TJT E3 485 - Manual

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TecnoJest TJT-E3-485 Manual

Three Phase Four Wire Energy Meter

versione 2 tasti (2T) versione 3 tasti (3T)

-pag 17-

⚫ Measures kWh, kVArh, W, Var, VA, PF, Hz, V, A etc.

⚫ Bi-directional measurement IMP & EXP
⚫ Two pulse outputs
⚫ RS485 Modbus
⚫ Din rail mounting 35mm
⚫ 1/5A CT connection
⚫ Better than Class 1/ B accuracy

User Manual V1.2


TecnoJest Srl -1-

Viale Europa, 128 - 65010 Spoltore - (PE) - Italy - Tel [+39] 085 4450011- Fax [+39] 085 4459477
Web: Email: [email protected]
TecnoJest TJT-E3-485 Manual

Version Meter 2T

TecnoJest Srl -2-

Viale Europa, 128 - 65010 Spoltore - (PE) - Italy - Tel [+39] 085 4450011- Fax [+39] 085 4459477
Web: Email: [email protected]
TecnoJest TJT-E3-485 Manual


The TJT-E3-485 is digital three phase 4 wire energy meter with a white back-lighted LCD screen for perfect reading.
The unit measures and displays the characteristics of three phase four wires (3p4w) supply, including voltage,
frequency, current, power, active and reactive energy, imported or exported. Energy is measured in terms of kWh,
kVArh. The requisite current input(s) are obtained via current transformers(CT).
This meter can be configured to work with a wide range of CTs, giving the unit a wide range of operation. Built-in
interfaces provides pulse and RS485 Modbus RTU outputs. Configuration is password protected

PART 1 Specification
General Specifications

Voltage AC (Un) 3x230(400)V

Voltage Range 80~120% Un
Base Current (Ib) 5A CT input
Max. Current (Imax) 120% of Ib AC
Mini Current (Imin) 5% of Ib AC
Starting current 0.4% of Ib
Power consumption <2W/10VA
Frequency 50/60Hz
AC voltage withstand 4KV for 1 minute
Impulse voltage withstand 6KV-1.2uS wavform
Overcurrent withstand 20max 0I for 0.5s
Pulse output rate Configurable ( Pulse 1)
1000imp/kWh (Pulse 2)
Display LCD with backlit
Max. Reading 999999.9kWh
Active energy Class 1 IEC62053-21

Unit Characteristics
The Unit can measure and display:
⚫ Line voltage of all phases
⚫ Frequency
⚫ Line Currents of all phases
⚫ Power and power factor
⚫ Active energy imported and exported
⚫ Reactive energy imported and exported

Two pulse output indicates real-time energy measurement. An RS485 output allows remote monitoring from
another display or a computer.
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TecnoJest TJT-E3-485 Manual

Current Transformer Primary Current

The unit can be configured to operate with CT ratio between primary current and secondary current. The secondary
CT has two options: 1A/5A

RS485 Serial – Modbus RTU

This unit uses an RS485 serial port with Modbus RTU protocol to provide a means of remotely monitoring and
controlling the Unit
Set-up screens are provided for setting up the RS485 port.

Pulse output
The unit provides two pulse outputs. Both pulse outputs are passive type.
Pulse output 1 is configurable. The pulse output can be set with Modbus protocol:
0.01 kWh / imp
0.1 kWh / imp
1 kWh /imp
10 kWh / imp
100 kWh /imp
1000=1000 kWh/kVArh
Pulse width: 200/100(default)/60ms can set with Modbus protocol.
Pulse output 2 is non-configurable. It is fixed up with total kWh. The constant is 1000imp/kWh.

RS485 Output for Modbus RTU

For Modbus RTU, the following RS485 communication parameters can be configured from the Set-up menu:
Baud rate 1200,2400, 4800, 9600
Parity none (default)/odd/even
Stop bits 1 or 2
RS485 network address nnn – 3-digit number, 001 to 247
Modbus™ Word order Hi/Lo byte order is set automatically to normal or reverse. It cannot be configured from
the set-up menu.


