Madjarska2019 Article CoronalBrightPoints

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Living Reviews in Solar Physics (2019) 16:2


Coronal bright points

Maria S. Madjarska1

Received: 9 August 2018 / Accepted: 11 February 2019 / Published online: 15 March 2019
© The Author(s) 2019

Coronal bright points (CBPs) are a fundamental class of solar activity. They represent a
set of low-corona small-scale loops with enhanced emission in the extreme-ultraviolet
and X-ray spectrum that connect magnetic flux concentrations of opposite polarities.
CBPs are one of the main building blocks of the solar atmosphere outside active
regions uniformly populating the solar atmosphere including active region latitudes
and coronal holes. Their plasma properties classify them as downscaled active regions.
Most importantly, their simple structure and short lifetimes of less than 20 h that
allow to follow their full lifetime evolution present a unique opportunity to investigate
outstanding questions in solar physics including coronal heating. The present Living
Review is the first review of this essential class of solar phenomena and aims to give
an overview of the current knowledge about the CBP general, plasma and magnetic
properties. Several transient dynamic phenomena associated with CBPs are also briefly
introduced. The observationally derived energetics and the theoretical modelling that
aims at explaining the CBP formation and eruptive behaviour are reviewed.

Keywords Sun: coronal loops · Sun: activity · Sun: corona

1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
2 Historical overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
3 General properties of CBPs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
3.1 Morphology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
3.2 Lifetimes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
3.3 Solar disk distribution and N–S hemisphere asymmetry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
3.4 Sizes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
3.5 Heights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
3.6 Occurrence rate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
3.7 Solar cycle variation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

B Maria S. Madjarska
[email protected]

1 Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research, Justus-von-Liebig-Weg 3,

37077 Göttingen, Germany

2 Page 2 of 79 M. S. Madjarska

4 Magnetic properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
4.1 Photospheric magnetic fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
4.2 Magnetic topology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
5 Plasma properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
5.1 CBPs in EUV and X-rays emission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
5.2 CBPs at radio wavelengths . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
5.3 Doppler and non-thermal velocities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
5.4 Electron densities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
5.5 Temperatures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
5.6 Plasma filling factor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
5.7 Differential emission measure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
5.8 Relative element abundances . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
6 Oscillations in CBPs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
7 Transient phenomena associated with CBPs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
7.1 Microflaring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
7.2 Eruptions from CBPs: macrospicules, mini-filaments, jets and mini-CMEs . . . . . . . . . . 56
8 Energetics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
9 Modelling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
9.1 Ad-hoc heating models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
9.2 Convergence and cancellation models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
9.3 Separator reconnection models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
9.4 Current-sheet dissipation induced by footpoint motion models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
10 Conclusions and perspectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70

CBP Coronal bright point
XBP X-ray bright point
QS Quiet Sun
CH Coronal hole
AR Active region
CME Coronal mass ejection
EUV Extreme ultraviolet
OSO Orbital Solar Observatory
SMM Solar Maximum Mission
VLA Very Large Array
SOHO Solar Heliospheric Observatory
TRACE Transition Region and Coronal Explorer
SDO Solar Dynamics Observatory
ATM Apollo Telescope Mount
AIA Atmospheric Imaging Assembly
HMI Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager
IRIS Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph
SXT Soft X-ray Telescope
STEREO Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory
SECCHI Sun Earth Connection Coronal and Heliospheric Investigation
BBSO Big Bear Solar Observatory
EUVI Extreme Ultraviolet Imager
SJ Slit jaw

Coronal bright points Page 3 of 79 2

1 Introduction

The solar corona seen in extreme-ultraviolet (EUV) and X-rays is mainly composed of
loops with a wide spectrum of sizes. Luminous active region (AR) loops together with
AR interconnecting also bright loops overlay the strong magnetic fields of sunspots and
faculae (1 × 1020 Mx to 3 × 1022 Mx, half of total unsigned flux, van Driel-Gesztelyi
and Green 2015, and the references therein) dominating the solar corona during the
solar maximum at latitudes of up to ± 35◦ . Outside these regions small magnetic flux
concentrations of up to 1 × 1020 Mx with a salt and pepper pattern are omnipresent
and involved in various processes including emergence, coalescence, fragmentation,
and cancellation. Unipolar regions also exist in the quiet Sun producing large (usually
fainter) sometimes trans-equatorial loops that create hazy background emission in the
EUV. Some of the small-scale magnetic structures confine plasma that is heated to
up to million degrees producing the so-called coronal bright points (CBPs) in the
quiet Sun, coronal holes and in the vicinity of active regions. Playing a certain role in
the heating of the solar corona, CBPs were a subject of relatively intensive research
since their discovery in 1969. At solar minimum the solar corona, sometimes with
no active regions present, is mostly populated by CBPs and fainter larger loops (see
Fig. 1) as well as occasional coronal holes, while remaining heated to million degrees.
Over the past few decades both observational and theoretical state-of-the-art studies
are building up knowledge that aims to uncover the physical mechanisms that operate,
possibly through a co-action, in the solar atmosphere creating this unique physical
A dedicated review on coronal loops by Reale (2014) gives a comprehensive insight
on the present state of knowledge on these coronal features also referring to some of the
properties of CBPs that occupy the low end of the size spectrum of coronal loops. The

Fig. 1 Left: full disk SDO/AIA image in the Fe xii 193 Å channel during the minimum of solar cycle
24 entirely dominated by the quiet Sun and coronal holes. A white square outlines a field-of-view that
contains two bright points. Right: enlarged field-of-view of the outlined region in the left panel image (size
of 110 × 100 )

2 Page 4 of 79 M. S. Madjarska

present review focuses exclusively on the subject of CBPs and the dynamic phenomena
that occur during their evolution. A historical overview first proceeds through the
scientific contribution of the space missions and ground-based observatories (Sect. 2).
Next the review reports on the findings on the general physical properties of CBPs that
define them as a unique class of solar activity phenomenon (Sect. 3). The magnetic
properties including associated photospheric flux formation and evolution, as well as
coronal magnetic structures derived by applying various potential field models are
presented in Sect. 4. This is followed by an outline on the CBP plasma properties
that give important clues on the physical mechanisms at work but also constrain the
general theoretical model definition (Sect. 5). Oscillations detected in CBPs and their
interpretation are addressed in Sect. 6. The dynamic activity of CBPs that produces
a unique class of small-scale dynamic transients are given in the follow-up Sect. 7.
Section 8 is dedicated to the energetics of CBPs obtained from observations. The
final section of this review delivers an overview on the theoretical modelling of CBPs
(Sect. 9). All sections introduce the knowledge on each subject by progressing in time
through the build up of the understanding of a particular property, a physical parameter
or a related feature. Finally, Sect. 10 gives the main conclusions and perspectives
on the future research opportunities and requirements to be able to advance on our
understanding of the phenomenon coronal bright point.

2 Historical overview

The first full-disk X-ray observations of the solar corona with grazing incidence Soft
X-ray Telescopes took place during a series of rockets flights (1968–1973) and later by
the X-ray spectrographic telescope (S-054, 3–60 Å wavelength coverage) of the Apollo
Telescope Mount (ATM) on board the Skylab Earth orbiting laboratory launched on
1973 May 14 (Vaiana et al. 1973a, b). These observations revealed that the “quiet
homogeneous” solar corona, as it has been known until then, is highly structured with
numerous bright point-like X-ray emission sources randomly distributed on the solar
disk including polar regions. Thus, the term X-ray bright point (XBP) was introduced.
The XBPs were first studied in detail in photographs taken during the 1969 April 8
rocket flight as this experiment was specifically designed to study quiet Sun features.
Vaiana et al. (1973a) described the phenomenon as a “small point-like feature of rela-
tively bright soft X-ray emission” that is related to bright spots in the Ca ii K network.
Occasionally a bright patch was also co-observed in Hα images. Each bright point
was associated with bipolar magnetic fragments in predominantly unipolar magnetic
regions (Krieger et al. 1971). Vaiana et al. (1973b) concluded that these phenomena
represent “the X-ray manifestation of low lying closed bipolar magnetic structures
outside active regions”. XBPs were found to have short lifetimes of less than a day
based on a study of small newly emerging bipolar magnetic features named ephemeral
active regions. They appeared to be uniformly distributed across the entire solar disk
which indicated that they have a different production mechanism from that of active
regions (Vaiana et al. 1973b).
Skylab/ATM (1973–1979) (Vaiana et al. 1976, and see
402/contents.htm) provided the data from which the first fundamental information on

Coronal bright points Page 5 of 79 2

coronal bright points was obtained including the emission variations at chromospheric,
transition-region and coronal temperatures, structure, lifetimes, sizes, occurrence rate,
solar disk distribution and solar cycle variations. These data combined with magnetic
field information from ground-based observatories like the Big Bear Solar Observatory
(BBSO) and Kitt Peak National Observatory established the magnetic flux range of
After the Very Large Array (VLA, Thompson et al. 1980, and see http://www. became operational in the 1980s, studies have concentrated on the
microwave signatures of XBPs as well as radio type III bursts that indicate the presence
of energetic particles due to a high energy release. The studies provided evidence on
the dynamics and energetics of coronal bright points as well as the only evaluation of
their magnetic field at transition-region heights.
The Yohkoh Soft X-ray Telescope (SXT, Tsuneta et al. 1991) hugely enriched the
knowledge about the dynamics of XBPs thanks to the higher cadence and continuous
monitoring of the solar disk in X-rays. Ejections from XBPs known as X-ray jets were
reported and studied for the first time. It also provided a better understanding on the
solar cycle variations as well as solar disk distribution of XBPs.
The launch of the Solar Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO, Domingo et al. 1995)
established a new era of unprecedented UV and EUV observations of the solar atmo-
sphere. Subsequently XBPs were referred to as EUV BPs as being explored in imaging
data from the Extreme-ultraviolet Imaging Telescope (EIT, Delaboudinière et al. 1995,
mission completed in July 2010), in longitudinal magnetograms from the Michelson
Doppler Imager (MDI, Scherrer et al. 2012, mission completed in April 2011) and in
spectroscopic data covering spectral lines with a wide range of formation temperatures
from 104 to 107 K, obtained by the Coronal Diagnostics Spectrometer (CDS, Harrison
et al. 1995, until September 2014) and the Solar Measurements of Emitted Radiation
spectrometer (SUMER, Wilhelm et al. 1997; Lemaire et al. 1997, mission ended April
2017). The plasma properties and oscillations as well as the occurrence rate, solar disk
distribution and cycle variations were derived. The magnetic properties and heights
were obtained, and the dynamic activity including jet and microflaring studies were
Thanks to its high spatial resolution, the Transition Region and Coronal Explorer
(TRACE, Handy et al. 1999) revealed the fine structure of EUV BPs. All three instru-
ments on board the Hinode mission (Kosugi et al. 2007), the Extreme-ultraviolet
Imaging Spectrometer (EIS, Culhane et al. 2007a), the Solar Optical Telescope (SOT,
Tsuneta et al. 2008), and the X-ray telescope (XRT, Golub et al. 2007), brought a
wealth of knowledge on the bright points’ dynamics and associated activity in EUV
and X-rays. The Hinode/EIS and XRT instruments contributed with an unprecedented
plasma diagnostics including differential emission measure and filling factor of bright
points. The electron density and temperature of bright points, and their spatial distribu-
tion and temporal variations were also obtained. Studies on oscillations and magnetic
topology were made, and unique vector magnetic field data of bright points were taken.
The Extreme Ultraviolet Normal Incidence Spectrograph (EUNIS) sounding rocket
instrument has left its imprint in the study of bright points with spectroscopic data that
provided their Doppler and non-thermal velocities, as well as differential emission
measure. Based on EUNIS data the first and only study on relative elemental abun-

2 Page 6 of 79 M. S. Madjarska

dances of bright points were obtained. The Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory
(STEREO, Kaiser et al. 2008; Driesman et al. 2008) allowed a unique approach for
obtaining heights of bright points’ loops thanks to the twin spacecrafts (one ahead of
Earth in its orbit and the other following behind) stereoscopic measurements with high
cadence EUV imaging data. The Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO, Pesnell et al.
2012) imaging from the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA, Lemen et al. 2012)
and magnetic field data taken by the Helioseismic Magnetic Imager (HMI, Scherrer
et al. 2012) had a huge impact on studying the temporal evolution and dynamic activity
of bright points including mini coronal mass ejections (mini-CMEs). The Interface
Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS, De Pontieu et al. 2014) studies report on the
transition region Doppler shifts in bright points’ loops at unprecedented spectral and
spatial resolution.
After almost five decades of intensive studies with ever improving solar instrumen-
tation, the term coronal bright point (CBP) has been adopted to describe a small-scale
multi-loop system in the low solar corona that appears in extreme-ultraviolet and X-ray
images with enhanced emission (weaker than those of active regions) whilst associated
with magnetic bipolar features.

3 General properties of CBPs

3.1 Morphology

CBPs were initially seen in X-rays (or XBPs) as point-like structures with a diame-
ter of 20 –30 and a bright core of 5 –10 that is surrounded by diffused emission
(e.g., Vaiana et al. 1973b; Golub et al. 1974) (Fig. 2). XBPs were associated with small
regions of opposite polarity magnetic flux (Krieger et al. 1971) which doubtlessly sug-
gested that these phenomena are “the X-ray manifestation of low lying closed bipolar
magnetic structures outside active regions” (Vaiana et al. 1973b). Later, the high-

Fig. 2 Full disk X-ray image

taken with the S-054
spectroheliographic telescope
with some of the XBPs
encircled. Image reproduced
with permission from Nolte et al.
(1979), copyright by Springer

Coronal bright points Page 7 of 79 2

Fig. 3 CBPs in a sequence of Fe xv 284 Å spectroheliograms (negative) taken on 1974 January 19–20. The
evolution of a CBP at three different cadences, 1.5–3.0 h, 6 min, and 2 min, is given in the top, middle and
bottom panels, respectively. Image reproduced with permission from Sheeley and Golub (1979), copyright
by Springer

resolution spectroheliograms (a photograph of the Sun taken at a single wavelength,

i.e., a monochromatic image) from the spectroheliograph on Skylab/ATM revealed
that the bright ‘points’ consist of rapidly and independently evolving 2–3 small-scale
loops (Fig. 3) with a diameter of ∼ 2500 km and ∼ 12,500 km length (Sheeley and
Golub 1979). The observations were obtained in the Fe xv 284 Å [log T (K) ∼ 6.3]
line at a 2 spatial resolution, unprecedented for its time.
Golub et al. (1974) characterized the typical evolution of CBPs in X-rays. From
the analysis of 100 XBPs, they established that the diffused emission always precedes
the bright core that vanishes before the final disappearance of the XBPs. The core was
often found to have almost elliptical shape. The intensity evolution in X-rays revealed
that CBPs have a rapid growth and a slow decay. The average growth rate was estimated
at 5 per hour or 1 km s−1 that is similar to the horizontal velocity of supergranulation
cells (Golub et al. 1974) indicating a strong relation to the supergranular evolution
or/and supergranular flows.
Habbal et al. (1990) investigated the observational properties including the mor-
phological structure and temporal behaviour of quiet Sun and coronal hole CBPs from
the emission in six spectral lines formed at chromospheric, transition region, and coro-
nal temperatures using data from the Harvard EUV experiment on Skylab. The data
consisted of scans with a 5 × 5 field-of-view in the Sun’s disk centre taken at 5.5 min
cadence and a spatial resolution of 5 . CBPs in the two topologically different regions
were found to be located at the network boundaries and cover the same range of sizes
from 10 to 40 (diameter). CBPs also showed no difference related to the properties
of the observed region suggesting that their formation and existence is independent

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Fig. 4 Temporal evolution of a CBP. From left to right: SDO/HMI longitudinal magnetograms showing the
bipole associated with the CBP. IRIS SJ images in the Mg ii k 2796 Å passband, SJ images in the C ii 1330 Å
passband, and SDO/AIA 171 Å images. The top row images are taken at 11:33:51 UT, the middle row at
11:43:19 UT, and the bottom row at 12:03:18 UT. Image reproduced with permission from Kayshap and
Dwivedi (2017), copyright by Springer

of the overlying corona, i.e., the specific magnetic topology of the observed region.
The emission peaks in six different spectral lines measured simultaneously were not
co-spatial, which made the authors conclude that CBPs are composed of a complex
of loops at different temperatures.
Due to resolution limitations CBPs were also seen in SOHO/EIT images as a dif-
fused cloud with a bright core or a singular loop (e.g., Longcope et al. 2001; Madjarska
et al. 2003; Brown et al. 2001; Pérez-Suárez et al. 2008). Individual small-scale loops
were distinguishable in the TRACE Fe ix/x 171 Å passband (hereafter TRACE 171 Å)
(e.g., Ugarte-Urra et al. 2004a, see their Fig. 1) and later Hinode/EIS raster data (1
slit) (e.g., Dere 2008, see their Fig. 2). Recently, Kayshap and Dwivedi (2017) anal-
ysed two CBPs in data taken by SDO/AIA and HMI, and IRIS. The CBPs appeared to
be composed of dynamically evolving small-scale loops seen in IRIS slit-jaw images
(SJI) taken in the Mg ii k 2796 Å (chromosphere) and C ii 1330 Å (low transition
region) passbands (note that mostly the lower part of the loops referred to as loop
legs are seen in these passbands), as well as in the SDO/AIA Fe ix/x 171 Å (hereafter
AIA 171 Å) passband that is dominated by emission from plasma at 0.8 MK (Fig. 4).
Small-scale low-lying loops that connect the fragments of the opposite polarity mag-

Coronal bright points Page 9 of 79 2

netic flux are distinguishable in the lower temperature channels, while larger possibly
overlying loops are visible in the higher temperature channel although no comparative
loop measurements exist. The study on the morphology and evolution only cover the
time period of the IRIS observations, i.e., 3.5 h. Mou et al. (2018) followed the full
lifetime evolution of CBPs. The CBPs forming from flux emergence initially appear
(in AIA 195 Å) as loops as small as 5 (diameter of the disk projected feature) that later
grow to reach a maximum size of up to ∼ 60 , followed later by a decrease to a size
of less than 5 , before fully vanishing. Small-scale dynamically evolving individual
loops are seen during the whole lifetime of the CBPs.
To conclude, CBPs are composed of small-scale loops with hotter loops overlaying
cooler connecting opposite magnetic flux concentrations found in the network at the
junctions of supergranulation cells. CBP loops evolve rapidly at time scales as short
as 5 min. Recent high cadence observations, e.g., SDO/AIA and or IRIS, are not yet
explored to investigate the evolution of individual CBP loops.

