Meridian Pro USA

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Prismatic Compass


13 5
12 6
11 7
10 8

3 Prismatic Compass with clinometer

1 Sightingwindowwithsightingline
2 Stand thread
3 Thumbring
4 Northlinewithnortharrow
5 Bubblelevel
6 Sapphirebearing
7 Compass rose with360°-scale
8 inch scale
9 Base table
10 Housing
11 Lens prism, verticallyadjustable
12 cm scale
13 Rotary dial with360°-scale
14 Clinometer
15 Lid
Instructions for use
Prismatic Compass
The compass consists of a metal housing and an metal/plastic
lid with a glass window with the sighting line etches into it.
The spherically ground glass Prism mounted in a robust
hinged housing that can be turned trough 180°. This allows
the prism to be moved into reading position and be folded
back after use. The prism is attached to the compass hou
sing by a vertical spring holder which allows approx. 3 mm of
vertical movement using either thumb pressure or the knurled-
head screw (according to the model being used). This move
ment allows for sharp focusing which is achieved as follows:

Move the prism holder either up or down to the point where

the graduated scale is readable with maximum sharpness.
While doing so keep the compass exactly horizontal. This
may be checked by using the integrated spirit-level.

When the prism is folded back the lid may be completely

closed to protect it.

A 0,3mm observation slit is provided above the prism. You

can sight the objective by simultaneously observing the dial
trough the observation slit and the sighting line in the glass
window. With some practice you will be able to read the direction
of travel where dial and sighting line are intersecting. Dial,
sighting line and object will simultaneously appear in your
field of vision when you hold the compass exactly horizontal.
The compass dial, or compass rose, has a sapphire bearing
to ensure quick movement and optimal precision. Liquid
damping prevents excessive oscillations of the magnetic
needle, which is the case in conventional compasses. The
liquid filled membrane capsule consists of highly transparent
flexible plastics which dilate and contract when being expo
sed to extreme changes of temperature and of air pressure.
In this case temporary air bubbles may occur which, however,
do not affect the correct functioning of the compass. These
bubbles are only a temporary phenomenon and will disap
pear again after 24 or 48 hours, as soon as the compass is
used again under normal conditions. The fluid capsule can
be easily replaced by removing the screws on the base of the
compass housing. Ensure that the foam pad is inserted again
below the capsule.

The compass is provided with an integrated spirit-level. It can

be screwed on a tripod by means of the threaded fitting in the
base and serve as theodolite for simple terrain surveys.

The prismatic compass offers you considerable advantages

over those models being equipped with magnetic needle and
tilting mirror. Problems inevitably caused by mirror reading
and potential parallax errors are eliminated by prismatic
reading. Excellent damping of the dial system ensures rapid
and precise reading to the fraction of a degree.
1. Using the compass
This compass is a precision instrument which is often used
in connection with maps. For optimal precision you must con
sider the local magnetic declination, unless it is small enough
to be neglected. For further details refer to page 26.

2. Taking a bearing
Open the compass until the lid is perpendicular to the housing.
Fold the prism holder forward until the stop, look through the
prism and adjust the prism height until the dial is sharply
focused. Turn your body keeping the compass in hand until
the sighting line is aligned with the object, then read the bea
ring at the point where the sighting line intersects the dial.

3. Walking a given bearing or direction of travel

When the bearing is known, simply look through the prism
and turn your body until you can read the known bearing on
the dial. The sighting line then intersects the object.

4. Orienting the map

When you have no particular destination in mind, only wising
to familiarize yourself with your surroundings, it will be use
ful to orient your map. For doing so place the compass on
the map with one of the contact edges to the meridian, next
to your own position. The fixed luminous tip indicates to the
top of the map. Meridians are parallel lines running from the
upper to the lower end of the map. Turn map and compass
until the north mark on the dial indicates the index line in the
center of the fixed luminous tip. The map is now oriented and
corresponds to the natural terrain features. The magnetic
declination has, however, not been taken into account.

