SG9 21

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Use, Inspection & Maintenance of Lifting Equipment

and Accessories for Lifting in Scaffolding


Every year construction workers are killed or seriously injured during lifting operations.

This document is intended to provide guidance to the persons responsible for planning scaffolding operations,
including the selection of appropriate equipment for hoisting scaffolding material, as well for those responsible
for managing, supervising and using lifting equipment and accessories for lifting.

Hoisting equipment (such as cranes, fork lifts, gin wheels and accessories for lifting) are covered in this
Guidance Note, including the proper inspection and maintenance arrangements required and the precautions
to be taken to ensure the safety of the persons operating the equipment and those that may be affected by its


All lifting equipment should be used, examined and inspected in accordance with the requirements of the
Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations (LOLER).

These regulations place duties on people and companies who own, operate, or have control over lifting
equipment. This includes all businesses and organisations whose employees use lifting equipment, whether
owned by them or not. All lifting operations involving lifting equipment must be properly planned by a competent
person, appropriately supervised and carried out in a safe manner.

NASC May 2021

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A thorough examination for lifting equipment is required every 12 months, but every 6 months if used to lift

A thorough examination of lifting accessories is required every 6 months.

The responsible person must plan the work, deciding on the hierarchy of control and the required control
measures (including the size of any required exclusion zones) and work in compliance with all relevant
legislation and guidance.

Please note that while the L113 Approved Code of Practice, Safe use of lifting equipment, states that “LOLER
applies to lifting equipment and builds on the requirements of the Provision and Use of Work Equipment
Regulations (PUWER)”. It is important to note that PUWER’s “inspection regulations do not cover work
equipment for lifting loads, including people. This is defined as work equipment for lifting or lowering loads and
includes its attachments used for anchoring, fixing and supporting it. A load includes a person” (L22 Approved
Code of Practice and Guidance for PUWER, guidance on Regulation 6(5) of PUWER).

Hierarchy of Control:
By working down the list, the responsible person will decide on the most appropriate approach to lifting
operations, dependent on the height of the building, complexity of lifting operations, hazards and risks,
timescales, following the hierarchy of control.

NOTE: Clients/Users should always have input on location of lifting equipment on site. All concerned must
ensure correct training in use of lifting equipment has been carried out.

1 Tower Cranes

2 Mobile Cranes

3 Fork Lift Trucks

4 Passenger/Goods Hoists (please refer to the latest revision of SG26)

5 Mechanical hoists (e.g. Winch hoists)

6 Gin Wheels (including proprietary gin wheels with “brakes”)

7 Hand lines

8 Manual Handling and “chaining material” (please refer to the latest revision of SG6)

NOTE: Mechanical Lorry Loader operations are covered in NASC Guidance SG30.

Mechanical aids are preferred over manual handling to reduce the manual handling risks to operatives, but the
choice of lifting equipment must be commensurate with the risk (e.g. it may be ridiculous to arrange a mobile
crane for the construction of a 8m high scaffold, but it may be the preferred choice for very high level works).

Whenever a mechanical method is used to load materials onto the scaffold, including a hoist, crane or forklift,
the materials must be loaded onto a loading bay that has been designed for the impact load and not directly
onto the access scaffold.

NOTE: Hoists used to transport material are covered in SG26 and manual handling techniques in SG6.

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SG26:14 SG6 - Manual handling in
Scaffolding & Hoists
the scaffolding industry
A user guide to SG6:15 for the scaffolding operative

Transporting Scaffolding
in Construction Hoists
(including Transport Platforms)

NASC/CPA Good Practice Guide

April 2016

NASC January 2014


Control Measures:
The responsible person must also decide on the required control measures, including the size of any required
exclusion zones (e.g. an exclusion zone may only need to be the size of the hoist footprint, but for gin wheel
operations a larger exclusion zone may be required to provide a suitable containment area in the event material
slips out of the rope).

