Inspecting Spoken Language Understanding From Kids

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Inspecting Spoken Language Understanding from Kids for

Basic Math Learning at Home

Eda Okur Roddy Fuentes Alba
Intel Labs, USA Intel Labs, Mexico
[email protected] [email protected]

Saurav Sahay Lama Nachman

Intel Labs, USA Intel Labs, USA
[email protected] [email protected]

Abstract hunger, healthcare, and education). In particular, in-

creasing the inclusiveness and quality of education
Enriching the quality of early childhood edu-
cation with interactive math learning at home
is within the UN development goals1 with utmost
systems, empowered by recent advances in con- urgency. One of the preeminent ways to diminish
arXiv:2306.00482v1 [cs.CY] 1 Jun 2023

versational AI technologies, is slowly becom- societal inequity is promoting STEM (i.e., Science,
ing a reality. With this motivation, we im- Technology, Engineering, Math) education, specifi-
plement a multimodal dialogue system to sup- cally ensuring that children succeed in mathematics.
port play-based learning experiences at home, It is well-known that acquiring basic math skills
guiding kids to master basic math concepts. at younger ages builds students up for success, re-
This work explores Spoken Language Under-
gardless of their future career choices (Cesarone,
standing (SLU) pipeline within a task-oriented
dialogue system developed for Kid Space, 2008; Torpey, 2012). For math education, inter-
with cascading Automatic Speech Recognition active learning environments through gamification
(ASR) and Natural Language Understanding present substantial leverages over more traditional
(NLU) components evaluated on our home de- learning settings for studying elementary math sub-
ployment data with kids going through gami- jects, particularly with younger learners (Skene
fied math learning activities. We validate the et al., 2022). With that goal, conversational AI
advantages of a multi-task architecture for NLU
technologies can facilitate this interactive learning
and experiment with a diverse set of pretrained
language representations for Intent Recogni-
environment where students can master fundamen-
tion and Entity Extraction tasks in the math tal math concepts. Despite these motivations, study-
learning domain. To recognize kids’ speech ing spoken language technologies for younger kids
in realistic home environments, we investigate to learn basic math is a vastly uncharted area of AI.
several ASR systems, including the commercial This work discusses a modular goal-oriented
Google Cloud and the latest open-source Whis- Spoken Dialogue System (SDS) specifically tar-
per solutions with varying model sizes. We geted for kids to learn and practice basic math con-
evaluate the SLU pipeline by testing our best-
cepts at home setup. Initially, a multimodal dia-
performing NLU models on noisy ASR output
to inspect the challenges of understanding chil- logue system (Sahay et al., 2019) is implemented
dren for math learning in authentic homes. for Kid Space (Anderson et al., 2018), a gamified
math learning application for deployment in authen-
1 Introduction and Background tic classrooms. During this preliminary real-world
deployment at an elementary school, the COVID-
The ongoing progress in Artificial Intelligence (AI)
19 pandemic impacted the globe, and school clo-
based advanced technologies can assist humanity
sures forced students to switch to online learning
in reducing the most critical inequities around the
options at home. To support this sudden paradigm
globe. The recent widespread interest in conver-
shift to at-home learning, previous school use cases
sational AI applications presents exciting oppor-
are redesigned for new home usages, and our dia-
tunities to showcase the positive societal impact
logue system is recreated to deal with interactive
of these technologies. The language-based AI sys-
math games at home. While the play-based learn-
tems have already started to mature to a level where
ing activities are adjusted for home usages with
we may soon observe their influences in mitigat-
a much simpler setup, the multimodal aspects of
ing the most pressing global challenges. Educa-
these games are partially preserved along with the
tion is among the top priority improvement areas
identified by the United Nations (UN) (i.e., poverty,
what the user desires to achieve with that inter-
action) and categorize the user’s objective at that
conversational turn. The Entity Extraction targets
locating and classifying entities (i.e., specific terms
representing existing things such as person names,
locations, and organizations) mentioned in user ut-
terances into predefined task-specific categories.
In this study, we present our efforts to convert the
Figure 1: Multimodal Dialogue System Pipeline task-oriented SDS (Okur et al., 2022b) designed
for school use cases (Aslan et al., 2022) to home us-
ages after COVID-19 and inspect the performance
fundamental math concepts for early childhood ed- of individual SDS modules evaluated on the home
ucation. These math skills cover using ones and deployment data we recently collected from 12
tens to construct numbers and foundational arith- kids individually at their homes. The current work
metic concepts and operations such as counting, focuses on assessing and improving the SLU task
addition, and subtraction. The multimodal aspects performance on kids’ utterances at home by uti-
of these learning games include kids’ spoken inter- lizing this real-world deployment data. We first
actions with the system while answering math ques- investigate the ASR and NLU module evaluations
tions and carrying out game-related conversations, independently. Then, we inspect the overall SLU
physical interactions with the objects (i.e., placing pipeline (ASR+NLU) performance on kids’ speech
cubes and sticks as manipulatives) on a visually by evaluating our NLU tasks on ASR output (i.e.,
observed playmat, performing specific pose and recognized text) at home environments. As the er-
gesture-based actions as part of these interactive roneous and noisy speech recognition output would
games (e.g., jumping, standing still, air high-five). lead to incorrect intent and entity predictions, we
Our domain-specific SDS pipeline (see Figure 1) aim to understand these error propagation conse-
consists of multiple cascaded components, namely quences with SLU for children in the math learning
Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR), Natural domain. We experiment with various recent ASR
Language Understanding (NLU), Multimodal Di- solutions and diverse model sizes to gain more
alogue Manager (DM), Natural Language Gener- insights into their capabilities to recognize kids’
ation (NLG), and Text-to-Speech (TTS) synchro- speech at home. We then analyze the effects of
nizing the agent utterances with virtual character these ASR engines on understanding intents and
animations on Student User Interface (UI). Here extracting entities from children’s utterances. We
we concentrate on the Spoken Language Under- discuss our findings and observations for potential
standing (SLU) task on kids’ speech at home envi- enhancements in future deployments of this multi-
ronments while playing basic math games. Such modal dialogue system for math learning at home.
application-dependent SLU approaches commonly
involve two main modules applied sequentially: (i) 2 Related Work
Speech-to-Text (STT) or ASR module that recog-
nizes speech and transcribes the spoken utterances 2.1 Conversational AI for Math Learning
into text, and (ii) NLU module that interprets the se- With the ultimate goal of improving the quality
mantics of those utterances by processing the tran- of education, there has been a growing enthusi-
scribed text. NLU is one of the most integral com- asm for exploiting AI-based intelligent systems to
ponents of these goal-oriented dialogue systems. It boost students’ learning experiences (Chassignol
empowers user-agent interactions by understand- et al., 2018; Aslan et al., 2019; Jia et al., 2020;
ing the meaning of user utterances via performing Zhai et al., 2021; Baker, 2021). Among these,
domain-specific sub-tasks. Intent Recognition (IR) interactive frameworks that support guided play-
and Named Entity Recognition (NER) are essen- based learning spaces revealed significant advan-
tial sub-tasks within the NLU module to resolve tages for math learning (Pires et al., 2019; Sun et al.,
the complexities of human language and extract 2021; Richey et al., 2021), especially for building
meaningful information for the application at hand. foundational math skills in early childhood educa-
Given a user utterance as input, the Intent Classi- tion (Nrupatunga et al., 2021; Skene et al., 2022).
fication aims to identify the user’s intention (i.e., To attain this level of interactivity within smart
learning spaces, developing innovative educational multimodal context and proactively generate re-
applications by utilizing language-based AI tech- sponses to nudge children in a guided manner with-
nologies is in growing demand (Taghipour and Ng, out distractions. Using these recent chatbots for
2016; Lende and Raghuwanshi, 2016; Raamadhu- math learning is still in the early stages because
rai et al., 2019; Cahill et al., 2020; Chan et al., they are known to miss basic mathematical abili-
2021; Rathod et al., 2022). In particular, designing ties and carry reasoning flaws (Frieder et al., 2023),
conversational agents for intelligent tutoring is a revealing a lack of common sense. Moreover, they
compelling yet challenging area of research, with are known to be susceptible to triggering inappro-
several attempts presented so far (Winkler and Söll- priate or harmful responses and potentially perpetu-
ner, 2018; Wambsganss et al., 2020; Winkler et al., ate human biases since they are trained on internet-
2020; Datta et al., 2020; Okonkwo and Ade-Ibijola, scale data and require carefully-thought guardrails.
2021; Wollny et al., 2021), most of them focusing On the contrary, our unique application is a task-
on language learning (Bibauw et al., 2022; Tyen oriented math learning spoken dialogue system
et al., 2022; Zhang et al., 2022). designed to perform learning activities, following
structured educational games to assist kids in prac-
In the math education context, earlier conver-
ticing basic math concepts at home. Our SDS does
sational math tutoring applications exist, such as
not require massive amounts of data to understand
SKOPE-IT (Nye et al., 2018), which is based on
kids and generate appropriate adaptive responses,
AutoTutor (Graesser et al., 2005) and ALEKS (Fal-
and the lightweight models can run locally on client
magne et al., 2013), and MathBot (Grossman
machines. In addition, our solution is multimodal,
et al., 2019). These are often text-based online
intermixing the physical and digital hybrid learning
systems following strict rules in conversational
experience with audio-visual understanding, object
graphs. Later, various studies emerged at the in-
recognition, segmentation, tracking, and pose and
tersection of cutting-edge AI techniques and math
gesture recognition.
learning (Mansouri et al., 2019; Huang et al., 2021;
Azerbayev et al., 2022; Uesato et al., 2022; Yang 2.2 Spoken Language Understanding
et al., 2022). Among those, employing advanced
language understanding methods to assist math Conventional pipeline-based dialogue systems with
learning is relatively new (Peng et al., 2021; Shen supervised learning are broadly favored when ini-
et al., 2021; Loginova and Benoit, 2022; Reusch tial domain-specific training data is scarce to boot-
et al., 2022). The majority of those recent work strap the task-oriented SDS for future data col-
leans on exploring language representations for lection (Serban et al., 2018; Budzianowski et al.,
math-related tasks such as mathematical reason- 2018; Mehri et al., 2020). Deep learning-based
ing, formula understanding, math word problem- modular dialogue frameworks and practical toolk-
solving, knowledge tracing, and auto-grading, to its are prominent in academic and industrial set-
name a few. Recently, TalkMoves dataset (Suresh tings (Bocklisch et al., 2017; Burtsev et al., 2018;
et al., 2022a) was released with K-12 math lesson Reyes et al., 2019). For task-specific applications
transcripts annotated for discursive moves and di- with limited in-domain data, current SLU systems
alogue acts to classify teacher talk moves in math often use a cascade of two neural modules: (i) ASR
classrooms (Suresh et al., 2022b). maps the input audio to text (i.e., transcript), and
(ii) NLU predicts intent and slots/entities from this
For the conversational AI tasks, the latest large transcript. Since our main focus in this work is in-
