Aim Busch
Aim Busch
Aim Busch
// Updates an existing gist or creates a new one depending on what the user chooses
to do.
async function updateOrCreateGistWithFile(filePath) {
let shouldUpdate = await askIfGistShouldBeUpdated()
if (shouldUpdate) {
let gist = await pickGist()
await updateGistWithFile(gist, filePath)
} else {
await createGistWithFile(filePath)
// Presents the document picker and returns the file path to the picked file.
async function pickFile() {
let paths = await["public.plain-text"])
if (paths.length > 0) {
return paths[0]
} else {
throw new Error("Cancelled picking file")
// Presents a list of all Scriptable scripts and returns the path to the picked
async function pickScript() {
let fm = FileManager.iCloud()
let dir = fm.documentsDirectory()
let filenames = fm.listContents(dir)
let jsFilePaths = filenames.filter(filename => {
let uti = fm.getUTI(filename)
return uti == "com.netscape.javascript-source"
}).map(filename => {
return fm.joinPath(dir, filename)
let selectedFilePath = null
let table = new UITable()
table.showSeparators = true
for (filepath of jsFilePaths) {
let filename = fm.fileName(filepath)
let row = new UITableRow()
row.height = 100
row.onSelect = (idx) => {
selectedFilePath = jsFilePaths[idx]
row.dismissOnSelect = true
await table.present()
if (selectedFilePath != null) {
return selectedFilePath
} else {
throw new Error("Cancelled picking script")
// Exchanges an OAuth code to an access token using the GitHub API and stores the
access token in the keychain.
async function exchangeCode(code) {
let clientId = Keychain.get(CLIENT_ID_KEY)
let clientSecret = Keychain.get(CLIENT_SECRET_KEY)
let baseURL = ""
let url = baseURL
+ "?client_id=" + encodeURIComponent(clientId)
+ "&client_secret=" + encodeURIComponent(clientSecret)
+ "&code=" + encodeURIComponent(code)
let req = new Request(url)
req.method = "POST"
req.headers = {
"Accept": "application/json"
let res = await req.loadJSON()
let accessToken = res.access_token
Keychain.set(ACCESS_TOKEN_KEY, accessToken)
// Presents an alert where the user can enter a value in a text field.
// Returns the entered value.
async function promptForValue(title, message, placeholder, value) {
let alert = new Alert()
alert.title = title
alert.message = message
alert.addTextField(placeholder, value)
let idx = await alert.present()
if (idx != -1) {
return alert.textFieldValue(0)
} else {
throw new Error("Cancelled entering value")