BQ76920, BQ76930, BQ76940 AFE FAQ: User's Guide
BQ76920, BQ76930, BQ76940 AFE FAQ: User's Guide
BQ76920, BQ76930, BQ76940 AFE FAQ: User's Guide
User’s Guide
BQ76920, BQ76930, BQ76940 AFE FAQ
Willy Massouth
This document is a collection of frequently asked questions (FAQ) for the BQ76940 family of analog front end
(AFE) devices.
Table of Contents
1 Device Features...................................................................................................................................................................... 4
1.1 Can I use the part as a standalone protector?................................................................................................................... 4
1.2 Can I use my microcontroller with the AFE?...................................................................................................................... 4
1.3 I have a design with the BQ76925 AFE. Can I extend that design to more cells with this AFE?.......................................4
1.4 Which cells should I short to reduce the cell count?.......................................................................................................... 4
1.5 The VC1 pin has a higher absolute maximum than VC0. Can I short cell 1 and get the benefit of the additional
margin to VSS on my lowest cell?........................................................................................................................................ 4
1.6 Open cell detection is not mentioned in the data sheet. Does the device have this feature?............................................ 4
1.7 When does the device recover from a fault?......................................................................................................................4
1.8 How do I clear the status register bits, address 0x00?...................................................................................................... 4
1.9 When the fault bit is cleared in the SYS_STAT register, the FETs do not turn back on. Is this correct?............................ 4
1.10 Is an automotive grade version available?.......................................................................................................................4
1.11 For higher cell counts such as 20 cells, is there any recommendation on how to stack the BQ76940 devices?.............5
1.12 Why is the DEVICE_XREADY bit high on my part and it cannot be cleared?................................................................. 5
1.13 How can I tell if the voltage readings are correct or dormant values?............................................................................. 5
1.14 Will the BQ769x0 share the bus with a BQ34z100-G1?.................................................................................................. 5
1.15 What is the ALERT pin timing?........................................................................................................................................ 5
2 Unused Pins............................................................................................................................................................................ 6
2.1 SRP and SRN.................................................................................................................................................................... 6
2.2 TS1, TS2, TS3................................................................................................................................................................... 6
2.3 CHG and DSG................................................................................................................................................................... 6
2.4 NC pins...............................................................................................................................................................................6
3 FETs......................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
3.1 When does the AFE turn on FETs?....................................................................................................................................7
3.2 Can the device drive high-side FETs?................................................................................................................................7
3.3 Will load detection work with high-side FET configurations?............................................................................................. 7
3.4 Does load present detection work with the charge FET on?..............................................................................................7
3.5 How does the part detect a load?...................................................................................................................................... 7
3.6 Will load detection work with parallel FET configurations?................................................................................................ 7
3.7 The charge FET driver uses resistive turn off of the FET. Would this affect the turn off speed of the charge
MOSFET, and would this be the way too long?....................................................................................................................7
3.8 The source capability for both CHG and DSG pin is not in the data sheet. What is the typical output voltage for
CHG and DSG pin?.............................................................................................................................................................. 7
3.9 Does the AFE turn off the FETs when it loses adequate drive voltage for the FETs?........................................................ 8
3.10 Can I drive multiple FETs in parallel for higher current?.................................................................................................. 8
3.11 Can my circuit be configured with split charge and discharge paths?..............................................................................8
4 ADC.......................................................................................................................................................................................... 9
4.1 Why is the ADC not reading 0x3FFF at 6 V?..................................................................................................................... 9
4.2 How do I calculate the battery voltage from the BAT_HI and BAT_LO ADC registers?.....................................................9
4.3 How do I apply the calibration voltages?............................................................................................................................9
4.4 Can I calibrate the voltages?..............................................................................................................................................9
5 Coulomb Counter (CC).........................................................................................................................................................10
5.1 How do I understand the data range of the CC?..............................................................................................................10
5.2 How does the CC range match to the SC protection levels?........................................................................................... 10
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Table of Contents
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10.10 When I measure supply and offset currents, why do I see peak values much higher than the data sheet
maximums?........................................................................................................................................................................ 20
10.11 Does connecting fewer than the maximum cells, for example, 13 cells, on a BQ76940 create an imbalance in
the cell groups?.................................................................................................................................................................. 20
10.12 How can I reset the part?............................................................................................................................................. 20
10.13 Can the device be reset by a power transient?............................................................................................................20
10.14 Will an excessive load (short circuit) on REGOUT reset the part?.............................................................................. 20
10.15 Why is a FET source follower used for REGSRC?...................................................................................................... 20
10.16 Do I need a large package on the REGSRC FET?......................................................................................................20
10.17 Does the external REGSRC FET gain affect the LDO response?............................................................................... 20
10.18 What is the efficiency of the LDO?............................................................................................................................... 20
10.19 What is the maximum LDO current?............................................................................................................................ 21
10.20 Will the part operate properly with transients below VSHUT?..................................................................................... 21
10.21 Can I use a hold-up circuit on the BAT or REGSRC pin, or both, to extend the operating time under pack short
circuit or overcurrent conditions?........................................................................................................................................21
10.22 I will not use the REGOUT voltage from the AFE. Do I still need to supply REGSRC and a capacitor on
REGOUT?.......................................................................................................................................................................... 21
11 Power State Switching....................................................................................................................................................... 22
11.1 When entering SHIP mode, will the AFE or controller enter the low power state first?..................................................22
11.2 When the pack wakes up, will the AFE or controller wake up first?............................................................................... 22
11.3 What happens if my boot switch sticks or the boot signal is left on?..............................................................................22
12 EVM...................................................................................................................................................................................... 23
12.1 Will there be an evaluation module (EVM) for the devices or family?............................................................................23
12.2 The EVM has a TI controller, can I use my own?...........................................................................................................23
12.3 My controller is 5 V. Can I use this with the BQ769x0 and EVM?..................................................................................23
12.4 Can I talk to both the SMBus and I2C on the EVM at the same time?........................................................................... 23
12.5 Can I configure fewer than the maximum cells on the EVM?........................................................................................ 23
12.6 I want to configure fewer cells on my EVM. Which cells should I short?....................................................................... 23
12.7 What TI interface can I use to communicate with the device?....................................................................................... 23
12.8 Can I use my existing BQxx EVSW for communication with the EVM?.........................................................................23
12.9 Can I implement external balancing on the EVM?......................................................................................................... 23
12.10 Where can I get the AFE software for the EVM?......................................................................................................... 23
12.11 Is the EVM a finished design?...................................................................................................................................... 24
12.12 The BQ78350 gauge on the EVM does not respond. How do I get the gauge to work?............................................. 24
13 Revision History................................................................................................................................................................. 24
List of Figures
Figure 7-1. Die Temperature Characteristic...............................................................................................................................14
