Microbiology - For Small Meat Processors
Microbiology - For Small Meat Processors
Microbiology - For Small Meat Processors
Spoilage Organisms
Microbial Analysis
Microorganisms in Food
• What are microorganisms?
• Types of microorganisms
• Microorganisms in food
• Factors affecting microbial growth
What are microorganisms?
• Organisms that are too small to be seen
clearly with the naked eye. (micro meaning small, and
organism meaning living being).
Types of microorganisms
• Bacteria
• Viruses
• Protozoa
• They are the largest group of microorganisms.
• They are prokaryotic cells
• They are the most important to the food processor.
• Bacteria vary in size:
Most bacteria range from 0.5 um to 2.0 um in
(25,000 cells side by side to equal one inch)
Bacterial cell shapes
• Bacillus (Rod)
• Coccus (Spherical)
• Vibrio
• Spirillum
• Spirochete
Bacterial spores: Endospores
• Some bacteria produce spores to survive adverse conditions.
• The main bacterial genera that are of significance in foods are
Bacillus and Clostridium.
• Endospores are resistant to heat, drying and chemicals.
• When the conditions are favorable, these spores can
germinate and grow into vegetative cells.
Differentiating Bacteria by Cell Wall
• Gram-Positive Bacteria: Cell wall in Gram-
positive bacteria has a thick layer of
• Gram-Negative Bacteria: Cell wall is more
complex, it has thin layer of peptidoglycan,
polysaccharides, proteins and lipids.
Bacterial Staining: Gram stain
• Based on the ability of bacteria to
retain specific dyes:
– Gram Positive: purple with crystal
• Mycotoxins
(Aflatoxins, Patulin…)
• Allergies
• Infections
• Non-filamentous fungi,
• Cells that are ovoid or
• Reproduce mainly by
Food spoilage by yeasts
• Yeasts cause spoilage of various foods:
- Frankfurters, ham
- Honey, jam, jellies, syrups, candy…
• Submicroscopic, parasitic,
acellular microorganisms
composed of a nucleic acid
(DNA or RNA) core inside a
protein coat.
Enteric viruses
• Hepatitis A virus
• Rotavirus
Factors affecting microbial growth
• Intrinsic Factors
- Water Activity (Aw)
- pH
- Oxidation-Reduction Potential
- Nutrients
- Preservatives
- Inhibitory substances
• Extrinsic Factors
- Temperature
- Availability of oxygen
- Relative Humidity
• Energy sources
Carbohydrates, proteins, lipids
• Nitrogen sources
Amino acids, peptides, proteins
• Mineral sources
Sulfur, phosphorus…
• Vitamins
pH range for microbial growth
The optimal growth of most microorganisms is near neutrality
(pH 7). However, pH range for growth for some foodborne
• Bacteria: 4-8
• Yeast: 2-8
• Molds: 1-11
• Psychrophiles
Grow well at 00C (320F), and have an optimum growth
temperature of 150C (590F) or lower.
• Psychrotrophs
Can grow at 0–70C (32–450F) even though their optimal
temperature is between 20–300C (68-860F). They are major
factors in the spoilage of refrigerated foods.
• Mesophiles
Grow very well at or near human body temperature. The
optimal temperature is between 20-45 0C (68-1130F). Almost
all human pathogens are mesophiles.
• Thermophiles
High temperature loving microorganisms. They often have
optima between 55–650C (131-1490F).
Oxygen availability
• Aerobic microorganisms
Require free oxygen
i.e. Pseudomonas species
• Anaerobic microorganisms
Grow well in the absence of oxygen
i.e. Clostridium species
• Facultative microorganisms
Grow with or without the presence of free oxygen
i.e. Lactobacillus species
Water Activity (Aw)
• Vapor pressure of the water in food (p) divided by the vapor
pressure of pure water (p0) at same temperature. Amount of
free water available for microbial growth.
A = p/p0 = ERH/100
ERH – Equilibrium Relative (in %) Humidity
Scale: 0 to 1
Food Aw
• Yeasts: 0.87
• Molds: 0.70
Chemical preservatives and other inhibitory
Use of chemical preservatives to inhibit growth of
Example: Sodium benzoate
Staphylococcus aureus
3 4 5 6 7
A schematic diagram of the combined influence of pH and
Aw on microbial growth.
