Stacy - Femme Fatale PDF
Stacy - Femme Fatale PDF
Stacy - Femme Fatale PDF
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Exclusive Course Book
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Table of Contents
Chapter One 9
e Femme Fatale 9
Who Is the Femme Fatale? 9
Becoming a Mystery 12
e Shadow Self 14
Tapping Into Your Sexuality 18
Some Points to Remember 22
Chapter Two 24
e Feminine Energies 24
What Even Is Dark and Light Femininity? 24
Have You Tapped into Your Dark Feminine Energy? 26
How to Embrace Your Feminine Energy 27
e Feminine Types roughout History 32
Shadow Work and Dark Femininity 35
Some Points to Remember 38
Chapter ree 40
Entering a New Era 40
Self-Understanding and Awareness 40
Discovering and De ning Your Core Values 42
e Power of Visualization and Manifestation 45
Positive A rmations 46
Break Your Goals Down 48
You Need to Be Sel sh 50
Some Points to Remember 56 3
Chapter Four 57
e Femme Fatale and Men 57
How Does the Femme Fatale Treat Men? 57
Manipulative Power 58
Emotional and Physical Detachment 61
Steps to Becoming More Sexually Con dent 63
Some Points to Remember 66
Chapter Five 68
e Art of Seduction 68
What Actually Is Seduction? 68
What Causes Obsession? 69
e Rules of Seduction 70
Di erent Types of Men—How to Seduce Each 81
Some Points to Remember 87
Chapter Six: 88
Healing After a Breakup 88
Steps to Get Over Him and to Be a Better You 88
When He Comes Back 89
Some Points to Remember 91
Conclusion 92 4
When I was younger I was blissfully unaware how the
world really worked. I had been in 4 relationships thus far
and in each one I was cheated on, betrayed and lied to.
(Only nding out the truth years later after being gaslit into
thinking I was the problem).
I had rarely, if ever been called beautiful. My friends
would exclude me, and when I got sad about it, they would
say that I was being sensitive. My exes called me needy,
and in my romantic life, I would depend on men to validate
All I wanted was to be popular, sensual, and con dent,
but I had no clue where to start. I tried manifestation, but my
limiting beliefs made sure that didn’t work. I would compare
myself to models and the perfect women on social media,
only making myself feel worse and worse.
And that’s when I met her.
I was working 2 jobs, just trying to keep my sanity. But
when she walked into the even hall and everyone would
look at her. I felt electri ed. Magnetised. It wasn’t her looks,
weight, height or age that impressed everyone… because
even back then I was prettier, thinner and younger than her
but it was the way she carried her self. The unexplainable
magnetism everyone felt from her just entering the room. 5
It was like nothing I had ever witnessed before. After she
left, I saw myself in a re ection… and what I saw was the
complete opposite. Messy hair, bad makeup, irritated skin,
sleepless eyes and a broken heart. Compared to her… I was
a train wreck.
But my ego was too big, I gured she must have been
born into some rich old money family and was just naturally
like that because of it. Must be nice, I said.
Until the girl next to me said that she was speaking at this
very event about how she escaped poverty and became a
‘Femme Fatale’.
“Femme Fatale?"
“What’s that?” I said.
And that’s how my journey started.
Without that faithful encounter I don’t think I could ever
imagine even 1% of the wild things I’ve done and
experienced. My entire life became a literal Wattpad story
practically overnight.
I read books, paid for courses, mentorship, therapy,
crystals, psychic readings quite literally everything under the
sun sis. And every day I manifested the life I saw on that
stage into my own. And slowly but surely… all the things I
was learning and putting into practice started paying o .
I nally got a job o er for a high level position and I could
nally quit those 2 awful service jobs. I started getting
approached by insanely high value men which I thought
were completely out of my league before (I’m talking tall,
handsome and rich as f*ck).
By the time I realized how potent my seductive charm
was I had multi millionaire CEO’s wrapped around my nger 6
blowing up my phone for just a minute of my attention (and
I’m not even gonna begin talking about my exes or anyone
who knew my old self and how they treat me now).
That’s when I knew I had to dial it back a little and re-
evaluate my goals in life and what truly made me happy. The
money I earned from my high paying job and the endless
gifts I received helped me buy a new house for my mom, so
she could move out of that cramped roach lled basement
we used to call out home.
I got my dream skyscraper apartment with a view of the
entire NYC skyline. And that was just the beginning of it.
From traveling rst class across the globe (often times in
private jets even), going to exclusive fashion events only
available for the ultra wealthy, meeting with literal royalty
and so much more.
All whilst having men (sometimes even women) which all
looked like they came from a Hollywood movie all be
messaging me… me… the lonely broken hearted lover girl
who grew up on food stamps and was working 2 jobs at the
same time just 2-3 years ago…
You would not believe the amount of change you can
achieve in your life in just 1 month after learning what it
means to become a modern “Femme Fatale”… let alone a
year or two lol.
And this applies to anything you want to achieve in life. In
my case it was wealth and romance but for you it could be
repairing an existing relationship, or getting a little bit of
extra income, con dence or even something as simple as
making your life less boring and to start really feeling like the
main character.
You gain all of this and a LOT more by discovering how to
awaken your dark femininity that’s been dormant inside of 7
you. Maybe you’ve even felt it before? It’s longing to be set
free and master the science of obsession, manipulation,
power, sexuality & everything else…
Because learning how to seduce, manipulate and
conquer isn’t just to teach you how to destroy men. It also
protects you from being hurt by them. If you don’t want to
annihilate a man, reading this course book will teach you
how to avoid them being able to annihilate you. Depriving
yourself of this awareness will only hinder you even if you
choose not to use it, knowledge is power.
Lastly, you can’t wait any longer. Time is ticking, not just
for you but for everyone and the world as whole. You have a
limited amount of time to make use of this rare opportunity
to explode your health, wealth and love and become
nancially independent so nobody (not even a country) can
hold you (or your loved ones) down. 8
Chapter One
The Femme Fatale 10
femme fatale lives her life with these same beliefs, puts
on her red lipstick, and gets on with her life. 11
her life. The femme fatale knows her value and will not
settle for a man who gives her less than she deserves.
