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Pharmacology is a branch of science that deal with the study of drugs, its Actions, Dosage, Forms, Route,
Strength, Indication, Contra-Indications, Side-Effects, Chemical Name & Trade Name.


1- Analgesics.

2- Antibiotics.

3- Antihypertensive(Vasodilators).

4- Antihistamines.

5- Antifungals.

6- Antidiarrheal.

7- Anti rabies.

8- Anticoagulants.

9- Antacids.

10- Anti Pyretics(Non-narcotics).

11- Antimalarials.

12- Anti Emetics.

13- Antiinflammatory(Narcotics).

14- Anti Diuretics.

15- Anticonvulsant.

16- Anti Flarialsis.

17- Antispasmodics.

18- Antidiabetic mellitus.

19- Anti Helmentics.

20- Anesthetic Agents.

21- Broncho Dilators.

22- Disinfectant.

23- Expectorants.

24- Intravenous fluids.

25- Opthalmic Agents.

26- Seddetive.

27- Supportives...,

No:1}- ANALGESICS :- They are group of drugs that are use to Kill or Relief pain in the body. They are also
use to Calm or Stimulate the body temperature.

Examples ;-

1- Acetaminophen.

2- Aceclofenac.

7- Analgin.

3- Asetyl (Aspirin).

4- Author Care.

5- Brufen.

5- Chlorxaxone.

7- Chymoral(Chymotropcin).

6- Diclofenac.

7- Dolo meta B.

8- Felden(Piroxicam).

9- Forthwin(Pentazosin).

10- Morphine.
11- Dolo meta B.

No:2}- ANTIBIOTICS :- They are group of drugs that are use in the Rx of Bacterial infections in the body.

Examples ;-

1- Amoxicillin.

2- Gentamycin.

3- Chloramphenicol.

4- Ceftriazone.

5- Flagyl(Metronidazole).

6- Azeethromycin.

7- Doxicycline.

8- Ciprocin.

9- Ampicilline.

10- Erithromycin.

11- Procaine Penicillin.

12- Ampiclox.

13- Cotrimazole.

14- Nitrofrantoin.

15- Amoxyclave.

16- Calatromycin.

17- Stropthomycin.

18- Penicilline.

19- Mist Pot Cit.

20- Detustoride.
21- Tetracyccline.

22- Oflaxacin.

23- Cifixime.

24- Cefruxime.

25- Sporidex.

26- Augumentin.

27- X-pen.

28- Cyplox.

No:3}- ANTI HISTAMINE :- They are group of drugs that are use in the Rx of Allergic or Reaction in the

Examples ;-

1- Chlorpheniramine.

2- Diphenhydramine.

3- Hydrocortisone.

4- Adrenaline.

5- Periton.

6- Phenagen (Promethazin).

7- Prednisolone.

8- Dexamethasone.

9- Loratadin.

10- Star dose.

No:4}- ANTIFUNGAL :- They are group of drugs that are use in the Rx of all Skin Infection & Candidiasis.

Examples ;-

1- Ketoconazole (Nizoral).

2- Calamine Lotion.

3- Fulcin.

4- Nystatin.

5- Canastin.

6- Myocortin.

7- Funbactin.

8- Combac A.

9- Colotrimazole (Vaginal Tablet).

10- Deep Heat.

No:5}- ANTI MALARIAL :- They are group of drugs that are use in the Rx of Malarial Plasmodium Parasites
in the body.

Examples ;-

1- Chloroquine.

2- Quinine.

3- Arthemeter.

4- Artesunate.

5- P-Alazine.

6- Emal.

7- Lornart.

8- Sulphadosin (Pansider).
No:6}- ANTI HELMENTICS :- They are group of drugs that are use in the Rx of Warm Infestation.

Examples ;-

1- Albendazole.

2- Mebendazole.

3- Prasiquntel (Biltricite).

No:7}- ANTISPASMODICS :- They are group of drugs that aré use in Management of patient with
Abdominal pain.

Examples ;-

1- Hyocin (Buscopan).

2- Analgin.

3- Novalgin.

4- Diclofenac.

5- Forthwin (Pentazocin).

6- Sodoment.

7- Grip Water.

8- Nospamin.

9- Piroxicam (Felden).

10- Mentrogen.

11- Ladness.

No:8}- ANTICONVULSANT :- They are group of drugs that are use in the Management of patient with
Convulsions or Fit.
Examples ;-

1- Hydrocortisone.

2- Piriton.

3- Brozepham.

4- Paraldehyde.

5- Diazepam.

6- Phenagen (Promethasone).

7- Phenobarbiton.

8- Magnesium sulfate (Mg So 4).

No:9}- ANTIINFLAMMATORY :- They are group of drugs that are use in the management of a patient with

Examples ;-

1- Acetaminophen.

2- Author care.

3- Aceclofenac.

4- Aspirin (Asetyl).

5- Brufen.

6- Chymothropcin.

7- Chlorxaxone.

8- Diclofenac.

9- Dolo meta B.

10- Forthwin (Pentazosin).

11- Felden (Piroxicam).

12- Ragexugy.
13- Tramadol.

No:10}- ANTI DIABETIC MELLITUS :- They are group of drugs that are use in the management of a patient
with High Sugar Level in the blood.

Examples ;-

1- Glucophage.

2- Dionil.

3- Insulin.

4- Metformin.

No:11}- ANESTHETIC AGENT :- They are group of drugs that are use in the Theater during Surgery or
Operation, and they are classified into two ;-

(1) LOCAL ANESTHESIA :- This are use in a minor stitching.


1- Xylocaine / Lidocaine.


