Iso 15809
Iso 15809
Iso 15809
Indian Standard
ICS 13.340.10
© BIS 2017
This Indian Standard (First Revision) was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards, after the draft finalized by
the Occupational Safety and Health Sectional Committee, had been approved by the Chemical Division Council.
High visibility warning cloth is one of the personnel protective equipment worn as a means to provide visual signal
of the wearer’s presence and intended to provide conspicuity of the wearer under any light conditions by day and
under illumination by vehicle headlights in the dark. Conspicuity is enhanced by increasing the contrast between
the clothing and its ambient background or surroundings.
This standard was first published in 2008. This standard was developed indigenously by taking considerable assistance
from EN 471 : 1994 ‘High visibility warning clothing’.
In this revision, test method for testing performance when cleaning and finishing using tetrachloroethene is
incorporated with considerable assistance taken from ISO 3175-2 : 2010 ‘Professional care, dry cleaning and wet
cleaning of fabrics and garments — Part 2: Procedures for testing performance when cleaning and finishing using
The standard is applicable to all kinds of organizations irrespective of its complexity as well as hazards associated
with it and is voluntary in nature like all other management systems. A system of this kind enables an organization
to demonstrate its performance and conformity to the legal requirements. Certifying organization should provide
information listing all the legislations as identified by the organization and covered in the certification process.
Two different colours for background and combined performance materials are defined, providing options for
increasing wearer’s conspicuity against most backgrounds found in urban and rural work environments. Users
should consider the prevailing ambient background in which protection is required and select the colour providing
the preferred contrast.
Higher photometric performance levels of retroreflective material provide greater contrast and visibility over
wider viewing angles of safety clothing when seen in headlights during darkness. When greater conspicuity is
required, the higher performance level of retroreflective material should be used.
Classes of visibility hazards are identified and appropriate markings for the clothing are suggested based on worker
risk hazards, such as complex backgrounds, vehicular traffic density and speeds.
For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is complied with, the final value,
observed or calculated, expressing the result of a test or analysis, shall be rounded off in accordance with IS 2 : 1960
‘Rules for rounding off numerical values (revised)’. The number of significant places retained in the rounded off
value should be the same as that of the specified value in this standard.
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IS 15809 : 2017
Indian Standard
( First Revision )
1 SCOPE IS No. Title
6489 (Part 1) : Textiles — Tear properties of
This standard specifies requirements and methods of
2011 fabrics : Part 1 Determination of
tests for high visibility warning clothing as well as
recommended configurations of the materials. tear force using ballistic pendulum
method (Elmendorf)
2 REFERENCES 7016 (Part 4) : Methods of test for coated and
2003 treated fabrics: Part 4 Rubber or
The standards given below contain provisions, which
plastics — Coated fabrics —
through reference in this text, constitute provisions of
Determination of resistance to
this standard. At the time of publication, the editions
damage by fabrics
indicated were valid. All standards are subject to
12673 (Part 1) : Textiles — Determination of the
revisions, and parties to agreement based on this
standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility 2014 abrasion resistance of fabrics by the
of applying the most recent editions of the standards martindale method : Martindale
indicated below: abrasion testing apparatus (first
IS No. Title IS 15370 : 2005/ Textiles — Domestic washing and
686 : 1985 Method for determination of ISO 6330 : 2000 drying procedures for textile
colour fastness of textile material testing
to daylight (first revision) IS/ISO 105-C06 : Textiles — Tests for colour
689 : 1988 Method for determination of
1994 fastness : Part C06 colour fastness
colour fastness of textile materials
to domestic and commercial
to hot pressing (first revision)
762 : 1988 Method for determination of
colour fastness of textile materials IS/ISO 105 E01 : Method for determination of
to hypochlorite bleaching (first 2013 colour fastness of textile materials
revision) to water
766 : 1988 Method for determination of IS/ISO 105 E04 : Method for determination of
colour fastness of textile material 2013 colour fastness of textile materials
to rubbing (first revision) to perspiration
1966 Textiles — Bursting properties of 3 TERMINOLOGY
fabrics — Determination of
bursting strength and bursting For the purpose of this standard the following terms
distension : and definitions shall apply.
