Cobbled Stone Screenig of 2007 x2
Cobbled Stone Screenig of 2007 x2
Cobbled Stone Screenig of 2007 x2
Location (include map/sketch): Oromia Regional State East Shawa Zone Batu
Town Administration Kebele ) 01 and 02 From
Betelam Hotel to Kid/Church
Site Sensitivity
Low Medium High
Natural habitats No natural habitats present of any kind No critical natural habitats; other natural Critical natural habitats present
habitats occur
Water quality and water Water flows exceed any existing demand; Medium intensity of water use; multiple Intensive water use; multiple water
resource availability and use low intensity of water use; potential water water users; water quality issues are users; potential for conflicts is high;
use conflicts expected to be low; no important water quality issues are important
potential water quality issues
Natural hazards vulnerability, Flat terrain; no potential stability/erosion Medium slopes; some erosion potential; Mountainous terrain; steep slopes;
floods, soil stability/ erosion problems; no known volcanic/seismic/ medium risks from volcanic/ seismic/ flood/ unstable soils; high erosion potential;
flood risks hurricanes volcanic, seismic or flood risks
Cultural property No known or suspected cultural heritage Suspected cultural heritage sites; known Known heritage sites in project area
sites heritage sites in broader area of influence
Involuntary resettlement Low population density; dispersed Medium population density; mixed High population density; major towns
population; legal tenure is well-defined; ownership and land tenure; well-defined and villages; low-income families and/or
well-defined water rights water rights illegal ownership of land; communal
properties; unclear water rights
Indigenous peoples No indigenous population Dispersed and mixed indigenous populations; Indigenous territories, reserves and/or
highly acculturated indigenous populations lands; vulnerable indigenous populations
3. Checklist of impacts
Schedule 1 Project to be fed into the standard EIA process determined by EPA
Project will not require an EIA, but will necessitate the inclusion of
environmental and social mitigation and enhancement measures in the
X Schedule 2
design and implementation of the project through the use of standard
construction contract clauses and an environmental management plan
Project is not subject to environmental assessment as no potential
Schedule 3 impacts are anticipated.
Location (include map/sketch): Oromia Regional State East Shawa Zone Batu
Town Administration Kebele ) 01 and 02 From
Betelam Hotel to Kid/Church
Site Sensitivity
Low Medium High
Involuntary Low population density; Medium population High population density; major
resettlement dispersed population; density; mixed towns and villages; low-income
legal tenure is well- ownership and land families and/or illegal ownership
defined; well-defined tenure; well-defined of land; communal properties;
water rights water rights unclear water rights
6. Checklist of impacts
7. Detailed questions
Public participation/information requirements: Yes/No answers and bullet lists preferred except where
descriptive detail is essential.
Does the proposal require, under national or local laws, the public to Yes
be informed, consulted or involved?
Has consultation been completed? Yes
Indicate the time frame of any outstanding consultation process. ____________
Refer to relevant legislative acts in Ethiopia.
Land and resettlement: Yes/No answers and bullet lists preferred except where descriptive detail is essential
What is the likelihood of land purchase for the ULG investment project? Gov. Project land is free on
any charge
How will the ULG go about land purchase? Lease rent
Will people’s livelihoods be affected in any way, therefore requiring some Yes
form of compensation?
Will people need to be displaced, and therefore require compensation and Yes
resettlement assistance?
