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Research report submitted for partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Master Degree
in library and information management of the Open University of Tanzania







Research report submitted for partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Master Degree
in Library and Information Management of the Open University of Tanzania


The undersigned certifies that She has read and hereby recommends for examination by
The Open University of Tanzania a research proposal entitled: “Investigation on the
utilization of reference materials and services in selected academic libraries in
Tanzania”, In Partial Fulfillments’ of the Requirements for Master Degree in Library
Information Management (MLIM) of The Open University of Tanzania.



Date: 02/05/2023

I, Wilson Msogolwa declare that this research proposal is my own original work and that it
has not been presented and will not be presented to any other university for a similar or any
other degree award.


Date: 10th May 2023

I would like to extend my gratitude to Almighty God who giving me strength, will and faith
from the beginning to the end of my course.
I give my deeply thankful to my Supervisor whose encouragement, patience and tireless
support from the initial to the final stage of my research proposal completion.

UDSM University of Dar es Salaam
OUT Open University of Tanzania
OPAC Online Public Access Catalogue
BLIM Bachelor of Library Information Management
ACRL Association of College and Research Libraries

TABLE OF CONTENTS.......................................................................................................v
LIST OF TABLES………………………………………………………………………..viii
LIST OF FIGURES..............................................................................................................ix
CHAPTER ONE....................................................................................................................1
INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND..........................................................................1
1.0 Introduction......................................................................................................................1
1.1 Background of the Study.................................................................................................1
1.2 Statement of the Problem.................................................................................................2
1.3 General objective of the Study.........................................................................................3
1.3.1 Specific Objectives.......................................................................................................3
1.4 Research Questions..........................................................................................................3
1.5 Significance of the Study.................................................................................................3
1.6. Scope of the Study..........................................................................................................4
1.7 Limitation of the Study....................................................................................................4
1.8. Definition of Key Terms.................................................................................................4
CHAPTER TWO....................................................................................................................6
LITERATURE REVIEW.......................................................................................................6
2.0 Introduction......................................................................................................................6
2.1 Types of reference materials and services........................................................................6
2.2 Awareness of students towards reference materials and services...................................8
2.3 Perceptions of students towards reference materials and services................................10
2.4 The Students’ Level of Utilization of Reference Material and Services.......................11
2.5 Challenges hindering Students in Utilizing reference materials and services................12
2.6 Conceptual Framework...................................................................................................15

2.7 Research Gap..................................................................................................................17
CHAPTER THREE..............................................................................................................18
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY.........................................................................................18
3.1. Introduction...................................................................................................................18
3.2. Study Design..................................................................................................................18
3.3. Study Area.....................................................................................................................18
3.4. Population of the study..................................................................................................18
3.5. Sampling Techniques....................................................................................................18
3.6. Sample size....................................................................................................................19
3.7. Data collection methods................................................................................................20
3.8. Data collection instruments…………………………………………………………... 20
3.9 Ethical considerations.....................................................................................................21
3.10 Data processing and Analysis.......................................................................................22
CHAPTER FOUR................................................................................................................25
4.1 Introduction.....................................................................................................................25
4.1.1 Responses rate.............................................................................................................25
4.2 Demographic Characteristics of the Respondents..........................................................26
4.3 The Degree of Awareness of students on the availability of reference materials and
services in the library............................................................................................................29
4.4 The perceptions of students towards reference materials and services in the library.....34
4.5 Reference Materials and Services are most utilized by students while accessing
information in the libraries ..................................................................................................37
4.6 The Challenges inhibiting Students in Accessing and Utilizing reference materials and
services in the library............................................................................................................39
CHAPTER FIVE..................................................................................................................43

5.1 Overview.........................................................................................................................43
5.2 Summary of the Findings................................................................................................43
5.3 Conclusion......................................................................................................................44
5.4 Recommendations...........................................................................................................44
5.5 Areas for Further Research.............................................................................................45


Table 4.1 Responses rate......................................................................................................25

Table 4.2 Distribution of respondents by Age......................................................................27
Table 4.3 Distribution of respondents by Education level ..................................................28
Table 4.4 Becoming Aware on the availability of reference materials and services............33
Table 4.5 Reference materials and services available in library..........................................34
Table 4.6 Perception towards the reference services in library ...........................................36
Table 4.7 Often on the use of available reference materials and services............................37
Table 4.8: Any challenge when using references materials and services.............................39
Table 4.9: Challenges when using references materials and services .................................40
Table 4.10: Improve availability of references materials and services................................41


Figure 4.1 Distribution of respondents by gender.................................................................26

Figure 4.2: Aware with availability of reference materials and services.............................29
Figure 4.3: Extents on awareness of the availability of reference materials and services....31
Figure 4.4: Purpose on the use of available reference materials and services......................38


The General objective of this Study was to investigate the Utilization of Reference
Materials and Services in Selected academic libraries in Tanzania, the study .guided by the
following specific objectives; To determine the awareness of students on the availability of
reference materials and services in the library, to determine the perception of students
towards reference materials and services in the library, to ascertain Students’ Level of
Utilization of Reference materials and services; And to Identify Challenges inhibiting
Students in Utilizing References materials and services.
The findings of the study sought to gather insights into how students engage with reference
materials and services in academic libraries in Tanzania, including their awareness,
perception, utilization, and challenges they face. The findings aimed to contribute to the
improvement of library services and support for students' academic endeavors.

1.0 Introduction
This chapter contains the background of the study, a statement of the problem, the purpose
of the study, the research questions, the scope of the study, the significance of the study, the
scope of the study, Limitations of the study and the definitions of important key terms.

1.1 Background of the Study

Reference service is one of the important patterns of serving readers in modern libraries. It
was put forward the first time by Samuel Swett Green who was the curator of Worcester
Public Library of Massachusetts in 1876. Then Reference Service was accepted by the
libraries all over the world. In 1928, the reference service of the National Library of China
was set up under the auspices of the Council for Intellectual Education Assistance of the
League of Nations. At the beginning, the reference service was scattered in the Reading
Department, Index Department and Research Department. The mission of the reference
service was to provide reference service domestically and internationally, compile
bibliographies, collect materials for clients and guide reading directly and indirectly. These
bibliographies, replies and materials would be collected and cataloged in a reading room
and then could be used by readers. The Research Department also compiled many useful
reference materials (source?).
Lots have been said by various researchers like Martins (2009) and Mohamed (2012) on
references services and utilization of reference materials in Academic Libraries and most of
which gave declining statements on the users of reference services. The extent of utilization
of library and reference materials depends on the relevance, comprehensiveness and scope
of the library collection.
Poor quality of reference materials has negative effects on reference service to users and
most Academic libraries have limited access to modern Information and Communication
Technology facilities and this makes it difficult for teachers and students to keep abreast
with current developments in their academic lines. It is obvious that, there is the need to

induce high staff morale, reasonable workplace and user friendly environment as a matter
of urgency to enhance quality reference services without which there will be no proper
utilization of the reference materials. This is because; decrease in utilization of reference
resources was as a result of non-availability of the required books, library catalogue and,
outdated materials.
Early in 21st century, it is difficult to imagine a library without reference service. From the
Library of Congress to the smallest one-room, one-person school library, reference service
and reference materials are ingrained as an expected part of what reference department
provide. With the increasing complexity and quantity of information available in and
through libraries, users need ever more assistance in identifying, retrieving, and evaluating
the specific information that fits their needs. In other words, they need help. This is what
reference librarians do (Bopp, 2011).

1.2 Statement of the Problem

A reference service handles inquiry and assists user in finding the information they need.
As* according to Elmer (2018), reference services do vary from one library to another, but
an Information or Reference Desk is a common feature in most of them and that is where
assistance from a librarian is made available. The library also provides reference services to
their users through the telephone, email, text, or chat services anchored by a reference
librarian. Therefore, no library plays with its reference services, as they always struggle to
provide adequate reference materials and services to their users. But unfortunately, from
previous studies like of Onifade and Sowole (2011) concluded that most students were
unaware of reference materials and services available in library. Even in the studies done by
Ademodi (2004) as cited from Ogunniyi, Efosa and Sheji, 2013) agreed that most library
users are not aware of services offered by reference section of the library that lead to
underutilization of library reference materials and services. It is on this regard the study
seeks to investigate the utilization of Reference materials and services in selected academic

1.3. General objective of the Study
The General objective of this Study is to investigate the Utilization of Reference Materials
and Services in Selected academic libraries in Tanzania.
1.3.1 Specific objectives
The study was guided by the following specific objectives;
i. To determine the awareness of students on the availability of reference materials
and services in the library
ii. To determine the perception of students towards reference materials and services in
the library
iii. To ascertain Students’ Level of Utilization of Reference materials and services.
iv. To Identify Challenges inhibiting Students in Utilizing References materials and
1.4 Research Questions
To address the stated objectives, the study was guided by following research questions:
i. What was the degree of awareness of students on the availability of reference
materials and services in the library?
ii. What were the perceptions of students towards reference materials and services in
the library?
iii. What Reference Materials and Services are most utilized by students while
accessing information in the libraries?
iv. What were the Challenges inhibiting Students in Accessing and Utilizing reference
materials and services in the library?