Becoming a Mystery
Being mysterious is a key component in becoming a
femme fatale. She is not easy to read or understand. She
keeps people guessing. She is unpredictable, and she
separates her actions from those of the herd. Our brains are
wired to crave safety and stability. So when someone
comes across a femme fatale who cannot be understood,
the brain works even harder to try and nd out what is
happening. That is the real reason why mystery is so
e ective. This unknown makes people obsessed with trying
to gure it out. The imagination will begin to run wild, and
the femme fatale will take up a large portion of people’s
minds once again.
Becoming a mystery is highly important in becoming the
femme fatale you have always dreamed about, but it also
works to protect your peace. When people know that you
don’t tell your secrets and that your private life is actually
private, they will respect those boundaries. In our modern
world, it is seen as normal to share and post highlights of
your life every day, but this greatly impacts mental health,
and rather than making you interesting, it makes you easy to
You’re probably dying to know whether or not you are
mysterious. You might be shy, but when you get 12
comfortable, you end up oversharing. You might not post
much on social media, but after someone meets you for the
rst time, they leave knowing pretty much every detail of
your life. Below are some traits of the mysterious femme
fatale. Use them as road maps to become more mysterious
to others. 13
other skills. While a lot of people like to pu up their
chests and show the world what they are capable of,
what their success looks like, and just what they have
done with their lives, the femme fatale keeps people
guessing. However, she lets people speak highly of
her. Word naturally gets around about her
accomplishments, but she never has to brag about
what she has done and can do.
✤ She keeps secrets: Not only her own secrets but the
secrets of others are all safe with the femme fatale.
Where so many people are untrustworthy and loose-
lipped, the femme fatale locks everything away. People
never know how much she actually knows, and they
will never be aware of the secrets she holds. This
works to drive everyone around her crazy trying to nd
out her secrets. 14
e Shadow Self
It might sound a little intimidating, however, the shadow
self simply refers to the part of yourself that is hidden from
outside view. These parts of yourself might not be your
favorites, they might be shame, guilt, fear, doubt, and anger.
But the good news here is that by learning to embrace these
aspects of yourself, you will be able to live a more balanced
and whole life. Even further, by hinting to others about this
hidden darkness within you, you will be able to increase that
mysterious nature we talked about earlier. Embracing rather
than running away from this darkness makes you more
powerful than those around you always trying to be perfect.
The shadow self is a piece of stepping into your dark
feminine energy and is the reason why the dark feminine
femme fatale is so alluring. Those who are able to connect
with their shadow selves and show glimpses of this to the
outside world will build mystery and exhilaration around
their lives. So many are afraid to unlock this piece of
themselves, and others may even become jealous of your
strength and divine power.
In order to embrace your shadow self, you can take real
steps in your daily life. It will not come overnight, but with
time and practice.
4. Meditate:
Meditation comes in all di erent styles and shapes.
Where mind-clearing meditation is helpful for certain
things, insight-driven meditation practices are helpful for
building self-awareness. Insight can be practiced by
following where your thoughts lead, rather than clearing
them away, observing where your mind naturally wonders
in times of silence. This develops a deeper connection
with your shadow emotions and taps into your
subconscious. Set a goal of clearing your thoughts and
sitting still for just 1 minute every day for a month and
you will see the tremendous di erence. 17
Remembering that your shadow self is to be wielded as a
tool to intrigue people, not scare them, is where you will nd
your true strength. 19
reinforcing your power through positive a rmations and
words. 21
Questions and Prompts for Your Personal
Empowerment Notebook
1. Is there a femme fatale in your life, social media, or lm
who you look up to? What are her most intriguing traits? 22
the decades. She is sexy, seductive, bold, and focuses on
herself. However, creating mystery around yourself is the
rst step in becoming a femme fatale. Never reveal too
much; always leave them guessing, and in turn, they will be
obsessed with you. From there, exploring your shadow self
and tapping into your sexuality is where it is at. These skills
are learned and developed, not something you are born
with. 23
Chapter Two
The Feminine Energies
What Even Is Dark and Light Femininity?
When you hear the term “feminine energy” what comes to
mind? Maybe words like light, airy, sweet, sensual, and soft
are what you associate with femininity. To be feminine
means to be patient, kind, empathetic, and gentle… right?
In reality, this is not completely true. These qualities are just
one side of the full picture of femininity. It’s not just about
looks or sex. It’s about embracing all aspects of yourself
and releasing your bottled-up feelings. Feminine energy also
means to be free, unbound by rules, liberal, and to play with
Light femininity is connected to grace, emotion,
forgiveness, empathy, purity, intuition, and nurturing
abilities. A woman who is in touch with her light femininity is
often seen as innocent and conventionally attractive. She is
also often portrayed as the lead love interest, the damsel in
distress, or the motherly gure in lms and other media. The
femme fatale knows how to use this energy, but she also
knows that feminine energy goes even deeper than this.
While light feminine energy is very prevalent in media and
feminine depictions, there is always a dark side to
something. Dark feminine energy is often associated with
bad whereas light feminine energy is associated with good. 24
Just as with most things in life, it is not as simple as that.
The divine feminine (or feminine energy) is half-light and
half-dark, meaning you need to be able to embrace both.
This is something the femme fatale has mastered. The dark
feminine isn’t necessarily just your shadow self; rather she is
the transformation that is womanhood. She is magnetic,
erce, ery, seductive, powerful, creative, passionate, and
she is mysterious.
Light femininity has been on the rise, and embracing it
has been far more acceptable than embracing dark
femininity. There are multiple reasons for this. The world
around us has convinced us that dark femininity is a bad or
innately evil thing. Dark femininity pushes women and the
world around them to transform with the times. It
encourages female pleasure and bene t, and people really
don’t seem to like that.
The world thinks that channeling this dark feminine
energy will transform you for the worse—that it will make
you stoic, cold, and sinful. This is simply not true. Using the
power of your dark femininity means diving into your past,
connecting with your highest self, and controlling every
aspect of your life and emotions. A woman who knows how
to channel her dark feminine energy uses her hurt and
emotions to push her to further success.