Operating temperature -25℃ to +55℃

Storage and transportation temperature -40℃ to +70℃
Reference temperature 23℃±2℃
Relative humidity 0 to 95%, non-condensing
Altitude up to 3000m
Warm up time 10s
Installation category CAT III
Mechanical Environment M1
Electromagnetic environment E2
Degree of pollution 2

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Viale Europa, 128 - 65010 Spoltore - (PE) - Italy - Tel [+39] 085 4450011- Fax [+39] 085 4459477
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TecnoJest TJT-E3-485 Manual


Din rail dimensions 72x94.5x65 (WxHxD) DIN 43880

Mounting DIN rail 35mm
Sealing IP51 (indoor)
Material self-extinguishing UL94V-0

PART 2 Operation
Initialization Display

When it is powered on, the meter will initialize and do self-checking.

Full Screen

Software Version

Total active energy(kWh)

Total=Import+ Export
Max read: 999999.9 kWh

Buttons function

Versione 2T
>Scroll the display for data checking.
>Changing option at Set-up mode
>Exit the Set-up mode
>Set-up mode entry

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Web: Email: [email protected]
TecnoJest TJT-E3-485 Manual

Scroll display

After initialization and self-checking program, the meter display the measured values. The default page is total

kWh. If the user wants to check other information, please press the scroll button on the front panel.

Total active energy(kWh)

Total=Import+ Export

import energy

export energy

Total reactive energy (kVArh)

Imp reactive energy

Exp reactive energy

Voltage L1

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TecnoJest TJT-E3-485 Manual

Voltage L2

Voltage L3

Current L1

Current L2

Current L3

Total active power (W)

Active power L1

Active power L2

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Viale Europa, 128 - 65010 Spoltore - (PE) - Italy - Tel [+39] 085 4450011- Fax [+39] 085 4459477
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TecnoJest TJT-E3-485 Manual

Active power L3

Total reactive power (VAr)

Reactive power L1

Reactive power L2

Reactive power L3

Total apparent power ( VA)

Apparent power L1

Apparent power L2

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Viale Europa, 128 - 65010 Spoltore - (PE) - Italy - Tel [+39] 085 4450011- Fax [+39] 085 4459477
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TecnoJest TJT-E3-485 Manual

Apparent power L3

Total Power Factor

Power Factor L1

Power Factor L2

Power Factor L3


CT ratio

Pulse Constant

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Viale Europa, 128 - 65010 Spoltore - (PE) - Italy - Tel [+39] 085 4450011- Fax [+39] 085 4459477
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TecnoJest TJT-E3-485 Manual

Modbus Address

Baud Rate


Set-up Mode

To get into Set-up Mode, the user need press the “Enter” button for 3 second.
Page Display Descriptions

1 Password
To get into Set-up mode, it asks a password
confirmation. Default password:
- version 2T= 1000;
- version 3T= 0001;

Use and to enter correct

The entering information is wrong. The
operation fails.

Keep pressing for 3 second, the current

selection will flash, use and to

change the Modbus address. Options: 1~247

Keep press for 3s to confirm the


TecnoJest Srl - 10 -
Viale Europa, 128 - 65010 Spoltore - (PE) - Italy - Tel [+39] 085 4450011- Fax [+39] 085 4459477
Web: Email: [email protected]
TecnoJest TJT-E3-485 Manual

Keep pressing for 3 second, the current

selection will flash, use and to

change the Baud rate. Options: 1.2k,
2.4k,4.8k,9.6k ( default )

Keep press for 3s to confirm the


4 Keep pressing for 3 second, the current

selection will flash, use and to

change the Parity. Options: EVEN,ODD,NONE
( default )

Keep press for 3s to confirm the

Use to select the CT ratio option. Keep

pressing for 3 second, the current

selection will flash, use and to

5-1 enter the CT Ratio. The range is from 0001 to
2000. For example, if using a 100A/5A current
transformer, you shall enter 0020.

Keep press for 3s to confirm the

Use to select the Password option.

Keep pressing for 3 second, the


current selection will flash, use and

to enter the new password. The range

is from 0001 to 9999.

