Cobbled Stone Screenig of 2007 x2

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Project name: Cobbled Stone Road

Location (include map/sketch): Oromia Regional State East Shawa Zone Batu
Town Administration Kebele ) 01 and 02 From
Betelam Hotel to Kid/Church

Type of activity : New Construction

Estimated Cost: (Birr) 1,000,000.00 EHB

Proposed Date of Works Commencement January 12, 2014

Technical Drawing and Specifications (circle Yes No

Reviewed : answer):

This report is to be kept short and concise.

1. Site Selection:
Yes/No answers and bullet lists preferred except
Physical data:
where descriptive detail is essential.
Site area in ha 2.2km
Extension of or changes to existing alignment

Any existing property to transfer to project

Any plans for new construction
Refer to project application for this information.
2. Impact identification and classification:
When considering the location of a ULG investment project, rate the sensitivity of the proposed
site in the following table according to the given criteria. Higher ratings do not necessarily mean
that a site is unsuitable. They do indicate a real risk of causing undesirable adverse
environmental and social effects, and that more substantial environmental and/or social
planning may be required to adequately avoid, mitigate or manage potential effects. The
following table should be used as a reference.
Table 1 Impact Identification and Classification

Site Sensitivity
Low Medium High

Natural habitats No natural habitats present of any kind No critical natural habitats; other natural Critical natural habitats present
habitats occur
Water quality and water Water flows exceed any existing demand; Medium intensity of water use; multiple Intensive water use; multiple water
resource availability and use low intensity of water use; potential water water users; water quality issues are users; potential for conflicts is high;
use conflicts expected to be low; no important water quality issues are important
potential water quality issues
Natural hazards vulnerability, Flat terrain; no potential stability/erosion Medium slopes; some erosion potential; Mountainous terrain; steep slopes;
floods, soil stability/ erosion problems; no known volcanic/seismic/ medium risks from volcanic/ seismic/ flood/ unstable soils; high erosion potential;
flood risks hurricanes volcanic, seismic or flood risks
Cultural property No known or suspected cultural heritage Suspected cultural heritage sites; known Known heritage sites in project area
sites heritage sites in broader area of influence
Involuntary resettlement Low population density; dispersed Medium population density; mixed High population density; major towns
population; legal tenure is well-defined; ownership and land tenure; well-defined and villages; low-income families and/or
well-defined water rights water rights illegal ownership of land; communal
properties; unclear water rights
Indigenous peoples No indigenous population Dispersed and mixed indigenous populations; Indigenous territories, reserves and/or
highly acculturated indigenous populations lands; vulnerable indigenous populations
3. Checklist of impacts

Roads, Footpaths & Street lighting Potential for Adverse Impacts

None Low Med High Unknown

Soil erosion or flooding concerns (e.g., due to highly X

erodible soils or steep gradients)
Number of stream crossings or disturbances X
Wet season excavation X
Creation of quarry sites or borrow pits X
Significant vegetation removal X
Wildlife habitats or populations disturbed X
Environmentally sensitive areas disturbed X
Cultural or religious sites disturbed X
Economic or physical resettlement required X
New settlement pressures created X
Other (specify):
Detailed questions:
1. Preliminary Environmental Information: Yes/No answers and bullet lists preferred except where descriptive
detail is essential
State the source of information available at this stage (ULG report, Field survey and public consultation
EIA or other environmental study).
Has there been litigation or complaints of any environmental nature No
directed against the proponent or ULG investment project

Refer to application and/or relevant environmental authority for this information.

2. Identify type of activities and likely environmental impacts: Yes/No answers and bullet lists preferred
except where descriptive detail is essential
What are the likely environmental impacts, opportunities, risks and No significant environmental impact
liabilities associated with the project considered, but the opportunity will be
temporary employment and reduced
transportation costs, increased access
to ecotourism development.
Refer to ESMF– Impact, Mitigation and Monitoring Guidelines
3. Determine environmental screening category: Yes/No answers and bullet lists preferred except where
descriptive detail is essential.
After compiling the above, determine which category the ULG
investment project falls under based on the environmental categories A, B Category “B”
and C.

Refer to ESMF – Screening and Review Process

4. Mitigation of Potential Pollution: Yes/No answers and bullet lists preferred except where descriptive
detail is essential
Does the ULG investment project have the potential to pollute the No
environment, or contravene any environmental laws and regulations?
Will the ULG investment project require pesticide use? No
If so, then the proposal must detail the methodology and equipment _______________
incorporated in the design to constrain pollution within the laws and
regulations and to address pesticide use, storage and handling.
Does the design adequately detail mitigating measures? Yes
Refer to ESMF– Impact, Mitigation and Monitoring Guidelines
5. Environmental Assessment Report or environmental studies required: Yes/No answers and bullet lists
preferred except where descriptive detail is essential
If Screening identifies environmental issues that require an EIA or a It does not require full EIA
study, does the proposal include the EIA or study?
Indicate the scope and time frame of any outstanding environmental
Required Environmental Monitoring Plan: Yes
If the screening identifies environmental issues that require long term or Yes
intermittent monitoring (effluent, gaseous discharges, water quality, soil
quality, air quality, noise etc), does the proposal detail adequate
monitoring requirements?
6. Public participation/information requirements: Yes/No answers and bullet lists preferred except where
descriptive detail is essential
Does the proposal require, under national or local laws, the public to be Yes
informed, consulted or involved?
Has consultation been completed? Yes
Indicate the time frame of any outstanding consultation process. ___________
Refer to relevant legislative acts in Ethiopia.
7. Land and resettlement: Yes/No answers and bullet lists preferred except where descriptive detail is
What is the likelihood of land purchase for the ULG investment Gov. Projects acquired Land free of
project? any charge
How will the proponent go about land purchase? With lease rent
Will people’s livelihoods be affected in any way, therefore Yes
requiring some form of compensation?
Will people need to be displaced, and therefore require No
compensation and resettlement assistance?
Are the relevant authorities aware of the need for a Resettlement Yes
Process, involving a census, valuation, consultation, compensation,
evaluation and monitoring?
What level or type of compensation is planned? No compensation
Who will monitor actual payments?
Refer to the Resettlement Policy Framework.
8. Actions:
List outstanding actions to be cleared before ULG investment project appraisal. Public Consultation
Approval/rejection Yes/No answers and bullet lists preferred except where
descriptive detail is essential
Approval/rejection _
Yes/No answers and bullet lists preferred except where descriptive detail is
If proposal is rejected for environmental reasons, should the ULG investment
project be reconsidered, and what additional data would be required for re-
Categorization & Recommendations*


Schedule 1 Project to be fed into the standard EIA process determined by EPA
Project will not require an EIA, but will necessitate the inclusion of
environmental and social mitigation and enhancement measures in the
X Schedule 2
design and implementation of the project through the use of standard
construction contract clauses and an environmental management plan
Project is not subject to environmental assessment as no potential
Schedule 3 impacts are anticipated.

*Place tick in applicable box





Project name: Cobbled Stone Road

Location (include map/sketch): Oromia Regional State East Shawa Zone Batu
Town Administration Kebele ) 01 and 02 From
Betelam Hotel to Kid/Church

Type of activity : New Construction

Estimated Cost: (Birr) 1,000,000.00 EHB

Proposed Date of Works Commencement January 12, 2014

Technical Drawing and Specifications (circle Yes No

Reviewed : answer):

This report is to be kept short and concise.

4. Site Selection:
Yes/No answers and bullet lists preferred except
Physical data:
where descriptive detail is essential.
Site area in ha 2.2Km
Extension of or changes to existing alignment

Any existing property to transfer to project

Any plans for new construction
Refer to project application for this information.
5. Impact identification and classification:
When considering the location of a ULG investment project, rate the sensitivity of the
proposed site in the following table according to the given criteria. Higher ratings do not
necessarily mean that a site is unsuitable – it indicates a real risk of causing adverse impacts
involving resettlement and compensation. The following table should be used as a reference.

Table 2 Impact Identification and Classification

Site Sensitivity
Low Medium High

Involuntary Low population density; Medium population High population density; major
resettlement dispersed population; density; mixed towns and villages; low-income
legal tenure is well- ownership and land families and/or illegal ownership
defined; well-defined tenure; well-defined of land; communal properties;
water rights water rights unclear water rights
6. Checklist of impacts

Potential for Adverse Impacts

ULGDP infrastructure & services: Roads, Footpaths &
Street lighting, Water supply, etc
None Low Med High Unknown

Economic or physical resettlement required X

New settlement pressures created X
Other (specify):

7. Detailed questions
Public participation/information requirements: Yes/No answers and bullet lists preferred except where
descriptive detail is essential.
Does the proposal require, under national or local laws, the public to Yes
be informed, consulted or involved?
Has consultation been completed? Yes
Indicate the time frame of any outstanding consultation process. ____________
Refer to relevant legislative acts in Ethiopia.
Land and resettlement: Yes/No answers and bullet lists preferred except where descriptive detail is essential
What is the likelihood of land purchase for the ULG investment project? Gov. Project land is free on
any charge
How will the ULG go about land purchase? Lease rent
Will people’s livelihoods be affected in any way, therefore requiring some Yes
form of compensation?
Will people need to be displaced, and therefore require compensation and Yes
resettlement assistance?
Are the relevant authorities aware of the need for a Resettlement Process, Yes
involving a census, valuation, consultation, compensation, evaluation and
What level or type of compensation is planned? Direct discussion with
affected people
Who will monitor actual payments? Yes

Refer to the Resettlement Policy Framework.

List outstanding actions to be cleared before ULG investment ____________
project appraisal.
Approval/rejection .

If proposal is rejected for environmental reasons, should the ULG

investment project be reconsidered, and what additional data
would be required for reconsideration?

