SS01 - The Caves of Terror
SS01 - The Caves of Terror
SS01 - The Caves of Terror
Introduction: You don't know who you are, and you don't know
how you got here. An underground settlement of with scared
peasants is little help, sprawling dark caves filled with
deadly creatures stretches endlessly. and a dark looming
presence watches from the shadows. That is what awaits you in
The Caves of Terror.
by Stephen Marsh
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, the dragon ampersand, Player’s Handbook, Monster Manual, Dungeon Master’s Guide,
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Table of Contents
1) D&D Tournament Format............................................................................................................................................................. 4
2) Player Setup ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
3) Guide for running the adventure ............................................................................................................................................... 4
4) Scenario Background...................................................................................................................................................................... 5
1. The Arrival .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
No Memories, No Welcome ............................................................................................................................................................ 6
Scared Villagers ................................................................................................................................................................ 6
1) Around Town .................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
Ferguson – the Brewmaster ...................................................................................................................................... 7
Selina – The Mayor .......................................................................................................................................................... 7
Map 9 – South Village ....................................................................................................................................................................... 8
Map 3 – North Village ....................................................................................................................................................................... 8
2) Heading Out ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 9
The Central Walkway...................................................................................................................................................... 10
Angry Dragon .......................................................................................................................................................................... 10
Defensive Traps .................................................................................................................................................................11
Zombie Pit ................................................................................................................................................................................ 11
Giant Spider Attack...................................................................................................................................................... 12
Myconid Area .......................................................................................................................................................................... 12
Old Traps ................................................................................................................................................................................... 13
Enter The Lab .......................................................................................................................................................................13
Enthralled Dwarves ........................................................................................................................................................ 13
Enthralled Dwarves ........................................................................................................................................................ 14
Enthralled Dwarves, Rest Area ........................................................................................................................14
Piercer Attack .................................................................................................................................................................... 14
Magma Mephit Attack...................................................................................................................................................... 15
Old Traps ................................................................................................................................................................................... 15
Giant Rat Attack .............................................................................................................................................................. 15
Stirge Attack .......................................................................................................................................................................15
Giant Rat Attack .............................................................................................................................................................. 16
Wizard Lab – Entrance Level ...................................................................................................................................................... 17
Ceiling Spike Trap ........................................................................................................................................................ 17
Floor Spike Trap .............................................................................................................................................................. 17
Wizard Lab – Upper Level ............................................................................................................................................................18
Floor Spike Trap .............................................................................................................................................................. 18
Prisoner ......................................................................................................................................................................................19
Nethadriss The Mad Wizard .................................................................................................................................... 19
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Caves Map ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 20
Wizard Lab Maps ..............................................................................................................................................................................21
Judgment Sheets ............................................................................................................................................................................... 22
Pre-generated Character Sheets ................................................................................................................................................. 22
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The village has been idle for too long. I will capture a party of
adventurers, those so renown for spreading chaos. They will stir the
village into action!
—Nethadriss The Mad Wizard, His Personal journal
It is recommended that this module be run by multiple DMs on multiple tables at the same time, leading
to an increased sense of competition between tables as well as individual players. When multiple tables
are being run, it is recommended that the number of players be balanced evenly among the tables to
provide balance between the parties.
2) Player Setup
Players will be provided with a pre-generated Player Character, one of Six that are provided in this
module. This limits tables to 6 players each.
Each player will also be provided with a Player Judgment sheet, which they must fill out at the end of the
adventure. On this sheet they will rate their fellow players on various categories. These ratings will be
totaled and combined with a GM Judgment sheet, and compared between all players, leading to one
Tournament Champion.
As GM you should make sure that as many players as possible fill out their Players Judgement sheets, if
they do not they are hurting their fellow players chance of being awarded Champion.
If a Total Party Kill occurs within the first two hours of the adventure, they should be allowed to restart
back at the village, but their scoring should be based on only the second/subsequent attempts and does
not accumulate.
This Adventure relies on a heavy amount of DM creative license. All DCs are suggestions only and rely on
DMs catering to the specific situations. co-running GMs should discuss the module with each other prior
to the tournament so as to provide an agreed upon experience to the players.