(Part 1) : 2009 Hydraulic method 3.1 Background Material — Coloured fluorescent
(Part 2) : 2009 Pneumatic method material intended to be highly conspicuous in the
1969 (Part 1) : Textiles — Tensile properties of
daytime, but not intended to comply with the
2009 fabrics — Determination of
requirements of these guidelines for retroreflective
maximum force and elongation at
maximum force : Part 1 Strip
method 3.2 Certify — Testing by third party to verify
2454 : 1985 Method for determination of performance requirements as specified in this standard
colour fastness of textile materials
to artificial light (Xenon lamp) 3.3 Coefficient of Luminous Intensity — Ratio of
(first revision) luminous intensity of the retroreflector in the direction
4802 : 1988 Method for determination of of observation to the illuminance at the retroreflector
colour fastness of textile materials on a plane perpendicular to the direction of the incident
to dry-cleaning (first revision) light.
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IS 15809 : 2017
3.4 Coefficient of Retroreflection (Ra) — The ratio a) Class 1 — For use in occupational activities
of the coefficient of luminous intensity of a plane that permit full and undivided attention to
retroreflecting surface to its area and expressed in approaching traffic;
candela per lux per square metre (cd.lx–1.m–2) b) Class 2 — For use in occupational activities
3.5 Combined-Performance Material — where users require greater visibility for
Retroreflective material which is also a fluorescent inclement weather conditions, activities on or
material near roadways with higher traffic levels; and
c) Class 3 — For use in high-risk occupations
3.6 Conspicuity — The characteristics of an object when workers are exposed to high-speed
which determine the likelihood that it will come to the traffic, or a wide range of weather conditions.
attention of an observer, especially in a complex
environment which has objects competing for attention NOTE — The conspicuity classes and examples of
applicable workers are provided in Annex A. While the
of the observer.
area of materials used is driven by the type of garment
3.7 Entrance Angle — The angle between the and size of the wearer, Class 3 clothes intend to offer
greater visibility against most urban and rural
illumination axis and the retroreflector axis. backgrounds than Class 2 clothes, which in turn are
significantly superior than Class 1 clothes. Annex A
3.8 Fluorescent Material — Material that emits
provides a description of these conspicuity classes
optical radiation at wavelengths longer than it absorbed. and the recommended applications.
These materials enhance daytime visibility, particularly
during the hours of dawn and dusk. 5 REQUIREMENTS
3.9 High Visibility Warning Clothes — Personal 5.1 Materials
protective safety clothing intended to provide
5.1.1 Retroreflective and background materials shall
conspicuity during both day time and night time usage.
conform to the performance requirements as specified
3.10 Observation Angle — Angle between the in 5.3 and 5.4.
illumination axis and the observation axis.
5.1.2 The material shall not dissolve or pucker when
3.11 Photometric Performance Level — The wiped with a soft cloth containing methylated spirit,
effectiveness of retroreflective material in returning light kerosene, unleaded gasoline, methanol and naptha
to its source, expressed in Table 1 and Table 2 as solvent.
combined material and measured in terms of Coefficient
5.2 Garment Design
of Retroreflection (Ra).
5.2.1 Specific Design Requirements for Retroreflective
3.12 Retroreflector Axis — Usually perpendicular to
the surface of the retroreflective material. Width of bands
3.13 Retroreflective Material — Material which is a
retroreflector that is, it reflects the light falling on it, Bands of retroreflective material shall not be less than
back to the source of light and is either not intended to 50 mm for Class 3 and Class 2 clothes, and shall meet
comply with the requirements of these guidelines for the minimum performance shown in Table 1 and
background material, or is a combined-performance Table 2. Class 1 clothes shall be constructed with
material. retroreflective material bands of not less than 25 mm.