Requires an RAP is to be submitted on date

X Requires an ARAP to be submitted on date

Requires an Census & Land Inventory to be

submitted on date
Does not require further environmental or
social studies
*Place tick in applicable box




Environmental and Social Management Plan
 Project Name:- Cobbled Stone Construction
 Project Type:- New Construction
 Location:- From Betelam Hotel to Kidemirat Church
 Date of Works Commencement:- ______________________________

Type of Potential Impacts Mitigation measure Responsibility Required

Activities Budget

Construction  Dust Pollution  Watering the road surface daily Contractor 5,200EHB
 Stabilize the road surface with gravel and
other rocky surfacing materials

 Social disruption during  Comprehensive community participation in Municipality and 2,000EHB

construction (e.g. enhanced construction planning and management Health office
transmission of STDs and TB)  Education on avoiding communicable

 Road noise disturbance on  Reduced the vibration of construction machineries Contractor 1,500ETB
surrounding households

 Contaminate surface water and  Provide temporary sanitation (e.g. latrine), Municipality and 5,800.00ETB
generate trash due to lack of solid  Collect all solid waste from all site areas and Health office
waste management dispose of either in local landfill or well-screened
waste pits

 Creation of stagnant water in  Assess ecology of disease carriers in road Municipality and 3,500.00ETB
construction borrow pits and corridor, and employ suitable mitigation Health office
quarries, and on road sides, measures (e.g. proper drainage of
that breed disease carriers construction areas and road sides, effective
road maintenance)
and Operation
 Accidents and safety  Construct basic speed bumps and Road Authority
risks employ traffic signs where possible and Police office

 Landslides, slumps and  Stabilize slopes by planting vegetation

slips  Minimize vertical road cuts
 Install drainage ditches to
divert water away from road

 Dust due to traffic  Implement agreed dust control

measures such as wetting dirt roads,
truck washing for trucks exiting site,
and monitoring dust emissions


 Project Name:- Cobbled Stone Construction

 Project Type:- New Construction
 Location:- From Betelam Hotel to Kidenamirat Church
 Date of Works Commencement:- ______________________________
1. Socio-economic Household Datasheet of PAPs

Name of Interviewer _________________________ Signature

ID Code ______

Name of Supervisor Mussa Mohammed (after verification of interview)

ID Code ______

City, Sub-City, Woreda, Kebele, House No.

Name of Head of Extended Family :

Number of Nuclear Families in Extended Residential Group (including household of head of extended family)
Date: Day ____________ Month _____________ Year ___________________
Name and Relationship to Sex Place of Age Marital Residence Ethnic Religion Educational Income Economic Activities
Surname Head of Family Birth Status Tenure Group Level Earner
M F Yes No Primary Secondary

2. Household Interview
Relation to Head of Family : 1 HoH; 2 Spouse of HoH ; 3 Child of HoH; 4 Spouse of child of HoH ; 5 Grandchild of HoH; 6 Parent of HoH; 7: Other (specify) ;
0 No Answer. Marital Status: 1Married; 2 Widowed; 3 Divorced; 4 Unmarried; 0 No Answer. Residential Status: 1 PRP (Permanent Resident) ; 2 RA (Resident
absent) ; 3 Member of non-resident HH; 4 Visitor; 9 Other (specify) ; 0 No Answer. Occupations: Principle Occupation: 1. Farmer ; 2 Shepherd; 3 Household ; 4
Merchant; 5 Religious leader, teacher ; 6 Artisan ; 7 Transport ; 8 Unemployed;9 Other (specify) ;0 No Answer Secondary Occupations: idem. Educational Level
: 1 Illiterate ; 2 Three years or less; 3 Primary School ; 4 Secondary School ; 5 Technical School ; 6 Religious School ( literate in Arabic) ; 0 No Answer Religion
: 1 Muslim ; 2 Christian (specify denomination);3 Animist. 9 Other (specify); 0 No Answer
3. Land asset inventory for ULGDP investment project Affected People
Kebele: __________________________________ Date: ___________________________
City/Town: __________________________________

Land to
Surv Name of No. of Total land Land
be Loss of Loss of
ey Head of Persons in holding of HH Use Loss of assets Loss of crops Other losses
acquire % total other assets
no. Household household (m 2) Type *
d (m 2)

Business lost
lost type and




Fruit trees


wells, etc.
(type and
land lost

land lost

Area of






Entitlements of ULGDP investment project Affected People
Woreda: Batu Town Administration Date: ___________________________
Kebele: __________________________________

Survey Name of Compensation for Land Compensation for structures Compensation for crops and trees Compensation for other assets and losses Total
no. Head of (e.g., graveyards, wells, businesses, etc) (Birr)

Quantity Unit price Entitleme Quantity Unit Entitlement Quantity Unit Entitleme Quantity Unit price Entitlement
(m2) (Birr) per nt (Birr) (m2) price (Birr) Unit price nt (Birr) Unit (Birr) (Birr)
m2 (Birr) per (Birr)


Project name: Cobbled Stone Road

Location (include map/sketch): Oromia Regional State East Shawa Zone Batu
Town Administration Kebele ) 01 and 02 From
Aschelew Hotel to Stadium.

Type of activity : New Construction

Estimated Cost: (Birr) 1,000,000.00 EHB

Proposed Date of Works Commencement January 12, 2014

Technical Drawing and Specifications (circle Yes No

Reviewed : answer):

This report is to be kept short and concise.

8. Site Selection:
Yes/No answers and bullet lists preferred except
Physical data:
where descriptive detail is essential.
Site area in ha 2.2km
Extension of or changes to existing alignment

Any existing property to transfer to project

Any plans for new construction
Refer to project application for this information.
9. Impact identification and classification:
When considering the location of a ULG investment project, rate the sensitivity of the proposed
site in the following table according to the given criteria. Higher ratings do not necessarily mean
that a site is unsuitable. They do indicate a real risk of causing undesirable adverse
environmental and social effects, and that more substantial environmental and/or social
planning may be required to adequately avoid, mitigate or manage potential effects. The
following table should be used as a reference.
Table 3 Impact Identification and Classification

Site Sensitivity
Low Medium High

Natural habitats No natural habitats present of any kind No critical natural habitats; other natural Critical natural habitats present
habitats occur
Water quality and water Water flows exceed any existing demand; Medium intensity of water use; multiple Intensive water use; multiple water
resource availability and use low intensity of water use; potential water water users; water quality issues are users; potential for conflicts is high;
use conflicts expected to be low; no important water quality issues are important
potential water quality issues
Natural hazards vulnerability, Flat terrain; no potential stability/erosion Medium slopes; some erosion potential; Mountainous terrain; steep slopes;
floods, soil stability/ erosion problems; no known volcanic/seismic/ medium risks from volcanic/ seismic/ flood/ unstable soils; high erosion potential;
flood risks hurricanes volcanic, seismic or flood risks
Cultural property No known or suspected cultural heritage Suspected cultural heritage sites; known Known heritage sites in project area
sites heritage sites in broader area of influence
Involuntary resettlement Low population density; dispersed Medium population density; mixed High population density; major towns
population; legal tenure is well-defined; ownership and land tenure; well-defined and villages; low-income families and/or
well-defined water rights water rights illegal ownership of land; communal
properties; unclear water rights
Indigenous peoples No indigenous population Dispersed and mixed indigenous populations; Indigenous territories, reserves and/or
highly acculturated indigenous populations lands; vulnerable indigenous populations
Roads, Footpaths & Street lighting Potential for Adverse Impacts
None Low Med High

Soil erosion or flooding concerns (e.g., X

due to highly erodible soils or steep
Number of stream crossings or X
Wet season excavation X
Creation of quarry sites or borrow pits X
Significant vegetation removal X
Wildlife habitats or populations X
Environmentally sensitive areas X
Cultural or religious sites disturbed X
Economic or physical resettlement X
New settlement pressures created X
Other (specify):
Detailed questions:
1. Preliminary Environmental Information: Yes/No answers and bullet lists preferred except where
descriptive detail is essential
State the source of information available at this stage Field survey and public consultation
(ULG report, EIA or other environmental study).
Has there been litigation or complaints of any No
environmental nature directed against the proponent or
ULG investment project

Refer to application and/or relevant environmental authority for this information.

2. Identify type of activities and likely environmental impacts: Yes/No answers and bullet lists
preferred except where descriptive detail is essential
What are the likely environmental impacts, No significant environmental impact
opportunities, risks and liabilities associated with the considered, but the opportunity will be
project temporary employment and reduced
transportation costs, increased access
to markets for local produce and
products, increased investment in real
estate development.
Refer to ESMF– Impact, Mitigation and Monitoring Guidelines
3. Determine environmental screening category: Yes/No answers and bullet lists preferred
except where descriptive detail is essential.
After compiling the above, determine which category the
ULG investment project falls under based on the Category “B”
environmental categories A, B and C.

Refer to ESMF – Screening and Review Process

4. Mitigation of Potential Pollution: Yes/No answers and bullet lists preferred except where
descriptive detail is essential
Does the ULG investment project have the potential to pollute No
the environment, or contravene any environmental laws and
Will the ULG investment project require pesticide use? No
If so, then the proposal must detail the methodology and _______________
equipment incorporated in the design to constrain pollution
within the laws and regulations and to address pesticide use,
storage and handling.
Does the design adequately detail mitigating measures? Yes
Refer to ESMF– Impact, Mitigation and Monitoring Guidelines
5. Environmental Assessment Report or environmental studies required: Yes/No answers
and bullet lists preferred except where descriptive detail is essential
If Screening identifies environmental issues that require an It does not require full EIA
EIA or a study, does the proposal include the EIA or study?
Indicate the scope and time frame of any outstanding
environmental study.
Required Environmental Monitoring Plan: Yes
If the screening identifies environmental issues that require Yes
long term or intermittent monitoring (effluent, gaseous
discharges, water quality, soil quality, air quality, noise etc),
does the proposal detail adequate monitoring requirements?
6. Public participation/information requirements: Yes/No answers and bullet lists preferred
except where descriptive detail is essential
Does the proposal require, under national or local laws, the Yes
public to be informed, consulted or involved?
Has consultation been completed? Yes
Indicate the time frame of any outstanding consultation ___________
Refer to relevant legislative acts in Ethiopia.
7. Land and resettlement: Yes/No answers and bullet lists preferred except where descriptive
detail is essential.
What is the likelihood of land purchase for the ULG Gov. Projects acquired Land free of
investment project? any charge
How will the proponent go about land purchase? With lease rent
Will people’s livelihoods be affected in any way, Yes
therefore requiring some form of compensation?
Will people need to be displaced, and therefore require No
compensation and resettlement assistance?
Are the relevant authorities aware of the need for a Yes
Resettlement Process, involving a census, valuation,
consultation, compensation, evaluation and monitoring?
What level or type of compensation is planned? Monetary compensation
Who will monitor actual payments?
Refer to the Resettlement Policy Framework.
8. Actions:
List outstanding actions to be cleared before ULG investment project Public Consultation
appraisal. Approval/rejection Yes/No answers and bullet lists
preferred except where descriptive detail is essential
Approval/rejection _
Yes/No answers and bullet lists preferred except where descriptive
detail is essential
If proposal is rejected for environmental reasons, should the ULG
investment project be reconsidered, and what additional data would
be required for reconsideration?

