy supply by increasing the diversity in its sources. This change
in consumer responsibility provides a new level of variety and resilience to the energy
Energies 2023, 16, 6439 3 of 31
landscape. It is possible that, consequently, energy costs would level out and the energy
sector would become less monopolized and more open to public participation.
The advantages associated with SGs in energy systems are becoming more diverse
as technology continues to advance and they become the subject of extensive scholarly
investigation within academic communities. A significant volume of scholarly research is
conducted, particularly on SGs’ technology, and the findings are subsequently transformed
into reputable publications. However, insufficient progress has been made in the adop-
tion of SG technology because of several barriers impeding the widespread adoption of
SGs, including the significant upfront investment and ongoing maintenance expenses, the
complexities associated with integrating new technologies with existing legacy systems,
the potential security vulnerabilities stemming from cyber-attacks on the grid, and the
resistance to change and limited awareness among customers and stakeholders, as well as
the regulatory obstacles and absence of standardized practices across different regions [44].
Investment spending on electricity grids has witnessed an upward trend in countries such
as America, China, Europe, and OECD nations, but the International Energy Agency (IEA)
states that the current level of investment in electricity grids must undergo a substantial
increase by the year 2030 to align with the Net Zero scenario. Moreover, emerging and
developing economies should aim to triple their investment in electricity grids to effectively
capitalize on these opportunities [45]. On the contrary, an analysis by the OECD and IEA
revealed that as energy prices rose sharply as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and
Russia’s aggression against Ukraine; overall government support for fossil fuels in 51 coun-
tries around the world nearly doubled to 697.2 USD billion in 2021 from 362.4 USD billion
in 2020 [46]. Nevertheless, according to the IEA’s most recent World Energy Investment
report, worldwide investments in clean energy are on track to increase to USD 1.7 trillion
in 2023, with solar energy production expected to surpass that of oil for the first time.
The acceptance of technology holds significant importance due to the potential for pub-
lic resistance to impede or delay the development of energy technology projects, which are
crucial for transitioning the energy system from fossil fuels to zero-carbon alternatives [47].
Utilities, which prioritize the efficiency of interconnectivity, face increased challenges due
to the significant costs associated with SGs and require more robust models to guide
their decision-making processes, which necessitate comprehensive analyses in the relevant
field [48]. Social acceptance can be promoted through supportive legislative and policy
frameworks that handle technical standards, consumer protection, privacy, and security
issues. SGs, like all linked devices and networks, may be hacked, which might lead to
privacy concerns [49]. However, with the continuous introduction and broad usage of SGs,
powerful, secure, and confidential security safeguards have become feasible. Building con-
fidence and trust is possible with the help of clear rules and regulations that guarantee the
proper deployment and management of SGs [50]. To successfully build SGs, it is necessary
to ensure customer acceptance; therefore, it is also essential to provide proper insights
into the underlying drivers of consumer acceptance of SGs and the logical steps for their
engagement to promote the SG technology and make its implementation feasible [51]. The
dissemination of knowledge regarding SG technology to stakeholders can be effectively
achieved through rigorous and interdisciplinary academic research, which can address the
issue from different aspects.
Numerous studies have examined the advantages of SGs [1] and explored the obstacles
hindering their implementation. The findings of a systematic literature review indicate that
moral values can be both drivers and barriers for SG acceptance and suggest that future
research seeking to understand the role of moral values as social acceptance factors could
benefit from an interdisciplinary approach [52]. Claiming that there are four significant
barriers to the implementation of SGs (costs, privacy, cybersecurity, and regulatory issues),
Bigerna et al. argue that, although electricity consumers play a crucial role in the advance-
ment of SG technologies and will ultimately have a key role in the future of the electricity
market, they should be informed in a frank and persuasive manner [53]. By prioritizing
barriers to aid policymakers in formulating long-term strategies for implementing SG
Energies 2023, 16, 6439 4 of 31
2.2. Software
The utilization of two robust software tools, namely, VOSviewer (1.6.19) and Bib-
lioshiny (2023.03.0), are employed to augment analysis and achieve more comprehensive
outcomes. Biblioshiny is employed as a specialized software tool to facilitate a compre-
hensive analysis of the documents, offer valuable insights, and promote a holistic compre-
hension of the research landscape. To gain a deeper understanding of the co-occurrence
analysis of documents, VOSviewer, a sophisticated and widely used program designed for
this purpose, is consulted. With its intuitive visualization capabilities, VOSviewer enables
the mapping-based presentation of the dynamic and static properties of research data from
multiple perspectives. The utilization of distinct software tools for various stages of the
analysis is intended to capitalize on the unique strengths and functionalities of each soft-
ware. This approach aims to provide a comprehensive response to the research questions
by acquiring more profound insights into the relationships and advancements within the
scientific field under investigation.