language models (LLMs) based chatbots, such vestigating the SLU pipeline, we briefly summarize
as BlenderBot (Shuster et al., 2022) and Chat- the existing NLU and ASR solutions.
GPT (OpenAI, 2022), gained a lot of traction in the
education community (Tack and Piech, 2022; Kas- 2.2.1 Language Representations for NLU
neci et al., 2023), along with some concerns about The NLU component processes input text, often
using generative models in tutoring (Macina et al., detects intents, and extracts referred entities from
2023; Cotton et al., 2023). ChatGPT is a general- user utterances. For the mainstream NLU tasks of
purpose open-ended interaction agent trained on Intent Classification and Entity Recognition, jointly
internet-scale data. It is an end-to-end dialogue trained multi-task models are proposed (Liu and
model without explicit NLU/Intent Recognizer or Lane, 2016; Zhang and Wang, 2016; Goo et al.,
DM, which currently cannot fully comprehend the 2018) with hierarchical learning approaches (Wen
et al., 2018; Okur et al., 2019; Vanzo et al., 2019). 2.2.2 Speech Recognition with Kids
Transformer architecture (Vaswani et al., 2017) is Speech recognition technology has been around
a game-changer for several downstream language for some time, and numerous ASR solutions are
tasks. With Transformers, BERT (Devlin et al., available today, both commercial and open-source.
2019) is presented, which became one of the most Rockhopper ASR (Stemmer et al., 2017) is an
pivotal breakthroughs in language representations, earlier low-power speech recognition engine with
achieving high performance in various tasks, in- LSTM-based language models, where its acous-
cluding NLU. Later, Dual Intent and Entity Trans- tic models are trained using an open-source Kaldi
former (DIET) architecture (Bunk et al., 2020) is speech recognition toolkit (Povey et al., 2011).
invented as a lightweight multi-task NLU model. Google Cloud Speech-to-Text3 is a prominent com-
On multi-domain NLU-Benchmark data (Liu et al., mercial ASR service powered by advanced neural
2021b), the DIET model outperformed fine-tuning models and designed for speech-dependant appli-
BERT for joint Intent and Entity Recognition. cations. Until recently, Google STT API was ar-
For BERT-based autoencoding approaches, guably the leader in ASR services for recognition
RoBERTa (Liu et al., 2019) is presented as a ro- performance and language coverage. Franck Der-
bustly optimized BERT model for sequence and noncourt (2018) reported that Google ASR could
token classification. The Hugging Face introduced reach a word error rate (WER) of 12.1% on Lib-
a smaller, lighter general-purpose language repre- riSpeech clean dataset (28.8% on LibriSpeech
sentation model called DistilBERT (Sanh et al., other) (Panayotov et al., 2015) at that time, which is
2019) as the knowledge-distilled version of BERT. improved drastically over time. Recently, Open AI
ConveRT (Henderson et al., 2020) is proposed as an released Whisper ASR (Radford et al., 2022) as a
efficiently compact model to obtain pretrained sen- game-changer speech recognizer. Whisper models
tence embeddings as conversational representations are pretrained on a vast amount of labeled audio-
for dialogue-specific tasks. LaBSE (Feng et al., transcription data (i.e., 680k hours), unlike its pre-
2022) is a pretrained multilingual model producing decessors (e.g., Wav2Vec 2.0 (Baevski et al., 2020)
language-agnostic BERT sentence embeddings that is trained on 60k hours of unlabeled audio). 117k
achieve promising results in text classification. hours of this data are multilingual, which makes
The GPT family of autoregressive LLMs, such Whisper applicable to over 96 languages, including
as GPT-2 (Radford et al., 2019) and GPT-3 (Brown low-resourced ones. Whisper architecture follows
et al., 2020), perform well at what they are pre- a standard Transformer-based encoder-decoder as
trained for, i.e., text generation. GPT models many speech-related models (Latif et al., 2023).
can also be adopted for NLU, supporting few-shot The Whisper-base model is reported to achieve
learning capabilities, and NLG in task-oriented di- 5.0% & 12.4% WER on LibriSpeech clean & other.
alogue systems (Madotto et al., 2020; Liu et al., Although speech recognition systems are sub-
2021a). XLNet (Yang et al., 2019) applies autore- stantially improving to achieve human recognition
gressive pretraining for representation learning that levels, problems still occur, especially in noisy
adopts Transformer-XL (Dai et al., 2019) as a back- environments, with users having accents and di-
bone model and works well for language tasks with alects or underrepresented groups like kids. Child
lengthy contexts. DialoGPT (Zhang et al., 2020) speech brings distinct challenges to ASR (Stem-
extends GPT-2 as a large-scale neural response gen- mer et al., 2003; Gerosa et al., 2007; Yeung and
eration model for multi-turn conversations trained Alwan, 2018), such as data scarcity and highly
on Reddit discussions, whose representations can varied acoustic, linguistic, physiological, develop-
be exploited in dialogue tasks. mental, and articulatory characteristics compared
For language representations to be utilized in to adult speech (Claus et al., 2013; Shivakumar
math-related tasks, MathBERT (Shen et al., 2021) and Georgiou, 2020; Bhardwaj et al., 2022). Thus,
is introduced as a math-specific BERT model pre- WER for children’s voices is reported two-to-five
trained on large math corpora. Later, Math-aware- times worse than for adults (Wu et al., 2019), as
BERT and Math-aware-RoBERTa models (Reusch the younger the child, the poorer ASR performs.
et al., 2022) are proposed based on BERT and There exist efforts to mitigate these difficulties of
RoBERTa, pretrained on Math Stack Exchange2 . speech recognition with kids (Shivakumar et al.,
2 3
2014; Duan and Chen, 2020; Booth et al., 2020; NLU Data Statistics POC Deployment
Kelly et al., 2020; Rumberg et al., 2021; Yeung # Intents Types 13 12
et al., 2021). Few studies also focus on speech Total # Utterances 4091 733
technologies in educational settings (Reeder et al., # Entity Types 3 3
2015; Blanchard et al., 2015; Bai et al., 2021, 2022; Total # Entities 2244 497
Dutta et al., 2022), often for language acquisition, Min # Utterances per Intent 105 1
reading comprehension, and story-telling activities. Max # Utterances per Intent 830 270
Avg # Utterances per Intent 314.7 61.1