Categorization & Recommendations*


Schedule 1 Project to be fed into the standard EIA process determined by EPA
X Schedule 2 Project will not require an EIA, but will necessitate the inclusion of
environmental and social mitigation and enhancement measures in the
design and implementation of the project through the use of standard
construction contract clauses and an environmental management plan
Project is not subject to environmental assessment as no potential
Schedule 3 impacts are anticipated.

*Place tick in applicable box





Project name: Cobbled Stone Road

Location (include map/sketch): Oromia Regional State East Shawa Zone Batu
Town Administration Kebele ) 02 From Aschelew
Hotel to Stadium

Type of activity : New Construction

Estimated Cost: (Birr) 1,000,000.00 EHB

Proposed Date of Works Commencement January 12, 2014

Technical Drawing and Specifications (circle Yes No

Reviewed : answer):

This report is to be kept short and concise.

10. Site Selection:
Yes/No answers and bullet lists preferred except
Physical data:
where descriptive detail is essential.
Site area in ha 2.2Km
Extension of or changes to existing alignment

Any existing property to transfer to project

Any plans for new construction
Refer to project application for this information.
11. Impact identification and classification:
When considering the location of a ULG investment project, rate the sensitivity of the
proposed site in the following table according to the given criteria. Higher ratings do not
necessarily mean that a site is unsuitable – it indicates a real risk of causing adverse impacts
involving resettlement and compensation. The following table should be used as a reference.

Table 4 Impact Identification and Classification

Site Sensitivity
Low Medium High

Involuntary Low population density; Medium population High population density; major
resettlement dispersed population; density; mixed towns and villages; low-income
legal tenure is well- ownership and land families and/or illegal ownership
defined; well-defined tenure; well-defined of land; communal properties;
water rights water rights unclear water rights
12. Checklist of impacts

Potential for Adverse Impacts

ULGDP infrastructure & services: Roads,
Footpaths & Street lighting, Water supply, etc
None Low Med High Unknown

Economic or physical resettlement required X

New settlement pressures created X
Other (specify):

13. Detailed questions

Public participation/information requirements: Yes/No answers and bullet lists preferred except
where descriptive detail is essential.
Does the proposal require, under national or local laws, Yes
the public to be informed, consulted or involved?
Has consultation been completed? Yes
Indicate the time frame of any outstanding consultation ____________
Refer to relevant legislative acts in Ethiopia.
Land and resettlement: Yes/No answers and bullet lists preferred except where descriptive detail
is essential
What is the likelihood of land purchase for the ULG investment Gov. Project land is free on
project? any charge
How will the ULG go about land purchase? Lease rent
Will people’s livelihoods be affected in any way, therefore Yes
requiring some form of compensation?
Will people need to be displaced, and therefore require Yes
compensation and resettlement assistance?
Are the relevant authorities aware of the need for a Resettlement Yes
Process, involving a census, valuation, consultation,
compensation, evaluation and monitoring?
What level or type of compensation is planned? Direct discussion with
affected people
Who will monitor actual payments? Yes

Refer to the Resettlement Policy Framework.

List outstanding actions to be cleared before ULG investment ____________
project appraisal.
Approval/rejection .

If proposal is rejected for environmental reasons, should the ULG

investment project be reconsidered, and what additional data
would be required for reconsideration?


Requires an RAP is to be submitted on date

X Requires an ARAP to be submitted on date

Requires an Census & Land Inventory to be

submitted on date
Does not require further environmental or
social studies
*Place tick in applicable box




Environmental and Social Management Plan
 Project Name:- Cobbled Stone Construction
 Project Type:- New Construction
 Location:- From Aschelew Hotel to Stadium.
 Date of Works Commencement:- ___________________

Type of Potential Impacts Mitigation measure Responsibility Required

Activities Budget

Construction  Dust Pollution  Watering the road surface daily Contractor 5,200EHB
 Stabilize the road surface with gravel and
other rocky surfacing materials

 Social disruption during  Comprehensive community participation in Municipality and 2,000EHB

construction (e.g. enhanced construction planning and management Health office
transmission of STDs and TB)  Education on avoiding communicable

 Road noise disturbance on  Reduced the vibration of construction machineries Contractor 1,500ETB
surrounding households

 Contaminate surface water and  Provide temporary sanitation (e.g. latrine), Municipality and 5,800.00ETB
generate trash due to lack of solid  Collect all solid waste from all site areas and Health office
waste management dispose of either in local landfill or well-screened
waste pits

 Creation of stagnant water in  Assess ecology of disease carriers in road Municipality and 3,500.00ETB
construction borrow pits and corridor, and employ suitable mitigation Health office
quarries, and on road sides, measures (e.g. proper drainage of
that breed disease carriers construction areas and road sides, effective
road maintenance)
and Operation
 Accidents and safety  Construct basic speed bumps and Road Authority
risks employ traffic signs where possible and Police office

 Landslides, slumps and  Stabilize slopes by planting vegetation

slips  Minimize vertical road cuts
 Install drainage ditches to
diver water away from road

 Dust due to traffic  Implement agreed dust control

measures such as wetting dirt roads,
truck washing for trucks exiting site,
and monitoring dust emissions


Project name: Cobbled Stone Road

Location (include map/sketch): Oromia Regional State East Shawa Zone Batu
Town Administration Kebele ) 01 From Old
Butajera Road to Tourist Hotel

Type of activity : New Construction

Estimated Cost: (Birr) 1,000,000.00 EHB

Proposed Date of Works Commencement January 12, 2014

Technical Drawing and Specifications (circle Yes No

Reviewed : answer):

This report is to be kept short and concise.

14. Site Selection:
Yes/No answers and bullet lists preferred except
Physical data:
where descriptive detail is essential.
Site area in ha 2.2km
Extension of or changes to existing alignment

Any existing property to transfer to project

Any plans for new construction
Refer to project application for this information.
15. Impact identification and classification:
When considering the location of a ULG investment project, rate the sensitivity of the proposed
site in the following table according to the given criteria. Higher ratings do not necessarily mean
that a site is unsuitable. They do indicate a real risk of causing undesirable adverse
environmental and social effects, and that more substantial environmental and/or social
planning may be required to adequately avoid, mitigate or manage potential effects. The
following table should be used as a reference.
Table 5 Impact Identification and Classification

Site Sensitivity
Low Medium High

Natural habitats No natural habitats present of any kind No critical natural habitats; other natural Critical natural habitats present
habitats occur
Water quality and water Water flows exceed any existing demand; Medium intensity of water use; multiple Intensive water use; multiple water
resource availability and use low intensity of water use; potential water water users; water quality issues are users; potential for conflicts is high;
use conflicts expected to be low; no important water quality issues are important
potential water quality issues
Natural hazards vulnerability, Flat terrain; no potential stability/erosion Medium slopes; some erosion potential; Mountainous terrain; steep slopes;
floods, soil stability/ erosion problems; no known volcanic/seismic/ medium risks from volcanic/ seismic/ flood/ unstable soils; high erosion potential;
flood risks hurricanes volcanic, seismic or flood risks
Cultural property No known or suspected cultural heritage Suspected cultural heritage sites; known Known heritage sites in project area
sites heritage sites in broader area of influence
Involuntary resettlement Low population density; dispersed Medium population density; mixed High population density; major towns
population; legal tenure is well-defined; ownership and land tenure; well-defined and villages; low-income families and/or
well-defined water rights water rights illegal ownership of land; communal
properties; unclear water rights
Indigenous peoples No indigenous population Dispersed and mixed indigenous populations; Indigenous territories, reserves and/or
highly acculturated indigenous populations lands; vulnerable indigenous populations
Roads, Footpaths & Street lighting Potential for Adverse Impacts
None Low Med High

Soil erosion or flooding concerns (e.g., X

due to highly erodible soils or steep
Number of stream crossings or X
Wet season excavation X
Creation of quarry sites or borrow pits X
Significant vegetation removal X
Wildlife habitats or populations X
Environmentally sensitive areas X
Cultural or religious sites disturbed X
Economic or physical resettlement X
New settlement pressures created X
Other (specify):
Detailed questions:
1. Preliminary Environmental Information: Yes/No answers and bullet lists preferred except where
descriptive detail is essential
State the source of information available at this stage Field survey and public consultation
(ULG report, EIA or other environmental study).
Has there been litigation or complaints of any No
environmental nature directed against the proponent or
ULG investment project

Refer to application and/or relevant environmental authority for this information.

2. Identify type of activities and likely environmental impacts: Yes/No answers and bullet lists
preferred except where descriptive detail is essential
What are the likely environmental impacts, No significant environmental impact
opportunities, risks and liabilities associated with the considered, but the opportunity will be
project temporary employment and reduced
transportation costs, increased access
to markets for local produce and
products, increased investment in real
estate development.
Refer to ESMF– Impact, Mitigation and Monitoring Guidelines
3. Determine environmental screening category: Yes/No answers and bullet lists preferred
except where descriptive detail is essential.
After compiling the above, determine which category the
ULG investment project falls under based on the Category “B”
environmental categories A, B and C.

Refer to ESMF – Screening and Review Process

4. Mitigation of Potential Pollution: Yes/No answers and bullet lists preferred except where
descriptive detail is essential
Does the ULG investment project have the potential to pollute No
the environment, or contravene any environmental laws and
Will the ULG investment project require pesticide use? No
If so, then the proposal must detail the methodology and _______________
equipment incorporated in the design to constrain pollution
within the laws and regulations and to address pesticide use,
storage and handling.
Does the design adequately detail mitigating measures? Yes
Refer to ESMF– Impact, Mitigation and Monitoring Guidelines
5. Environmental Assessment Report or environmental studies required: Yes/No answers
and bullet lists preferred except where descriptive detail is essential
If Screening identifies environmental issues that require an It does not require full EIA
EIA or a study, does the proposal include the EIA or study?
Indicate the scope and time frame of any outstanding
environmental study.
Required Environmental Monitoring Plan: Yes
If the screening identifies environmental issues that require Yes
long term or intermittent monitoring (effluent, gaseous
discharges, water quality, soil quality, air quality, noise etc),
does the proposal detail adequate monitoring requirements?
6. Public participation/information requirements: Yes/No answers and bullet lists preferred
except where descriptive detail is essential
Does the proposal require, under national or local laws, the Yes
public to be informed, consulted or involved?
Has consultation been completed? Yes
Indicate the time frame of any outstanding consultation ___________
Refer to relevant legislative acts in Ethiopia.
7. Land and resettlement: Yes/No answers and bullet lists preferred except where descriptive
detail is essential.
What is the likelihood of land purchase for the ULG Gov. Projects acquired Land free of
investment project? any charge
How will the proponent go about land purchase? With lease rent
Will people’s livelihoods be affected in any way, Yes
therefore requiring some form of compensation?
Will people need to be displaced, and therefore require No
compensation and resettlement assistance?
Are the relevant authorities aware of the need for a Yes
Resettlement Process, involving a census, valuation,
consultation, compensation, evaluation and monitoring?
What level or type of compensation is planned? Monetary compensation
Who will monitor actual payments?
Refer to the Resettlement Policy Framework.
8. Actions:
List outstanding actions to be cleared before ULG investment project Public Consultation
appraisal. Approval/rejection Yes/No answers and bullet lists
preferred except where descriptive detail is essential
Approval/rejection _
Yes/No answers and bullet lists preferred except where descriptive
detail is essential
If proposal is rejected for environmental reasons, should the ULG
investment project be reconsidered, and what additional data would
be required for reconsideration?