To extract Data 1, which is denoted by the d1 code throughout the text, the search
term “smart grid*” was used. The phrase “smart grid*” and other search phrases (“social
benefit*”, “societal benefit*”, “social barrier*”, “social accept*”, “social challenge*”, “social
adopt*”, “social aware*”, and “social dimension*”) were used to gather information from
documents, which were then utilized to create Data 2 figures labeled as d2 that highlighted
the social aspects of SGs. When combining keywords, the Boolean operator “AND” is
utilized as a conjunction to weed out irrelevant studies and produce more focused and
useful results. To reach academic studies on the social dimensions of smart grids, the search
words were determined as a group together with the word “social”, not alone. In this way,
it is aimed at preventing unrelated publications from being included in the search results.
In the preliminary examination stage, it was stated that the publications related to the
social dimension (social dimension*) of the smart grid mostly dealt with the issue of social
acceptance (“social accept*” and “social adopt*”), and for this purpose, social benefit (social
benefit* and societal benefit*) and social awareness (social aware*) were studied. Since the
obstacles and difficulties that prevent social acceptance of SGs are frequently discussed,
social barrier (social barrier*) and social challenge (social challenge) are included as search
Before starting bibliometric analysis, it is critical to cleanse, consolidate, and refine
the literature data from diverse sources. This entails eliminating duplicate entries to
maintain unique records and addressing documents missing vital information like au-
thors, publication year, title, or keywords. These records either need to be combined or
removed. Moreover, due to compatibility issues with analysis software like VOSviewer
and Biblioshiny, literature data from different databases such as WoS and Scopus need
to be harmonized. These databases have unique encoding rules, leading to variations in
key element representations. Scopus uses “DOI” and “subject area”, while WoS uses “DI”
and “research area”. Therefore, recoding and alignment steps are essential to properly
merging the data files. Furthermore, since there may be overlapping records between
the two databases, it becomes crucial to merge the literature data while retaining only a
single copy of each common record. Additionally, manual curation is required to weed out
irrelevant or loosely related documents from the combined literature dataset before pro-
ceeding with the analysis. The bibliometric and thematic analyses of this study involved a
deliberate manual selection process to exclude studies that just mentioned the word “social”
or briefly addressed the issue while focusing on technical dimensions. This was carried
out to ensure that the scope of the examination remains focused and comprehensive. The
results, particularly in thematic analysis, were substantiated by relevant studies pertaining
to subjects such as the societal acceptance, adoption, and implementation of SGs.
Figure 1 illustrates a graphical depiction of the workflow for data processing, show-
casing the sequential progression of steps encompassed within this procedure. During the
initial phase, the selection of search terms was conducted through iterative experimentation,
aiming to identify the optimal combination that would yield the most pertinent outcomes
aligned with the research objectives. To acquire two distinct datasets containing words and
word groups identified in the second phase, scans were conducted on the WoS and Scopus
databases, specifying the desired date range. During the third phase, the scans conducted
in both databases were merged, resulting in the formation of two datasets: Data 1 (d1)
and Data 2 (d2). To ensure the uniqueness of each document within the merged dataset,
duplicate publications are removed, resulting in the attainment of the final dataset. This
study conducted a comprehensive analysis of SGs, retrieving a total of 37,132 documents
from the Web of Science (WoS) database and 16,150 documents from the Scopus database.
A total of 146 documents from Web of Science (WoS) and 116 documents from Scopus
were accessed to analyze the social dimension of SGs. The data were consolidated and
deduplicated through the identification of studies that were present in both databases.
Consequently, it is feasible to conduct a thorough analysis utilizing the data acquired for
the 41,690 SGs (d1) and the social aspects associated with SGs (d2).
Energies 2023, 16,
Energies 2023, 16, 6439
of 32
Figure 1.
Figure 1. Study workflow.
Study workflow.
3. Results
3.1. Bibliometric Analysis
3.1. Bibliometric Analysis
In this
this part
part of
of the
the study,
study, answers
answers will
will be
be sought
sought toto the
the questions
questions of
of “distribution
“distribution of
academic studies according to publication types, years, topics and countries”
academic studies according to publication types, years, topics and countries” and “theand “the most
prolific writerswriters
most prolific and publishers in the field”.
and publishers in the For thisFor
field”. purpose, after examining
this purpose, the general
after examining the
structure of documents within the framework of both survey results, the distribution
general structure of documents within the framework of both survey results, the distribu- of
academic production by genre, its course according to years, and the most
tion of academic production by genre, its course according to years, and the most produc-productive
countries, authors,
tive countries, and publishers
authors, will be
and publishers willquestioned.
be questioned.
