DBS Lab Manual 2016
DBS Lab Manual 2016
DBS Lab Manual 2016
Lab Manual
DDU,FoT,CE Dept.
Database Systems 2
Hardware/Software Requirement:
The Database System in use is based on client-server architecture. Learn more from
appendix. 1. The Oracle Client/Server Architecture by Oracle.
Oracle database server computer accessible in local area network. Students are required
to use any database client to connect to database server from their system. To access the
database, GUI based sql client named SqlDeveloper is advised to use.
Here, because accessing remote database is through client software tool like SqlDeveloper,
students may use Windows or Linux Operating System.
Please, collect the server details and credentials from the faculty in charge of conducting
lab sessions.
DDU,FoT,CE Dept.
Database Systems 3
Theory and Concept
Practical #1
Objective: Create tables, insert data, develop and test SQL for provided
View definition-
The SQL DDL includes commands for defining views.
Transaction Control- SQL includes for specifying the beginning and ending of transactions.
The SQL DDL includes commands for specifying integrity constraints that the data stored in the
database must specify. Updates that violate integrity constraints are allowed.
The SQL DDL includes commands for specifying access rights to relations and views.
The SQL DDL allows specification of not only a set of relations but also information about
each relation, including-
· Schema for each relation
· The domain of values associated with each attribute.
· The integrity constraints.
· The set of indices to be maintained for each relation.
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· The security and authorization information for each relation.
· The physical storage structure of each relation on disk.
Create table tablename
(columnname datatype(size), columnname datatype(size));
[(columnname, columnname, … … … )]
AS SELECT columnname, columnname… … ..FROM tablename;
INSERT INTO tablename
[(columnname, columnname, … …
… )] Values(expression, expression);
INSERT INTO tablename
SELECT columnname, columnname, … … .
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FROM tablename;
INSERT INTO <tablename>
SELECT <columnname, columnname… … ..>
FROM <tablename>
[WHERE columnname = expression];
SELECT * FROM <tablename>;
SELECT <columnname, columnname, … .>
FROM <tablename>;
SELECT DISTINCT <columnname, columnname>
FROM <tablename>;
SELECT <columnname, columnname,...>
FROM <tablename>
[WHERE searchcondition];
Assignment No.1
Q1. Create the following tables:
i) client_master
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address2 varchar2 30
city varchar2 15
state varchar2 15
pincode number 6
bal_due number 10,2
ii) Product_master
Columnname datatype size Product_no varchar2
Description varchar2
Profit_percent number
Unit_measure varchar2
Qty_on_hand number
Reoder_lvl number
Sell_price number Cost_price number
Q3:- On the basis of above two tables answer the following Questionnaires:
i) Find out the names of all the clients.
ii) Retrieve the list of names and cities of all the clients.
iii) List the various products available from the product_master table.
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iv) List all the clients who are located in Bombay.
v) Display the information for client no 0001 and 0002.
vi) Find the products with description as ‘1.44 drive’ and ‘1.22 Drive’ .
vii) Find all the products whose sell price is greater then 5000.
viii) Find the list of all clients who stay in in city ‘Bombay’ or city ‘Delhi’ or ‘Madras’ .
ix) Find the product whose selling price is greater than 2000 and less than or equal to
x) List the name, city and state of clients not in the state of ‘Maharashtra’ .
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Database Systems 8
Theory and Concept
Practical #2
Objective:- To Manupulate the Operations on the table.
DML ( Data Manipulation Language) Data manipulation is
Deletion Operation:-
A delete reQuestionst is expressed in much the same way as Questionry. We can delete whole
tuple ( rows) we can delete values on only particulars attributes.
Delete from tablename :
+ Addition - Subtraction
* multiplication ** exponentiation
/ Division () Enclosed operation
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Database Systems 9
Renaming columns used with Expression Lists: - The default output column names can be
renamed by the user if required
Logical Operators:
The logical operators that can be used in SQL sentenced are
Pattern Searching:
The most commonly used operation on string is pattern matching using the operation ‘like’ we
describe patterns by using two special characters.
· Percent (%) ; the % character matches any substring we consider the following
· ‘Perry %’ matches any string beginning with perry
· ‘% idge % matches any string containing’ idge as substring.
· ‘ - - - ‘ matches any string exactly three characters.
· ‘ - - - % matches any string of at least of three characters.
Oracle functions:
Functions are used to manipulate data items and return result. function follow the format of function
_name (argument1, argument2 ..) .An arrangement is user defined variable or constant. The
structure of function is such that it accepts zero or more arguments.
Avg ([distinct/all]n)
Min return minimum value of expr.