Categorization & Recommendations*

Schedule 1 Project to be fed into the standard EIA process determined by EPA
Project will not require an EIA, but will necessitate the inclusion of
environmental and social mitigation and enhancement measures in the
X Schedule 2
design and implementation of the project through the use of standard
construction contract clauses and an environmental management plan
Project is not subject to environmental assessment as no potential
Schedule 3 impacts are anticipated.

*Place tick in applicable box





Project name: Cobbled Stone Road

Location (include map/sketch): Oromia Regional State East Shawa Zone Batu
Town Administration Kebele ) 01 From Old
Butajera Road to Tourist Hotel

Type of activity : New Construction

Estimated Cost: (Birr) 1,000,000.00 EHB

Proposed Date of Works Commencement January 12, 2014

Technical Drawing and Specifications (circle Yes No

Reviewed : answer):

This report is to be kept short and concise.

16. Site Selection:
Yes/No answers and bullet lists preferred except
Physical data:
where descriptive detail is essential.
Site area in ha 2.2Km
Extension of or changes to existing alignment

Any existing property to transfer to project

Any plans for new construction
Refer to project application for this information.
17. Impact identification and classification:
When considering the location of a ULG investment project, rate the sensitivity of the proposed
site in the following table according to the given criteria. Higher ratings do not necessarily mean
that a site is unsuitable – it indicates a real risk of causing adverse impacts involving
resettlement and compensation. The following table should be used as a reference.

Table 6 Impact Identification and Classification

Site Sensitivity
Low Medium High

Involuntary Low population density; Medium population High population density; major
resettlement dispersed population; density; mixed towns and villages; low-income
legal tenure is well- ownership and land families and/or illegal ownership
defined; well-defined tenure; well-defined of land; communal properties;
water rights water rights unclear water rights

18. Checklist of impacts

Potential for Adverse Impacts

ULGDP infrastructure & services: Roads,
Footpaths & Street lighting, Water supply, etc
None Low Med High Unknown

Economic or physical resettlement required X

New settlement pressures created X
Other (specify):

19. Detailed questions

Public participation/information requirements: Yes/No answers and bullet lists preferred except
where descriptive detail is essential.
Does the proposal require, under national or local laws, Yes
the public to be informed, consulted or involved?
Has consultation been completed? Yes
Indicate the time frame of any outstanding consultation ____________
Refer to relevant legislative acts in Ethiopia.
Land and resettlement: Yes/No answers and bullet lists preferred except where descriptive detail
is essential
What is the likelihood of land purchase for the ULG investment Gov. Project land is free on
project? any charge
How will the ULG go about land purchase? Lease rent
Will people’s livelihoods be affected in any way, therefore Yes
requiring some form of compensation?
Will people need to be displaced, and therefore require Yes
compensation and resettlement assistance?
Are the relevant authorities aware of the need for a Resettlement Yes
Process, involving a census, valuation, consultation,
compensation, evaluation and monitoring?
What level or type of compensation is planned? Direct discussion with
affected people
Who will monitor actual payments? Yes

Refer to the Resettlement Policy Framework.

List outstanding actions to be cleared before ULG investment ____________
project appraisal.
Approval/rejection .

If proposal is rejected for environmental reasons, should the ULG

investment project be reconsidered, and what additional data
would be required for reconsideration?


Requires an RAP is to be submitted on date

Requires an ARAP to be submitted on date

Requires an Census & Land Inventory to be

submitted on date
X Does not require further environmental or
social studies
*Place tick in applicable box




Environmental and Social Management Plan
 Project Name:- Cobbled Stone Construction
 Project Type:- New Construction
 Location:- From Old Butajera Road to Tourist Hotel.
 Date of Works Commencement:- ___________________

Type of Potential Impacts Mitigation measure Responsibility Required

Activities Budget

Construction  Dust Pollution  Watering the road surface daily Contractor 5,200EHB
 Stabilize the road surface with gravel and
other rocky surfacing materials

 Social disruption during  Comprehensive community participation in Municipality and 2,000EHB

construction (e.g. enhanced construction planning and management Health office
transmission of STDs and TB)  Education on avoiding communicable

 Road noise disturbance on  Reduced the vibration of construction machineries Contractor 1,500ETB
surrounding households

 Contaminate surface water and  Provide temporary sanitation (e.g. latrine), Municipality and 5,800.00ETB
generate trash due to lack of solid  Collect all solid waste from all site areas and Health office
waste management dispose of either in local landfill or well-screened
waste pits

 Creation of stagnant water in  Assess ecology of disease carriers in road Municipality and 3,500.00ETB
construction borrow pits and corridor, and employ suitable mitigation Health office
quarries, and on road sides, measures (e.g. proper drainage of
that breed disease carriers construction areas and road sides, effective
road maintenance)
and Operation
 Accidents and safety  Construct basic speed bumps and Road Authority
risks employ traffic signs where possible and Police office

 Landslides, slumps and  Stabilize slopes by planting vegetation

slips  Minimize vertical road cuts
 Install drainage ditches to
diver water away from road

 Dust due to traffic  Implement agreed dust control

measures such as wetting dirt roads,
truck washing for trucks exiting site,
and monitoring dust emissions


Project name: Cobbled Stone Road

Location (include map/sketch): Oromia Regional State East Shawa Zone Batu
Town Administration Kebele ) 02 From New
Butajera Road to Back of Abdela Tower.

Type of activity : New Construction

Estimated Cost: (Birr) 1,000,000.00 EHB

Proposed Date of Works Commencement January 12, 2014

Technical Drawing and Specifications (circle Yes No

Reviewed : answer):

This report is to be kept short and concise.

20. Site Selection:
Yes/No answers and bullet lists preferred except
Physical data:
where descriptive detail is essential.
Site area in ha 2.2km
Extension of or changes to existing alignment

Any existing property to transfer to project

Any plans for new construction
Refer to project application for this information.
21. Impact identification and classification:
When considering the location of a ULG investment project, rate the sensitivity of the proposed
site in the following table according to the given criteria. Higher ratings do not necessarily mean
that a site is unsuitable. They do indicate a real risk of causing undesirable adverse
environmental and social effects, and that more substantial environmental and/or social
planning may be required to adequately avoid, mitigate or manage potential effects. The
following table should be used as a reference.
Table 7 Impact Identification and Classification

Site Sensitivity
Low Medium High

Natural habitats No natural habitats present of any kind No critical natural habitats; other natural Critical natural habitats present
habitats occur
Water quality and water Water flows exceed any existing demand; Medium intensity of water use; multiple Intensive water use; multiple water
resource availability and use low intensity of water use; potential water water users; water quality issues are users; potential for conflicts is high;
use conflicts expected to be low; no important water quality issues are important
potential water quality issues
Natural hazards vulnerability, Flat terrain; no potential stability/erosion Medium slopes; some erosion potential; Mountainous terrain; steep slopes;
floods, soil stability/ erosion problems; no known volcanic/seismic/ medium risks from volcanic/ seismic/ flood/ unstable soils; high erosion potential;
flood risks hurricanes volcanic, seismic or flood risks
Cultural property No known or suspected cultural heritage Suspected cultural heritage sites; known Known heritage sites in project area
sites heritage sites in broader area of influence
Involuntary resettlement Low population density; dispersed Medium population density; mixed High population density; major towns
population; legal tenure is well-defined; ownership and land tenure; well-defined and villages; low-income families and/or
well-defined water rights water rights illegal ownership of land; communal
properties; unclear water rights
Indigenous peoples No indigenous population Dispersed and mixed indigenous populations; Indigenous territories, reserves and/or
highly acculturated indigenous populations lands; vulnerable indigenous populations
Roads, Footpaths & Street lighting Potential for Adverse Impacts
None Low Med High

Soil erosion or flooding concerns (e.g., X

due to highly erodible soils or steep
Number of stream crossings or X
Wet season excavation X
Creation of quarry sites or borrow pits X
Significant vegetation removal X
Wildlife habitats or populations X
Environmentally sensitive areas X
Cultural or religious sites disturbed X
Economic or physical resettlement X
New settlement pressures created X
Other (specify):
Detailed questions:
1. Preliminary Environmental Information: Yes/No answers and bullet lists preferred except where
descriptive detail is essential
State the source of information available at this stage Field survey and public consultation
(ULG report, EIA or other environmental study).
Has there been litigation or complaints of any No
environmental nature directed against the proponent or
ULG investment project

Refer to application and/or relevant environmental authority for this information.

2. Identify type of activities and likely environmental impacts: Yes/No answers and bullet lists
preferred except where descriptive detail is essential
What are the likely environmental impacts, No significant environmental impact
opportunities, risks and liabilities associated with the considered, but the opportunity will be
project temporary employment and reduced
transportation costs, increased access
to markets for local produce and
products, increased investment in real
estate development.
Refer to ESMF– Impact, Mitigation and Monitoring Guidelines
3. Determine environmental screening category: Yes/No answers and bullet lists preferred
except where descriptive detail is essential.
After compiling the above, determine which category the
ULG investment project falls under based on the Category “B”
environmental categories A, B and C.