Keep press for 3s to confirm the


TecnoJest Srl - 11 -
Viale Europa, 128 - 65010 Spoltore - (PE) - Italy - Tel [+39] 085 4450011- Fax [+39] 085 4459477
Web: Email: [email protected]
TecnoJest TJT-E3-485 Manual

Keep pressing button to exit the set-up mold.

Wiring diagram


PART 3 Modbus Protocol

Input Registers

Input registers are used to indicate the present values of the measured and calculated electrical quantities. Each
parameter is held in two consecutive 16 big register. The following table details the 3X register address, and the
TecnoJest Srl - 12 -
Viale Europa, 128 - 65010 Spoltore - (PE) - Italy - Tel [+39] 085 4450011- Fax [+39] 085 4459477
Web: Email: [email protected]
TecnoJest TJT-E3-485 Manual

values of the the address bytes within the message. A (*) in the column indicated the parameter is valid for the
particular wiring system, Any parameter with a cross (X) will return the value zero. Each parameter is held in the 3X
registers. Modbus Protocol function code 04 is used to access all parameters.
For example, to request: Amps 1 Start address = 0006
No.of registers = 0002
Amps 2 Start address = 0008
No. Of register = 0002
Each request for data must be restricted to 30 parameters or less. Exceeding the 30 parameter limit will cause a
Modbus Protocol exception code to be returned.

3 1
Input Register Parameter Protocol Start
Address Address Hex
(Register) Length Data Hi Lo 4 2
Description Units
(bytes) Format Byte Byte W W
30001 Phase 1 line to neutral volts. 4 Float V 00 00 √ √

30003 Phase 2 line to neutral volts. 4 Float V 00 02 √ X

30005 Phase 3 line to neutral volts. 4 Float V 00 04 √ X

30007 Phase 1 current. 4 Float A 00 06 √ √

30009 Phase 2 current. 4 Float A 00 08 √ X

30011 Phase 3 current. 4 Float A 00 0A √ X

30013 Phase 1 active power. 4 Float W 00 0C √ √

30015 Phase 2 active power. 4 Float W 00 0E √ X

30017 Phase 3 active power. 4 Float W 00 10 √ X

30019 Phase 1 apparent power. 4 Float VA 00 12 √ √

30021 Phase 2 apparent power. 4 Float VA 00 14 √ X

30023 Phase 3 apparent power. 4 Float VA 00 16 √ X

30025 Phase 1 reactive power. 4 Float VAr 00 18 √ √

30027 Phase 2 reactive power. 4 Float VAr 00 1A √ X

30029 Phase 3 reactive power. 4 Float VAr 00 1C √ X

30031 Phase 1 power factor (1). 4 Float None 00 1E √ √

30033 Phase 2 power factor (1). 4 Float None 00 20 √ X

30035 Phase 3 power factor (1). 4 Float None 00 22 √ X
30043 Average line to neutral volts. 4 Float V 00 2A √ X

30047 Average line current. 4 Float A 00 2E √ √

30049 Sum of line currents. 4 Float A 00 30 √ √

30053 Total system power. 4 Float W 00 34 √ √

30057 Total system volt amps. 4 Float VA 00 38 √ √

30061 Total system VAr. 4 Float VAr 00 3C √ √

30063 Total system power factor (1). 4 Float None 00 3E √ √

30071 Frequency of supply voltages. 4 Float Hz 00 46 √ √

30073 Import Wh since last reset . 4 Float kWh 00 48 √ √

30075 Export Wh since last reset . 4 Float kWH 00 4A √ √

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TecnoJest TJT-E3-485 Manual

30077 Import VArh since last reset . 4 Float kVArh 00 4C √ √

30079 Export VArh since last reset . 4 Float kVArh 00 4E √ √

30201 Line 1 to Line 2 volts. 4 Float V 00 C8 √ X

30203 Line 2 to Line 3 volts. 4 Float V 00 CA √ X

30205 Line 3 to Line 1 volts. 4 Float V 00 CC √ X

30207 Average line to line volts. 4 Float V 00 CE √ X

30225 Neutral current. 4 Float A 00 E0 √ X
30343 Total kwh (3) 4 Float kWh 01 56 √ √

30345 Total kvarh (3) 4 Float kVArh 01 58 √ √

1. The power factor has its sign adjusted to indicate the direction of the current. Positive refers to forward current,
negative refers to reverse current.
2. The power sum demand calculation is for import – export.
3. Total kWh / kVarh equals to Import + export.