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MIN((distict/all )expr)
Count Returns the no of rows where expr is not null
Count ([distinct/all)expr]
Count (*) Returns the no rows in the table, including duplicates and those with nulls.
Max Return max value of expr
Max ([distinct/all]expr)
Sum Returns sum of values of n
Sum ([distinct/all]n)
Select columnname, columnname
From table
Order by columnname;
Assignment No. # 2
Question.1 Using the table client master and product master answer the following
i. Change the selling price of ‘1.44 floppy drive to Rs.1150.00
ii. Delete the record with client 0001 from the client master table.
iii. Change the city of client_no’0005’ to Bombay.
iv. Change the bal_due of client_no ‘0001, to 1000.
v. Find the products whose selling price is more than 1500 and also find the new selling
price as original selling price *15.
vi. Find out the clients who stay in a city whose second letter is a.
vii. Find out the name of all clients having ‘a’ as the second letter in their names.
viii. List the products in sorted order of their description.
ix. Count the total number of orders
x. Calculate the average price of all the products.
xi. Calculate the minimum price of products.
xii. Determine the maximum and minimum prices . Rename the tittle as ‘max_price’ and
min_price respectively.
xiii. Count the number of products having price greater than or equal to 1500.
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Theory and Concept
Practical #3
Objective:- To Implement the restrictions on the table.
Data constraints: Besides the cell name, cell length and cell data type there are other
parameters i.e. other data constrains that can be passed to the DBA at check creation time. The
constraints can either be placed at column level or at the table level.
i. Column Level Constraints: If the constraints are defined along with the column
definition, it is called a column level constraint.
ii. Table Level Constraints: If the data constraint attached to a specify cell in a table
reference the contents of another cell in the table then the user will have to use table
level constraints.
Null Value Concepts:- while creating tables if a row locks a data value for particular
column that value is said to be null . Column of any data types may contain null values
unless the column was defined as not null when the table was created
Primary Key: primary key is one or more columns is a table used to uniquickly identity
each row in the table. Primary key values must not be null and must be uniQuestion
across the column. A multicolumn primary key is called composite primary key.
UniQuestion key concept:-A uniQuestion is similar to a primary key except that the
purpose of a uniQuestion key is to ensure that information in the column for each record
is uniQuestion as with telephone or devices license numbers. A table may have many
uniQuestion keys.
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Default value concept: At the line of cell creation a default value can be assigned to it.
When the user is loading a record with values and leaves this cell empty, the DBA wil
automatically load this cell with the default value specified. The data type of the default
value should match the data type of the column
Foreign Key Concept : Foreign key represents relationship between tables. A foreign
key is column whose values are derived from the primary key of the same of some other
table . the existence of foreign key implies that the table with foreign key is related to
the primary key table from which the foreign key is derived .A foreign key must have
corresponding primary key value in the primary key table to have meaning.
Foreign key as a column constraint
Syntax :
Create table table name
(columnname datatype (size) references another table name);
Syntax :
Create table name
(columnname datatype (size)
… . primary key
foreign key (columnname)references table name);
Check Integrity Constraints: Use the check constraints when you need to enforce
intergrity rules that can be evaluated based on a logical expression following are a few
examples of appropriate check constraints.
· A check constraints name column of the coient_master so that the name is
entered in upper case.
· A check constraint on the client_no column of the client _master so that no
client_no value starts with ‘c’
Create table tablename
(columnname datatype (size) CONSTRAINT
constraintname) Check (expression));
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ii. Sales_order
Columnname Datatype Size Attributes
S_order_no varchar2 6 Primary/first letter must be 0
S_order_date Date
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I. Sales_order_details
Column Datatype Size Attributes
Insert the following data into their respective tables using insert statement:
Data for sales_man master table
Salesman Salesman Addres City Pin State Salamt Tgt_to_ Ytd Remark
_ s get
no name code Sales
500001 Kiran A/14 Bom 400002 Mah 3000 100 50 Good
worli bay
500002 Manish 65,nari Bom 400001 Mah 3000 200 100 Good
an bay
500003 Ravi P-7 Bom 400032 Mah 3000 200 100 Good
Bandra bay
500004 Ashish A/5 Bom 400044 Mah 3500 200 150 Good
Juhu bay
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019002 25-jan- 0002 P N 50002 27-jan- C
016865 18-feb- 0003 F Y 500003 20-feb- F
019003 03-apr- 0001 F Y 500001 07-apr- F
046866 20-may- 0004 P N 500002 22- C
010008 24-may- 0005 F N 500004 26- Ip
Data for sales_order_details table:
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The following tasks you can perform through alter table command.