Are the relevant authorities aware of the need for a Resettlement Process, Yes
involving a census, valuation, consultation, compensation, evaluation and
What level or type of compensation is planned? Direct discussion with
affected people
Who will monitor actual payments? Yes
Environmental and Social Management Plan
Project Name:- Cobbled Stone Construction
Project Type:- New Construction
Location:- From Betelam Hotel to Kidemirat Church
Date of Works Commencement:- ______________________________
Construction Dust Pollution Watering the road surface daily Contractor 5,200EHB
Stabilize the road surface with gravel and
other rocky surfacing materials
Road noise disturbance on Reduced the vibration of construction machineries Contractor 1,500ETB
surrounding households
Contaminate surface water and Provide temporary sanitation (e.g. latrine), Municipality and 5,800.00ETB
generate trash due to lack of solid Collect all solid waste from all site areas and Health office
waste management dispose of either in local landfill or well-screened
waste pits
Creation of stagnant water in Assess ecology of disease carriers in road Municipality and 3,500.00ETB
construction borrow pits and corridor, and employ suitable mitigation Health office
quarries, and on road sides, measures (e.g. proper drainage of
that breed disease carriers construction areas and road sides, effective
road maintenance)
and Operation
Accidents and safety Construct basic speed bumps and Road Authority
risks employ traffic signs where possible and Police office
ID Code ______
ID Code ______
2. Household Interview
Relation to Head of Family : 1 HoH; 2 Spouse of HoH ; 3 Child of HoH; 4 Spouse of child of HoH ; 5 Grandchild of HoH; 6 Parent of HoH; 7: Other (specify) ;
0 No Answer. Marital Status: 1Married; 2 Widowed; 3 Divorced; 4 Unmarried; 0 No Answer. Residential Status: 1 PRP (Permanent Resident) ; 2 RA (Resident
absent) ; 3 Member of non-resident HH; 4 Visitor; 9 Other (specify) ; 0 No Answer. Occupations: Principle Occupation: 1. Farmer ; 2 Shepherd; 3 Household ; 4
Merchant; 5 Religious leader, teacher ; 6 Artisan ; 7 Transport ; 8 Unemployed;9 Other (specify) ;0 No Answer Secondary Occupations: idem. Educational Level
: 1 Illiterate ; 2 Three years or less; 3 Primary School ; 4 Secondary School ; 5 Technical School ; 6 Religious School ( literate in Arabic) ; 0 No Answer Religion
: 1 Muslim ; 2 Christian (specify denomination);3 Animist. 9 Other (specify); 0 No Answer
3. Land asset inventory for ULGDP investment project Affected People
Kebele: __________________________________ Date: ___________________________
City/Town: __________________________________
Land to
Surv Name of No. of Total land Land
be Loss of Loss of
ey Head of Persons in holding of HH Use Loss of assets Loss of crops Other losses
acquire % total other assets
no. Household household (m 2) Type *
d (m 2)
Business lost
lost type and
Fruit trees
wells, etc.
(type and
land lost
land lost
Area of
Entitlements of ULGDP investment project Affected People
Woreda: Batu Town Administration Date: ___________________________
Kebele: __________________________________
Survey Name of Compensation for Land Compensation for structures Compensation for crops and trees Compensation for other assets and losses Total
no. Head of (e.g., graveyards, wells, businesses, etc) (Birr)
Quantity Unit price Entitleme Quantity Unit Entitlement Quantity Unit Entitleme Quantity Unit price Entitlement
(m2) (Birr) per nt (Birr) (m2) price (Birr) Unit price nt (Birr) Unit (Birr) (Birr)
m2 (Birr) per (Birr)
Location (include map/sketch): Oromia Regional State East Shawa Zone Batu
Town Administration Kebele ) 01 and 02 From
Aschelew Hotel to Stadium.