3.2 Lifetimes

From the analysis of 100 CBPs identified in X-ray images taken by the Skylab S-
054 X-ray telescope, Golub et al. (1974) first determined that XBPs have a statistical
distribution of lifetimes in X-rays with a mean value of 8 h. The study found a larger
number of XBPs with shorter lifetimes and a smaller number of XBPs with longer
lifetimes. It was established that the life span of XBPs is approximately proportional
to their maximum size (not confirmed yet in present data) that can be expressed as

Amax = 2.5 × 107 τ, (1)

where A is measured in km and τ in h (Golub et al. 1974). The typical maximum area
reached by XBPs was estimated at 2.0 ± 1.0 × 108 km2 (diameter of 20 ± 5 ). The
lifetime spectrum of XBPs was found to be strongly weighted towards shorter lifetimes
with the number of XBPs living for more than 48 h more than 10 times smaller than
XBPs with lifetimes from 2 to 48 h (Golub et al. 1976a, 304 XBPs were analysed).
XBP lifetimes in the two lifetime ranges was best fitted with a four-parameter function

N (t) = Ns e−t/τs + Nl e−t/τl , (2)

with an average lifetime for the shorter living CBPs of τs = 8.7 ± 0.2 h and an
average lifetime for the long-living XBPs of τl = 35 ± 4 h. The number of XBPs with
shorter lifetimes is denoted as Ns and Nl with longer, with a relation of Ns ∼ 10Nl .
Long-living XBPs were found to be concentrated in the latitude belt of ± 30◦ from
the equator, i.e., in active region latitudes, while XBPs with lifetimes of less than
2 days appear over a larger range of latitudes. CBPs show similar lifetimes to those
of supergranulation cells which strongly hints towards their close relationship. After
the launch of the Yohkoh satellite, the subject of XBPs’ lifetimes was revisited by
Harvey et al. (1993) using full-disk Yohkoh/SXT observations. In total 518 XBPs
were studied, from which 34% were located in coronal holes (CHs), 60% in the quiet

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Fig. 5 Lightcurves of four CBPs identified in SOHO/EIT 195 Å (denoted by plus symbols, ‘+’),
Yohkoh/SXT thin_Al filter (×), and AlMg (∗) images. Image reproduced with permission from Zhang
et al. (2001), copyright by Springer

Sun (QS) and 6% in ARs. Their lifetimes were estimated to an average of 12.6 h,
13 h and 11.7 h, respectively, indicating that no significant difference exists between
XBPs formed in regions with different magnetic topology supporting the conclusion
of Habbal et al. (1990) on the properties of CBPs in CHs and QS.
The lifetimes of CBPs was studied for the first time in EUV in images taken with
SOHO/EIT. Zhang et al. (2001) analysed 55 h of images taken in the Fe xii 195 Å
passband (hereafter SOHO/EIT 195 Å). A field-of-view of 780 × 780 was selected
from full-disk images centred at the equator that was tracked during the observing
period. The CBP identification was based on a 3σ threshold where σ is the rms
deviation of the intensity flux of the selected quiet Sun region. Yohkoh/SXT images
taken with the thin-Al and AlMg filters sensitive to plasma at ∼ 1.5 MK during the
same period of time but not as regular as SOHO/EIT were also used. In the observed
period the full lifetimes of 48 CBPs were tracked. The average lifetime of CBPs in the
SOHO/EIT 195 Å channel was estimated at 20 h. Shorter lifetimes and lower number

Coronal bright points Page 11 of 79 2

Fig. 6 Lifetime distributions of CBPs from three samples of data taken at a 6 h cadence (left panel) and
from the CME-watch mode at ∼ 12 min cadence (right panel) in the EIT 195 Å channel. Image reproduced
with permission from McIntosh and Gurman (2005), copyright by Springer

of CBPs were found in the Yohkoh/SXT images. Figure 5 shows the lightcurves of
four CBPs in simultaneous EUV and X-ray observations. The CBPs become visible
in X-rays only for a very short period of time and often during flaring activity, which
explains their generally shorter lifetimes in X-rays.
CBP automatic identification and tracking algorithms were also used to obtain the
statistical properties of CBPs, including their lifetimes. McIntosh and Gurman (2005)
employed a slightly modified CBP identification algorithm developed by Hara and
Nakakubo-Morimoto (2003) (for details on the method see Sect. 3.7) that is based
on an intensity background threshold. In total 5 × 106 CBPs were identified and
their appearance at different temperatures was investigated. SOHO/EIT had two main
data recording modes, a synoptic and a so-called CME-watch. The synoptic mode
images were taken every 6 h in all four channels, namely He ii 304 Å, Fe ix/x 171 Å,
Fe xii 195 Å and Fe xv 284 Å. The CME-watch mode collected data only in the
195 Å passband every 12–17 min. These higher cadence data were employed to study
the lifetimes of CBPs. Data obtained from January 1997 until December 2004 were
analysed. From the identified CBPs 97% were located within 600 of the disk centre.
Based on the 6 h cadence data, it was found that the frequency distribution of CBP
lifetimes is a power law at short to intermediate lifetimes and shows exponential
behaviour at longer lifetimes (see Fig. 6, left panel). The 12-min cadence data that
permit a better coverage of shorter-living CBPs provided a sample of 200,000 CBPs.
The power-law indices of these CBP lifetime distributions increase significantly thanks
to the better coverage of CBPs with shorter lifetimes which however does not affect
the ‘turning point’ of the distributions (see Fig. 6, right panel). This turning point is
assumed as the average lifetime of CBPs (∼ 10 h). The distribution pattern could also
be affected by the underestimation of the CBP duration if the CBPs first appear close
to the west limb. The temperature response of the channel used for the identification
also plays a significant role with more CBPs and with longer lifetimes in the channels
with lower temperature response (see e.g., Zhang et al. 2001).
The lifetime frequency distribution of CBPs were also obtained by Alipour and
Safari (2015) for data taken with SDO/AIA in the Fe xii 193 Å channel (hereafter
AIA 193 Å). The CBP identification was based on invariant Zernike moments and a

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Fig. 7 CBP intensity lightcurves in SDO/AIA 193 Å (top panel) and corresponding total magnetic flux
lightcurve (bottom panel). Image reproduced with permission from Alipour and Safari (2015), copyright
by AAS

machine learning method (the Support Vector Machine classifier). The method was
set to identify CBPs with a size larger than 4 Mm (6 ) and smaller than 20 Mm (56 )
(diameter), and lifetimes as short as 2 min. The study classified CBPs into two lifetime
distribution groups, one of transient CBPs which is actually microflaring in CBPs (see
Sect. 7.1 for more details), and one named as persistent events. In the transient group
events, lifetimes were less than 20 min, with an average of 12 min. The persistent
events had an average lifetime of 6 h. The lifetime frequency distribution of CBPs
was fitted with a linear power-law fit with a slope of −1.6 ± 0.07 (see their Fig. 10).
The relation of CBP lifetimes and their sizes shows that 95% of CBPs have lifetimes
of less than 20 h and CBPs with shorter lifetimes (< 6 h) are more scattered in size.
CBPs with longer lifetimes appear to generally have larger sizes.
The automatic identification of CBPs can be challenging considering CBPs’
dynamic activity. Furthermore, some CBPs result from more complicated bipolar
magnetic flux distribution including the cases of CBPs formed from a flux convolu-
tion or a bipole emergence nearby pre-existing flux concentrations. In these cases the
CBPs have more complex magnetic connectivities and it is hard to determine whether
one or several CBPs are present at the studied location (Mou et al. 2016, 2018). The
examination of Fig. 16 in the study of Alipour and Safari (2015) shows a case where 12
CBPs are selected (lifetimes from a few minutes to several hours) during 20 h of obser-
vations in a small region of 40 × 40 . The intensity variability possibly caused by
microflarings and micro-eruptions in CBPs (Mou et al. 2018) has resulted in the iden-
tification of multiple CBPs rather than a dynamically evolving one or two CBPs due
to more complex magnetic flux distribution (also see Fig. 7 and movie_1_alipour.mpg
and movie_2_alipour.mpg in Alipour and Safari 2015).
To summarize, when observed in EUV at ∼ 1 MK, CBPs have lifetimes that are
generally below ∼ 20 h. They have shorter lifetimes in X-rays of ∼ 11 h on average.
Longer living CBPs are found more often in active region latitudes, i.e., ≤ ± 30◦ , and

Coronal bright points Page 13 of 79 2

larger CBPs tend to have longer lifetimes. The lifetime range in both X-ray and EUV
requires further examination using present data while accounting for the complexity
and dynamics of the phenomena.

3.3 Solar disk distribution and N–S hemisphere asymmetry

The first X-ray observations of CBPs taken with the Skylab S-054 X-ray telescope
revealed that XBPs have a uniform latitude distribution except for AR latitudes (Golub
et al. 1974). They also showed that the longitudinal variation of XBPs at latitudes
> ± 30◦ is smaller than at low latitudes. Golub et al. (1975) updated their finding
using 12 h synoptic S-054 observations. These data (the same dataset as in Golub
et al. (1974) but a double image number) showed a latitude distribution that has two
distinctive components, one uniform over a broad latitude range and one at active
region latitudes, i.e., ± 30◦ (Fig. 8). The ratio of the number of XBPs in the two
hemispheres for two sets of longitudinal bins—one from 150◦ to 330◦ and the other
from the two bins 0◦ –150◦ and 330◦ –360◦ —was found to be 2.4 ± 0.2 for latitudes
of < ± 30◦ and 1.5 ± 0.2 for the high latitude XBPs. The analysis of Skylab X-ray
image datasets taken over a 6 month time period in 1973 (May–November) by Golub
et al. (1976b) found that the variation of the number of high latitude XBPs is in phase
with the low latitude variation reaching a maximum at the peak of the active region
emergence. The XBP number at low latitudes was found to vary similarly to the active
region occurrence rate. From SOHO/EIT observations, McIntosh and Gurman (2005)
further confirmed the existence of AR and QS CBP distribution components.
Brajša et al. (2005) obtained a two component latitudinal distribution of CBPs
using an interactive and an automatic identification procedure for data taken with the
SOHO/EIT from 1998 June 4 until 1999 May 22. The interactive method (originally
described in Brajša et al. 2001) was based on a visual computer screen tracking of CBPs
in consecutive images. The automatic method (Brajša et al. 2001, 2002) employed a
region-of-interest segmentation applied on triplets of images taken every 6 h. It was set
in a way that its parametrisation matches as close as possible the interactive method.
One distribution component was found to be uniformly distributed to a latitude of 70◦ .
The second is an overimposed component that has a maximum at central latitudes
between 10◦ and 20◦ for the interactive method, and in the range from 10◦ to 30◦ for
the automatic one. An asymmetry was found with more CBPs in the southern solar
hemisphere than in the northern. This asymmetry was statistically significant only
for the interactive but not for the automatic method. The authors comment that while
Golub et al. (1975) found a second component starting at the equator to up to ± 30◦ ,
their study does not find a second component at equatorial latitudes. The low latitude
CBP distribution component is known to be related to sunspot activity and as the two
studies used data taken at different phases of the solar cycle activity, different results
should be foreseen (Brajša et al. 2005). Golub et al. (1975) used data from the decline
and close to the solar minimum phase of cycle 20 (May–June 1973), and therefore,
CBPs related to ARs are expected to occur close to the equator. In contrast, Brajša et al.
(2005) employed data from the start of the rising phase of cycle 24 (June 1998–May
1999) during which ARs emerged at latitudes higher than ± 20◦ .

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Fig. 8 Top panel: latitude distribution of XBPs. The solid line curve represents a uniform distribution.
Bottom panel: latitude distribution with the uniform distribution fit from the top panel subtracted. Image
reproduced with permission from Golub et al. (1975), copyright by Springer

In summary, CBPs display a two component latitude distribution, one uniform

component up to 70◦ and one at active region latitudes (≤ ± 30◦ ) that varies with the
solar cycle activity. CBP numbers also show north-south asymmetry. Revisiting the
subject of CBP number cycle variation by combining more than 2 decades of EUV
observations will provide a better insight on the generation of solar activity given the
presence of CBPs over large latitudes and during periods of low or no sunspot activity.

Coronal bright points Page 15 of 79 2

3.4 Sizes

In X-ray observations, CBPs appear as compact roundish regions of enhanced X-ray

emission with a typical diameter of 20 –30 and a brighter core of 5 –10 , surrounded
by diffused emission (Golub et al. 1977). There is no strictly established definition
of what size a CBP must have to qualify as such. However, the close association
of CBPs with supergranulation cells concerning both their lifetime (cells—average
1.6 days, CBPs—1 day) and size (cells—27.1 Mm or ∼ 10 –50 ) (Hirzberger et al.
2008) strongly suggests that CBP sizes in the range ∼ 10 –60 (also adopted in some
studies as un upper limit) should be considered. CBPs appear smaller when they first
form during flux emergence, then evolve until reaching their maximum size as well
as intensity (Mou et al. 2018). They become small again at the end of their lifetime
and CBPs as small as 5 can be identified. The upper limit of CBP sizes could also
be determined by the total bipolar magnetic flux. Ephemeral region total unsigned
flux (up to 50% of CBPs relate to ERs, see Sect. 4 for more details) ranges from
∼ 3.0 × 1018 to ∼ 1020 Mx, but no larger than 3 × 1020 (Yang and Zhang 2014; van
Driel-Gesztelyi and Green 2015, and the references therein). Therefore, ∼ 1020 Mx
should eventually be considered as an upper limit as flux above this value is presently
considered as small active regions (pores) (van Driel-Gesztelyi and Green 2015, and
the references therein).
From the analysis of 41 CBPs in the SOHO/EIT 195 Å passband, Zhang et al.
(2001) reported an average size of 110 Mm2 , or 14 × 14 . The survey by Longcope
et al. (2001) of 285 CBP observed in SOHO/EIT 195 Å images found sizes ranging
from 4 to 40 Mm. Recently, Alipour and Safari (2015) determined a CBP average size
of 130 Mm2 , or 15 × 15 , however a criterion of maximum size of ≤ 56 (diameter)
for the automatic identification was applied which eliminated larger CBPs.
To conclude, there is no strict definition of the CBP size range, but bright loop
complexes that connect magnetic bipoles with a total flux strength of up to ∼ 1020 Mx
and diameter ranging from 5 to 60 could be assumed as typical for CBPs.

3.5 Heights

The heights of CBPs were generally estimated from the emission in coronal spec-
tral lines or imaging channels. The first study doing so is the one by Simon and
Noyes (1972) who used spectroheliograms taken with the Harvard experiment on the
Orbital Solar Observatory IV (OSO-IV). CBPs only in ARs were used to estimate
the height formation of 15 spectral lines above the photosphere with formation tem-
peratures from log T (K) = 4.0 (Lyman lines) to log T (K) = 6.6 (Fe xvi). Apart
from the C ii line which gives an anomalous height of ∼ 10,000 km, the height
measurement of the coronal lines that relate to CBPs heights are: in Ne viii 770 Å—
8800 ± 1400 km, Mg x 625 Å—10,600 ± 1600 km, Si xii 499 Å—9400 ± 1700 km,
Fe xv 417 Å—12,800 ± 2200 km, and Fe xvi—15,200 ± 2300 km. The emission in
the lower temperature lines (chromospheric or low transition-region) are found to
be ∼ 3000 km, estimated with errors of ∼ 50%. This emission originates in the legs

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Fig. 9 Top panel: CBPs in SOHO/EIT 195 Å (black areas) overlaid map of magnetic polarities at 5 Mm
(left-hand panel) and 9 Mm (right-hand panel) heights in the solar atmosphere. Red contours correspond to
negative polarities, while blue to positive. Bottom panel: correlation coefficients of the horizontal component
of the magnetic field and the square root of the Fe xii intensity enhancement for the two purple colour
outlined CBPs shown in the top panel. Image reproduced with permission from Tian et al. (2007), copyright

of the CBP loops. All follow-up studies only used coronal imaging data including
By studying the solar differential rotation using CBPs as tracers, Brajša et al. (2004)
also determined CBP heights. Two methods were used, interactive and automatic (for
details see Sect. 3.3), to identify CBPs in the SOHO/EIT 195 Å passband. The used
methodology is originally described in Rosa et al. (1998). The averaged heights above
the photosphere for the interactive methods were estimated at 9900 km and for the
automatic—11,600 km. Sudar et al. (2016) using the same method estimated the
average CBP heights identified in SDO/AIA 193 Å passband images at ∼ 6500 km.
Tian et al. (2007) combined the radiance of CBP in Fe xii 195 Å images taken
with SOHO/EIT and magnetic field extrapolation based on Kitt Peak longitudinal
magnetograms to evaluate the heights of the Fe xii emission in CBPs. Linear force-
free extrapolations from the photosphere to 80 Mm height were used to obtain the
three components of the magnetic field vector B. The correlation coefficient between
the maximum of the Fe xii intensity enhancement and the horizontal component of
the extrapolated magnetic field vector at the same x–y position in planes of different
heights was defined as the correlation height (Fig. 9). It was determined that for the
majority of the analysed CBPs the 195 Å emission occurs below 20,000 km with an

Coronal bright points Page 17 of 79 2

average height of 5000 km. Most of the CBPs seen in the Fe xii passband were located
on top of the associated magnetic loop.
Kwon et al. (2010) developed a three-dimensional reconstruction method for point-
like features (e.g., CBPs) based on the principle that the position of a point in a three-
dimensional space is specified as the intersection of two lines-of-sights. Data taken
with the Sun Earth Connection Coronal and Heliospheric Investigation (SECCHI)
Extreme-ultraviolet Imagers (EUVI) on board the twin STEREO A and B spacecrafts
in the 171 Å, 195 Å, 304 Å and 284 Å passbands were used to study the heights of
210 CBPs. The study found that in the 171 Å [log T (K) ∼ 5.9], 195 Å [log T (K) ∼
6.1] and 284 Å [log T (K) ∼ 6.3] passbands CBPs have average heights of 5100,
6700 and 6100 km, respectively. They also determined that the CBP emission in the
304 Å passband is at around 4400 km and is associated with the legs of the coronal
loops forming the CBPs rather than their tops. In a follow-up study, Kwon et al.
(2012) studied the temporal evolution of CBP heights and lengths using the same
method. From the analysis of three CBPs three distinctive changes of CBP heights
and lengths were found, including decreasing, increasing and steady, that correspond
to three specific motions of the magnetic photospheric flux concentrations, converging,
diverging and shearing, respectively. The study concluded that CBPs represent multi-
temperature loop systems composed of hot loops [log T (K) ∼ 6.2] overlying cooler
ones [log T (K) ∼ 6.0] with cool legs [log T (K) ∼ 4.9].
To summarise, CBPs heights at coronal temperature observations (∼ 1.0 MK) are
found to be in the range from 5000 to 10,000 km. An average height of 6500 km should
be expected at a lifetime peak. It is important to note that chromospheric and transition
region emission provides information only for the CBP loop footpoints and legs, and
occasionally may originate from low-lying or newly emerging CBP loops.