NOTE: Oracle not allow constraints defined using the alter table, if the data in the table,
violates such constraints.
DROP TABLE tabename:
You can also define integrity constraints using the constraint clause in the ALTER TABLE
command. The following examples show the definitions of several integrity constraints.
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ADD CONSTRAINT constraintname
You can drop an integrity constraint if the rule that if enforces is no longer true or if the
constraint is no longer needed. Drop the constraint using the ALTER TABLE command with
the DROP clause. The following examples illustrate the droping of integrity constraints.
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(i) Challan No S_order Challan Date
No Billed
CH9001 019001 12-DEC-95 Y
CH865 046865 12-NOV-95Y
CH3965 010008 12-OCT-95 Y
Q3. Add the not null constraint in the product_master table with the columns description, profit
Q5. Select product_no, description where profit percent is between 20 and 30 both inclusive.
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Database Systems 19
Theory & Concept
Practical #5
Objective:- to implement the concept of Joins
Joint Multiple Table (Equi Join): Some times we require to treat more than one table as
though manipulate data from all the tables as though the tables were not separate object but one
single entity. To achieve this we have to join tables.Tables are joined on column that have dame
data type and data with in tables.
The tables that have to be joined are specified in the FROM clause and the
joining attributes in the WHERE clause.
1. Cartesian product:-
Consider two table student and course
Select B.*,P.*
FROM student B, course P;
Cartesian product followed by selection
Select B.*,P.*
FROM student B, Course P
WHERE B.course # P.course # ;
Select B.*,P*
FROM student B left join course
p ON B.course # P.course #;
Select B.*,P.*
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From student B RIGHT JOIN course P
B.course# = P course # ;
OBJECTIVE: Answer the following Questionries:
1. Find out the product which has been sold to ‘ Ivan Sayross.’
2. Find out the product and their quantities that will have do delivered.
3. Find the product_no and description of moving products.
4. Find out the names of clients who have purchased ‘CD DRIVE’
5. List the product_no and s_order_no of customers haaving qty ordered less than 5 from
the order details table for the product “ 1.44 floppies” .
6. Find the products and their quantities for the orders placed by ‘Vandan Saitwal ’ and “
Ivan Bayross” .
7. Find the products and their quantities for the orders placed by client_no “ C00001” and
“ C00002”
8. Find the order No,, Client No and salesman No. where a client has been received by
more than one salesman.
9. Display the s_order_date in the format “ dd-mm-yy” e.g. “ 12- feb-96”
10. Find the date , 15 days after date.
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Database Systems 21
Theory & Concept
Practical # 6
Objective:- To implement the concept of grouping of Data. Grouping Data From Tables:
There are circumstances where we would like to apply the aggregate function not only to a
single set of tuples, but also to a group of sets of tuples, we specify this wish in SQL using the
group by clause. The attribute or attributes given in the group by clause are used to form group.
Tuples with the same value on all attributes in the group by clause are placed in one group.
SELECT columnname, columnname FROM tablename
GROUP BY columnname;
At times it is useful to state a condition that applies to groups rather than to tuples. For example
we might be interested in only those branches where the average account balance is more than
1200. This condition does not apply to a single tuple, rather it applies to each group constructed
by the GROUP BY clause. To express such Questionry, we use the having clause of SQL. SQL
applies predicates in the having may be used.
SELECT columnname, columnname
FROM tablename
GROUP BY columnname;
HAVING searchcondition;
Assignment No.6
Objective- Answer the following Questionries:
Q1.- Print the description and total quantity sold for each product. Q2.- Find the value of
each product sold.
Q3.- Calculate the average quantity sold for each client that has a maximum order value
of 15000.
Q4.- Find out the products which has been sold to Ivan. Q5.- Find the names of clients who
have ‘CD Drive’.
Q6.- Find the products and their quantities for the orders placed by ‘Vandana’ and ‘Ivan’.
Q8.- Select product_no, product description and qty ordered for each product.
Q9.- Display the order number and day on which clients placed their order.
Q10.- Display the month and Date when the order must be delivered.
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Database Systems 22
Theory & Concept
Practical #7
Objective:- To implement the concept of SubQuestionries.
SubQuestionries:- A subQuestionry is a form of an SQL statement that appears inside another
SQL statement. It also termed as nested Questionry. The statement containing a subQuestionry
called a parent statement. The rows returned bu the subQuestionry are use by the following
It can be used by the following commands:
1. To insert records in the target table.
2. To create tables and insert records in this table.
3. To update records in the target table.
4. To create view.
5. To provide values for the condition in the WHERE , HAVING IN , SELECT,UPDATE,
and DELETE statements.