3.1.1. Main Information of Data
3.1.1. Main Information of Data
In this paper, documents on SGs and documents focusing on the social dimensions
In this paper, documents on SGs and documents focusing on the social dimensions
of SGs have been compared and examined. In the first three subsections of the study,
of SGs have been compared and examined. In the first three subsections of the study, an
an investigation will be conducted to address the first research question (RQ.1: How is
investigation will be conducted to address the first research question (RQ.1: How is the
the distribution of academic studies according to publication types, years, topics, and
countries?). of academicdata
studies according
of academic to publication
studies publishedtypes,
betweenyears, topics, in
2010–2023 andthecoun-
tries?). Bibliometric data of academic studies published between 2010–2023
of Science and Scopus databases were compiled. Table 1 shows the main findings of thein the Web of
Science and
research. ForScopus databases
SGs (d1), were compiled.
48,845 authors, Table 1 shows
41,690 documents, the main
and 21,803 findings
articles wereof the re-
search. For SGs (d1), 48,845 authors, 41,690 documents, and 21,803 articles were
from 8337 sources. On the other hand, only 181 documents related to the social dimension accessed
(d2) SGssources. On the other
were accessed, hand, only
91 of which were181 documents related to the social dimension
(d2) of SGs were accessed, 91 of which were articles.
Energies 2023, 16, 6439 9 of 31
Figure 3 3presents
Figure thecumulative
presents the cumulative publication
publication counts.
counts. The
The ratio ratio of academic
of academic studies stu
Figure 3 presents the cumulative publication counts. The ratio of academic stud
dealing with the social dimension (d2) to all documents (d1) was determined to be 0.4
dealing with the social dimension (d2) to all documents (d1) was determined to be 0.43%.
dealing with the social dimension (d2) to all documents (d1) was determined to be 0.43
Figure 3. Total
3. Total production of
production ofdocuments.
Figure 3. Total production of documents.
Energies 2023, 16, x FOR PEER REVIEW 11 of 32
Energies 2023, 16, 6439 11 of 31
Figure 4.
4. (a).
(a). The
The top
top 20
20 trending
trending research
research areas
areas (d1).
(d1). (b)
(b) The
The top
top 20
20 trending
trending research areas (d2).
research areas (d2).
Prolific Countries
3.1.5. Prolific
To answer the third research question (RQ.3: Which Which countries
countries are
are the
the leading
leading con-
respective field of academic research?), Figure 5a
tributors to scholarly publications in the respective
presents the 25 most prolific countries of d1. China is the most productive country with
15,168 publications,
States(10,586) and
(10,586) India
and (4609),
India ranking
(4609), second
ranking sec-
and third, respectively.
ond and third, respectively.
Energies 2023, 2023, 16, x FOR PEER REVIEW
16, 6439 12 of 31 12 of 32
Figure 5. (a) 5. (a)
The 25 Theprolific
most 25 most prolific
nations nations
(d1). (d1).
(b) The 25(b) Theprolific
most 25 most prolific
nations nations (d2).
Figure 5b presents the 25 most prolific countries of d2. With 71 publications, China is the
most prolific country, followed by the United States (39), and the Netherlands (30) as the third.
Energies 2023, 16, x FOR PEER REVIEW 13 of 32
Energies 2023, 16, 6439 Figure 5b presents the 25 most prolific countries of d2. With 71 publications, China 13 of 31
is the most prolific country, followed by the United States (39), and the Netherlands (30)
as the third.
The network of international co-operation is depicted in Figure 6a,b. The demonstra-
The network of international co-operation is depicted in Figure 6a,b. The demon-
tion of the most proximate network of collaboration among the selected 53 regions and
stration of the most proximate network of collaboration among the selected 53 regions
countries out of a total of 125 is achieved through the imposition of a restriction on the
and countries out of a total of 125 is achieved through the imposition of a restriction on
number of papers per country, limiting it to five. The entities are categorized into eight
the number of papers per country, limiting it to five. The entities are categorized into
distinct groups based on
eight distinct groups eight
based ondistinct hues. The
eight distinct entities
hues. depicteddepicted
The entities in Figurein 6Figure
are repre-
6 are
sentative of nations or regions, with their respective sizes denoting the volume
representative of nations or regions, with their respective sizes denoting the volume of publi-of
cations associated
publications with them.
associated The indication
with them. of collaboration
The indication between
of collaboration the two
between thecountries
two coun-
represented by theby
is represented presence of a link
the presence of aline
linkconnecting the two
line connecting thenodes. The strength
two nodes. of theof
The strength
linkage increases in direct proportion to the level of collaboration between the
the linkage increases in direct proportion to the level of collaboration between the entitiesentities
Figure 6. (a) The international networks of co-operation (d1). (b) The international networks of
co-operation (d2).