1.5 Significance of the Study

This study will help students to be aware on the reference materials available in the library,
and then for library staff was able to detect problem appeared in provision of library
services to students so it was easy for library staff to find solutions for better library
services; the study also created awareness to library management on challenges met by

students on utilizing reference materials; the study will create further research area to other
researchers. Policy-makers may also benefit from the findings of this study when making
policies that concerns the acquisition of library materials. Lastly, the acquisition unit of the
libraries may use the findings of this study to determine what resources to be acquired.
1.6 Scope of the Study
This study focused on Utilization of Reference Materials and Services in Selected academic
libraries in Tanzania which are University of Dar es salaam and the Open University of
Tanzania; the researcher chose these two old and great Universities in Tanzania by hoping
they have adequate reference materials and services. The Open University for instance use
online distance programs it was helped a researcher to determine its utilization to students
and how does it go further on satisfying students’ demands.
1.7 Limitation of the Study
In conducting this survey, researchers assume that it is impossible to control the attitudes of
respondents. The time to carry out this survey is another expected limit. Researchers are in
the field fixture while conducting this research at the same time. All of this can affect
research results, as respondents may have provided feedback solely to impress the
researchers. The researcher to overcome the limitation was spared time to collect
information from respondents as per their timetable.

1.8 Definition of Key Terms

1.8.1 Utilization
Utilization is the degree whereby people use a system or a product to successful completion
of the task for which was employed (Auman & Laspinas, 2015). In context of this study
utilization is the use of reference materials and services to student with the assistance of a
reference librarian.
1.8.2 Reference Materials
References are a variety of sources that provide background information and brief facts
about a particular topic. However, they are not meant to be read from cover to cover.
According to Nwaigwe & Onwuama (2007), every book in the library can be consulted or

referred to from time to time but the reference materials are not like monographs because
they cannot be read through, rather they are consulted for specific pieces of facts or
information. Reference materials are organised and kept in the reference section of the
library for easier access to them and convenience. There are different types of reference
materials such as Armanac, Atlas, Bibliography, Biographical Resources, Dictionaries,
Encyclopedias (General and Subject), Handbooks, Indexes, Statistics, Citation Guide
(Luban, 2007).

1.8.3 Reference Services

Reference Services are services that are offered by the reference unit of the library. The
services that are rendered to the users normally depend on the type of library and the
objectives of the parent organisation(Nwalo, 2003).. However, there are certain services
which are common to all libraries but the following are common in academic libraries.
They common reference services include; Selective Dissemination of Information (SDI),
Current Awareness Service (CAS), Referrals (Rr), Interlibrary Loan (ILL), Documentary
Delivery (DD), Electronic Delivery (e.g. Use of Internet, Telex etc). (Nwalo, 2003).
[1.8.4] Academic Librarieys
An academic library is a library that is attached to a higher education institution and serves
two complementary purposes: to support the curriculum, and to support the research of the
university faculty and students.



2.01 Introduction

This chapter contains the reviewed literatures from other scholars based in the specific
objectives of this study; which are the Awareness and perceptions of students’ towards
reference materials and services, The Students’ Level of Utilization of Reference Materials
and Services, Challenges hindering Students in Utilizing reference materials and services;
Conceptual Framework and research gap.
2.12 Type of reference material and services
2.1.1 Reference materials
Reference materials always contain relevant, genuine, accurate, authentic, and reliable
information compared to other library materials (Makinde, Aba & Ugah, 2017).
Specifically, reference materials are library information materials irrespective formats that
can be used to provide relevant answers to queries and different information needs of
library patrons (Aboyade & Aboyade, 2017).
Ogbuiyi (2015) considered reference materials as any kind of publication from which
authoritative, reliable, and trustworthy information can be obtained. These materials include
encyclopaedia, dictionaries, directories, abstract and indexes, handbooks, manuals,
biographies, bibliographies, atlases & maps, catalogue records and the likes. On the other
hand, reference services are conceptualised as direct and indirect assistance rendered by
reference librarian and library personnel to library patron seeking for any kind of
meaningful information for personal consumption (Qobose & Mologanyi, 2015).
According to Okunade (2016) reference materials are specially compiled to provide
answers to any type of queries that might be raised by the use of the library. This however
will help in improving the academic performance of the user, are designed for the treatment
of its subject matters to be consulted for definite items of information rather than to be read
consecutively. Chukwuemeka and Oriogu-Ogunbiyi (2020) assessed faculty awareness,

perception and use of information materials and services in a private university in Nigeria
and reported a higher degree of awareness and utilization among the respondents.
In another vein, Otonekwu et al (2019) evaluated usage of reference sources and services
among students of Kwara State College of Education, Ilorin, Nigeria and revealed high
level of utilization of reference materials and services. Findings also revealed that
dictionaries, bibliographies, yearbooks, handbooks, geographical sources, biographical
sources, index and abstracts, current awareness services, selective dissemination of
information, reprographic services are the major reference materials and services available
to the students. Findings revealed that majority of the respondents do not have access to
bibliographies, manuals, handbooks, encyclopedias, and directories.

2.1.2 Reference services

The mission and goals of academic institutions can partly be achieved through provisions of
effective and efficient reference materials and services of libraries. This is because
reference services of libraries serve to educate and assist patrons in sourcing for accurate
reference information that are needed for teaching, learning and research without much
delay (Quadri & Abiodun, 2017; IFLA, 2019).
Reference service is an integral part of any library aimed at educating users on the use of
reference materials to help them get factual information at the possible best way and at the
right time. Awodoyin and Aina (2018) defined reference services as precise services
personalized towards the information. Reference services are also regarded as seen as the
personal assistance rendered by the reference librarian to library users in pursuit of
information (Otonekwu et al, 2019). He referred to reference services as ongoing processes
that involve assisting people in filling gaps in knowledge and solving problems. In essence,
it is considered as the process of assisting library patrons to solve desired information needs
and problems. Thus, Tofi, Agada and Okafor (2020) indicated that the benefit of reference
resources and services is that it provides personalized assistance to library users in
accessing suitable information resources to meet their needs.

Reference service also involves “determining information needs and understanding their
context. Additionally, this involves working with individuals that “have difficulty
articulating or even understanding their own information needs. Reference librarians then
use a variety of search techniques and their skill in identifying sources to assist the users
with the aim of ultimately empowering them to be able to do more themselves later
(Otonekwu, Oyedokun, Komolafe & Adewara, 2019).
reference services are all the functions performed by a trained librarian employed in the
reference section of a library to meet the information needs of patrons (in person, by
telephone, or electronically), including but not limited to answering substantive questions,
instructing users in the selection and use of appropriate tools and techniques for finding
information, conducting searches on behalf of the patron, directing users to the library
resources, assisting in evaluation of information, referring patrons to resources outside the
library when appropriate, keeping reference statistics, and participating in the development
of reference collection Ogbuiyi (2015).
Ankrah and Atuase (2018) add that, reference services include various forms of current
awareness and selective dissemination of information services aimed at keeping the users
abreast of the latest developments in their areas of interest. The primary aim of the library is
to offer a variety of services to its clientele to meet their specific information requirements.
Several techniques of the library such as classification, cataloguing, shelving lists, Online
Public Access Catalogues (OPACs), open access to its readers and similar other types of
services are all indirect form of assistance to users to find their document in the library. One
of the basic objectives of every library and information centre is to save the time of the user
as well as to provide specific information as quickly as possible.

2.2 The Awareness of Students’ on the Availability of Reference Materials and

Services in the library
Awareness means the ability to know or realize the existence of a thing. Awareness is
knowledge about something that exists or understanding of a situation or subject at the
present time based on information or experience. When users become aware of library

services that is when they can make use of it. This implies that if there is no awareness of
library services, there will be no use as well (Suleiman, Rajeev, & Hassana, 2018).
Ankrah and Atuase (2018) assert that, awareness of information resources in libraries by
users is an issue of much concern, though availability may not be a guarantee to complete
usage. Therefore, optimum utilization of information resources by users depends on the
awareness of the resources. The implication if this is that every living library should have
patronage at least through the reference section since a unit in the reference section, all
things being equal, takes library services to the potential users. Gone are the days when
reference librarians were said to be polymath by the library users. Library users behavior is
shifting from a passive learning pattern to an active one in which customers want simple,
helpful self-service and personal help only at times of greatest need.
Ademodi (2015) examined level of awareness and utilisation of reference sources among
students in Adekunle Ajasin University Library, Akungba-Akoko, Nigeria. The author
concluded that the high level of awareness positively influenced the level of utilization of
the library reference materials. Ogbuiyi (2015) examine a study on availability and use of
reference sources and services in Babcock University Library. The study revealed that
reference sources are highly available, accessible and adequate, except year books,
bibliographies and biographies that are not available, accessible and adequate. Ademodi
(2015) conducted a study on awareness and use of reference sources by undergraduates in
Adekunle Ajasin University Library. The findings revealed that majority of the
undergraduate students are aware of reference sources, however the rate of use of reference
sources, is significantly low.
Okorafor et al (2017) utilization of reference materials and services within the library
environment depend on a lot of factors and of which student’s level of awareness take
paramount position. Equally, findings were in line with that of Ademodi (2015) which
found that the level of awareness of reference materials and services among undergraduates
influences their level of utilization of reference materials and services.
Tofi et al, 2020) Similarly, studies that made use of more than one or two institutions
Awareness and Utilisation of Reference Materials and Services Among Undergraduates. To

justify the need for further procurement and acquisition of more reference materials
required to assist students in performing well academically, there is the need for an
improved level of awareness among undergraduates towards effective utilization of
reference materials and services.