3.6 Occurrence rate

Various methods have been used to determine the occurrence rate of CBPs. From the
visual inspection of Skylab X-ray images Golub et al. (1974) ascertained that at least
200 XBPs appear at any time on the whole Sun (100 XBPs on the visible disk). They
estimated an occurrence rate of 1500 XBPs emerging per day. Also from the visual
inspection of EUV images taken with SOHO/EIT, Longcope et al. (2001) evaluated
an occurrence rate of 396 CBPs (density of 1.3 × 10−4 Mm−2 ) per disk image similar
to the number obtained by Golub et al. (1976b) of 200–660 (0.6–2.0 × 10−4 Mm−2 )
in Skylab X-ray data.
An automatic algorithm based on a local intensity threshold as well as CBP sizes
and shapes was employed by Hara and Nakakubo-Morimoto (2003) that estimated
a density of XBPs in Yohkoh/SXT data at 0.2–0.7 × 10−4 Mm−2 . McIntosh and
Gurman (2005) applied a variation of this algorithm on CBPs in EUV data obtained
with SOHO/EIT in the 171 Å, 193 Å, and 284 Å channels taken over 9 years. The
CBP number in the Fe xv 284 Å channel was similar to those obtained earlier by
Hara and Nakakubo-Morimoto (2003) (∼ 150) in soft X-rays. The CBP number was
found to increase when detected in low temperature emission, with almost 100 more
in SOHO/EIT 195 Å (∼ 250) and ∼ 150 more in SOHO/EIT 171 Å (∼ 300) (see
Fig. 10). The studies of Hara and Nakakubo-Morimoto (2003) and McIntosh and

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Fig. 10 Variation of the CBP

number in the SOHO/EIT 171,
195 and 284 Å passbands from
1996 to 2004. Each dot
represents the daily average
CBP number. The orange colour
denotes the co-temporal CBPs in
all three EUV channels. Image
reproduced with permission
from McIntosh and Gurman
(2005), copyright by Springer

Gurman (2005) both obtained an occurrence rate lower than in other studies which is
possibly related to the used algorithm that discriminates CBPs with a certain shape
and size. Sattarov et al. (2010) estimated from SOHO/EIT 195 Å images a higher
range of 280–450 CBPs.
Most recently, Alipour and Safari (2015) used an automatic detection method based
on a machine-learning technique and Zernike image moments on SDO/AIA 193 Å
images taken during a 4.4-year period (from 2010 June 1 to 2014 October 31) to
investigate the statistical properties of CBPs. The study reports that the CBPs average
number and mean density (per full disk image) are 572 (ranging from 427 to 790) and
1.9 × 10−4 Mm−2 (1.39 × 10−4 Mm−2 to 2.56 × 10−4 Mm−2 ), respectively. This is
a the highest number of CBPs ever detected, far larger than the numbers obtained by
McIntosh and Gurman (2005) and Sattarov et al. (2010) in SOHO/EIT data in the same
passband. One possible explanation is the use of a different identification method. By
applying their identification method on SOHO/EIT 195 Å data, Alipour and Safari
(2015) concluded that 8% more CBPs are identified in SDO/AIA 193 Å data than
in SOHO/EIT 195 Å (Fig. 11), possibly caused by the higher spatial resolution of
SDO/AIA which helps to identify smaller size CBPs.
To summarise, the daily average number of CBPs in the EUV 193 Å passband is
presently estimated at ∼ 570, with a range from 427 to 790. The average CBP number
density is 1.9 × 10−4 Mm−2 (1.39 × 10−4 Mm−2 to 2.56 × 10−4 Mm−2 ). The number
of CBPs changes when observed in passbands with different temperature response with
the largest number found in 171 Å passbands and the lowest in 284 Å and X-rays, with
a difference of up to 150 CBPs. It is important to note that the number of identified
CBPs will depends of various factors including spatial resolution, photon statistics,
exposure duration when data from the same instrument are compared, etc. Therefore,
comparing the statistics between different studies should consider these factors.

3.7 Solar cycle variation

By comparing the number of XBPs detected in 1976 (during two rocket flights) with
XBP numbers in 1973 (Skylab), Davis et al. (1977) established that the CBP number

Coronal bright points Page 19 of 79 2

Fig. 11 SOHO/EIT full disk

image in the Fe xii 195 Å
passband taken on 2008
February 16 00:00 UT. The
locations of 670 CBPs are
outlined with green contours.
Image reproduced with
permission from Alipour and
Safari (2015), copyright by AAS

Fig. 12 CBP number variation

with the solar cycle. Image
reproduced with permission
from Golub et al. (1979),
copyright by AAS

in X-rays has increased by a factor of 2 in a three year time interval (from the declining
to minimum phase of the solar cycle). In the same period of time the sunspot number
has decreased by a factor of 3. A conclusion was reached that the short-lifetime end
of the magnetic flux spectrum associated with XBPs is out of phase with the solar
sunspot cycle. This finding was later confirmed by Golub et al. (1979) from data
taken from 1970 to 1978 that cover the time period near the peak of cycle 20 and the
following decline phase. A clear anticorrelation was found between the XBPs number
and sunspot number (Fig. 12). It was concluded that there exists a secondary cycle
that operates in anti-phase with the primary (active region) solar cycle. The result was
later confirmed by Davis (1983) and Harvey (1985) who used data that extended into
solar cycle 21. Based on the study by Giovanelli (1982) on the role of unipolar and
mixed polarity fields, Harvey (1985) suggested that the inverse correlation is related
to the higher probability of chance encounters between magnetic fluxes of opposite
polarity during low levels of solar activity rather than flux emergence.
To investigate this anticorrelation, Nakakubo and Hara (2000) applied an automatic
algorithm to identify XBPs in Yohkoh/SXT images covering the time period from
December 1992 to August 1997. An XBP was defined as a small region of enhancement

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Fig. 13 Top two rows: total

number of XBPs as a function of
time (a), latitude versus time
distribution of XBP numbers
(b), and c fractional distribution
of XBPs with solar latitude.
Bottom two rows: the same as
the top rows but for photospheric
magnetic bipoles. The vertical
dashed line in a separate Fe i
5507 Å (left) and Fe i 8688.6 Å
(right). Solid line in c is a
least-square fit by Gaussian
function. Image reproduced with
permission from Sattarov et al.
(2002), copyright by AAS

X-ray emission with respect to the background emission determined from an adjacent
region. This approach eliminated the effect of a variable background emission, i.e.,
higher background in ARs and lower in CHs. The study found that after 1995 the XBP
number varied inversely with the sunspot number and reached maximum during the
solar minimum. However, the XBP and background intensity distributions suggested
that the XBP number increase near the solar minimum is due to a decrease of the
background intensity which permits the identification of fainter CBPs.
Sattarov et al. (2002) compiled a survey of the occurrence rate of CBPs in X-rays
from 1993 to 2000 using Yohkoh/SXT full-disk images that cover the decline phase of
cycle 22 and the rising phase of cycle 23. Longitudinal magnetograms from the Kitt
Peak National observatory were also used to identify bipolar regions with magnetic
field strength > 20 G and magnetic fragment sizes ranging between 5 and 55.2 . The
study confirmed the already known anti-cycle correlation of CBPs. While the bipole
numbers remained unchanged during the studied period (∼ 250 per full-disk image),
the CBP numbers varied changing to ∼ 10 per image from 1993 to 1995 (decline
phase), reaching up to ∼ 50 between 1996 and 1998 (minimum phase). The numbers
went to become smaller after 1998 during the rising phase of cycle 23 (Fig. 13). Based
on the expectation that the percentage of XBPs associated with magnetic bipoles
should not vary, the authors concluded that the variation of identified XBPs is caused

Coronal bright points Page 21 of 79 2

by background intensity variations due to the presence of active regions, i.e., it is

purely a visibility effect. The latitude distribution of XBPs, however, showed a clear
excess of XBPs at active region latitudes ± 30◦ despite the increased background
intensity there. The study suggests that CBPs that form in the sunspot belts may have
been formed by magnetic activity that is different from QS CBPs, i.e., are related to
ephemeral active regions whose latitude distribution follows the Spörer law. At the
same time they note that AR-belt CBPs show, however, the same properties as QS
Hara and Nakakubo-Morimoto (2003) continued their preliminary study (Nakakubo
and Hara 2000) by analysing the XBP number variation in data from Yohkoh/SXT
taken during the time period 1993–2000. Composite images that consist of Yohkoh/
SXT images taken within 30 min with three different exposures of 30, 5.3, and 0.17 s
were used for which the saturated area in the images taken with 30 s and 5.3 s caused by
the presence of bright active regions were corrected. The unit of soft-X-ray intensity I
in a single pixel of the composite image is DN pixel−1 s−1 in which DN equals 365 eV
in X-ray photon energy for an Yohkoh/SXT image pixel with a size of 4.9 × 4.9 .
The detection method is described in detail in section 3 of their paper. The XBPs were
selected as significant brightenings with respect to the adjacent background corona
(including existing active regions) with sizes of < 60 . The authors investigated how
the CBP number changes in the dark (with background intensities Iback < 100.8 ) and
bright (100.8 < Iback < 101.6 ) regions of the quiet Sun. The number of all CBPs
showed a certain increase during solar minimum when (Fig. 14a) a correction for the
obscuration by bright active regions was not applied. In dark areas (e.g., CHs), the
CBP number clearly anticorrelates with the sunspot cycle (Fig. 14b). In contrast, the
bright region CBP numbers follow the solar cycle trend (Fig. 14c). The fractional areas
shown in Fig. 14d and the effect of the background emission explain to a large extend
the presence of the anti-correlation cycle in CBPs numbers.
Interesting studies by McIntosh et al. (2014a, b) have found that CBPs preferentially
appear at locations that mark a giant convective scale on photospheric magnetism with
sizes in the range from 100 to 250 Mm, named by the authors as “g-nodes”. This scale
is one of four scales (the rest are a megameter scale related to granulation, a few tens
of megameters—super-granulation, and many hundreds to thousands of megameters
linked to coronal holes and active regions) identified by applying a magnetic range
of influence (MRoI) that is a measure of a length over which the photospheric line-
of-sight magnetic field is (for more details see McIntosh et al. 2014b). By combining
SDO/AIA coronal imaging data and identification maps of g-nodes, it was found that
CBPs are preferentially located at g-nodes. However, not all g-nodes were related to
CBPs identified in the SDO/AIA 193 Å channel. The follow-up work by McIntosh
et al. (2014a) concluded that small-scale emergence activity related to CBPs and g-
nodes (only the ones forming at AR latitudes ≤ 30◦ , see Sect. 3.3) could be used to
forecast the solar cycle (see Fig. 17 of their paper).
To summarise, the number of CBPs outside the active region belt are found to
remain relatively constant during the solar cycle. Background emission variation was
established as the main cause for the solar cycle anti-correlation usually observed.
The CBP number in AR latitudes is found to change with the solar cycle suggesting
a relation to ephemeral regions in the AR belt.

2 Page 22 of 79 M. S. Madjarska

Fig. 14 a Number of XBPs in an X-ray composite image. Dots and a thick solid line represent the 10
days’ running mean. The grey vertical stripes indicate periods of no data with 30 s exposures. b Number
of detected XBP in an area with a background X-ray intensity of Iback < 100.8 SXU, and c of 100.8 ≤
Iback < 101.6 SXU shown with thick lines. d Fractional areas occupied by dark (Iback < 100.8 SXU)
and bright (100.8 ≤ Iback < 101.6 SXU) given with thick and thin solid lines. In all panels the monthly
averaged sunspot number is given with a thin solid line. Image reproduced with permission from Hara and
Nakakubo-Morimoto (2003), copyright by AAS

4 Magnetic properties

4.1 Photospheric magnetic fields

Knowledge on the magnetic field configuration of any solar phenomenon is crucial

for deriving realistic models of the physical processes that generate, sustain or destroy
them. When the very first solar X-ray observations were coupled with photospheric
longitudinal magnetic field images, they revealed a clear association of the observed
X-ray structures with underlying photospheric flux concentrations. Among them X-
ray bright point-like sources, i.e., CBPs, outside active region belts were found to
overlay small-scale bipolar magnetic flux concentrations (Krieger et al. 1971; Harvey
et al. 1975).
Golub et al. (1977) made the first detailed investigation of the CBP magnetic prop-
erties. The study compares ephemeral active regions (ER) and XBPs in simultaneously
obtained Kitt Peak National Observatory magnetograms and Skylab X-ray images to
answer a range of qualitative and quantitative questions concerning the bipolarity of

Coronal bright points Page 23 of 79 2

Fig. 15 Top panel: Kitt Peak

longitudinal magnetogram.
Bottom panel: CBPs in X-rays.
The CBPs and their
corresponding bipoles are
marked with solid circles. Also
shown are dashed-line circles
indicating bipolar regions not
related to XBPs. Image
reproduced with permission
from Golub et al. (1977),
copyright by Springer

XBPs, their relation to flux emergence, and the CBP contribution to the total emerging
flux on the Sun. The term ER was first introduced by Dodson (1953) to describe a
newly emerging bipolar region. Harvey and Martin (1973) and Harvey et al. (1975)
defined ERs as small bipolar regions (size of ∼ 40 ) with a total magnetic flux of
∼ 1020 Mx that is now known to be as low as 1016 Mx (Guglielmino et al. 2012,
and the references therein). ERs have an average lifetime of less than a day appear-
ing bright in Hα. Golub et al. (1977) determined that all XBPs were associated with
bipolar magnetic features (Fig. 15), except for the very newly emerged or old and
decaying XBPs which usually have weaker and dispersed fields that were possibly
below the resolving power of the observing instrument at that time. However, only
49% of the ERs were found to be linked to XBPs (36 out of 73 XBPs). A large part of
the remaining ERs were associated with diffuse X-ray brightenings overlaid by large
coronal structures that possibly prevented the identification of these brightenings as
CBPs. Tang et al. (1982) also found no one-to-one correspondence of ERs and CBPs
at transition region and coronal temperatures, with more ERs than CBPs present at
any given time. Later studies confirmed that strong background emission may prevent
the identification of CBPs (for details see Sect. 3.6). The study also suggests that the
partial correspondence to ERs may be related to the evolutionary history of XBPs,

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i.e., only during a short period (second and third quarter) of their lifetime CBPs can
reach X-ray temperatures (see their Table 1) which was later confirmed from EUV
and X-ray co-observations (Zhang et al. 2001, and Fig. 5). Golub et al. (1977) found
that the total magnetic flux in an ER is an increasing function of the CBP age and
determined that the age of XBPs is linearly correlated with the separation distance of
the associated bipolar structure with a growth rate of 2.2 ± 0.4 km s−1 .
A few years later, Harvey (1985) reported a study of ‘dark points’ in the He I
10,830 Å, known to be a counterpart of CBPs, and their associated magnetic bipoles
for data taken over an ∼ 11-year period. Their results showed that one third of the
dark points are associated with ephemeral regions while at least two thirds result from
the chance encounter of existing opposite polarities. The flux disappearance during
this polarity interaction made the author suggest that CBPs are driven by magnetic
reconnection in the solar corona, and the flux chance encounter is the mechanism for
the flux removal in the quiet Sun. Harvey (1984) and Harvey et al. (1994) established
that 70–80% of XBPs are associated with the chance encounter of network flux and
only 20–30% are related to newly emerging bipolar fluxes, i.e., ERs.
The total magnetic flux of CBPs was estimated in the range of 1019 –1020 Mx
(Krieger et al. 1971; Golub et al. 1974; Harvey et al. 1975), with most typical values
of 2–5×1019 Mx. Golub et al. (1976b) suggested that the total magnetic flux emerging
on the Sun per day associated with X-ray BPs ranges between 1.2 × 1022 and 3.6 ×
1022 Mx. If only high (> ± 30◦ ) latitudes are considered, the emerged total flux is then
between 6 × 1021 Mx and 1.2 × 1022 Mx per day. This evaluation assumes that CBPs
are entirely related to only flux emergence. A typical XBP associated with an ER that
has a growth rate of 1.5 × 1019 Mx s−1 (data noise level of 10 G) and for a lifetime
of 8 h reaches a total unsigned flux of 2.0 × 1019 Mx (Golub et al. 1977). Similarly to
active regions the bipolar flux evolves with an initial rapid flux emergence followed
by a more gradual decay phase.
Preś and Phillips (1999) studied the full lifetime of several CBPs in the QS using
SOHO/EIT and MDI data. They found that the CBP emission correlates with the
variation of the associated total magnetic flux that was later confirmed by Madjarska
et al. (2003) from SOHO/EIT and MDI data and Chandrashekhar et al. (2013) from
SDO/AIA and HMI data. Preś and Phillips (1999) estimated the total magnetic flux at
the CBP peak intensity for one of the observed CBPs at 5.0×1019 Mx (see their Fig. 2),
while Madjarska et al. (2003) obtained 2.0 × 1020 Mx at the maximum intensity of
the studied CBP also from SOHO/MDI data. Similar values are found by Kwon et al.
(2012). The analysis of a large set of CBPs analysed by Longcope et al. (2001) gives
a median flux of 1.3 × 1019 Mx.
Webb et al. (1993) analysed full-disk soft X-ray images from rocket flights, full disk
magnetograms and He i 10,830 Å images from the Kitt Peak National Observatory,
obtained before and after each flight, and BBSO magnetograms at more than 15 min
cadence. The study was motivated by the fact that some of the earlier observations
lacked co-temporality, and with the objective to resolve the debate on what photo-
spheric magnetic field evolution is responsible for the CBP formation, evolution and
decay. In total 165 XBPs were studied with 25 from BBSO and 140 in full-disk Kitt
Peak magnetograms. The XBPs were more often associated with pre-existing mag-
netic features of opposite polarity that cancel with pre-existing or newly emerging

Coronal bright points Page 25 of 79 2

flux. They showed a correspondence to network, intranetwork and ephemeral mag-

netic fluxes. Most importantly 88% of the XBPs were associated with converging
magnetic flux of opposite polarities with the XBPs present before the onset of cancel-
lation. Approximately 80% of the XBPs overlaid cancelling magnetic fluxes or older
ephemeral regions. Young ephemeral regions were not found to have XBPs.
Harvey et al. (1994) reported the first study on simultaneous time sequences of
longitudinal magnetic field data taken at the Kitt Peak National Observatory and
Yohkoh/SXT images concluding that the relation of XBPs and magnetic field is more
complex than previously thought. Two-thirds of all magnetic bipoles appeared not to be
related to XBPs. The authors concluded that “emergence and cancelation of magnetic
flux in the photosphere is not in itself a necessary and sufficient condition for the
occurrence of an XBP. Rather, it is the interaction and reconnection of magnetic field
with the existing, overlying magnetic field configuration that results in the occurrence
and variability of XBPs.”
A case study of a CBP photospheric field evolution using TRACE and SOHO/MDI
data during its full lifetime is reported by Brown et al. (2001). The authors found that
the bipolar region associated with the CBP formed from the coalescence of newly
emerged and preexisting magnetic flux concentrations. Half way through the lifetime
of the CBP, the loop structure appears to have twisted forming a sigmoid as a response
of the footpoints’ rotation (see Figs. 2 and 3 in their paper). A material ejection from the
CBP may have taken place after the sigmoid formation but there is no clear evidence
for it, probably because of the strong background emission. Madjarska et al. (2003)
found that the CBP disappeared at coronal temperatures after a full cancellation of
one of the magnetic polarities (see Fig. 16). Only one more study by Mandrini et al.
(2005) reports a CBP evolving into a sigmoid-like structure followed by an eruption
(see Figs. 3 and 4 in their paper).
Using a triangulation method applied on a time series of imaging data taken by
SECCHI/EUVI on board the STEREO twin spacecraft, Kwon et al. (2012) studied
the temporal evolution of the height and the length of 13 CBPs. Height and length
decrease and increase, and steady values were associated with converging, diverging
and shearing of the bipole flux concentrations. The two parameters that describe the
3D magnetic structure of the CBPs are well correlated with the separation distance
of two opposite magnetic flux concentrations. However, no relationship was found
between the CBPs’ heights and lengths and the amount of magnetic fluxes. Mou et al.
(2016) studied the photospheric magnetic field evolution of CBPs in the quiet Sun in
data taken by SDO/AIA in the 193 Å channel together with co-temporal SDO/HMI
longitudinal magnetic field co-observations. The formation of the CBPs was found to
involve emergence (i.e., ephemeral regions), convergence and coalescence. In total 70
BPs were randomly selected in SDO/AIA 193 Å images. Bipolar flux emergence (i.e.,
an ephemeral region) was identified in 50% of the cases. In 28 CBPs convergence of
at least one polarity is found to proceed to a BP formation, while in only 6 cases coa-
lescence of a small-scale field results in a CBP formation. Magnetic flux cancellation
is found in all 70 CBPs. It involves the main polarities associated with the CBPs but
also weak flux concentrations, generally confirming the studies by Golub et al. (1977),
Harvey et al. (1994), and Webb et al. (1993).