Energies 2023, 16, 6439 14 of 31
Data 1 Data 2
Record Count Record Count
IEEE 23,406 23
Elsevier 5966 58
MDPI 2699 10
Springer Nature 2638 9
Wiley 813 4
Inst. Engineering Technology-IETT 468 2
Taylor & Francis 467 2
Assoc. Computing Machinery 434 3
Trans Tech Publications Ltd. 274 1
Atlantis Press 258 4
SGs—General SGs—Social
Authors Record Count Authors Record Count
Javaid N 309 Wolsink M 4
Zhang Y 230 Chalvatzis KJ 2
Vale Z 201 Chawla Y 2
Wang Y 183 Gerards MET 2
Liu Y 141 Hurink JL 2
Li Y 140 Kowalska-Pyzalska A 2
Catalao JPS 128 Li X 2
Siano P 117 Papapostolou C 2
Liserre M 114 Reijnders VMJJ 2
Li X 110 Sovacool BK 2
Chen Y 108 Stephanides P 2
Li J 103 Zafirakis D 2
Kumar N 97 Adil AM 1
Mouftah HT 97 Ahmad A 1
Zhang J 94 Ahmad F 1
Figure 7. (a) The keyword theme density (d1). (b) The keyword theme density (d1).
Figure 7. (a) The keyword theme density (d1). (b) The keyword theme density (d1).
3.2.2. Thematic Map Analysis
Thematic maps, which serve as a valuable visualization tool for evaluating the devel-
opment and organization of scientific disciplines, were used to answer the sixth research
question (RQ.6: How have significant research themes, their interrelationships, and their
temporal progression evolved?). By utilizing thematic maps, which offer crucial insights
Energies 2023, 16, 6439 16 of 31
Figure 8. Cont.
Energies 2023, 16, 6439 17 of 31
Upon examination of the thematic map derived from the abstract sections of 181
documents that specifically address the social dimension of SGs, as depicted in Figure 8b, it
becomes evident that a limited number of documents concentrate on a wide range of topics,
distributed across different sections of the analysis. The first cluster in the study consisted
of the social benefits of SGs and consumer awareness. The second cluster, referred to as the
“motor themes”, encompassed renewable energy systems and social acceptance. The third
cluster encompasses matters about demand-side participation and energy distribution,
while the fourth cluster focuses on the economic advantages associated with power supply.
The clustering of basic themes includes social benefits, government subsidies, and
future smart. The integration of architectural models pertaining to communication tech-
nology, artificial intelligence systems, and energy systems, alongside the examination of
consumer behavior, is observed.
Within the realm of emerging and declining trends, one notable area of focus pertains
to EVs. Additionally, the adoption of intelligent systems as a viable energy solution
represents another area of interest.
Figure 9.
9. (a)
(a) Top-rated terminology (d1).
Top-rated terminology (d1). (b)
(b) Top-rated terminology (d2).
Top-rated terminology (d2).
3.2.4. Thematic
3.2.4. Thematic Evolution
Evolution Analysis
The thematic
The thematic evolution
evolution analysis
analysis visually
visually depicts
depicts the
the development,
development, interaction, and
interaction, and
transformation of research themes over time by examining the progression of themes
transformation of research themes over time by examining the progression of themes from from
their inception
their inception to
to their
their present
present state
state and
and answering
answering the
the eighth
eighth research
research question
question (RQ.8:
What are
What are the
the research
research environment’s
environment’s shifting
shifting priorities, the emergent
priorities, the emergent new
new ideas,
ideas, and
and the
issues that have lost their relevance?). The thematic evolution contributes significantly to
researchers’ work by providing a comprehensive, temporal overview of a research field.
It helps them identify influential works, trace the historical development of topics, recog-
nize prevailing trends, and predict future research directions. This temporal perspective
Energies 2023, 16, 6439 19 of 31
issues that have lost their relevance?). The thematic evolution contributes significantly to
researchers’ work by providing a comprehensive, temporal overview of a research field. It
helps them identify influential works, trace the historical development of topics, recognize
prevailing trends, and predict future research directions. This temporal perspective can
also reveal patterns and cycles in research interests, uncover transitions between topics,
and highlight the interrelationships among themes. By understanding thematic evolu-
tion, researchers can position their work within the larger context of their field, avoiding
duplicative efforts and identifying gaps or novel areas that warrant further investigation.
Moreover, it can help in the strategic planning of research projects, grant proposals, and
collaborations, enhancing the potential for innovation and impact.
The thematic evolution analysis utilizing the author’s designated keywords demon-
strates the progression and development of themes and issues within the SG literature
during two distinct periods (2010–2016 and 2017–2023) in Figure 10a,b. In the initial section,
a total of ten distinct themes are evident in the keywords. In the subsequent section, it is
apparent that the publications are conducted with a primary emphasis on20topics
Energies 2023, 16, x FOR PEER REVIEW of 32 such as
SGs, smart meters, and renewable energy.