Site Sensitivity
Low Medium High
Natural habitats No natural habitats present of any kind No critical natural habitats; other natural Critical natural habitats present
habitats occur
Water quality and water Water flows exceed any existing demand; Medium intensity of water use; multiple Intensive water use; multiple water
resource availability and use low intensity of water use; potential water water users; water quality issues are users; potential for conflicts is high;
use conflicts expected to be low; no important water quality issues are important
potential water quality issues
Natural hazards vulnerability, Flat terrain; no potential stability/erosion Medium slopes; some erosion potential; Mountainous terrain; steep slopes;
floods, soil stability/ erosion problems; no known volcanic/seismic/ medium risks from volcanic/ seismic/ flood/ unstable soils; high erosion potential;
flood risks hurricanes volcanic, seismic or flood risks
Cultural property No known or suspected cultural heritage Suspected cultural heritage sites; known Known heritage sites in project area
sites heritage sites in broader area of influence
Involuntary resettlement Low population density; dispersed Medium population density; mixed High population density; major towns
population; legal tenure is well-defined; ownership and land tenure; well-defined and villages; low-income families and/or
well-defined water rights water rights illegal ownership of land; communal
properties; unclear water rights
Indigenous peoples No indigenous population Dispersed and mixed indigenous populations; Indigenous territories, reserves and/or
highly acculturated indigenous populations lands; vulnerable indigenous populations
Roads, Footpaths & Street lighting Potential for Adverse Impacts
None Low Med High
Schedule 1 Project to be fed into the standard EIA process determined by EPA
X Schedule 2 Project will not require an EIA, but will necessitate the inclusion of
environmental and social mitigation and enhancement measures in the
design and implementation of the project through the use of standard
construction contract clauses and an environmental management plan
Project is not subject to environmental assessment as no potential
Schedule 3 impacts are anticipated.
Location (include map/sketch): Oromia Regional State East Shawa Zone Batu
Town Administration Kebele ) 02 From Aschelew
Hotel to Stadium
Site Sensitivity
Low Medium High
Involuntary Low population density; Medium population High population density; major
resettlement dispersed population; density; mixed towns and villages; low-income
legal tenure is well- ownership and land families and/or illegal ownership
defined; well-defined tenure; well-defined of land; communal properties;
water rights water rights unclear water rights
12. Checklist of impacts
Environmental and Social Management Plan
Project Name:- Cobbled Stone Construction
Project Type:- New Construction
Location:- From Aschelew Hotel to Stadium.
Date of Works Commencement:- ___________________
Construction Dust Pollution Watering the road surface daily Contractor 5,200EHB
Stabilize the road surface with gravel and
other rocky surfacing materials
Road noise disturbance on Reduced the vibration of construction machineries Contractor 1,500ETB
surrounding households
Contaminate surface water and Provide temporary sanitation (e.g. latrine), Municipality and 5,800.00ETB
generate trash due to lack of solid Collect all solid waste from all site areas and Health office
waste management dispose of either in local landfill or well-screened
waste pits
Creation of stagnant water in Assess ecology of disease carriers in road Municipality and 3,500.00ETB
construction borrow pits and corridor, and employ suitable mitigation Health office
quarries, and on road sides, measures (e.g. proper drainage of
that breed disease carriers construction areas and road sides, effective
road maintenance)
and Operation
Accidents and safety Construct basic speed bumps and Road Authority
risks employ traffic signs where possible and Police office
Location (include map/sketch): Oromia Regional State East Shawa Zone Batu
Town Administration Kebele ) 01 From Old
Butajera Road to Tourist Hotel
Site Sensitivity
Low Medium High
Natural habitats No natural habitats present of any kind No critical natural habitats; other natural Critical natural habitats present
habitats occur
Water quality and water Water flows exceed any existing demand; Medium intensity of water use; multiple Intensive water use; multiple water
resource availability and use low intensity of water use; potential water water users; water quality issues are users; potential for conflicts is high;
use conflicts expected to be low; no important water quality issues are important
potential water quality issues
Natural hazards vulnerability, Flat terrain; no potential stability/erosion Medium slopes; some erosion potential; Mountainous terrain; steep slopes;
floods, soil stability/ erosion problems; no known volcanic/seismic/ medium risks from volcanic/ seismic/ flood/ unstable soils; high erosion potential;
flood risks hurricanes volcanic, seismic or flood risks
Cultural property No known or suspected cultural heritage Suspected cultural heritage sites; known Known heritage sites in project area
sites heritage sites in broader area of influence
Involuntary resettlement Low population density; dispersed Medium population density; mixed High population density; major towns
population; legal tenure is well-defined; ownership and land tenure; well-defined and villages; low-income families and/or
well-defined water rights water rights illegal ownership of land; communal
properties; unclear water rights
Indigenous peoples No indigenous population Dispersed and mixed indigenous populations; Indigenous territories, reserves and/or
highly acculturated indigenous populations lands; vulnerable indigenous populations
Roads, Footpaths & Street lighting Potential for Adverse Impacts
None Low Med High
Schedule 1 Project to be fed into the standard EIA process determined by EPA
Project will not require an EIA, but will necessitate the inclusion of
environmental and social mitigation and enhancement measures in the
X Schedule 2
design and implementation of the project through the use of standard
construction contract clauses and an environmental management plan
Project is not subject to environmental assessment as no potential
Schedule 3 impacts are anticipated.
