Meridian Pro USA
Meridian Pro USA
Meridian Pro USA
Prismatic Compass
13 5
12 6
11 7
10 8
2. Taking a bearing
Open the compass until the lid is perpendicular to the housing.
Fold the prism holder forward until the stop, look through the
prism and adjust the prism height until the dial is sharply
focused. Turn your body keeping the compass in hand until
the sighting line is aligned with the object, then read the bea
ring at the point where the sighting line intersects the dial.
Sight the upper or lower edge of the object from above the
lower edge of the compass, taking care that the entire lower
edge of the compass and the object are in alignment.
1 1 2 1/60
2 2 3 1/30
3 3 5 1/20
4 4 7 2/30
5 5 9 7/80
6 6 10 1/10
7 8 12 1/8
8 9 15 1/7
10 11 18 1/6
12 13 21 1/5
14 16 25 1/4
17 19 30 3/10
18 20 33 1/3
20 22 36 3/8
22 25 40 2/5
24 27 45 4/9
27 30 50 1/2
31 35 60 3/5
34 38 66 2/3
35 39 70 7/10
37 41 75 3/4
40 45 84 5/6
42 47 90 9/10
45 50 100 1/1
50 56 120 1+1/5
Table 2
1 18 1 2 1/60
2 35 2 3 1/30
3 53 3 5 1/20
4 71 4 7 2/30
5 89 5 9 7/80
6 107 6 10 1/10
7 125 8 12 1/8
8 142 9 15 1/7
10 178 11 18 1/6
12 219 13 21 1/5
14 250 16 25 1/4
17 302 19 30 3/10
18 320 20 33 1/3
20 355 22 36 3/8
22 391 25 40 2/5
24 426 27 45 4/9
27 480 30 50 1/2
31 551 35 60 3/5
34 604 38 66 2/3
35 622 39 70 7/10
37 658 41 75 3/4
40 711 45 84 5/6
42 747 47 90 9/10
45 800 50 100 1/1
50 889 56 120 1+1/5
Measuring angles
Sight the right edge of the object. The compass rose imme
diately falls into its normal swing. Note the determined degree
and slowly turn to the left edge of the object. Deduct the
second degree from the first one, the difference being the
degree between left and right object side.
If the first degree is 8° and the second degree is 357°, the
measured angle will be 11°, The width of an object is the
percentage (gradient in %) of the distance to the object cor-
responding to the measured angle or, if easier to calculate,
the corresponding fraction ( column IV, Table 1 or column V,
table 2) of the distance.
At a distance of 4000 m a bridge spans a river, transverse to
the line of vision. How long is the bridge if an angle of 6° is
measured from the right to the left river bank?
6° = 10% or 1/10 of the distance = 400 m.