Spoilage Organisms
Microbial Analysis
Salmonella species
Mode: Infection
Causes severe diarrhea with fever, vomiting, and
Infective dose – as few as 20 cells to 10,000
Onset usually 12 to 14 hours
Symptoms last 2 to 3 days (can get reactive arthritis
2 to 3 months later)
Cases of illness associated with undercooked meat
and poultry, eggs, cereal, pet food, peanut butter,
produce (tomatoes, peppers)
Salmonella species
Facultative anaerobe, Gram-negative rods
Optimal growth 37ºC and pH 6.5 to 7.8, but can
grow as low as 2 to 4ºC and up to 54ºC, and pH
from 4.5 to 9.5*
Primary reservoir – Intestinal tract of animals
Incoming animals and animal products including
eggs, contaminated produce, nuts, and grains,
insects, birds
Can survive in dry foods and refrigerated foods for
prolonged periods of time
*D’Aoust etal. (2001)
Salmonella – Multi-drug resistant
• Salmonella with resistance to 2 to 10 antibiotics.
• Overall prevalence of Salmonella strains was 4.2 percent,
while the prevalence of MDR salmonella was 0.6 percent
• Research shows decontamination treatments that reduce
Escherichia coli O157:H7 contamination on beef also reduce
non-O157 Shiga toxin-producing E. coli (STEC), plus MDR
• Greater attention to removal of lymph nodes and hides of
cattle, especially culled dairy cows, important to combat
Salmonella prevalence
Salmonella species
Heat treatment
Concern with low Aw products at minimally
process temperatures
Prevention of cross contamination
Air flow / dust control
Residue on equipment
Reduction of incoming raw materials
Escherichia coli O157:H7
Mode: Toxin mediated infection
Causes severe bloody diarrhea, cramping, fever,
and can lead to HUS
Infective dose – as few as 10 cells
Onset usually 4 to 10 days
Symptoms last 4 to 14 days (6% lead to HUS with
half of that requiring dialysis, fatality ~1%)
Cases of illness associated with undercooked meat,
produce, raw milk, cookie dough
Escherichia coli O157:H7
Facultatively anaerobic, Gram-negative rods
Acid tolerant – growth at pH 4.0 to 4.5
No unusual heat resistance (D value of 9.6s at
Primary reservoir – Intestinal tract of cattle, as well
as sheep and goats.
Seasonal pattern of outbreaks during warmer
Sources of outbreaks include undercooked beef,
raw milk, and produce contaminated via manure.
E. coli Non-O157 STECS
• USDA extended a zero-tolerance policy for E. coli O157:H7 in
raw beef products by declaring six additional strains of E. coli,
known as non-O157 Shiga-toxin producing E. coli (STECs)
• Beginning in March 2012, any raw ground beef, its
components, and tenderized steaks that test positive for non-
O157:H7 Shiga-toxin producing E.coli strains O26, O103, O45,
O111, O121 and O145 will be considered adulterated
E. coli Non-O157 STECS
• An outbreak of E. coli O26 –associated with ground beef
produced by Cargill’s Wyalusing, Pa. was the first non-O157
STEC outbreak linked to beef.
• USDA's Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) will begin
testing for the six serogroups of STEC and enforcing the new
policy on March 5, 2012.
• USDA Procedure - the confirmatory PCR shall include the stx
and eae multiplex PCR assay and the serogroup (wzx) specific
multiplex PCR assay.
Escherichia coli O157:H7
Heat treatment
Prevention of cross contamination
Raw beef
Intervention strategies to eliminate from raw meat
Mode: Infection
Causes diarrhea (sometimes bloody), cramping,
fever, can result in Guillain-Barre syndrome
Infective dose – less than 1,000 organisms
Symptoms last several days to a week
Most common cause of sporadic bacterial
Cases of illness associated with undercooked
poultry and meat, unpasteurized milk, and
contaminated water
Microaerophilic (low oxygen) Gram-negative curved
rods; motile
Does not grow well below 30ºC; sensitive to drying
No unusual heat resistance
Primary reservoir – Many animals including poultry,
cows, pigs, sheep, and wild birds. Also
contaminated water and flies.
Heat treatment
Intervention strategies to reduce prevalence in raw
poultryn (ex. antimicrobials, air chilling)
Listeria monocytogenes
Mode: Infection
Causes diarrhea, meningitis, encephalitis,
septicemia, miscarriages, stillbirths
Affects high risk groups – Pregnant women,
neonates, and immunocompromised adults
Symptoms develop within 3 to 70 days
Transmitted to foods via post process handling, or
food is inadequately processed.