Figure 10.
Figure 10.(a)
Thematicevolution (d1).(d1).
evolution (b) Thematic evolution
(b) Thematic (d2). (d2).
The current research in the field of SGs primarily concentrates on fundamental as-
pects. However, there has been a shift in focus from environmental concerns to EVs, lead-
ing to an expansion of literature that solely addresses the social dimension of this matter.
4. Discussion
Digital technologies and innovative solutions are of paramount importance in facili-
Energies 2023, 16, 6439 20 of 31
The current research in the field of SGs primarily concentrates on fundamental aspects.
However, there has been a shift in focus from environmental concerns to EVs, leading to an
expansion of literature that solely addresses the social dimension of this matter.
4. Discussion
Digital technologies and innovative solutions are of paramount importance in facil-
itating the advancement of sustainable development. It is crucial to acquire a thorough
comprehension of the utilization of these technologies by both individuals and organi-
zations to attain improved sustainability results [62]. Despite the numerous advantages
associated with smart microgrids, the transition to this promising technology has been
hindered by a diverse range of factors, leading to relatively slow progress in its adoption
by society. The inclusion of the subject matter on the academic agenda and its thorough
examination are important [63]. While researchers persist in their efforts to enhance the
efficacy of SG technology [64], there has been a proliferation of scholarly research that cen-
ters on the technological aspects of the topic. However, the resolution of challenges related
to the implementation of SG technology extends beyond technological considerations.
The comparative analysis of SG literature and documents that concentrate solely on
the social dimension of SGs conducted in this paper reveals that the social aspects of the
subject have been scarcely explored. It was discovered that the resulting set of publications
constituted a minute fraction, accounting for less than 0.5 percent of the overall literature.
It is evident that there is a paucity of academic research on the social dimensions of
technology [65]. Nevertheless, this constraint could potentially impede the widespread
implementation of SGs, a highly valuable technological advancement.
Based on the findings of this research, it would be said that a comprehensive and
satisfactory provision of information could not be achieved with a limited number of
publications, specifically 91 articles, 2 books, and 38 papers. The use of terms such as
“adopt”, “accept”, “benefit”, or “social” alone is avoided, as the wrong definition or
coverage of the search words may result in the inclusion of irrelevant articles in the dataset.
The observed paucity of publications identified in Data 2 can be attributed to this limitation.
In addition, it has been determined as a risk that valuable studies are not included in the
analysis findings, since the procedure of scanning the databases is carried out on word
groups. To overcome this limitation, the findings of these studies identified in an in-depth
thematic review of the literature are included in the Discussion section of the manuscript.
In this study, one of the most notable observations pertains to the declining trajectory
observed in the number of publications focused on SGs. Upon analysis of the documents
available on SGs in the WoS and Scopus databases, it becomes evident that there was a
notable surge in publications between 2010 and 2018. However, after this period, a declin-
ing pattern in the number of publications is observed. Similarly, this observation holds for
research endeavors focused on the societal aspects of SGs beyond the year 2020, according
to this study’s findings. Furthermore, another study conducted within the Scopus database
corroborated this finding, indicating a decline in SG broadcasts in the year 2020, following
a consistent upward trajectory observed from 2008 to 2019 [66]. This phenomenon could
be attributed to the area having attained a certain level of maturity at the onset of this
declining trajectory. It is conceivable that the domain under consideration, encompassing a
multitude of fundamental principles and technologies on intelligent power grids, which
has been subject to rigorous examination for nearly three decades, has undergone thorough
investigation and comprehensive documentation, thereby attaining a certain degree of
maturity. The decline in the number of publications may be attributed to a reduction
in the dissemination of innovative or novel discoveries. Furthermore, the proliferation
of scholarly publications within the discipline may have necessitated the undertaking
of reviews and meta-analyses, which serve to offer a comprehensive perspective on the
subject matter by amalgamating existing research findings rather than introducing novel
empirical investigations. The potential for a shift in research focus may arise as a result of
the ever-evolving nature of the research landscape. Researchers in the energy sector may
Energies 2023, 16, 6439 21 of 31
have redirected their focus towards emerging domains, including artificial intelligence ap-
plications in energy systems, machine learning, and cutting-edge cybersecurity approaches
such as blockchain and quantum computing [67]. The result of this study confirms the
observed transition. However, further investigation into the causes of this declining pattern
in both the existing body of research on SGs and the studies that address the social aspects
of this topic may yield significant insights.
