EMPM Notes

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Three aspects of body language with a brief explanation.

Eye contact: It is one of best levels of connection in which we communicate with people,
and we express our thoughts and ideas in an effective way.
Facial expressions: These are the expressions which convey an emotion for expressing an
idea to another person.
Foot placement: It means staying in a place without shifting or tapping which conveys the
impression of nervousness.
Open questions Close questions
Questions will be answered with long responses. Answers will be given in shorter
Answers are always descriptive. Answers are often short and factual.
Essay type of questions. Mostly multiple choice questions.
It takes more time to answer. It takes only few minutes to get answers.

Write a simple definition for "What is a goal" related to an organization.

Goals are the direction and final destination of a company, and they are guidelines of a
company which describe what they want to achieve. Moreover, they are long-term desired
outcome and typically broad.
State two differences between goals and objectives.
Goals Objectives
 It is what you want to achieve.  It is how you are going to achieve.
 Broader than objectives.  Mostly specific.
 May not be measurable.  Measurable.
Write two advantages of planning activities on priority requirements.
It reduces stress and increases productivity. It helps you create room to check your errors.
It gives you more time to relax.
State four benefits of group work arrangement in any organization.
It develops strong communication. Commitment will be higher with more interest.
Individual can also recognize their abilities, strengths and weaknesses.
Equality between group members will be followed.
How do you do forecasting? Explain.
Forecasting is the strategy in which we put previous data as input to predict the future. It
helps take decisions, and it helps learn past mistakes. Moreover, it helps decrease the costs.
Write two benefits of time management.
It helps reduce stress. It improves our performance. It helps us reach our goals faster.
What is meant by Code of ethics related to a workplace? Explain.
Code of ethics is a guide of principles of a company that are designed to conduct businesses
honestly and properly. These are the ethical standards that govern a company's actions and
behavior. In simple terms, it is the decider of how an employee should act in the workplace.
Write two advantages of manufacture's specifications.
It provides a clear instructions on project's purpose and performance.
It can support project coasting.
List four roles related to Manager Position.
Leader Monitor Spokesman Negotiator
Write four disadvantages of poor quality product.
Products will not be accepted by customers.
Product's existence will be low in market.
There will not be a customers' satisfaction.
Company's reputation will be decreased.
What is meant by Time management?
 Time management refers to the process of organizing and planning how to divide and
spend time effectively between specific activities. Effective time management allows
individual to assign slots to activities according to their importance.
 Time management is an important aspect and skill not only for good person but also
for a good workplace. Moreover, a good time management improves our
performance, and it reduce our stress. When we manage our time properly, we will
feel a sense of accomplishment and confidence in our abilities.
What are the time management techniques that you use?
Plan the work and work according to plan. Prioritize tasks. Organizing tasks
Avoiding unnecessary works.
Write three advantages of forecasting.
It helps satisfy customers. It can decrease costs. It helps learn past mistakes.
It helps take decisions on future.
Management by Objectives- MBO is a concept which is used as a management method.
Describe the statement.
Management by objectives (MBO) is a strategic business model designed to improve the
performance of an organization. Its main purpose is to make sure that everybody within the
organization has a clear understanding of goals and objectives of the organization. Moreover,
MBO helps managers systematically update and simplify tasks to employees with mutual
understanding and keeping goals aligned with the organizational mission.
Explain how to use MBO to improve the efficiency of organization.
We can use MBO to improve the efficiency of our organization via getting support from the
top management, and the top managers and subordinates should consider themselves as
players of the same team .This will surely bring efficiency.
We can also improve efficiency of our organization using MBO from these;
Training of managers, Organizational commitment. Allocation of adequate time and
resources. Provision of uninterrupted information feedback.
Write three benefits of MBO.
It will improve performance of employees.
It gives employees a great sense of identification of their contribution.
It helps managers understand their role in the organization. It motivates the workers.
It provides clarity in organizations action. It improves communication within organization.
Explain what is Total Quality Management TQM?
The Total Quality Management (TQM) is a continuous process of detecting and decreasing or
eliminating manufacturing defects, optimizing supply chain management, improving
customer experience and ensure that staffs are trained.
PDCA is a cycle which is used to continue the improvement in the business quality.
Explain statement
PDCA is an abbreviation that stand for Plan, Do, Check and Act. It is a four stage model for
improving processes, products, services and addressing problems. It entails systematically
evaluating potential solutions. The PDCA cycle is a simple and successful approach to solve
problem and management changes. It lets the organization to generate hypotheses about what
needs to change, test these ideas in continuous feedback loop and gather useful knowledge
and learning.
What are the benefits of TQM?
Higher productivity. Enhance market image. Elimination of defects and waste.
Reduces costs and better cost management. Higher profitability.
Strengthened and competitive position.
Write short notes on the following topics.
SWOT Analysis
SWOT analysis is a strategic planning and strategic management technique for identifying
strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats in a business. It is a simple tool that will help
you to analyze what your company does best right now.
A mission is an action that needs to actualize the vision from the company. Moreover, it tells
how to achieve the vision and goals, and it guides day to day activities and decision making
of the organization.
A vision is a long-term view of a company in which the destination needs to be done in
future. In addition, it plays a huge role in an organization because it gives more focus on
strength and weakness that the company has. It is really helpful to achieve goals.
Performance standard
The performance standard is a management approved expression of the performance
thresholds, requirements or expectation that must be appraised at a particular level of performance.

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