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Device Features
1 Device Features
1.1 Can I use the part as a standalone protector?
The device is an AFE. It requires a host to set registers, turn on FETs, and recover from faults. It does not
function as a standalone protector.
1.2 Can I use my microcontroller with the AFE?
Yes, communication with the AFE is through an I2C-like interface. The ALERT signal should also be connected
to a GPIO to signal interrupt to the microcontroller. Analog signals may be desired based on the system design.
A companion controller family (BQ78350) offers various features for protection and gauging without the designer
having to develop code. Example code for the MSP430 microcontroller is also available in the product folder.
1.3 I have a design with the BQ76925 AFE. Can I extend that design to more cells with this
BQ76940 is not a drop-in replacement for the BQ76925. Modification of the circuit and code will be required
since the architecture is different. The cell voltages are available through the digital interface rather than as an
analog signal with the BQ76925. Study the data sheets and system schematics.
1.4 Which cells should I short to reduce the cell count?
The top cell and bottom two cells of each cell group should be used. For a recommendation on which cells to
short, see the table in the data sheet.
1.5 The VC1 pin has a higher absolute maximum than VC0. Can I short cell 1 and get the benefit
of the additional margin to VSS on my lowest cell?
No. The bottom cell must be used.
1.6 Open cell detection is not mentioned in the data sheet. Does the device have this feature?
No. It may be possible to implement a cell connection test using the balancing control; however, the part may be
damaged by open connections.
1.7 When does the device recover from a fault?
The fault recovery is determined by the host controller. For the controller used, refer to the data sheet or system
design documentation.
1.8 How do I clear the status register bits, address 0x00?
The status register bits are cleared by writing 1 to the set bit. To clear all bits, write 0xFF to register 0x00. Writing
0x00 to the register does not clear the bits.
1.9 When the fault bit is cleared in the SYS_STAT register, the FETs do not turn back on. Is this
Yes, the AFE requires control by the host to recover the system from the fault. The host must turn on the FET
controls after appropriate recovery delay or conditions. Clearing the status is not sufficient.
1.10 Is an automotive grade version available?
The BQ769x0 devices are intended for the industrial market, automotive grade devices are not planned. For
automotive designs consider a system with the BQ79616-Q1 or other automotive parts as these become
4 BQ76920, BQ76930, BQ76940 AFE FAQ SLUUB41A – MAY 2014 – REVISED OCTOBER 2021
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Copyright © 2021 Texas Instruments Incorporated Device Features
1.11 For higher cell counts such as 20 cells, is there any recommendation on how to stack the
BQ76940 devices?
A TI Reference Design using 2 BQ76930 devices stacked for a 20S application is available - (TIDA-01093). The
BQ76940 can similarly be stacked for applications needing more than 20 cells.
1.12 Why is the DEVICE_XREADY bit high on my part and it cannot be cleared?
For the BQ76930 and BQ76940 it typically indicates that the voltage on the bottom cell group is adequate,
but one of the upper cell groups’ supply voltage is below VSHUT. Raise all cell group supply voltages above
VPORA and clear the status bit. If any of the TSn pins is missing a thermistor or pull-down resistor, or if these
thermistors or pull-down resistors are connected to the wrong reference, it will also cause a DEVICE_XREADY
fault. Another possibility is that the part has been damaged.
DEVICE_XREADY on the BQ76920 typically indicates a malfunctioned part which may need replaced.
1.13 How can I tell if the voltage readings are correct or dormant values?
If the DEVICE_XREADY is set, the voltage register values from the device should not be used. If the user would
like a way to check if the part is alive, construct a circuit that can be controlled by the system microcontroller,
which would short the thermistor on an upper cell group. The microcontroller could then observe the voltage
change based on its control and know that the part was functioning. This could be used even if the thermistors
are not used by selecting the external temperature sensing for this test. Note that the temperature selection
change may take 2 seconds to update.
1.14 Will the BQ769x0 share the bus with a BQ34z100-G1?
Yes, the default (-00) BQ769x0 device address (7 bit) is 0x08 while the BQ34z100-G1 address is 0x55, so they
should share the bus without issue.