As women, we are taught to hide our sexuality, bury our
anger, and diminish our power all because it is not ladylike.
A lot of women run from this side of themselves because
these traits are often associated with masculinity, but the
dark feminine challenges that. When used properly, this
energy creates liberation, power, beauty, and strength.
Where untamed dark feminine energy can lead to
complications, wielded dark femininity creates freedom. 25
Have You Tapped into Your Dark Feminine Energy?
It’s time to gauge how far you have already allowed
yourself to explore your dark feminine energy. Dark
femininity is about transforming who you are and how to
experience the outside world from the inside out. Below are
some questions to ask yourself to see if you are pushing
aside this aspect of your femininity: 28
under your clothes can help channel that inner divine
light femininity from the outside in.
Now, here are some ways you can embrace your dark
feminine side: 30
✤ Tap into the sacred act of sexual intimacy: Even if
you are not religious, sex is still something to be
viewed as sacred. Our society has recently undergone
a revolution where women were told and convinced
that casual sex was empowering. This got us true
sexual equality with men, or so we were told. This shift
actually had the opposite e ect. Sex is naturally an
intimate act. You and a partner are stripped down to
your barest selves and share in an experience unique
to that moment. When you reach out and take back
the beauty and sacred nature of sex, empowerment
will actually follow. Not just any man can have you, and
you will not accept anything less than true pleasure.
This is an amazing way to tap into your dark femininity
and honor your sexuality in a genuine way. 31
even a DIY project. Dark feminine energy aches to be
released, and creativity is one way you can open the
oodgates. 32
e Feminine Types roughout History
The divine feminine is not something new. Deities and
historical gures, ancient and modern, have been seen
harnessing their uniquely feminine power throughout the
ages. Below are many examples of ancient women and
gures who possess these powers, how they strive to
harness the divine feminine, and what they represent. 33
to wreak havoc and destruction upon the men who
gazed predatorily at her. Medusa is often depicted as
evil, but in reality, her dark femininity was simply
untamable, which is what made her dangerous.
✤ Isis: Daughter of the sky and the earth deities and wife
to the god of the underworld, she is known to absorb
the powers of most of the goddesses around her. She
played with dark femininity, death, and raw, ery
power, eventually becoming a sort of supreme
goddess. 34
✤ Inanna: Love, fertility, and war are not three words
people normally put together. However, Inanna is the
embodiment of all three. She has been worshipped by
many cultures and is also associated with beauty,
seduction, sex, and political power.
✤ Megan Fox
✤ Zoe Kravitz
✤ Angelina Jolie
✤ Demi Lovato
✤ Rihanna
✤ Alexa Demie
✤ Kristen Stewart 37
Questions and Prompts for Your Personal
Empowerment Notebook
1. Before reading this section, what did you associate
with feminine energy? 38
powerful, seductive, ery, and intelligent. This all comes
from the often untapped dark feminine side of the divine
feminine. 39
Chapter Three
Entering a New Era
Becoming a femme fatale means entering a new era of
your life. You will need to work a whole lot harder in this
stage of your transformation. You are going to dive deeper,
push more, and ght harder than ever for this new version of
✤ Who are you now? Are you happy with where you are
at? 40
✤ What are your best (or most attractive) qualities? These
can be physical or personality-wise. 41
These questions will help open your eyes to your current
situation. When you can truthfully answer these without
emotional bias, your reinvention will be based upon a solid
foundation. Knowing your best traits and your worst will give
you a path forward and goals to achieve.
If you are looking for other practices to create deeper
self-understanding and awareness, you can start by trying
meditation and grounding techniques. When you are
grounded and aware of your surroundings, you will naturally
be able to observe yourself better. If you do not know where
you are right now or where you want to go in the future, you
will nd yourself running in circles and making no moves
toward your future. It’s time to focus and get to a whole new
level of self-understanding. 42
with new careers, new relationships, and new experiences.
To get a sense of the top core values, feel free to look at the
list below and rank each on a scale of one to ve. One being
the least important and ve being highly important and
valued in your life. 43
even rank di erently depending on the context where you
experience them. But now that you have ranked them from
one to ve, list out the highest-scoring ones. In your
personal empowerment notebook, expand on why you think
your values look like this. Discuss how you see them in your
life. Also, feel free to add any other values that aren’t on the
list that resonate with you. 44
themes in your values will help guide you to your highest
values. 45
living? From these details, you can create a vision board as
a physical reminder to keep up with your pursuits.
The method of taking steps back from your desired end
goal is another great practice. When you can imagine the
life you are striving to manifest, take a step back to see
what got you to this place. Go back a month, a year, or even
two years, until you are in your current situation. This is now
your road map to your dreams. To become a femme fatale,
you need to be able to think about your dreams in a realistic
way. The femme fatale doesn’t sugarcoat anything, and she
surely doesn’t want to be visualizing something for no
Guided meditation is another great option if you are
looking to start o your manifestation and visualization
journey but aren’t sure how. Meditation practices can help
get you into a mental space where you can really dive into
the depths of your subconscious and dream about the
future. Making this a ritual and listening to a guided
meditation, or meditating on your own, can be very
grounding and help recenter you so you can focus on your
goals with clearer vision.
If you are interested in diving deeper into the practices of
manifestation and just how they can change your life, feel
free to check out my other book Femme Fatale’s:
Manifesting Luxury Lifestyle.
Positive A rmations
Self-esteem can actually be calculated. Low self-esteem
happens when your desired self is very di erent from your
current self. But high self-esteem can be found when your
desired reality and self are similar to who you are now. 46
Positive, sexy, and powerful a rmations practiced daily
are one of the best ways to manifest your dream life into
existence and live your dreams sooner than you ever
imagined. In a way, these words can help you to “fake it ’till
you make it.” When your brain believes something, that is
what your reality becomes. So even if you don’t feel these
a rmations now, say them to yourself morning and night, or
even in the mirror, because you will begin to transform the
way you see yourself over time.
The femme fatale believes these words about herself, and
that is a key reason people nd her so magnetic. She is
con dent, powerful, sexy, and mysterious, and she doesn’t
care what others think of her. Below are some examples of
positive and sexy a rmations you can practice in order to
tap into your inner femme fatale: 47
The world is in awe of my beauty.