Alternatively, Class 1 clothes can be constructed with
3.14 Rotation Angle (εε ) — Angle indicating the
combined-performance material meeting minimum
orientation of the specimen when it is rotated about the
performance requirements in Table 1 and Table 2 and
retroreflector axis.
shall not be less than 50 mm in width.
Table 1 Minimum Coefficient of Retroreflection
4.1 Types (cd.lx-1.m-2) for Retroreflective Material
(Clauses 3.11,, 5.4.1 and C-3.2.1)
High visibility warning clothes are of two types
depending on the colour for background and combined Sl Observation Angle Entrance Angle
performance materials: 5o 20o 30o 40o
a) Type 1 – Fluorescent yellow – Green, and (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
i) 12' 330 290 180 65
b) Type 2 – Fluorescent orange – Red.
ii) 20' 250 200 170 60
4.2 Each type of high visibility warning clothing are iii) 1o 25 15 12 10
classified based on the level of conspicuity as follows: iv) 1o30' 10 7 5 4
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IS 15809 : 2017
Table 2 Minimum Coefficient of Retroreflection but to a maximum of ± 20o. Graphic examples have
(cd.lx-1.m-2) for Combined-Performance Material been given in Annex B.
(Clauses 3.11,, 5.4.1 and C-3.2.1) NOTE — Maximum visibility may be obtained by endorsing:
Sl Observation Entrance Angle a) two horizontal bands of retroreflective material around
No. Angle the torso in case of coverall;
5° 20° 30° 40° b) with one or more horizontal bands of retroreflective
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) material around the torso and bands of retroreflective
material joining the uppermost torso band from the front
i) 12' 250 220 135 50
to the back over each shoulder in case of jackets and vests;
ii) 20' 120 100 75 30 and
iii) 1° 25 15 12 10 c) two bands of retroreflective material should encircle the
iv) 1°30' 10 7 5 4 sleeves at the same height as those on the torso for
coveralls and jackets with full-length sleeves. Multiple bands
Harnesses shall comprise a band of combined-performance
For multiple bands placed on the garment, the bands retroreflective material encircling the waist and joining the
shall be placed at a spacing distance of at least equal to waistband from the back to the front over both shoulders,
the width of the band. the bands being not less than 50 mm wide. Bands near bottom edge NOTE — harnesses complying with this standard are not
intended to provide protection against fall from heights.
For horizontal bands placed near the bottom edge of
the jacket or vest, the spacing shall be not less than 50 Table 3 Minimum Areas of Visible Material
mm above the bottom edge. For trousers, horizontal (Clause
bands on the legs shall be not more than 350 mm above
the bottom edge of the legs. Sl Class of High Visibility Class 3 Class 2 Class 1
No. Warning Clothing Bands on sleeves (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Whenever horizontal bands are placed on full-length i) Background material, m2 0.80 0.50 0.14
sleeves of coveralls and jackets, the band shall encircle ii) a) Retroreflective material 0.20 0.13 0.10
the arm and be placed at the same height on the garment or combined performance
as the retroreflective band on the torso. Upper bands material used in con-
junction with background
shall encircle the upper part of the sleeves between material, m2
elbow and shoulder. Lower bands shall not be less than b) Combined-performance – – 0.20
50 mm from the bottom of the sleeve. material used without back-
ground material, m2 Gaps
iii) Metre per retroreflective 3.9 m 2.6 m a) 3.9 m
Gaps in retroreflective and background material for the band width of of of 25 mm
50 mm 50 mm wide band
purpose of fastening devices shall not be more than 50 wide wide b) 1.97 m
mm horizontally. band band of 50 mm
wide band 360° band placement
All classes of clothes shall have continuous areas of 5.3 Colour
retroreflective material encircling the torso, placed in
such a manner to provide 360° visibility of the wearer. 5.3.1 Colour of Background Material and Combined-
Performance Retroreflective Material Prior to Minimum area of visible material and Exposure Tests
retoreflective material The chromaticity value of the background
Each class of high visibility safety clothes shall have material and combined-performance retroreflective
the minimum area of materials incorporated in the material shall lie within one of the areas given in Table
garment in accordance with Table 3. The specified level 4 when measured at each of the two rotation angles in
of retroreflective material selected shall be indicated accordance with C-2.
