317 Drama Lesson Plan

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Early Childhood Education

Learning Experience Template

Name: Lauren Halsey Lesson Title: Act it Out!

Date: 4/3/24 Grade Level: Kindergarten Circle one: ECE PKSN
● DOMAIN Fine Arts: Drama - STRAND Responding - TOPIC 5RE) Articulate the strengths and weaknesses of self and peers following performances.
● DOMAIN Fine Arts: Drama - STRAND Producing/Performing - TOPIC 6PR) Work cooperatively to dramatize a story.
Pre-assessment of current knowledge:
● I will observe students as they play. I will look for students who are playing dress up/acting out roles in places like the home center.

Instructional Objectives (1-2) Assessment of Student Learning Learning Experience

One/Two Assessed Instructional Identify Evidence: (What will you collect or record as data Academic Language:
Objective(s): The student will be to demonstrate students have met your objective(s) and ● Perform
able to... skill?) ● Play (reenactment of something)
● Props
● …discuss the strengths & ● A rubric will be used as evidence. The rubric will ● Audience
weaknesses of their assess how well one was able to reflect on their
performance after it is performance, work with their peers, and
completed. communicate clearly.
● …work together with peers
to dramatize/remake a

Program Monitoring: (How will you aggregate or compile Procedural steps:

your evidence into a class or group view?) ● I will begin by having students join me at the carpet.
● Once they’ve joined me, I will begin a discussion
One Assessed Developmental ● I will make a bar graph that includes the objectives about drama.
Skill: and how many students were able to meet those ○ I will ask students whether they have seen or
● Students will be assessed objectives. If 20% or more of the students do not been in a play, defining it for the students
on their social skills. meet the objective, I will reteach the lesson by who have not. I will remind students that
○ As students having students work as a class to dramatize a during plays performers often have many
engage in their different story, allowing me to better facilitate/guide props to make the scene look more accurate.
performance, they the experience. ● Next, I will tell students that we will be reading a story
must communicate titled Goldilocks and the Three Bears. After reading
their role clearly to this story, they will remake the story using props with
the audience a group. They will then perform this story to the class.
through actions & ● After clarifying what we will do, I will read the story to
words. They must Differentiation: my students.
also solve ● Students in wheelchairs will be able to participate in ● Once the story has been read, students will get into
problems within the performance alongside their peers: They may groups of 4 (they can pick their groups).
their groups using
Rev. 1/2024
Early Childhood Education
Learning Experience Template

communication. move around the set with the help of someone in ● Students will have 25 minutes to practice their
their group. dramatizations.
● Students with AAC devices can have roles that ○ Materials to make props for their
require a spoken voice; they must simply have more performances will be out on a table available
time to speak within the performance. for students.
○ As the teacher, I may model these lines on ○ Students will be reminded to be safe with
Safety Considerations: their device initially, so the student is able to scissors, yet they will be encouraged to use
navigate to the correct areas in a high these items to create props.
● Students should keep pressure situation (the performance). ● After the 25 minutes is complete, students will
space between themselves ● Students who struggle with coping skills surrounding perform their groups’ reenactment to the class.
& other groups while conflicts will have proper communication modeled ○ The audience should be aware of their role
practicing AND performing for them, discouraging the likelihood of aggression. prior to students' performances.
to avoid collisions. ● During other groups’ performances, students in ● Once a group has finished, students in that group will
● Students should only use need of extra sensory input will receive fidgets. each reflect on their performance outloud. Individuals
scissors when necessary must state one thing that went well OR one aspect of
(NOT TOYS), and should their performance that needs fixed/altered.
hold the blade toward the ○ If students are struggling to reflect, I will
ground while walking with support them through guiding/scaffolding
them. questions.
● Conflicts amongst groups ● Groups will take turns presenting and reflecting until
should be solved verbally everyone has gone, concluding the lesson.
without aggression.

Authentic Materials: (Describe authentic real-life, hands-on

● Book: Goldilocks and the Three Bears
● Materials to make props:
○ thick popsicle sticks
○ thin popsicle sticks
○ multi-colored fabric
○ scissors
○ markers
○ crayons
○ stickers
○ multi-colored construction paper
○ scrap cardboard boxes/pieces
○ glue
○ tape

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Early Childhood Education
Learning Experience Template

Adult Roles:
● It is the adults’ job to ask questions that provoke
creative thinking.
● It is the adults’ job to ensure students know the roles
of an audience & the performers.
● It is the adults’ job to scaffold students into
metacognition (reflection).

Resources & References:

Reflection: (What have you learned about your students? How will this inform future instruction?)

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