5. Determining the direction of travel on the map

a) Place the compass on the map with one contact edge
along the line which is running from your own position to
the objective. The fixed luminous tip points to the objective.
b) Turn the dial ring until the arrow on the glass window runs
parallel to the next meridian. Read the bearing on the dial
in the center of the fixed luminous tip. The large luminous
marking enables you to read the direction of travel day
and night.
c) Pick up the compass from the map, look through the prism
an turn your body until the bearing taken in step b appears
in the prism. Select a prominent landmark (auxiliary ob-
jective) which is in the line with the sighting line, proceed
to it and repeat this process until you reach your object.

6. Determining the direction of travel in the field

This task is easier when you select an intermediate object.
Turn your body from time to time, the compass keeping in
hand, until the taken bearing (see point 5) appears in the
prism. Select a prominent landmark which is located in line
with the sighting line. This helps you keeping the direction
of travel when the objective can not be seen. If there are no
prominent landmarks, as often happens in the desert or in
the Artic, send one member of your group in the front and
direct him, by giving signs with your hand, to a point situated
exactly in your direction of travel, proceed to his position and
repeat this process.
You may easily correct your direction of travel without having
to open the compass. When the lid is closed and the hinge-
points to the objective, you can read the bearing on the inte
rior dial of the compass rose, exactly below the sighting line
(for models without clinometer only).

7. Determining your own position in the field

When you are in the field following a direction of travel deter-
mined by you according to the description in point 2 or 5, you
can find your own position by selecting a prominent landmark
in the field /monument, church spire, etc.), which should be
located at approx. 90° from your direction of travel. Take the
compass, take the bearing to this reference point and mark
it on the map. Place the compass on the map with one of the
two contact edges intersecting the reference point.
Set the bearing of this point on the index line in the center of
the fixed luminous tip. Turn the compass around the reference
point until the arrow points to the upper end of the map.
Extend the contact edge until it intersects your direction
of travel which you have already marked on the map. This
intersection point is your own position. Similarily, you can
also determine your position by taking bearings of two
reference points which can be exactly located on the map.
Utmost accuracy can be obtained when the reference point
is approx. 90° from the direction of travel. This method also
serves to determine the position of boats in coastal waters.

8. Consideration of the magnetic declination

The magnetic declination is defined as the difference between
the true course (map course), relative to the true north pole,
and the magnetic course (compass course), related to the
north magnetic pole. To ensure utmost accuracy, consider
the magnetic declination when working with compass and
map. You will find the magnetic declination in question on
most topographic maps or by asking your county surveyor
(topographic institute).

The following rules should be taken into account:

a) Every course marked on maps is a geographic or true
b) Every course determined by taking bearings is a magnetic
course or may be called magnetic course.

The difference between true course and magnetic course is

the magnetic declination. In Central Europe this magnetic de
clination is approx. 2° West, in the USA and in Canada it may
vary from 35° East to 35° West.

To get from a course marked on the map (true course) to

the compass course (magnetic course), add the local
magnetic declination. To get from a compass course
(magnetic course), to the map course (true course), subtract
the local magnetic declination. This applies for Western de-
clination. In case of Eastern declination proceed inversely, as
can be seen in the following table.
When working West East
Declination Declination

from map map course map course

to field + Declination - Declination

direction of travel direction of travel

from field direction of travel direction of travel

to map - Declination + Declination

map course map course

Example: The local magnetic declination is 8° West, you have

measured a map course of 20°, i.e. you work from map to
field. Your direction of travel will be of 28° if the magnetic
declination is of 4° East, your direction of travel will be of 16°.

9. Compass provided with clinometer (optional accessory)

The universal prismatic compass can also be provided with
a clinometer enabling you to measure slopes and gradients
in degrees or in percent. Ensure that the pendulum is freely

Sight the upper or lower edge of the object from above the
lower edge of the compass, taking care that the entire lower
edge of the compass and the object are in alignment.

Slightly tilt the compass to the left to fix the pendulum in

its position and read the angle of inclination from the scale
provided for this purpose. You obtain the same result by
sighting above the upper edge of the graduated dial. For
computing the height of an object, refer to the table fixed on
the back of the compass.
Table 1

Angle Angle Gradient Ratio

height (width)
0-360° 0-400° % distance

1 1 2 1/60
2 2 3 1/30
3 3 5 1/20
4 4 7 2/30
5 5 9 7/80
6 6 10 1/10
7 8 12 1/8
8 9 15 1/7
10 11 18 1/6
12 13 21 1/5
14 16 25 1/4
17 19 30 3/10
18 20 33 1/3
20 22 36 3/8
22 25 40 2/5
24 27 45 4/9
27 30 50 1/2
31 35 60 3/5
34 38 66 2/3
35 39 70 7/10
37 41 75 3/4
40 45 84 5/6
42 47 90 9/10
45 50 100 1/1
50 56 120 1+1/5