on the garment label as described in 6.1.1. The minimum luminance factor of the
5.2.2 Garment Design Configurations background material and combined-performance
Coveralls, jackets and vests shall be designed to permit retroreflective material shall be as given in Table 4 when
maximum visibility of the wearer. Bands of measured at each of the two rotation angles in
retroreflective material in the garments may be inclined accordance with C-2.
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IS 15809 : 2017
5.3.2 Colour Fastness of Background Material specified in IS 2454. Exposure shall continue until the
blue scale control standard number 5 has changed to step Colour fastness to crocking
3 of the grey scale for red and orange-red materials, and
The colour fastness of background material to crocking the blue scale control standard number 4 has changed to
both wet and dry shall be at least a grade 4.0 by the gray step 4 of the grey scale for yellow-green materials.
scale for staining when tested in accordance with IS 766.
Table 5 Colour Fastness
Table 4 Colour Background Material and (Clause
Combined Performance Material
(Clauses,, and 5.3.3) Sl Care Process Fastness, Grade of the Method of
No. Grey Scale, At Least Test, Ref to
Sl Colour Chromaticity Minimum (1) (2) (3) (4)
No. Coordinates Luminance
Factor i) Domestic and Colour change: Grade 4 IS/ISO105 C06
commercial to5;
X Y β, Min laundry Staining : Grade 3.0
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
ii) Dry-cleaning Colour shade change : 4 IS 4802
i) Fluorescent 0.387 0.610
yellow-green 0.356 0.494 iii) Hypochlorite Colour shade change : 4 IS 762
0.70 bleaching:
0.398 0.452
0.460 0.540 a) Domestic a) Test conditions 5A
b) Commercial b) Test conditions 4A
ii) Fluorescent 0.610 0.390
orange-red 0.544 0.376 iv) Hot-pressing Colour change : 4 to 5 IS 689
0.579 0.341 Staining : 3.0
0.655 0.344 v) Water Colour change and IS/ISO 105 E01
Staining : Grade 4 Colour fastness to perspiration
The colour fastness of background material to 5.4 Photometric and Physical Performance
perspiration shall be at least a grade 4.0 for colour Requirements for Retroreflective and Combined-
change by the grey scale and at least a grade 3.0 for Performance Materials
staining by the grey scale for staining when tested in 5.4.1 Performance Requirements of Retroreflective
accordance with IS/ISO 105 E04. and Combined-Performance Material Prior to Test Colour fastness — When laundered, dry- Exposure
cleaned, hypochlorite bleached and hot pressed When tested as per C-3, at the two rotation angles
Colour fastness of background material shall be at least ε1 = 0 o and ε2 = 90o, retroreflective and combined-
the grade specified in col 3 of Table 5 when determined performance material shall comply with the minimum
in accordance with the test methods stated in col 4 of requirements for the coefficient of retroreflection stated
Table 5. Specimens shall be dried hanging in air at a in Table 1 and Table 2 respectively, at one of the two
temperature not exceeding 60oC with parts in contact rotation angles; and shall be not less than 85 percent of
only at the lines of stitching. Samples shall be pressed the values stated in Table 1 and Table 2, respectively at
in the dry state only in case of hot-pressing. the other rotation angle.