Holding Registers
Holding register are used to store and display instrument configuration settings. All holding registers not listed
in the table below should be considered as reserved for manufacturer use and no attempt should be made to
modify their values.
The holding register parameters may be viewed or changed using the Modbus Protocol. Each parameter is held
in two consecutive 4X registers. Modbus Protocol Function Code 03 is used to read the parameter and Function
code 10 is used to write. Write only to one parameter per massage.

Modbus Protocol
Start Address Hex
Address Parameter Parameter High Byte Low Byte
Register Number Valid range Mode
Write pulse on period in
milliseconds: 60, 100 or 200, default 200.
40013 7 Pulse 1 Width 00 OC r/w
Length : 4 byte
Data Format : Float

Read: to get status of the current access.

Access authority
0: failed to get the access
(write password to
1 : already got the access
get the access and
40015 8 00 0E Write: write correct password to get the r/w
read the status of the
Length : 4 byte
Data Format : Float
Write the network port parity/stop bits for
40019 10 Parity / Stop 00 12 r/w
MODBUS Protocol, where: 0 = One stop bit

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TecnoJest TJT-E3-485 Manual

and no parity, default. 1 = One stop bit and

even parity. 2 = One stop bit and odd parity.3
= Two stop bits and no parity.
Length : 4 byte
Data Format : Float
Write the network port node
address: 1 to 247 for MODBUS Protocol,
40021 11 Modbus Address 00 14 default 1. r/w
Length : 4 byte
Data Format : Float

Write pulse rate index: n

= 1 to 5
40023 12 Pulse 1 Rate 00 16 3--1kwh/imp r/w
Length : 4 byte
Data Format : Float

Read:get password
Write:change password
40025 13 Password 00 18 r/w
Length : 4 byte
Data Format : Float

Write the network port baud rate for

MODBUS Protocol, where:
0 = 2400 baud. 1 = 4800 baud.
40029 15 Network Baud Rate 00 1C 2 = 9600 baud ( default). r/w
5 = 1200 band
Length : 4 byte
Data Format : Float

CT ratio ( Range: 0001-2000)

Default: 1
40033 17 CT ratio 00 20 Length : 4 byte r/w
Data Format : Float
(KPPA is asked)
Default: 0, Unit: s
Time for scrolling Range: 0~30, ( 0 means close scrolling)
40059 30 00 3A r/w
display Length : 4 byte
Data Format : Float

Default: 0. Unit: min

Rang :0~120. ( 0 means the back light will
40061 31 Time of back light 00 3C r/w
work all the time )
Length : 4byte

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TecnoJest TJT-E3-485 Manual

Data Format : Float

Write MODBUS Protocol

input parameter for pulse
output 1:
1: import active energy
2: total active energy
40087 44 Pulse 1 Energy Type 00 56 4: export active energy, default r/w
5: import reactive energy
6: total reactive energy
8: export reactive energy
Length : 4 byte
Data Format : Float

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Web: Email: [email protected]
TecnoJest TJT-E3-485 Manual

Version Meter 3T

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Viale Europa, 128 - 65010 Spoltore - (PE) - Italy - Tel [+39] 085 4450011- Fax [+39] 085 4459477
Web: Email: [email protected]
TecnoJest TJT-E3-485 Manual


TJT-E3-485-3T is a smart meter designed for power supply system, industrial and mining enterprises and
utilities to calculate the electricity consumption and manage the electric demand. It features the high precision,
small size and simple installation. It integrates the measurement of all electrical parameters with the comprehensive
electricity metering and management provides various data on previous 48 months, checks the 31st harmonic
content and the total harmonic content. It is fitted with RS485 communication port and adapted to MODBUS-RTU.
TJT-E3-485-3T can be used in all kinds of control systems, SCADA systems and energy management systems. The
meter meet the related technical requirements of electricity meter in the IEC62053-21standards.