1.15 What is the ALERT pin timing?
The alert pin does not have noise discrimination. It is sampled at about 256 kHz. If it is sampled high, it will be
driven high approximately 3 clocks (12 µs) later. A pulldown resistor or capacitor may help avoid false detection
on the pin. The time constant on the pulldown should allow the pin to settle below the 1-V threshold within
approximately 250 µs to avoid the part from detecting the residual ALERT pin voltage after a status register
clear. A 500-kΩ pulldown resistor and a 470-pF capacitor are commonly used.
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Unused Pins
2 Unused Pins
How should I connect pins if I am not using them?
2.1 SRP and SRN
These pins should be connected to VSS.
2.2 TS1, TS2, TS3
TS1, TS2, and TS3 are inputs and should have a pulldown. TS1 is needed as an input to boot the part. A 1- to
100-kΩ pulldown may be suitable.
2.3 CHG and DSG
CHG and DSG are outputs and have pulldowns when set low. These pins may be left unconnected.
2.4 NC pins
Some pins named NC need to be connected, refer to the data sheet Pin Function tables. For the BQ76930, pins
11 and 12 should connect to the CAP2 pin. For the BQ76940, pins 11 and 12 should connect to the CAP2 pin,
pins 16 and 17 should connect to the CAP3 pin.
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Copyright © 2021 Texas Instruments Incorporated FETs
3 FETs
3.1 When does the AFE turn on FETs?
The AFE only turns on FETs under command of the host and if there is not a latched fault present.
3.2 Can the device drive high-side FETs?
Not directly. An external circuit is required to control high-side FETs.
High-side P-channel FETs can be controlled by a N-channel FET controlled by the CHG and DSG outputs. Turn
off may be slow with P-channel FETs.
High-side N-channel FETs need a charge-pump type driver or other supply to provide a voltage above the FET
sources. The BQ76200 high-side N-channel FET driver can be used with the BQ769x0 to control high-side FETs.
3.3 Will load detection work with high-side FET configurations?
No. The load detection is sensed through the CHG pin. With typical high-side FET applications, there is no path
to pull up the CHG pin for the load detection circuit to operate. If a load detection is desired, TI suggests that the
microcontroller read the pack voltage.
3.4 Does load present detection work with the charge FET on?
LOAD_PRESENT does not work with the CHG_EN set high (1). To use the load detection feature, set DSG_ON
and CHG_ON low (0). When a load is on the PACK terminals, the CHG pin will be pulled up through the FET
drive circuit and LOAD_PRESENT will be set when the voltage is above the VLOAD_DETECT threshold.
3.5 How does the part detect a load?
A load detection circuit is present on the CHG pin and activated whenever the CHG pin is disabled. This
circuit detects if the CHG pin is externally pulled above VLOAD_DETECT when the high impedance pull-down path
should actually be holding the CHG pin to VSS. The state of the load detection circuit can be read from the
[LOAD_PRESENT] bit of the SYS_CTRL1 register. The Load Detection feature is described in more detail in the
device datasheet.
3.6 Will load detection work with parallel FET configurations?
Load detection will not work if the charge FET connects directly to the sense resistor. If the charge FET connects
after the discharge FET, the charge pack terminal will be pulled up through the charge FET body diode and load
detection should work.
3.7 The charge FET driver uses resistive turn off of the FET. Would this affect the turn off speed
of the charge MOSFET, and would this be the way too long?
The standard circuit diagram does not drive the charge FET off; it is turned off by the gate source resistor.
Turn-off time for the circuit shown in the data sheet can be long. Because charge current is typically low, a long
turn-off time is considered okay, but the designer must check the safe operating range of the FETs used. In
many cases, the resistive turn off of the charge FET is typical. In some cases, a push-pull driver may be needed
for the system. TI does not have a typical application diagram with a push-pull driver.
3.8 The source capability for both CHG and DSG pin is not in the data sheet. What is the typical
output voltage for CHG and DSG pin?
When on, the typical output voltage is 12 V, as shown in the data sheet (VFETON). For low REGSRC voltages,
VFET will be up to 2 V below REGSRC. The drive current is low as noted by the long rise-time specification.
When off, there is a resistor pull down to VSS, as shown in the data sheet. The data sheet does not include DC
drive current; load is expected to be about 1 MΩ or higher resistance. Gate source resistors may be adjusted
lower for faster turn which would increase the continuous current. A high percentage of the CHG pin voltage
needs to be available at the FET gate, so this should be kept in mind when adjusting the gate source resistors.
While limits can be calculated from rise and fall times in the data sheet, the nominal pullup resistances when the
outputs are high is 5 kΩ. The data sheet shows the nominal pulldown resistances for the outputs.
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3.9 Does the AFE turn off the FETs when it loses adequate drive voltage for the FETs?
No, the user must account for voltage drop in their system design and be sure the system operates safely in
all conditions. Controller software should be written to understand system voltage drops and turn off FETs when
needed to prevent damage. Protection delays should be set to allow adequate voltage for FETs at the protection
3.10 Can I drive multiple FETs in parallel for higher current?
Yes. Check the available TI Reference Designs in the BQ769x0 product folders for different system examples
using multiple FETs. TIDA-00449 uses the BQ76930 with parallel FETs. TIDA-010030 demonstrates the
BQ76940 and BQ76200 high-side FET driver with parallel FETs.
3.11 Can my circuit be configured with split charge and discharge paths?
Yes, but load detection will not be possible in this configuration. The BQ78350 companion gauge also does not
support a split path configuration.
