Interview Guide Questions

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Members; Llorente, Daganato, Montero, Oca, Nazareno, Espadera, Surigao

Guide Questions
Biographical data
 Name
 Address
 Age
 Birthday/birthplace
 Religion
 Marital Status
 Occupation
 Level of education
Chief Complaints
 have you notice any changes in your body?
 does your sickness go off sometimes and then come back later on? These past few
days or few weeks?
 Have this happened before?
 when did this start? or how long have you been experiencing this?
 Does your mood change a few times in a day?
 Do you have any difficulty doing simple tasks? Like sweeping or washing the dishes
 Do you have any difficulty seeing clearly? Or is your eyesight comfortable?
 Do you feel any pain?
 If so, what kind of pain?
 How is your sleep quality?
 Are you experiencing any issues with insomnia, restless nights, or excessive
 Are you facing challenges with your hearing, such as difficulty hearing
conversations, ringing in the ears, or earaches?
Present Health Status
 Medication (maintenance)
 Allergies
 hours of sleep (time for bed/wake up)
 Exercise (activities/daily routine)
 Nutrition (diet)
Past Health History
 Immunization status
 Childhood illnesses
 Adult illnesses
 Admission (reason for hospitalization)
 Surgical and diagnostic procedures (if undergone with)
 Medication History
 Use of alcohol and other drugs
 Have you seen any significant changes in your sleep, appetite, or overall mood that
you find important or worrying?
 How stressed do you feel right now, and what's making you feel that way?
 What activities or hobbies do you engage in to relax or unwind from daily pressures?
 Are there any specific sources of emotional support you turn to during challenging
 How do you typically cope with stress, and are there specific strategies you find
 Have you ever been treated for an emotional or psychiatric problem?
 Have you been diagnosed with a mental illness?
 Have you ever been a patient in a psychiatric hospital?
 Have you ever taken prescribed medications for an emotional problem or mental
illness? Did you ever have ECT?
 If so, did the medications or ECT help your symptoms/problem?
 How frequently do your symptoms occur? (About every 6 months? Once a year?
Every 5 years? First episode?)
 How long are you generally able to function well in between onset of symptoms?
(Weeks? Months? Years?)
 What do you feel, if anything, may have contributed to your symptoms? (Nothing?
Stopped taking medications? Began using alcohol? Street drugs?)
 How did you do in school?
 How did you feel about school?
 Have you ever been in trouble with the law?
 How do you feel about your marriage? (If client is married.)
 How would you describe your relationship with your children? (If client has children.)
What kinds of things do you do as a family?
 Tell me about your friends, your social activities.
 How would you describe your relationship with your friends?
 What kinds of things give you comfort and peace of mind?
 Will those things be helpful to you now?
Family History
 Age/current health status of parents, siblings and grandparents
 Genetic disease/condition present in the family (from 3rd generation)
- Cancer
- Hypertension
- Heart disease
- Diabetes
- Epilepsy
- Mental illness
- Tuberculosis
- Kidney disease
- Arthritis
- Asthma
- Alcoholism
- Obesity
Review of Systems
 Can you please tell me about any specific symptoms or changes you've noticed in
your body?
 Have you experienced any discomfort or issues in any particular areas of your body
 Can you describe your overall feeling of health lately?
 Have you experienced any changes in your energy levels or stamina?
 Have you noticed any chest pain, pressure, or discomfort?
 Do you ever feel short of breath, especially during physical activity?
 Have you experienced any coughing, wheezing, or shortness of breath?
 Do you have any history of respiratory infections or allergies?
 Have you noticed any changes in your appetite, digestion, or bowel movements?
 Have you experienced any abdominal pain, bloating, or discomfort?
 Do you have any joint pain, stiffness, or swelling?
 Have you experienced any muscle weakness or limitations in movement?
 Have you noticed any changes in your sensation, coordination, or balance?
 Do you experience any headaches, dizziness, or fainting spells?
 Have you noticed any changes in your skin, such as rashes, lesions, or
 Do you have any history of skin conditions or allergies?
 Have you experienced any changes in urinary frequency, urgency, or discomfort?
 Have you noticed any changes in your sexual function or reproductive health?
 Have you experienced any changes in weight, appetite, or thirst?
 Do you have any history of hormonal imbalances or thyroid disorders?

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