2 Page 26 of 79 M. S. Madjarska

Fig. 16 SOHO/MDI images of the photospheric longitudinal magnetic field evolution (scaled from − 25 to
25 G) of a magnetic bipole associated with a CBP observed in SOHO/EIT 195 Å. Image reproduced with
permission from Madjarska et al. (2003), copyright by ESO

Coronal bright points Page 27 of 79 2

McIntosh (2007) applied the magnetic range of influence definition (MRoI, see
Sect. 3.7 for more details) on SOHO/MDI data together with SOHO/EIT 304 Å (dom-
inated by transition-region emission at ∼ 50,000 K) and 195 Å images covering a time
series of a bit more than 3 days of observations taken in March 2006. The analysis
represents a pixel light-curve distribution diagnostics that includes the width of the
intensity distribution divided by the mean intensity in the pixel, distribution skewness,
and distribution kurtosis. From the intensity variations at the location of the CBPs
detected in the 304 Å channel and the fact that some CBPs may exist only at transition
region temperatures (i.e., do not reach coronal temperatures), the authors proposed that
BPs (at TR and coronal temperatures) are subject to a two-stage heating process. The
first involves reconnection driven by magneto-convection at the junctions of super-
granular cells producing a BP at transition-region temperatures (named cool BPs). The
second stage would start after the BP that is energetically stronger rises and expands
in the solar corona and separator reconnection initiates between the expanding loops
of the CBP and the overlying corona (e.g., Longcope et al. 2001) that leads to the
CBP plasma being heated to coronal temperatures (producing a hot BP). In their study
on the cool and hot components of a CBP, Tian et al. (2008a) speculate based on the
analysis of magnetic field evolution and topology derived with the mpole code (for
details see Sect. 4.2) that the formation and evolution of this CBP conform with the
two-stage heating process suggested by McIntosh (2007).
In summary, CBPs are associated with photospheric flux of opposite polarities
called magnetic bipoles/dipoles. In some cases the photospheric field is more complex
than a simple bipole resulting in complicated loop connectivities as seen in coronal
imaging channels. While 50% of CBPs in the quiet Sun are related to bipolar flux
emergence, the rest result from the chance encounter of pre-existing magnetic flux.
The range of the total magnetic flux associated with CBPs has been poorly investigated
with the first and last study dating back to 1977. Later, only average or single CBP
values were reported. While the upper boundary of the magnetic flux is believed to
be ∼ 1020 Mx, it remains an open question what the minimum magnetic flux required
to produce a small-scale loop with enhanced coronal emission (a hot loop) is. It is
also still to be investigated how the latitudinal distribution and the variation of the
number density of CBPs that form flux emergence and chance encounter of magnetic
flux change during the 11-year activity cycle.

4.2 Magnetic topology

Knowledge about the three dimensional magnetic topology of CBPs is crucial in mod-
elling these phenomena. Parnell et al. (1994a) were the first to derive the magnetic
topology of two CBPs. They used a few photospheric point sources to reproduce the
3D structure of the magnetic field. The CBP structure was found to be aligned with the
separator line connecting two 3D null points located in the photosphere. Pérez-Suárez
et al. (2008) used the mpole topology code of Longcope (1996) to obtain the 3D struc-
ture of a CBP observed with several instruments on board Hinode and SoHO, as well
as TRACE. The mpole code reduces a magnetogram to a distribution of monopoles
in the photosphere to derive the 3D potential magnetic field. The comparison of the

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processed (using edge detection function) Hinode/XRT images and the extrapolated
field (from SOHO/MDI magnetograms) revealed a very close agreement between the
calculated magnetic field configuration and some of the X-ray loops composing the
studied CBP (Fig. 17). The authors concluded that a large fraction of the magnetic
field in the CBP is close to potential. By using the same methodology Alexander et al.
(2011) reconstructed the topology of a single CBP reaching the same conclusion as
Pérez-Suárez et al. (2008). None of the above studies investigated the configuration
of the magnetic field overlying the CBP loop structure.
Zhang et al. (2012) employed a potential field model to derive the magnetic topology
of 13 CBPs using longitudinal magnetic field data archived by the Global Oscillation
Network Group (GONG) and obtained by the BBSO and Learmonth observatories.
Two out of the 13 QS CBPs were associated with the so-called “embedded bipolar
region” where one polarity magnetic-flux fragment is surrounded by opposite polarity
concentrations. This photospheric magnetic field organization usually results in a
coronal magnetic null point defining a dome-shaped separatrix surface. The remaining
11 CBPs were found to be associated with simple bipolar regions creating loop systems,
also found by Pérez-Suárez et al. (2008) and Alexander et al. (2011).
Most recently Galsgaard et al. (2017) applied a potential model to reconstruct the
magnetic skeleton of ten CBPs using Hinode/SOT and SDO/HMI magnetic field, and
SDO/AIA and X-ray Hinode/XRT imaging data. In contrast to Zhang et al. (2012)
they found that in nine CBPs the presence of one polarity flux surrounded by opposite
polarity flux in a coronal hole and QS defines a magnetic null point above the minority
flux. In these nine cases, the CBPs registered in X-rays or EUV is located in a limited
part of the projected fan-dome area, either fully inside the dome or expanding over a
limited dome area where typically dominant flux concentrations reside (Fig. 18). The
tenth bright point occupies a simple bipolar loop system without an overlying null
point. The authors also found that the magnetogram resolution does not play a role in
the definition of the dome configuration. The paper discusses the possible reason for
the differences with the study by Zhang et al. (2012).

5 Plasma properties

Knowledge about the physical parameters of the plasma such as flows (obtained either
as proper motions of emission/absorption features in imaging data or from Doppler
shifts in spectroscopic observations), electron density, temperature, filling factor etc. is
fundamentally important for establishing the driving physical mechanism(s) of solar
phenomena. Verification of all or some of these physical parameters that matches
model derived parameters is the most reliable approach to constrain or determine the
possible physical mechanism(s) at work. In the following the plasma properties of
CBPs obtained both from imaging (monochromatic and passband) and EUV spectro-
scopic data are reviewed.

Coronal bright points Page 29 of 79 2

Fig. 17 Left panels: SOHO/MDI

magnetograms with overplotted
mpole extrapolated coronal
magnetic field. Right panels:
edge-detection processed
Hinode/XRT images. Image
reproduced with permission
from Pérez-Suárez et al. (2008),
copyright by ESO

2 Page 30 of 79 M. S. Madjarska

Fig. 18 Magnetic coronal structure of CBPs from potential field extrapolations. Image reproduced with
permission from Galsgaard et al. (2017), copyright by ESO

5.1 CBPs in EUV and X-rays emission

One of most characteristic properties of CBPs is the apparent spatial and temporal
variability of their emission across all EUV and X-ray wavelengths, as well as promi-
nent radio signal variations (see Sect. 5.2). The first observations of CBPs in EUV
spectral lines formed at chromospheric, transition-region and coronal temperatures
revealed that the EUV emission from CBPs varies dynamically on timescales as short
as the data cadence (Habbal and Withbroe 1981). Strong emission enhancements in
coronal lines were accompanied by a strong intensity increase in chromospheric and
transition region lines. Spectroheliograms were taken with the Harvard EUV experi-
ment on Skylab/ATM at a 5 spatial resolution and 5.5 min cadence in the C ii 1335 Å,
Ly-α 1216 Å, O iv 554 Å, O vi 1032 Å, C iii 977 Å, and Mg X 625 Å lines. The obser-
vations obtained close to the solar limb showed that the coronal emission in CBPs
extends a few arcseconds above their chromospheric emission conforming with the
idea that CBPs are composed of magnetic loops rooted in the chromosphere. The coro-
nal emission increase was found to precede the lower temperature emission (Fig. 19)
suggesting that the heating occurs at coronal heights and is carried to the chromosphere
by thermal conduction that can explain both the response in the chromospheric lines
(e.g., Ly-α) and the initial response at coronal temperatures (e.g., Mg x).
Spectroheliograms from the Harvard EUV experiment on Skylab/ATM were used
by Habbal et al. (1990) to compare some of the properties of CBPs in coronal holes
and the quiet Sun including their morphological structure and emission variations.
Simultaneous observations in six different spectral lines formed in the chromosphere,
transition region and corona were used. The short-time variations in spectral lines with
different formation temperatures (e.g., Mg x and C iii) were not always found to be
co-spatial which may suggest that CBPs are composed of loops of various sizes and
temperatures. Temporal variability of the emission at all wavelengths was observed

Coronal bright points Page 31 of 79 2

Fig. 19 CBP intensity variations

in different EUV spectral lines
including Mg x, O vi, C ii and
Ly-α. Image reproduced with
permission from Habbal and
Withbroe (1981), copyright by

in CBPs from the two topologically different regions. The study also established that
more CBPs are present at transition region temperatures than at coronal, both in coronal
holes and in the quiet Sun. The intensity variability suggests that the CBP heating
is eventually maintained by two heating mechanisms, a steady and a superimposed
impulsive. The authors found two distinctive peaks of the parameter that is produced by
the ratio of the varying (ac) and constant (dc) components of the emission (for details
see their Sect. III, b), one at log T (K) ∼ 5.0–5.3 that is the peak of the radiative

2 Page 32 of 79 M. S. Madjarska

loss function, and a second for some CBPs at the Mg x formation temperature of
log T (K) ∼ 6.1 that corresponds to the conductive losses. The two peaks are found
to vary significantly from CBP to CBP with a correlation between the change in the
magnitude of ac/dc peaks and the mean intensity of the CBP. The emission variations
were attributed to heating by magnetic reconnection that consequently would produce
fast MHD waves which in the plasma and magnetic field environment of the CBPs
would also contribute to the heating of the CBP plasma. The study concludes that the
characteristic properties of CBPs in coronal holes and quiet Sun are independent of
the background large-scale magnetic structure.
The emission variability in the quiet Sun has been largely attributed to CBPs and
has been found to have a strong temperature dependence. Habbal and Grace (1991)
studied EUV data (from the Harvard EUV experiment on Skylab/ATM) in six different
spectral lines, Ly-α, C ii, C iii, O iv, O vi and Mg x at a 5 spatial and 5.5 min time
resolution. Both the quiet Sun and coronal hole regions were investigated to elimi-
nate the discrepancies related to the background large-scale magnetic configuration.
A clear temperature dependence was found in the spatial distribution of the enhanced
and variable emission, with a minimum at log T (K) ∼ 5.47, which divides two pref-
erential distributions of the closed magnetic structures in the quiet Sun: one that forms
at transition region temperatures, below log T (K) ∼ 5.47, and one at coronal. This
implies that depending on the associated magnetic field strength, some CBPs could be
composed of loops that do not reach coronal temperatures (see in Sect. 3.6 more on
the CBP occurrence rate at different temperatures). The enhanced emission was found
to cover only 10–25% of the solar surface depending on the temperature, while only
5–15% is caused by the variable emission. It has also been established that radiative
losses from the variable emission are up to 40% from those of the enhanced emission.
However, it is concluded that these losses are much smaller than the amount of heat-
ing required for maintaining the coronal temperature of the quiet Sun. The study also
found that the ratio of the total radiative losses in the quiet Sun and coronal holes is the
same implying that the energy input that causes the variable emission is independent
of the general coronal magnetic structure.
Orange et al. (2014) compared a bright point observed at transition-region temper-
atures and a transient intensity brightening named blinker (Harrison 1997) concluding
that “the blinker phenomena and the TR BP are sufficiently dissimilar in their observed
properties as to constitute different event classes.” The term ‘blinker’ refers to transient
phenomena detected at transition-region temperatures that show intensity enhance-
ments of a factor of 2–3. Blinkers have average lifetimes ranging from 6 to 40 min
and typical sizes of 3 × 107 km2 (Harrison 1997; Bewsher et al. 2002). Harrison et al.
(2003) unified under the term blinker all events named as blinkers, network and cell
brightenings, and EUV brightenings that have been identified in SOHO/CDS and EIT
data and concluded that they represent the “same phenomenon detected using differ-
ent techniques”. Most recently Subramanian et al. (2012) using multi-instrumental
co-observations concluded that actually “blinkers are the EUV response of various
transient events originating at coronal, transition region and chromospheric heights”.
Some of these phenomena were EUV/X-ray jets, brightenings in small-scale loops
(i.e., a CBP) or foot-point brightenings of larger loops. Therefore, some blinkers can
eventually be linked to CBPs.

Coronal bright points Page 33 of 79 2

5.2 CBPs at radio wavelengths

Interferometric observations ranging from 0.8 to 11 cm and a spatial resolution from

4 to 2 of the quiet Sun have revealed already in 1970s surprisingly strong interfero-
metric signals varying at time scales from 5 to 30 min (e.g., Zirin et al. 1978; Janssen
et al. 1979, and the references therein). Initially, this was interpreted as related to the
chromospheric network. The opportunity for detailed investigations of the origin of
these interferometer signals was presented when the VLA radio observatory became
Quiet Sun solar observations at a frequency of 4.9 GHz (6 cm) made with the VLA
during the partial solar eclipse on 1977 October 12 showed that at small spatial scales
the observations are dominated by a small number of compact sources (Marsh et al.
1980). The sources’ sizes had a range of 9 –25 and a peak brightness temperature
of 6–8 × 104 K with respect to the background temperature of 2 × 105 K, with an
absolute brightness temperature of the strongest source of 1.0 × 105 K. At least three
out of six sources were associated with bipolar magnetic features strongly suggesting
that small microwave sources represent CBPs. The authors found no associations with
the chromospheric network and went to suggest that the quiet Sun radio signal is
mainly produced by CBPs. An earlier study by Hachenberg et al. (1978) has already
associated numerous bipolar magnetic regions in the quiet Sun with radio sources at
8.5 mm wavelength that had lifetimes of several hours and showed intensity variations
at times scales of a few minutes.
Habbal et al. (1986) reported the first observations of CBPs at 20 cm wavelength
with VLA at 15 spatial resolution. Three radio sources were identified in the quiet
Sun and were associated with dark points in He i 10,830 Å which are known to be
the counterpart of CBPs. The sources had a size of ∼ 40 and a brightness temperature
ranging from 5 × 104 to 5 × 105 K, the temperature that characterizes the transition
region. Under the assumption of free–free emission, the observed variations (Fig. 20)
of the brightness temperature in the range between 1 and 5 × 105 K were found to
be caused by pressure fluctuations at transition region heights combined with “either
plasma motions along magnetic field lines or changes in the magnetic field topology,
or both”. The magnetic field strength was deduced for the first and only time from the
brightness temperature of the extraordinary and the ordinary wave modes and it was
found to vary between 50 and 200 G.
Further observations of CBPs at 6 cm wavelength taken with the VLA at a spatial
resolution as high as 1.2 (Fu et al. 1987) revealed that the radio emission associated
with CBPs that show rapid temporal and spatial variations is similar to the variations
observed in X-rays, EUV, optical wavelengths, and at 20 cm wavelength. The spatial
variations appeared either as irregular displacements or structural changes. The sources
had a diameter of 5 –15 and lifetime of 5–20 min which was believed to be related
to the lifetime of the small-scale loops that form CBPs. The brightness temperature
(above the quiet Sun background) had a range between 0.2 × 104 and 3 × 105 K. It
is speculated that the 6 cm sources are located near the footpoints of these loops and
the small-duration sources are related to flaring in CBPs. The maximum brightness
temperature of the sources was estimated at ∼ 3 × 104 K with an average value of

2 Page 34 of 79 M. S. Madjarska

Fig. 20 Intensity maps at λ = 20 cm of two bright points and contour levels that are multiples of 5 × 104 K,
the 2.5σ level. Image reproduced with permission from Habbal et al. (1986), copyright by AAS

∼ 1 × 104 K. From the difference between the distances from the centre of the solar
disk to the radio sources and to co-temporally observed dark points in He i 10,830 Å,
the height of the 6 cm CBP sources was estimated at 1.5–2.0 × 104 km above the He i
formation height that is however far above the footpoints of the CBP loops.
More studies at radio wavelengths by Kundu et al. (1988), Habbal and Harvey
(1988), and Nitta and Kundu (1988) followed. Kundu et al. (1988) analysed VLA
data in the radio 6 and 20 cm, and estimated their average brightness temperature
ratio of 0.09 which conforms with thermal bremsstrahlung emission. Habbal and
Harvey (1988) reported the first simultaneous observations of a quiet Sun region in
He i 10,830 Å and at the radio 20 cm wavelength, combined with magnetic field
data. The radio emission was found always to coincide with the He i emission but not
always with dark points, i.e., CBPs (see Fig. 21). Only 30–35% of the radio mission
was associated with strong or moderate He i dark points, while both the radio emission
and the He i absorption showed rapid intensity variations (as low as the time resolution
of 3 min). These variations were not found to be co-temporal and were often associated

Coronal bright points Page 35 of 79 2

Fig. 21 Lightcurves of the

emission of the radio 20 cm (top
panels) and He i absorption
(bottom panels) sources. Filled
circles denote the co-temporal
data points in both wavelengths.
Open circles are data that exist
only in one dataset. Top-left
panel shows the flux density of
the radio emission (I (J y )),
while the right top panel gives
the maximum brightness
temperature TB of the source.
The bottom-left panel presents
the mean intensity (| I¯|) of the
He i absorption and the bottom
right the maximum (|Imax |).
Image reproduced with
permission from Habbal and
Harvey (1988), copyright by

with spatial variations of the 20 cm sources. Most importantly magnetic cancelation

rather than magnetic flux emergence were found to relate to these intensity fluctuations.
Nitta et al. (1992) compared CBPs observed in soft X-rays by Yohkoh/SXT
with radio 20 cm observations. Half of the 33 sources were associated with XBPs,
while the rest were overlaying unipolar regions. Therefore, CBPs are not the solely
source of radio emission and cannot be used as an identifier of this phenomenon.
The derived CBP temperatures of 1.4–2.9 × 106 K and emission measure of 0.4–
2.5 × 1045 cm−3 , with a brightness temperature of 1–2.5 × 105 K, suggested optically
thin bremsstrahlung emission. Kundu et al. (1994a) also reported a 17 GHz radio
emission from CBPs (four cases) in the QS and AR. Corresponding XBPs were
simultaneously detected by Yohkoh/SXT. Two XBPs showed flaring activity while
the other two quiescent intensity fluctuations. The flaring CBP gradual, long-lasting
(∼ 2 h), unpolarized emission, with a radio peak almost simultaneous as the X-ray
intensity peak, indicated that this 17 GHz emission is thermal in nature. Using the
X-ray emission and a filter ratio method, the temperature, density and emission mea-
sure were derived to estimate the thermal emission at 17 GHz. The calculated values
were found to be larger than the observed ones which is assumed to be caused by the
emission from lower temperature plasma not detectable by Yohkoh/SXT but sensitive
to microwave free–free emission. A contribution from non-thermal electrons should
also be considered.
Non-thermal particle acceleration is a clear indication of a large energy release (e.g.,
in the course of magnetic reconnection) during which free magnetic energy is converted
to kinetic energy, usually observed in the time of solar flares in active regions. Flaring
CBPs were associated with radio type III bursts during the Skylab mission (Kundu

2 Page 36 of 79 M. S. Madjarska

et al. 1980), as well as later in the Yohkoh era (Kundu et al. 1994b, 1995). Kundu et al.
(1980) analysed 430 h of data from the Clark Lake Radio Observatory interferometer
and found 4 radio burst events from 29 flaring CBPs registered by Skylab, i.e., only a
10% association. Kundu et al. (1994b) studied Nançay Radioheliograph (NRH) metric
radio emission and co-temporal soft X-ray observations of CBPs by Yohkoh/SXT
and established that flares in XBPs located in coronal holes give rise to non-thermal
emission in the form of type III radio bursts. Kundu et al. (1995) provided further
evidence for radio type III bursts at the time of XBP microflarings and also reported on
the temporal evolution of the emission. The soft X-ray intensity variations that showed
an increase from 100 to 700% (i.e., microflaring, see Sect. 7.1) during tens of minutes
were well correlated with the radio type III burst groups. The radio bursts occurred
during the impulsive phase of the XBP microflares and were located close or at the
XBPs (Fig. 22). These findings indicated that CBP flares have a similar origin to AR
flares and also suggested that the physical mechanism that takes place can produce
non-thermal electron beams. As radio III bursts require open magnetic field (e.g.,
coronal hole fields), this phenomenon is expected to be observed less frequently than
the microwave or radio emission for instance, which could explain the low association
To summarise, radio sources at 6 and 20 cm wavelength that are believed to be
produced by optically thin free–free bremsstrahlung emission have been associated
with CBPs. Brightness temperature variations were suggested to be associated pressure
fluctuations caused by plasma flows along field lines or changes of the magnetic
topology at transition region heights. The magnetic field strength was deduced for
the first and only time from the brightness temperature of the extraordinary and the
ordinary wave modes and it was found to vary between 50 and 200 G. Magnetic
cancelation rather than magnetic flux emergence were found to relate to these intensity
fluctuations of the radio sources. Flaring CBPs were associated with radio type III

5.3 Doppler and non-thermal velocities

Plasma flows in CBPs (non-eruptive quiet phase of their evolution) have only been
determined from Doppler shift measurements given their small sizes and the limita-
tion of the pixel size of the existing imaging data with respect to these sizes (mainly
corona—0.6 pixel size of SDO/AIA, and transition region—0.16 for IRIS). Doppler
velocities in CBPs are reported from data taken by several spectrometers including
the High Resolution Telescope and Spectrograph (HRTS), the SUMER/SoHO spec-
trometer, Hinode/EIS, IRIS and EUNIS rocket mission. Spectroscopic observations in
the C iv 1548 Å line recorded by HRTS were used to investigate the relation of XBPs
and explosive events (transition region emission showing strong non-Gaussian profiles
with Doppler shifts of up to 250 km s−1 ) (Moses et al. 1994). No relation was found
between explosive events and XBPs, and Doppler widths in the range of 20–40 km s−1
in XBPs were derived. Vilhu et al. (2002) reported a spectroscopic study from a flaring
CBP in SUMER observations. The data used in this study represent 44 scans made with
a 2 slit. The resulting images had a field-of-view of 23 × 24 and 2.8 min cadence.