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Copyright © 2021 Texas Instruments Incorporated ADC
4.1 Why is the ADC not reading 0x3FFF at 6 V?
The ADC is scaled and does not use the full 14-bit data range. The input range is limited to 6 V. The maximum
data range of the ADC register is limited to 0x3DE1 or about 6.075 V.
4.2 How do I calculate the battery voltage from the BAT_HI and BAT_LO ADC registers?
The BAT_HI and BAT_LO registers are not directly from the ADC. The cell voltages are summed and the result
(divided by 4) is stored in the registers. To get the battery voltage, concatenate the register values and multiply
by 4, multiply by the gain, and add the offset multiplied by the number of cells. The equation is shown in the data
4.3 How do I apply the calibration voltages?
Calibration values must be read from the IC and applied to the ADC readings in the microcontroller. Refer to the
description in the data sheet.
4.4 Can I calibrate the voltages?
You may choose to calibrate the cell and battery voltages in your microcontroller in addition to the calibration
data provided in the IC. You might choose a single-point or multiple-point calibration. These values will need to
be entered, retained, and used in your microcontroller.
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Coulomb Counter (CC)
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Copyright © 2021 Texas Instruments Incorporated Communications
6 Communications
6.1 Is the communications interface fully I2C compliant?
No, refer to the data sheet for supported modes, operation, and timing.
6.2 Does the communications interface support sequential register reads?
6.3 Why does my voltage (or current) read erratically?
Any 16-bit value should be read with a sequential read to obtain an atomic value. Imagine a situation where
the data value is varying between 0x07FF and 0x0800. Reading as separate bytes and re-assembling the value
could result in 0x0700, 0x07FF, 0x0800, or 0x08FF if the byte reads fall across the update boundary.
6.4 Where can I get information on the communications CRC?
Refer to the data sheet for a description of the CRC polynomial and calculation. Example microcontroller code
with CRC is also available for download from the product folder.
6.5 Can I use the CRC part without CRC?
No. The part will not accept writes without the CRC. The part will read the present register, and the controller can
ignore the CRC.
6.6 Does the part need pullups on the SDA and SCL lines?
Yes, the BQ769x0 devices do not have internal pullups.
6.7 Does the BQ769x0 AFE ever drive the SCL line?
No, it is a target device only and does not drive the SCL line. This device does not do clock stretching.
6.8 When does the CC_Ready bit in the SYS_STAT release?
The CC_Ready bit must be cleared by the processor. Clearing the CC_Ready bit also reduces the additional
supply current (dIALERT) that results from the ALERT pin driving high. The processor timeline must allow
recognition of the status, read the CC value, and clear the status before the next update. If the processor
misses an update, the CC value for that interval is lost and the accumulated charge value in the processor will
be incorrect.
6.9 What is the communication protocol for the cell groups (internal stacked device)? Is it still
No. The internal communication interface and protocol are proprietary. It is sealed inside the package, cannot be
observed externally, and no data is available.
6.10 When the PACK– is switched off, will the part be damaged when the communication
signals pull to PACK+?
If the communication ground is PACK–, damage is very likely. Clamp circuits on SDA and SCL to VSS may
cause an uncontrolled current path through the interface. Using a separate communication ground as with the
EVM will also provide an unprotected current path and may not be acceptable. For protecting the communication
lines referenced to PACK–, some methods may include:
• ISO isolation device
• High-side protection FETs, the BQ76200 high-side N-channel FET driver is available to drive high-side FETs
• Alternative external circuitry to AC-couple the communications signaling lines, if possible
• Some external circuit to detect if FETs are off and isolate the communication bus (if communication is not
6.11 Is there a version or can I get the part with a SMBus interface?
No. The BQ769x0 family of AFEs use I2C-like communication. To communicate with your battery via SMBus, a
microcontroller or companion controller would handle protection functions and provide SMBus interface.
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6.12 Is the companion controller interface SMBus and does it use SBS Data format?
The BQ78350-R1A has an SMBus interface to external systems. Refer to the latest data sheet for information.
6.13 Why does the AFE not ACK its address?
Be sure power is applied to REGSRC as well as BAT (and VC5X, VC10X when appropriate). A voltage could
be present on REGOUT due to a pullup of SCL, SDA, or ALERT, but the part needs power from the REGSRC
supply pin to operate. REGOUT should be supplied by the part after it is booted.
Also, be sure 3.3 V present on the CAP1 pin after the part is booted.
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Copyright © 2021 Texas Instruments Incorporated Temperature Sensing
7 Temperature Sensing
7.1 Where are the temperature sensing thresholds?
The AFE does not have temperature protection thresholds. It allows measurement of temperature as a voltage
from either an internal sensor or external thermistor. The number of sensors varies with the device type.
Temperature must be read by the system microcontroller and protection thresholds implemented appropriately.
When a FET action is desired from the temperature threshold, the microcontroller must write the FET control bit
off in the BQ769x0 AFE.
7.2 I’m switching the temperature source selection bit TEMP_SEL, but I don’t see the
temperature change, why?
Temperature is only measured every 2 s. Be sure to allow sufficient time after changing the selection before
reading the temperature register value or values.
7.3 I only want to use one temperature sensor. Can I leave the others unconnected?
Although the TS pins are not digital logic input signals, they are inputs and should not be left floating or
unexpected operation may result. Provide a pulldown resistor in place of the thermistors, typical values in the
range of 1 to 100 kΩ would be acceptable.