3 Methods Min # Tokens per Utterance 1 1

Max # Tokens per Utterance 40 33
Avg # Tokens per Utterance 4.49 2.30
3.1 Home Learning Data and Use Cases
# Unique Tokens (Vocab Size) 702 149
We utilize two datasets for gamified basic math Total # Tokens 18364 1689
learning at home usages. The first set is a proof-of-
concept (POC) data manually constructed based on Table 1: Kid Space Home POC and Deployment Data
User Experience (UX) studies (e.g., detailed scripts
for new home use cases) and partially adopted from
our previous school data (Okur et al., 2022a). This sic math questions and construct numbers using
POC data is used to train and cross-validate various these objects, going through multiple rounds of
NLU models to develop the best practices in later practice questions where flowers in child-selected
home deployments. The second set is our recent colors bloom as rewards. In the actual learning
home deployment data collected from 12 kids (ages game, the agent presents clusters of questions in-
7-8) experiencing our multimodal math learning volving ones & tens, and the child provides verbal
system at authentic homes. The audio-visual data (e.g., stating the numbers) and visual answers (e.g.,
is transcribed manually, and user utterances in these placing the cubes and sticks on the playmat, de-
reference transcripts are annotated for intent and tected by the overhead camera). The agent provides
entity types we identified for each learning activity scaffolding utterances and performs animations to
at home. Table 1 compares the NLU statistics for show and tell how to solve basic math questions.
Kid Space Home POC and Deployment datasets. The interaction ends with a dance party to cele-
Manually transcribed children’s utterances in de- brate achievements and say goodbyes in closure.
ployment data are employed to test our best NLU Some of our intents can be considered generic (e.g.,
models trained on POC data. We run multiple ASR state-name, affirm, deny, repeat, out-of-scope), but
engines on audio recordings from home deploy- some are highly domain-specific (e.g., answer-
ment data, where automatic transcripts (i.e., ASR flowers, answer-valid, answer-others, state-color,
output) are utilized to compute WER to assess ASR had-fun-a-lot, end-game) or math-related (e.g.,
model performances on kids’ speech. We also eval- state-number, still-counting). The entities we ex-
uate the SLU pipeline (ASR+NLU) by testing NLU tract are activity-specific (i.e., name, color) and
models on ASR output from deployment data. math-related (i.e., number).
The simplified home deployment setup includes
a playmat with physical manipulatives, a laptop
with a built-in camera, a wireless lavalier mic, 3.2 NLU and ASR Models
and a depth camera on a tripod. Home use cases
follow a particular flow of activities designed for Customizing open-source Rasa framework (Bock-
play-based learning in early childhood education. lisch et al., 2017) as a backbone, we investigate
These activities are Introduction (Meet & Greet), several NLU models for Intent Recognition and
Warm-up Game (Red Light Green Light), Train- Entity Extraction tasks to implement our math
ing Game, Learning Game, and Closure (Dance learning conversational AI system for home us-
Party). After meeting with the virtual character age. Our baseline approach is inspired by the
and playing jumping games, the child starts the StarSpace (Wu et al., 2018) method, a supervised
training game, where the agent asks for help plant- embedding-based model maximizing the similar-
ing flowers. The agent presents tangible manipu- ity between utterances and intents in shared vec-
latives, cubes representing ones and sticks repre- tor space. We enrich this simple text classifier by
senting tens, and instructs the kid to answer ba- incorporating SpaCy (Honnibal et al., 2020) pre-
trained language models4 for word embeddings as els (Reusch et al., 2022) are initialized from BERT-
additional features in the NLU pipeline. CRF En- base and RoBERTa-base, and further pretrained on
tity Extractor (Lafferty et al., 2001) with BILOU Math StackExchange19 with extra LaTeX tokens
tagging is also part of this baseline NLU. For to better tokenize math formulas for ARQMath-3
home usages, we explore the advantages of switch- tasks (Mansouri et al., 2022). We exploit these rep-
ing to a more recent DIET model5 for joint In- resentations with DIET to investigate their effects
tent and Entity Recognition, a multi-task archi- on our NLU tasks in the basic math domain.