NOTE: The NASC considers Gin Wheel & Rope operations to be safe and industry standard, but nonetheless
recognises that there is still a risk of materials falling – often due to human factors – and this must be taken
into consideration during the planning stages, and suitable measures put in place (such as exclusion zones)
to reduce the risk.


These are in almost all cases the primary responsibility of the principal contractor on large projects. However,
the manager of the scaffolding contractor should request copies of relevant tower crane inspections on a
regular basis to satisfy themself that the crane is being maintained.

The scaffolding contractor may be required to supply their own CPCS Slinger Signaller and strops, including
in date certification and a list of weights for the scaffolding materials as well as details of the loading capacity
of their lorries.


The use of mobile cranes is potentially dangerous and the responsible person must ensure that professional
advice is sought where required.

4.1 Planning
When hiring mobile cranes, the competent person should ensure that the method of hire is clearly specified
and understood (e.g. whether it is Contract Lift or Spot Hire), including the responsibilities for implementation
of a lifting plan, subsequent inspection and maintenance, and that the ground is suitable for the imposed
loadings of the mobile crane.

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The competent person should ensure that:
• the right crane is selected for the job;
• a lifting plan is produced;
• the crane is sited in a safe position with its outriggers fully extended;
• the weight of the load is calculated including lifting accessories;
• all accessories for lifting have been tested, maintained and thoroughly examined and are suitable for the
• all lifts are properly planned and monitored by an Appointed Person (AP) with the necessary qualifications,
training and experience;
• the correct method of slinging is adopted;
• the correct procedures are followed;
• the lift is controlled by a competent CPCS Slinger / Signaller;
• the correct supervision is in place; and
• all lifting equipment including lifting gear and accessories for lifting are regularly tested, thoroughly
examined and inspected as per regulations.

Mobile cranes offer a safe and reliable means of lifting scaffolding materials on site; however, their flexibility
and ease of use can lead to misuse and complacency, resulting in accidents and/or dangerous occurrences.

The main causes of accidents and dangerous occurrences involving cranes are primarily lack of planning,
training and maintenance, in particular,
• Failing to properly plan the lift;
• Selecting the wrong type of crane to undertake the lift;
• Incorrect siting of the crane when carrying out the lift;
• Failing to calculate the load correctly;
• Use of the wrong lifting gear;
• Failure of personnel to carry out the correct procedures;
• Lack of proper maintenance;
• Absence of properly trained personnel; and
• Absence of a competent supervisor.

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A lifting plan must be produced by the appointed person. The lifting plan will address the following:
• Maximum Safe Working Load (SWL) of the lifting equipment in relation to the weights to be lifted;
• The height that the load is to be lifted to;
• Access to the general work area;
• Competence of the persons to supervise and operate the lifting equipment;
• Hazards that may be presented to any other trades or members of the public;
• General condition of the lifting equipment; and
• Ground conditions.

Please note this is a simple guide to a complex operation and the competent person must ensure that all crane
operations are carried out safely. Further information can be found in HSE Documents including Approved
Code of Practice (but always check the HSE Website for the latest version).

4.2 Selecting the method of Hire of the Crane

It is essential to first determine which hire option is suitable and appropriate for the particular lift. The two
principal options are a Contract Lift or a Spot Hire. With a Spot Hire, all of the necessary planning, supervision
and risk is the responsibility of the Scaffolding Contractor. With a Contract Lift the planning, supervision and
most of the risk, but not all of the risk, is the responsibility of the crane hire firm. In all but the very simplest of
lifts, a Contract Lift would normally be considered the most appropriate.

Cranes should always be selected to handle the maximum anticipated load with capacity spare. The crane
should be operated by a competent driver and the vehicle kept in good working order. Relevant documentation
must be checked prior to use of the crane and will include (but not an exclusive list):
• A lifting plan;
• An in-date test certificate;
• An in-date thorough examination certificate;
• Weekly inspection register;
• In-date lifting accessory certificates; and
• Proof of driver training (i.e. CPCS Card).