7.4 Are the NTC temperature sensors required for operation?
No, thermistors are not required for operation of the device. The TEMP_SEL bit defaults to 0 to measure die
temperature rather than the thermistor. TS1 needs to be allowed to be pulled above the 1-V max boot threshold
to start the device. Because the TS pins are identified as inputs, TI requires pulldown resistors to the appropriate
references to avoid unexpected operation. The TS2 and TS3 should not be pulled up.
7.5 I want more than three temperature sensors on the BQ76940. Can I multiplex more
This operation is not supported by the device. The device will not tell you when it is making measurements, so
if you multiplex sensors externally, be sure to allow sufficient time for measurements to settle. Consider adding
temperature sensors to your microcontroller.
7.6 Previous gas gauge designs have had a resistor in parallel with the thermistor. Is this
needed with the BQ769x0?
A parallel resistor is not required for operation. It may alter the range and shape of the temperature characteristic
for easier conversion of voltage to temperature, so use of a resistor may depend on your measurement system.
7.7 Do I need a capacitor across the thermistor?
Because the TS pin is switched, a small capacitor will slow the edge rate and stabilize the voltage, both may be
desirable. However, the device should operate without the capacitor.
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Temperature Sensing
at 25°C
Slope is
1.15 typical only
uncertaintly without
(Plus slope variation)
t40 25 85 °C
Figure 7-1. Die Temperature Characteristic
14 BQ76920, BQ76930, BQ76940 AFE FAQ SLUUB41A – MAY 2014 – REVISED OCTOBER 2021
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Copyright © 2021 Texas Instruments Incorporated Calibration
8 Calibration
8.1 How do I calibrate current and voltage on the device? Is calibration done on the part at the
factory, or do I need to do something at production?
The part is calibrated at the factory to the data sheet limits. The host should do calculation of the cell voltages
based on the gain and offset values stored in the device. Additional calibration could be done based on the
microcontroller implementation. The device does not have stored current calibration values. Current calibration
may be done at the system level to compensate for gain and offset due to device variations and for outside
factors such as sense resistor tolerance. Any current calibration should be done after the CC_CFG register is set
to the recommended value (see 5.7).
8.2 Can I set each device to a different voltage setting?
Yes. The device is calibrated at the factory during production, and default thresholds are programmed into the
part. However, the device operates from thresholds in the registers. When installed in a system, the settings
can be overwritten by the battery system microcontroller. If your code design provides it, each system can be
calibrated and result in a unique setting for that board or device combination. The step size for voltage protection
settings is 16 counts or about 6.1 mV (see the latest data sheet).
8.3 Can I set a different threshold for each cell input?
No, all cell measurements use the same threshold. Variation between cells is set at production and will be within
the data sheet specifications.
8.4 Can I make adjustments to calibration for higher accuracy in my system?
Not inside the device. System calibration factors could be applied by the microcontroller if its firmware is
designed to provide those.
8.5 Other TI protectors have had coarse OV settings. Can I achieve better resolution with the
Yes. Because the BQ769x0 is an AFE rather than a protector, it has default settings, but operates from registers
so the thresholds can be overwritten by the host. While the default protection thresholds are fixed, the voltage
protection step size is about 6.1 mV and may be calibrated by the host for each system. Additionally firmware
protection could be implemented. Refer to the device datasheet for accuracy specifications.
8.6 Can I change the thresholds dynamically during operation, and if so what is the timing on
register writes to take effect?
Register writes are not restricted. If the protection threshold is changed while a fault is being evaluated before
the final comparison, the fault timer is cleared and the fault is not expected to be set. Timing will not be apparent
to the user.
8.7 Can I block write to the EEPROM?
The BQ769x0 is register-based; it does not have a user selectable EEPROM.
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Cell Balancing
9 Cell Balancing
9.1 How does balancing work?
The BQ769x0 uses resistive balancing. The basic balancing circuit is a FET internal to the device between
each adjacent VCx pin pair of the cell group. When the FET is turned on by a register command, it pulls the
VCx pins together and current is drawn from the cell through the VCx input resistors which limit the current.
When charging, part of the charge current bypasses the balanced cell. When not charging, current is drawn
from the cell. Either way, the power is dissipated as heat in the input resistors and device. Control of which cells
to balance is left to the controller algorithm. There are no restrictions on which balance bits can be set by the
controller. The controller algorithm must be designed to prevent unsafe bit combinations and achieve the desired
balance. Certain events in the AFE will clear the balance registers, refer to the data sheet.
9.2 Can I balance all cells at once?
The device will allow you to write the balance register to turn on all balancing FETs, however typically you should
not do this since this may damage the IC.
As an example, if a BQ76920 has all 5 cells at 4 V with a 20-V pack voltage and all balance bits are set in the
register, the VCx inputs will attempt to pull to the same value, or half the pack voltage. The resulting potential
10 V on all VCx inputs will cause the absolute maximum voltage of VC0 to VSS of 3.6 V to be exceeded. While
there are input resistors which may limit current, the device may clamp the voltage to a lower value and the
device may be permanently damaged.
9.3 Is it safe to balance every other cell?
Typically, yes. Because balancing will typically increase the adjacent cell voltage by ½ of the normal cell
voltage, balancing every other cell would double the voltage of the middle cell. Because the absolute maximum
differential voltage is 9 V, balancing every other cell should be okay up to 4.5 V/cell.
