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E-Journal of English Language & Literature
ISSN 2302-3546
Published by English Language & Literature Study Program of
FBS Universitas Negeri Padang
available at http://ejournal.unp.ac.id/index.php/jell
Language is a system to communicate for human. According to Febbi
(2017:91), in Indonesia, there are at least 700 local languages. One of them is
Minangkabau language. Except Mentawai, most people in West Sumatera speak
Minangkabaunese. However, it does not mean that they will speak in the same
dialect. The people who live in the south of Pesisir Selatan, such as Indropuro
English ELLSP of English Department of FBS Universitas Negeri Padang graduated on December
Lecturer of English Department of FBS Universitas Negeri Padang
Lecturer of English Department of FBS Universitas Negeri Padang
ISSN: 2302-3546
Segmental Phonemes of Indropuro Dialect – Peri Dani Putra1 , Hermawati Syarif2, Leni
This research was conducted by using the descriptive method, where this
research described the identification and the distribution of segmental phonemes
(consonant, vowel, and diphthong) of Minangkabau language spoken in Indropuro
Pesisir Selatan. Descriptive method is the process of describing the data based on
accurate data which is collected from the informants or participants by using
interviewing, questioning, observation, etc. The data of this research were words
JELL Vol. 7 No. 4 December 2018
1. Finding
Basically, there are three methods that can be used to identify phoneme of a
language such as using minimal pairs, possible contextual influence (allophones)
and free variation. Luckily, in Indropuro dialect, the phonemes can be identified
only by using the concept of minimal pairs.
There are forty pairs phonemes consonant of Indropuro dialect that can be
identified using minimal pair concept. These pairs of phoneme can be seen in two
words that have similar pronunciation. It can be seen in one of identification
processes below. The following pairs of phonemes belong to two separate
phonemes, because they function to differentiate meaning.
ISSN: 2302-3546
Segmental Phonemes of Indropuro Dialect – Peri Dani Putra1 , Hermawati Syarif2, Leni
Indropuro dialect has variant distribution. There are 6 consonants that have
complete distribution. They are /p/, /t/, /s/, /m/, /n/, and /ŋ/. The rest of them are
incomplete distribution. Moreover, there are 3 vowels that have complete
distribution. They are /i/, /e/, and /a/. Vowels /u/ and /o/ occur in the middle and
final position, but vowel /ǝ/ only occurs in the middle position in word.
Furthermore, all diphthong of Indropuro dialect are incomplete distribution.
Diphthong /Ia/, /oa/, /ua/ and /uy/ only occur in the middle position in word, and
diphthong /aw/ only occurs in final position.
This table below shows the distribution of phoneme consonant of Indropuro
dialect in Pesisir Selatan.
JELL Vol. 7 No. 4 December 2018
/n/ nam [nam] ‘Six’ sinan [sinan] ‘There’ lapan [lapan] ‘Eight’
/ῆ/ nyasah [ῆasah] ‘Wash’ inyu [iῆu] ‘They’ -
/ŋ/ ngan [ŋan] ‘Don’t’ angik [aŋi?] ‘Hot’ gdang [gǝdaŋ] ‘Big’
/r/ - krjo [kǝrjo] ‘Work’ -
/l/ lamu [lamu] ‘Long’ clik [cǝli?] ‘See’ -
/w/ uwan [uwan] ‘Uncle’ - kalau [kalaw] ‘If’
/ɰ/ ghambut [ɰambut] ‘Hair’ aghing [aɰiŋ] ‘Day’
- ayi [ayi] ‘Wate’ balai [balay]
/y/ ‘Market’
/a/ acak [aca?] ‘Good’ nam [nam] ‘Six’ kida [kida] ‘Left’
/i/ icek [ice?] ‘Seed’ clik [čǝli?] ‘See’ ayi [ayi] ‘water’
/u/ - duo [duo] ‘Two siku [siku] ‘Tail’
/e/ etek [ete?] ‘Aunty’ kaek [kae?] ‘Cut’ embe [embe] ‘Pail’
/o/ - atok [ato?] ‘Roof’ apo [apo] ‘What’
/ǝ/ - kbut [kǝbut] ‘Dust’ -
/Ia/ - anjinag [anǰIaŋ] ‘Dog’ -
- maili [mayli] ‘Flow’ balai [balay]
/aw/ - - ijau [ijaw] ‘Green’
/ua/ - iduang [iduaŋ] ‘Nose’ -
- mbuih [mǝbuyh] -
2. Discussion
This study analyzes about the segmental phoneme of standard
Minangkabaunese language spoken in Indropuro in Pesisir selatan. The focus of
this study is the distribution of the segmental phonemes (consonant, vowel and
diphthong). Then, the findings of the study are compared with standard
Minangkabaunese language, and see the understanding of native speakers of
standard Minangkbaunese of Indropuro dialect.
There are twenty phonemes consonant found in Indropuro dialect in Pesisir
Selatan. They are /p/, /b/, /t/, /d/, /č/, /ǰ/, /k/, /g/, /?/, /s/, /h/, /m/, /n/, /ῆ/, /ŋ/, /r/, /l/,
/w/, /ɰ/, and /y/. They are different from standard Minangkabaunese language.
Ayub, et al (1993:22-28) state that there are also twenty consonants of standard
Minangkabaunese language. However, there are two differences of consonant
sound found in standard Minangkabaunese and Indropuro dialect. Firstly, there is
ISSN: 2302-3546
Segmental Phonemes of Indropuro Dialect – Peri Dani Putra1 , Hermawati Syarif2, Leni
JELL Vol. 7 No. 4 December 2018
The phoneme which is given long pronounced (tense vowel) does not influence
the meaning at all.
Beside consonant and vowel, Indropuro dialect also has diphthong sound.
Dardjowidjojo (2009:33) explains that a diphthong is the sound of combination of
two different vowels in the same syllable, and then the stronger stress falls on the
first vowel. Based on the finding, Indropuro dialect has five diphthong sounds.
They are /Ia/, /ay/, /aw, /ua/, and /uy/. There are also differences of diphthong
sound of Indropuro dialect with the standard Minangkabaunese. Standard
Minangkabaunese language has seven diphthongs (Ayub, et al, 1993:25).
However, there is no diphthong /ea/ and /oy/ found in Indropuro dialect.
The distribution of diphthong sound of Indropuro dialect has variation.
There is none diphthong which have complete distribution. It means that the
distribution of diphthongs of Indropuro dialect only occur in two positions and
even only in one position in word.
Note: This article is written based on Peri Dani Putra’s thesis under the advisors
of Prof. Dr. Hermawati Syarif, M.Hum., 1st advisor, and Leni Marlina, S.S.,
M.A., 2nd advisor.
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ISSN: 2302-3546
Segmental Phonemes of Indropuro Dialect – Peri Dani Putra1 , Hermawati Syarif2, Leni