Refer to ESMF – Screening and Review Process

4. Mitigation of Potential Pollution: Yes/No answers and bullet lists preferred except where
descriptive detail is essential
Does the ULG investment project have the potential to pollute No
the environment, or contravene any environmental laws and
Will the ULG investment project require pesticide use? No
If so, then the proposal must detail the methodology and _______________
equipment incorporated in the design to constrain pollution
within the laws and regulations and to address pesticide use,
storage and handling.
Does the design adequately detail mitigating measures? Yes
Refer to ESMF– Impact, Mitigation and Monitoring Guidelines
5. Environmental Assessment Report or environmental studies required: Yes/No answers
and bullet lists preferred except where descriptive detail is essential
If Screening identifies environmental issues that require an It does not require full EIA
EIA or a study, does the proposal include the EIA or study?
Indicate the scope and time frame of any outstanding
environmental study.
Required Environmental Monitoring Plan: Yes
If the screening identifies environmental issues that require Yes
long term or intermittent monitoring (effluent, gaseous
discharges, water quality, soil quality, air quality, noise etc),
does the proposal detail adequate monitoring requirements?
6. Public participation/information requirements: Yes/No answers and bullet lists preferred
except where descriptive detail is essential
Does the proposal require, under national or local laws, the Yes
public to be informed, consulted or involved?
Has consultation been completed? Yes
Indicate the time frame of any outstanding consultation ___________
Refer to relevant legislative acts in Ethiopia.
7. Land and resettlement: Yes/No answers and bullet lists preferred except where descriptive
detail is essential.
What is the likelihood of land purchase for the ULG Gov. Projects acquired Land free of
investment project? any charge
How will the proponent go about land purchase? With lease rent
Will people’s livelihoods be affected in any way, Yes
therefore requiring some form of compensation?
Will people need to be displaced, and therefore require No
compensation and resettlement assistance?
Are the relevant authorities aware of the need for a Yes
Resettlement Process, involving a census, valuation,
consultation, compensation, evaluation and monitoring?
What level or type of compensation is planned? Monetary compensation
Who will monitor actual payments?
Refer to the Resettlement Policy Framework.
8. Actions:
List outstanding actions to be cleared before ULG investment project Public Consultation
appraisal. Approval/rejection Yes/No answers and bullet lists
preferred except where descriptive detail is essential
Approval/rejection _
Yes/No answers and bullet lists preferred except where descriptive
detail is essential
If proposal is rejected for environmental reasons, should the ULG
investment project be reconsidered, and what additional data would
be required for reconsideration?

Categorization & Recommendations*

Schedule 1 Project to be fed into the standard EIA process determined by EPA
Project will not require an EIA, but will necessitate the inclusion of
environmental and social mitigation and enhancement measures in the
X Schedule 2
design and implementation of the project through the use of standard
construction contract clauses and an environmental management plan
Project is not subject to environmental assessment as no potential
Schedule 3 impacts are anticipated.

*Place tick in applicable box





Project name: Cobbled Stone Road

Location (include map/sketch): Oromia Regional State East Shawa Zone Batu
Town Administration Kebele ) 02 From New
Butajera Road to Back of Abdela Tower.

Type of activity : New Construction

Estimated Cost: (Birr) 1,000,000.00 EHB

Proposed Date of Works Commencement January 12, 2014

Technical Drawing and Specifications (circle Yes No

Reviewed : answer):

This report is to be kept short and concise.

22. Site Selection:
Yes/No answers and bullet lists preferred except
Physical data:
where descriptive detail is essential.
Site area in ha 2.2Km
Extension of or changes to existing alignment

Any existing property to transfer to project

Any plans for new construction
Refer to project application for this information.
23. Impact identification and classification:
When considering the location of a ULG investment project, rate the sensitivity of the proposed
site in the following table according to the given criteria. Higher ratings do not necessarily mean
that a site is unsuitable – it indicates a real risk of causing adverse impacts involving
resettlement and compensation. The following table should be used as a reference.

Table 8 Impact Identification and Classification

Site Sensitivity
Low Medium High

Involuntary Low population density; Medium population High population density; major
resettlement dispersed population; density; mixed towns and villages; low-income
legal tenure is well- ownership and land families and/or illegal ownership
defined; well-defined tenure; well-defined of land; communal properties;
water rights water rights unclear water rights

24. Checklist of impacts

Potential for Adverse Impacts

ULGDP infrastructure & services: Roads,
Footpaths & Street lighting, Water supply, etc
None Low Med High Unknown

Economic or physical resettlement required X

New settlement pressures created X
Other (specify):

25. Detailed questions

Public participation/information requirements: Yes/No answers and bullet lists preferred except
where descriptive detail is essential.
Does the proposal require, under national or local laws, Yes
the public to be informed, consulted or involved?
Has consultation been completed? Yes
Indicate the time frame of any outstanding consultation ____________
Refer to relevant legislative acts in Ethiopia.
Land and resettlement: Yes/No answers and bullet lists preferred except where descriptive detail
is essential
What is the likelihood of land purchase for the ULG investment Gov. Project land is free on
project? any charge
How will the ULG go about land purchase? Lease rent
Will people’s livelihoods be affected in any way, therefore Yes
requiring some form of compensation?
Will people need to be displaced, and therefore require Yes
compensation and resettlement assistance?
Are the relevant authorities aware of the need for a Resettlement Yes
Process, involving a census, valuation, consultation,
compensation, evaluation and monitoring?
What level or type of compensation is planned? Direct discussion with
affected people
Who will monitor actual payments? Yes

Refer to the Resettlement Policy Framework.

List outstanding actions to be cleared before ULG investment ____________
project appraisal.
Approval/rejection .

If proposal is rejected for environmental reasons, should the ULG

investment project be reconsidered, and what additional data
would be required for reconsideration?


Requires an RAP is to be submitted on date

Requires an ARAP to be submitted on date

Requires an Census & Land Inventory to be

submitted on date
X Does not require further environmental or
social studies
*Place tick in applicable box




Environmental and Social Management Plan
 Project Name:- Cobbled Stone Construction
 Project Type:- New Construction
 Location:- From New Butajera Road to Back of Abdela Tower..
 Date of Works Commencement:- ___________________

Type of Potential Impacts Mitigation measure Responsibility Required

Activities Budget

Construction  Dust Pollution  Watering the road surface daily Contractor 5,200EHB
 Stabilize the road surface with gravel and
other rocky surfacing materials

 Social disruption during  Comprehensive community participation in Municipality and 2,000EHB

construction (e.g. enhanced construction planning and management Health office
transmission of STDs and TB)  Education on avoiding communicable

 Road noise disturbance on  Reduced the vibration of construction machineries Contractor 1,500ETB
surrounding households

 Contaminate surface water and  Provide temporary sanitation (e.g. latrine), Municipality and 5,800.00ETB
generate trash due to lack of solid  Collect all solid waste from all site areas and Health office
waste management dispose of either in local landfill or well-screened
waste pits

 Creation of stagnant water in  Assess ecology of disease carriers in road Municipality and 3,500.00ETB
construction borrow pits and corridor, and employ suitable mitigation Health office
quarries, and on road sides, measures (e.g. proper drainage of
that breed disease carriers construction areas and road sides, effective
road maintenance)
and Operation
 Accidents and safety  Construct basic speed bumps and Road Authority
risks employ traffic signs where possible and Police office

 Landslides, slumps and  Stabilize slopes by planting vegetation

slips  Minimize vertical road cuts
 Install drainage ditches to
diver water away from road

 Dust due to traffic  Implement agreed dust control

measures such as wetting dirt roads,
truck washing for trucks exiting site,
and monitoring dust emissions


Project name: Cobbled Stone Road

Location (include map/sketch): Oromia Regional State East Shawa Zone Batu
Town Administration Kebele ) 02 From New
Butajera Road to Back of Abdela Tower.

Type of activity : New Construction

Estimated Cost: (Birr) 1,000,000.00 EHB

Proposed Date of Works Commencement January 12, 2014

Technical Drawing and Specifications (circle Yes No

Reviewed : answer):

This report is to be kept short and concise.

26. Site Selection:
Yes/No answers and bullet lists preferred except
Physical data:
where descriptive detail is essential.
Site area in ha 2.2km
Extension of or changes to existing alignment

Any existing property to transfer to project

Any plans for new construction
Refer to project application for this information.
27. Impact identification and classification:
When considering the location of a ULG investment project, rate the sensitivity of the proposed
site in the following table according to the given criteria. Higher ratings do not necessarily mean
that a site is unsuitable. They do indicate a real risk of causing undesirable adverse
environmental and social effects, and that more substantial environmental and/or social
planning may be required to adequately avoid, mitigate or manage potential effects. The
following table should be used as a reference.
Table 9 Impact Identification and Classification

Site Sensitivity
Low Medium High

Natural habitats No natural habitats present of any kind No critical natural habitats; other natural Critical natural habitats present
habitats occur
Water quality and water Water flows exceed any existing demand; Medium intensity of water use; multiple Intensive water use; multiple water
resource availability and use low intensity of water use; potential water water users; water quality issues are users; potential for conflicts is high;
use conflicts expected to be low; no important water quality issues are important
potential water quality issues
Natural hazards vulnerability, Flat terrain; no potential stability/erosion Medium slopes; some erosion potential; Mountainous terrain; steep slopes;
floods, soil stability/ erosion problems; no known volcanic/seismic/ medium risks from volcanic/ seismic/ flood/ unstable soils; high erosion potential;
flood risks hurricanes volcanic, seismic or flood risks
Cultural property No known or suspected cultural heritage Suspected cultural heritage sites; known Known heritage sites in project area
sites heritage sites in broader area of influence
Involuntary resettlement Low population density; dispersed Medium population density; mixed High population density; major towns
population; legal tenure is well-defined; ownership and land tenure; well-defined and villages; low-income families and/or
well-defined water rights water rights illegal ownership of land; communal
properties; unclear water rights
Indigenous peoples No indigenous population Dispersed and mixed indigenous populations; Indigenous territories, reserves and/or
highly acculturated indigenous populations lands; vulnerable indigenous populations
Roads, Footpaths & Street lighting Potential for Adverse Impacts
None Low Med High

Soil erosion or flooding concerns (e.g., X

due to highly erodible soils or steep
Number of stream crossings or X
Wet season excavation X
Creation of quarry sites or borrow pits X
Significant vegetation removal X
Wildlife habitats or populations X
Environmentally sensitive areas X
Cultural or religious sites disturbed X
Economic or physical resettlement X
New settlement pressures created X
Other (specify):
Detailed questions:
1. Preliminary Environmental Information: Yes/No answers and bullet lists preferred except where
descriptive detail is essential
State the source of information available at this stage Field survey and public consultation
(ULG report, EIA or other environmental study).
Has there been litigation or complaints of any No
environmental nature directed against the proponent or
ULG investment project

Refer to application and/or relevant environmental authority for this information.