I am undoubtedly intriguing to others.
Everything I desire will be my reality.
I am an IT girl.
I am the image of the femme fatale.
I’m intimidating.
I am where I need to be right now and for a reason.
The world is my catwalk.
I am overwhelmed with an extreme love for myself.
I have let go of all negativity, low self-esteem, and self-
I get anything I want.
I am the main character of my life.
I am sensual, seductive, and magnetic.
I am the best version of myself right now.
There is not a single man on Earth who can hurt me.
Saying these a rmations (or any other that you can think
of!) will train your subconscious to believe these things
about yourself. Putting this kind of energy out will only work
to make you more sexy, seductive, and powerful. 48
Break Your Goals Down
You are reading this book because you are not happy
with where you are in life. But in order to get from point A to
point B, you need goals. Your manifestation and
visualization practices are great methods of diving deep and
seeing your true desires, but you will need a road map to
get going. Dedicating yourself to set goals is the next step
in the personal reinvention phase of becoming a femme
fatale. Goals and actionable steps are two di erent things,
which we will cover. These two things need each other, but
they require di erent steps to move forward.
One of the hardest things about goals is keeping your
eyes on the end goal while focusing on your daily practices.
Your big goal right now is likely to become a powerful
femme fatale who answers to no one. This is something that
you want to accomplish, but how will you do it?
The most e ective way of achieving anything you desire
is by creating di erent levels of goals. There are long-term,
medium-term, and short-term goals, and these are all
necessary for having success in your goal-setting
strategies. Starting big and then breaking down your goals
is the greatest way to ensure you are taking real steps to
attain your end goal.
Start with setting your long-term goals rst. What are you
looking to achieve within the next couple of years? What do
you want your life to look like? Who do you want to be?
These goals will be the foundation which you build your
actionable steps from. It’s totally ne to dream big with your
goals, but just be sure that they are attainable enough to
achieve within a set number of years. 49
Now it’s time to move on to your medium-term goals. An
example would be buying a house. Your medium-term goal
could be having a 10 percent deposit saved up within a
certain amount of time. In your self-transformation journey, it
may look like cutting out all the people who were holding
you back in life. Medium-term goals are like milestones on
the way to your long-term goals and will keep you focused
on the big picture while you make daily steps forward.
From here, it is time to focus on your short-term goals.
These are goals that you will be able to achieve very soon.
They act as inspiration and action steps that keep you on
track and moving forward. In your journey to take on the
femme fatale persona, this could look like daily meditation
and manifestation, journaling, weekly yoga, consistent
shadow work practice, or taking personal time each week.
These short-term goals can be anything you want them to
be, just as long as they support your medium-term and
long-term goals. Short-term goals need to be speci c
enough to be measurable. That way you know your
progress and how much more you need to push. They also
need to be attainable and easy to hit in a timely fashion. If
your short-term goals have these characteristics, then you
are bound to be gaining traction and moving toward your
larger aspirations.
The femme fatale doesn’t just set a big goal and spin her
wheels trying to get there. She is careful in her planning,
practices self-improvement daily, and is strategic in
everything she says and does. 50
You Need to Be Sel sh
Reinventing yourself does not come without e ort. It
means putting your resources toward your life and investing
in your whole being. Your mind and body are investments,
so it is time to start treating yourself as such. Investing in
yourself means putting resources such as time, money, and
energy toward things that will better you and your future.
The femme fatale lets herself be sel sh, and she doesn’t
apologize to anyone. If this means getting her nails done or
spending extra money on clothes and lingerie, then she
does it. Your femme fatale transformation truly depends on
your ability to take time for yourself and practice what I like
to call “smart sel shness.”
All too often, women are conditioned to invest their
resources into the people around them and the men they
are involved with. While this is not always a bad thing, if
taken too far, it can lead to overcompensation, people-
pleasing, dependency, and neediness. By practicing this
“smart sel shness” you will actively try to avoid these
things. Investing in yourself means that you will not need
validation from others in order to feel good about yourself.
You will value yourself more and stop yourself from jumping
at every opportunity to hang out with a man. Sacri cing your
needs and desires to accommodate a man’s schedule will
become a thing of the past, and working overtime to
impress him will start to feel foreign. You will also avoid the
self-comparison to other women that so many of us struggle
with on a daily basis.
The key here is taking this energy that was previously
used to please others and focusing it on improving your
own life. This will help you to later detach with ease because
you know your value and you respect your own needs rst. 51
Investing in yourself will be a roller coaster of an adventure
because it means that you are embarking on the journey of
physically, spiritually, and mentally becoming the femme
fatale you have always dreamed of.
Mental, emotional, and spiritual health is where this
journey of investing in yourself begins. When you are
satis ed and con dent within, it will radiate out to the rest of
the world. Start by identifying what is bad, toxic, and
harmful to you and your life, then eliminate it all. This could
be foods, behaviors, people, or places you frequent. It’s
time to start cutting o people who bring you and your
energy down. They are not good for you in the long run.
Investing in your emotional and mental health can also look
like practicing the positive a rmations discussed earlier in
this chapter. Replacing bad habits with healthy ones is
another massive step forward you can take to transform
yourself. Even further, it’s time to let yourself be picky with
who and what receives your time and attention. Don’t get so
preoccupied with helping others that you forget to help
yourself. Your time is valuable, so start acting like it.
While aura, energy, and attitude are undoubtedly the
most important aspects of the femme fatale’s power and
magnetism, physical appearance also plays a key role.
Pretty privilege exists, and rather than groaning over it, the
femme fatale uses it to her advantage and in her seduction
process. Something to remember here is that you don’t
have to be traditionally beautiful, have a certain look, or
even conform to any modern beauty standard to be
physically attractive. The goal here is to look like you and to
look your best—not like someone else—because that is the
beautiful uniqueness of who you are. When investing in your
physical appearance, you should focus on enhancing what
you already have and who you already are, playing on your
features to be more attractive. This isn’t about being born 52
perfect or spending thousands on botox, llers, and plastic
surgery. It’s all about focusing your time and energy on small
details that make big di erences such as white teeth,
attering haircuts, and wearing makeup that suits your
natural beauty.