tecture with two-layer Transformers shared for For the ASR module, we explore three main
NLU tasks. DIET leverages combining dense speech recognizers for our math learning ap-
features (e.g., any given pretrained embeddings) plication at home, which are explained further
with sparse features (e.g., token-level encodings in 2.2.2. Rockhopper ASR20 is the baseline lo-
of char n-grams). To observe the net benefits of cal approach previously inspected, which can be
DIET, we first pass the identical SpaCy embed- adjusted slightly for kids. Its acoustic models rely
dings used in our baseline (StarSpace) as dense on Kaldi21 generated resources and are trained on
features to DIET. Then, we adopt DIET with pre- default adult speech data. In the past explorations,
trained BERT6 , RoBERTa7 , and DistilBERT8 word when Rockhopper’s language models fine-tuned
embeddings, as well as ConveRT9 and LaBSE10 with limited in-domain kids’ utterances (Sahay
sentence embeddings to inspect the effects of these et al., 2021) from previous school usages, WER de-
autoencoding-based language representations on creased by 40% for kids but remained 50% higher
NLU performance (see 2.2.1 for more details). We than adult WER. Although this small-scale base-
also evaluate pretrained embeddings from mod- line solution is unexpected to reach Google Cloud
els using autoregressive training such as XLNet11 , ASR performance, Rockhopper has a few other ad-
GPT-21213 , and DialoGPT14 on top of DIET. Next, vantages for our application since it can run offline
we explore recently-proposed math-language rep- locally on low-power devices, which could be bet-
resentations pretrained on math data for our basic ter for security, privacy, latency, and cost (relative
math learning dialogue system. MathBERT (Shen to cloud-based ASR services). Google ASR is a
et al., 2021) is pretrained on large math corpora commercial cloud solution providing high-quality
(e.g., curriculum, textbooks, MOOCs, arXiv pa- speech recognition service but requiring connectiv-
pers) covering pre-k to college-graduate materials. ity and payment, which cannot be adapted or fine-
We enhance DIET by incorporating embeddings tuned as Rockhopper. The third ASR approach we
from MathBERT-base15 and MathBERT-custom16 investigate is Whisper22 , which combines the best
models, pretrained with BERT-base original and of both worlds as it is an open-source adjustable
math-customized vocabularies, respectively. Math- solution that can run locally, achieving new state-
aware-BERT17 and Math-aware-RoBERTa18 mod- of-the-art (SOTA) results. We inspect three config-
urations of varying model sizes (i.e., base, small,
releases/tag/en_core_web_md-3.5.0 and medium) to evaluate the Whisper ASR for our
Please check Bunk et al. (2020) for hyper-parameter tun- home math learning usage with kids.
ing, hardware specs, and computational costs.
7 4 Experimental Results
8 To build the NLU module of our SLU pipeline, we
9 train Intent and Entity Classification models and
polyai-models/releases cross-validate them over the Kid Space Home POC
10 dataset to decide upon the best-performing NLU
11 architectures moving forward for home. Table 2
Excluded GPT-3 and beyond that are not open-source.
summarizes the results of model selection exper-
14 iments with various NLU models. We report the
DialoGPT-medium average of 5 runs, and each run involves a 10-fold
16 19
17 20
bert speech_sample_README.html
18 21
NLU Model Intent Detection Entity Extraction Intent Detection Entity Extraction
StarSpace+SpaCy 92.71±0.25 97.08±0.21 Activity POC Deploy ∆ POC Deploy ∆
DIET+SpaCy 94.29±0.05 98.38±0.12 Intro (Meet & Greet) 99.9 97.3 -2.6 99.2 97.4 -1.8
DIET+BERT 97.25±0.23 99.23±0.02 Warm-up Game 98.8 93.4 -5.4 - - -
DIET+RoBERTa 95.50±0.18 99.11±0.12 Training Game 98.4 94.2 -4.2 99.9 99.8 -0.1
DIET+DistilBERT 97.41±0.20 99.49±0.12 Learning Game 98.9 94.3 -4.6 99.8 99.4 -0.4
DIET+ConveRT 98.80±0.25 99.61±0.03 Closure (Dance) 98.8 98.7 -0.1 - - -
DIET+LaBSE 98.19±0.18 99.72±0.04
All Activities 98.8 94.2 -4.6 99.6 99.3 -0.3
DIET+XLNet 94.99±0.19 98.38±0.14
DIET+GPT-2 95.35±0.27 99.01±0.27
DIET+DialoGPT 96.00±0.49 98.94±0.12
Table 3: NLU Evaluation Results in F1-scores (%) for
DIET+MathBERT-base 94.55±0.22 98.10±0.21 DIET+ConveRT Models Trained on Kid Space Home
DIET+MathBERT-custom 94.61±0.34 97.48±0.29
DIET+Math-aware-BERT 95.95±0.15 98.94±0.19 POC Data & Tested on Home Deployment Data
DIET+Math-aware-RoBERTa 94.20±0.16 98.75±0.21