2.3 Perception of Students towards Reference materials and services in the library
The essential role 21st -century academic library plays, specifically university libraries to
hold up research, teaching, and learning in the higher institutions cannot be overlooked. To
realize this, university libraries provide modern infrastructure, information resources, and
services to enhance students’ academic activities and pursuit in this technology age. Kiriri
(2018) suggested that libraries as service providers need to anticipate the needs of their
users and demonstrate results to present library users, for continuity as reliable service
Karim (2018) opined that effective library service will be ensured by knowing users
‘demand and their satisfaction to library performance and serving them as their demand. It
is the duty of the library professional to conduct periodic study of library users to know the
users‘ needs, satisfaction with library available resources and services. The researcher
assessed the reference services in the colleges of agriculture in Oyo State, Nigeria through
the perception of the students in the two colleges. The study also found out if the perception
determines whether the students would use the library or not.
A study conducted by David-West and Owate (2019) reference services and survey of users
satisfaction in academic libraries. The study revealed that there is a significant relationship
between reference services and users satisfaction. Razaq and Olaleye (2017) conducted a
study on availability and use of reference sources and services. The study revealed that
majority of the respondents indicate that reference sources are highly available, accessible
and adequate, except geographical sources and biographical sources that are not available,
accessible and adequate.
Karim (2018) posited that libraries should often conduct surveys of their users to determine
their satisfaction with library services, either overall system or with specific types of

interactions (interlibrary loan, reference service etc). This is important because if a library
user was frustrated the last time he or she used the library, such user may not want to use
the library again. More so, that there is another option that offers the same service with
relative ease and efficiency. Non satisfaction of library services might be responsible for the
nature of library patronage observed in this part of the world.
A study by Ankrah and Atuase (2018) also revealed that most postgraduate students rather
preferred to access information from Google scholar, and other web based databases more
frequently than the databases in the library or through posing queries to the reference
librarian. This could be an indication that they are not satisfied with the reference services
for whatever reason. According to Nyantakyi (2016), “If the service provided in university
libraries meets users’ information needs or expectations, it can be considered that there is
quality service when the information meets users’ needs and expectations and used by
them”. In this regard, quality service (QS) is the standard of library services as measured
against users’ needs or expectations.

2.4 The Students’ Level of Utilization of Reference Materials and Services in the
An institution may have the best stocked libraries; the utilization of the libraries by the
students nonetheless need not simply depend on the number of books and journals in the
library. Many factors like personal preferences, the general environment in the library,
inconveniences of the working hours, distance from the place of residence etc may
influence the use of the library. The effectiveness of a library as an instrument of learning is
determined by the success with which it is able to provide the user with the information that
he/she seeks (Ayan, Jhilli, Vidyabrat, & Ram, 2015).
Ogbuiyi (2015) assessed the availability and use of reference sources and services among
undergraduates in Babcock University. The author reported that dictionaries,
encyclopaedia, indexes and abstract, yearbook amongst other were available for usage
among undergraduates. Findings further report high level of utilization of reference sources
and services among undergraduates. Okorafor et al. (2017) assessed knowledge and use of

reference and information services among library users in university libraries in two states
in Nigeria. The study revealed that the undergraduates exhibited high levels of knowledge
of and utilisation of reference and information services.
Doo and Aliyu (2015) assessed public library patron’s utilisation of reference resources and
services in Benue State, Nigeria. The result of the descriptive statistics revealed that the
library users made use of reference materials to a high extent for courses and research work.
The respondents signified high level of satisfaction with the services provided to them by
the library. Ademodi (2015) examined level of awareness and utilisation of reference
sources among students in Adekunle Ajasin University Library, Akungba-Akoko, Nigeria.
The author concluded that the high level of awareness positively influenced the level of
utilisation of the library reference materials. Ogbuiyi (2015) assessed the availability and
use of reference sources and services among undergraduates in Babcock University. The
author reported that dictionaries, encyclopaedia, indexes and abstract, yearbook amongst
other were available for usage among undergraduates. Findings further report high level of
utilization of reference sources and services among undergraduates.
Okorafor, Ariole and Anyalebechi (2017) examined awareness and perception of reference
services by undergraduates of University of Agriculture Abeokuta. Findings reported that
reference material and services were available for usage among undergraduates. Findings
furthers showed that encyclopedias, dictionaries are the most useful reference materials
among undergraduates. Olajide and Otunla (2015) investigated reference sources and
services use among students of Adeyemi College of Education, Ondo State, Nigeria. The
findings revealed that the students demonstrated high level of knowledge and utilization of
what reference materials and services are all about.

2.5 Challenges inhibiting Students in Utilizing References materials and services

Makinde et al (2017) investigated references resources accessibility and utilization among
fisheries undergraduates in university libraries in North Central, Nigeria and discovered low
level of utilization of reference material among undergraduates. Inadequate trained
reference staff, obsolete reference materials and time spent in the library searching for

relevant reference materials constituted major challenges towards utilization of reference
materials and services. Similarly, Oriogu, Findings further indicated that non-participation
of students in orientation programmes, inadequacy of reference information sources, lack of
space/location of reference unit and poor communication skills of library staff constituted
challenges to the undergraduates’ level of awareness and utilization of reference and
information services.
In the other side, Scholars like Okorafor et al. (2017), Quadri et al (2017), Oriogu et al.
(2018), Otonekwu et al. (2019), Tofi et al. (2020) amongst others have conducted studies
relating to awareness and utilization of reference materials and services among
undergraduates. However, there has been unclear evidence on the real causes of low level
of students’ awareness of reference information resources in the library and reason for low
level of utilization of reference materials and services were not well articulated. In addition,
some of the previous studies were limited only to one institution.
Furthermore; Tofi et al (2020) assessed digital reference resources and services utilization
among postgraduates in Benue State University, Nigeria and reported low level of
utilization of digital reference services in the state university libraries. In the other studies
done by Mamo and Amidu (2016) found that lack of current information resources and
improper shelving of information resources is the major factors hindering the effective use
of library resources. Olajide and Otunla (2015) findings show that the major challenge
faced by respondents is lack of time. The study of Barfi, Afful-Arthur and Agyupong
(2018) indicated that, non-involvement of lecturers in book collection development
exercise, few current titles and poor library instruction.
Buhari, (2016) noted inadequacy of facilities for use by users, research library inability to
stay connected to the Internet, poor computer communication systems and poor bandwidth
leading to poor utilization of these resources were some of the constraints to library
information resources and services utilization. From the reviewed literatures, it observed
that many challenges were postgraduate students in the course of their research activities
confront many challenges which include: lack of current and up-to-date books and journals,

poor infrastructure (electricity), lack of recent versions of the journal, lack of ineffective
Inter-library loan system.
Inspite of the importance associated with reference materials coupled with the huge cost of
purchase and the amount of time and effort required in delivering qualitative reference
services, most library patrons still do not make adequate use of these resources and
Okorafor, Ariole and Anyalebechi (2017) attributed poor use of reference collections and
services to poor or low level of awareness about the existence and poor knowledge about
the importance of the collections to users, identified obsoleteness and irrelevancy of the
reference collections in meeting information demands of patron and concluded that most
library patrons are ignorant of the fact that reference materials and services are readily
available for their consumption.
Okorafor et al. (2017) also assessed in knowledge and use of reference and information
services among library users in university libraries in two states in Nigeria. The study
revealed that the undergraduates exhibited high levels of knowledge of and utilisation of
reference and information services. Findings further indicated that non-participation of
students in orientation programmes, inadequacy of reference information sources, lack of
space/location of reference unit and poor communication skills of library staff constituted
challenges to the undergraduates’ level of awareness and utilization of reference and
information services.
Ogbuiyi (2015) examine a study on availability and use of reference sources and services in
Babcock University Library. The study revealed that reference sources are highly available,
accessible and adequate, except year books, bibliographies and biographies that are not
available, accessible and adequate. Ademodi (2015) conducted a study on awareness and
use of reference sources by undergraduates in Adekunle Ajasin University Library. The
findings revealed that majority of the undergraduate students are aware of reference
sources, however the rate of use of reference sources, is significantly low.
In another vein, Otonekwu et al (2019) evaluated usage of reference sources and services
among students of Kwara State College of Education, Ilorin, Nigeria and revealed high

level of utilization of reference sources and services. Findings also revealed that
dictionaries, bibliographies, yearbooks, handbooks, geographical sources, biographical
sources, index and abstracts, current awareness services, selective dissemination of
information, reprographic services are the major reference sources and services available to
the students. Findings revealed that majority of the respondents do not have access to
bibliographies, manuals, handbooks, encyclopedias, and directories. Findings further
revealed that inadequate and obsolete reference materials, lack of reference librarian, poor
infrastructural facilities, and absent of internet facilities amongst others constituted
challenges to students while seeking reference sources. Tofi et al (2020) assessed digital
reference resources and services utilization among postgraduates in Benue State University,
Nigeria and reported low level of utilization of digital reference services in the state
university libraries.