1 Function description

Table 1 Function description list

Function Function description Function provide
Active kWh (positive and negative) ■
Reactive kWh (positive and
Measurement ■
of kWh
A. B, C split phase positive active

Measurement U、I ■
of electrical
P、Q、S、PF、F ■
Measurement 2~31ST Voltage and current

of harmonics harmonic
12 bits section LCD display,
LCD Display ■
background light
Key 3 keys to communication and set

programming parameters
Pulse output Active pulse output ■
Adapt 4 time zones, 2 time interval
lists, 14 time interval by day and 4 □
tariff rates
Multi-tariff and
Max demand and occurrence time □
Frozen data on last 48 months, last

Date, time □
Communication interface: RS485,
Communication protocol: ■

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Viale Europa, 128 - 65010 Spoltore - (PE) - Italy - Tel [+39] 085 4450011- Fax [+39] 085 4459477
Web: Email: [email protected]
TecnoJest TJT-E3-485 Manual

2 Technical parameter

Table 2 technical parameter descriptions

project performance parameter
Specification 3 phase 3 wires, 3 phase 4 wires
3×100V、 3×380V、3×57.7/100V、 3×220/380V
Vo Consumptio
<10VA(Single phase)
lta n
ge Impedance >2MΩ
Meas class
urem Input
3×1(6)A, 3×10(80)A
ent current
rre <1VA Single phase rated current
Power Active, reactive, apparent power, error±0.5℅
Frequency 45~65Hz,Error±0.2%
Active energy(Accuracy class: 0.5)
Meter reactive energy(Accuracy class 2)
Clock ≤0.5s/d

Energy pulse
signa 1 active photocoupler output
Width of pulse 80±20ms
pulse 400imp/kWh,10000imp/kWh(Correspond with the basic
Pulse constant
Interface and
RS485 口:Modbus RTU
com communication
RS485:Modbus RTU
mu protocol
nic Range of
atio communication Modbus RTU:1~ 247;
n address
Baud rate 1200bps~19200bps
envir working
on temperature
Relative humidity ≤95℅(No condensation)

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TecnoJest TJT-E3-485 Manual

3 Dimension drawings

Fig1 direct connect

Fig2 connect via CT

Note:The torque of direct connect should not be greater than 3-4N·m,and the torque of connect via CT should
not be greater than 1.5-2N·m。

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Web: Email: [email protected]
TecnoJest TJT-E3-485 Manual

4 Wiring and installing

4.1 Wiring sample of voltage and current

Ua Ub Uc N Ia* Ia Ib* Ib Ic* Ic

Fig 3 Three phase four lines connect via CT

Fig 4 Three phase four lines direct connect

Ua Ub Uc Un Ia* Ia Ib* Ib Ic* Ic

Fig 5 Three phase three lines connect via CT

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TecnoJest TJT-E3-485 Manual

Fig6 Three phase three lines direct connect

4.2 Wiring diagram of communication and pulse terminals

Fig 7 Communication, pulse connection

5 Function description

5.1 Measurement
It can measure the electrical parameter,include U、I、P、Q、S、PF、F、1~31th harmonic。
If:U = 220.1V,f = 49.98Hz, I = 1.99A,P = 0.439kW
Such as:U = 220.1V,f = 49.98Hz, I = 1.99A,P = 0.439kW

5.2 Calculating
Can measure the active energy、forward active energy、reversing active energy、forward reactive energy、
reversing reactive energy。

5.3 Timing
Two timing table,four time zone,one table have fourteen timing,four rate。

5.4 Demand
The description about demand:
Table 3 Demand description list
Demand The average power in the demand cycle.
The maximum value of demand in a period of time.
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TecnoJest TJT-E3-485 Manual

A recurrence method to measure the demand from any time point

during a period shorter than the demand period. The demand
Slip time measured by this means is called sliding demand. The recurrence
time is sliding window time.

