How Block Chains Work
How Block Chains Work
How Block Chains Work
Smart contracts not only define the rules and penalties around an agreement in
the same way that a traditional contract does, but also automatically enforce
those obligations.
A Smart contract
Smart Contract Resources
1. Smart contracts: the blockchain technology that will replace lawyers :
2. Wikipedia - smart contracts :
Transaction 1: Dave sends $5 to Emily at 5:00pm
Transaction 2: Dave sends $5 to Joan at 5:01pm
Transaction 3: Joan sends $32 to Cain at 5:03 pm
Transaction 4: Joan sends $3 to Cain at 5:03 pm
Centralized vs
What is Distributed Processing
Each node in the network has to solve a math problem to verify that the
transaction is valid. Once verified, the node has to vote yes.
At least, 51% of the nodes on the network has to vote yes, for the transaction to
go through.
Nodes that verify these transactions are called miners.
A blockchain
A blockchain must always have coins
inbuilt because of the human factor of
needing incentives to do work.
What is mining?
For now, all blockchains have their own cryptocurrency. It doesn’t make sense
to build a blockchain without a cryptocurrency.
1. Dave Partner downloads a cryptocurrency 5. Multiple blocks are chained together thereby
wallet app, or signs up on a wallet website. Eg. making a block-chain. Each block has a unique , ID, time and a reference to the previous block.
2. Dave buys coins from a coin exchange site
eg. Poloniex 6. The miner that first validates the transactions
3. Dave sends 10 coins to Obama. in a pending block gets a few coins as reward.
That transaction is broadcasted into the The coins were created newly and just as a
network and is now pending validation by 51% reward to the miner.
of the nodes on the network.
4. So many transactions occur in the network at 7. Once 51% of miners verify a block, the
any time so all pending transactions are transaction is approved. The new block gets
grouped together into a block added to the front of the blockchain. Every
miner updates their blockchain record to
contain the new block
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