2.6 Conceptual Framework

The use of library materials in academic libraries is a process of initiation, selection,
formulation, collection, and preservation (Kulthau (1991). During this process, information
seekers range from hope and satisfaction to confusion and disappointment. Observations
show that college students have different backgrounds, and their understanding of
information services, resources, and sources influences the search and use of information.
The figure 1 illustrates the various components of information environment that contribute
to utilization of library reference materials and services.

Fig. 1: Conceptual Framework


-Library visits
-Materials organization


- Identify Institutional UTILIZATION
–Access & Retrieve Policies OF
-Evaluate LIBRARY
- Lack of skills SERVICES
-inadequate current materials
-Lack of qualified staffs
-lack of library literacy program INTERVERNING VARIABLE

This is a Modified model done by a researcher; it illustrates the various components of

information environment that contribute to utilization of reference materials and services
among students; The model idea derived from Kuhlthau's ISP Model (2015) revised edition.

In this model, the users’ abilities to utilize reference materials and services are cumulative
from the lowest-Awareness of the library as a place to support learning activities, to the
highest level-Information Literacy where students are able to integrate the various
information sources and resources to their learning activities.
Information seekers approaching an information system are embedded with the following
2.6.1 Awareness
Awareness is to know that something exists or to understand a situation or a subject at
current moment found on information/experience. This is a degree in personal

characteristics of knowing what a library has in terms of information materials and other
reference services available in the library.
2.6.2 Perception
Such personal characteristics of inquirer are explained by the information seeker’s
familiarity with the library; level of study; relationship of inquiry with what he knows; level
of critical awareness. Answers to these questions will determine the urgency of the search,
strategy of negotiation, the level of any dialogue, and the critical acceptance of searching
2.6.3 Level of utilization
Libraries are impacted by the ways in which individuals engage with technology; how they
seek, access, contribute, and use information; The concept of students’ utilization level can
include their choice of an information source, their satisfaction and ease of use with the
source, and their allocation of time for information seeking.
2.6.4 Challenges in utilization
Information literacy is the ability to "recognize when information is needed and have the
ability to locate, evaluate, and use effectively the needed information." In addition to the
reading and writing literacy in which reference libraries play such an important role,
information literacy is a vital skill that libraries promote for library users. Showing a library
user how to access articles in databases, evaluate web sites, use the Dewey Decimal system,
or even to use the index at the back of a book all provide opportunities to teach information
literacy skills.
2.6.5 Institutional policy
The mission of the Libraries based on the dual goals of providing access to information
while assuring preservation of library resources and collections. In achieving these goals,
the Libraries will ensure access for all users who need information while implementing
appropriate standards to provide for the preservation of library materials and resources.
2.7 Research Gap
A research gap is something that remains to be done or learned in an area of research; it’s a
gap in the knowledge of the researcher in the field of research, un explored aspect in one’s

area of study; for instance, we can see David-West & Owate, (2019) conducted a study on
Reference services and survey of users’ satisfaction in Academic Libraries in Rivers State,
Nigeria. Also Awodoyin, & Aina, (2018). An analysis of quality reference services delivery
as perceived by undergraduates in selected university libraries in South-west, Nigeria. Most
of the research studies were not deepen on utilization and availability of reference material
and a service; which is a gap that is missing and a researcher has to fill it within this study.

3.1. Introduction
This chapter includes the study design, study area, study population, sample size, sampling
techniques, data collection methods, data collection tools, ethical considerations, data
processing and analysis.
3.2. Study Design
This study was adopted a descriptive research design. Kothari (2019) defined descriptive
research studies are those studies which are concerned with describing the characteristics of
a particular individual, or of a group, whereas diagnostic research studies determine the
frequency with which something occurs or its association with something else. The study
type is descriptive in nature using both qualitative and quantitative techniques. A
descriptive study involves describing the characteristics of one or limited number of cases,
situation or event in terms of respondents’ frequency and percentage. Why descriptive
3.3. Study Area
The study was conducted at University of Dar es salaam and the Open University of
Tanzania due to its old and greatness in Tanzania; by hoping they have adequate reference
materials that’s we seek to know its usability to students.not enough, do they offer reference
materials and services?
3.4. Population of the Study
Any type of research has been based on objectives. Objectives, clarify the subjects of study
directly or indirectly. On which group the results of research can be applied or for which
group the findings can be generalized is clarified by the objectives of study. Such group is
known as population in research (Shukla, 2020). The Population of this study was
comprised students and library staff of University of Dar es salaam (UDSM) and the Open
University of Tanzania (OUT).why ?

3.5. Sampling Techniques
Sampling is concerned with the selection of a subset of individuals from within a defined
population to estimate characteristics of the entire population. Each individual variable
measures one or more properties (such as weight, location, color) of observable bodies
distinguished as independent objects or individuals (Kothari, 2019). In this study simple
randomly and purposive technique was employed in selecting study population.
3.5.1. Purposive Sampling Technique
This is a form of non-probability sampling; Non-probability sampling is that sampling
procedure which does not afford any basis for estimating the probability that each item in
the population has of being included in the sample. Non-probability sampling is also known
by different names such as deliberate sampling, purposive sampling and judgement
sampling. In this type of sampling, items for the sample are selected deliberately by the
researcher; his choice concerning the items remains supreme Kothari (2019). The heads of
reference department, library directors were purposely have selected due to their position
and knowledge on the reference materials and services in their libraries, this was included
Directors, 2 Reference staff from each department.
3.5.2. Simple Random Techniques
A simple random sample is a randomly selected subset of a population. In this sampling
technique, each member of the population has an exactly equal chance of being selected.
This technique is the most straightforward of all the probability sampling methods, since it
only involves a single random selection and requires little advance knowledge about the
population. Because it uses randomization, any research performed on this sample should
have high internal and external validity, and be at a lower risk for research biases like
sampling bias and selection bias (Shukla, 2020). This technique was used to select students.
3.6. Sample size
Sample size is the number of items to be selected from the universe to constitute a sample.
It should neither be excessively large, nor too small (Kothari, 2019). According to the
Institutes official data from websites, there are more than 25,000 students and around 100

librarians at both UDSM and OUT; which make approximation of 25,100 respondents as
population of this study.
Yamane formula was used on computation of sample size in this study: that is.

n= 2
(1+ Ne )


N is total population n is sample size e is error term (0.05) Therefore;

n= 25,100/(1+25,100x0.05x0.05) =
n=25,100/63.75= 393.7
Thus; sample size for this study comprised 394 respondents from both University of Dar Es
Salaam and The Open University of Tanzania.Mhh how many from each University then?

3.7. Data collection methods

Data collection is the process of gathering and measuring information on variables of
interest, in an established systematic fashion that enables one to answer stated research
questions, test hypotheses, and evaluate outcomes (source?). The data collection component
of research is common to all fields of study including physical and social sciences,
humanities, business, etc. While methods vary by discipline, the emphasis on ensuring
accurate and honest collection remains the same (Kennedy and Thornberg 2018). There are
two types of data which are primary and secondary data that was used in this study as
described below;
3.7.1 Primary Data
The primary data are those which are collected afresh and for the first time and thus happen
to be original in character. Primary data was collected directly by the researcher through
methods such as observation, focus group discussion, questionnaires and interviewing

(Kennedy and Thornberg 2018). In this study Questionnaire and Interview methods were
adopted Questionnaire
This method of data collection is quite popular, particularly in case of big enquiries. It is
being adopted by private individuals, research workers, private and public organizations
and even by governments. In this method a questionnaire is sent to the persons concerned
with a request to answer the questions and return the questionnaire. The advantages of this
method are there is low cost even when the universe is large and is widely spread
geographically; it is free from the bias of the interviewer, answers are in respondents’ own
words; and respondents who are not easily approachable can be reached conveniently. The
limitations of this method include low rate of return, financial expenses and bias (Shukla,
2020) Interview
Interview is a face to face conversations, this involves the oral or vocal questioning
technique or discussion. The interview method involves presentation of oral – verbal
stimuli and reply in terms of oral –verbal responses. The advantages of interviews are used
to collect in-depth responses from the respondents being interviewed, personal information
will be easily obtained, there is greater flexibility as the opportunity or restructure questions
especially in case of unstructured interviews and the language of the interview can be
adopted to the ability or educational level of the person interviewed and as such
misinterpretations concerning questions can be avoided (Kothari, 2019).