Location (include map/sketch): Oromia Regional State East Shawa Zone Batu
Town Administration Kebele ) 01 From Old
Butajera Road to Tourist Hotel
Site Sensitivity
Low Medium High
Involuntary Low population density; Medium population High population density; major
resettlement dispersed population; density; mixed towns and villages; low-income
legal tenure is well- ownership and land families and/or illegal ownership
defined; well-defined tenure; well-defined of land; communal properties;
water rights water rights unclear water rights
Environmental and Social Management Plan
Project Name:- Cobbled Stone Construction
Project Type:- New Construction
Location:- From Old Butajera Road to Tourist Hotel.
Date of Works Commencement:- ___________________
Construction Dust Pollution Watering the road surface daily Contractor 5,200EHB
Stabilize the road surface with gravel and
other rocky surfacing materials
Road noise disturbance on Reduced the vibration of construction machineries Contractor 1,500ETB
surrounding households
Contaminate surface water and Provide temporary sanitation (e.g. latrine), Municipality and 5,800.00ETB
generate trash due to lack of solid Collect all solid waste from all site areas and Health office
waste management dispose of either in local landfill or well-screened
waste pits
Creation of stagnant water in Assess ecology of disease carriers in road Municipality and 3,500.00ETB
construction borrow pits and corridor, and employ suitable mitigation Health office
quarries, and on road sides, measures (e.g. proper drainage of
that breed disease carriers construction areas and road sides, effective
road maintenance)
and Operation
Accidents and safety Construct basic speed bumps and Road Authority
risks employ traffic signs where possible and Police office
Location (include map/sketch): Oromia Regional State East Shawa Zone Batu
Town Administration Kebele ) 02 From New
Butajera Road to Back of Abdela Tower.
Site Sensitivity
Low Medium High
Natural habitats No natural habitats present of any kind No critical natural habitats; other natural Critical natural habitats present
habitats occur
Water quality and water Water flows exceed any existing demand; Medium intensity of water use; multiple Intensive water use; multiple water
resource availability and use low intensity of water use; potential water water users; water quality issues are users; potential for conflicts is high;
use conflicts expected to be low; no important water quality issues are important
potential water quality issues
Natural hazards vulnerability, Flat terrain; no potential stability/erosion Medium slopes; some erosion potential; Mountainous terrain; steep slopes;
floods, soil stability/ erosion problems; no known volcanic/seismic/ medium risks from volcanic/ seismic/ flood/ unstable soils; high erosion potential;
flood risks hurricanes volcanic, seismic or flood risks
Cultural property No known or suspected cultural heritage Suspected cultural heritage sites; known Known heritage sites in project area
sites heritage sites in broader area of influence
Involuntary resettlement Low population density; dispersed Medium population density; mixed High population density; major towns
population; legal tenure is well-defined; ownership and land tenure; well-defined and villages; low-income families and/or
well-defined water rights water rights illegal ownership of land; communal
properties; unclear water rights
Indigenous peoples No indigenous population Dispersed and mixed indigenous populations; Indigenous territories, reserves and/or
highly acculturated indigenous populations lands; vulnerable indigenous populations
Roads, Footpaths & Street lighting Potential for Adverse Impacts
None Low Med High
Schedule 1 Project to be fed into the standard EIA process determined by EPA
Project will not require an EIA, but will necessitate the inclusion of
environmental and social mitigation and enhancement measures in the
X Schedule 2
design and implementation of the project through the use of standard
construction contract clauses and an environmental management plan
Project is not subject to environmental assessment as no potential
Schedule 3 impacts are anticipated.