NOTE — The values for retroreflective material are for any colour. Colour fastness of background materials after
xenon test 5.4.2 Performance Requirements of Retroreflective
and Combined-Performance Material after Test
The colour of background material after exposure shall
be within the areas defined by the coordinates in Table
4 and the luminance factor shall be not less than the The retroreflective and combined-performance material
corresponding minimum values given in Table 4 when tested in accordance with 5.3 shall be exposed to the
tested in accordance with IS 2454. conditions as specified in Table 6. After exposure each
test specimen shall fulfill the photometric requirements
5.3.3 Colour Fastness of Combined-Performance
listed below:
Materials after Xenon Test
a) The coefficient of retroreflection (Ra), measured
The colour of combined-performance materials after
at observation angle 12° and entrance angle 5o,
exposure shall be within the areas defined by the
shall exceed 100 cd/(lx.m2)at one of the two
coordinates in Table 4 and the luminance factor shall be
orientations described in C-3; and
not less than the corresponding minimum values in Table 4.
The light fastness of the combined-performance materials b) It shall be not less than 85 percent of those
shall be determined in accordance with test method required values at the other orientation.
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IS 15809 : 2017
6.1.1 Each piece of warning clothing shall be marked Sampling for test and the criteria for conformity shall
be as per Annex C.
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IS 15809 : 2017
(Clause 4.2)
A-1 It is recommended that the selection of conspicuity class be based on the class definition that best represents
the highest intermittent or continuous exposure encountered by the worker.
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IS 15809 : 2017
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IS 15809 : 2017
(Clause 5.2.2)
B-1 Graphic examples of Vests (Class 2), Jackets (Class 3), Coverall (Class 3) and Coverall with inclined bands
(Class 3) are given in Fig.1, Fig. 2, Fig. 3 and Fig. 4, respectively.
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IS 15809 : 2017
(Clauses 5.4, 5.5 and 8)
C-1 SAMPLING AND CONDITIONING over the area illuminated and measured. The specimen
shall have a black underlay with a reflectance of less
C-1.1 Specimens than 0.04.
Test specimens shall be taken at random from NOTE — Specimens should be handled carefully to avoid
commercially available quantities representative of contamination. Care should be taken not to touch the area to be
measured except for application of a suitable cleaning procedure.
commercially available quality.
C-2.3 Standardization
C-1.2 Preparation of Specimens
Standardize the spectrometer using an ideal (white)
The size, shape and quantity shall be as required for
standard with an assigned reflectance factor 100.0
each test procedures.
(percent) and use a highly polished black glass standard
C-1.3 Number of Tests with an assigned reflectance factor of zero.
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IS 15809 : 2017
measurement of coefficient of retroreflection (Ra) of normal materials in the proportion of 50 ± 2 kg/m3 and
sheets and tapes used for High visible warning clothes for sensitive and very sensitive materials in the
as per requirements as specified in Table 1 and Table 2. proportion of 33 ± 2 kg/m3. Unless the mass of a single
specimen (fabric, composite garment) exceeds 10
C-3.2.2 The portable retroreflectometer should be
percent of the mass of the load, the mass of the test
calibrated with standards as per equipment
specimen(s) shall not exceed 10 percent of the mass of
manufacturers’ instructions before the measurement.
the load. The remainder of the load shall consist of
EXPOSURE C- Place the conditioned load in the machine
and charge the machine with distilled tetrachloroethene,
C-4.1 Abrasion
containing 1g/litre of sorbitan mono-oleate so that the
The test sample shall be abraded in accordance with liquor ratio, calculated from the volume of the solvent
IS 12673 (Part 1), using a woollen fabric abradent for in drum, is 5.5 ± 0.5 l/kg of the load. Maintain the
5 000 cycles, using a weight of 9 kPa. solvent at (30 ± 3)°C throughout the cleaning operation.