3.7.2 Secondary Data

Secondary data are those data that has already been collected by someone body for some
reason other than the current study. The secondary source of data consists of readily
available compiled statistical statements and report whose data may be used by the
researches for their studies. Secondary sources of data consist of not only published records
and reports but also unpublished records are books, newspapers, special reports and
statistics (Kothari, 2019). Secondary data was employed on this study because secondary

data can be secured quickly and cheaply and the use of secondary data may enable a
researcher to verify the findings based on primary data.

3.8 Data collection instruments

Data collection instruments also known as data collection tools refer to the
devices/instruments used to collect data, such as a paper questionnaire or computer-assisted
interviewing system. Case Studies, Checklists, Interviews, Observation sometimes, and
Surveys or Questionnaires are all tools used to collect data (Shukla, 2020). In case of this
study questionnaire and interview guide was used to collect data as follows;
3.8.1. Questionnaire
The Questionnaire will contain closed and open-ended questions and will be used to collect
data from Students. The questionnaires that were distributed to the respondents will contain
both closed and open-ended questions. Who admninistered the questionnaires?
3.8.2. Interview
In this study interview guide was administered to library directors of the concerned
department that deal with reference services, had been chosen to participate in the interview
because of their experiences and skills. The interview guide was developed by the
researcher based on the objectives of the study. How was the interview questions
structured? Where was it conducted?

3.9 Ethical consideration

Ethical issues in research are a set of principles that guide research designs and practices.
These principles include voluntary participation, informed consent, anonymity,
confidentiality, potential for harm, and results communication (Douglas, 2015). Thus, the
application of ethical procedures to research activities should be primarily designed to
protect the rights of participants from harmful or adverse consequences. In addition, the
researcher was assured the respondents that whatever they answer…

treated with much confidentiality: Respondents was were not allowed to writing write their
names in the questionnaire and were informed and assured that their answers were will be
used for academic purpose only.
Institutional ethical issues were observed which includes obtaining authority letter to
conduct research. The administration of the instruments was preceded by securing the
required research permit from the responsible organization (the University of Dar es Salaam
and the Open University of Tanzania.
3.10 Data Analysis methods
Data from the field survey …. coded and analyzed through descriptive analysis such as
frequencies and percentages. The statistical package for social sciences (SPSS) was used to
analyze data. Data that was collected during the study was examined and analyzed well to
ensure that they are relevant and accurate according to the study themes. These data were
captured using interview guide notes.


4.1 Introduction
Data analysis, presentation and discussion of the findings are integral parts of the research
process, enabling researchers to make sense of the collected data, present the results
effectively, and derive meaningful conclusions. This chapter presents and discussed the
interpretation of findings collected from the field. The data gathered from the field were are
summarized according to specific objectives of this study, and preceded with demographic
characteristics of respondents in the form of tables and figures as appropriate.
4.1.1 Responses rate
This research study aimed to gather insights from a sample size of 394 respondents
comprising students and library staff both from the University of Dar Es Salaam and The
Open University of Tanzania. The response rates for the distributed questionnaires and
interviews were analyzed and presented in Table 4.1.
Table 4.1 Responses rate
No. Responses Frequency Percent
1. Distributed questionnaire 390 98.9
2. Responded questionnaire 184 46.7
3. Targeted interviewee 4 1.1
4. Interviewed respondents 2 0.55


Source: Field Data, 2023

The table is confusing!!

The finding from Table 4.1 reveals that, Out of the 390 distributed questionnaires, a total of
184 respondents provided their responses, resulting in a response rate of 46.7%. (47%)
Additionally, the study targeted 4(1.1%) individuals for interviews of which 2(0.55%) were

successfully conducted, representing a total response rate of 186(47.25%) respondents for
both questionnaire and interview which were analyzed in this study. These response rates
indicate the level of engagement and participation among the respondents in this research
study.-Give an explanation for the low response rate!!what happened?
4.2 Demographic Characteristics of the Respondents
Demographic information provides data regarding research participants and is necessary for
the determination of whether the individuals in a particular study are a representative
sample of the target population for generalization purposes. The following socio-
demographic characteristics were studied; age, gender and educational level of the

4.2.1 Distribution of respondents by Gender

Respondents were requested to mention their gender and the findings were as presented in
Figure 4.1
Figure 4.1 Distribution of respondents by gender (n=186)

Male , 76(39.9%)

Female , 110(59.1%)

Source: Field Data, 2023

The findings in Figure 4.1 reveal that the majority of respondents were female
110(59.1%), while only 76(39.9%) respondents were females. These findings indicate
that the majority of participants in this study were female. This gender distribution
provides valuable insights into the representation and participation of different genders
in relation to the research topic. Overall, the gender distribution presented in Figure 4.1
adds an important dimension to the research findings, shedding light on the

representation of male and female respondents in this study and emphasizing the need
for gender-sensitive.

4.2.2 Distribution of respondents by Age

Respondents were requested to mention their age, and the findings were as presented in
Table 4.2
Table 4.2 Distribution of respondents by Age (n=186)
No. Responses Frequency Percent
1. Less than 20 4 2.2
2. 21-24 73 39.2
3. 25-29 41 22.0
4. 30-34 52 27.9
5. 35 and above 16 8.6
TOTAL 186 100.0
Source: Field Data, 2023

The findings in Table 4.2 reveal that the majority of respondents were 73(39.2%) fall fell in
the age group of 21-24, then followed by 52(27.9%) respondents who were in the age group
of 30-34, also 41(22.0%) respondents were in the age group of 25-29 years, 16 respondents
were in the age group of 35+ while only 4(2.2%) respondents were in the age group of less
than 20. Based on the data presented in Table 4.2, it is evident that the respondents' ages
were distributed across various age groups. The largest proportion of participants,
comprising 73 individuals, fell within the age range of 21-24. This was followed by 52
respondents in the 30-34 age group, indicating a significant presence in that category as
well. Furthermore, the age group of 25-29 accounted for 41 respondents, demonstrating a
considerable representation within the survey. In contrast, there were only 16 respondents
who were 35 years old or above, indicating a relatively smaller portion of the overall
sample. Lastly, the age group of less than 20 had the fewest respondents, with only 4
individuals falling into this category. These findings highlight the dominant presence of

respondents in the 21-24 age groups, with varying degrees of representation across the other
age groups so what then?.

4.2.3 Distribution of respondents by Education level

Respondents were requested to mention their level of education, and the findings were as
presented in Table 4.3
Table 4.3 Distribution of respondents by Education level (n=186)
No. Responses Frequency Percent
1. Certificate 17 9.1
2. Diploma 19 10.2
3. Bachelor Degree 88 47.3
4. Master Degree 61 32.8
5. Foundation course 1 0.5
TOTAL 186 100.0
Source: Field Data, 2023

The findings in Table 4.3 reveal that the majority of respondents were 88(47.3%) had
Bachelor degree, then followed by 61(32.8%) respondents who had Master degree level,
19(10.2%) of respondents had Diploma, 17(9.1%) of respondents have certificate level of
education, while only 1(0.5%) respondent had foundation course of education level.
Therefore; Based on the data presented in Table 4.3, it is obvious that the educational
backgrounds of the respondents varied across different levels of education. The largest
proportion of participants, accounting for 88 individuals or 47.3% of the total, held a
Bachelor's degree. This indicates a significant majority within the survey sample who had
completed undergraduate studies. Following this, 61 respondents, representing 32.8% of the
total, held a Master's degree, highlighting a considerable presence at the postgraduate level.
Additionally, 19 respondents (10.2%) possessed a Diploma, indicating a smaller but notable
proportion of individuals with specialized qualifications. Similarly, 17 respondents (9.1%)
held certificates as their highest level of education, reflecting a distinct group within the
sample. It is worth noting that only one respondent (0.5%) reported having a foundation
course of education level, indicating a negligible representation in this category. These
findings underscore the prevalence of respondents with Bachelor's and Master's degrees,
with smaller subsets of participants holding Diplomas or certificates, while the foundation
course level was the least represented. In relation to this study what is the implication of the
level of aeducation of respondents?
4.3 The Degree of Awareness of students on the availability of reference materials and
services in the library
In order to explore the degree of awareness among students regarding the availability of
reference materials and services several questions were asked to respondents, through an
analysis of the findings, a comprehensive understanding of the students' awareness of
library reference materials and services were obtained as categorized below;
4.3.1 Aware with availability of reference materials and services in library
Respondents were asked if are aware with availability of reference materials and services in
their library, and the findings were as presented in Figure 4.2
Figure 4.2: Aware with availability of reference materials and services (n=186)