Creating clientmaster table from oldclient_master, table
Output: = Records only in Questionry one + records only in Questionry two + A single set of
records with is common in the both Questionries.
Intersect Clause: The use can put together multiple Questionries and their output using the
interest clause. The final output of the interest clause will be :
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MINUS CLAUSE:- The user can put together multiple Questionries and combine their output =
records only in Questionry one
SELECT columnname,
columnname FROM tablename ;
SELECT columnname,
columnname FROM tablename ;
Assignment NO.7
Objective: Answer the following Questionaries:
1. Find the product_no and description of non- moving products.
2. Find the customer name, address, city and pincode for the client who has placed order
no “ 019001”
3. Find the client names who have placed order before the month of may 96.
4. Find out if product “ 1.44 Drive” is ordered by only client and print the client_no name
to whom it was sold.
5. find the names of client who have placed orders worth Rs.10000 or more.
6. Select the orders placed by ‘Rahul Desai”
7. Select the names of persons who are in Mr. Pradeep’s department and who have also
worked on an inventory control system.
8. Select all the clients and the salesman in the city of Bombay.
9. Select salesman name in “ Bombay” who has atleast one client located at “ Bombay”
10. Select the product_no, description, qty_on-hand,cost_price of non_moving items in the
product_master table.
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Theory and Concept
Practical # 8
1. The DBA stores the views as a definition only. Hence there is no duplication of data.
2. Simplifies Questionries.
3. Can be Questionried as a base table itself.
4. Provides data security.
5. Avoids data redundancy.
Creation of Views:-
SELECT columnname,columnname
FROM tablename
WHERE columnname=expression_list;
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SELECT newcolumnname… .
FROM tablename
WHERE columnname=expression_list;
SELECT columnname, columnname
FROM viewname
WHERE search condition;
Destroying a view-
DROP VIEW viewname;
Assignment # 8
Objective : Answer the following Questionstions
Q1. Create an index on the table client_master, field client_no.
Q2. Create an index on the sales_order, field s_order_no.
Q3. Create an composite index on the sales_order_details table for the columns
s_order_no and product_no.
Q4. Create an composite index ch_index on challan_header table for the columns challan
no and s_order_no.
Q5. Create an uniQuestion index on the table salesman_master, field salesman_no.
Q6. Drop index ch_index on table challan_header.
Q7. Create view on salesman_master whose sal_amt is less than 3500.
Q8. Create a view client_view on client_master and rename the columns as name, add1,
add2, city, pcode, state respectively.
Q9. Select the client names from client_view who lives in city ‘Bombay’ .
Q10. Drop the view client_view.
DDU,FoT,CE Dept.
Database Systems 26
Theory and Concept
Practical No. 9
Objective:- To Implement the concept of Triggers and TCL statements.
The objective of the lab is to create a trigger and test how does it fire. Also to learn the purpose
when shall database designers utilize the concept of trigger.
Trigger is a block of code which runs automatically when the event as defined occurs. Know
that event in terms of data change and the automatic action will be run by dbms as per the
instruction written in the definition of trigger. Hence, it is told that dbms trigger triggers when
defined requirement happens.
Syntax with example of a trigger on securityman table. The logic is whenever insert or update
DML on this table is run for each row, if it is inserting we want to have joining_date column
value as of system date automatically. Know that value for this column is not provided by the
insert statement.Also, same story with age when joined should be found out based on dob
provided in the insertion values. NEW refers to data values provided in insert/update statement.
OLD refers to existing in the table record. :
If later somehow when dob is required to be updated, ageWhenJoined shall be recalculated and
updated as well.
if updating then
:NEW.agewhenjoined := floor(months_between(:OLD.joining_date, :NEW.dob)/12);
end if;
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After inserting below record, check the agewhenjoined column and learn that eventhough it is
not provided in insert statement, because of internal trigger it is counted and recorded
automatically. (If the trigger is not present then you will not see this effect)
Also, try updating existing record with a different birth date, it shall automatically run the
update block of trigger and have the agewhenjoined recounted and recorded.
update securityman
set dob=to_date('15-AUG-1993','DD-MON-YYYY')
where id=2;
TCL Statements:
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Explicit commit using the "commit" keyword.
Implicit commit happens (1) before and after any DDL (create, alter, drop, grant, revoke)
automatically. (2) successful exit of client.
Any DML statements prior to commit event (implicity or explicity) are in a sort of staging area
(temporary), where the user can work in what is almost a "draft" mode. However, any commit
event, explicit or implicit - will make changes permanent and expose the new data to the user
population at large.
Somewhat equivalent to "undo".