You will notice that celebrity women who embody the
femme fatale have their own style, however, they are all still
attractive and seductive. So many of them would be
described as polar opposites, such as Alexa Demie and
Marilyn Monroe, but they are equally magnetic. These
physical improvements are all about becoming more you.
Play on your unique features and your natural energy, and
answer to nothing and no one. Below are some practical
steps you can take to begin this process:
✤ Figure out what your face shape is. Heart, oval, long,
round, and square faces all look unique with di erent
hairstyles, makeup techniques, and kinds of jewelry. 53
✤ Draw emphasis to your best and favorite features.
Wear clothes and makeup styles that enhance parts of
yourself that you love. If you love your eyes, maybe try
out a bold eyeshadow or eyeliner look. If you love your
lips, invest in some awesome lip colors. 54
Questions and Prompts for Your Personal
Empowerment Notebook
1. Who are you now, and why do you want to change? 55
Some Points to Remember
The femme fatale needs to be your new life, and this
happens with self-reinvention. It needs to occur inside and
out. Your values are the core of your being, and the femme
fatale persona is con dent in hers. From there, you need to
focus your energy on what you desire and how you are
going to get it. Manifestation, visualization, and active goal
setting is the next step. Then, you need to let yourself be
sel sh and invest your valuable time, money, and energy
into becoming the best version of yourself. 56
Chapter Four
The Femme Fatale and Men
How Does the Femme Fatale Treat Men?
To sexual partners, the femme fatale is a prize to be
valued, and if they do not treat her as such, she will not
stand for it. When they are with her, she has them wrapped
around her nger, even if she hasn’t actually done anything
for them. Her lovers and romantic partners often feel lucky
to have her because she is a woman who could have any
man she wants.
The femme fatale will never be one to chase after a man.
She knows her worth; if a man does not see that, then he is
nothing to her. This makes her even more powerful and
secure in herself, but it also entices men more than any
other female archetype. Men love a chase, and if a woman
shows herself as high value and unwilling to fall at his feet,
he loves it. Men love the process of getting what they want.
It makes winning something (or someone) so much more
satisfying. This relates to sex, intimacy, and any other
relationship they can have with a woman. The femme fatale
uses this knowledge to her advantage.
As a woman, and even as a femme fatale, it is just ne to
have one-night stands and sleep with men early on in your
relationship. There is no shame in this, especially if this is
how you tap into your sexual con dence. However, if you 57
want a man to fall at your feet and to control him, you will
need to slow things down. The longer it takes for you to
open up or give a man something he wants, the more he will
ght to have you. This also means he will grow even more
attached to you as time progresses. The femme fatale
knows her worth and makes men earn the right to see and
touch her, and she won’t settle for less. She has boundaries
and upholds them, no matter what happens or who asks.
Any man who disrespects these boundaries will be quickly
thrown to the side. Not chasing a man can mean multiple
things. It means not allowing your world, time, and schedule
to revolve around a man. It may mean not texting rst or
o ering to plan dates early in the relationship. It also means
having other options. If a man has not made it o cial with
you, then you do not belong to him. All of these behaviors
will actively force a man to step into his own masculine
energy and prove himself to you.
Natural feminine energy becomes passive around
masculine energy, letting them work and provide. But the
femme fatale and her dark femininity take this to a whole
new level. She knows what she deserves, and she will never
settle for less. This is one sure re way to guarantee that you
will not be needy and dependent on any man. The femme
fatale recognizes her power and will never let herself need a
man more than he needs her. A man is simply an addition to
her life, making it better, not someone who becomes her
whole life. The trick here is that the femme fatale has
detached from the outside world and loves herself, so she
won’t be easily impressed or won over. 58
Manipulative Power
The femme fatale archetype is most iconic for her
seductive and manipulative powers and how she a ects the
men around her. The techniques that the classic femme
fatale uses will bring a person to their knees and make any
target man obsessed with her. Manipulation can be used for
good and for bad. If you are looking to make men obsessed
with you to get what you want, I do not view this as a
negative thing. The femme fatale uses her tactics in subtle
ways and always leaves mystery in her wake. This makes
her much more intriguing.
Charm is the way to a man’s heart or at least the key to
controlling it. Actually, charming a snake is very similar to
charming a man. If you can stroke his ego in a way that
makes him feel comfortable and con dent (but not con dent
enough to have you) your e orts will be enhanced.
Con dence, sensual body language, a bit of physical
contact, and irty energy all work to make a man bow down
to you.
The cool thing about the human brain is that it is
predictable. You can do little things to make people naturally
more agreeable with you. The rst is the rule of three yeses.
This is a practice that plays on the fact that it is easier to say
something a second time and a third time than it is for the
rst time. When you decline something, it is easier to say no
a second time than it was the rst time you said it, and the
same thing goes for agreement. If you want someone to
agree to something, try to nonchalantly get them to
physically or verbally agree to three or more things. By the
time you get to what you are actually asking for, they will
associate the conversation with agreeing. 59
Another subtle manipulation tactic is to use linking words
to enhance your image of logic. People are more inclined to
believe and agree with someone who they view as logical,
and you can use certain words in conversation to make you
more agreeable. These words include yes (or agreement),
therefore, besides, clearly, obviously, that is why, naturally,
and so on. The more logical your words sound, and the
more con dently you speak, the more people will
unconsciously believe what you are saying.
A choice that doesn’t really give a man a choice is
another very e ective manipulation strategy. If you can o er
him a choice that he gets to make, you are letting his
masculinity feel important. This strokes his ego. But if you
are trying to win him over or get something from him, you
need to be strategic with the options you give him. Make it a
choice that bene ts you either way, or make one option
something he would never rationally choose, which forces
him to the other option. This technique means that you are
completely in control the whole time, even if he thinks he is.
The next tactic plays on natural human curiosity. The
femme fatale is the master of mystery, and this mystery
works extremely well to aid in manipulative techniques. The
human brain is drawn to un nished actions and phrases.