Location (include map/sketch): Oromia Regional State East Shawa Zone Batu
Town Administration Kebele ) 02 From New
Butajera Road to Back of Abdela Tower.
Site Sensitivity
Low Medium High
Involuntary Low population density; Medium population High population density; major
resettlement dispersed population; density; mixed towns and villages; low-income
legal tenure is well- ownership and land families and/or illegal ownership
defined; well-defined tenure; well-defined of land; communal properties;
water rights water rights unclear water rights
Environmental and Social Management Plan
Project Name:- Cobbled Stone Construction
Project Type:- New Construction
Location:- From New Butajera Road to Back of Abdela Tower..
Date of Works Commencement:- ___________________
Construction Dust Pollution Watering the road surface daily Contractor 5,200EHB
Stabilize the road surface with gravel and
other rocky surfacing materials
Road noise disturbance on Reduced the vibration of construction machineries Contractor 1,500ETB
surrounding households
Contaminate surface water and Provide temporary sanitation (e.g. latrine), Municipality and 5,800.00ETB
generate trash due to lack of solid Collect all solid waste from all site areas and Health office
waste management dispose of either in local landfill or well-screened
waste pits
Creation of stagnant water in Assess ecology of disease carriers in road Municipality and 3,500.00ETB
construction borrow pits and corridor, and employ suitable mitigation Health office
quarries, and on road sides, measures (e.g. proper drainage of
that breed disease carriers construction areas and road sides, effective
road maintenance)
and Operation
Accidents and safety Construct basic speed bumps and Road Authority
risks employ traffic signs where possible and Police office
Location (include map/sketch): Oromia Regional State East Shawa Zone Batu
Town Administration Kebele ) 02 From New
Butajera Road to Back of Abdela Tower.
Site Sensitivity
Low Medium High
Natural habitats No natural habitats present of any kind No critical natural habitats; other natural Critical natural habitats present
habitats occur
Water quality and water Water flows exceed any existing demand; Medium intensity of water use; multiple Intensive water use; multiple water
resource availability and use low intensity of water use; potential water water users; water quality issues are users; potential for conflicts is high;
use conflicts expected to be low; no important water quality issues are important
potential water quality issues
Natural hazards vulnerability, Flat terrain; no potential stability/erosion Medium slopes; some erosion potential; Mountainous terrain; steep slopes;
floods, soil stability/ erosion problems; no known volcanic/seismic/ medium risks from volcanic/ seismic/ flood/ unstable soils; high erosion potential;
flood risks hurricanes volcanic, seismic or flood risks
Cultural property No known or suspected cultural heritage Suspected cultural heritage sites; known Known heritage sites in project area
sites heritage sites in broader area of influence
Involuntary resettlement Low population density; dispersed Medium population density; mixed High population density; major towns
population; legal tenure is well-defined; ownership and land tenure; well-defined and villages; low-income families and/or
well-defined water rights water rights illegal ownership of land; communal
properties; unclear water rights
Indigenous peoples No indigenous population Dispersed and mixed indigenous populations; Indigenous territories, reserves and/or
highly acculturated indigenous populations lands; vulnerable indigenous populations
Roads, Footpaths & Street lighting Potential for Adverse Impacts
None Low Med High
Schedule 1 Project to be fed into the standard EIA process determined by EPA
Project will not require an EIA, but will necessitate the inclusion of
environmental and social mitigation and enhancement measures in the
X Schedule 2
design and implementation of the project through the use of standard
construction contract clauses and an environmental management plan
Project is not subject to environmental assessment as no potential
Schedule 3 impacts are anticipated.