2. Identify type of activities and likely environmental impacts: Yes/No answers and bullet lists
preferred except where descriptive detail is essential
What are the likely environmental impacts, No significant environmental impact
opportunities, risks and liabilities associated with the considered, but the opportunity will be
project temporary employment and reduced
transportation costs, increased access
to markets for local produce and
products, increased investment in real
estate development.
Refer to ESMF– Impact, Mitigation and Monitoring Guidelines
3. Determine environmental screening category: Yes/No answers and bullet lists preferred
except where descriptive detail is essential.
After compiling the above, determine which category the
ULG investment project falls under based on the Category “B”
environmental categories A, B and C.

Refer to ESMF – Screening and Review Process

4. Mitigation of Potential Pollution: Yes/No answers and bullet lists preferred except where
descriptive detail is essential
Does the ULG investment project have the potential to pollute No
the environment, or contravene any environmental laws and
Will the ULG investment project require pesticide use? No
If so, then the proposal must detail the methodology and _______________
equipment incorporated in the design to constrain pollution
within the laws and regulations and to address pesticide use,
storage and handling.
Does the design adequately detail mitigating measures? Yes
Refer to ESMF– Impact, Mitigation and Monitoring Guidelines
5. Environmental Assessment Report or environmental studies required: Yes/No answers
and bullet lists preferred except where descriptive detail is essential
If Screening identifies environmental issues that require an It does not require full EIA
EIA or a study, does the proposal include the EIA or study?
Indicate the scope and time frame of any outstanding
environmental study.
Required Environmental Monitoring Plan: Yes
If the screening identifies environmental issues that require Yes
long term or intermittent monitoring (effluent, gaseous
discharges, water quality, soil quality, air quality, noise etc),
does the proposal detail adequate monitoring requirements?
6. Public participation/information requirements: Yes/No answers and bullet lists preferred
except where descriptive detail is essential
Does the proposal require, under national or local laws, the Yes
public to be informed, consulted or involved?
Has consultation been completed? Yes
Indicate the time frame of any outstanding consultation ___________
Refer to relevant legislative acts in Ethiopia.
7. Land and resettlement: Yes/No answers and bullet lists preferred except where descriptive
detail is essential.
What is the likelihood of land purchase for the ULG Gov. Projects acquired Land free of
investment project? any charge
How will the proponent go about land purchase? With lease rent
Will people’s livelihoods be affected in any way, Yes
therefore requiring some form of compensation?
Will people need to be displaced, and therefore require No
compensation and resettlement assistance?
Are the relevant authorities aware of the need for a Yes
Resettlement Process, involving a census, valuation,
consultation, compensation, evaluation and monitoring?
What level or type of compensation is planned? Monetary compensation
Who will monitor actual payments?
Refer to the Resettlement Policy Framework.
8. Actions:
List outstanding actions to be cleared before ULG investment project Public Consultation
appraisal. Approval/rejection Yes/No answers and bullet lists
preferred except where descriptive detail is essential
Approval/rejection _
Yes/No answers and bullet lists preferred except where descriptive
detail is essential
If proposal is rejected for environmental reasons, should the ULG
investment project be reconsidered, and what additional data would
be required for reconsideration?

Categorization & Recommendations*

Schedule 1 Project to be fed into the standard EIA process determined by EPA
Project will not require an EIA, but will necessitate the inclusion of
environmental and social mitigation and enhancement measures in the
X Schedule 2
design and implementation of the project through the use of standard
construction contract clauses and an environmental management plan
Project is not subject to environmental assessment as no potential
Schedule 3 impacts are anticipated.

*Place tick in applicable box





Project name: Cobbled Stone Road

Location (include map/sketch): Oromia Regional State East Shawa Zone Batu
Town Administration Kebele ) 02 From New
Butajera Road to Back of Abdela Tower.

Type of activity : New Construction

Estimated Cost: (Birr) 1,000,000.00 EHB

Proposed Date of Works Commencement January 12, 2014

Technical Drawing and Specifications (circle Yes No

Reviewed : answer):

This report is to be kept short and concise.

28. Site Selection:
Yes/No answers and bullet lists preferred except
Physical data:
where descriptive detail is essential.
Site area in ha 2.2Km
Extension of or changes to existing alignment

Any existing property to transfer to project

Any plans for new construction
Refer to project application for this information.
29. Impact identification and classification:
When considering the location of a ULG investment project, rate the sensitivity of the proposed
site in the following table according to the given criteria. Higher ratings do not necessarily mean
that a site is unsuitable – it indicates a real risk of causing adverse impacts involving
resettlement and compensation. The following table should be used as a reference.

Table 10 Impact Identification and Classification

Site Sensitivity
Low Medium High

Involuntary Low population density; Medium population High population density; major
resettlement dispersed population; density; mixed towns and villages; low-income
legal tenure is well- ownership and land families and/or illegal ownership
defined; well-defined tenure; well-defined of land; communal properties;
water rights water rights unclear water rights

30. Checklist of impacts

Potential for Adverse Impacts

ULGDP infrastructure & services: Roads,
Footpaths & Street lighting, Water supply, etc
None Low Med High Unknown

Economic or physical resettlement required X

New settlement pressures created X
Other (specify):

31. Detailed questions

Public participation/information requirements: Yes/No answers and bullet lists preferred except
where descriptive detail is essential.
Does the proposal require, under national or local laws, Yes
the public to be informed, consulted or involved?
Has consultation been completed? Yes
Indicate the time frame of any outstanding consultation ____________
Refer to relevant legislative acts in Ethiopia.
Land and resettlement: Yes/No answers and bullet lists preferred except where descriptive detail
is essential
What is the likelihood of land purchase for the ULG investment Gov. Project land is free on
project? any charge
How will the ULG go about land purchase? Lease rent
Will people’s livelihoods be affected in any way, therefore Yes
requiring some form of compensation?
Will people need to be displaced, and therefore require Yes
compensation and resettlement assistance?
Are the relevant authorities aware of the need for a Resettlement Yes
Process, involving a census, valuation, consultation,
compensation, evaluation and monitoring?
What level or type of compensation is planned? Direct discussion with
affected people
Who will monitor actual payments? Yes

Refer to the Resettlement Policy Framework.

List outstanding actions to be cleared before ULG investment ____________
project appraisal.
Approval/rejection .

If proposal is rejected for environmental reasons, should the ULG

investment project be reconsidered, and what additional data
would be required for reconsideration?


Requires an RAP is to be submitted on date

Requires an ARAP to be submitted on date

Requires an Census & Land Inventory to be

submitted on date
X Does not require further environmental or
social studies
*Place tick in applicable box




Environmental and Social Management Plan
 Project Name:- Cobbled Stone Construction
 Project Type:- New Construction
 Location:- From New Butajera Road to Back of Abdela Tower..
 Date of Works Commencement:- ___________________

Type of Potential Impacts Mitigation measure Responsibility Required

Activities Budget

Construction  Dust Pollution  Watering the road Contractor 5,200EHB

surface daily
 Stabilize the road
surface with gravel
and other rocky
surfacing materials

 Social disruption during  Comprehensive Municipality 2,000EHB

construction (e.g. community participation and Health
enhanced transmission in construction planning office
of STDs and TB) and management
 Education on avoiding

 Road noise disturbance  Reduced the vibration of Contractor 1,500ETB

on surrounding construction machineries

 Contaminate surface  Provide temporary Municipality 5,800.00ETB

water and generate trash sanitation (e.g. latrine), and Health
due to lack of solid  Collect all solid waste office
waste management from all site areas and
dispose of either in local
landfill or well-screened
waste pits

 Creation of stagnant  Assess ecology of Municipality 3,500.00ETB

water in disease carriers in and Health
construction borrow road corridor, and
Post- pits and quarries, employ suitable
Construction and on road sides, mitigation measures
and that breed disease (e.g. proper drainage
Operation carriers of construction areas
and road sides,
effective road

 Accidents and  Construct basic Road

safety risks speed bumps and Authority and
employ traffic Police office
signs where

 Landslides,  Stabilize slopes

slumps and by planting
slips vegetation
 Minimize
vertical road cuts
 Install drainage
ditches to
diver water away
from road

 Dust due to  Implement

traffic agreed dust
control measures
such as wetting
dirt roads, truck
for trucks exiting
site, and
monitoring dust


Project name: Cobbled Stone Road

Location (include map/sketch): Oromia Regional State East Shawa Zone Batu
Town Administration Kebele ) 02 From Tefesa
Grain Mill to Zembaba Hotel.

Type of activity : New Construction

Estimated Cost: (Birr) 1,000,000.00 EHB

Proposed Date of Works Commencement January 12, 2014

Technical Drawing and Specifications (circle Yes No

Reviewed : answer):

This report is to be kept short and concise.

32. Site Selection:
Yes/No answers and bullet lists preferred except
Physical data:
where descriptive detail is essential.
Site area in ha 2.2km
Extension of or changes to existing alignment

Any existing property to transfer to project

Any plans for new construction
Refer to project application for this information.
33. Impact identification and classification:
When considering the location of a ULG investment project, rate the sensitivity of the proposed
site in the following table according to the given criteria. Higher ratings do not necessarily mean
that a site is unsuitable. They do indicate a real risk of causing undesirable adverse
environmental and social effects, and that more substantial environmental and/or social
planning may be required to adequately avoid, mitigate or manage potential effects. The
following table should be used as a reference.
Table 11 Impact Identification and Classification

Site Sensitivity
Low Medium High

Natural habitats No natural habitats present of any kind No critical natural habitats; other natural Critical natural habitats present
habitats occur
Water quality and water Water flows exceed any existing demand; Medium intensity of water use; multiple Intensive water use; multiple water
resource availability and use low intensity of water use; potential water water users; water quality issues are users; potential for conflicts is high;
use conflicts expected to be low; no important water quality issues are important
potential water quality issues
Natural hazards vulnerability, Flat terrain; no potential stability/erosion Medium slopes; some erosion potential; Mountainous terrain; steep slopes;
floods, soil stability/ erosion problems; no known volcanic/seismic/ medium risks from volcanic/ seismic/ flood/ unstable soils; high erosion potential;
flood risks hurricanes volcanic, seismic or flood risks
Cultural property No known or suspected cultural heritage Suspected cultural heritage sites; known Known heritage sites in project area
sites heritage sites in broader area of influence
Involuntary resettlement Low population density; dispersed Medium population density; mixed High population density; major towns
population; legal tenure is well-defined; ownership and land tenure; well-defined and villages; low-income families and/or
well-defined water rights water rights illegal ownership of land; communal
properties; unclear water rights
Indigenous peoples No indigenous population Dispersed and mixed indigenous populations; Indigenous territories, reserves and/or
highly acculturated indigenous populations lands; vulnerable indigenous populations
Roads, Footpaths & Street lighting Potential for Adverse Impacts
None Low Med High

Soil erosion or flooding concerns (e.g., X

due to highly erodible soils or steep
Number of stream crossings or X
Wet season excavation X
Creation of quarry sites or borrow pits X
Significant vegetation removal X
Wildlife habitats or populations X
Environmentally sensitive areas X
Cultural or religious sites disturbed X
Economic or physical resettlement X
New settlement pressures created X
Other (specify):
Detailed questions:
1. Preliminary Environmental Information: Yes/No answers and bullet lists preferred except where
descriptive detail is essential
State the source of information available at this stage Field survey and public consultation
(ULG report, EIA or other environmental study).
Has there been litigation or complaints of any No
environmental nature directed against the proponent or
ULG investment project

Refer to application and/or relevant environmental authority for this information.