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4.3 Siting the Crane
Unless otherwise stated by the manufacturer, the crane outriggers should be fully extended and positioned so
• The driver has a clear view of the operations;
• There is sufficient operating space;
• The crane is well away from the edges of excavations, any fixed structures against which people could be
trapped by moving parts and overhead electric power lines;
• The ground should be level and capable of supporting the full weight of the crane and its load. In addition,
and where necessary, sufficient and suitable packing in the form of sound timbers should be placed under
the outriggers to distribute the weight evenly.

NOTE: It is the duty of the client / principal contractor to ensure the ground can take the load imposed by the
crane and the loads being lifted while on site.

4.4 The Load

The weight of the load should always be calculated and not left to guesswork. The weight of any accessory for
lifting should also be taken into account when calculating the load.

4.5 Lifting Accessories (e.g. Slings)

All accessories used for lifting, including any chain slings, wire ropes or webbing should be well maintained,
tested and suitable for the job. Accessories for lifting should be inspected by the user prior to use and must
also have six monthly thorough examination certificates.

NOTE: Some principal contractors require webbing slings to be scrapped after six months use on site.

4.6 Managing the Lift

All lifts should be properly planned before the event by an Appointed Person with the necessary training and
experience. Either the scaffolding contractorʼs Appointed Person for spot hire, or the crane hire companyʼs
Appointed Person for a contract lift, will prepare the lifting plan.

All operations should be monitored by the Appointed Person to ensure that the lift is being undertaken correctly.
The following aspects of managing the lift are also vital to ensure the safety of all involved:
• A trained (i.e. CPCS Card) and competent slinger / signaller must control the lift;
• Before any lifting operations take place, the Appointed Person and the driver should ensure that all
personnel are clear of the load and all moving parts of the crane;
• Loads should always be suspended under the lifting point and not dragged or pulled along the ground;
• Slewing should be done only in a controlled manner to maintain control of the load and minimise swinging;
• The driver should stay at the controls when a load is suspended and the crane should not travel, unless
specifically designed for such duties;
• Loads should only be slung by properly trained and appointed slingers / signallers;
• A trial lift with the load just off the ground will show whether it is correctly balanced and secured;
• Tailing ropes should be used to control large bundles of scaffolding tubes or beams etc; and
• Lifting should not be attempted if wind conditions are likely to adversely affect the load.

NOTE: The principle must be: “As Safe in the Air as on the Ground”.

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4.7 Methods of Slinging Scaffolding Materials by Crane
When slinging, the following should be done:
• The operation should be carried out using appropriate certificated webbing/chain slings;
• The slings must be equidistant from each end of the bundle and double-wrapped round the load;
• All chain, slings and webbing slings etc must be clearly marked with identification, date of manufacture
and safe working load;
• When slinging scaffolding tubes using chain slings, packing such as timber may be used to provide added
support to the load;
• The hooks on the slings must face away from the centre of the load;
• The angle between sling legs should be as wide as possible but should not exceed 90 degrees;
• When lifting board stacks, they are usually single wrapped with webbing slings;
• Bins must be regularly checked for damage or wear and only hoisted / lowered in a safe manner;
• If a specially made lifting bin (for example one with integral lifting points) is used, it must be tested,
certificated and thoroughly examined every 6 months by a competent person (i.e. treated as an accessory
for lifting) and be CE (UKCA) marked;

NOTE: There are risks associated with hoisting bins, please see example: https://www.ioshmagazine.
• Do not mix tubes and boards in the same load;
• The lifting plan should specify the method of slinging to be used; and
• The Slinger / Signaller must ensure the load is secure and a proper system of communication with the
crane driver is in place, which is understood by both the Slinger / Signaller and the crane driver. A trial lift
should then be carried out prior to the main lift.

4.8 Slinger / Signaller

The Slinger / Signaller must have received suitable training and both the crane driver and the Slinger / Signaller
must know and understand the required crane signals.