This is why we keep watching TV shows. This is why the
actress who doesn’t disclose much is so enchanting, and
this is why we keep reading a good book. These things
keep us guessing and, thus, interested in continuing. If you
want to trick someone into becoming obsessed with you,
creating mystery around your being is one of your greatest
powers. Leave before anyone else does, let your words trail
o , and don’t give whole or detailed answers when
someone asks you something. 60
Flattery is the nal manipulation tactic we will cover, but it
is one that you must use carefully. The femme fatale doesn’t
o er compliments and attery to everyone, and she uses
this strategy on rare occasions. To make a man obsessed
with you, o ering him no compliments, then randomly
admiring something about him will give him butter ies. He
will think about you and the compliment for the rest of the
day, if not longer. Be careful with what compliments you
o er, and don’t go overboard with them. Just as your time
and energy are valuable, so is your appreciation. 61
1. Accept it.
2. Release it.
3. Allow it.
4. Physically detach. 63
something you can will into reality. While believing that you
are con dent in yourself can be helpful, it isn’t the whole
Sexual con dence is the con dence that you bring with
you into sexual situations. However, it all starts with body
con dence. You are a sexual being, and if you have a poor
body image, your sexual con dence will naturally plummet.
Start addressing your self-image, practice positive
a rmations in the mirror, and even write yourself love
letters. All of these things can improve your view of your
body. Body positivity is great and all, but it is often highly
unrealistic. You aren’t going to feel 100 percent about your
body all the time, even if you are consistently working on
improving your self-esteem. Instead of striving to be happy
about your body all the time, try to aim for body neutrality.
This means that you accept your body no matter how it
looks or how you feel. It is not a good or a bad body ever. It
just exists as your vessel for life and sexual experiences.
Another way to improve sexual con dence is by getting
used to talking openly about sex. This doesn’t mean you
need to tell strangers about your sexual experiences. It just
means that you can communicate desires, needs, and ideas
with your sexual partners. The more normally you can talk
about sex with your friends and partners, the less taboo it
will be. A lot of low sexual con dence can stem from the
fact that we as women are shamed for enjoying sexual
experiences. So, start talking about sex like it’s normal
because it really is!
Accepting compliments with grace and humility is
another little way of boosting your sexuality and con dence
in general. By “accept compliments,” I don’t just mean
saying thank you or smiling politely. I mean that you need to
accept compliments as true to your being. Someone liked 64
something about you so much to say something about it, so
you must possess something really special.
An orgasm a day—well, maybe not every day, but
whenever you feel like it. Self-pleasure and exploration are
some of the greatest ways to boost sexual con dence and
decrease sexual dependence. When your orgasms don’t
depend on someone else, you will be less needy and less
likely to sleep with a guy just for pleasure. When you are in
control of your orgasms and sexual pleasure, you will also
know your value more deeply. You deserve good sex. You
deserve pleasure, so let the men around you know that you
really don’t need them. And if you are sleeping with a guy, it
is because you want to, not just for him and not just for
Finally, it’s about time you start saying “I guess we’ll see.”
When you live your life with this attitude and mystery,
people will consider you with higher levels of respect. You
know your answer, but they don’t, and that is something to
be proud of. Keeping the men in your life guessing if they
will have a chance to see you naked is an amazing way to
boost your sexual con dence. Try it! 65
Questions and Prompts for Your Personal
Empowerment Notebook
1. What is your current relationship with the men in your
life? Is this how a femme fatale would treat men? 66
Knowing how you will treat men as a femme fatale is
di erent than actually making a man obsessed with you.
The art of seduction takes practice, but the next chapter will
cover in detail just how you can master it. 67
Chapter Five
The Art of Seduction
What Actually Is Seduction?
Seduction is the art of persuading someone into doing
something. This often applies to sex and subtle sexual
manipulation but can also mean making a man obsessed
with you or even getting him to fall in love with you. Women
have natural seduction powers, but many don’t feel free to
tap into them. The femme fatale knows her strength, and
she uses it to her advantage. In general, seduction means
getting someone to do something they wouldn’t normally
A seductive woman knows her beauty and combines this
with her knowledge of manipulation to get what she wants.
A lot of people will say that seduction is evil, trickery,
unethical, and sinful. Don’t get me wrong, seduction can
possess these qualities, but at its core, it is about charm,
desire, femininity, and sexual con dence. The word
seduction can have a lot of negative connotations, but
whatever you decide to call it (persuading, wooing,
charming, or winning a man over), the principles are the
When the femme fatale plays on her seductive side, she
starts with desire—not the desire of a man, but her own
desire. She sees what she wants, and she will go after it no 68
matter what. Despite the rejection, hurdles, and hard times,
she will persevere. After desire, seduction requires a hell of
a lot of con dence. Sexual con dence, self-con dence, and
generally high self-esteem are required to actually move
forward with the seductive process. Body language is
another imperative aspect of seduction. It embodies your
desire and will be the greatest tool in your pursuits. Without
opening your mouth, you will be able to express your
feelings, and that is a big reason why self-con dence is so
important. The nal piece of the seduction process is
arousal. You need to get the other person to desire you, and
without arousal (mental, physical, or sexual), you will never
persuade them.
Seduction is a form of charm and is one of the most
e ective ways of getting a man to be obsessed with you.
But why would you even want that? The answer is simple:
to get what you want. This could be sex, this could be
money, or this could be various favors. When a man
becomes obsessed with you, he will want to do anything
and everything for you, with you, and to try and please you. 69
✤ You ll a void in their life.
e Rules of Seduction
To seduce a man, you need to play by their rules, prey on
their weaknesses, and use your femme fatale powers to
your advantage. Any kind of woman can use these
techniques, but when the femme fatale uses them, her 70
seductive power becomes unstoppable. Robert Greene’s
The Art of Seduction rst explored these rules; however,
here, I will support them with the dark feminine powers this
book has equipped you with.
Create a Need
A man perfectly satis ed with his life will not be seduced.