Coronal bright points Page 37 of 79 2

Fig. 22 Locations of the metric type III radio bursts superimposed on the Yohkoh/SXT images. Image
reproduced with permission from Kundu et al. (1995), copyright by AAS

High average non-thermal velocities in the CBP were obtained in the transition region
N ii 775.96 Å (Tmax ≈ 2.5 × 104 K), N iv 765.15 Å (Tmax ≈ 1.26 × 105 K), O iv
787.74 Å (Tmax ≈ 1.6 × 105 K), and coronal Ne viii 770.42 Å (Tmax ≈ 6.3 × 105 K)
lines of 40 ± 10 km s−1 , 44 ± 5 km s−1 , 46 ± 5 km s−1 , and 41 ± 5 km s−1 , respec-
tively. The formation temperature Tmax refers to the temperature at the maximum
ionization fraction and it will be indicated henceforward for each mentioned spectral
line. The nature of the non-thermal velocity is still largely open to discussion and it is
believed to be a manifestation of small-scale laminar flows, waves and/or turbulence
present in the observed plasma at a certain temperature. For optically thin lines the

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non-thermal velocity is obtained from the measured full width at half maximum after
a correction for the instrumental broadening and is given by the expression

  2  1/2
λ 2k B Ti
FWHM = 4ln2 + ξ2 ,
c M

where k B is the Boltzmann constant, M is the mass of the atom emitting the line, Ti
is the ion temperature assumed to be equal to the electron temperature, and ξ is the
non-thermal velocity.
By combining potential and linear force-free field extrapolations using line-of-sight
magnetograms from the Kitt Peak National Observatory and spectroscopic observa-
tions in the Si iv 1402 Å line taken with the ultraviolet spectrometer and polarimeter
(UVSP) on the Solar Maximum Mission (SMM) (Woodgate et al. 1980), Rovira et al.
(1999) derived red-shifted emission at both ends of the nearly potential magnetic loops
that are consistent with downflows in both loop legs. An enhanced X-ray emission at
8×106 K lead the authors to the suggestion that forced reconnection due to continuous
flux emergence is the cause of the CBP heating. The flow pattern would be consistent
with chromospheric evaporation due to coronal magnetic reconnection between the
emerging and overlying coronal field.
Using SUMER observations, Madjarska et al. (2003) derived Doppler shifts in a
QS CBP in the S vi 933.40 Å (2.0 × 105 K) line ranging from −10 to 10 km s−1 .
The data were taken in a sit-and-stare mode (rastering with SUMER was restricted
for instrumental reasons) and no rotational compensation was applied, resulting in
the slit “scanning” 10 in solar longitude (at the targeted heliographic coordinates)
in one hour. The area above the bipole magnetic flux concentrations was found to
have red-shifted emission, while blue-shifted emission was recorded in the centre of
the CBP. Therefore, the transition region emission is produced in the legs/footpoints
of the CBP loops rooted in the bipole flux, while the blue-shifted signal comes from
the background corona (in the present case, a coronal hole) rather than coming from
the CBP loop top at coronal heights. This red-shifted emission could be interpreted
as produced by downflows resulting from cooling plasma that drains towards the
photosphere. The physical processes leading to this are still to be investigated. Small-
scale brightenings in the CBP were found to have velocities in the range of 3–6 km s−1 .
Also in a transition region line registered with SUMER, O iii 703.87 Å (8.0 × 104 K),
Popescu et al. (2004) reports a red-shifted emission at 5 km s−1 from a narrow cut
through the outer edge of a CBP, above one of the footpoints, and 0 km s−1 in the centre
of the CBP. In contrast, the emission in the coronal Mg ix 706.02 Å line (1.0×106 K) is
∼ − 4 km s−1 (the CBP is located in a polar coronal hole). Orange et al. (2014) obtained
Doppler shifts of ≤ 25 km s−1 in a CBP registered in transition region spectral lines
obtained with Hinode/EIS, and ≤ 20 km s−1 in a CBP seen in coronal lines except for
the case when microflaring and jet was observed.
Most recently, Kayshap and Dwivedi (2017) analysed two CBPs observed with IRIS
located in a coronal hole. Similarly to Madjarska et al. (2003), they found in the two
legs/footpoints of the BP loops redshifted emission in the Si iv 1393.75 Å (8.0×104 K)
in the range of 5–30 km s−1 (see Fig. 23), ∼ 5–20 km s−1 in the C ii 1394.76 Å

Coronal bright points Page 39 of 79 2

IRIS-Si IV 1393.82 A IRIS-C II 1334.532 A

150.0 80.0

117.5 60.0

Peak Intensity (Counts)

Peak Intensity (Counts)

Y (arcsecs)

-215 85.0 40.0


-225 52.5 20.0

20.0 0.0
195 200 205 210 215 220 225 195 200 205 210 215 220 225
X (arcsecs) X (arcsecs)
30.0 20.0

15.0 10.0
Doppler Velocity (km s-1)

Doppler Velocity (km s-1)

Y (arcsecs)

-215 0.0 0.0


-225 -15.0 -10.0

-30.0 -20.0
195 200 205 210 215 220 225 195 200 205 210 215 220 225
X (arcsecs) X (arcsecs)

Fig. 23 Intensity (top panel) and Doppler velocity (bottom panel) in Si iv (left column) and C ii (right
column). The red lines represent the magnetic field lines derived from a potential field extrapolation using
SDO/HMI longitudinal magnetograms. Images reproduced with permission from Kayshap and Dwivedi
(2017), copyright by Springer

(2.5 × 104 K, see Fig. 23), and ∼ 10 km s−1 in the O iv 1401.16 Å (1.6 × 105 K).
Blue-shifted emission is recorded in the centre of the CBP which is emitted from the
CH background.
The EUNIS sounding rocket instrument provided spectroscopic data that were used
by Brosius et al. (2007) to derive Doppler shifts in CBPs in spectral lines covering a
large temperature range (Fig. 24). The Doppler velocities obtained as a function of the
position across the CBP (solar x positions) in five strong spectral lines are ± 15 km s−1
in He ii (5.0 × 104 K), ± 14 km s−1 in Mg ix 368.1 Å (9.5 × 105 K), ± 26 km s−1
in Fe xiv 334.2 Å (2.0 × 106 K), and ± 35 km s−1 in both Fe xvi 335.4 and 360.8 Å
(2.5 × 106 K), the highest temperature line used in Doppler shift measurements of
CBPs). The authors concluded that the same Doppler shift pattern is observed in all
four spectral lines: blue-shifted on the eastern side and red-shifted on the western side
of the CBP (the footpoint/bipole orientation is north–south). The CBP is located in a

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Fig. 24 Top two rows: SOHO/MDI longitudinal magnetograms scaled to ± 50 G overlaid with the
SOHO/EIT 195 Å contours. The horizontal line represents the EUNIS slit. The field of view of the images
is 56.5 ×56.5 . Bottom two rows: intensity (solid line) and Doppler velocity including error bars along the
EUNIS slit in six different spectral lines as noted on the figure panels. Images reproduced with permission
from Brosius et al. (2007), copyright by AAS

Coronal bright points Page 41 of 79 2

Fig. 25 Top two rows: intensity images of a CBP in transition region (first row) and coronal lines (second).
Bottom two rows: Doppler shift images in the spectral lines shown in the top two rows. The count outlines
the position of the CBP in each spectral line. The time in the right corner indicates approximately the
scanning time. Images reproduced with permission from Tian et al. (2008a), copyright by AAS

polar coronal hole that needs to be taken into consideration while interpreting those
Doppler velocities. In the study the slit crosses the CBP in a fixed single position across
the CBP loops and therefore does not provide information about the Doppler shifts
in the legs/footpoints of the CBP loops as in the study by Madjarska et al. (2003).
However, from the provided images it is evident that the slit crosses the brightest top
of the CBPs (see the contour lines overplotted on each panel in Fig. 24). Thus, at
the position of the peak intensity, the emission from the coronal lines Mg ix 368.1 Å,
Fe xiv 334.2 Å, and Fe xvi 335.4 Å is blue-shifted to up to 15 km s−1 .
Pérez-Suárez et al. (2008) used Hinode/EIS data and obtained Doppler shifts in six
spectral lines with different formation temperatures. The obtained Doppler velocities
are in the range ± 15 km s−1 in Si vii 275.35 Å (6.3 × 105 K), Fe x 184.54 Å (1.0 ×
106 K)—± 10 km s−1 , Fe xii 195.12 Å (1.3×106 K)—± 8 km s−1 , from 6 to 18 km s−1
in Fe xiii 202.04 Å (1.6 × 106 K), and ± 15 km s−1 in Fe xiv 270.52 Å (2.0 × 106 K).
Using both SUMER/SoHO and also Hinode/EIS data Tian et al. (2008a) obtained
different Doppler shift values in spectral lines formed in the transition region (from
SOHO/SUMER) and corona (from Hinode/EIS and SOHO/SUMER Ne viii), naming
them cool and hot CBP components. The Doppler-shift range in the transition region
lines was found to be slightly higher than in the coronal lines (Fig. 25). The ‘cool’
and ‘hot’ two components of the CBP present a blue-red shifted pattern with a very
different orientation which the authors interpreted as resulting from a twist of the
magnetic loop system.

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Also from SOHO/SUMER data, Xia et al. (2003) reports blue-shifted emission in
the range 3–7 km s−1 in Ne viii 770.42 Å. Doppler-shift images were obtained assum-
ing a net blue shift in the Ne viii of − 5 km s−1 (value derived when the line is observed
in second order permitting then to use C i lines for wavelength calibration). Tian et al.
(2008a) obtained Doppler shifts close to zero in the same line. On the other hand,
Tian et al. (2009) obtained blue-shifted emission of up to 9.5 km s−1 in both legs of
CBP loops by combining magnetic field extrapolation using a potential field model
and spectroscopic observations in the SOHO/SUMER Ne viii 770.42 Å line. These
flows were interpreted as the product of continuous reconnection between internet-
work small scale loops that continuously emerge and are swept via the supergranular
convection to the network boundaries, where they eventually interact with larger loops
or open field lines named funnels (see the cartoon shown in Fig. 4 of their paper). This
would produce upflows in upper-transition region and low-coronal lines, and down-
flows in lower temperature (with respect to Ne viii) transition region lines (e.g., S vi
in Madjarska et al. 2003 and Si iv observations in Kayshap and Dwivedi 2017).
Plasma flows in CBPs are an important indicator of the physical processes that are
at work to produce both the steady heating of CBPs plasma or impulsive energy release
that triggers eruptions including jets and mass ejections. The wide range of values from
the several studies mentioned above do not reveal a fully consistent picture either
because of line-of-sight, instrumental and/or wavelength calibration effects. Never-
theless, one SOHO/SUMER (Madjarska et al. 2003) and one IRIS study (Kayshap
and Dwivedi 2017) of CBPs located away from polar and limb regions clearly show
red-shifted emission in transition-region spectral lines from the CBP legs/footpoints.
The emission in coronal lines CBP loop tops indicate blue-shifted emission in CBPs
(Xia et al. 2003; Popescu et al. 2004; Brosius et al. 2007) with stronger shifts in
spectral lines with higher formation temperatures. It remains paramount that plasma
flows from Doppler shift measurements in CBPs are further investigated in data from
present and/or past missions to provide important constrains to the modelling of these
Various values of Doppler velocities were derived in CBPs using spectroscopic
data from several spectrometers. Disk centre observations that are most suitable for
Doppler shift measurements indicate that the low transition-region emission in CBPs is
red-shifted while high transition-region and coronal lines show blue-shifted emission
that may be consistent with footpoint heating. Some studies also reveal syphon flows
(upflow in one leg and downflow in the other). Further Doppler velocity measurements
in CBPs in spectral lines with a large range of formation temperatures are required.
A precise as possible rest-wavelength calibration, removal of the effects caused by
distorted point-spread function, and other instrumental effects are also important to
be taken into account.

5.4 Electron densities

The electron pressure (Ne Te ) is an important plasma parameter in theoretical modelling

and therefore reliable information about the plasma electron densities and temperatures
is fundamentally important. The electron density is often deduced from imaging data

Coronal bright points Page 43 of 79 2

that assumes knowledge of the emitting plasma volume and homogenous plasma
distribution within. However, the solar plasma is confined in filamentary structures
that present observations cannot spatially resolve and thus the most accurate method
to estimate the electron density is from the ratio of spectral lines of the same ion that
makes no assumption about the size of the observed plasma volume or the elemental
abundance values.
CBP electron densities were first obtained from data taken with SOHO/CDS as
part of a polar plume study, Del Zanna et al. (2003) derived the electron density of
a single CBP using line ratios of O iv 625.9 Å and 608.9 Å (hereafter the ratios are
denoted as 625.9/608.9), Mg vii 319.0/367.7, and Si ix 349.9/341.9, and obtained Ne
of 1.9 ± 0.4 × 1010 cm−3 , 0.9 ± 0.5 × 109 cm−3 , and 5.0 ± 2 × 108 cm−3 , respectively.
Ugarte-Urra et al. (2004a) obtained a similar value from the Si ix 349.9/341.9 line ratio
of 5.0 × 108 cm−3 .
A specially dedicated study on the electron densities of CBPs by Ugarte-Urra
et al. (2005) estimated Ne in six CBPs observed by CDS/SoHO in spectral lines
with formation temperatures ranging between 1.3 and 2.0 × 106 K. The average
Ne values from the line ratios Fe xiv 353.79/334.17, Fe xiii 359.78/348.18, Fe xii
364.47/338.26, and Si x 356.04/347.40 derived without the background subtraction are
2.14 × 109 cm−3 , 4.6 × 109 cm−3 , 3.3 × 109 cm−3 and 9.1 × 109 cm−3 , respectively.
For more information on spectral line blends and the Chianti database versions used
by the different studies, the respective articles should be consulted. Evidently, the CBP
plasma densities are more similar to active regions than to those of the quiet Sun.
Brosius et al. (2008) used EUNIS data to derive Ne in a CBP. The Fe xi
308.52/352.67 line ratio gives an electron density Ne = 2.6 × 109 cm−3 , Fe xii
338.26/346.87—4.9 × 109 cm−3 , Fe xiii 320.82/348.18—3.5 × 109 cm−3 , Fe xiv
353.58/334.17—3.3 × 109 cm−3 , and for Si x 356.02/347.41—2.5 × 109 cm−3 (for-
mation temperature range log Tmax (K) from 6.1 to 6.3). The line pair with the lowest
formation temperature Mg vii yields Ne 1.0 × 109 cm−3 [log Tmax (K) ∼ 5.8]. Tian
et al. (2008a) obtained similar values at coronal temperatures [log Tmax (K) from 6.1 to
6.3] in the range 1.2–3.2 × 109 cm−3 (see Fig. 26) as Del Zanna et al. (2003), Brosius
et al. (2007), and Ugarte-Urra et al. (2005) using Hinode/EIS data. They also derived Ne
from the transition region line ratios of O iv 1407.39/1401.16 and O v 753.68/761.13
(SOHO/SUMER data) of ∼ 4.0 × 1010 cm−3 and ∼ 1.3 × 1010 cm−3 , respectively,
values that again are closer to AR densities. Several other studies with Hinode/EIS
data give Ne at 4 × 109 cm−3 (average value in Fe xii, Dere 2008), 3.7 × 109 cm−3 in
Fe xii and Fe xiii (Pérez-Suárez et al. 2008), and 3 × 109 cm−3 (median value from
several CBPs in Fe xii, Dere 2009). Doschek et al. (2010) studied several CBPs in
coronal holes and derived electron densities in Fe xii, Fe xiii and Fe xiv in the range
0.5–1 × 109 cm−3 , lower than the densities found by previous authors. It should be
mentioned here that Ne are typically higher when obtained in Fe xii than in Fe xiii
that is believed to be related to uncertainties in the atomic data related to the Fe xii
lines. The most recent study by Schmelz et al. (2013) reports Ne in 12 CBPs from
Hinode/EIS Fe xii 186.88/195.12 line ratios in the range 6–9 × 108 cm−3 that are also
significantly lower than the values obtained earlier from this line pair. The author of
the present review assumes that the authors that have used EIS data have taken into

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Fig. 26 Top panel: intensity

ratios as a function of the
electron density of seven
spectral line pairs. Bottom
panel: electron densities of a
CBP obtained from the line pairs
shown in the top panel. Image
reproduced with permission
from Tian et al. (2008a),
copyright by AAS

account the blends by Fe xii 186.89 Å and 195.18 Å, as it is not mentioned in some
of the studies.
Alexander et al. (2011) also studied the Ne of a quiet-Sun CBP from the Fe xii
(Hinode/EIS) (186.85 + 186.89)/(195.12 + 195.18) line ratio in data taken over a
time period of ∼ 13 h (22 Hinode/EIS rasters). This long Hinode/EIS time series
permitted to derive the electron density evolution of the CBP which appeared quite
steady at ∼ 5.0 × 109 cm−3 , but decreased by ∼ 40% in the last hour (raster) of
the observations. The temporal changes of the electron density were also studied by
Ugarte-Urra et al. (2004a). In the transition region, the ratio of O iv 625.8/608.4 shows
a small variation of the Ne around an average value of 3×1010 cm−3 . It should be noted
that the obtained Ne does not cover the full lifetime of the CBP as in Alexander et al.
(2011). Kamio et al. (2011) studied the plasma properties of microflares in CH and QS
CBPs using the Hinode/EIS Fe xii (186.85 + 186.89)/(195.12 + 195.18) line ratio. A
significant increase of the electron density in CBPs is found during a microflare that
coincides with the peak of the Fe xii intensity for both CH and QS CBPs (see Fig. 27).
An overview of the electron densities obtained until present is given in Table 1. The
wavelength of some of the lines were changed from the original papers to unify them
with other reports and with the CHIANTI database (done by the author of the present
To conclude, the electron densities of CBPs show large similarities to AR densities
with typically a few 1010 cm−3 at transition-region temperatures, and a few 109 cm−3

Coronal bright points Page 45 of 79 2

Fig. 27 Normalized lightcurves of a microflare in a QS CBP (left hand panels) and CH CBP (right hand
panels). Top: X-ray lightcurves in two filters, Be_thin and Al_poly. Middle: lightcurves from Hinode/EIS
emission lines. Bottom: the electron density (cm−3 ) form Fe xii 186.85/195.12. Image reproduced with
permission from Kamio et al. (2011), copyright by ESO

at coronal, clearly indicating that CBPs represent downscaled active regions. Coronal
densities remain relatively constant during CBP lifetimes. More than 3 times density
increase is found during microflaring in CBPs.

