Soal Bahasa Inggris, Respati Megantara

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Nama : Respati Megantara Bayuningrat

Asal : SMA Negeri 1 Rawalo

- What are your passions, and how have they influenced your choice of university
studies? Additionally, why are these passions important to you?

I myself have an interest in the world of organizations, since I was in elementary

school I have had my own interest and interest in the world of organizations, because
it was family factors that made me interested in entering the world of organizations.
Starting from my older sister who once served as chairman of the OSIS in SMP, that
was one of the factors that made me interested in the world of organizations. And it
was proven that when I was in SMP, I immediately registered to become a member of
the OSIS organization, and at that time I immediately nominated myself as chairman
of the organization after 1 year of being a member. In my opinion, my passion or
interest in the world of organizations can really help me later when I enter the world
of lectures or the world of university. Because with my experience in organizations
from when I was in SMP and when I was in SMA, that in my opinion could be a
helpful factor to be useful later in the world of university. Starting from discipline,
leadership, kinship and solidarity, these are some of the knowledge or benefits that I
can get in my interests. Apart from being in the world of organizations, I also have an
interest in the world of art, because I was always educated from childhood to love
and enjoy the culture in Indonesia. And until now, I have felt the benefits of the
upbringing or teaching that my parents have given me, namely being able to love the
art world in Indonesia, especially on the island of Java, such as Karawitan , which I
have been studying for the past 1 year, and I also have experience participating in
competitions. The karawitan that I followed at the provincial level was held in Solo at
that time. Things like that are factors that can support and encourage me to be better
in the world of lectures or the university world.

- Tell us about your leadership, extracurricular, and socio-cultural activities.Why have

you chosen these activities and how have these experiences developed your skills,
leadership, and character

In terms of leadership, according to what I said or wrote previously in the first point,
that is, in honing my leadership level, I joined organizations that have existed since I
was in junior high school. And in that organization I have a fairly high position,
namely as chairman of the middle school and high school student council, that is my
strength in terms of leadership, because I am always quite active in life or the
organizational world. In terms of extracurriculars, at my school I am currently
registered as a member of the Karawitan extracurricular, and for life experience in
karawitan, I have participated in 2 events which I think are quite good. The things
above are my way of gaining leadership knowledge and skills within myself, because
I feel that by being active in organizations and extracurricular activities I can improve
my leadership skills and abilities. Apart from leadership, it can also improve my own
character. Therefore, I always focus on what I have done or be diligent, because my
principle is that everything should not be done half-heartedly, but must be done with
full intention and hard work. In essence, hard work and intention can make us
- Do you want to contribute to Indonesia? If so, in what way and why do you think this
is an important issue to address
Yes, of course I want to make a big contribution to my beloved country, Indonesia. I
would like to make a contribution to the problem of poverty in Indonesia, because in
my opinion the root of all the problems that exist in the current era, if we investigate
the reasons, we will definitely find that one of the factors or even the main factor is
the welfare and prosperity of the people. So, my thought is that when a country has
reached a high limit of prosperity, then several problems or many problems will also
be resolved, such as the problem of crime, theft, or even robbery. This usually
happens on the basis of poverty in a family, therefore I want to make a contribution or
in terms of reducing poverty in Indonesia to be able to eradicate or reduce the big
problems that exist in our country. We can make this happen in one way, one of
which is improving the quality of education in Indonesia, because when we have
people who think highly, it is less likely for these people to have or experience
poverty in their lives, because they will think hard about being able to work. and avoid
poverty. When this method is implemented well and consistently, we will get results,
namely the quality of people in our country will improve and reduce problems such as
poverty, crime, crime or theft. Because our people already have high education, this
will not happen to Indonesia in the future

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