Tension and anxiety must be sown into his head for your
pursuits to be e ective. Subtly stirring feelings of
discontent, dissatisfaction, fear, and anxiety will make him
want you more. When a man feels inadequate, you will show
yourself as the answer to his worries. Create a need that
only you can ful ll because these negative feelings are the
catalysts for seeking pleasure. 72
The Art of Insinuation
Mastering the art of insinuation is key to not being too
forward with a man. The femme fatale is powerful and ery,
but she also knows when to tone it down. This can be used
in many ways: to show your desire for him, to plant seeds of
anxiety, or even to show your openness to him. If you are
too obvious, his walls will go up and your e orts will be
useless. Conveying your intention to his subconscious is
how you will move forward. O er strong statements that you
follow with an apology, be ambiguous, and shoot him sexy
glances across the room. These are all small and barely
perceptible ways of getting your point across.
Create Temptation
Temptation is one of the greatest lures when it comes to
properly seducing a man. Showing him glimpses of the
pleasure and beauty that is to come without giving him true
satisfaction will drive him crazy. You are the forbidden fruit,
and as soon as he catches the smallest sight of the relief
you can provide, he will nd himself ensnared in your web of 73
temptation. Play on his preferences, weaknesses, and
fantasies, but always leave him wanting more of you.
Creating Suspense
Seduction is a spell, and as soon as a man knows what
to expect from you, it loses its power. Creating suspense is
to keep the upper hand and to be the guiding force in the
dance between you. When he is curious about what
happens next, when he is intrigued to know more about
you, and when you leave him wanting more, he will continue
to follow. Spontaneity is fun and desirable for men. Again…
they love a puzzle. You will always be in control of the
situation, one step ahead, and your victim will love it.
Sow Confusion
Men are often too consumed by their thoughts, worries,
and beliefs to care much about what the people around
them are stressing about. The trick to getting a man to listen
is to say exactly what he wants to hear. Fill his senses with
what he nds beautiful and pleasant. This is the true nature
of the language of seduction. Flattery, comfort, sweet
promises, and beautiful words are the ways of enchanting a
man with your lips. This will not only force him to listen, but
will also have him throwing away his e orts to resist you.
Your Presence
Your target needs to feel familiar and comfortable when
he is in your presence. A lot can happen when your target is
alone, and the rst thing that you want to avoid is him being
relieved to be away from you. Cool and controlled reactions,
a comforting presence, and the enjoyable company you
bring to the table will make a man fall for you and want to
be closer to you. Start associating and familiarizing yourself
with poetic energies so you can give o that same energy
when you are around your target.
Prove Yourself
Surprisingly, a lot of people want to be seduced. It feels
romantic and like a whirlwind of emotions. If someone has
their defenses up or resists your e orts, it is likely because
they are questioning your intentions. They may doubt you
are attracted to them or what you really feel about the
relationship. Small actions can help you prove to them that
you are well-meaning and only want to win them over.
Strategic vulnerability and signs of weakness can help with
this rule of seduction as well.
Regression 76
People naturally try to relive and recreate the great
pleasure they experience in their lives. The most intense and
driving pleasure-related memories will stem from childhood
and subconsciously are connected to a parental gure. By
bringing these memories back and diving deep into the
craving of your target, you can position yourself as the
solution and them as the needy and reliant child. If they are
unaware of you doing this, the emotional response this
triggers will have them falling at your feet.
The Taboo
Civilization lives by a long list of social limits regarding
what certain people can and can’t do. This dates back to
the earliest humans, and many of our current taboos can be
traced back centuries. Some are more intense, while others
just de ne what is and is not polite. Humans are naturally
rebellious and want to push the limits to see what they can
get away with. By playing with taboos and social limits, you
will give your target the thrill of stepping out of his comfort
zone. A lot of men crave a taste of the dark side, and the
dark femininity that you channel as a femme fatale can
show them the way. You can take them farther than they
may have ever imagined, which strengthens your target’s
dependency upon you.
Spiritual Lures
Every single person has insecurities. Some are insecure
about their self-worth, some about their body, some about
their success, and others about their sexuality. If you aim to
seduce through physicality and sexuality, your target will
naturally feel self-conscious. If you are the one who can lure 77
your target out of his insecurities and into a spiritual self-
awakening, he will associate you with strength, comfort, and
divinity. This spiritual mist you o er will leave him lost in a
space between strength and insecurity. This state will make
him an easier target and far more attached to you. If you
want to take this a step further, you can make your sexual
encounters with him a work of spirituality that appears to be
the union of two souls. 78
to shake him a little and make him worry he will lose you.
Once you have a man charmed and under your spell, step
away, distance and detach yourself, and watch as he starts
to chase. Show him subtly that you are growing bored and
that you might not stay much longer, and that is when he
will wake up and his interest in you will grow.
Physical lures are just as e ective as spiritual ones. A
man who thinks too much will be a di cult target. He will
see through emotional manipulation and develop doubts at
the slightest thing. You need to put his racing mind at ease
and awaken subtle senses and perceptions. While your
relaxed disposition and airy energy make him comfortable,
your voice, eyes, and body language will seep sexuality.
Never force anything physical. Instead, work to raise the
temperature in the room with your sexual tension, and
watch as he melts in the palm of your hand.
Bold Moves
Your victim will not be ready to openly say he desires you
or act on it the moment he does, but you will be able to tell.
This is the time to stop being so gentle, kind, and
chivalrous. Now you need to surprise him with a bold move.
In the early stages of a relationship, one person will have to
play the o ense, and this will be you. Don’t hesitate, and
don’t give him time to think; just go for it. 79
Possible negative e ects follow successful seduction,
and one must be aware of them. After the initial desires and
emotions have reached their peak, things naturally tend to
drop in the opposite direction. Disappointment, distrust, and
wariness may follow, and you will need to be ready. A
second seduction may be required, and this time, you will
have to ght even harder than before. 80
Di erent Types of Men—How to Seduce Each
Di erent men require di erent approaches when being
seduced. This section will cover nine categories of men, one
of which your target is bound to fall under.