The Slinger / Signaller must be over the age of 18.

The Slinger / Signaller should stand in a secure position where they can SEE the LOAD and can be SEEN
CLEARLY by the driver.

The Slinger / Signaller must face the driver if possible. Each signal should be distinct and clear.

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Safe procedures must be adopted for fork lift use with all work planned.

Before using fork lift trucks, the responsible person should ensure that:
• The right fork lift truck is selected for the job;
• A risk assessment is done and briefed, with records retained;
• Only trained fork lift truck drivers operate machinery (e.g. by removing the keys);
• The fork lift truck only drives on areas that are capable of bearing its weight;
• The weight of the load is calculated;
• The fork lift truck outriggers are fully extended, where required;
• All accessories for lifting have been tested, maintained and thoroughly examined and are suitable for the
• Pre-use checks are carried out before the start of every shift and weekly checks are recorded and retained;
• Pedestrians and vehicles are kept apart;
• The fork lift truck only lifts material onto platforms that have been designed to carry the load (e.g. loading
bays); and
• All lifting equipment including accessories for lifting are regularly tested, thoroughly examined and
inspected as per regulations.

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Further information can be found in HSE Documents (the latest copies of which can be downloaded from
the HSE Website), including information on telescopic forklift trucks:


Please refer to NASC publication SG26 for guidance.

Scaffolding & Hoists

Transporting Scaffolding
in Construction Hoists
(including Transport Platforms)

NASC/CPA Good Practice Guide

NASC January 2014

NOTE: Hoist information to be provided by the Hoist Company (including tie details). The ties for these hoists
should be installed in most cases by the hoist companyʼs operatives. A discussion with the customer about the
fabric of building will be required to ensure stability of hoist and scaffolding. Input from a scaffolding designer
may be required.


If it is necessary to lift heavier loads than a gin wheel can accommodate – which is detailed on the next section
– an alternative lifting device may be used. One such alternative is a scaffold jib crane, which is a small crane
that has been specially designed to be mounted on a scaffolding tube. Several varieties of crane are available,
but a typical model is illustrated below:

Wherever a jib crane is used to lift loads greater than 50 kg, consideration should be given to the need for the
scaffold to be strengthened at the location of the crane and additional or stronger ties to the building provided,
following guidance from the manufacturer or from a scaffolding designer.

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Alternatively, pulley blocks that support multiple ropes may be used to raise and lower greater loads than a
gin wheel. Whenever this type of system is used, the scaffold and its ties should be specially designed at the
location of the upper pulley block.

To reduce repetition, please refer to gin wheel installation in the next section, but please note that the
responsible person must ensure that the specific manufacturerʼs guidelines are adhered to, and additional
inspection arrangements as required by the manual are put in place.

If any of these lifting methods are used the scaffold may need to be locally strengthened (e.g. using supporting
frames and braces). Consideration should be given to providing additional ties to the building by following
guidance from the manufacturer or a scaffolding designer.


The NASC considers Gin Wheels to be a safe method of transporting scaffold material at height providing that
the work is planned and the following guidelines are adhered to:

8.1 Introduction
Most scaffolds require at least one simple lifting device to raise materials to the necessary working height. Gin
Wheels are the most widely used.

Ring type gin wheel

NOTE: Load bearing double couplers MUST be fixed either side of the Gin Wheel.

Manufacturers will state the Safe Working Load (SWL) on their gin wheel product, which may be as high as
250kg; however, the NASC stipulate that when the wheel is attached to a scaffolding tube projecting out from
the scaffold at a distance of up to 750mm the SWL for that wheel – and scaffold – is 50kg, to ensure that there
is no deflection in the tube or scaffold.

Because of the risk of using lifting equipment, it is recommended that the operation is risk assessed and
control measures put into place and monitored.

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NOTE: The NASC recommend operatives wear as a minimum,
Safety Helmet, Safety Boots and Gloves.