2. Identify type of activities and likely environmental impacts: Yes/No answers and bullet lists
preferred except where descriptive detail is essential
What are the likely environmental impacts, No significant environmental impact
opportunities, risks and liabilities associated with the considered, but the opportunity will be
project temporary employment and reduced
transportation costs, increased access
to markets for local produce and
products, increased investment in real
estate development.
Refer to ESMF– Impact, Mitigation and Monitoring Guidelines
3. Determine environmental screening category: Yes/No answers and bullet lists preferred
except where descriptive detail is essential.
After compiling the above, determine which category the
ULG investment project falls under based on the Category “B”
environmental categories A, B and C.

Refer to ESMF – Screening and Review Process

4. Mitigation of Potential Pollution: Yes/No answers and bullet lists preferred except where
descriptive detail is essential
Does the ULG investment project have the potential to pollute No
the environment, or contravene any environmental laws and
Will the ULG investment project require pesticide use? No
If so, then the proposal must detail the methodology and _______________
equipment incorporated in the design to constrain pollution
within the laws and regulations and to address pesticide use,
storage and handling.
Does the design adequately detail mitigating measures? Yes
Refer to ESMF– Impact, Mitigation and Monitoring Guidelines
5. Environmental Assessment Report or environmental studies required: Yes/No answers
and bullet lists preferred except where descriptive detail is essential
If Screening identifies environmental issues that require an It does not require full EIA
EIA or a study, does the proposal include the EIA or study?
Indicate the scope and time frame of any outstanding
environmental study.
Required Environmental Monitoring Plan: Yes
If the screening identifies environmental issues that require Yes
long term or intermittent monitoring (effluent, gaseous
discharges, water quality, soil quality, air quality, noise etc),
does the proposal detail adequate monitoring requirements?
6. Public participation/information requirements: Yes/No answers and bullet lists preferred
except where descriptive detail is essential
Does the proposal require, under national or local laws, the Yes
public to be informed, consulted or involved?
Has consultation been completed? Yes
Indicate the time frame of any outstanding consultation ___________
Refer to relevant legislative acts in Ethiopia.
7. Land and resettlement: Yes/No answers and bullet lists preferred except where descriptive
detail is essential.
What is the likelihood of land purchase for the ULG Gov. Projects acquired Land free of
investment project? any charge
How will the proponent go about land purchase? With lease rent
Will people’s livelihoods be affected in any way, Yes
therefore requiring some form of compensation?
Will people need to be displaced, and therefore require No
compensation and resettlement assistance?
Are the relevant authorities aware of the need for a Yes
Resettlement Process, involving a census, valuation,
consultation, compensation, evaluation and monitoring?
What level or type of compensation is planned? Monetary compensation
Who will monitor actual payments?
Refer to the Resettlement Policy Framework.
8. Actions:
List outstanding actions to be cleared before ULG investment project Public Consultation
appraisal. Approval/rejection Yes/No answers and bullet lists
preferred except where descriptive detail is essential
Approval/rejection _
Yes/No answers and bullet lists preferred except where descriptive
detail is essential
If proposal is rejected for environmental reasons, should the ULG
investment project be reconsidered, and what additional data would
be required for reconsideration?

Categorization & Recommendations*

Schedule 1 Project to be fed into the standard EIA process determined by EPA
Project will not require an EIA, but will necessitate the inclusion of
environmental and social mitigation and enhancement measures in the
X Schedule 2
design and implementation of the project through the use of standard
construction contract clauses and an environmental management plan
Project is not subject to environmental assessment as no potential
Schedule 3 impacts are anticipated.

*Place tick in applicable box





Project name: Cobbled Stone Road

Location (include map/sketch): Oromia Regional State East Shawa Zone Batu
Town Administration Kebele ) 02 From Tefesa
Gran Mill to Zembaba Hotel.

Type of activity : New Construction

Estimated Cost: (Birr) 1,000,000.00 EHB

Proposed Date of Works Commencement January 12, 2014

Technical Drawing and Specifications (circle Yes No

Reviewed : answer):

This report is to be kept short and concise.

34. Site Selection:
Yes/No answers and bullet lists preferred except
Physical data:
where descriptive detail is essential.
Site area in ha 2.2Km
Extension of or changes to existing alignment

Any existing property to transfer to project

Any plans for new construction
Refer to project application for this information.
35. Impact identification and classification:
When considering the location of a ULG investment project, rate the sensitivity of the proposed
site in the following table according to the given criteria. Higher ratings do not necessarily mean
that a site is unsuitable – it indicates a real risk of causing adverse impacts involving
resettlement and compensation. The following table should be used as a reference.

Table 12 Impact Identification and Classification

Site Sensitivity
Low Medium High

Involuntary Low population density; Medium population High population density; major
resettlement dispersed population; density; mixed towns and villages; low-income
legal tenure is well- ownership and land families and/or illegal ownership
defined; well-defined tenure; well-defined of land; communal properties;
water rights water rights unclear water rights

36. Checklist of impacts

Potential for Adverse Impacts

ULGDP infrastructure & services: Roads,
Footpaths & Street lighting, Water supply, etc
None Low Med High Unknown

Economic or physical resettlement required X

New settlement pressures created X
Other (specify):

37. Detailed questions

Public participation/information requirements: Yes/No answers and bullet lists preferred except
where descriptive detail is essential.
Does the proposal require, under national or local laws, Yes
the public to be informed, consulted or involved?
Has consultation been completed? Yes
Indicate the time frame of any outstanding consultation ____________
Refer to relevant legislative acts in Ethiopia.
Land and resettlement: Yes/No answers and bullet lists preferred except where descriptive detail
is essential
What is the likelihood of land purchase for the ULG investment Gov. Project land is free on
project? any charge
How will the ULG go about land purchase? Lease rent
Will people’s livelihoods be affected in any way, therefore Yes
requiring some form of compensation?
Will people need to be displaced, and therefore require Yes
compensation and resettlement assistance?
Are the relevant authorities aware of the need for a Resettlement Yes
Process, involving a census, valuation, consultation,
compensation, evaluation and monitoring?
What level or type of compensation is planned? Direct discussion with
affected people
Who will monitor actual payments? Yes

Refer to the Resettlement Policy Framework.

List outstanding actions to be cleared before ULG investment ____________
project appraisal.
Approval/rejection .

If proposal is rejected for environmental reasons, should the ULG

investment project be reconsidered, and what additional data
would be required for reconsideration?


Requires an RAP is to be submitted on date

Requires an ARAP to be submitted on date

Requires an Census & Land Inventory to be

submitted on date
X Does not require further environmental or
social studies
*Place tick in applicable box




Environmental and Social Management Plan
 Project Name:- Cobbled Stone Construction
 Project Type:- New Construction
 Location:- From Tefesa Grain Mill to Zembaba Hotel.
 Date of Works Commencement:- ___________________

Type of Potential Impacts Mitigation measure Responsibility Required

Activities Budget

Construction  Dust Pollution  Watering the road surface daily Contractor 5,200EHB
 Stabilize the road surface with gravel and
other rocky surfacing materials

 Social disruption during  Comprehensive community participation in Municipality and 2,000EHB

construction (e.g. enhanced construction planning and management Health office
transmission of STDs and TB)  Education on avoiding communicable

 Road noise disturbance on  Reduced the vibration of construction machineries Contractor 1,500ETB
surrounding households

 Contaminate surface water and  Provide temporary sanitation (e.g. latrine), Municipality and 5,800.00ETB
generate trash due to lack of solid  Collect all solid waste from all site areas and Health office
waste management dispose of either in local landfill or well-screened
waste pits

 Creation of stagnant water in  Assess ecology of disease carriers in road Municipality and 3,500.00ETB
construction borrow pits and corridor, and employ suitable mitigation Health office
quarries, and on road sides, measures (e.g. proper drainage of
that breed disease carriers construction areas and road sides, effective
road maintenance)
and Operation
 Accidents and safety  Construct basic speed bumps and Road Authority
risks employ traffic signs where possible and Police office

 Landslides, slumps and  Stabilize slopes by planting vegetation

slips  Minimize vertical road cuts
 Install drainage ditches to
diver water away from road

 Dust due to traffic  Implement agreed dust control

measures such as wetting dirt roads,
truck washing for trucks exiting site,
and monitoring dust emissions


Project name: Cobbled Stone Road

Location (include map/sketch): Oromia Regional State East Shawa Zone Batu
Town Administration Kebele 02 From Abdela
Tower to Gorge Church

Type of activity : New Construction

Estimated Cost: (Birr) 1,000,000.00 EHB

Proposed Date of Works Commencement January 12, 2014

Technical Drawing and Specifications (circle Yes No

Reviewed : answer):

This report is to be kept short and concise.