Location (include map/sketch): Oromia Regional State East Shawa Zone Batu
Town Administration Kebele ) 02 From New
Butajera Road to Back of Abdela Tower.
Site Sensitivity
Low Medium High
Involuntary Low population density; Medium population High population density; major
resettlement dispersed population; density; mixed towns and villages; low-income
legal tenure is well- ownership and land families and/or illegal ownership
defined; well-defined tenure; well-defined of land; communal properties;
water rights water rights unclear water rights
Environmental and Social Management Plan
Project Name:- Cobbled Stone Construction
Project Type:- New Construction
Location:- From New Butajera Road to Back of Abdela Tower..
Date of Works Commencement:- ___________________
Location (include map/sketch): Oromia Regional State East Shawa Zone Batu
Town Administration Kebele ) 02 From Tefesa
Grain Mill to Zembaba Hotel.
Site Sensitivity
Low Medium High
Natural habitats No natural habitats present of any kind No critical natural habitats; other natural Critical natural habitats present
habitats occur
Water quality and water Water flows exceed any existing demand; Medium intensity of water use; multiple Intensive water use; multiple water
resource availability and use low intensity of water use; potential water water users; water quality issues are users; potential for conflicts is high;
use conflicts expected to be low; no important water quality issues are important
potential water quality issues
Natural hazards vulnerability, Flat terrain; no potential stability/erosion Medium slopes; some erosion potential; Mountainous terrain; steep slopes;
floods, soil stability/ erosion problems; no known volcanic/seismic/ medium risks from volcanic/ seismic/ flood/ unstable soils; high erosion potential;
flood risks hurricanes volcanic, seismic or flood risks
Cultural property No known or suspected cultural heritage Suspected cultural heritage sites; known Known heritage sites in project area
sites heritage sites in broader area of influence
Involuntary resettlement Low population density; dispersed Medium population density; mixed High population density; major towns
population; legal tenure is well-defined; ownership and land tenure; well-defined and villages; low-income families and/or
well-defined water rights water rights illegal ownership of land; communal
properties; unclear water rights
Indigenous peoples No indigenous population Dispersed and mixed indigenous populations; Indigenous territories, reserves and/or
highly acculturated indigenous populations lands; vulnerable indigenous populations
Roads, Footpaths & Street lighting Potential for Adverse Impacts
None Low Med High
Schedule 1 Project to be fed into the standard EIA process determined by EPA
Project will not require an EIA, but will necessitate the inclusion of
environmental and social mitigation and enhancement measures in the
X Schedule 2
design and implementation of the project through the use of standard
construction contract clauses and an environmental management plan
Project is not subject to environmental assessment as no potential
Schedule 3 impacts are anticipated.
Location (include map/sketch): Oromia Regional State East Shawa Zone Batu
Town Administration Kebele ) 02 From Tefesa
Gran Mill to Zembaba Hotel.
Site Sensitivity
Low Medium High
Involuntary Low population density; Medium population High population density; major
resettlement dispersed population; density; mixed towns and villages; low-income
legal tenure is well- ownership and land families and/or illegal ownership
defined; well-defined tenure; well-defined of land; communal properties;
water rights water rights unclear water rights
Environmental and Social Management Plan
Project Name:- Cobbled Stone Construction
Project Type:- New Construction
Location:- From Tefesa Grain Mill to Zembaba Hotel.