5.5 Temperatures

Several methods have been used to determine the temperatures of CBPs including
the two filter image ratios, the emission measure loci (EM-loci) method and spectral

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Table 1 Electron densities of CBPs

Ion Line ratio (Å/Å) log Tmax Electron density Instrument References
(log K ) (cm−3 )

O iv 1407.39/1401.16 5.2 4.0 × 1010 SUMER 5

O iv 625.90/608.40 5.2 1.9 × 1010 CDS 1
O iv 625.90/608.40 5.2 3.0 × 1010 CDS 3
Ov 753.68/761.13 5.4 1.3 × 1010 SUMER 5
Mg vii 319.03/367.70 5.8 0.9 × 109 CDS 1
Mg vii 319.03/365.22 5.8 1.0 × 109 EUNIS 3
Fe x 257.26/190.04 6.1 1.6 × 109 EIS 5
Si ix 349.90/341.90 6.1 5.0 × 108 CDS 1, 2
Si x 356.04/347.40 6.1 9.1 × 109 CDS 3
2.5 × 109 EUNIS 4
Si x 258.37/261.04 6.1 1.3 × 109 EIS 5
Fe xi 308.52/352.67 6.1 2.6 × 109 EUNIS 4
Fe xii 364.47/338.26 6.1 3.3 × 109 CDS 3
Fe xii 338.26/346.87 6.1 4.9 × 109 EUNIS 4
Fe xii 186.85/195.12 6.1 4.0 ×109 EIS 6
3.7 ×109 EIS 7
3.0 ×109 EIS 4, 8
8.9 ×108 EIS 9
5.0 ×109 EIS 10
6–9 × 108 EIS 12
1–5 × 109 EIS 11
Fe xiii 359.78/348.18 6.2 4.6 × 109 CDS 3
Fe xiii 320.82/348.18 6.2 3.5 × 109 EUNIS 4
Fe xiii 203.82/202.04 6.2 3.0 × 109 EIS 5
3.7 × 109 EIS 7
7.1 × 108 EIS 9
Fe xiv 353.84/334.17 6.3 2.1 × 109 CDS 3
Fe xiv 353.84/334.17 6.3 3.3 × 109 EUNIS 4
Fe xiv 264.79/274.20 6.3 2.0 × 109 EIS 5
1.1 × 109 EIS 9
(1) Del Zanna et al. (2003), (2) Ugarte-Urra et al. (2004a), (3) Ugarte-Urra et al. (2005), (4) Brosius et al.
(2008), (5) Tian et al. (2008a), (6) Dere (2008), (7) Pérez-Suárez et al. (2008), (8) Dere (2009), (9) Doschek
et al. (2010), (10) Alexander et al. (2011), (11) Kamio et al. (2011), and (12) Schmelz et al. (2013)

observations. From the intensity ratio of CBPs observed with two X-ray filters (Be: 3–
17 Å and polypropylene: 3–32, 43–54 Å) by the Skylab/S-054 X-ray telescope, Golub
et al. (1974) estimated that temperatures of XBPs range between 1.3 and 1.7 MK
(an error of 50% is assumed) with an upper limit of 2 MK. This method implies
that the observed plasma volume is strictly isothermal, which is not always valid for

Coronal bright points Page 47 of 79 2

Fig. 28 Emission measure loci curves of a CBP (top panel) and number of intersections at different tem-
peratures (bottom panel). Image reproduced with permission from Alexander et al. (2011), copyright by

coronal structures. The method has been questioned as the filter wavelength bands
cover spectral lines formed over a wide range of temperatures that contribute to the
signal in each filter (e.g., Martens et al. 2002; Del Zanna and Mason 2003). The
temporal variability of temperature was investigated by Kariyappa et al. (2011) using
the Hinode/XRT Ti_poly and Al_mesh filter ratio. The temperatures of seven BPs were
found to range from 1.11 to 2.31 MK with one CBP reaching as high as 3.44 MK.
The lightcurves of the intensity ratios revealed a high variability suggesting significant
temperature variations.
Alexander et al. (2011) used the EM-loci method of Jordan et al. (1987) to estimate
the temperature of a CBP registered in spectral (Hinode/EIS) and imaging (Hin-
ode/XRT) data. The background-corrected emission in eight spectral lines from 22
scans of the CBPs taken during ∼ 13 h of Hinode/EIS observations was used. It was
established that the CBP remained nearly isothermal during the observing period with
temperatures in the range of 1.2–1.7 MK, with an average of 1.3 MK (see Fig. 28).
Doschek et al. (2010) also used Hinode/EIS data to study several CBPs and concluded
that CBPs reach temperatures not higher than 2–3 MK and have a multi-temperature
structure with the hotter loops overlying the cooler ones. A multi-colour temperature
presentation shown here in Fig. 29 supports this interpretation of the CBP temperature
structure. Figure 10 of their paper presents the appearance of the CBP in spectral lines
with different formation temperatures. The loop structure of the CBPs is not visible
at transition region temperatures, but one can clearly see emission in these lines that

2 Page 48 of 79 M. S. Madjarska

Fig. 29 CBP observed by Hinode/EIS on 2007 January 13. Blue colour marks the spectral line with the
highest formation temperature, while red corresponds to the lowest. Image reproduced with permission
from Doschek et al. (2010), copyright by AAS

is known to come from the footpoints of the CBP loops (e.g., Madjarska et al. 2003;
Alexander et al. 2011). The EM-loci method was also used (see their Fig. 8) with an
intersection of the emission measure lightcurves of Fe x, Fe xi, Fe xii and Fe xiii at
1.2 MK, except for the lightcurves of the highest ionization stage lines of Fe xiv and
Fe xv.
The EM-loci method was also used by Orange et al. (2014) and the presence of single
and double isothermal components in bright points are transition-region and coronal
temperatures, respectively, were found. The broad distributions were interpreted as a
signature of unresolved structures.
To summarise, CBPs are composed of loops at different temperatures ranging from
1.2 to as high as 3.4 MK, with hotter loops overlying cooler ones. The footpoints of
CBP loops are clearly seen in chromospheric and transition region temperatures, while
the plasma at loop tops produces emission predominantly at coronal temperatures.

5.6 Plasma filling factor

The volumetric plasma filling factor of CBPs was first estimated by Dere (2008) using
Hinode/EIS data. The intensities of Fe xii 186.88 Å and 195.12 Å were used to derive
the electron densities and the widths of 62 CBP loops. The widths were estimated as
the full width of half maximum of the intensity profile perpendicular to the length
of the loop, and were found to have a median value of 5 (30% accuracy). CBPs in
Hinode/EIS data often appear as a single loop (especially when scanned with a 2
slit) due to the resolution limitation. The volumetric filling factor f of the Hinode/EIS
CBPs was found to vary from 4 × 10−5 to 0.2 with a median value of 0.015 using the
I = 0.86G(Tmax )Ne2 f w,
where G(Tmax ) is the contribution function at its peak temperature (Tmax ) calculated
with the Chianti database. Also the following assumptions are applied: w is the loop
width that represents the integration pathlength and for the formation temperature of

Coronal bright points Page 49 of 79 2

Fe xii of 1.6×106 K, the hydrogen density is N H = 0.86Ne . The CBP was considered
to be a cylindrical loop.
This filling factor range implies that the CBP loop resolved by Hinode/EIS should
be composed of loops with median widths of 1 –2 . The densities for a subset of the
CBPs obtained with the Fe xiii were found to be twice lower than in Fe xii implying
a four times lower filling factor, i.e., 0.06. The authors concluded that if CBPs are
considered to be formed by subresolution (size below the resolving capabilities of
Hinode/EIS) loops they would have a median width of 0.9 (when Fe xii electron
densities are used) and 1.8 (at the Fe xiii densities).
To test these results, Dere (2009) later analysed TRACE data with electron densities
derived from simultaneously taken Hinode/EIS data. TRACE has a factor of two higher
spatial resolution compared to Hinode/EIS 1 slit raster data. The volumetric plasma
filling factor was found to range from 3 × 10−3 to 0.3 with a median value of 0.04
for a CBP with an average electron density of 3 × 109 cm−3 at a temperature of
1.6 × 106 K (Fe xii). This result indicated that CBPs have a sub-EIS and even sub-
TRACE resolution structure, and are composed by loops with widths in the range
of 0.2 –1.5 . Data at the spatial resolution of IRIS and the High-resolution Coronal
Imager (known as Hi-C Imager, Cirtain et al. 2013) rocket flight are therefore required
to further investigate this issue.

5.7 Differential emission measure

Brosius et al. (2008) first derived the differential emission measure (DEM) and ele-
mental abundances (see the follow-up section) of a CBP using spectra taken with the
EUNIS rocket mission. The DEM delivers important information on the temperature
distribution of the plasma in the emitting source. It is related to both the electron density
and to the temperature gradient of the plasma, and thus could provide important clues
on the physical processes at work in the observed phenomenon. The EUNIS spectrum
covers spectral lines with formation temperatures in the range of log T (K) ∼ 5.2–6.4.
The obtained CBP DEM curve was found to have a single peak of log DEM ∼ 20.70
at log T (K) ∼ 6.15 and a local minimum of log DEM ∼ 20.15 at log T (K) ∼ 5.35
(see Fig. 30).
Doschek et al. (2010) obtained the DEM for two CBPs observed by Hinode/EIS
using full CCD observations, i.e., all spectral lines that can be observed by the Hin-
ode/EIS spectrometer, and have a high signal-to-noise ratio in CBPs. The CBPs were
found to have DEMs with three clear peaks of log DEM ∼ 23.5 at log T (K)  5.2,
log DEM ∼ 22.5 at log T (K)  5.8, and log DEM ∼ 23.5 at log T (K)  6.15
(see Fig. 31). The first peak is related to He ii and O iv that are emitted in the
legs/footpoints of the CBP loops and a dip at log T (K)  5.5. The second peak
at log T (K)  5.8 is related to the background region of the coronal hole (see their
Fig. 13). The highest peak at log T (K)  6.15 describes the coronal temperature struc-
ture of the CBPs and is identical to the DEM peak in Brosius et al. (2008) who, however,
misses the first peak due to the lack of transition-region temperature spectral lines in

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Fig. 30 DEM as a function of temperature for a CBP observed with EUNIS. Image reproduced with
permission from Brosius et al. (2008), copyright by AAS

Fig. 31 Top panel: Fe xv 284.16 Å [log Tmax (K) ∼ 6.3] intensity image. The outlined areas denoted the
regions from which the average intensity is used to obtain the DEM curves shown in the bottom panel.
Bottom panel: DEM curves as a function of temperature for the five regions of the CBP and the background
region of the coronal hole. Images reproduced with permission from Doschek et al. (2010), copyright by

Coronal bright points Page 51 of 79 2

Imaging data were also used to derive DEMs and their time evolution for CBPs.
Chitta et al. (2013) employed 6 SDO/AIA EUV channels—94 Å, 131 Å, 171 Å,
193 Å, 211 Å, and 335 Å to produce DEMs that cover the temperature range of
log T (K) ∼ 5.6–6.5. The lack of a suitable lower temperature channel prevented the
imaging DEMs to be extended to lower temperatures. The obtained DEMs have a
peak around log T (K) ∼ 6.3, rapidly decreasing at higher temperatures similar to the
spectroscopic studies discussed above. At temperatures lower than log T (K) ∼ 6.3
the DEM falls with one order of magnitude only that is less than the DEM obtained
by Doschek et al. (2010) but similar to Brosius et al. (2008). If the background region
emission had been taken into account (see their Fig. 2a and the explanatory text), the
fall between log T (K) ∼ 5.8 and 6.2 would possibly have increased.

5.8 Relative element abundances

Skylab observations have first enabled the measurement of the elemental composition
by using a simple line ratio of the Mg vi and Ne vi near 400 Å lines that have the same
dependence on temperature and density. Sheeley (1995) used some of those data taken
in AR and surrounding areas and found that newly emerging plasma along the neutral
line in ARs is Ne-rich, while longer lived areas are Mg-rich. The very first indica-
tion that the quiet Sun above opposite polarity fluxes, some of which are associated
with CBPs, have photospheric abundances comes from the Skylab data analysed by
Sheeley (1996). The lack of suitable lines in later missions led to a different approach
in establishing the elemental abundances in present day data. As mentioned above
the only study to investigate the elemental abundances of CBPs is by Brosius et al.
(2008). To obtain the DEM of a CBP (see the previous Sect. 5.7) two sets of elemental
abundances were used, the photospheric abundances of Grevesse and Sauval (1998)
and the coronal abundances of Feldman et al. (1992). The difference of the two type of
abundances is confined in the first ionization potential (FIP) of the different elements
with the “FIP effect” that describes the enhancement of low-FIP ions (< 10 eV) by a
factor of up to ∼ 4 relative to their photospheric abundances, while coronal abundances
of high-FIP ions (> 10 eV) are the same as in the photosphere. Only transition region
lines that are emitted from low-FIP (Mg and Ca) and high-FIP (Ne) ions were available
for the calculation of the FIP effect in a CBP. A “smoothness and continuity” of the
DEM derived from the low-FIP Mg v, Mg vi Mg vii, Ca vii, and the high-FIP Ne iv
and Ne v was used as a criterion to select the most suitable abundances. A consistent
DEM was derived only when photospheric elemental abundances were used. The study
suggests that the photospheric abundances could be produced by reconnection-driven
chromospheric evaporation that is also consistent with some of the obtained Doppler
shift results in transition region and coronal lines (see Sect. 5.3 for more details). The
finding is also consistent with the report that jets from CBPs in polar coronal holes
are found to have photospheric abundances (Lee et al. 2015).

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6 Oscillations in CBPs

Emission variability is a typical feature of CBPs that are observed in spectral lines
with different formation temperatures from the chromosphere to the corona. Coronal
oscillations were widely studied during the past few decades and their signatures
of propagating waves were intensively investigated both observationally and the-
oretically. Sheeley and Golub (1979) reported from Skylab/ATM spectroheliogram
observations taken in Fe xv 284.16 Å over 1.5 day in January 1974 that loops com-
posing the CBPs evolve on a time scale of ∼ 6 min. The intensity variations were
found to be periodic. Habbal and Withbroe (1981) and Habbal et al. (1990) also
using Skylab/ATM spectroheliograms reported that CBPs exhibit large variations in
the intensity of chromospheric, transition-region and coronal lines over time scales as
short as the time resolution of their data, i.e., 5.5 min. The variations appeared to be
related to substructures in the CBPs, i.e., small-scale individual loops, and no correla-
tion in the intensity variations in spectral lines with different formation temperatures
was found. Strong et al. (1992) reported intensity variations in CBPs observed with
Yohkoh/SXT that lasted from a few minutes to hours. The results were later confirmed
from Hinode/XRT data (Kariyappa and Varghese 2008). Madjarska et al. (2003) used
SOHO/SUMER observations in the S vi 933.4 Å line to confirm the intensity varia-
tions in CBPs. The data used in the study were taken in a sit-an-stare mode with no
compensation for the differential rotation which did not permit any further analysis.
The first investigation on oscillations in CBPs by Ugarte-Urra et al. (2004a) found
a period of 491 s detected in the SUMER/SoHO S vi 933.40 Å line. Intensity varia-
tions were found on a time scale of 420–650 s that correlated in the transition-region
CDS/SoHO O vi 629.73 Å and O iii 599.60 Å lines, and also the He i 583.34 Å line,
while the changes in the coronal line Mg ix 368.07 Å occurred on a longer time scale.
From the wavelet analysis it was established that the intensity variations “appear in
random fashion and sometimes after periods of quietness”. In two cases oscillatory
behaviour was identified. The authors also examined damped oscillations peaking at
546 s in one of the CBPs observed in the O vi 629.73 Å line but no corresponding
behaviour was detected in the SOHO/CDS He i 584 Å line. Ugarte-Urra et al. (2004b)
further investigated CBP oscillations, this time in a SOHO/CDS wide-slit time series
in the He i 584.34 Å, O v 629.73 Å and Mg vii/ix 368 Å, confirming the presence of
intensity oscillations in CBPs. Periods with a range between 600 and 1100 s were found
that were explained in terms of global acoustic modes of the magnetic loops compos-
ing the CBPs (Fig. 32). Periods as short as 236 s were also identified. These periods
belong to the chromospheric oscillation range and were related to the footpoints of
the CBP loops.
Using TRACE data taken in the 195 Å and 1216 Å passbands, Tian et al. (2008b)
applied Fourier and wavelet analysis searching for long-period oscillations in CBPs.
The oscillatory power was found to be stronger in CBPs with respect to the surrounding
quiet Sun with different periods in different CBPs. The periods also differed in various
parts of the same CBP. From the wavelet analysis oscillations with periods ranging
from 8 to 64 min were found that last for several cycles in both the coronal part
of the CBPs as well as in their chromospheric footpoints. The results, however, do
not provide certainty on whether propagating magneto-acoustic waves or recurrent

Coronal bright points Page 53 of 79 2

Fig. 32 Wavelet analysis of a CBP. Image reproduced with permission from Ugarte-Urra et al. (2004b),
copyright by ESO

magnetic reconnection cause the observed intensity oscillatory behaviour. The doubts
come from the fact that the chromospheric oscillation periods are all longer than the
chromospheric acoustic cutoff period of 3.7 min and despite the feasibility that the
acoustic cut-off could raise up if it is assumed that the waves propagate along inclined
magnetic field lines.
Kumar et al. (2011) analysed Hinode/XRT observations at 30 s cadence. They also
reported oscillations in CBPs with wavelet derived periods ranging from 12 to 60 min.
Another interpretation of the intensity variations in CBPs detected in IRIS spectral and
imaging observations in the Si iv 1394 Å line is put forward by Samanta et al. (2015).
The authors hypothesised that the Si iv line width and intensity enhancements and non-
Gaussian spectral line profiles are the signatures of transition region explosive events.
The explosive-event term is used to describe non-Gaussian profiles in transition region
lines and is believed to be a signature of bi-directional flows or a plasmoid propagation
resulting from magnetic reconnection. Repetitive reconnection is suggested to explain
the quasi periodic nature of the observed brightenings in the CBPs.
To explain oscillations in CBPs, Chandrashekhar and Sarkar (2015) used for the
first time a modelling approach by employing a nanoflare heating loop model. The
coronal magnetic field of CBP loops were obtained to derive the CBP loop lengths
based on SDO/HMI data and by employing a potential field extrapolation model. These
were then used in the nanoflare modelling of multi-strand loops. Intensity observables
from the forward modelling were obtained and wavelet analysis was applied on the
intensity time series. The study found that the derived oscillations also reported in past
observations “are actually shock wave propagations along the loop.” Hydrodynamic
shock waves generated by reconnection events (e.g., nanoflares) can create intensity
disturbances that in a particular time range could be identified as oscillations. Different

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intensity background subtractions led to the derivation of adiabatic standing modes

both from the observed and simulated data. Therefore, recurrent energy releases in
CBPs are possibly the cause for the large range of the reported oscillation periods in
CBPs, also suggested by the study of Samanta et al. (2015) discussed above.