The time period between two same average value of demand.

The default demand cycle is 15 minutes, slip time is 1 minute.

The meter can measure 4 kinds of maximum demand: forward active, reversing active, inductive reactive,
capacitive reactive maximum demand and the occur time.

5.5 History data statistics

The meter can record last 48 months or last 90 days history energy in each tariff.

6 Operation and display

6.1 Key function description

Table 4 Key’s function description
icon Name Function
Check the voltage and current
Voltage and current, up Leftward and change flash in
programming menu
Check the power
Power, down Rightward and change the value
on flash
Check the energy
Energy, enter In/out programming menu
Save changes

6.2 Display menu

The meter will show the forward active energy after powering. The customers can change the information
showing by pressing the keys. The menu description is listed as below:

Table 5 display descriptions

Three-phase voltage Three phase line voltage

Three-phase Current Frequency
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TecnoJest TJT-E3-485 Manual

Harmonic content of three phase Harmonic content of three phase

Voltage Current

Phase angle Time

Check bit, baud rate, table address,

software version number, full display detection;

Three phase active power Total active power

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TecnoJest TJT-E3-485 Manual

Three phase reactive power Total reactive power

Three phase apparent power Total apparent power

Three phase power factor Total power factor

T3 represents the normal period, ① represents the first time table

Current total active energy Current spike active energy

Current peak active energy Current flat active energy

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TecnoJest TJT-E3-485 Manual

Current valley active energy Current forward active total energy

Current reversing active total energy Current total reactive energy

Current reactive spike energy Current reactive peak energy

Current reactive flat energy Current reactive valley energy

Current forward reactive total energy Current reversing reactive total energy

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TecnoJest TJT-E3-485 Manual

Current forward active energy Current forward active energy

on A phase on B phase

Current forward active energy on C phase

1 All the display menus above are in the model of TJT-E3-485-3T three phases four lines with multi-tariff rate
function and can be changed by the keys.
2 There will not be power or power factor on each phase and will only show total power and power factor
(Active, reactive, apparent) under the three phase three lines.

3 There will not be date, time, maximum demand and energy by time without the function of multi-tariff rate.

7.3 Key Menu

Keep press at any main menu and get in “PASS” interface, and then press show “0000”,

and enter the code. If you enter a wrong code, it will show “fail” and back to main menu; and if you enter a right

code, you can set the parameter. After setting the parameter and keep press , it will show “save” and save the

change by pressing in “yes” interface and quit without save by pressing in “no” interface.

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Viale Europa, 128 - 65010 Spoltore - (PE) - Italy - Tel [+39] 085 4450011- Fax [+39] 085 4459477
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TecnoJest TJT-E3-485 Manual

7.4 Date settings

Second menu
Symbol Mean Range
Communicate’s ADDR
1 ADDR 1-254
2 Baud Baud choose
3 Pari Parity choose None、Odd、Even
4 LED Backlight time than 250 stay light-
3P4L:3 phase 3
5 PL Wiring sample
3P3L:3 phase 4
6 DIR direction of current
Voltage transformer
7 Pt 1-9999

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TecnoJest TJT-E3-485 Manual

Current transformer
8 Ct 1-9999
9 CoDE Code settings 1-9999
10 CLrE Clear 0-9999

8 Communication description

The meter adapts MODBUS-RTU protocol, and the baud rate can be chosen from 1200bps、2400 bps、4800
bps、9600bps and 19200 bps. The parity is None.
The meter needs shielded twisted pair conductors to connect. Customers should consider the whole network’s
parameters such like communication wire’s length, the direction, communication transformer and network cover
range, etc.

1、Wiring should follow the wiring requirements;
2、Connect all the meter in the RS485 net work even some do not need to communication, which is benefit for
error checking and testing;
3、Use two color wires in connecting wires and all the A port use the same color.
4、No longer than 1200 meters of RS485 bus line.

TecnoJest Srl - 29 -
Viale Europa, 128 - 65010 Spoltore - (PE) - Italy - Tel [+39] 085 4450011- Fax [+39] 085 4459477
Web: Email: [email protected]

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