Date of Works Commencement:- ___________________
Construction Dust Pollution Watering the road surface daily Contractor 5,200EHB
Stabilize the road surface with gravel and
other rocky surfacing materials
Road noise disturbance on Reduced the vibration of construction machineries Contractor 1,500ETB
surrounding households
Contaminate surface water and Provide temporary sanitation (e.g. latrine), Municipality and 5,800.00ETB
generate trash due to lack of solid Collect all solid waste from all site areas and Health office
waste management dispose of either in local landfill or well-screened
waste pits
Creation of stagnant water in Assess ecology of disease carriers in road Municipality and 3,500.00ETB
construction borrow pits and corridor, and employ suitable mitigation Health office
quarries, and on road sides, measures (e.g. proper drainage of
that breed disease carriers construction areas and road sides, effective
road maintenance)
and Operation
Accidents and safety Construct basic speed bumps and Road Authority
risks employ traffic signs where possible and Police office
Location (include map/sketch): Oromia Regional State East Shawa Zone Batu
Town Administration Kebele 02 From Abdela
Tower to Gorge Church
Site Sensitivity
Low Medium High
Natural habitats No natural habitats present of any kind No critical natural habitats; other natural Critical natural habitats present
habitats occur
Water quality and water Water flows exceed any existing demand; Medium intensity of water use; multiple Intensive water use; multiple water
resource availability and use low intensity of water use; potential water water users; water quality issues are users; potential for conflicts is high;
use conflicts expected to be low; no important water quality issues are important
potential water quality issues
Natural hazards vulnerability, Flat terrain; no potential stability/erosion Medium slopes; some erosion potential; Mountainous terrain; steep slopes;
floods, soil stability/ erosion problems; no known volcanic/seismic/ medium risks from volcanic/ seismic/ flood/ unstable soils; high erosion potential;
flood risks hurricanes volcanic, seismic or flood risks
Cultural property No known or suspected cultural heritage Suspected cultural heritage sites; known Known heritage sites in project area
sites heritage sites in broader area of influence
Involuntary resettlement Low population density; dispersed Medium population density; mixed High population density; major towns
population; legal tenure is well-defined; ownership and land tenure; well-defined and villages; low-income families and/or
well-defined water rights water rights illegal ownership of land; communal
properties; unclear water rights
Indigenous peoples No indigenous population Dispersed and mixed indigenous populations; Indigenous territories, reserves and/or
highly acculturated indigenous populations lands; vulnerable indigenous populations
Roads, Footpaths & Street lighting Potential for Adverse Impacts
None Low Med High
Schedule 1 Project to be fed into the standard EIA process determined by EPA
Project will not require an EIA, but will necessitate the inclusion of
environmental and social mitigation and enhancement measures in the
X Schedule 2
design and implementation of the project through the use of standard
construction contract clauses and an environmental management plan
Project is not subject to environmental assessment as no potential
Schedule 3 impacts are anticipated.
Location (include map/sketch): Oromia Regional State East Shawa Zone Batu
Town Administration Kebele ) 02 From Abdela
Tower to Gorge Church
Site Sensitivity
Low Medium High
Involuntary Low population density; Medium population High population density; major
resettlement dispersed population; density; mixed towns and villages; low-income
legal tenure is well- ownership and land families and/or illegal ownership
defined; well-defined tenure; well-defined of land; communal properties;
water rights water rights unclear water rights
Environmental and Social Management Plan
Project Name:- Cobbled Stone Construction
Project Type:- New Construction
Location:- From Abdela Tower to Gorge Church.
Date of Works Commencement:- ___________________
Construction Dust Pollution Watering the road surface daily Contractor 5,200EHB
Stabilize the road surface with gravel and
other rocky surfacing materials
Road noise disturbance on Reduced the vibration of construction machineries Contractor 1,500ETB
surrounding households
Contaminate surface water and Provide temporary sanitation (e.g. latrine), Municipality and 5,800.00ETB
generate trash due to lack of solid Collect all solid waste from all site areas and Health office
waste management dispose of either in local landfill or well-screened
waste pits
Creation of stagnant water in Assess ecology of disease carriers in road Municipality and 3,500.00ETB
construction borrow pits and corridor, and employ suitable mitigation Health office
quarries, and on road sides, measures (e.g. proper drainage of
that breed disease carriers construction areas and road sides, effective
road maintenance)
and Operation
Accidents and safety Construct basic speed bumps and Road Authority
risks employ traffic signs where possible and Police office