Source: Field Data, 2023

The findings presented on figure 4.2 reveals that, majority of respondents 139(74.7%)
replied YES were aware with availability of reference materials and services in their
library, while 47(25.3%) of respondents replied No they arewere not aware with

availability of reference materials and services in their library. Therefore; as per data
presented in Figure 4.2, it is clear that a significant majority of respondents, comprising
139(74.7%) of the total, confirmed that they were aware of the availability of reference
materials and services in their library. This suggests a strong level of awareness among
the surveyed population regarding the resources and support offered by the library.
However, 47(25.3%) of respondents reported that they were not aware of the availability
of these materials and services in their library. These findings emphasize the need for
targeted efforts to improve communication and promote awareness among this subset of
students, ensuring that they can fully utilize and benefit from the library's resources.
Whereby, an interviewed participant no.1 was added that;
“Informing students about the availability of reference services and materials
in the library is crucial for ensuring that they can make the most of the
resources and support offered. If the library does inform students about these
services and materials, there are various approaches that can be utilized to
effectively communicate this information. Some common methods include;
Library Orientation, Library Website, Online Communication and
Collaborating with Faculty, even though other students didn’t participated on
the library trainings such as orientation programs etc which make them to be
unaware of the availability of reference materials and services”. Follow OUT
guidelines for interview extracts

These findings also are supported to the study done by Ankrah and Atuase (2018) who
were asserted that, awareness of information resources in libraries by users is an issue of
much concern, though availability may not be a guarantee to complete usage. Therefore,
optimum utilization of information resources by users depends on the awareness of the

4.3.2 Extents on awareness of the availability of reference materials and services in
Respondents were asked thehow extents are of awareness on the availability of reference
materials and services in your their librarylibraries., and Tthe finding were areas presented
in Figure 4.3
Figure 4.3: Extents on awareness of the availability of reference materials and services





Frequencies Very high High Low Very low
Source: Field Data, 2023

The findings presented on figure 4.3 reveals that, majority of respondents reported
81(43.5%) are high extents about awareness on the availability of reference materials
and services in their library, then followed by 58(31.2%) of respondents are were aware
to very high extents aware on theabout availability of reference materials and services in
their library, 35(18.8%) of respondents’ arreported e low extents aware on the
availability of reference materials and services in their library, while only 12(6.5%) of

respondents are reported very low extents about awareness on the availability of
reference materials and services in their library. The findings imply Thus, Basing on the
data presented in Figure 4.4, the findings indicate ithat there was varying levels of
awareness among respondents regarding the availability of reference materials and
services in their library. The majority of respondents, comprising 81(43.5%) of the total,
reported a high extent of awareness. This suggests a significant proportion of
respondents who possess a solid understanding of the resources and services offered by
their library. Furthermore, 58(31.2%) respondents expressed a very high extent of
awareness, indicating an even greater level of familiarity and knowledge regarding the
availability of reference materials and services. These individuals are likely to be well-
informed and actively engaged in utilizing the library's resources to support their
academic or research needs. On the other hand, 35 respondents (18.8%) indicated a low
extent of awareness, suggesting a group of individuals who may have limited knowledge
or understanding of the reference materials and services provided by their library. This
highlights an opportunity for the library to enhance its communication and outreach
efforts to ensure that these respondents are aware of and can benefit from the available
resources. And lastly, only 12 respondents (6.5%) reported a very low extent of
awareness. This subset of participants may require additional support and targeted
communication efforts to increase their awareness and encourage utilization of the
library's reference materials and services.

An interviewed participant no.2 clarified that “In such cases, it is crucial for the library
to recognize the significance of informing students about the availability of reference
services and materials. Efforts should be made to address the identified challenges
and establish effective communication channels to ensure that students are aware of
and can benefit from the resources and support provided by the library”.

Generally, by addressing the varying levels of awareness, the library can better cater to
the needs of its users and ensure that all students and staff can maximize the benefits
provided by the library's resources.

4.3.3 Becoming Aware on the availability of reference materials and services
Respondents were asked How did you they become became aware on the availability of
reference materials and services in yourtheir library, and the finding were asare presented in
Table 4.4
Table 4.4 Becoming How respondents became Aware aware on about the availability of
reference materials and services (n=186)
No. Responses Frequency Percent
1. Through librarian 22 11.8
2. Class metmate 29 15.6
3. Orientation program 64 34.4
4. Information literacy program 51 27.4
5. Through library website 20 10.8
TOTAL 186 100.0
Source: Field Data, 2023

The findings in Table 4.4 reveal that the majority of respondents 64(34.4%) become aware
on the availability of reference materials and services in library through orientation
program, followed by 51(27.4%) of respondents became aware due to Information literacy
program, 29(15.6%) of respondents become aware through their Classmates, then
22(11.8%) of respondents become aware Through librarian, while only 20(10.8%) of
respondents become aware Through through library website. Furthermore as based on the
data presented in Table 4.4, it is evident that rthe findings suggest that respondents become
aware of the availability of reference materials and services in the library through various
channels. The findings highlight the primary sources through which respondents gained

awareness. The majority of respondents, 64(34.4%) of the total, reported becoming aware
of the library's reference materials and services through the orientation program. This
indicates the effectiveness of introductory sessions specifically designed to familiarize
students with the resources and support offered by the library. Interestingly, only 20(10.8%)
respondents stated that they became aware through the library website. This suggests that
further attention may be required to optimize the visibility and accessibility of information
on the library's website to ensure effective communication. These findings highlight the
need to enhance the visibility of information on the library website to further promote
awareness among students. How about the findings from the literature on this issue ?is it
different from other studies or the same findings?
Do you inform students about the availability of reference services and materials in your
library? If Yes, how do you inform students about availability of reference services and
materials? - where are the responses for this question from librarians? Refer to the
interview schedule in the appendix 2

4.4 The perceptions of students towards reference materials and services in the library
The perceptions of students towards reference materials and services in the library play a
vital role in shaping their utilization and overall satisfaction with the available resources.
Understanding these perceptions provides valuable insights into students' expectations,
preferences, and needs when it comes to accessing and utilizing reference materials for their
academic pursuits. It can reveal how students perceive the library's role in supporting their
research, coursework, and information needs. To address this objective, several questions
were asked as presented in the sections below; Thus; the findings of this specific objective
were as categorized below due to the asked question; Reference materials and services available in library- this should be in the
awareness section not perception!! check
Respondents were asked, what reference materials and services are available in your
library, and the finding were as presented in Table 4.5

Table 4.5 Reference materials and services available in library (n=186)
No. Responses Frequency Percent
1. Online databases 98 52.7
2. Dictionaries 123 66.1
3. Encyclopedias 79 42.5
4. Thesaurus 50 26.7
5. Newspapers 115 61.8
6. Almanac 72 38.7
7. Assist library users in finding and 146 78.5
accessing reference materials
8. Online Catalogs (OPAC) 105 56.5
9. Assist user enquiries’ 99 53.2
10. Reading rooms 35 18.8
11. User training 68 36.6
Source: Field Data, 2023

The findings in Table 4.5 in terms of reference materials available in library reveal that the
majority of respondents 123(66.1%) were mentioned Dictionaries, 115(61.8%) of
respondents mentioned Newspapers, 98(52.7%) respondents mentioned online databases,
79(42.4%) of respondents mentioned Encyclopedias, 72(38.7%) of respondents mentioned
Almanac, while only 50(26.7%) of respondents mentioned Thesaurus. Intems of services
offered 146(78.5%) of respondents mentioned to Assist library users in finding and
accessing reference materials, followed by 105(56.5%) of respondents who mentioned
Online Catalogs (OPAC), 99(53.2%) of respondents mentioned to Assist user enquiries,
then followed by 68(36.6%) of respondents who mentioned user training, while only
35(18.8%) mentioned special reading rooms. Basing on the data presented in Table 4.5, the
findings provide insights into the reference materials available in the library, as well as the
services offered to library users. In terms of reference materials, it is apparent that
dictionaries were the most commonly mentioned resource among the respondents, with
123(66.1%) of the total indicating their availability. This suggests that dictionaries are

widely recognized and utilized by students when seeking definitions or clarifications.
Interestingly, thesauri were mentioned by a smaller proportion of respondents, with only
50((26.7%) individuals recognizing their availability. Thesauri are useful tools for
expanding vocabulary and finding synonyms, suggesting that further promotion and
awareness of this resource may be beneficial.

In case of the services offered by the library, the majority of respondents, 146 individuals
(78.5%), mentioned that library staff assists users in finding and accessing reference
materials. This emphasizes the crucial role of librarians in supporting students' information
needs and guiding them towards appropriate resources. Online catalogs, known as Online
Public Access Catalogs (OPACs), were cited by 105(56.5%) respondents. OPACs facilitate
searching and locating materials within the library's collection, enhancing accessibility for
users. Special reading rooms were mentioned by a smaller subset of respondents, with only
35(18.8%) individuals highlighting their existence. These specialized spaces provide
dedicated environments for focused study and research mostly available in UDSM New
library. As interviewed participant no.2 elaborated more on these special rooms in
reference services” he said in UDSM Library reference sections special rooms are
available; part I for UDSM teaching readers and other staffs, and part II; other small
rooms with two to three chairs were available for all library users interested” Generally,
these findings shed light on the range of reference materials available in the library and the
services provided to support users' information needs. They indicate areas of strength, such
as the availability of dictionaries and newspapers, as well as potential opportunities for
improvement, such as promoting less-known resources like thesauri and ensuring
awareness of services like user training and special reading rooms. By leveraging these
insights, libraries can further enhance their collections and services to better meet the needs
of their users.Do you mean that UDSM library and OUT library reported the same
reference materials and services?or there is a diiference?