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4) Scenario Background
20 years ago, the Mad Wizard Nethadriss discovered and isolated underground network of caves filled
with creatures and fungi. On discovering this readymade petri dish of subjects to experiment on, the
Wizard established a secret laboratory in an isolated corner of the cave network and started his evil
Nethadriss found his personal playground lacking. He wanted human subjects to experiment on, so he
conceived an evil scheme to capture humans from the surface and abandon them in the cave to observe
their survival.
After several attempts, Nethadriss finally captured a human that survived for more than a few moments.
With a few more humans they formed a small community, eventually constructing basic buildings, and
defenses against the other creatures.
Nethadriss delighted in tormenting his pet town. He sometime lured groups of other monsters to their
caves, he reshaped the rock around them to confuse and disorient, and he sometimes kidnapped one of
them for this dark experiments. All the time never truly revealing himself to them, simply watching from
a distance
Over many years Nethadriss continued to watch his village grow. sometimes adding to their population,
keeping their numbers around 50 people. Some died and some had children with their fellow captives.
But over the years they had settled into a (somewhat) combatable pattern. The mad Wizard eventually
became bored with lack of change, and decided to add a disruptive influence. He would capture and insert
a party of those annoying adventurer types to disrupt the status quo that his playthings had settled in to.
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Adventure Part 1 - The Village
1. The Arrival
No Memories, No Welcome
The PC appear at the end of a very dark and musty small rock corridor next to the South End of the Village
(Map 9). Investigation finds what appears to be a very old engraved teleportation circle in the rock beneath
their feet, but the spell is one unknown to any party member.
PCs have no memory. They can use all their skills and weapons, but no idea who they are, what their
background is, who each other are, or how they got here. They still have all their equipment and supplies.
Initially the village seems deserted, but they quickly realize that all the villagers are hiding in their houses
(or hovels). Some previous new arrivals have been violent and the Mad Wizard who torments them often
kidnaps villagers for his experiments after new arrivals, so they are very wary.
The Village is dimly lit by glowing globes filled with luminescent fungi and the orbs from Giant Fire beetles
(without which these caves are complexly dark). It has only the most basic supplies, everything they have is
made from the local rock, fungi, and creatures. They have nothing for sale, no money, and nothing to barter.
Scared Villagers
The Villagers are terrified of both the new arrivals and the possible attack from
The Mad Wizard. Allow them to use various skills to attempt this.
DC 10 to convince villagers to speak from hiding
DC 15 to convince villagers to come out of hiding
DC 20 to convince Villagers of anything if they have seen the PCs use magic
Once at least three villagers have been coached out of hiding all villagers relax.
1) Around Town
Once the Villagers have relaxed, they are cautious but friendly towards the PCs. They all arrived in the same
manner, and as far as they know the PCs will be spending the rest of their lives here, like all the others that
have arrived before them.
The Villagers have no knowledge of who or what brought them and the PCs to the caves. They are aware of
the Mad Wizard only as an evil presence that they suspect is responsible for their situation and the
occasional kidnappings and other misfortunes that fall upon them. They no idea who or what he is, or even
that he is a person and not some evil creature or god.
The Villagers estimate that the village has been here for about 20 years, but the guess is rough at best.
Mostly based on the age of the children that have been born there since it was founded (the oldest appears
about 15 years old). They are all human and survive on farmed fungi and hunted creatures such as Giant
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Rats. Over the past few years they have settled into a (semi) comfortable routine of subsistence and rarely if
ever venture out into the rest cave system.
The villagers immediately notice that there is something different about the new arrivals. They have never
had an arrival anything like an Adventurer. They remain friendly unless the PCs give them reason to be
afraid. They can offer some information about surviving the area outside the village, but they strongly
advise the PCs not to leave the safety of the village.
One Villager is wiser and more welcoming than the others. He is older (mid 50s) and
is in charge of distilling the odd spirit they drink in the village. He has
discovered the existence of the mad Wizard but has kept it to himself out of fear.
He will try to convince the adventurers to hunt him down.
Ferguson actually knows very little about the Mad Wizard, only that there is
someone with powerful magic who brings people here and controls their lives. He
does not know where his lair is other than that it is somewhere in the caves.
If the adventurers take too long leaving the village, the Wizard will kill
Ferguson, and leave a trail for the PCs to follow (very difficult. DC 20 at every
cave to determine if he came through there and where he went.
Selina is the main authority in the village. She does not like disruption and will
want to put the new arrivals to work the minimal fuss and disruption.