Table 2

Angle Angle Angle Gradient width/

0-360° 0-6400´ 0-400° % distance

1 18 1 2 1/60
2 35 2 3 1/30
3 53 3 5 1/20
4 71 4 7 2/30
5 89 5 9 7/80
6 107 6 10 1/10
7 125 8 12 1/8
8 142 9 15 1/7
10 178 11 18 1/6
12 219 13 21 1/5
14 250 16 25 1/4
17 302 19 30 3/10
18 320 20 33 1/3
20 355 22 36 3/8
22 391 25 40 2/5
24 426 27 45 4/9
27 480 30 50 1/2
31 551 35 60 3/5
34 604 38 66 2/3
35 622 39 70 7/10
37 658 41 75 3/4
40 711 45 84 5/6
42 747 47 90 9/10
45 800 50 100 1/1
50 889 56 120 1+1/5


You can measure or estimate the distance to the object on the

map. Multiply this distance by the factor indicated in column
III or IV (Table 1) or column IV or V (Table2) ( whichever is
easier for you), referring to the angle in column 1 measured
with the clinometer.
Using column III (Table 1) Using column IV (Table 1)
or column V (Table 2) or column V (Table 2)

2000 m x 25% 2000 m x 1/4 = 500 m

= 500 m

The above mentioned example is based on an angle of 14°

and a distance of 2000 m.
For measuring the angle to an object situated below your
own position, simply turn the compass until the hinge points
to you and proceed in accordance with the above mentioned

10. Measuring of distances in the field

The distance between two prominent landmarks can be
measures by applying the method describes under point
9. This enables you to measure the width of rivers, bridges,
woods, etc., provided that you know the distance to the
object and that the line from your own position to the object
is as perpendicular as possible to the object line. A fluid
damped prismatic compass has the great advantage that it
allows angular measurement of utmost accuracy.

Measuring angles
Sight the right edge of the object. The compass rose imme
diately falls into its normal swing. Note the determined degree
and slowly turn to the left edge of the object. Deduct the
second degree from the first one, the difference being the
degree between left and right object side.

Measuring angles via North

If during the measurement of angles the number 360 (Nor-
th) runs through the prism, please note that in this case
360° = 0°.

Calculate: 360° - second degree + first degree

If the first degree is 8° and the second degree is 357°, the
measured angle will be 11°, The width of an object is the
percentage (gradient in %) of the distance to the object cor-
responding to the measured angle or, if easier to calculate,
the corresponding fraction ( column IV, Table 1 or column V,
table 2) of the distance.

At a distance of 4000 m a bridge spans a river, transverse to
the line of vision. How long is the bridge if an angle of 6° is
measured from the right to the left river bank?
6° = 10% or 1/10 of the distance = 400 m.

11. Determining the distance to an object of known width or

By simply reversing the above mentioned calculation, you
can determine the distance to an object if its width or height is
known or if it can be found on the map. In other words, if the
table indicates that for an angle of 7° the width of an object
is 1/8 of the distance to it, then this is also true in the reserve
case, i.e. the distance is 8 times the width (height).
Example 1:
A TV-tower is visible in the field and its height is known to be 200
m. The angle measured with the clinometer is 7° from bottom to
top of the tower. Column III (gradient in %) indicates 12% for 7°.
Calculate as follows:
100% x 200 m (height of object)
12% (from column III, Table 1 or column IV, Table 2)
For some angles it is easier to calculate with the inversion
from column IV, Table 1 or column V, Table 2.
200 m x 8 (inversion of 1/8) = 1600 m
Example 2:
The angle measured between objects B and C (see figure) is
34°. The distance between B and C is 5 km according to the
map. Column III, Table or column IV, Table 2 indicates 66%.
100% x 5 km = 7,5 km
When using the inversion of column IV the result is:
5 km x 3/2 = 7,5 km
Distance to point B

When using this method, the object of known width must be

perpendicular to the line of sight.

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