38. Site Selection:
Yes/No answers and bullet lists preferred except
Physical data:
where descriptive detail is essential.
Site area in ha 2.2km
Extension of or changes to existing alignment

Any existing property to transfer to project

Any plans for new construction
Refer to project application for this information.
39. Impact identification and classification:
When considering the location of a ULG investment project, rate the sensitivity of the proposed
site in the following table according to the given criteria. Higher ratings do not necessarily mean
that a site is unsuitable. They do indicate a real risk of causing undesirable adverse
environmental and social effects, and that more substantial environmental and/or social
planning may be required to adequately avoid, mitigate or manage potential effects. The
following table should be used as a reference.
Table 13 Impact Identification and Classification

Site Sensitivity
Low Medium High

Natural habitats No natural habitats present of any kind No critical natural habitats; other natural Critical natural habitats present
habitats occur
Water quality and water Water flows exceed any existing demand; Medium intensity of water use; multiple Intensive water use; multiple water
resource availability and use low intensity of water use; potential water water users; water quality issues are users; potential for conflicts is high;
use conflicts expected to be low; no important water quality issues are important
potential water quality issues
Natural hazards vulnerability, Flat terrain; no potential stability/erosion Medium slopes; some erosion potential; Mountainous terrain; steep slopes;
floods, soil stability/ erosion problems; no known volcanic/seismic/ medium risks from volcanic/ seismic/ flood/ unstable soils; high erosion potential;
flood risks hurricanes volcanic, seismic or flood risks
Cultural property No known or suspected cultural heritage Suspected cultural heritage sites; known Known heritage sites in project area
sites heritage sites in broader area of influence
Involuntary resettlement Low population density; dispersed Medium population density; mixed High population density; major towns
population; legal tenure is well-defined; ownership and land tenure; well-defined and villages; low-income families and/or
well-defined water rights water rights illegal ownership of land; communal
properties; unclear water rights
Indigenous peoples No indigenous population Dispersed and mixed indigenous populations; Indigenous territories, reserves and/or
highly acculturated indigenous populations lands; vulnerable indigenous populations
Roads, Footpaths & Street lighting Potential for Adverse Impacts
None Low Med High

Soil erosion or flooding concerns (e.g., X

due to highly erodible soils or steep
Number of stream crossings or X
Wet season excavation X
Creation of quarry sites or borrow pits X
Significant vegetation removal X
Wildlife habitats or populations X
Environmentally sensitive areas X
Cultural or religious sites disturbed X
Economic or physical resettlement X
New settlement pressures created X
Other (specify):
Detailed questions:
1. Preliminary Environmental Information: Yes/No answers and bullet lists preferred except where
descriptive detail is essential
State the source of information available at this stage Field survey and public consultation
(ULG report, EIA or other environmental study).
Has there been litigation or complaints of any No
environmental nature directed against the proponent or
ULG investment project

Refer to application and/or relevant environmental authority for this information.

2. Identify type of activities and likely environmental impacts: Yes/No answers and bullet lists
preferred except where descriptive detail is essential
What are the likely environmental impacts, No significant environmental impact
opportunities, risks and liabilities associated with the considered, but the opportunity will be
project temporary employment and reduced
transportation costs, increased access
to markets for local produce and
products, increased investment in real
estate development.
Refer to ESMF– Impact, Mitigation and Monitoring Guidelines
3. Determine environmental screening category: Yes/No answers and bullet lists preferred
except where descriptive detail is essential.
After compiling the above, determine which category the
ULG investment project falls under based on the Category “B”
environmental categories A, B and C.

Refer to ESMF – Screening and Review Process

4. Mitigation of Potential Pollution: Yes/No answers and bullet lists preferred except where
descriptive detail is essential
Does the ULG investment project have the potential to pollute No
the environment, or contravene any environmental laws and
Will the ULG investment project require pesticide use? No
If so, then the proposal must detail the methodology and _______________
equipment incorporated in the design to constrain pollution
within the laws and regulations and to address pesticide use,
storage and handling.
Does the design adequately detail mitigating measures? Yes
Refer to ESMF– Impact, Mitigation and Monitoring Guidelines
5. Environmental Assessment Report or environmental studies required: Yes/No answers
and bullet lists preferred except where descriptive detail is essential
If Screening identifies environmental issues that require an It does not require full EIA
EIA or a study, does the proposal include the EIA or study?
Indicate the scope and time frame of any outstanding
environmental study.
Required Environmental Monitoring Plan: Yes
If the screening identifies environmental issues that require Yes
long term or intermittent monitoring (effluent, gaseous
discharges, water quality, soil quality, air quality, noise etc),
does the proposal detail adequate monitoring requirements?
6. Public participation/information requirements: Yes/No answers and bullet lists preferred
except where descriptive detail is essential
Does the proposal require, under national or local laws, the Yes
public to be informed, consulted or involved?
Has consultation been completed? Yes
Indicate the time frame of any outstanding consultation ___________
Refer to relevant legislative acts in Ethiopia.
7. Land and resettlement: Yes/No answers and bullet lists preferred except where descriptive
detail is essential.
What is the likelihood of land purchase for the ULG Gov. Projects acquired Land free of
investment project? any charge
How will the proponent go about land purchase? With lease rent
Will people’s livelihoods be affected in any way, Yes
therefore requiring some form of compensation?
Will people need to be displaced, and therefore require No
compensation and resettlement assistance?
Are the relevant authorities aware of the need for a Yes
Resettlement Process, involving a census, valuation,
consultation, compensation, evaluation and monitoring?
What level or type of compensation is planned? Monetary compensation
Who will monitor actual payments?
Refer to the Resettlement Policy Framework.
8. Actions:
List outstanding actions to be cleared before ULG investment project Public Consultation
appraisal. Approval/rejection Yes/No answers and bullet lists
preferred except where descriptive detail is essential
Approval/rejection _
Yes/No answers and bullet lists preferred except where descriptive
detail is essential
If proposal is rejected for environmental reasons, should the ULG
investment project be reconsidered, and what additional data would
be required for reconsideration?

Categorization & Recommendations*

Schedule 1 Project to be fed into the standard EIA process determined by EPA
Project will not require an EIA, but will necessitate the inclusion of
environmental and social mitigation and enhancement measures in the
X Schedule 2
design and implementation of the project through the use of standard
construction contract clauses and an environmental management plan
Project is not subject to environmental assessment as no potential
Schedule 3 impacts are anticipated.

*Place tick in applicable box





Project name: Cobbled Stone Road

Location (include map/sketch): Oromia Regional State East Shawa Zone Batu
Town Administration Kebele ) 02 From Abdela
Tower to Gorge Church

Type of activity : New Construction

Estimated Cost: (Birr) 1,000,000.00 EHB

Proposed Date of Works Commencement January 12, 2014

Technical Drawing and Specifications (circle Yes No

Reviewed : answer):

This report is to be kept short and concise.

40. Site Selection:
Yes/No answers and bullet lists preferred except
Physical data:
where descriptive detail is essential.
Site area in ha 2.2Km
Extension of or changes to existing alignment

Any existing property to transfer to project

Any plans for new construction
Refer to project application for this information.
41. Impact identification and classification:
When considering the location of a ULG investment project, rate the sensitivity of the proposed
site in the following table according to the given criteria. Higher ratings do not necessarily mean
that a site is unsuitable – it indicates a real risk of causing adverse impacts involving
resettlement and compensation. The following table should be used as a reference.

Table 14 Impact Identification and Classification

Site Sensitivity
Low Medium High

Involuntary Low population density; Medium population High population density; major
resettlement dispersed population; density; mixed towns and villages; low-income
legal tenure is well- ownership and land families and/or illegal ownership
defined; well-defined tenure; well-defined of land; communal properties;
water rights water rights unclear water rights

42. Checklist of impacts

Potential for Adverse Impacts

ULGDP infrastructure & services: Roads,
Footpaths & Street lighting, Water supply, etc
None Low Med High Unknown

Economic or physical resettlement required X

New settlement pressures created X
Other (specify):

43. Detailed questions

Public participation/information requirements: Yes/No answers and bullet lists preferred except
where descriptive detail is essential.
Does the proposal require, under national or local laws, Yes
the public to be informed, consulted or involved?
Has consultation been completed? Yes
Indicate the time frame of any outstanding consultation ____________
Refer to relevant legislative acts in Ethiopia.
Land and resettlement: Yes/No answers and bullet lists preferred except where descriptive detail
is essential
What is the likelihood of land purchase for the ULG investment Gov. Project land is free on
project? any charge
How will the ULG go about land purchase? Lease rent
Will people’s livelihoods be affected in any way, therefore Yes
requiring some form of compensation?
Will people need to be displaced, and therefore require Yes
compensation and resettlement assistance?
Are the relevant authorities aware of the need for a Resettlement Yes
Process, involving a census, valuation, consultation,
compensation, evaluation and monitoring?
What level or type of compensation is planned? Direct discussion with
affected people
Who will monitor actual payments? Yes

Refer to the Resettlement Policy Framework.

List outstanding actions to be cleared before ULG investment ____________
project appraisal.
Approval/rejection .

If proposal is rejected for environmental reasons, should the ULG

investment project be reconsidered, and what additional data
would be required for reconsideration?


Requires an RAP is to be submitted on date

Requires an ARAP to be submitted on date

Requires an Census & Land Inventory to be

submitted on date
X Does not require further environmental or
social studies
*Place tick in applicable box




Environmental and Social Management Plan
 Project Name:- Cobbled Stone Construction
 Project Type:- New Construction
 Location:- From Abdela Tower to Gorge Church.
 Date of Works Commencement:- ___________________

Type of Potential Impacts Mitigation measure Responsibility Required

Activities Budget

Construction  Dust Pollution  Watering the road surface daily Contractor 5,200EHB
 Stabilize the road surface with gravel and
other rocky surfacing materials

 Social disruption during  Comprehensive community participation in Municipality and 2,000EHB

construction (e.g. enhanced construction planning and management Health office
transmission of STDs and TB)  Education on avoiding communicable

 Road noise disturbance on  Reduced the vibration of construction machineries Contractor 1,500ETB
surrounding households

 Contaminate surface water and  Provide temporary sanitation (e.g. latrine), Municipality and 5,800.00ETB
generate trash due to lack of solid  Collect all solid waste from all site areas and Health office
waste management dispose of either in local landfill or well-screened
waste pits

 Creation of stagnant water in  Assess ecology of disease carriers in road Municipality and 3,500.00ETB
construction borrow pits and corridor, and employ suitable mitigation Health office
quarries, and on road sides, measures (e.g. proper drainage of
that breed disease carriers construction areas and road sides, effective
road maintenance)
and Operation
 Accidents and safety  Construct basic speed bumps and Road Authority
risks employ traffic signs where possible and Police office

 Landslides, slumps and  Stabilize slopes by planting vegetation

slips  Minimize vertical road cuts
 Install drainage ditches to
diver water away from road

 Dust due to traffic  Implement agreed dust control

measures such as wetting dirt roads,
truck washing for trucks exiting site,
and monitoring dust emissions

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