She will shut down any talk to leaving and will try to make the PCs stop bothering
the others and disrupting the status quo. The village was only able thrive once
everyone worked towards its wellbeing and she sees the adventurers disrupting that.
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Map 9 – South Village
The South half of the village is mostly the homes and dwellings of the villagers. To the East, the small
tunnel that the PCs arrive in. The West exit of the cave is block off with debris, (dungeoneering: the roof
has been deliberately caved in and then further fortified by hand.) the wall to the south is smooth rock. To
the north is the other half of the village
Blacksmith – using magma from a nearby flow and what little metal has been brought in by arrivals
Fungus farms take up most available space and up to the furthest north/east walls
In the north east of the cave is a small stream running from a pool (fed from an underground spring). It runs
a short way before flowing back into the rock through a small opening. It is used for water and irrigation of
the farms.
To the north west is the exit of the Village, out to the main cave system. It is guarded at all times against
attack from the creatures outside.
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2) Heading Out
After exploring the village, two things should be clear to the PCs, their only hope of escape is out
into the caves, and that it incredibly dangerous out there. They may stay in the village Days, Weeks,
Months or Years, but they must venture forth into the caves to continue the adventure.
They are mostly warned about Light and Sound, as both will attract creatures. The villagers will
also warn that there have been many who have gone into the caves (some to explore some,
banished for crimes) none have ever returned.
There is a 50% chance of there being d4 Giant fire beetles in each cave. they can be
killed and used as a light source. They will not attack unless attacked.
If the PCs have a bright light active (like the light spell) all creatures will have
advantage against them.
The PCs will have to be careful not to lose themselves in the caves if they don’t map
their way.
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b. Adventure Part 2 - The Caves
There are Darkmantle attached to the cealing and will drop to attack the party if
they are disturbed by light and sound
PC must make two checks to cross the cavern without being attacked by the
Darkmantle or sprayed by the spores.
Any sound above a whisper or any light above Dim Light will trigger the attack,
regardless of the stealth check
8 Darkmantle – MM p46
Gas Spores (if triggered) – MM p138
If any PCs are knocked prone on the edge of the walkway, they will slide down into
the fungus pits.
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4. Trapped small tunnels to the north
The Villagers have set up several traps and early warning systems to prevent and
alert them of attacks form the caverns other inhabitants. It is easy for the PCs to
leave the areas but very hazardous for them to return to the village unless they have
an escort or have been shown the correct way through the traps.
Defensive Traps
If the players enter The Pit area, they must initially make a DC 15 DEX check or
fall further into The Pit.
5. Eastern junction.
This is the first main junction that the PCs will encounter. It is very dark and difficult
the make out how many and where the various entry and exit points are. The PCs
will have to be careful not to get lost. There is nothing else of significance.
6. West Junction
It is very dark and difficult the make out how many and where the various entry and
exit points are. The PCs will have to be careful not to get lost. There is nothing else
of significance.
7. Death Pit.
The Mad Wizard has been dumping bodies in this deep pit for years. Some of the
bodies dumped were not completely dead and have subsisted here on whatever
creatures turn up to feed off the rotting meat.
Zombie Pit
If the players enter The Pit area, they must initially make a DC 15 DEX check or
fall further into The Pit.
The Zombies attack anything that enters The Pits deeper areas.
The entire pit is difficult terrain and the PCs must make a DC 10 DEX check every 5
feet of movement to avoid falling prone
8 Zombies – MM p316
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It is very dark and difficult the make out how many and where the various entry and
exit points are. The PCs will have to be careful not to get lost. There is nothing else
of significance.
All PCs must make a DC 17 DEX check or get caught in the spider-webs.
Once the checks have been resolved the Giant Spiders move in.
When the PCs enter their areas the give a puff of their psychic spores that allow
the PCs to telepathically for one hour. See Myconid Entry in MM for more details
The PC can rest here and are shown to a safe rest area inside the colony it can
contain some basic Items if needed.
If the PCs are violent, the Myconid and their zombie servants will fight back.
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Old Traps
If the PCs did not Disable or Break The PC can rest here and are shown to a safe
rest area inside the colony it can contain some basic Items if needed
DC 20 DEX & DC 20 INT to re-arm the traps
13. Main Entrance to the village. Barricaded and guarded at all times.
This area is in front of the village barricades and is guarded by two villagers with Fire
beetle lamps.
