A E Assignement 2023
A E Assignement 2023
A E Assignement 2023
04 Module-4
SUPERCHARGERS AND TURBOCHARGERS: Naturally aspirated engines, Forced
Induction, Types of superchargers, Turbocharger construction and operation,
Intercooler, Turbocharger lag. FUELS, FUEL SUPPLY
SYSTEMS FOR SI AND CI ENGINES: Conventional fuels, Alternative fuels, Normal and
abnormal combustion, Cetane and Octane numbers, Fuel mixture requirements for
SI engines, Types of carburetors, C.D.& C.C. carburetors, Multi-point, and Single
point fuel injection systems, fuel transfer pumps, fuel filters, fuel injection pumps,
and injectors. Electronic Injection system, Common Rail Direct Injection System.
1. Explain working of Naturally aspirated engines with help of neat skectch
2. How Forced Induction works in supercharger and turbocharger
3. With the help of neat sketch explain various types of superchargers
4. Differencaiate between supercharger and turbocharger with the help of
neat sketch
5. Explain the function of Intercooler in supercharger and turbocharger
6. Write a short note on fuels and fuel supply
7. Explain the following with help of neat sketch
i. Types of carburetors
ii. Multi-point and Single point fuel injection systems
iii. Electronic Injection system
iv. fuel injection pumps, and injectors
8. Write a short on the following
i. Alternative fuels
ii. Fuel mixture requirements for SI engines
iii. Cetane and Octane numbers
iv. fuel transfer pumps
Assignement Questions AE- 7 SEM B. E. Dr. S B Mallur, Professor, UBDTCE, DVG Page 1