Table 2: NLU Model Selection Results in F1-scores (%)

Evaluated on Kid Space Home POC Data (10-fold CV) the performance drops we previously observed at
school (Okur et al., 2022c). We witness distri-
butional and utterance-length differences between
cross-validation (CV) on POC data. Compared POC/training and deployment/test datasets. Real-
to the baseline StarSpace algorithm, we gain al- world data would always be noisier than anticipated
most 2% F1 score for intents and more than 1% as these utterances come from younger kids playing
F1 for entities with multi-task DIET architecture. math games in dynamic conditions.
For language representations, we observe that in- To further improve the performance of our Kid
corporating DIET with the BERT family of embed- Space Home NLU models (trained on POC data)
dings from autoencoders achieves higher F1 scores by leveraging this recent deployment data, we ex-
relative to the GPT family of embeddings from periment with merging the two datasets for training
autoregressive models. We cannot reveal any ben- and evaluating the performance on individual de-
efits of employing math-specific representations ployment sessions via leave-one-out (LOO) CV.
with DIET, as all such models achieve worse than At each of the 12 runs (for 12 sessions/kids), we
DIET+BERT results. One reason we identify is the merge the POC data with 11 sessions of deploy-
mismatch between our early math domain and ad- ment data for model training and use the remaining
vanced math corpora, including college-level math session as a test set, then take the average perfor-
symbols and equations, that these models trained mance of these runs. That would simulate how
on. Another reason could be that such embeddings combining POC with real-world deployment data
are pretrained on smaller math corpora (e.g., 100 would help us train more robust NLU models that
million tokens) compared to massive-scale generic perform better on unseen data in future deployment
corpora (e.g., 3.3 billion words) that BERT models sessions. The overall F1-scores reach 96.5% for
use for training. DIET+ConveRT is the clear win- intents (2.3% gain from 94.2%) and 99.4% for enti-
ner for intents and achieves second-best but very ties (0.1% gain) with LOOCV, which are promising
close results for entities compared to DIET+LaBSE. for our future deployments.
ConveRT and LaBSE are both sentence-level em- To inspect the ASR module of our SLU pipeline,
beddings, but ConveRT performs well on dialogue we experiment with Rockhopper, Google, and
tasks as it is pretrained on large conversational cor- Whisper-base/small/medium ASR models evalu-
pora, including Reddit discussions. Based on these ated on the same audio data collected during home
results, we select DIET+ConveRT as the final multi- deployments. Using the manual session transcripts
task architecture for our NLU tasks at home. as a reference, we compute the average WER for
Next, we evaluate our NLU module on Kid kids with each ASR engine to investigate the most
Space Home Deployment data collected at authen- feasible solution. Table 4 summarizes WER re-
tic homes over 12 sessions with 12 kids. Each child sults before and after standard pre-processing steps
goes through 5 activities within a session, as de- (e.g., lower casing and punctuation removal) as
scribed in 3.1. In Table 3, we observe overall F1% well as application-specific filters (e.g., num2word
drops (∆) of 4.6 for intents and 0.3 for entities and cleaning). The numbers are transcribed in-
when our best-performing DIET+ConveRT mod- consistently within reference transcripts plus ASR
els are tested on home deployment data. These output (e.g., 35 vs. thirty-five), and we need to
findings are expected and relatively lower than standardize them all in word forms. The cleaning
Raw Lowercase Remove Num2Word LC & LC & RP NW & LC & RP &
ASR Model Output (LC) Punct (RP) (NW) RP & NW Clean NW & Clean

Rockhopper 0.939 0.919 0.924 0.937 0.886 0.884 0.937 0.884

Google Cloud 0.829 0.798 0.775 0.763 0.695 0.602 0.763 0.602
Whisper-base 1.042 1.020 0.971 0.985 0.946 0.856 0.622 0.500
Whisper-small 0.834 0.804 0.760 0.756 0.720 0.621 0.537 0.405
Whisper-medium 0.905 0.870 0.824 0.814 0.785 0.675 0.522 0.384

Table 4: ASR Model Results: Avg Word Error Rates (WER) for Child Speech at Kid Space Home Deployment Data