(2) GENERAL ANESTHESIA :- They are use in the management of Major cases of Operation & Surgeries.


1- Ketamin (Ketla).

2- Chloroform.

3- Diazepam.

No:12}- BRONCHO DILATORS :- They are group of drugs that are use in the management of a patient
with Bronchitis, Asthmaticus, Pneumonia, and any other related the conditions.
Examples ;-

1- Aminophylline.

2- Salbutamol (Ventolin).

3- Asthmadex.

4- Inhaler.

5- Hydrocortisone.

6- Cotrimazole.

7- Stropthomycin.

8- Erythromycin.

9- Calathromycin.

10- X-pen.

No:13}- EXPECTORANT :- They are group of drugs that are use in the Rx of a patient with Coughing &
Narsal Congection.

Examples ;

1- Exploir.

2- Coflin.

3- Balalin.

4- Emzorlin.

5- Tutolin.

6- Ventolin.

7- Merlin.

8- D Cough.

9- No Cough.

10- Cough off.

11- Erythromycin.

12- Cotrimazole.

No:14}- OPTHALMIC AGENT (Preparation) :- They are group of drugs that are use in the management of
a patient with Eye problems.

Examples ;

1- Star dose.

2- Dexamethasone.

3- Gentamycin.

4- Chloramphenicol.

5- Tetracycline.

6- Diclofenac.

7- Oflaxacin.

No:15}- ANTACID :- They are group of drugs that are use in the Rx of a patient with Peptic Ulcer Dix
(PUD) & Gastro Esophageal Reflux Dix (GERD).

Examples ;

1- Omefrazole.

2- Rabifrazole.

3- Ranivan.

4- Ulcerral.

5- Ulcer kit.

6- Gaviscone.

7- Jecrol.
8- Mistoprostol.

9- Gestid.

10- Mistoclear.

11- Cemetadin.

12- Mixture Magnesium Trimsilicate (MMT).

No:16}- ANTI DIURETIC :- They are group of drugs that are use to Produce & Release excess fluid in form
of urine.


1- Frussamide (Laxis).

2- Sulphathiazide.

3- Spironolactine.

No:17}- ANTIHYPERTENSIVE (Vasodilators) :- They are group of drugs that are use in the management of
a patient with High Blood Pressure (Hypertension).


1- Aldomen.

2- Lisinopril.

3- Hydrolazine.

4- Nifedifiness.

5- Moderative.

6- Spironolactone.

7- Bendro thiazide.
No:18}- ANTIEMETIC :- They are group of drugs that are use to control Nousea & Vomiting in the body.


1- Ancloxin.

2- Plasil(Methoclophramide).

3- Promethazin(Phenegan).

4- Avomine.

5- Piriton.

No:19}- ANTI DIARRHEA :- They are group of drugs that are use to control a patient who is Passing Out
the Watery Stools.


1- Flagyl(Metronidazole).

2- Leoparamine(Limotil).

3- Chloramphenicol.

4- Tetracycline.

5- Ciprocin.

6- Zinc Sulfate.

No:20}- ANTI FLARIALSIS :- They are group of drugs that are use to Prevent Elephantiasis.


1- Mectizan (Ivermactine) ->tab->6/3mg.

No:21}- SUPPORTIVES :- They are group of drugs that are use to Improve Appetite and Increase Blood in
the body.


1- Asthemine.

2- B, complex.

3- Blood builder.

4- Blood tonic.

5- Bunto.

6- Fersolate.

7- Folic acid.

8- Iron dextrose.

9- Haemoglobin.

10- Multivitamin.

No:22}- ANTICOAGULANT :- They are group of drugs that are use in the Arresting Blood to form Clotting


1- Vitamin K.

2- Ergomentrin.

No:23}- *CLASSES OF ANALGESICS* :- Analgesics are classified into two.

1}- NARCOTICS (Antiinflammatory) :- They are use to Relieve joint pain & they can cause Sleeping.


1- Acetaminophen.
2- Author care.

3- Aceclofenac.

4- Aspirin (Asetyl).

5- Brufen.

6- Chymothropcin.

7- Chlorxaxone.

8- Diclofenac.

9- Dolo meta B.

10- Forthwin (Pentazosin).

11- Felden (Piroxicam).

12- Ragexugy.

13- Tramadol.

14- Para flex.

15- Nor flex.

2}- NON-NARCOTICS (Anti pyretic) :- They are use to Relieve Fever & does not Causes Sleeping.


1- Paracetamol.

2- Analgin.

3- Novalgin.

4- Opium.

5- Morphine.
No:24}- INTRAVENOUS INFUSIONS :- They are group of drugs that are use to Rehydrate the Electrolytes
balance in the body. This type of drugs, are use according to the type of a Patient and Dx

1- Normal Saline.

2- Pediatric Saline.

3- Dextrose Saline.

4- Full Strength Darrow.

5- Half Strength Darrow.

6- Mannitol 10%/5%/3%/.

7- Flagyl.

8- Ciprocin.

9- Rengas lactate.

10- 4.3 D/Saline.

11- 50% Dextrose.

12- 5% Dextrose /D- in water.

No:25}- SEDATIVES :- They are group of drugs that are use in the Management of a patient with
Insomnia (Lack of Sleep).


1- Diazepam.

2- Brozepam.

3- Phenergan.

4- Piriton.

5- Morphine.

6- Pentazosin.
No:26}- DIGITALIS :- They are group of drugs that are use in the management of a patient with heart or
cardiac problem.


1- Digoxin.

2- Atenolol.

3- Frussamide (laxis).

4- Carphamazophine.

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