How about other studies? Are these findings different from other studues in the literature?

Refer this question to Librarians: Does your Library offer Reference services and materials
to students and staff If yes, What are reference services available in your library? And
what reference materials are offered by your Library?
The findings from the librarieans are presented in table……

Reference resources offered by the libraries

SN Reference resources University of DSM Open University

of Tanzania

1 Encyclopedia

2 Bibliography

3 Directories

4 Dictionary

5 Almanacs

6 Handbooks

7 Gazette

Year Book



Guide Book



Biographical sources


University prospectuses

Reference services available in the libraries

Table as above –for services

4.4.2 Students perception towards the reference services in library

Respondents asked their perception towards the reference services in library, and the
findings were as presented in Table 4.6
Table 4.6 Perception towards the reference services in library (n=186)
No. Responses Frequency Percent
1. Expert Guidance 68 36.6
2. Access to Reference Materials 93 50.0
3. Information Literacy Instruction 70 37.6
4. Assistance in Research 57 30.6
5. Adaptation to Technology 54 29.0
6. Users enquiries response 79 42.5
Source: Field Data, 2023

The findings in Table 4.6 reveal that the majority of respondents 93(50.0%) mentioned
Access to Reference Materials as among of their perception towards the reference services
in library, followed by 79(42.5%) respondents mentioned Users enquiries response,
70(37.6%) respondents mentioned Information Literacy Instruction, 68(36.6%) respondents
mentioned Expert Guidance, 57(30.6%) respondents mentioned Assistance in Research, and
only 54(29.0%) respondents mentioned Adaptation to Technology. Based on the data
presented in Table 4.6, the findings provide insights into the perceptions of respondents
towards reference services in the library. The majority of respondents, 93(50.0%)
individuals of the total, mentioned access to reference materials as a prominent perception
towards reference services. This highlights the importance of ensuring that library users

have easy and convenient access to the necessary resources to support their academic
endeavors. Adaptation to technology was mentioned by a smaller subset of respondents,
with only 54(29.0%) individuals recognizing its significance. This perception suggests the
need for the library to stay current with technological advancements and ensure that users
have access to digital tools and resources. By understanding these perceptions, libraries can
make informed decisions and enhancements to better meet the needs and expectations of
their users, ultimately improving the overall experience and effectiveness of reference

4.5 Reference Materials and Services are most utilized by students while accessing
information in the libraries
4.5.1 Often on the use of available reference materials and services in your library
Respondents asked How often do you use available reference materials and services in your
library, and the findings were as presented in Table 4.7
Table 4.7 Often on the use of available reference materials and services (n=186)

N Responses Frequency Percent

1. Daily 72 38.7
2. Weekly 59 31.7
3. Monthly 30 16.1
4. Annually 6 3.2
5. During EU exams 19 10.2
6. TOTAL 186 100.0
Source: Field Data, 2023
The findings in Table 4.7 reveal that the majority of respondents 72(38.7%) mentioned
They use available reference materials and services in library Daily, followed by 59(31.7%)
of respondents who Weekly They use available reference materials and services in library,
30(16.1%) respondents mentioned Monthly, then 19(10.2%) respondents mentioned During
EU exams, while only 6(3.2%) respondents’ used Annually. Based on the data presented in
Table 4.6, the findings provide insights into the frequency of usage of available reference

materials and services in the library among the respondents. The majority of respondents,
72(38.7%) individuals of the total, mentioned that they use the available reference materials
and services in the library on a daily basis. This indicates a strong reliance on the library for
their academic and research needs, with a consistent and frequent utilization of the
resources and services offered. While, only 6(3.2%) respondents mentioned using the
available reference materials and services on an annual basis. This could imply that their
information needs are infrequent or limited to specific occasions throughout the year.
Overall, these findings showcase a range of usage frequencies among the respondents, with
the majority utilizing the reference materials and services on a daily or weekly basis.

4.5.2 Purpose on the use of available reference materials and services

Respondents asked for which purpose they use available reference materials and services in
library, and the findings were presented in figure 4.4
Figure 4.4: Purpose on the use of available reference materials and services
Plea- work
sure 89(48%
39(21% )

Research writing

Source: Field Data, 2023

The findings in Figure 4.4 reveal that the majority of respondents 89(48%) mentioned
Course work as the purpose make them use available reference materials and services in
library, followed by 58(31%) of respondents who mentioned they use for research writings,
while only 39(21%) respondents they use for pleasure. As per data presented in Figure 4.5,

the findings provide insights into the purposes for which respondents use the available
reference materials and services in the library. The majority of respondents, 89(48.0%)
individuals mentioned that, they use the library's reference materials and services primarily
for their coursework. This indicates that a significant portion of the respondents relies on
the resources and support provided by the library to complete their assignments, projects,
and other academic requirements. Interestingly, a smaller proportion of respondents,
39(21%), mentioned using the available reference materials and services for pleasure. This
indicates that some respondents engage with the library's resources for personal interests,
reading, or self-enrichment purposes. By recognizing these purposes, libraries can further
tailor their collections, services, and outreach efforts to effectively meet the specific
information needs of students for coursework, research writings, and even leisure activities.

4.6 The Challenges inhibiting Students in Accessing and Utilizing reference materials
and services in the library
However, there are various challenges that can inhibit students from fully utilizing these
valuable resources. Understanding these challenges is essential for libraries to address and
overcome barriers that may hinder students' access and utilization of reference materials
and services effectively. Thus the findings for challenges were as categorized;
4.6.1 Whether there is any challenge when using references materials and services in
Respondents asked they face any challenge when using references materials and services in
your library, and the findings were presented in Table 4.8
Table 4.8: Any challenge when using references materials and services? (n=186)
No. Responses Frequency Percent
1. YES 108 58.1
2. NO 78 41.9
3. TOTAL 186 100.0
Source: Field Data, 2023
The findings in Table 4.8 reveal that the majority of respondents 108(58.1%) replied
YES they face challenge when using references materials and services in library, while

only 78(41.9%) of respondents replied NO. As per data presented in Table 4.7, the
findings indicate that a majority of respondents, 108(58.1%) reported facing challenges
when using reference materials and services in the library. This suggests that a
significant portion of the surveyed population encounters obstacles or difficulties in
accessing and utilizing the resources and support provided by the library, these findings
emphasize the importance of continuous efforts to optimize the user experience and
ensure that students can effectively access and utilize the reference materials and
services provided by the library.
4.6.2 Those challenges when using references materials and services in yourthe
Respondents asked to indicate challenges when using references materials and services in
your their librarylibraries, and the findings were are presented in Table 4.9
Table 4.9: Challenges when using references materials and services (n=186)
. Responses Frequency Percent
Insufficient copies of high-demand resources 124 66.7
Lack of awareness among students 141 75.8
Technological challenges 91 48.9
Lack of guidance and support from library staff 99 53.2
or faculty member
5. The complexity of navigating and accessing the 82 44.1
library's resources
6. Old/outdated reference materials
Source: Field Data, 2023
The findings in Table 4.9 reveal that the majority of respondents 141(75.8%) were
mentioned Lack of awareness among students, then followed by 124(66.7%) mentioned
Insufficient copies of high-demand resources, 99(53.2%) mentioned Lack of guidance
and support from library staff or faculty members, 91(48.9%) mentioned Technological
challenges, only 82(44.1%) mentioned The complexity of navigating and accessing the
library's resources.
As per data presented in Table 4.10, the findings provide insights into the challenges
identified by respondents regarding accessing and utilizing reference materials and

services in the library. These challenges shed light on the obstacles that hinder students'
seamless utilization of library resources. The majority of respondents, 141(75.8%)
mentioned a lack of awareness among students as a significant challenge. This highlights
the need for improved communication and outreach efforts to ensure that students are
well-informed about the available resources and services in the library. The complexity
of navigating and accessing the library's resources was mentioned by 82(44.1%)
respondents. This suggests the need for user-friendly interfaces, clear instructions, and
improved search functionalities to assist students in locating and retrieving the required
materials effectively. By addressing these challenges, libraries can improve the user
experience, enhance resource accessibility, and provide effective support systems that
cater to the diverse needs of students.