When examining the production of publications on SGs across different countries, it
has been observed that there is a correlation between this output and the installed power
capacity of renewable energy sources. In 2022, China and the United States emerged as
prominent nations in terms of installed renewable energy capacity. China emerged as
the frontrunner in the realm of renewable energy installations, boasting an impressive
capacity of approximately 1,161 gigawatts. Following closely behind, the United States
secured the second position with 352 gigawatts installed renewable energy capacity. Brazil
ranked third with a capacity of 175 gigawatts, and India ranked fourth with a capacity
of 163 gigawatts [68]. China, the United States, and India have unquestionably imparted
their expertise as global leaders in renewable energy to scholarly research, alongside their
significant contributions to scientific advancements within this domain. To effectively
pursue the attainment of the seventh of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG.7),
nations should seek to draw insights from past experiences in navigating challenges related
to energy transformation, particularly concerning securing social acceptance.
The examination of prolific publishers and authors enables the identification of jour-
nals that exhibit a high frequency of publication within a specific research domain. By
selecting the appropriate journal, researchers may potentially enhance acceptance rates.
Simultaneously, it also addresses the inquiry regarding the primary source for tracking the
latest research trends. Similarly, the act of identifying notable scholars and research col-
lectives within the discipline can offer opportunities for potential collaborative endeavors.
When searching for the most prominent publishers in the field, it becomes evident that IEEE
significantly surpasses others in terms of its contributions to SG research, and the Elsevier
group has played a pioneering role in publishing works pertaining to the social dimension.
The IEEE’s mission centers around addressing technical matters, as it defines itself as the
pre-eminent technical professional organization dedicated to advancing technology for the
improvement of humanity. Furthermore, there existed literature about the social aspects
within various publication groups, including interdisciplinary journals that specifically
concentrated on the intersection of technology and society. In addition, it becomes clear
with this analysis that the scholars in these fields demonstrate substantial differences when
closely examining the eminent authors in both fields. The study’s findings also disclosed a
result of the methodology employed by the researchers. As seen in the thematic density
analysis, the fact that there have been numerous publications on SGs with very different
foci demonstrates that bibliometric analysis, which is a reliable method for quantifying
loaded bibliographic data, is frequently employed in studies examining social dimensions,
as in this paper.
Following the initial examination of bibliometric data by quantity, year, country,
publisher, and author, the thematic analysis offers a valuable opportunity to conduct a
comprehensive investigation of the literature on SGs, particularly the segment that pertains
to social issues. This approach yielded significant insights that can inform professionals,
policymakers, and stakeholders regarding the future trajectory of SG technology.
It is evident that over the course of nearly three decades, a substantial body of literature
on SG technology has been generated, reflecting a significant scholarly endeavor. While
the prevailing focus of research in the realm of SGs pertains to various subjects including
microgrids, smart meters, energy management, demand-side management, and energy
storage, considerable attention is given to topics such as cybersecurity, the Internet of
Things, and blockchain. The remarkable dearth of findings in the thematic map of SG
research may be indicative of the breadth of topics covered in the literature. The wide range
of topics covered in the examined set of publications is also reflected in the abundance of
Energies 2023, 16, 6439 22 of 31
words and phrases in the word clouds derived, which suggests the many parts of society
that will be altered by the introduction of SG technology. Overall, the analysis of recurrent
phrases demonstrates the inextricable link between the technical and social components
of the study and comprehension of SG technologies. Both clusters appeared in the motor
themes area of the thematic map, with renewable energy, demand-side participation, and
EVs in one cluster, and privacy concerns such as cybersecurity, smart meters, and consumer
data in the other cluster, as critical factors for the public adoption of smart microgrid
technology. This observation suggests that neglecting the social aspects of the topic hinders
The analysis of thematic evolution yields significant findings that elucidate the trajec-
tory and prospective orientation of scholarly investigations. It is worth noting that there
has been a reduction in the diversity of topics covered in the literature on SGs, with a focus
on renewable energy and smart meters as tools for improving energy efficiency. This shift
in focus is probably driven by the goal of achieving decarbonization, reducing the use
of unsustainable fossil fuels, and minimizing the reliance on foreign sources through the
implementation of strategies focused on regional production and distribution. Directing
attention toward the factors that enable the implementation of a renewable-energy-oriented
system can serve to surmount the obstacles that impede advancements in the transition to
sustainable energy. These barriers include inadequate physical infrastructure, insufficient
supportive policies and regulations, and disparities in skills and institutional capabili-
ties [69]. The extent to which the SG infrastructure is readily accessible and available can
influence its uptake [70]. The presence of disparities in and hindered acceptance among
specific populations or regions may arise due to the unequal distribution or limited accessi-
bility of SG technologies. The adoption of SGs by industrial consumers is also contingent
upon the availability of the appropriate technological infrastructure and the willingness of
consumers to change their behaviors [71]. The perception of technologies as being in an
immature state and the lack of financial resources hindered their progress [72].