9.4 How many cells can I balance at once?
With every other cell in a cell group or set being allowed, 9 cells could be balanced in a BQ76940. Power
dissipation of the package may limit the number of cells which can safely be balanced.
9.5 Is it okay to balance adjacent cells?
The data sheet states that adjacent cells should not be balanced simultaneously. The part does not restrict
selection of adjacent cells.
Whether it is safe depends on which cells are balancing and the cell voltages. If 2 adjacent cells are balanced,
the VCx pin between the cells does not change significantly in voltage. The differential input voltage of the
next cell effectively doubles. If voltages impressed on the device are within the absolute maximum limits (both
single-ended and differential), this is okay.
As an example, assume all cells are at 4 V. If cells 4 and 5 are balanced, the VC3 input pulls to VC4, which is
approximately the cell 4 voltage or 16 V. This is within the single-ended absolute maximum voltage of 3 × 7.2 =
21.6 V. VC3-VC2 voltage doubles, or is 8 V; this is within the 9-V absolute maximum differential voltage for this
input pair. So this balance combination should be okay. However, if cell 1 and cell 2 are balanced, VC0 pulls to
the cell 1 value of 4 V. Because this is above the absolute maximum of 3.6 V, this combination of balancing could
damage the device and should not be selected.
As another example, if the cell voltages are 3.6 V, the absolute maximum on VC0 from the above example would
not be violated, and cells 1 and 2 could be balanced at the same time. However, if cells 4 and 5 were also
simultaneously selected for balancing, VC2 would be approximately the cell 1 voltage of 3.6 V and VC3 would be
approximately the cell 4 voltage of 14.4 V. VC3-VC2 would be 10.8 V and would exceed the absolute maximum
of 9 V.
When external balancing is used, the control voltage for the external FETs is developed across the input resistor.
With adjacent cells selected for balancing, one of the FETs may not receive an adequate control voltage and its
balancing will be ineffective.
Adjacent cells in adjacent groups may be balanced simultaneously, for example cells 5 and 6 with a BQ76930.
Because the cells are in different groups, they have separate input resistors for each group and the balancing
16 BQ76920, BQ76930, BQ76940 AFE FAQ SLUUB41A – MAY 2014 – REVISED OCTOBER 2021
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can operate independently, even with external balancing. Be cautious of common path resistances between
groups. See Section 4 of the BQ769x0 Family Top 10 Design Considerations document for more information.
Because of the complexity of determining when adjacent cell balancing may be safe, the user should follow the
data sheet recommendation.
9.6 The standard schematic uses large value input filter resistors. How can I achieve the
maximum internal balance current?
The standard schematic has large input filter resistors to reduce transient voltages to the inputs. This results in a
low balance current. A higher balance current can be achieved by reducing the value of the input filter resistors.
Refer to the data sheet for the maximum internal balance current for the device. The BQ76930 and BQ76940
are limited to 5 mA of internal balance current, and the BQ76920 is limited to 50 mA. The power filter must also
be reduced (filter for the VCnX pins) to prevent the cell inputs from swinging faster than the power pins and
exceeding the device absolute maximum limits. Significant pack level transient suppression may be required.
9.7 Can the BQ769x0 support external balancing?
Yes, external N-channel or P-channel FETs may be used. This allows maintaining large input filter resistors for
better transient filtering. The system designer should be aware that some combinations of balancing may not
work with external balancing. Refer to Section 4 of the BQ769x0 Family Top 10 Design Considerations document
for more information.
9.8 Can I use single-ended capacitor connections for my input filter rather than the differential
connection shown in the system diagram?
Yes, as long as absolute maximum values are not exceeded this should be okay. A typical risk to the AFE is
when an upper cell input is connected before a lower one, a high voltage is impressed across the VC(n+1)
– VCn pin pair and the input could be damaged. Differential capacitors tend to divide the voltage across the
unconnected inputs and allow the voltages across the inputs to change slowly. Using single-ended capacitors
should provide more consistent filtering across the inputs, but may require additional protection components
such as Zener diodes at the inputs.
9.9 Can the device turn off balance FETs by itself?
No, the FETs must be turned off by the host. The device will turn off the balance FETs during certain fault
conditions as described in the data sheet. However, it does not turn off the FETs when the pack is balanced or to
prevent discharge of the cell or cells being balanced.
9.10 How much does the temperature rise during balancing?
The temperature rise will depend on the balancing current used and the cell voltages during balancing as well as
the package thermal characteristics. See thermal data for the package in the data sheet. The package is not a
high power package however, so realize that the thermal resistance will be rather high and the allowable balance
power will be limited. The 85 deg C maximum recommended operating temperature may also limit the balance
current or power for a system.
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Cell Balancing
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Copyright © 2021 Texas Instruments Incorporated Power
10 Power
10.1 Can I short all cell inputs to ground while applying BAT?
For the BQ76940 and BQ76930, this is likely to violate the absolute maximum limits of the device, and TI does
not recommend it. For the BQ76920, no damage is expected, but TI does not recommended it.
10.2 What is the limit of VC15 (or the top used cell input) with respect to BAT?
The maximum voltage between the top cell input and the BAT pin or between the top VCn pin and its group
power pin is 7 V. A diode should be used between the top VCn pin of each group for the BQ76930 and
BQ76940, as shown in the data sheet simplified schematics. For the BQ76920, a diode may be added if needed
to avoid damage.
10.3 Can REGSRC operate at a higher voltage than VC5X?
Yes. REGSRC does not have a limit with respect to VC5X in the data sheet. The pins power different circuits in
the device. Both should be within their recommended operating condition range.