7 Transient phenomena associated with CBPs

7.1 Microflaring

The very first observations of CBPs with the S-054 X-ray telescope on board Skylab
revealed that a small area of the CBPs increases its brightness by several orders of
magnitude on a time scale of minutes (Golub et al. 1974). The intensity variability had
large similarities to solar flares in active regions but on smaller scales, thus the term
microflaring was introduced. Golub et al. (1974) established that 5–10% of the XBPs
show microflaring activity that is found in XBPs at all latitudes.
The large variabilities of the X-ray emission from CBPs was later confirmed from
Yohkoh/SXT observations (Strong et al. 1992). The observations also showed that
microflaring can trigger brightenings in loops larger than the CBPs themselves that
“brighten along their lengths” with speeds from 300 to 1000 km s−1 , actually referring
to the later named X-ray jets from CBPs. The study put forward the idea that the
microflaring may be caused by magnetic reconnection of emerging magnetic flux
with the ambient magnetic field. Eruptions from CBPs are now found to mostly occur
following magnetic flux convergence rather than flux emergence (Mou et al. 2018,
and the references therein). CBPs produce mini-eruptions (see Sect. 7.2) that in the
quiet Sun happen on average 17 h after the CBP first appearance and take place
during the magnetic-flux convergence phase (Mou et al. 2018, and the references
therein). This has already been indicated in a study by Harvey et al. (1993), who found
that CBPs flare-up after several hours of growth, and some produce several ‘flares’
during their lifetime, but only 14% of the sample (514 CBPs) was found to show
this explosive behaviour. Shimojo and Shibata (1999) studied the occurrence rate of
transient brightenings above the 3σ background emission in a CBP (30 size) found
near a preceding spot of NOAA 7270. The brightenings were classified as microflares
and 92 were identified during the lifetime of the CBP that lasted from 1992 September
1 to 4. The large number of microflares may be related to the identification threshold
criteria. In earlier studies only an intensity increase of a few orders of magnitudes was
considered as microflaring. Some of the microflares were associated with X-ray jets
or jet-like phenomena. The microflares were found to have a power law distribution
with an index of 1.7 ± 0.4. This index value taken from a single active-region CBP is
similar to the frequency distribution of microflares obtained for active regions (Christe
et al. 2008), indicating large similarities with AR flares. Madjarska (2011) reported on
a repetitive microflaring related to a X-ray jet from a CH CBP during 17 min (Fig. 33).
Each microflare (energy deposition) was “followed by the expulsion of pre-existing
or newly reconnected loops and/or collimated flow along open magnetic field lines”
(see the next section on jets from CBPs).

Coronal bright points Page 55 of 79 2

Fig. 33 Series of X-ray (taken with Hinode/XRT) difference images produced by subtracting from each
image the precedent one. Stars denote the moments of microflaring, i.e., sudden brightenings seen in
the difference images as strong darkenings. Image reproduced with permission from Madjarska (2011)
copyright by ESO

The plasma properties of microflares were also studied by Kamio et al. (2011) in
the two topologically different solar regions, coronal holes and quiet Sun. Hinode/EIS
and XRT data were used where seven QS and three coronal hole CBPs that show
microflaring were analysed. The microflares were investigated in Hinode/EIS spectral
lines with formation temperatures in the range from log T (K) ∼ 4.7 (He ii) to 6.3
(Fe xv). Simultaneously recorded X-ray images taken with the Al_poly and Be_thin
filters at 1 min cadence were also analysed. While the Al_poly filter is sensitive to
lower temperatures, the Be_thin filter registers higher temperature plasma emission
and it is usually detected in active regions. The lightcurves of the CBPs were found to
produce impulsive peaks in the X-ray emission and spectral lines with high formation
temperatures, i.e., Fe xii and Fe xv. The first emission peak was followed 8–22 min
later by a second peak but this time in the cooler emission (He ii and O v, Fig. 27). This

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emission pattern is also commonly observed in large flare loops. The electron den-
sity showed an increase at the impulsive peak supporting chromospheric evaporation
models. These properties were found both in CH and QS CBPs. While QS microflares
were linked to the formation of dimming (area with depleted emission), diffused jets
in CHs were produced in relation to the microflares. Based on these results, the authors
concluded that microflares have common characteristics with AR flares. Zhang et al.
(2014) also reported microflaring (named flashes by the authors) in a CBP observed
by Hinode/XRT. The authors interpreted the microflarings as “reciprocatory recon-
nection in the CBP, which means that reconnected loops in the outflow region of the
first reconnection process serve as the inflow of the second reconnection process.”
Ning and Guo (2014) and Li et al. (2016) describe microflarings in what appear to be
AR CBPs and associated high velocity bi-directional flows with velocities of 380 and
300 km s−1 , respectively, trapped in the CBP loops.

7.2 Eruptions from CBPs: macrospicules, mini-filaments, jets and mini-CMEs

From co-temporal He ii 304 Å spectroheliograms obtained with the Naval Research

Laboratory (NRL) experiment on board Skylab and Hα full disk images from BBSO,
the link between observations of ‘flares’ in XBPs and Hα macrospicules was probed
(Moore et al. 1977). The analysis showed that most microflares in XBPs often produce
Hα macrospicules that are commonly observed in EUV (He ii 304 Å, Bohlin et al.
1975). These macrospicules appear to be the ejection from CBPs presently known as
blowout jets (Raouafi et al. 2016, and the references therein).
Brueckner and Bartoe (1983) were first to identify the presence of EUV jets from
Doppler shifts as high as 400 km s−1 of transition region spectral lines registered
with the NRL’s High Resolution Telescope and Spectrograph (HRTS). From X-ray
images taken by Yohkoh/SXT, CBPs were found to produce microflares accompanied
by plasma ejections with speeds of up to 1100 km s−1 along large loops (Strong et al.
1992). Shibata et al. (1992) first reported the observation of X-ray jets in Yohkoh/SXT
data that appear as collimated flows, many originating in XBPs or active regions.
Later, Hinode/XRT and EIS provided a unique opportunity of observing CBPs and
transient phenomena like X-ray jets associated with them (e.g., Culhane et al. 2007b;
Cirtain et al. 2007; Subramanian et al. 2010; Madjarska 2011; Madjarska et al. 2012).
A dedicated review by Raouafi et al. (2016) describes in detail the properties and mod-
elling of X-ray/EUV jets. However, a unique one-to-one relationship of X-ray/EUV
jets and CBPs in all topologically different solar regions, CHs, QS and ARs is still to
be confirmed.
Mandrini et al. (2005) reported the smallest magnetic cloud (MC) source-region
associated with the ejection of a interplanetary flux rope from a QS CBP on 1998 May
11 located at the disk centre. The CBP was observed to form a sigmoidal structure
as seen in projection on the disk following a rotation of one of its polarities. The
CBP produced at least three ejections that are also linked to coronal dimmings and a
structure that indicated a cusp formation. The ejection is indirectly linked to a small MC
registered by WIND 4.5 days later. The association of the MC with the CBP eruption
was based on a few observed properties. The CBP was located at the disk centre

Coronal bright points Page 57 of 79 2

and any related eruption that propagates in radial direction would reach the WIND
spacecraft. The timing and the orientation of the MC axis is similar to the direction
of the CBP sigmoidal structure. Furthermore, the sign of the magnetic helicity of
both events appear to be in agreement. A statistical study based on STEREO/SECCHI
COR1 white light images, (Paraschiv et al. 2010) demonstrated that CBPs are the
source regions of white light jet-like ejections over a large range of latitudes including
quiet Sun regions. More than 10,000 white-light jets were identified and some were
clearly traced back to CBPs. The projected speeds of 106 jets were found to have
velocities in the range from 180 to 380 km s−1 .
From their study on microflares in CBPs, Kamio et al. (2011) established that
microflares are associated with jets in CHs and dimmings in the QS. The difference
comes from the different configuration of the background magnetic field. The CHs
are dominated by open field which results in collimated flows (jets) from CBPs, while
the dimmings in the QS are caused by the removal of the overlying coronal magnetic
field leading to the formation of density depleted region.
Using SDO/AIA observations that monitor continuously the solar atmosphere at
12 s cadence, Hong et al. (2014) studied the dynamic behaviour of 30 CBPs in a
coronal hole. One-quarter to one-third of all CBPs were found to have one or more
mini-filament (MF) eruptions and EUV jets. The MF eruptions were associated with
a localised brightness increase, i.e., a microflaring, slow rising motion followed by
eruption of hot and cool material (e.g., Fig. 34). The authors concluded that conver-
gence and cancellation of magnetic bipoles associated with the CBPs are possibly
responsible for the erupting MFs confirming the conclusions reached by Hermans and
Martin (1986).
Innes et al. (2009, 2010) first introduced the term mini-CMEs as small-scale erup-
tions from the quiet Sun found at the junctions of supergranulation cells. The majority
of the mini-CMEs showed cool plasma ejections. Podladchikova et al. (2010) also stud-
ied mini-CME events in the SECCHI/EUVI 171 Å channel. The study concluded that
the mini-CMEs are characterised by smaller sizes and shorter lifetimes with respect
to the classic CMEs. Small-scale coronal waves and dimmings were both associated
with mini-CMEs. These studies, however, did not investigate mini-CME events in the
context of CBPs although the presented observational material indicates that possibly
many or even all mini-CMEs occur in CBPs.
Ulyanov et al. (2010) also reported the ejection of coronal material with velocities
in the range 80–110 km s−1 from CBPs identified in 5 s cadence observations in the
171 Å channel of CORONAS-FOTON instrument TESIS. Recently, Mou et al. (2018)
showed that 76% of quiet Sun CBPs (31 out of 42) produce at least one eruption during
their lifetime. The eruptions occurred late in the CBPs lifetime at ∼ 17 h after a CBP
formation for an average lifetime of CBPs in SDO/AIA 193 Å of ∼ 21 h. Generally,
convergence and cancellation of magnetic flux take place at the time of the eruptions.
Chromospheric material, in some cases clearly distinguishable as a mini-filament, is
usually ejected together with the CBP or higher overlying hot loops. Microflaring
is always associated with this dynamic process. In most eruptions, the cool erupting
plasma obscures partially or fully the micro-flare until the erupting material moves
away from the CBP. From 21 eruptions 11 are found to produce mini-CMEs. A mini-
CME is identified when two of the three components of a classic CME are present:

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Fig. 34 Top row: a1–a5 SDO/AIA 193 Å images of a jet from a CBP with an arrow indicating an eruptive
mini-filament, c SDO/AIA 171 Å image of the jet. An arrow s1 marks a image-cut from which a time-slice
image is produced and shown in the left panel of the bottom row. Middle row: b1–b5 SDO/AIA 304 Å images
of the jet and mini-filament; d SDO/HMI longitudinal magnetogram. A dot-line circle indicated the CBP.
Bottom row: SDO/AIA 171 Å time-slice image (left panel) along the arrow s1 in panel c. SDO/AIA 304 Å
time-slice image (right panel) along the arrow s2. Image reproduced with permission from Hong et al.
(2014), copyright by AAS

bright expanding loops ahead of a dark region, and eruptive mini-filament or cool
plasma cloud. In addition coronal waves were detected in three cases. Figure 35 shows
an example of one of the identified mini-CMEs with a microflaring core and a dimming
region. Innes et al. (2009) concluded that 1400 mini-CMEs may occur per day over the
whole Sun, while Mou et al. (2018) estimated that a minimum of 870 eruptions from
CBPs should happen if “CBPs produce at least one eruption during their lifetime”.
To conclude, CBPs are the source region for the occurrence of eruptions seen in
chromospheric spectral lines or imagers with chromospheric and/or transition region
temperature response, named macro-spicules presently known as blowout jets. In coro-
nal holes CBPs produce collimated flows seen in EUV and X-rays, i.e., jets. In the
quiet Sun almost 80% of CBPs produce eruptions that trigger the appearance of dim-
ming seen in the coronal channels of EUV imagers and expanding loops that brought
the introduction of the notion mini-CME. Mini-filaments are usually observed to erupt

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Fig. 35 Top panels: from left to right: AIA 304 Å, 171 Å and 193 Å images of an eruption from a CBP
identified as mini-CME, and a corresponding HMI longitudinal magnetogram scaled from − 50 to 50 G.
The yellow arrows point at the erupting mini-filament.The blue and black contours outline the positive and
negative fluxes at 50 G. Bottom: AIA 94 Å image showing the microflare. The yellow solid line denotes
the slice which has been extracted to produce the time-slice panels in the AIA 304 Å, 171 Å and 193 Å
channels. The bottom of the slice is marked with a triangle and the top with a square. BP bright point,
EHL eruptive hot loops, MF mini-filament, McF micro-flare, and DIM dimming. Image reproduced with
permission from Mou et al. (2018), copyright by ESO

during the mini-CMEs occupying parts of the dimming regions or being part of the
jet outflows in coronal holes.

8 Energetics

Estimation of the CBPs energy losses from radiation and thermal conduction provides
valuable information that can help identify the energy sources that are responsible for
the CBP existence and evolution. Habbal and Withbroe (1981) addressed the energet-
ics of CBPs in their study on the spatial and temporal variation of the emission from
CBPs in EUV spectral lines. They obtained the emission measure, electron pressure
and cooling times using coronal (Mg x), transition region (C ii and O vi) and chromo-
spheric (Lα ) lines. The emission variations in the Lα line was considered to have been
produced from the heating of the coronal plasma with the energy that is carried into
the chromosphere from the corona by thermal conduction triggering emission in the
chromospheric Lα line. Under this assumption the total rate of energy loss for one CBP
in their study is estimated at 1.4 × 1024 ergs s−1 that gives cooling times between 100
and 350 s that are in agreement with the temporal rate of the intensity variation of the
EUV lines from CBPs in their study, i.e., in average 5.5 min. The study concludes that
“the intensity variations are caused by intermittent, impulsive heating of the coronal

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plasma in the miniature loops making up the bright point which cools by radiation and
thermal conduction”.
From the study of six CBPs observed by SOHO/EIT and MDI, and Yohkoh/SXT,
Preś and Phillips (1999) established that conductive energy losses are at least one order
of magnitude higher than radiative losses, and the total energy losses are within a factor
of 2 larger than the calculated magnetic energy. The total radiative and conductive
losses estimated from the SOHO/EIT 195 Å channel over the full lifetime of the CBPs
range from 5.6 × 1027 to 1.1 × 1028 ergs (only 10% of the total losses), and from
4.0 × 1028 to 2.6 × 1029 ergs, respectively. The magnetic energy is estimated to be
between 2.0 × 1028 and 2.4 × 1029 ergs assuming a field configuration in the form
of a semicircular loop with an uniform cross section and an area equal to the mean
of the two areas of two polarities where the loop is rooted. A Spitzer conduction is
assumed with the thermal energy being transported to the chromosphere along loop-
shaped field lines forming the magnetic skeleton of the CBPs. Given the uncertainties
of the calculation of the magnetic energy and energy losses, the authors reached the
conclusion that essentially all the energy losses of the CBP plasma is supplied by the
magnetic energy.
Ugarte-Urra et al. (2004b) concluded that energy supply from a helicity injection
in a CBP, assuming binary reconnection as heating mechanism suggested by Priest
et al. (2003), would provide only energy in the range of ∼ 1018 –1020 ergs s−1 which
is much smaller than the energy loss in CBPs of ∼ 1023 –1024 ergs s−1 . Therefore, it
is an insufficient energy source. The magnetic flux value of the analysed CBP was in
the range from 7.8 × 1017 to 7.2 × 1018 Mx, while magnetic flux of 1.4 × 1020 Mx
would be required for this mechanism to be efficient in heating the CBP.

9 Modelling

The emission from CBPs and its variability is believed to be sustained by a continuous
steady heating input while sudden intensity variations are thought to be caused by
an impulsive energy release. Theoretical modelling has followed in the steps of the
observational findings on CBPs. It includes analytical analysis that have evolved into
2D, 2.5D and finally 3D MHD models. Several of these models have some of the initial
boundary conditions derived from magnetic field observations. Observables obtained
from theoretical modelling have also been compared with imaging observations to
narrow the possible range of mechanisms and the background environment in which
these phenomena take place. Each of the reported models developed over the past five
decades have had an important contribution on the growing knowledge of possible
plasma heating mechanisms in small scale coronal loops, i.e., CBPs. The convergence
of bipolar magnetic fluxes of opposite polarities has been an essential feature on which
several 2D and 3D models have been produced. In all these models magnetic recon-
nection in the corona is driven by converging photospheric footpoint motions which
produces a CBP. Although these models have replicated some of the observational
features of CBPs known at the time of their development, they do not reflect new
observational facts like, for instance, the appearance of CBPs during magnetic flux
emergence and divergence. Another series of studies investigated how various hori-

Coronal bright points Page 61 of 79 2

zontal footpoint motions including shearing, convergence and fragmentation lead to

the formation of electric currents in the chromosphere, transition region and corona.
The dissipation of these currents in specific locations defined by the footpoint motions
created localised heating at the locations of the observed CBPs. In the following the
main setup and achievements of these models are presented.
Nolte et al. (1979) investigated the emission variability of seventeen X-ray BPs in
Skylab data taken at 90 s time cadence. The intensity decay of the CBPs was interpreted
as caused by a “sudden turn-off of the steady heating”. The study also reports the
observation of strong brightenings (microflarings) in CBPs before their disappearance
presently known as CBP eruptions (Hong et al. 2014; Mou et al. 2018). The authors
speculated that two mechanisms should be considered for the CBP generation and
sudden disruption: one that provides a steady heating like for active region loops and
one that can explain the occurrence of impulsive events leading to the distraction of
the magnetic skeleton that holds the CBP plasma.
Various models have been developed since the first CBP observations in X-rays.
Parker (1975) introduced the very first model of CBPs where CBPs result from the
rising of an elementary flux tube through the solar atmosphere by magnetic buoy-
ancy. In this model twisting by photospheric motions leads to the accumulation of the
azimuthal field at the loop apex, and after a certain critical value is reached any simple
equilibrium ceases, the tube kinks and twists. The kinked field is dissipated through
magnetic reconnection which leads to the formation of an XBP. Glencross (1975) put
forward the idea that CBPs consist of flux ropes that are build up by twisted braids
wrapped around one another creating conditions for the formation of current sheets.
Braid reconnection would then provide enough heating to maintain the plasma temper-
ature above 106 K. During this process instabilities can lead to microflaring in CBPs.
Waldron and Mullan (1987) developed a 2D MHD model to investigate how a chance
encounter of opposite directed magnetic-field lines suggested by Harvey (1985) could
affect the stratified atmosphere.