Additional PPE may be required depending on company policy/

specific risk assessment for each project (e.g. high visibility
jackets/light eye protection).

NOTE: Operatives must not stand under the hoisted load under
any circumstances.

NOTE: There are proprietary Gin Wheels on the market with specialist differences (such as an integral brake
system, which prevents the rope travelling when the brake is applied).

The NASC recommends that when more complex Gin Wheels are used the employer ensures that control
measures are put in place to combat any potential side effects – such as, for instance, the potential chafing of
the rope when the brake is applied (which may require regular additional checks/inspections) – and that any
specialist requirements of the manufacturerʼs manual are implemented (including additional manufacturerʼs
inspection requirements).

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8.2 Training / Competency Requirements
The employer must ensure that all those who carry out Gin Wheel & Rope operations are suitably trained.

Suitable training is given on CISRS training courses (e.g. Part 1, Part 2 and Advanced), but for those below
this level, typical requirements may include certificated manual handling and Safety Gin Wheel & Rope training
from a competent trainer. The employer should also monitor their attitude and aptitude towards safety and Gin
Wheel & Rope work and ensure adequate monitoring and supervision.

NOTE: Competency should also focus on the need for special care to be taken whilst tying off materials that
are to be pulled up or lowered from height using a gin wheel and rope. Some incidents \ accidents suggest
that some operatives are not using the correct knots or certified equipment to hoist materials to working lifts.
Gin Wheel training is covered in CISRS scaffolding courses (including COTS courses), but employers should
consider this risk and arrange where required additional toolbox talks \ training sessions, including for charge
hands and fixers that are not always involved in this sequence of works but are in control of operations.

8.3 LOLER Certification

The employer must arrange for thorough inspections as per LOLER, with gin wheels inspected every year and
all accessories (including ropes) inspected every six months. Copies of these certificates must be retained,
with copies held on site.

The Gin Wheel and Rope must be fit for purpose (e.g. no cracks in the metal, no signs of corrosion, no sharp
edges, and the rope in good condition with no fraying and no cuts). The serial number on the Gin Wheel must
be the same as the certificate.

8.4 Pre-Use Check

A competent person (e.g. a CISRS Scaffolder) should carry out an unrecorded pre-use inspection of the Gin
Wheel & Rope at the beginning of every shift (and continue monitoring the equipment throughout the day).

NOTE: The rope should be the appropriate size for the gin wheel (typically 18mm thick).

8.5 Weekly Inspection

Until the scaffold is handed over – and the Gin Wheel & Rope becomes part of the scaffold and is inspected
as part of the weekly scaffold inspection regime – the equipment must have a weekly recorded inspection by
a competent person (e.g. a CISRS Scaffolder or a CISRS Scaffold Inspector).

NOTE: The NASC recommends that Gin Wheels & Rope are returned to the depot after the handover of the
scaffold and not left on site (as the equipment can be abused). Where the client requests that the equipment
is left in place, it is recommended that the scaffolding contractor informs the client of their statutory duties in a
formal manner (e.g. a letter).

8.6 Exclusion Zone

The area directly underneath the rope and wheel must be suitably cordoned off to prevent access by the
general public and other contractors, using methods determined by the risk assessment (e.g. tube guardrails,
barriers, fencing and/or look outs) with warning signs displayed, before work commences.

The integrity of the exclusion zone must be maintained and work must cease if anyone accesses the exclusion

At all times the operative must have an escape route in place in the unlikely event of material falling from the
rope, and the operative must never stand under the hoisted load.

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8.7 Exclusion Zone (Storage)
Materials stored on working lifts and landing areas are to clearly zoned off with protection barriers and signage
during operations. Material should not be stacked directly below the gin wheel and rope (to prevent the risk
of material falling from the rope and landing on the stacked material, resulting in the stacked material being
ejected towards others).

8.8 Protruding Tube Risks

There must be no protruding tube (e.g. transoms) underneath the Gin Wheel to ensure there is no risk of any
material striking protruding tubes and falling to the ground. Where there are tubes protruding, these must be
cut or replaced with shorter tubes, before operations commence.