The analysis of thematic maps in this study reveals that the optimization of renewable
energy resources via microgrids and demand response systems is a prominent focus within
the field of SGs. The thematic density analysis also reveals that the concept of “demand
response” holds significant prominence in both publications on SGs and publications
specifically focused on the social dimension of SGs. The increasing demand for flexibility in
electricity systems and the ongoing transition to the SG are creating new opportunities for
the implementation of demand response strategies [73]. The demand response for research
on both SGs and the social aspects of SGs emerges prominently in the word cloud analyses
in this study. It can be inferred that the significance of publications centered on demand
response will persist, despite attaining a certain level of maturity.
The effective implementation of intelligent power grids is hindered by challenges
regarding privacy and equity apprehensions [74]. The electricity generation and pricing
in SGs are dependent on the continuous collection of information from consumers, and
accessing data on each consumer’s electricity consumption contradicts privacy [75]. The
application of machine-learning and deep-learning methodologies to address cybersecurity
challenges associated with the utilization of consumer data gathered through smart meters
represents a current area of focus that propels progress. There has been a surge in research
focused on the application of artificial intelligence (AI) techniques and the cybersecurity
aspects of the SG, including encryption, intrusion detection, and prevention, as well as
privacy and trust. AI, digital twins, and other digital technologies also possess the capacity
to enhance energy production, storage, and consumption, thereby enabling the energy
system to achieve greater efficiency, manageability, and adaptability [76]. In conjunction
with the indispensable attributes of reliability and resilience that underpin a secure energy
provision, the burgeoning domain of artificial intelligence and smart cities appears to
be an area of growing scholarly inquiry. Focusing on developing artificial intelligence
technology and security solutions is also among the prerequisites for social acceptance.
Energies 2023, 16, 6439 23 of 31
the climate advantages associated with [98,99]. Positive experiences with pilot projects or
real-world demonstrations also have the potential to significantly impact social acceptance
by effectively highlighting the advantages, operational capabilities, and favorable results
associated with SGs and fostering trust in the technology [100–102].
However, the acquisition of knowledge and familiarity with smart meters does not
inherently result in the acceptance of their usage. Conversely, the acquisition of knowledge
and the expansion of one’s experiences are linked to heightened apprehensions regarding
the adverse consequences of these technologies [103]. The social acceptance of SGs may
potentially experience a decline over time, despite the active involvement of consumers.
This phenomenon not only poses a challenge to optimistic perspectives on SG technology
but also challenges broader theoretical arguments within the existing literature on the social
acceptance of energy technologies [104].
Customer approval is required to ensure customer acceptability for the ultimate de-
ployment of SG products and services, which will involve customers taking a more “active”
role in future energy systems [51]. Experts must shift their perspective and acknowledge
users not solely as obstacles to SG innovation but rather as significant stakeholders and
potential contributors to the innovation process [100,105]. Conducting social science studies
focused on SGs to effectively encourage the active involvement of end customers would
be beneficial [34]. The absence of product and service design that facilitates the involve-
ment of end-users as co-providers within an SG is evident in the insufficient consideration
given to supporting the end-users’ process of behavioral change, which is necessary for
transitioning from a consumer to a co-provider role [106]. Smart grids provide consumers
with the opportunity to actively engage in the management of their energy consumption,
enabling them to make well-informed decisions and potentially achieve cost savings. It
is advisable to formulate policies that will promote consumer engagement in the imple-
mentation of the SG [96]. To maintain enduring customer loyalty, utility companies should
undergo a transition from being mere energy suppliers to assuming the role of energy
service advisors [107].
Enhancing social acceptance can be achieved by comprehending the distinctive social
context and community dynamics and customizing the implementation to align with local
values [108]. Social discontent can potentially emerge because of unfulfilled expectations
of societal values [74]. The challenges surrounding social acceptance can be attributed to
conflicts in values, wherein the inability of a technological or regulatory framework to
simultaneously satisfy various societal expectations becomes apparent. The establishment
of regulatory and policy frameworks that are supportive and address various aspects
such as technical standards, consumer protection, privacy, and security concerns can con-
tribute to the promotion of social acceptance. Well-defined guidelines and regulations
play a crucial role in fostering confidence and trust in the responsible implementation
and functioning of SGs [50,54]. By implementing robust privacy policies, adopting secure
data-handling practices, and promoting transparent information sharing, organizations can
effectively address concerns regarding privacy and data security. These measures not only
foster trust among consumers but also help alleviate any apprehensions related to privacy.