9.1 Ad-hoc heating models

Kankelborg et al. (1996) analysed data from the Multi-Spectral Solar Telescope Array
(MSSTA) sounding rocket payload taken with the large Herschelian telescope in a
Fe xii 193 Å passband, a Ritchey–Chrétien telescope with a passband centred at H
Lyα 1216 Å and a Cassegrain telescope with a spectral response centred at 173 Å
that is dominated by Fe ix 171 Å. Co-temporal Kitt Peak longitudinal magnetograms
were also used. The footpoints of CBPs were clearly seen in Lyα as well as their
bipolar magnetic field counterparts. A one dimensional loop model (see their Fig. 5)
was fitted to the magnetic field data showing that if the footpoints are not too narrow,
thermal conduction from the corona can inject enough energy through the 105 K
layer to account for the emission flux in the Lyα network where the CBPs are rooted.
Kankelborg et al. (1997) extended the study to 23 CBPs for which the temperature,
pressure and heating rate were deduced. Again assuming that thermal conduction
is responsible for the observed Lyα emission at the footpoints of the CBP loops,
the loop cross-section and the conductive flux values were obtained from the same

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one dimensional model. Evidence was found for a systematic imbalance between the
conductive and radiative losses at the footpoint area which can be due to the above
mentioned assumption, or it is a natural consequence of the CBP loop heating.
The time-dependent zero-dimensional, enthalpy-based thermal evolution of loops
(EBTEL, Klimchuk et al. 2008) hydrodynamic coronal model was used by Chitta et al.
(2013) to investigate nanoflare heating of CBP plasma. Although the paper does not use
the term coronal bright point, the analysed quiet Sun small-scale coronal loop events
are actually CBPs (see Fig. 1 in their paper). The observation (SDO/AIA) derived
DEMs (see Sect. 5.7) were compared with the model derived DEMs. Three different
heating models are tested: low frequency, medium frequency and medium frequency
hybrid models. The study concludes that a “medium-frequency heating model with a
population of different heating amplitudes can roughly reproduce the observations”.
The study also explores a loop model with a non-uniform cross-section of the loop
along its length and steady heating, and finds that this model can also reproduce the
observed DEMs. To a large extent the study is inconclusive and suggests that further
observational constraints are needed to better understand the nature of coronal heating
of small scale loops in the quiet Sun.

9.2 Convergence and cancellation models

Following the observational evidence on the relationship of CBPs with converging

magnetic fragments of opposite polarities, Priest et al. (1994) proposed a model,
called Converging Flux Model (CFM), aimed at explaining these observations. The
initial setting of the model includes two magnetic flux concentrations of opposite
equal strength polarities that are disconnected by the presence of an overlying hor-
izontal coronal magnetic field. The model acquires three main phases (see Fig. 36).
During phase (1), named the pre-interaction phase, the two magnetic fragments con-
verge driven by the horizontal photospheric flow reaching a certain distance, d [called
interactive distance, Fig. 36, panel (i)], and the field lines from these magnetic polar-
ities come into contact forming a null point in the photosphere [panel (ii)]. The flux
concentrations continue their approach during phase (2), the interaction phase, while
the null point lifts up to form an X-type null point in the corona reaching a maximum
height that is half the interactive distance d. As reconnection in the null point releases
energy in the coronal domain, an XBP forms [panel (iii)] and plasma is ejected along
the newly reconnected field lines [panel (iv)]. Next, the null point moves down to
the photosphere [panel (v)] and the fragments come into contact that causes magnetic
reconnection in the photosphere which is the cancellation phase [panel (vi)]. The inter-
action phase (coronal reconnection phase) and the cancellation phase overlap in time.
This occasionally results in the formation of a small filament above the cancelling
features that erupts over an hour later.
Parnell et al. (1994a) further explored the formation of CBPs in the context of
the CFM using observations from the Normal Incident X-ray Telescope (NIXT) on
board a rocket flight in 1991 and co-temporal Kitt Peak longitudinal magnetograms.
For the first time the magnetic topology of two observed XBPs was derived using
a low number of point sources to reproduce the 3D structure of the magnetic field.

Coronal bright points Page 63 of 79 2

Fig. 36 Cartoon describing the converging flux model. Image reproduced with permission from Priest et al.
(1994), copyright by AAS

The movement of these point sources leads to brightenings as a result of reconnection

between close-by flux regions. The CFM was further explored by Parnell et al. (1994b)
using a 3D model of converging fluxes for the interaction of two opposite polarities
of different strength. The three phases of CFM are followed with an X-type null point
height that varies as the distance of the flux sources changes as well as their strength.
A total free energy of the order of 1020 –1021 J is produced which is sufficient for a
CBP to reach coronal temperatures. Coronal magnetic reconnection results in Ohmic
heating producing a CBP that is also associated with 90% flux cancellation.
Von Rekowski et al. (2006a) also investigated the converging and submerging flux
scenario but with an emphasis on exploring the full time evolution of cancelling mag-
netic features and their role in a coronal heating event, i.e., a CBP. Observers use the
term “cancellation” to describe a continuous common loss of magnetic flux from two
opposite signed approaching flux concentrations until the full disappearance of the
smallest of these. This information is deduced from magnetogram data obtained from
spectral lines that form either at photospheric or chromospheric heights. In modelling,
magnetic flux cancellation usually refers to the creation of a new linkage caused by the

2 Page 64 of 79 M. S. Madjarska

reconnection of approaching opposite fluxes. If this happens above the photosphere, it

often leads to the formation of post-reconnection small loops. These loops may subse-
quently submerge below the photosphere, which, as a secondary effect, will be seen in
the magnetograms as flux cancellation. However, reconnection above the photosphere
would not necessarily imply co-temporal flux disappearance in magnetogram data,
i.e., cancellation. Von Rekowski et al. (2006a) employed a 2D MHD model where the
bipolar sources are partially connected so that they marginally touch at the base. The
model includes four sources of equal size, field strength and flux distribution, with two
inner and two outer sources of opposite polarities. The outer sources connect above to
form the overlying ambient magnetic field. The energy calculations suggest that as a
result of the reconnection, the magnetic energy is converted to thermal energy through
Ohmic heating. A positive Poynting flux across the base is found to contribute only
10% of the energy input. A magnetic flux decrease, i.e., cancelling magnetic features
(CMFs), is therefore interpreted as a signature of elementary heating events. Similar
results were obtained in the second part of this study where disconnected converging
magnetic bipoles were studied (von Rekowski et al. 2006b).

9.3 Separator reconnection models

Observation from Yohkoh/SXT and magnetograms from several groundbased obser-

vatories were used by Mandrini et al. (1996) to model a CBP formed following bipolar
flux emergence in the vicinity of a decaying active region. The CBP photospheric mag-
netic field was extrapolated with a linear force-free model and its temporal evolution
was followed during the 16 h lifetime of the CBP. Quasi-separatrix layers (QSL, Priest
and Démoulin 1995) were identified located between the CBP loop system and the
pre-existing coronal fields seen as faint X-ray loops. The QSLs’ widths were found to
be very small during the CBP lifetime (∼ 100 m) which become larger (≤ 104 m) after
the CBP disappearance. Flaring in the CBP is followed by bright emission that is seen
to propagate with a speed of ∼ 670 km s−1 from the location of the XBP along the
large faint X-ray loop at one side of the QSL with the XBP loops lying on the opposite
site suggesting an energy release at the QSL location between two different magnetic
flux systems. The study concludes that QSLs are where magnetic reconnection takes
place to provide a steady heating that maintains the CBP bright emission in X-rays as
well as where sudden larger energy is released causing the flaring and plasma outflows
in the vicinity of CBPs.
Longcope (1998) used the minimum current corona (MCC) model of Longcope
(1996) to reproduce a CBP associated with a magnetic bipole. The MCC model esti-
mates the current forming on a separator due to displacement of photospheric flux
which allows to model coronal evolution through a series of quasi-static states. It is
based on observed quantities like CBP loop length and location, temperature, back-
ground emission, emission measure etc. The model predicts the interaction distance
and the heating power for magnetic bipoles in various configurations as well as the
apparent angle between the axes of the bipole and the CBP loops.
A forward modelling was used by Kankelborg and Longcope (1999) to study the
reconnection driven heating of a CBP. The 3D magnetic structure of a CBP observed

Coronal bright points Page 65 of 79 2

Fig. 37 The model flux tube. a TRACE 171 Å image of a CBP seen as single loop. b The modelled flux
tube viewed with the same projection as in TRACE. Circles show the boundaries of the finite volume
elements, which are concentrated toward the end of the tube. c A different view of the model flux tube.
Image reproduced with permission from Kankelborg and Longcope (1999), copyright by Springer

in EUV by TRACE was reconstructed using a potential field model on SOHO/MDI

magnetograms (see Fig. 37). The MCC model was used to derive the energy associated
with reconnection. This energy was applied to drive a gasdynamic model of evolution
within a flux tube obtained from the MCC model. The calculated EUV emission,
however, was only one fourth of the observed in the TRACE channels, which made the
authors conclude that the MCC model fails to explain the observations. Alternatively
to the MCC model, a 3D MHD experiment by Galsgaard et al. (2000), Parnell and
Galsgaard (2004), and Galsgaard and Parnell (2005) investigated different scenarios
of opposite signed flux concentrations that move past one another while their 3D
magnetic flux domains are forced to interact. Energy is released through magnetic
reconnection in a separator current sheet that forms between the two independent flux
systems (Fig. 38). The complicated reconnection process where a recirculation of flux
is more than twice the minimum amount of reconnecting flux forms low lying hot
loops that could represent a CBP.
Longcope et al. (2001) further explored the hypothesis that magnetic reconnection
maintains the heating of CBPs using SOHO/EIT images and co-temporal magne-
togram observations from SOHO/MDI employing the three-dimensional reconnection
model described in Longcope (1998). For comparison, a simpler model is also intro-

2 Page 66 of 79 M. S. Madjarska

Fig. 38 Panels showing the time evolution (t = 1.46, 5.43, 9.61, 12.58) of the current isosurfaces and
magnetic field lines. Image reproduced with permission from Galsgaard et al. (2000), copyright by ESO

duced, termed ‘a naive bipole model’, where a CBP represents a simple loop connecting
the two opposite flux polarities that is heated by an unspecified internal mechanism.
The naive model predicts a loop whose properties are entirely defined by the bipole
alone. Out of 764 CBPs 285 were analysed and some of their observable properties
were derived to be compared with the MCC and the naive bipole model. The reconnec-
tion model is found to better fit the observations than the naive bipole model giving
further support for a reconnection driven heating of CBPs. The orientation of the
observed CBPs were found to fit the orientation of the separator rather than the mag-
netic loops. A general description of the MCC model is shown in Fig. 39. The bipole
geometry and background field are illustrated in Fig. 39a, while the emission associ-
ated with the CBP along the separator is shown in Fig. 39b. The reconnection process
is illustrated in Fig. 39c, d. The background magnetic field is assumed horizontal.
Brooks and Warren (2008) used Kitt Peak longitudinal magnetogram data to com-
pute the coronal magnetic field employing a potential field model. The extrapolated
field lines were populated with solutions to hydrostatic loop equations based on a differ-
ent parameterization of the heating function that scales as B̄/L, where B̄ is the magnetic
field strength averaged along a field line and L is the loop length. The computed den-
sities and temperatures were used to synthesize EUV and soft X-ray intensities and
compare with Yohkoh, SOHO/CDS and SOHO/EIT observations. The best-case model
that includes apex heating of expanding loops could reproduce the high-temperature
emission and the general morphology of the low-temperature emission, with the aver-
age intensities of the analysed spectral lines within 20%. The morphology of the
synthesized EUV images differ from the observations, including the location of the
peak emission. A suggested explanation is that the disagreement may be caused by
either non-potentiality or dynamically evolving magnetic fields, although the departure
from potential field should not be large as shown in Sect. 4.2.

Coronal bright points Page 67 of 79 2

Fig. 39 MCC model of an XBP. a The geometry of the magnetic bipole and the background field B0 . b
Emission from flux tube after reconnection. The solid curve shows the separator and the arrows indicate
the direction of the bipole orientation Δ. c Field lines connecting each of the poles to the background field
B0 (its direction shown with an arrow in the photospheric plane). The separator is shown as a thick curve.
d Post-reconnection field lines. Image reproduced with permission from Longcope et al. (2001), copyright
by AAS

Recently, Wyper et al. (2018) developed a model to explain the formation of CBPs
in coronal holes and jets. The initial setup of the model is a region seeded with a
minority magnetic flux concentration embedded in a majority opposite polarity con-
centrations, a photospheric magnetic flux pattern commonly found in coronal holes.
This photospheric magnetic flux configuration typically produces a fan-spine topology
with a single 3D null-point where the null-point spine axis connects to the minority
polarity flux as found in Galsgaard et al. (2017). The minority polarity concentration
was stressed by applying three different type of flows—“a large-scale surface flow that
shears part of the separatrix surface only, a large-scale surface flow that also shears
part of the polarity inversion line surrounding the minority flux, and the latter flow
setup plus a ‘flyby’ of a majority-polarity concentration past the moving minority-
polarity element”. Various CBP morphologies resulted from these. The shearing of
the magnetic field near the separatrix produced steady interchange reconnection mod-
ulated by quasi-periodic, low-intensity bursts of reconnection. This would manifest
as a CBP with periodically varying intensity (see Sect. 6 concerning CBP intensity
oscillations possibly caused by intermittent reconnection). Strong shearing near the

2 Page 68 of 79 M. S. Madjarska

polarity inversion line resulted in a filament channel formation and mini-filament erup-
tions producing jets through a breakout mechanism. The ‘flyby’ driving resulted in
more energetic jets.

9.4 Current-sheet dissipation induced by footpoint motion models

Santos et al. (2008) used 3D MHD modelling to investigate how different patterns
of photospheric plasma motions could generate electric currents (Büchner 2006) in
the solar atmosphere and how these currents relate to the existence of CBPs. The
work is a continuation of an initial study by Santos and Büchner (2007) of a CBP
observed by SOHO/EIT and MDI. The studies use MDI magnetograms to obtain
the initial boundary condition by extrapolating the longitudinal magnetic field with a
potential field model. Local-correlation tracking was applied to derive the pattern of
the magnetic flux motions. In Santos et al. (2008) two more velocity patterns were
employed derived from the temporal evolution of the CBP for a time period that
follows the one analysed in Santos and Büchner (2007). In the simulation some of the
horizontal motions are discarded as they are interpreted as emergence, while others
are approximated by using a combination of vortices of velocity. The study finds three
different patterns, namely shearing, convergence and fragmentation, that give rise to
electric currents mainly in the chromosphere but also in the transition region and the
corona (below 7.5 Mm). The plasma motions do no create currents everywhere but only
at QSLs, where the magnetic field connectivity changes dramatically. In the experiment
the electric currents develop generally in the same region regardless on the applied
plasma motion, and the area of the CBP coincides with the enhanced currents (Fig. 40).
Heating from adiabatic compression and electric current dissipation were investi-
gated for their role in the formation of CBPs by Javadi et al. (2011). The study is a
continuation of the work by Santos et al. (2008) investigating the energy conversion
and budget in magnetic flux tubes. The simulations used the linmod3d resistive code
with a stratified model atmosphere covering the region from the chromosphere into
the corona. The energy source for the model is derived from the photospheric plasma
motions. Adiabatic compression caused by the magnetic pressure force induced by the
plasma motions is found to have a dominant effect in heating the CBP plasma with only
a minor role played by Joule current dissipation. This is even more prominent after
the temperature of the CBP starts to increase. The role of Joule heating brought up by
current dissipation due to anomalous resistivity in the heating of CBP was explored by
Adamson et al. (2013) using the resistive MHD simulation code mpscorona3d that
allows investigating resistive effects within the corona over a wide range of Reynolds
numbers. The code uses four main types of resistivity models, namely constant and
homogenous resistivity, with Spitzer value of resistivity as well as various models
of current-carrier velocity dependent resistivity. The study establishes that the ther-
mal energy increase in CBPs can be caused by DC current dissipation only under the
assumption of an unrealistically low critical current-carrier velocity at which turbulent
resistivity is switched on. Generally, the corona is energized by plasma compression
when more realistic resistivity models are used, concluding that Joule heating in the
solar corona strongly depends on the magnitude of the resistivity.

Coronal bright points Page 69 of 79 2

Fig. 40 Lateral (top panels) and top views (bottom panels) of the isosurfaces of a parallel current (left
column) and perpendicular current. Velocity pattern shown in the left panel of Fig. 3 in their paper is
applied as boundary condition of the model. The isosurfaces of parallel currents are shown in magenta and
perpendicular in yellow. Image reproduced with permission from Santos et al. (2008), copyright by ESO

10 Conclusions and perspectives

To date, understanding the physical properties of small-scale loops that are heated to
coronal temperatures making them visible in EUV and X-rays as bundles of bright
loops, has proved challenging but also to a large extent successful. These small-scale
loops are omnipresent and are located in the solar atmosphere of the quiet Sun, coronal
holes and in the proximity of active regions, and are now generally called coronal bright
points or CBPs. Despite of scientific research spanning over five decades, a range of
questions remain open including the most crucially important question on how these
small-scale loops are heated to coronal temperatures. CBPs are now established to have
very similar properties as active regions only at a smaller scale (e.g., temperatures,
densities). They appear to be composed of small-scale loops at the different heights
and different temperatures that have hotter tops and cooler legs/footpoints, but more
evidence from present data is yet to be delivered. The coronal emission increase was
found to precede the lower temperature emission suggesting that the heating occurs
at coronal heights and is carried to the chromosphere by thermal conduction that can
explain both the response in the chromospheric lines and the initial response at coronal
temperatures. No recent data were used to confirm this conclusion. Flows are still
derived only from Doppler shifts which remains a disputable subject given instrumental

2 Page 70 of 79 M. S. Madjarska

and line-of-sight effects. Oscillations are interpreted both as propagating magneto-

acoustic waves and repetitive reconnection, and no consensus has been reached yet
whether they are the signature of both or a unique characteristic of only one of them.
It also remains an open question of what photospheric magnetic flux strength relates
to CBPs with the last estimation of the flux range dating back to 1979. A unique one-
to-one relationship of CBPs and transient phenomena like mass ejections that evolve
into collimated flows (jets) in CHs (also near ARs) or loops ejections in the QS is still
to be confirmed. A state-of-the-art modelling has shown that the build up of electric
currents due to footpoint motions occurs at the location of strong coronal emission in
CBPs. However, the time is ripe for the development of a fully data driven MHD model
that delivers observables that would be used in forward models to produce synthetic
observations which could be compared directly with the original observations to verify
the physical mechanisms that generate and sustain CBPs.
There exists a wealth of present observations from SOHO, TRACE, Hinode,
STEREO, SDO and IRIS that are still to be explored to investigate important plasma
and magnetic properties of CBPs. The Solar Orbiter mission will provide the highest
quality of remote sensing measurements which should bring us close to finally obtain
a full understanding on the physics of coronal bright points and to verify the exiting
theoretical models.

Acknowledgements The author thanks very much Living Reviews in Solar Physics for the invitation to
write this review. Many thanks to the anonymous referees for their comments and suggestions. The author
is grateful to Klaus Galsgaard for carefully reading and commenting on the theoretical part of the review
and also Neil R. Sheeley and Leon Golub for the important suggestions. The author thanks Armin Theissen
for carefully reading and commenting on the advanced version of the manuscript. Acknowledgements to
the International Space Science Institute, Bern, for the support of the team “Observation-Driven Modelling
of Solar Phenomena”.

Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Interna-
tional License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution,
and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the
source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made.

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