C-4.4.2 Three clothing fabric specimens 300 mm × C- Drain the solvent and centrifugally extract
250 mm shall be prepared with two stripes of the solvent from the load for 2 min (including at least
retroreflective material, each 250 mm × 30 mm, with a 1 min at full extraction speed).
distance between two stripes of 30 mm. The test C- Introduce pure dry solvent at the same liquor
samples shall be washed for a minimum of 50 cycles in ratio as that given in C- and rinse for 5 min.
accordance with IS 15370 using Type A washing Drain and extract again for 3 min (including at least
machine and procedure 2A for separate performance 2 min at full extraction speed).
retroreflective material, procedure 5A for combined
performance material. C- Dry the load in the machine air for an
appropriate time, preferably using an automatic solvent
C-4.5 Dry Cleaning dryness control. After drying, blow air, at ambient
temperature, through the rotating load for at least 5 min.
When the marking on the garment indicates that it is
suitable for dry-cleaning, the material shall be processed C Immediately remove the test piece from the
for a minimum of five dry cleaning cycles in accordance machine. Place garments individually on hangers and
with method C-4.5.1. place fabric specimens on a flat surface for at least
30 min before finishing.
C-4.5.1 Procedure
C Carry out finishing treatments appropriate to
C- The mass of the complete load, measured
the test specimen from the following methods and
to ± 0.1, shall be calculated from the cage volume, for
record the processing condition used.
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IS 15809 : 2017
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IS 15809 : 2017
The nozzle is 1 m away from the specimen and is so place, under both dry and wet conditions and determine
angled that the spray strikes the specimen at an angle a correction for change in spray light between these
of 10o to the vertical. The specimen, specimen holder two conditions.
and spray nozzle are enclosed in a cover G designed to
Mount a flat, square specimen of the material of side not
protect the optical apparatus from water.
less than 50 mm in a vertical plane of the vertical specimen
Preferably, the cover is made of or incorporated large holder so that the holder does not protrude beyond the
areas of rigid transparent plastics material for visibility edge of the specimen at any point. If the material is
and has at least one removable panel or door for access. orientation sensitive when dry, as described in 6.1 mount
A square aperture H of side 150 mm is provided for the it so that measurements can be made at the orientation
light path and a gutter J protects this aperture from which gate the lowest performance when dry. Adjust
failing water. The region of the cover near to this the nozzle and water supply to subject the specimen to
aperture is painted matt black to reduce spray a spray of ordinary tap water such that the whole face of
reflections. The nozzle consists of an orifice of diameter the specimen is within the envelope of the spray, the angle
1.19 mm with an appropriately designed feed pipe 8 between the surface of the specimen and the water
producing a substantially uniform solid cone spray. striking it is not less that 5o, and the flow rate striking
the specimen is equivalent to a rainfall, in millimeters
C-4.6.3 Procedure
per hour, of 50/tan 8 as measured in a horizontal collector.
Calibrate the apparatus for measuring the coefficient Maintain the spray in a steady state for at least 2 min
of retroreflection Ra with the wet testing apparatus in before and throughout the measurement.
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BIS is a statutory institution established under the Bureau of Indian Standards Act, 1986 to promote
harmonious development of the activities of standardization, marking and quality certification of goods
and attending to connected matters in the country.
BIS has the copyright of all its publications. No part of these publications may be reproduced in any form
without the prior permission in writing of BIS. This does not preclude the free use, in the course of
implementing the standard, of necessary details, such as symbols and sizes, type or grade designations.
Enquiries relating to copyright be addressed to the Director (Publications), BIS.
Amendments are issued to standards as the need arises on the basis of comments. Standards are also reviewed
periodically; a standard along with amendments is reaffirmed when such review indicates that no changes are
needed; if the review indicates that changes are needed, it is taken up for revision. Users of Indian Standards
should ascertain that they are in possession of the latest amendments or edition by referring to the latest issue of
‘BIS Catalogue’ and ‘Standards : Monthly Additions’.
This Indian Standard has been developed from Doc No.: CHD 08 (10076).