Year 3
Year 3
Year 3
Lesson Details
Year 3M Num. of Students 36
Date 12.1.2024 Time 11:00 – 1: 00 p.m.
Theme & Topic World of self, family, and friends On holiday
Focus Skill Reading
Prior Knowledge / Skills past simple (regular & irregular verbs): positive & negative statements
Main Skill Complementary Skill
Content Standard (CS) 3.2 Understand a variety of linear 4.3 Communicate with appropriate
and non-linear print and digital texts language form and style for a range
by using appropriate reading of purposes in print and digital
strategies media
Learning Standard (LS) 3.2.2 Understand specific 4.2.5 Connect sentences using
information and details of short basic coordinating conjunctions
simple texts
Learning Outcome (LO) Knowledge Skill Value
past simple (regular and read and understand Gratitude
irregular verbs): positive connect sentences
and negative statements
Learning Objectives By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
1. Answer at least 4 simple questions orally based on a short simple
text about Tim’s holiday.
2. Write at least 7 sentences in a paragraph on their holiday
experience using past simple tense and basic conjunctions.
Success Criteria (SC) I can:
1. Answer at least 4 simple questions orally on the time and events
of interest based on a short simple text about Tim’s holiday.
2. Write at least 7 sentences in a paragraph on my holiday
experience using past simple tense and basic conjunctions such
as “and” and “but”.
Classroom Based Oral Observation Written
Assessment (CBA) ( / ) / /
Instruments oral assessment writing
Thinking Skills (TS): Interpreting, connecting, evaluating
Habits of Mind (HoM): Thinking flexibly
Lecturer : Strength:
PdPR timetable
Class: 3M