10.4 Can I connect cells randomly?
Refer to Section 10 of the BQ769x0 Family Top 10 Design Considerations document for details on random
cell connections. For the BQ76920, it is possible to connect cells in random sequence without violating the
absolute maximum ratings. For the BQ76930 and BQ76940, extra components may be required to assure that
cell voltages do not violate the abs max voltages on the cell input pins.
10.5 Why does the application diagram have Rf and Cf and why points A and B?
The cells are separated into groups of 5, or sets, which need a lower impedance connection back to the cells.
The BAT and VCnX pins are “power” pins and should be filtered to prevent transients. When the diagram was
drawn in this way, the A and B points allowed fewer lines crossing on the diagram.
10.6 Will the part be damaged if points A and B are floated?
Points A and B are expected to be connected on the circuit board before power is applied. If the points are
floated, one or more absolute maximum voltage limits could be exceeded and the part could be damaged.
10.7 Can the Cf have a lower voltage rating than the PACK voltage?
The BAT voltage is split into “sets” of cells (3 for the BQ76940), which have an absolute maximum voltage.
Because the capacitor voltage must be limited to the absolute maximum voltage of the IC connected, capacitors
with voltage rating lower than BAT pin voltage might be used. However, be aware of the capacitance versus
voltage characteristics of capacitors and follow the derating guidelines of your organization.
10.8 The data sheet shows a large variation in power supply current (IDD). Will this cause large
offset currents between cell sets?
No, the large variation is due to operating modes shown and manufacturing variations in lots. Also, the power
includes both the BAT and REGSRC current. Offset current is shown separately in the data sheet.
10.9 Is there a load mismatch on the cell groups?
In general, no, the design uses power from the top of the stack. Any current through VCnX should be only a
small bias current. This bias current is shown in the data sheet for different modes in the Leakage and Offset
Currents section of the electrical characteristics (dINOM). An exception is the increase in current on VC5X when
ALERT is high, as shown in the data sheet (dIALERT). Clearing ALERT promptly when set will reduce the effect of
this current.
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10.10 When I measure supply and offset currents, why do I see peak values much higher than
the data sheet maximums?
The part has a sampling characteristic when measuring cell voltages. The data sheet values are average
currents at a specific mode of operation. Additionally, REGSRC current does not include the currents for
external loads from circuitry attached to REGOUT or I2C communication. Refer to the data sheet for possible
clarifications of current measurement conditions.
10.11 Does connecting fewer than the maximum cells, for example, 13 cells, on a BQ76940
create an imbalance in the cell groups?
No, the device supply current (IDD) is always drawn from the top of the stack, regardless of the cell count. The
designer should be careful to source the current for REGSRC from the top of the stack, also.
10.12 How can I reset the part?
Send the part to ship mode, then boot the part with a momentary voltage on TS1. The device does not have
a reset pin. If the I2C SDA line is stuck low, the controller should send nine clock pulses to recover the bus as
described in the I2C specification.
10.13 Can the device be reset by a power transient?
Each cell group or set may shut down if the voltage transitions into the VSHUT region. This may require the
device to have XREADY cleared or be rebooted.
A sufficient transient on the CAPx pins may cause a POR of the group and may also result in XREADY or
apparent shutdown. The CAPx pin capacitors for the device should be routed appropriately with the connections
shown in the data sheet to avoid noise coupling into these pins.
10.14 Will an excessive load (short circuit) on REGOUT reset the part?
No. Short circuit or excessive load will cause loss of some functionality of the IC. Expected influences are on
the current measurement and communications with the device. A secondary effect is that if the load causes the
voltage of REGSRC to drop, the FET drive voltages may drop without the regulator voltage being affected.
10.15 Why is a FET source follower used for REGSRC?
The FET is used with the BQ76930 and BQ76940 to provide current for REGSRC from the battery positive while
reducing the voltage to a suitable value for the IC. The FET also dissipates the power resulting from the load
current and dropped voltage external to the IC. The BQ76920 does not use a FET because the battery voltage is
within the REGSRC range. Refer to Section 9 of the BQ769x0 Family Top 10 Design Considerations document
for more details.
10.16 Do I need a large package on the REGSRC FET?
You may not need a large FET. REGSRC must provide power for the internal circuitry, FET drive, and external
load on REGOUT. The package should be selected for the power dissipation expected from the battery voltage,
REGOUT load current, and thermal characteristics of the board. If regulator current is low, a small package and
inexpensive FET may be used.
10.17 Does the external REGSRC FET gain affect the LDO response?
Not significantly. The external FET provides a source follower to provide a roughly regulated voltage to the
REGSRC pin to reduce dissipation in the device because the regulator current flows from the top of the battery
through the FET to the REGSRC pin. Final regulation is done internal to the device.
10.18 What is the efficiency of the LDO?
It is a series regulator and is not efficient. Any current drawn from the LDO will cause a power loss in the part
of the current times the voltage between REGSRC and REGOUT. Consider the load current and use external
components to drop the voltage to REGSRC and reduce power in the IC if appropriate.