8.9 Fixing Gin Wheel Safely

On typical independent access scaffolds, for example, the Gin Wheel & Rope tube should be fixed to the inner
and outer uprights with double couplers. The wheel should be secured in position with 2no. right angle couplers
either side of the wheel, with the wheel positioned no further than 750mm away from the outside leg.

If a joint occurs in an inner standard between the horizontal gin wheel support and the lift below, the joint
should be made with a sleeve coupler, rather than a joint pin, to resist uplift. Alternatively, a short section of
tube may be spliced across the join and connected with two swivel couplers or band-and-plate couplers.

NOTE: The NASC recommends that the minimum length of rope is used and that no excessive rope is left lying
around (so that there are no issues with trailing ropes and increased risk of damaged rope).

Similarly, putlog scaffolds will have a similar configuration (but with the addition of a short brace adjacent to
the Gin Wheel).

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Alternatively, a vertical tube may be fixed near to the wall to form a puncheon, connected to the putlogs at two
working levels with right-angled couplers. This puncheon should extend upward to connect to the horizontal
tube, forming a supporting structure similar to the one for an independent scaffold.

8.10 Maintaining Clear Sight of Each Other (ensuring good communication)

The operatives involved in lifting operations must have clear sight of each other and maintain good
communication at all times.

They must agree on a system of verbal and non-verbal signals BEFORE work starts.

These include verbal calls as “Take the weight”, “Mine”, “Yours” and appropriate use of the rope such as the
ground man taking up the slack on the rope during the dismantle so that the top man can feel the load being
slightly hoisted. The top man will then lift the load over the guardrail – holding on to the rope and visually
checking the ground man is ready – before steadying the load and releasing the rope. The ground man will
then lower the load to the ground.

8.11 Tying Material Off Correctly

All material must be securely tied whether hoisting or lowering material (please see sketches and text below).

A single tube should be securely fastened by tying a rolling hitch knot approximately a third of the way along
its length. Alternatively, if the tube is to be lifted vertically, the rolling hitch knot should be tied approximately
halfway and a half hitch knot should be tied at the top to keep it suspended vertically.

When lifting multiple tubes, the NASC recommends that they are lifted in bundles of three, where possible, to
maximise the frictional contact between the rope and the tubes. The tubes should be of the same length, tied
with a rolling hitch knot approximately halfway along their length and a half hitch knot at the top to prevent the
tubes from scissoring.

A timber hitch is normally used to tie boards, as shown below, scaffold fittings must be hoisted in proprietary
bags/buckets tied with a rolling hitch or bowline knot.

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As a general guide, the following amounts of materials will be the maximum to be lifted or lowered by rope and
• Two boards up to 3.9m (13 feet) long: (45kg);
• One tube 3.9m – 6.4m (13- 21 feet) long: (28kg);
• Three tubes up to 3.6m (12 feet) long: (48kg).

All hoisted loads must be of the same length (i.e. no mixing 2.4m tubes with 2.0m tubes for instance).

The maximum weight that can be hoisted on a Gin Wheel is 50kg, but please note that this also includes the
weight of the rope. It is therefore critical that the weight of the rope is taken into consideration when hoisting
tube / boards at very high levels.

8.12 Tying Material Off (Hoisting Material Upwards)

When the scaffolding operative ties off the material and hoists it up to the operative at the top they must have
clear sight of the top man (and vice versa), and maintain good communication.

For example:
When the material has been hoisted to the top, the top man will signal to for the ground man to hold the load
still while the top man takes control of the material and stacks it neatly and safety on the scaffold. They will
then untie the rope and send the rope down to the bottom again. The same sequence will be used again until
all the required material is hoisted to the top.

8.13 Tying Material Off (Lowering Materials)

The same sequence will be used in reverse.