step is applied to Whisper ASR output only due to Intent Detection Entity Extraction
ASR Model F1 Adjusted-F1 F1 Adjusted-F1
known issues such as getting stuck in repeat loops
Rockhopper 36.7 15.5 82.9 35.0
and hallucinations (Radford et al., 2022). We sel- Google Cloud 78.0 39.7 96.2 49.0
dom observe trash output from Whisper (4-to-7%) Whisper-base 64.7 60.0 95.4 88.5
Whisper-small 72.2 68.1 96.6 91.1
having very long transcriptions with non-sense rep- Whisper-medium 76.5 73.1 98.5 94.1
etitions/symbols, which hugely affect WER due to
their length, yet these samples can be easily auto- Table 5: SLU Pipeline Evaluation Results in F1-scores
filtered. Even after these steps, the relatively high (%) for ASR+NLU and VAD-Adjusted ASR+NLU on
error rates can be attributed to many factors related Kid Space Home Deployment Data
to the characteristics of these recordings (e.g., inci-
dental voice and phrases), very short utterances to performs relatively higher than Google and Rock-
be recognized (e.g., binary yes/no answers or stat- hopper. For enhanced Intent Recognition in real-
ing numbers with one-or-two words), and recogniz- world deployments with kids, increasing the ASR
ing kids’ speech in ordinary home environments. model size from small to medium could be worth
Still, the comparative results indicate that Whisper the trouble for Whisper. Yet, the F1 drop is still
ASR solutions perform better on kids, and we can huge, from 94.2% with NLU to 73.1% with VAD-
benefit from increasing the model size from base ASR+NLU, when VAD-ASR errors propagate into
to small, while small to medium is close. the SLU pipeline.
For SLU pipeline evaluation, we test our highest- 5 Error Analysis
performing NLU models on noisy ASR output. Ta-
ble 5 presents the Intent and Entity Classification For NLU error analysis, Table 6 reveals utterance
results achieved on home deployment data where samples from our Kid Space Home Deployment
the DIET+ConveRT models run on varying ASR data with misclassified intents obtained by the
models output. Note that Voice Activity Detection DIET+ConveRT models on manual/human tran-
(VAD) is an integral part of ASR that decides the scripts. These language understanding errors il-
presence/absence of human speech. We realize lustrate the potential pain points solely related to
that the VAD stage is filtering out a lot of audio the NLU model performances, as we are assum-
chunks with actual kid speech with Rockhopper ing perfect or human-level ASR here by feeding
and Google. Thus, our VAD-ASR nodes can ignore the manually transcribed utterances into the NLU.
a lot of audio segments with reference transcripts Such intent prediction errors occur in real-world
(57.9% for Rokchopper, 49.1% for Google). That is deployments for many reasons. For example, au-
less of an issue with Whisper-base/small/medium, thentic user utterances can have multiple intents
missing 7.1%/5.7%/4.4% of transcribed utterances (e.g., “Yeah. Can we have some carrots?” starts
(often due to filtering very long and repetitive trash with affirm and continues with out-of-scope). Some
Whisper output). When we treat these entirely utterances can be challenging due to subtle differ-
missed utterances with no ASR output as classifi- ences between intent classes (e.g., “Ah this is 70, 7.”
cation errors for NLU tasks (i.e., missing to predict is submitting a verbal answer with state-number
intent/entities when no speech is detected), we can but can easily be mixed with still-counting too).
adjust the F1-scores accordingly to evaluate the Moreover, we observe utterances having colors and
VAD-ASR+NLU pipeline. These VAD-adjusted “flowers” within out-of-scope (e.g., “Wow, that’s a
F1-scores are compared in Table 5, aligned with lot of red flowers.”), which can be confusing for
the WER results, where NLU on Whisper ASR the NLU models trained on cleaner POC datasets.
Sample Kid Utterance Intent Prediction
Pepper. state-name answer-valid
Wow, that’s a lot of red flowers. out-of-scope answer-flowers
None. state-number deny
Nothing. state-number deny
Yeah. Can we have some carrots? affirm out-of-scope
Okay, Do your magic. affirm out-of-scope
Maybe tomorrow. affirm out-of-scope
He’s a bear. out-of-scope answer-valid
I like the idea of a bear out-of-scope answer-valid
Oh, 46? Okay. still-counting state-number
94. Okay. still-counting state-number
Now we have mountains. out-of-scope answer-valid
A pond? out-of-scope answer-valid
Sorry, I didn’t understand it. Uh, five tens. state-number still-counting
Ah this is 70, 7. state-number still-counting

Table 6: NLU Error Analysis: Intent Recognition Error Samples from Kid Space Home Deployment Data

Human Transcript ASR Output ASR Model Intent Prediction

Six. thanks Rockhopper state-number thank
fifteen if he Rockhopper state-number out-of-scope
fifteen Mickey Google Cloud state-number state-name
Five. bye Google Cloud state-number goodbye
Blue. Blair. Whisper-base state-color state-name
twenty Plenty. Whisper-base state-number had-fun-a-lot
A lot. Oh, la. Whisper-base had-fun-a-lot out-of-scope
A lot. Oh, wow. Whisper-small had-fun-a-lot out-of-scope
Two. you Whisper-small state-number out-of-scope
Four. I’m going to see this floor. Whisper-small state-number out-of-scope
twenty Swamy? Whisper-medium state-number state-name
Eight. E. Whisper-medium state-number out-of-scope

Table 7: SLU Pipeline (ASR+NLU): Intent Recognition Error Samples from Kid Space Home Deployment Data