Governments have exhibited an increasing recognition of the potential hazards linked to
insufficient cybersecurity protocols within the SG. The individuals acknowledge the signif-
icance of implementing rigorous protection protocols that depend on strong encryption
and authentication mechanisms. It is crucial to prioritize the protection of devices and
the prompt implementation of security updates for all interconnected components within
the SG. These measures are crucial for promoting consumer confidence and facilitating
the extensive implementation of forthcoming grid systems [109]. In 2018, the European
Union (EU) embraced new regulations on cybersecurity, which encompassed the imple-
mentation of standardization and certification protocols for various Internet-connected
devices [110]. Notably, these regulations extended to the SG and imposed specific re-
quirements on smart meters, particularly concerning the nature of the data they gather.
Furthermore, as of January 2020, United States legislation mandates that all interconnected
Energies 2023, 16, 6439 26 of 31
devices must possess “reasonable security features”. The public should have confidence in
the responsible deployment of SG technologies by governmental bodies and utility compa-
nies. This entails ensuring transparency regarding the collection and utilization of data by
SG technologies. The inclusion of security measures during the early phases of product
development, commonly referred to as “security by design”, is also critical for guaranteeing
the robustness of the grid, in addition to complying with relevant legal regulations. The
proposed methodology entails the proactive identification and mitigation of potential risks,
alongside the integration of mechanisms aimed at providing sustained support to devices
throughout their complete lifecycle [111]. Hence, collaboration between policymakers and
cybersecurity experts has the potential to address the potential privacy issues faced by
nations and empower governments to implement more efficient and preventive measures
in support of these advancements.
Comprehending and effectively addressing the challenges and barriers can play a
pivotal role in promoting the societal acceptance of SGs and ensuring the prosperous im-
plementation and adoption of SG technologies. Considering this analysis’ overall findings,
it is evident that the subject should be studied with a multidisciplinary approach and a
holistic perspective, from a different angle than the current studies, if SG technology is to
fulfill its potential. Investigating the reasons for the continued use of fossil fuels despite
their negative environmental impact could hasten the adoption of smart infrastructure
technology, which is essential for the use of these renewable energy sources.
5. Conclusions
The SG refers to the anticipated next generation of energy networks, primarily electric-
ity, that aim to efficiently utilize renewable energy sources, facilitate real-time and efficient
demand response, and enable the widespread adoption of electric vehicles (EVs). This
study undertook a comparative analysis between the existing literature on SGs and the
specific section of the whole body of the SG literature that exclusively addresses the social
dimension of this field. The findings of this study highlighted the limited extent to which
the social aspects of the subject have been explored. The examination of the literature
on SGs through the lens of temporal distribution, geographical origin, publishers, and
thematic focus indicated a correlation between the academic output in this domain and the
adoption of renewable energy practices by countries. Based on the analysis conducted, it
has been ascertained that there exists a prevailing decline in the number of studies on SGs,
accompanied by a discernible shift in focus toward the domains of artificial intelligence,
cybersecurity, EVs, the Internet of Things, and blockchain. Within the realm of social
studies, there is a recognition that EVs are prominently emerging alongside factors such as
social acceptance and demand response.
The thematic analysis of this study presents significant prospects for exploring the
existing body of literature on SGs and for mitigating consumer resistance by addressing
the various barriers and challenges that hinder social acceptance. The findings of the
comprehensive thematic analysis revealed a notable shift in the emphasis placed on safety
concerns and EVs within the identified focus areas. The growing interest in e-mobilization
can contribute to expediting the adoption of SGs. Consequently, it is hypothesized that
policymakers’ endorsement of the EV market may also yield a favorable impact on the
adoption of SGs. Within the realm of social dynamics, it has been revealed that the
acceptance of SG technology is more likely to be influenced by economic benefits than
environmental considerations.
There is a dearth of comprehensive research on the social aspect of SGs. It is advis-
able to augment the number of scholarly investigations aimed at enhancing awareness
regarding the amplified advantages of SG technology, while simultaneously mitigating
apprehensions regarding potential risks. The significance of the public adoption of SGs
has increased in light of prosumers’ active involvement in the energy sector. Considering
this paradigm shift towards a greater adoption of SGs, it is imperative to formulate policies
that effectively address the dual role of producers, aiming to optimize profit generation,
Energies 2023, 16, 6439 27 of 31
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, H.N.D.S. and R.B.; Validation, H.N.D.S. and R.B.; Investi-
gation, H.N.D.S. and R.B.; Writing—review & editing, H.N.D.S. and R.B.; Visualization, H.N.D.S. and
R.B. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This study was not granted funding from any institution.
Data Availability Statement: Analysis data can be accessed by scanning the WoS and Scopus
databases using the keywords specified in the article.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare. All co-authors have seen
and agree with the contents of the manuscript and there are no financial interests to report. We certify
that the submission is original work and is not under review at any other publication.
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