For example:
The top man will check the ground man is ready and then lift the load over the guardrail – holding on to the
rope and visually checking the ground man is ready – before steadying the load and releasing the rope. The
ground man will then lower the load to the ground.

Please note that lowering material can have slightly different risks to hoisting upwards and it is important that
the person at the top assesses the risks and never ties off any material which is too heavy for the ground man
to handle.

Also, attention must be paid to material that may have the potential to have “hidden” objects within the load,
such as small items (such as rebar) left in scaffolding tubes, which should be checked before lowering.

For instance, some proprietary beams do not have fixed spigots and instead have spigots that have to be
connected by bolts or spring clips. These potentially have the risk of having loose spigots, which can fall. In this
instance, it is recommended that spigots are fixed in position with nuts and bolts and the beams are lowered
fixed spigot first.

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8.14 Inclement Weather
The employer must risk assess inclement weather and when work must cease due to inclement weather
(e.g. high winds). Employees also have a duty to contact their employer where they perceive a risk due to bad

8.15 Making gaps in sheeting for hoisting / lowering

On occasion, scaffold operations require materials to be hoisted / lowered from a midpoint section of scaffolding,
often through netted or sheeted sections.

It is important that the risks are assessed during these operations, especially if sheeting or netting is in place
with sections need to be cut and removed to allow access, as sufficient sheeting / netting needs to be removed
to allow clear access and clear visibility. There are increased risks with the rope snagging on the guardrail or
on sheeting / netting, and these risks need to be controlled.

It is also important that sheeting and netting is fixed back correctly using the same sheeting / netting as
previously used (as often the cut pieces have to be discarded).

The client would have specified at design and tender stage if they require flame retardant sheeting etc. it is
important that the correct standards are used (as there is some evidence of incorrect marketing of scaffold
sheeting material). Where clients require flame-retardant sheeting, the relevant standards are:
• Scaffold sheeting (any of: LPS 1215 / TS 62).
• Internal sheeting (LPS 1207 / TS 63).

It is also important to use a reputable supplier, and to know that material can never be ‘fire resistant’ and should
not be labelled as such. The NASC recommend asking for test certification to demonstrate material was tested
to correct standard and that it passed.

8.16 Proprietary Aids for Gin Wheel Operations

There are many new proprietary aids on the market that are designed to improve gin wheel lifting operations.
Many of these products can improve hoisting operations, nonetheless it is very important that the scaffolding
contractor carries out due diligence. The scaffolding contractor should speak to their supplier to confirm that
the product conforms to a recognised standard (or CE / UKCA marked where applicable), and retains the
specification sheet and / or user manual. The NASC recommends that the scaffolding contractor evaluates and
risks assesses each product before putting it into service (including arranging and informing employees and
workers of any required pre-use checks, and briefing / training them on the product and the SSOW).

Changes to the new UKCA marking can be found

For instance, a connection device fixed to the rope on a gin wheel may secure the material better, but it
introduces a new risk of the weight on the connection device, injuring the ground man if the rope went into
freefall. Therefore, the scaffolding contractor would have to assess the risks and put in new control measures
where required.

Other similar accessories, the scaffolding contractor should also arrange a regular inspection regime
(e.g. pre‑use, weekly and six-monthly inspections for lifting accessories) and ensure the work is monitored
and supervised.

Examples (and any examples shown below are NOT endorsed by the NASC and are for information purposes
only) and as stated above, the NASC recommends that the scaffolding contractor evaluates and risk assesses
each product before putting it into service:

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8.17 Close Down Operations
The Gin Wheel & Rope must be made safe at breaks and at the end of the shift (which may require the removal
of the equipment to a safe place, if it is likely that others might abuse the equipment).

The NASC recommends that where the Gin Wheel & Rope must be left in position overnight, the rope must be
curled up and tied off at high level to reduce the risk of abuse and damage.