The Geek
The men who tend to see everything logically are
classi ed as “the geek.” They are often highly intelligent and
are likely interested in sciences. These men deeply analyze
their situations and very rarely allow emotions to guide their
choices. Society has likely already labeled this kind of man a
“geek” or a “nerd,” and they may be insecure about it. The
rst thing you need to remember with these men is that you
should not try to challenge their intelligence. If you appear 81
smarter or try to mentally control the relationship, he will
push you away, and you will never break through his
defenses. The geeks feel intellectually superior to everyone
in their lives, but this can actually become a sort of prison. If
your target man is the geek, you will need to play on the fact
that he is missing excitement and freedom in his life. Let him
dominate you with his smarts, but you need to take the reins
when it comes to life. Be spontaneous, impulsive, and fun,
and bring him amazing life experiences. This will ll the void
he has been looking to replenish for a long time, e ectively
seducing him and creating obsession.
The Narcissist
Everyone has come across a narcissistic man before.
They are self-absorbed and extremely high-maintenance,
and they seriously believe the world revolves around them.
These men love themselves in the worst ways possible and
annoy everyone around them with their massive egos. The
thing is, they are actually completely dissatis ed with
themselves and their lives. They seek validation through
outside approval, then turn it inward and speak it about
themselves. This means the key to gaining their obsession
is by feeding into their ego. But every so often, stop all of it.
Leave them wondering why they aren’t receiving a rmation
from you, then come right back. This pain-and-pleasure
cycle works on a lot of men, but it is the best strategy to use
with the narcissist. Keep doing this over and over, and you
will bring him to his knees. These men will become addicted
to your praise and approval, and soon enough, they will be
wrapped around your nger. Just be sure that you don’t
overdo it by damaging their ego because, if you go too far,
they will want nothing to do with you. The key is being
subtle: praise, pull away, challenge, and repeat. 83
pick this man out by noticing a few things: they likely shut
down emotionally and pretend to be nonchalant all the time,
and they don’t seem attached to a single thing in life, rarely
even a job. The number one thing to remember when
seducing this type of man is that everyone wants what they
can’t have. It’s just in our nature. Never discuss the future.
Hide your real intentions, and even try to mirror their casual
nonchalance. He isn’t likely used to women treating him this
way, and you will embed your energy and presence into his
mind. You should never be the one to put a label on your
relationship, and you can even call him a friend. Acting like
this alongside your subtle seduction techniques will make
him enamored with your sensual being and mystery, and he
will start to chase. 84
The Romantic
Another easy man to seduce is the romantic. They are in
love with the idea of being in love and are practically
begging to be seduced. These men seek commitment and
romance, and that is exactly what you will give him. To
seduce a man like this, you need to play into his fantasy and
his greatest desires. They believe love is some fantasy world
they have dreamed of, so you will rst need to discover his
dreams, then play with them. Give him romance, thrills,
adventure, and sweetness. The key is to not let yourself get
too attached because, when he decides he’s too
comfortable or when he messes up, you will need to
become cold and distant. This will make him panic. He
won’t know what happened, and he will crave your old
persona again. He will miss the kindness and the romance
and ght to win you over again, e ectively gaining his
obsession as you repeat this cycle.
The Player
The players are always playing with women like they
might a board game. However, they seek the approval of
everyone around them. They go for top-shelf (at least looks-
wise) women and nd con dence and validation in their
sexual partners. They have multiple partners and nd deep
satisfaction in getting any woman they want. These men like
to keep their options open, will engage in a lot of hookups,
and be intimate with many women at the same time. They
appear hard to tie down, and this is exactly how they view
themselves. The player is fun, irty, the life of the party, and
can come o as a little narcissistic. The key to seducing the
player is to show that you are sensual, fun, and irtatious,
but never give it to him. Playfully insult him, damage his
ego, and make him wonder why he can’t have you. Never let 85
him know your next move, and never be the one to chase.
These men want to have power over every woman they
come across, and not getting to you will drive him crazy.
Another strategy to try with these men is to pretend to be
completely innocent and unaware of their intentions. Don’t
give him too much, but let him think he’s in control, when
you are the one actually pulling the strings. If he thinks he’s
controlling the situation, but then you suddenly pull away, he
will freak out and ght to get you back.
The Unappreciated
These men live in their peers’ shadows. They often cope
through comedic relief and can’t seem to gain experience
when it comes to women. These men will be labeled as
sidekicks and rarely have their time to shine. Their deepest
desire is often to be as con dent and good with women as
the player, but they’ve never had the chance. You need to
start slowly with these men. Build trust and make him feel
comfortable. Get to know him. Make him laugh. Give him
attention when you’re in a group setting, and show him
favor over his friends. This will be an entirely new
experience for him, so gaining his attraction and desire will
happen quickly. Don’t be too forceful with it, and feed his
ego just a little at a time. This will make him fall hard and
fast for your sweetness and attery. This is the attention and
validation he has always wanted, and you are the one to ll
that emptiness and, therefore, win over his loyalty and
possible obsession. 86
Questions and Prompts for Your Personal
Empowerment Notebook
1. Why are you looking to make a man obsessed with
3. What steps are you going to take daily to utilize the art
of seduction?
4. What are your goals with your target man and your
seductive e orts? Be as detailed as possible for
manifestation and goal-setting purposes. 87
Chapter Six:
Healing After a Breakup
Going through a breakup is never easy. This relationship
ending may have damaged your con dence, left you feeling
broken, and the loneliness has likely set it. The rst step in
becoming better after a breakup is to focus on yourself and
healing your heart. You need to let yourself be sel sh: go to
the spa, spend money on yourself, and focus on what you
missed about being single. Do everything you couldn’t while
in a relationship, and let yourself slowly heal. You will need
to learn to center your life, schedule, and interests around
you. This is when the self-transformation can happen.
Practicing the reinvention steps to become a femme fatale
works very well at this time.
A mistake many women make is going through a “ho
phase.” A lot of people say that the best way to get over a
man is by getting under another. This may be true for some
women, but never let your emotions lead you to do
something you might regret. A breakup isn’t an excuse to
sleep around. Sexual freedom is one thing, but lowering
your value is something else. 88
getting texts from him will only worsen the hurt. This
will also stop any temptation to call and beg him to
come back. 90
Questions and Prompts for Your Personal
Empowerment Notebook 91
Stacy Del Parr 92