FlowCon Topic Letter PICV Vs Conventional Solution
FlowCon Topic Letter PICV Vs Conventional Solution
FlowCon Topic Letter PICV Vs Conventional Solution
Description of PICV system • The flow through the DRV will fluctuate with
The common Pressure Independent Control Valve changes in load conditions within the series of
(PICV) in a coil layout typically looks as shown in thermal units located in the sub-system. Higher
figure 2. pressure than designed will result in overflow.
The closer the pressure controlling functions are to
the coil the more effective it is and therefore it is
recommended that DPCVs are installed on each
coil for optimal performance. A PICV has the
function of maintaining a constant differential
pressure over a specific area built in and therefore
by definition it is applied on the coil where used.
PICVs always have 100% authority, due to the
pressure independent function, whereas the CV
and DRV are pressure dependent meaning that
100% authority can never be obtained. High
authorities can only be achieved through high
resistance in the CV, with high pressure drop and
thereby high energy consumption as a result.
CVs must be selected as per pressure drop
calculation introducing a time-consuming selection
process. PICVs are selected based on the pipe
diameter, flow and pressure drop and are therefore
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