NOTE: The NASC recommends that Gin Wheels and Ropes are returned to the depot after the handover of the
scaffold and not left on site (as the equipment can be abused). Where the client requests that the equipment
is left in place, it is recommended that the scaffolding contractor informs their client of their statutory duties in
a formal manner (e.g. a letter).


Instead of using Gin Wheels, a ʻhand lineʼ may be used to tie materials to a fibre rope, typically of a 12 mm
diameter, and haul them up or lower them by hand.

Hand lines are typically suitable for lifting or lowering materials of up to 20 kg (although 6.4m (21’) tubes
weighing 28kg can be hoisted or lowered as long it is risk assessed, the tube is tied with a rolling hitch and half
hitch, and the operative can safely manage the additional weight).

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Please refer to NASC Guidance SG6 for full details.

SG6 - Manual handling in

the scaffolding industry
A user guide to SG6:15 for the scaffolding operative

April 2016




• The following maximum intervals should be maintained;

• The results of any test or thorough examination or inspection should be recorded, maintained and be
available; and
• All equipment certification and training certificates should be retained (with copies accompanying the
equipment to site).

Test and Thorough

Thorough Examination

Tower and Mobile Cranes Within every 12 months Before first use
See Note 3 See Note 2

Fork Lift Trucks Within every 12 months Before first use

See Note 3 See Note 2

Passenger Hoists Within every 6 months Before first use

See Note 3 See Note 2

Goods Hoists Within every 12 months Before first use

See Note 3 See Note 2

Mechanical hoists Within every 12 months Before first use

See Note 3 See Note 2

Gin Wheel Within every 12 months Before first use

Hand lines and gin wheel ropes Within every 6 months (accessory) Before first use

Slings, Chains, wire ropes and Within every 6 months Before first use
lifting accessories

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Note 1: General
Lifting Equipment (e.g. mobile cranes and Gin Wheels) must be inspected by a competent person weekly
when in use and be subject to a pre-use check by the operator/user. Lifting accessories must be subject to a
pre-use check by the user.

Note 2:
Lifting equipment may also be subject to an examination plan drawn up by a competent person. Where the
safety of lifting equipment depends on installation conditions at a new site or location, for example tower
cranes, these must be thoroughly examined before being put into service.

Note 3:
Cranes used for lifting people must be thoroughly examined every 6 months.

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Legislation and Codes of Practice

Construction (Design & Management) Regulations 2015;
Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998 (LOLER);
Provision and use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998 (PUWER) and relevant ACOP.
The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999;
Work at Height Regulations 2005.

L22 Approved Code of Practice for PUWER [latest revision];

L113 Approved Code of Practice, Safe use of lifting equipment [latest revision];
L117 Approved Code of Practice: Rider-operated Lift Trucks [latest revision];
BS7121 – Code of practice for the safe use of Cranes.

HSE Guidance
HSE Website useful links:
HSE Guidance: INDG457 Use Lift Trucks Safely [latest revision];
HSE Website: <>;
HSE Report OC 406/5: Safe Lifting of Scaffold Tubes Using Fibre Ropes.

CISRS and NASC Guidance

Construction Industry Scaffolders Record Scheme (CISRS), which has been the industry recognised training
scheme for scaffolders for over forty years, for queries please email or ring 0844 815
National Access & Scaffolding Confederation (NASC), for queries please email or ring
(+44) 20 7822 7400
Please visit the NASC website: where scaffolding guidance for Safety, Technical,
Security and Procurement Guidance is also free to download, including:
• SG6 Manual Handling in the Scaffolding Industry.
• SG26 Scaffolding & Hoists.
• SG30 Management of Road Haulage for the Scaffolding Contractor.

Whilst every effort has been made to provide reliable and accurate information, we would welcome any corrections to information provided by the author which may
not be entirely accurate, therefore and for this reason, the NASC or indeed the author cannot accept any responsibility for any misinformation posted.

NASC NASC, 4th Floor, 12 Bridewell Place, London EC4V 6AP

Tel: 020 7822 7400 Fax: 020 7822 7401
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