The Lab Entrance is hidden, but only superficially. The wizard relies on the
creatures and darkness of the caves to keep intruders out. There is also extensive
track in and out of the empty corner of the cave.
Once the PCs find this area, make sure they find the entrance with only token
Enthralled Dwarves
There is a Door to the south west. This former storeroom has been used as a (very
basic) living space. A very old corpse lies in a makeshift bed. Some of the
equipment resembles what is used in the Village.
The PCs can safely rest here. There can be basic supplies if needed.
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Enthralled Dwarves
The Dwarves are entirely enthralled to the Shadow Dragon. If they see any
intruders, they will attack immediately. Luckley for the PCs their enthralled state
keeps their senses dull.
IF the PCs are spotted, they will be immediately attacked by all Dwarves in the
IF the PCs are spotted, they will be immediately attacked by all Dwarves in the
If the PCs manage to sneak past the Dwarves, they find only abandoned mine shafts.
They can rest safely here, there are no supplies.
The Piercers are indistinguishable from Stalactites, the PCs can only avoid the
attack by not continuing down the slope
3 Piercers – MM p252
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Magma Mephit Attack
If the PCs approach the pool of lava at the rear of the cave, the Magma Mephit
If the PCs Disarm or Break the Traps, area MAP 12 is not a safe rest spot
6 Stirges – MM p284
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24. Underground Lake, Giant Toads
When The PCs reach the underground lake three giant toads
Giant Rat Attack
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c. Adventure Part 3 - The
If Time is short, the Mad Wizard can be in the Ritual Room, otherwise he will be in
the Main Lab.
If the PCs are not quiet as the explore the Entrance Level, the mad wizard will
prepare for them and attack them when he has the advantage.
Once the trap has been triggered, the spikes retreat back into the ceiling and it
automatically resets
2. Ritual Room
Two lit large Braziers and on either side of the entrance. A large Alter dominates
the back of the room. It has clearly been user for human sacrifice and has some
blood still on it. Blood has been used to trace a mystical pattern. Two large
statues are on either side of the room.
3. Pit Trap
A Spike Pit Trap is in the entrance to the lower corridor
Floor Spike Trap
DC 10 to spot the trap
DC 15 to disable the trap
Once the trap has been triggered, the floor raises back into place and it
automatically resets
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4. Bedroom
A typical bedroom. A journal on the desk describes the Mad Wizards actions of
the past few months. There are suitably insane ravings along with the journal
entries. The Journal will reveal that the teleport process is performed in the
Ritual Room and requires a Human sacrifice to work.
6. Storeroom
A Typical store room, mainly food and drink.
7. Stairway
Leads up to the Upper Level
1. Stairway
Leads down to the Entrance Level
3. Pit Trap
A Spike Pit Trap is in the entrance to the lower corridor
Floor Spike Trap
DC 10 to spot the trap
DC 15 to disable the trap
Once the trap has been triggered, the floor raises back into place and it
automatically resets
4. Cages
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A series of prisoner cages line the wall. They are disgusting and well used. There is
currently only one prisoner held
a scared middle-aged mad is here. He is not wounded but is very frail from
starvation and dehydration.
5. Trapdoor
This Trapdoor is where the Mad Wizard disposes of corpses and leads to roof above the
Death Pit in MAP 7
6. Main Lab
The is the Mad Wizard’s main Lab, and the place he performs experiments. Unless he
was waiting in the Ritual room and had snuck out to attack the PCs, he will be here
performing his experiments. He will engage in only limited conversation and will want to
attack quickly so he has the upper hand. He has two zombie-like assistants helping in
the lab and they will assist in the fight.
1 Mage – MM p347
2 Zombie – MM p316
d. Conclusion
The Only way out of the Caves to perform The Sacrifice Ritual as described in the Journal in The Bedroom.
The players have a difficult decision to make. To sacrifice the prisoner (or someone else) and escape, or
to stay in the caves.
Once the PCs have made their decision, the scenario is ended. Complete the scoring section and compare
with the other tables running to determine the D&D Champion!
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e. Reference
Caves Map
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Wizard Lab Maps
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Judgment Sheets
The Judgements sheets are provided in PDF form along with this document.
The Character sheets are provided in PDF form along with this document.
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