3 The Ethical Dimension of Human Existence Student

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Non-moral standards

• Refers to the rules that affect the choices of a person but are not linked to
moral or ethical considerations.
• List of non-moral standards:
1. Aesthetics (e.g., art, fashion standards)
2. Laws
3. Rules in games/technical valuation
4. Personal experiences and principles
5. Etiquette
6. Religion
7. Traditions/Norms
Moral standards
• Refers to the rules or set of guidelines that affect the choices of a
person and his/her belief system and decision-making progress in
problems and situations that beg the questions of what is morally
right and wrong.
Concern with the welfare of beings

Moral Standards Non-moral Standards

Deal with matters that can May talk about what is right and
seriously injure or benefit the wrong but their concerns do not
welfare of beings such as war, necessarily affect one’s life or
child abuse, rape, fraud, well-being.
murder, and theft.
Reliance on reasoning and not on

Moral Standards Non-moral Standards

Rely on reasoning and not on In the context of law and

authoritative individuals or religion (and culture), they do
bodies to support and justify not need to be based on valid
their cause; cannot be changed and sound reasoning.
nor nullified by the decisions of
any authoritative body.
Group Activity
•In your own experience, which of the
three – law, religion, culture, do you
think has been the most influential, in
terms of its directing you to act in
certain ways rather than others?
Group Activity

•Identify a list of (a) obligations we are

expected to fulfill, (b) prohibitions we
are required to respect, and (c) ideals
we are encouraged to meet.
•Discuss whether these are ethical in
nature or not.
Group Activity
•Imagine that you are a legislator. What rules or
laws that currently prohibit certain acts or
practices would you want to amend or repeal?
•Also, are there certain acts or practices
currently permitted by the law that you would
want to prohibit? Think of this on the level of
your school, your city, and the nation.
Activity on ½ crosswise (Individual)

•We have all struggled, at one time or

another, with the question: “why should I
bother being good? Why should I care for
others, beyond my self?” Recount the
circumstances surrounding your own
experience of feeling this question most

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