Recent issues – Sliced deli meat and other RTE
meats, hot dogs, cheese, ice cream, coleslaw
Listeria monocytogenes
Gram-positive, non-spore forming, facultative, motile
Associated with animals, soil, water, food plants
(cold and moist areas)
Growth and survival
Low temperature - growth as low as 0ºC, and can survive
pH – growth down to 5.6*, and may survive below 4.3
Aw – growth down to 0.93, can survive to 0.83
Salt – growth up to 10 to 12% NaCl, can survive in higher
concentrations for extended periods of time
High temperature – inactivated at temperatures above
50ºC* (D-values at 160ºF – up to 5 seconds)
Listeria monocytogenes
Plant sanitation to prevent harborage sites and points
for cross contamination with specific attention to
Prevent entry through people, materials, and
Monitoring of environment
Proper temperature control of foods
Temperature and moisture control in environment
Staphylococcus aureus
Mode: Intoxication
Causes vomiting, nausea, and abdominal cramps
Symptoms develop within 4 hours of ingestion and
last 24 to 48 hours
Transmitted to foods via post process handling -
organism grows on a temperature abused food item
and produces a heat-stable toxin. The ingested
toxin causes the illness.
Recent issues – batter, cooked chicken, canned
mushrooms, cream filled pastries
Staphylococcus aureus
Gram-positive cocci that grow under aerobic and
anaerobic conditions
While organism can grow as low as 6.7ºC, optimal
growth and toxin production occurs between 40 and
Toxin is heat stable
Salt tolerant (up to 20%) and can grow at Aw as low
as 0.84
Primary reservoir – Animals including humans (skin,
hair, nose, open sores, boils, saliva)
Staphylococcus aureus
Good personal hygiene practices
Washing hands
Covering wounds
Proper temperature control of foods
Keep hot foods hot and cold foods cold
Clostridium perfringens
Mode: Toxin-mediated infection
Causes diarrhea, severe dehydration, cramps
Symptoms develop within 8 to 22 hours
Organism grows to large numbers in food (108),
organisms are ingested, and then produce toxin in
Associated foods: temperature abused foods, roast
beef, stews, meat gravy, poultry
Clostridium perfringens
Gram positive, spore forming, anaerobic rod
Heat resistance – spores can survive boiling
Found in soil, intestinal tracts of animals
Control – Cool foods rapidly after heating
Other Bacterial Pathogens
Clostridium botulinum
Bacillus cereus
Vibrio spp.
Yersinia enterocolitica
Shigella ssp.
Aeromonas hydrophila
Hepatitis A
Low infective dose ( 10 to 100 virus particles)
Fever, malaise, nausea, abdominal discomfort,
Spread through personal contact to food or food
contact surface
Associated with ready-to-eat foods
Control – good personal hygiene
Norwalk virus
Low infective dose ( 10 to 100 virus particles)
Vomiting, diarrhea, and dehydration
Spread through personal contact to food or food
contact surface
Associated with ready-to-eat foods, shellfish, and
contaminated water
Control – good personal hygiene
Cryptosporidium parvum
Sources – contaminated water or foods that have
come in contact with contaminated water,
employees with organism
Control – use of potable water, good personal
Microorganisms in Food
Microorganisms in Food
Spoilage Organisms
Microbial Analysis
Spoilage Organisms
Lactic Acid Bacteria
Gram negative psychrotrophic organisms
Psychrophilic Clostridium
Yeast and Mold
Lactic Acid Bacteria Spoilage
• 13 genera of gram positive bacteria which include
Lactococcus, Lactobacillus, Leuconostoc, Pediococcus,
and Streptococcus
• Produce lactic acid in either homofermentive or
heterofermentive pathways
• Fastidious – require certain nutrients for growth (such as
preformed amino acids)
• Can grow below 5ºC and as high 45ºC, from pH 3.2 to as
high as 9.6
• Will be predominate on vacuum packed meat where
aerobic gram negative organisms are limited
Psychrotrophic Spoilage Organisms
Numerous genera of gram negative bacteria which include
Acinetobacter, Pseudomonas, Flavobacterium, Alcaligenes,
Psychrobacter, and Moraxella
Many species capable of growth down to refrigeration
Aerobic organisms such as Pseudomonas will grow rapidly on
air chilled meat products producing off odors from the
breakdown of proteins.