4.6.3 Improve suggestions for improving availability and easy use of references
materials and services
Respondents were asked what should be done to improve availability and easy use of
references materials and services in their library, and the findings were are presented in
Table 4.10
Table 4.10: Improve availability of references materials and services (n=186)
. Responses Frequency Percent
1. Regularly Update and Weed Outdated 114 61.3
2. Enhance Digital Access 92 49.5
3. Provide User Education and Support 126 67.7
4. Enhance Interlibrary Loan Services 83 44.6
5. Improve Accessibility 90 48.4
Source: Field Data, 2023
The findings in Table 4.10 reveal that the majority of respondents 126(67.7%) indicated
to Provide User Education and Support, then 114(61.3%) respondents indicated
Regularly Update and Weed Outdated Materials, 92(49.5%) of respondents indicated to

Enhance Digital Access, 90(48.4%) of respondents indicated to Improve Accessibility,
while only 83(44.6%) of respondents indicated to Enhance Interlibrary Loan Services.
Based on the data presented in Table 4.10, the findings provide insights into the
preferences and suggestions of respondents regarding improvements to reference
materials and services in the library. These suggestions highlight areas where libraries
can focus their efforts to enhance the overall user experience and better meet the needs
of students. The majority of respondents, 126(67.7%) indicated the importance of
providing user education and support. This suggests a strong desire for libraries to offer
resources, workshops, and guidance to help students develop information literacy skills
and effectively utilize the available reference materials and services. Enhancing inter-
library loan services was indicated by 83(44.6%) respondents. This highlights the desire
for libraries to collaborate and share resources with other institutions, expanding the pool
of available materials and providing greater access to a wider range of resources for
students. Overall, these findings demonstrate the importance of user education and
support, the need for regular collection updates, the significance of digital access and
accessibility improvements, and the potential benefits of enhanced inter-library loan
services. By incorporating these suggestions and focusing on these areas, libraries can
strengthen their support systems, offer up-to-date and diverse resources, and foster an
environment that promotes effective utilization of reference materials and services.
Kindly revisit this chapter
-you need to check the number of respondents- remember you indicated that respondents
who resond to questionnaire were 184 and 2 were interviewed, why are you combining
the results throughout while some questions were different?
- you need to refer to the literature- to check the findings from other studies and what
authors say
Read the articles that I sent you through the email 2023

5.1 Overview
This chapter presents the summary, conclusions, recommendations and areas for further
5.2 Summary of the Findings

The study has a general objective to investigate the utilization of reference materials and
services in selected academic libraries in Tanzania. It aims to gather insights and
understand how students engage with reference materials and services in these libraries.
The specific objectives of the study were as follows:

To determine the awareness of students regarding the availability of reference materials and
services in the library; This objective focuses on understanding how well students are
informed about the resources and support offered by the library, and the findings shows
majority were aware with availability of reference materials and services in their libraries.

To determine the perception of students towards reference materials and services in the
library; This objective aims to uncover students' opinions, attitudes, and beliefs about the

value, relevance, and quality of the reference materials and services provided by the library
as expected by library users..

To ascertain the level of utilization of reference materials and services by students; This
objective focuses on assessing the extent to which students make use of the available
reference materials and services in their academic endeavors and research activities, as the
findings shows library were most used daily by library users.

To identify the challenges inhibiting students in utilizing reference materials and services.
This objective aims to identify and understand the barriers or obstacles that students face
when accessing and utilizing reference materials and services in the library.

5.3 Conclusion
By addressing these specific objectives, the study seeks to provide a comprehensive
understanding of how students engage with reference materials and services in the selected
academic libraries in Tanzania. The findings from this research can inform libraries about
areas of improvement, effective strategies, and interventions to enhance the utilization and
effectiveness of reference materials and services, ultimately contributing to an improved
learning and research experience for students.

5.4 Recommendations
Based on the general and specific objectives of the study regarding the utilization of
reference materials and services in selected academic libraries in Tanzania, the following
recommendations can be made:

Improve Awareness and Communication: Libraries should enhance their efforts to raise
awareness among students about the availability of reference materials and services. This
can be done through orientation programs, information sessions, library website updates,
and effective communication channels such as email newsletters and social media

Enhance Perception of Value: Libraries should focus on understanding and addressing the
perceptions of students towards reference materials and services. This can be achieved by
actively seeking student feedback, conducting surveys or focus groups, and implementing
strategies to enhance the perceived value and relevance of the library's resources.

Promote Utilization: Libraries should implement initiatives to encourage and promote the
utilization of reference materials and services by students. This can include targeted
information literacy programs, workshops on research skills, and collaborations with
faculty to integrate library resources into the curriculum.

Overcome Challenges: Libraries should identify and address the challenges inhibiting
students in utilizing reference materials and services. For example, addressing issues related
to resource availability by ensuring sufficient copies of high-demand resources and
exploring inter-library loan services. Technological challenges can be mitigated by
improving infrastructure and providing necessary support and training.

Enhance Support and Guidance: Libraries should provide adequate support and guidance
to students. This can be achieved through librarian assistance, improving the accessibility of
resources, and offering user education programs to help students navigate and effectively
utilize reference materials and services.

By implementing these recommendations, academic libraries in Tanzania can enhance the

utilization of reference materials and services, meet the information needs of students more
effectively, and contribute to their academic success and research endeavors.

5.5 Areas for Further Research

While the study aims to investigate the utilization of reference materials and services in
selected academic libraries in Tanzania, there are several areas for further research that can
build upon the findings and contribute to a deeper understanding of the topic includes
investigate the level of user satisfaction with reference materials and services in academic
libraries. This can involve gathering feedback from students through surveys or interviews

to assess their overall satisfaction, identify areas of improvement, and measure the impact
of library resources on their academic success.

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Dear Respondents,
I am Wilson Msogolwa, pursuing a Master degree in Library and Information Studies at the
Open University of Tanzania. I am currently conducting a study titled “Investigation on
the utilization of reference materials and services in selected academic libraries in
Tanzania, as part of my study program requirements. Please reply the given questions as
per instruction given. This is done for academic purpose only.
1. Gender (please tick)
a) Male ( )
b) Female ( )
2. Age (tick the appropriate category)
a) Less than 20 ( )
b) 21-24 ( )
c) 25-29 ( )
d) 30-34 ( )
e) 35 and above ( )
3. What is your education level? (Tick the appropriate category)
a) Certificate ( )

b) Diploma ( )
c) Bachelor Degree ( )
d) Master Degree ( )
e) Other (Specify) ………………………………………………………….
4. Are you aware with availability of reference materials and services in your library?
a) YES
b) NO
5. How extents are you aware on the availability of reference materials and services in your
a) Very high
b) High
c) Low
d) Very low
6. How did you become aware on the availability of reference materials and services in
your library?
a) Through librarian
b) Class met
c) Orientation program
d) Information literacy program
e) Other (specify)…………………………………………………………………
7. What are reference materials and services available in your library? List them;Tick all
that applies (mention them- all Materiaks and services)
… Dictionary,
(yearbooks, almanacs, handbooks/manuals, directories, etc,)
( maps, atlases, gazetteers and guides.)
Bibliographies:…Indexes:… Thesaurus:
Abstract:… Gazetteers…

8. What is your perception towards the reference services in you library?
Indicate Agree or Disagree (prepare a table )
Reference collection is adequate for my academic needs
Reference collection is organized and easy to access materials
Useful materials are available for answering information needs
Reference staff are competent and helpful
Reference staff demonstrate good communication skills
Reference staff answer my reference questionson timely
Reference section is conducive to study and convenient to use
It is easy to borrow reference material for photocopy
Reference section provide access to adequate electronic reference sources
Good Internet facility is provided for searching online reference sources
Current Awareness Service (CAS) is helpful and useful
Library provides orientation on the use of reference services and resources
Use of reference section procedure is user friendly

The selective dissemination of information (SDI) service is adequate
Opening/closing hours of reference section is convinient
Library provides good interlibrary loan and document delivery services
Library Web pages is user friend and a good source for e-reference service

I am satisfied with the overall quality of reference services provided

9. How often do you use available reference materials and services in your library?
a) Daily
b) Weekly
c) Monthly
d) Annually
e) During EU exams
f) Other (specify)…………………………………………………
10. Do you use available reference materials and services in your library for which

a) Course work
b) Research writing
c) Pleasure
d) Other (specify)……………………………………………………
11. Did Do you face any challenge when using references materials and services in your
library? (a) YES (b) NO
12. What are those challenges when using references materials and services in your library?
13. What should be done to improve availability and easy use of references materials and
services in your library?

1. Does your Library offer Reference services and materials to students and staff If yes,
What are reference services available in your library? And what reference materials are
offered by your Library?
If no, explain why
2. Do you inform students about the availability of reference services and materials in your
library? If Yes, how do you inform students about availability of reference services and
If No, why?
3. What is your perception towards the reference services and materials in you library? Do
you think that students are satisfied by the reference services and materials offered by your
library? If Yes, explain and if No, why?
4. Which reference materials and services are most utilized by students in your library?

5. Do you face any challenge when providing references materials and services to students s
in your library? If Yes, what are those challenges?

6. What do think should be done to improve availability and use of references materials
and services in your library?

Thank you


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