It undoes any changes to the draft within a given session till prior commit point. It does not
remove any changes that have been already been committed.
insert into ...;
delete from ...;
In this example, one insert and one delete statement (DML) are issued. When we issue rollback
the both changes are eliminated from the current draft.
Demarcation points within a transaction in order to empower any following commit and or
rollback statments to subdivide the points at which data can be saved or undone.
update ...;
savepoint sp_one;
update ...;
rollback work to sp_one;
In this example, because of savepoint we have a choice to rollback bottom update and commit
only upto sp_one, which includes any and all prior to that savepoint.
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Database Systems 29
The objective of the lab is to create a form using a parent table and a child table to take
advantage of the schema’s relationships.
To delete a record, you must first delete the details, save the change, then delete the master and
save. After you make any change, save the data. If there is any problem with integrity, the
record won’t save.
If you have two table joined by a relationship table, the relationship table MUST contain valid
data or you will not be able to add data to the detail table.
IE – If you have two tables and one relation table such as – Students – Have – Marks
The have table would include at least one column, a StudentID. To input a mark, the StudentID
must be filled in the Students table, a matching StudentID would have to exist in the Have
table, and a valid MarkID must exist in the marks table that = a StudentID in the Have table
which = a StudentID in the Students table.
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DDU,FoT,CE Dept.
Database Systems 31
In the Oracle client/server architecture, the database application and the database are separated into two parts: a
front-end or client portion, and a back-end or server portion. The client executes the database application that
accesses database information and interacts with a user through the keyboard, screen, and pointing device such as a
mouse. The server executes the Oracle software and handles the functions required for concurrent, shared data
access to an Oracle database.
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Although the client application and Oracle can be executed on the same computer, it may be more efficient and
effective when the client portion(s) and server portion are executed by different computers connected via a
network. The following sections discuss possible variants in the Oracle client/server architecture.
Note: In a distributed database, one server (Oracle) may need to access a database on another server. In this case,
the server requesting the information is a client.
Distributed Processing
Distributed processing is the use of more than one processor to divide the processing for an individual task. The
following are examples of distributed processing in Oracle database systems:
The client and server are located on different computers; these computers are connected via a network (see
Figure appendix. 1, Part A).
A single computer has more than one processor, and different processors separate the execution of the client
application from Oracle (see appendix. 1, Part B).
Benefits of the Oracle client/server architecture in a distributed processing environment include the following:
Client applications are not responsible for performing any data processing. Client applications can concentrate
on requesting input from users, requesting desired data from the server, and then analyzing and presenting this data
using the display capabilities of the client workstation or the terminal (for example, using graphics or
Client applications can be designed with no dependence on the physical location of the data. If the data is moved
or distributed to other database servers, the application continues to function with little or no modification.
Oracle exploits the multitasking and shared-memory facilities of its underlying operating system. As a result, it
delivers the highest possible degree of concurrency, data integrity, and performance to its client applications.
Client workstations or terminals can be optimized for the presentation of data (for example, by providing
graphics and mouse support) and the server can be optimized for the processing and storage of data (for example,
by having large amounts of memory and disk space).
If necessary, Oracle can be scaled. As your system grows, you can add multiple servers to distribute the database
processing load throughout the network (horizontally scaled). Alternatively, you can replace Oracle on a less
powerful computer, such as a microcomputer, with Oracle running on a minicomputer or mainframe, to take
advantage of a larger system's performance (vertically scaled). In either case, all data and applications are
maintained with little or no modification, since Oracle is portable between systems.
In networked environments, shared data is stored on the servers, rather than on all computers in the system. This
makes it easier and more efficient to manage concurrent access.
In networked environments, inexpensive, low-end client workstations can be used to access the remote data of
the server effectively.
In networked environments, client applications submit database requests to the server using SQL statements.
Once received, the SQL statement is processed by the server, and the results are returned to the client application.
Network traffic is kept to a minimum because only the requests and the results are shipped over the network.
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. How to use SQLDeveloper – For Beginners
-> Click on the green plus sign from left panel to create a new profile of database connection:
Click on Save. Then click on Test and see the status shall read “Status:success”. Connect now.
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-> Know that for the same database, you may open multiple worksheet the way you open multiple tabs in firefox,
Right Click on the connection plug and choose “Open SQL Worksheet”.
-> For any query to learn the “Explain Plan” which shows estimated cost operations and how database
management system is planning to execute your query.
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-> You may learn about any objects including tables, views, constraints, etc.
-> Also, explore more features like export data into csv or spreadsheet formats. How to import database dump or
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csv data file. Also, if there are sql files containing create like ddl and insert like dml then open it from file->open
and then hit F5 to run as a script to have table(s) created and data inserted.
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