In dairy products, species such as Pseudomonas and
Flavobacterium produce the fruity, rancid, and bitter flavors
Psychrophilic Clostridium
• Species of gram positive sporeforming Clostridium
bacteria which include Cl. esterheticum
• Production of carbon dioxide, hydrogen causing pack
distention and butonal, butanoic acid, ethanol, acetic
acid, and sulfur containing compounds
• Fastidious, do not compete as well against other
microorganisms, and can be sensitive to antimicrobials
Yeast and Mold Spoilage
Grow over a wide range of acid pH and Aw compared
to bacteria
Yeast can form slime on wieners and other meat
Some molds can produce mycotoxins
Spoil fruits, vegetables, grains, nuts, meat
– Geotrichum referred to as dairy mold or machinery
– Mucor – forms whiskers on beef
Multicellular fungi – form mycelium
Grow over a wide pH range (below 1 to 11)
Grow at low Aw (as low as 0.6)
Some species produce mycotoxins
Microorganisms in Food
Microorganisms in Food
Spoilage Organisms
Microbial Analysis
Microbial Analysis
• Want Count (versus Presence/Absence)
• Counts by plating (CFU – colony forming unit)
Microbial Analysis – APC / SPC
Aerobic Plate Count / Standard Plate Count
– Uses Standard Methods Agar incubated at 35 or 37ºC
for 48 hours
– Advantage - standardized methodology producing
comparable results, easy analysis to conduct
– Disadvantages
• will not get good growth of fastidious organisms,
• will not get much, if any, growth of anaerobic
• will not get good growth of psychrophilic organisms
Microbial Analysis - SPC
Use more nutritious media – such as MRS, to capture
lactic acid bacteria
Incubate plates anaerobically to capture levels of
Incubate plates at low temperature / longer time to
capture psychrotrophic bacterial counts
Use media designed for yeast and molds if those types of
organisms are considered an issue
Microbial Analysis - Indicators
Coliform / Fecal Coliform / generic E. coli
– Methods include MPN, 3M Petrifilm, VRB, etc
– Progressing from coliforms to E. coli, the
correlation to fecal contamination increases
Total Coliforms and generic E. coli
Total Coliforms
Fecal Coliforms
E. coli
Organisms expected in fresh vegetables
Total Coliforms
Fecal Coliforms
E. coli
Organisms expected
in cooked product
Microbial Analysis - Indicators
Coliform / Fecal Coliform / generic E. coli
– Advantages - standardized methodology producing
comparable results,
- easy analysis to perform
- Can give an indication of insanitary conditions
Microbial Analysis - Indicators
Coliform / Fecal Coliform / E. coli
– Disadvantages – coliforms counts may not be
applicable on some products,
- Not always a good assessment for determining shelf-
life or spoilage,
- Coliform counts for a product may meet standard
even though enteric pathogens such as salmonella
may be present in low numbers,
- Not a good indicator of viruses
Analysis for Indicator Organisms
Assess food safety and sanitation
Correlate to the presence of pathogenic organisms
Can be useful to assess sanitary conditions under
which food was processed
Reflect the microbiological quality of foods
Relative to shelf life
Pathogen Analysis
Presence/ Absence (versus count)
Sample size
375 grams versus 25 gram sampling
N=60 sampling
Environmental sampling
Use sponge versus a swab
Zone sampling
Determination of lot
Location of samples
Number of samples
Size of samples
Will samples be composited?
Lot Definition
A lot is a quantity of food or food units produced
and handled under uniform conditions*
Should be composed of food produced with as little
variation as possible for a given process or
From clean-up to clean-up
*ICMSF (2002)
A representative sample reflects as far as possible the
composition of the lot from which it is drawn.
Important to avoid bias and draw sufficient sample
units to confidently make a judgment about the
given lot.
Must be able to traceback all product
Number of samples
When testing for food
(absence/presence), normally
using 15, 30, and 60 sample
As units increase, probability
of accepting a defective lot
Source: ICMSF (2001) Microorganisms in Food 7
Number of samples
N = 60 - For 5% defective rate, the probability of
accepting a defective lot is 0.05
N = 15 samples, P is 0.46 – thus this would be missed
approximately 50% of the time).
Pooling samples – combining of stomached samples or
pre-enriched samples to decrease the number of
Difficult to determine which sample was positive,
especially a problem if pooling different lots
Risk of diluting out a positive sample
Need to validate pooling procedure
Choosing the testing methodology
Traditional methodology using plating and
biochemical reactions
Immunological based assays
DNA based assays
Analysis for Pathogens
Focus on Detection (Presence/Absence)
Pre-Enrichment / Enrichment
– Increase the number of target organisms
Control or reduce the number of competing organisms
Required time usually 8 to 24 hours
Detection method
ELISA (Enzyme-linked Immuno Sorbent Assay)
PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction)
Analysis for Pathogens
• Detection Methods - ELISA
Analysis for Pathogens
Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) enables researchers to produce
millions of copies of a specific DNA sequence in approximately
two hours
“DNA-Based Methods for Identifying and Subtyping Foodborne Pathogens” Bhushan Jayarao, Penn State University
Analysis for Pathogens
Pulsed-Field Gel Electrophoresis
Scientists find bacterial fingerprints by cutting the
bacteria’s DNA into tiny pieces and then placing them on a
gel, which is a flat slab of gelatin.