20 BQ76920, BQ76930, BQ76940 AFE FAQ SLUUB41A – MAY 2014 – REVISED OCTOBER 2021
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Power State Switching
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Copyright © 2021 Texas Instruments Incorporated EVM
12 EVM
12.1 Will there be an evaluation module (EVM) for the devices or family?
Yes, there are three separate EVMs each using the -00 version of the device. See the Tools & Software section
of the device product folders or EVM tool folders for information on the BQ76920EVM, BQ76930EVM, and
12.2 The EVM has a TI controller, can I use my own?
Yes, although the EVM has a TI controller, it can be disconnected from the I2C lines and the BQ769x0 I2C
lines connected to your controller. When using your own controller, be sure to remove the connection to the TI
controller to avoid bus conflicts. Note that the device version on the EVM is -00 and provides REGOUT at 2.5 V.
12.3 My controller is 5 V. Can I use this with the BQ769x0 and EVM?
The absolute maximum and recommended maximum voltage on the SDA, SCL, and ALERT pins is 3.6 V. If your
controller can accept the low signaling levels, it should work fine. Be sure to use pullups from the lower voltage
side. In some cases, a level translator may be needed. ALERT will need a level translator to prevent forcing
REGOUT to a higher voltage. Refer to the EVM user guide for options on pullups. The EVM does not have level
12.4 Can I talk to both the SMBus and I2C on the EVM at the same time?
If you are communicating to the TI controller over SMBus, the I2C should not be connected to an external
interface to avoid collisions. Similarly, if you are talking to the AFE using I2C, the controller should be
12.5 Can I configure fewer than the maximum cells on the EVM?
Yes. Unused cells can be shorted at the terminal block for basic operation. Refer to the EVM user's guide or
12.6 I want to configure fewer cells on my EVM. Which cells should I short?
See the limits and recommendations in the data sheet. Cells should be shorted on the upper group first
maintaining at least 3 cells on each group. The top cell on each group should be used to provide best voltage
measurement of the used and unused cells. The bottom 2 cells of each group should also be used.
12.7 What TI interface can I use to communicate with the device?
The EV2400 is supported by both the BQ76940/BQ76930/BQ76920 Evaluation Software and Battery
Management Studio (BQStudio). Any TI interface which can communicate with I2C or SMBus at the appropriate
levels and speed can communicate with the devices, but will not be supported by the software. Similarly, third
party interfaces are not supported by the software.
12.8 Can I use my existing BQxx EVSW for communication with the EVM?
No. Each gauge device has a customization of the selected evaluation software. The legacy TI BQEasy or
EVSW will not communicate with the AFE. The BQ78350 gauge uses Battery Management Studio (BQStudio);
the AFE uses the BQ76940/BQ76930/BQ76920 Evaluation Software.
12.9 Can I implement external balancing on the EVM?
The BQ76930 and BQ76940 EVMs use external P-channel FETs for balancing. N-channel FETs could also be
used with the devices, but are not supported on the boards. External balancing could be used with the BQ76920
but is not supported on the board.
12.10 Where can I get the AFE software for the EVM?
The BQ76940, BQ76930, and BQ76920 evaluation software is available from the device product folders and the
EVM tool folders.
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13 Revision History
NOTE: Page numbers for previous revisions may differ from page numbers in the current version.
Changes from Revision * (May 2014) to Revision A (October 2021) Page
• Changed Test......................................................................................................................................................4
• Added BQ78350 and last sentence to Section 1.2 ............................................................................................ 4
• Changed bq76PL536A-Q1 to BQ79616-Q1 in Section 1.10 ............................................................................. 4
• Updated Section 1.11 .........................................................................................................................................5
• Added sentence to Section 1.12 ........................................................................................................................5
• Added sentence to Section 1.15 ........................................................................................................................5
• Added sentences to Section 2.4 ........................................................................................................................ 6
• Added sentences to Section 3.2 ........................................................................................................................ 7
• Updated Section 3.5 .......................................................................................................................................... 7
• Added sentence to Section 3.8 ..........................................................................................................................7
• Added sentence to Section 5.6 ........................................................................................................................10
• Changed bq76940, bq76930, or bq76920 software to BQ76940/BQ76930/BQ76920 Evaluation Software in
Section 5.7 .......................................................................................................................................................10
• Added sentence to Section 6.4 ........................................................................................................................ 11
• Added sentence to Section 6.7 ........................................................................................................................ 11
• Added sentence to Section 6.8 ........................................................................................................................ 11
• Added the BQ76200 high-side N-channel FET driver is available to drive high-side FETs to Section 6.10 .... 11
• Deleted content from Section 6.12 .................................................................................................................. 12
• Updated title for Section 7.7 ............................................................................................................................ 13
• Added sentence to Section 8.1 ........................................................................................................................15
• Added sentence to Section 8.5 ........................................................................................................................15
• Added sentence to Section 9.5 ........................................................................................................................16
• Added sentence to Section 9.6 ........................................................................................................................17
• Added sentence to Section 9.7 ........................................................................................................................17
• Added sentence to Section 9.9 ........................................................................................................................17
• Updated Section 10.4 ...................................................................................................................................... 19
• Added dINOM and dIALERT to Section 10.9 ....................................................................................................... 19
• Added sentence to Section 10.12 ....................................................................................................................20
• Added sentence to Section 10.15 ....................................................................................................................20
• Added sentence to Section 10.21 ....................................................................................................................21
• Deleted sentence in Section 12.4 .................................................................................................................... 23
• Deleted EV2300 from Section 12.7 ................................................................................................................. 23
• Updated Section 12.8 ...................................................................................................................................... 23
• Updated Section 12.12 .................................................................................................................................... 24
24 BQ76920, BQ76930, BQ76940 AFE FAQ SLUUB41A – MAY 2014 – REVISED OCTOBER 2021
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