For further error analysis on the SLU pipeline trained language representations for Intent Recog-
(ASR+NLU), Table 7 demonstrates Intent Recogni- nition and Entity Extraction tasks in our appli-
tion error samples from Kid Space Home Deploy- cation domain. For ASR, we inspect the WER
ment data obtained on ASR output with several with several solutions that are either low-power
speech recognition models we explored. These and local (e.g., Rockhopper), commercial (e.g.,
samples depict anticipated error propagation from Google Cloud), or open-source (e.g., Whisper) with
speech recognition to language understanding mod- varying model sizes and conclude that Whisper-
ules in the cascaded SLU approach. Please check medium outperforms the rest on kids’ speech at
Appendix A for a more detailed ASR error analysis. authentic home environments. Finally, we evaluate
the SLU pipeline by running our best-performing
6 Conclusion NLU models, DIET+ConveRT, on VAD-ASR out-
put to observe the significant effects of cascaded er-
To increase the quality of math learning experi-
rors due to noisy voice detection and speech recog-
ences at home for early childhood education, we
nition performance with kids in realistic home de-
develop a multimodal dialogue system with play-
ployment settings. In the future, we aim to fine-
based learning activities, helping the kids gain ba-
tune the Whisper ASR acoustic models on kids’
sic math skills. This study investigates a modular
speech and language models on domain-specific
SLU pipeline for kids with cascading ASR and
math content. Moreover, we consider exploring
NLU modules, evaluated on our first home deploy-
N-Best-ASR-Transformers (Ganesan et al., 2021)
ment data with 12 kids at individual homes. For
to leverage multiple Whisper ASR hypotheses and
NLU, we examine the advantages of a multi-task
mitigate errors propagated into cascading SLU.
architecture and experiment with numerous pre-
Limitations Acknowledgements
We aspire to share our gratitude and acknowledge
By building this task-specific dialogue system for
our former and current colleagues in the Kid Space
kids, we aim to increase the overall quality of
team at Intel Labs. Particularly: (i) Hector Cor-
basic math education and learning at-home ex-
dourier Maruri, Juan Del Hoyo Ontiveros, and
periences for younger children. In our previous
Georg Stemmer for developing the VAD-ASR node
school deployments, the overall cost of the whole
to obtain the ASR output that we use in our SLU
school/classroom setup, including the wall/ceiling-
pipeline; (ii) Benjamin Bair, Lenitra Durham, Sai
mounted projector, 3D/RGB-D cameras, LiDAR
Prasad, Giuseppe Raffa, Celal Savur, and Sangita
sensor, wireless lavalier microphones, servers, etc.,
Sharma for designing the HW/SW architectural
can be considered as a limitation for public schools
setup, developing the Wizard UI and game logic
and disadvantaged populations. When we shifted
nodes, and supporting data collection; (iii) Ankur
our focus to home learning usages after the COVID-
Agrawal, Arturo Bringas Garcia, Vishwajeet Nar-
19 pandemic, we simplified the overall setup for 1:1
wal, and Guillermo Rivas Aguilar for developing
learning with a PC laptop with a built-in camera, a
the Student UI via the Unity game engine; (iv) Glen
depth camera on a tripod, a lapel mic, and a play-
Anderson, Sinem Aslan, Rebecca Chierichetti, Pete
mat with cubes and sticks. However, even this min-
Denman, John Sherry, and Meng Shi for con-
imal instrumentation suitable for home setup can
ducting UX studies and performing interaction de-
be a limitation for kids with lower socioeconomic
sign to conceptualize school and home usages; (v)
status. Moreover, the dataset size of our initial
David Gonzalez Aguirre, Gesem Gudino Mejia,
home deployment data collected from 12 kids in 12
and Julio Zamora Esquivel for developing the vi-
sessions is relatively small, with around 12 hours
sual understanding nodes to support this research.
of audio data manually transcribed and annotated.
We would also want to gratefully acknowledge our
Collecting multimodal data at authentic homes of
field team members from Summa Linguae Tech-
individual kids within our target age group (e.g., 5-
nologies, especially Rick Lin and Brenda Tumbalo-
to-8 years old) and labor-intensive labeling process
bos Cubas, for their exceptional support in execut-
is challenging and costly. To overcome these data
ing the data collection and transcription/annotation
scarcity limitations and develop dialogue systems
tasks in collaboration with our Intel Labs Kid Space
for kids with such small-data regimes, we had to
team. Finally, we should thank the Rasa team and
rely on transfer learning approaches as much as
community developers for their open-source frame-
possible. However, the dataset sizes affect the gen-
work and contributions that empowered us to con-
eralizability of our explorations, the reliability of
duct our research.
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Human Transcript Rockhopper Google Cloud Whisper-base Whisper-small Whisper-medium
Atticus. - - Yeah, that’s cute. I have a kiss. Now I have to kiss.
I am Genevieve. i’m twenty-two I’m going to be I’m Kennedy. I’m Genevieve. I’m Genevieve.
Red. rab - Ralph. Red. Red.
Blue. lil blue Blair. Blue. Blue.
Yes, laughs yes Yes? Yes? Yes?
Roses. it is roses Okay. Okay focus
Zero. you know no No. No, no. No.
four. you swore - forward. Over. Over.
five. - bye Bye. Bye. Bye.
eight all - Thank you. Bye. Oh
forty eight wall e 48 48 48 48
forty nine already 49 49 49 49
fifty one if you want 51 51 51 51
seventy four stopping before 74 74 74 74
Maybe tomorrow. novarro tomorrow I need some water, I’m going to leave I’m leaving tomorrow.
though. it tomorrow.
Flowers, flowers in lean forward Greenhouse In forward, in I think forward, In the green house.
the greenhouse? phelps hours forward, in the both flowers and
than we green house. the greenhouse.
There are seventeen, seventeen 17 + 17 - 27 There are 17 and There are 17 and What is the maximum
and seventeen minus seventeen 17 minus 10 17 minus 10 number of children in the
ten equals seven. rooms equals 7. equals 7. world? Um... There are 17
and 17 minus 10 equals 7.

Table 8: ASR Error Samples from Kid Space Home Deployment Data

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