Electricity is sent through the gel, causing the DNA pieces
Small pieces of DNA get carried farther down the gel than
bigger pieces. This process creates a banding pattern or
Analysis for Pathogens
Pulsed-Field Gel Electrophoresis
“DNA-Based Methods for Identifying and Subtyping Foodborne Pathogens” Bhushan Jayarao, Penn State University
Analysis for Pathogens
PFGE Pattern
Testing Errors
Testing errors can occur
Type 1 error – test result is positive when the sample
is actually negative
Type 2 error – test result is negative when the
product lot tested is actually positive
Microbiological Analysis
Discussion of different analyses
E. coli O157:H7
Listeria monocytogenes
Verification of Sanitation Program
Analysis for E. coli O157:H7
Raw ground beef and raw ground beef products
Organism may be at low levels
Issue with own slaughter as well as incoming whole
FSIS has protocols for working with small
establishments handling raw ground beef
Analysis for E. coli O157:H7
USDA Sampling and Analysis
Number of samples - E. coli O157:H7
n = 60 is used by USDA for trim that is used in ground
meat products - get a total of 325g
(Sample 12 trim pieces from 5 combos.)
For ground meat, take five, 65g for 325g total
Can use n = 60 for produce
Analysis for E. coli O157:H7
Detection Method
• Presumptive: For FSIS testing, a presumptive positive for E.
coli O157 is that reacting to the O157 somatic antiserum. This
test and reaction indicates a “strong possibility that E. coli
O157:H7 is present.”
• For industry testing, test results that indicate a strong
possibility that E. coli O157:H7 is present are considered
presumptive positive results. Positive results of industry
testing for E. coli O157:H7 using the BAX (trademark name)
methodology would be considered presumptive positive
Analysis for E. coli O157:H7
Request for Certificate of Analysis (COA)
Use an intervention method
Composite sample and test
Microbiological Analysis
E. coli O157:H7
Listeria monocytogenes
Verification of Sanitation Program
Premature spoilage
Analysis for Listeria monocytogenes
Ready-to-Eat Meat Products (or products that are
heat processed)
Need to assume that the organism may be present
Analysis for Listeria monocytogenes
Product sampling
– May not detect low level contamination
– Test and hold until results complete
– Best as a verification of LM control system
Environmental sampling – Zones
– Zone 1 – Product contact
– Zone 2 – Adjacent to product contact
– Zone 3 – Areas in process not Zone 1 or 2
Waste / scrap sampling
Environmental Sampling
Sanitary Zones Concept
Zone 1
Product Contact Surfaces
Zone 2
Exterior of equipment; framework;
Zone 3
Phones; forklifts; walls; drains
Zone 4
Locker rooms, cafeteria, halls
Analysis for Listeria monocytogenes
• Environmental sampling – Zones
– Use moistened sponges
– Prepare a map so that you can identify each area for easy
recording; record legibly
– Standardize testing protocol
– Maximize swabbed area
– Sanitize swabbed areas afterward (Zone 1)
– Pre-op and occasional operational
Microbiological Analysis
E. coli O157:H7
Listeria monocytogenes
Verification of Sanitation Program
Microbiological Analysis
• Verification of Sanitation – Why?
Best way to verify effectiveness of cleaning and
Establishes a record for review
May help identify trends and thus prevent
potential issues
Microbiological Analysis
• Verification of Sanitation – Types of analysis
Microbiological testing
APC, Listeria
ATP Testing
Food residuals
Microbiological Analysis
• Verification of Sanitation – Surfaces
Food contact
Air sampling
Microbiological Analysis
• Verification of Sanitation
Establish a program
Standardized methodology
Establish frequency
Indentify areas for sampling
Random sampling of areas, but resampling trouble
areas, areas not appearing clean
Go off the program occasionally to test new items
(maintenance tools, etc)
Microbiological Analysis
• Verification of Sanitation – Program
Analyze data for trends
Ensure follow-up on high count areas, including
Standards for APC
<100 cfu /50 sq cm (<100 cfu /~8 sq in) USPHS*
<5 cfu / sq cm (USDA 1994)
<1.3 log cfu / sq cm (<20 cfu / sq cm)
<100 cfu / 4 sq in
*Compendium of Methods for the Microbiological Examination of Foods 2001
Microorganisms in Food
Microorganisms in Food
Spoilage Organisms
Microbial Analysis
Microbiology 101
for Small Meat Processors