A Road To Happiness: Lesson

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Lesson 1

차 A ‌Road
to Happiness

단원 설정 취지
내 주변의 사람과 나와의 관계를 돌아보는 기회를 갖고, 삶에 대해 유연하게 대처하고 긍정적인 시각을 갖기 위해 필요
한 것이 무엇인지 생각해 본다.

단원 지도 계획
차시 학습 단계 학습 활동

단원 시작 동영상 시청 / 학습 목표 및 내용 미리 보기

1 친구의 고민에 대해 듣고 조언하기

Listen and Speak 1 - (충고 구하기) “What would you do if... ?”
▶ 수업 자료: Dictation Worksheet

곤경에 처한 친구에 대해 듣고 도울 방법 얘기하기

Listen and Speak 2 - (의견 표현하기) “It seems to me... .”
▶ 수업 자료: Dictation Worksheet
역경을 극복한 인물에 대해 듣고, 다른 인물 소개하기
In Real Life ▶ ‌수업 자료: ‌Dictation Worksheet

Speaking Worksheet(수행평가)
고민을 대하는 자신의 자세에 대한 얘기 나누기 / 본문 어휘 미리 보기
Before You Read ▶ ‌수업 자료: Vocabulary Worksheet

3 ~6 삶을 살아가는 자세에 대한 짧은 세 개의 글 읽기
Reading ▶ ‌수업 자료: Further Questions for Reading

After You Read 본문 이해 점검하기

본문에 나온 어휘, 표현, 문법 익히기

7 Language Focus ▶ ‌수업 자료: ‌Vocabulary Test

Grammar Worksheet

8 Writer’s Workshop “이 달의 학생 상”에 친구를 추천하는 글 쓰기

9 Wrap-up Test 단원 마무리 테스트

Project “자신을 바꿀 다짐”으로 구성된 Resolution Board 완성하기

Read More! 추가 읽기: A Letter from My Heart (p.146)

고등영어1(주석)_(008~029)_1단원-OK.indd 8 2017-11-28 오후 12:12:51

수업 자료 스마트 교수자료 / Dictation Worksheet

•빨리 소개 조로증(progeria)이라는 희귀병에 걸린 Sam Before You Begin
Berns라는 소년의 삶을 소개하는 영상이다. 빨리 늙는 병에도 굴하
지 않고 17년 동안 많은 것을 남기고 간 Sam의 삶을 소개하는 이 영 Watch a teenager talk about his life’s most
상은 삶에 있어 의미 있고 중요한 것이 무엇인지 생각해 보게 한다. 그 rewarding and meaningful experiences. Then
가 던지는 인생 메시지를 다루는 글이 Read More!(p.146)에도 제
시된다. think about your own and share them.

Link ‌스마트 교수자료

Teaching Tips 영상 시청 후 warm-up 활동으로 간단한 질
문을 통해 이해도를 점검한다.
•H ow do you feel about the boy’s life in the
video clip?
(I feel sorry for him. He looks like a 100-year-old
man, but his message is really touching.)
•‌What would your life be like if you were in the boy’s
(I can’t even imagine how I would live in such a
situation. Unlike him, I might stay indoors and not
interact with others.)

Lesson Overview

Theme 자기 관리 / 배려와 관용
L & S 친구의 고민을 듣고, 조언해 줄 수 있다.
R 삶을 살아가는 자세에 대한 짧은 이야기 세 개를 읽는다.
W ‘이 달의 학생 상’에 추천하고 싶은 친구에 대한 추천서를 쓴다.

Self -check
Listening & Speaking
Check if you know the expressions below.
충고 구하기  hat would you do if you were me?
충고 구하기
의견 표현하기 It seems to me you won’t have
Can you tell me what I should do?
enough time.
의견 표현하기
‌I n my view, you won’t have enough time.

Language Structures
Compare the structural differences between • ‌ arm will cramp up, which will force me to
the sentences on the right and those below.
drop the glass. ▶ 관계대명사의 계속적 용법
I was holding a glass which was half full.
• ‌B ehind him were an elderly lady and a blind
‌A n elderly lady and a blind man were
man. ▶ 부사구 도치
behind him.

Plan Ahead Skim the pages that follow and write

about what you expect to learn in this lesson.
• ‌I will learn about ways to deal with my worries .
• ‌The title of the part that looks most interesting is
“Stories That Will Change the Way You Think” .

고등영어1(주석)_(008~029)_1단원-OK.indd 9 2017-11-28 오후 12:12:59

Listen and Speak 1 Let Go of Your Worries

충고 구하기 What would you do if you were me? What are you worried about these days?
~이라면 너는 어떻게 할 거니?
‌grades friends
•유사 표현 appearance
Can I get your advice on... ? / Can you tell me what I should do? (your own)

A Listen ↳ Sample
•I’m worried about the grades on
1 What is the girl most likely to do after the dialog? my math tests these days.
•T hese days, I’m worried about
a She is likely to give Emily a gift for her birthday. relationship with my friends.
b She is likely to send an email to Emily.
c She is likely to meet Emily in person to make up with her.

2 Check T for true and F for false.

(1) Peter practiced the piano over the weekend.
(2) Peter is afraid of making mistakes at the recital.
(3) Jane suggests Peter should practice the piano with her.

Plus+ Dictation Worksheet (p.136 in Teacher’s Material)

B Speak Out Link ‌스마트 교수자료(의소 PPT)

Talk with your partner about how to help your friend in each situation.

A Bob makes fun of my name. What would you do if you were me?
B I would tell him I feel annoyed.

I of te n bu y unne
ce ss ar y
stuf f. My mom doesn’t agree
wi th me ab ou t wh at
should study in college.
I fa ll as le ep ea si
during clas s.

make a list of ling

visit the counse
not stay up things to buy
too late before shoppin office with her
g your own
Lesson 1

10 Sample Talk further Ask your partner for advice about your own worries.
A I’m worried about the grades on my math tests these days. What would you do if you were me?
B I would solve some math problems regularly on a daily basis.

고등영어1(주석)_(008~029)_1단원-OK.indd 10 2017-11-28 오후 12:13:12


교사용 추가

Transcripts for Listen and Speak 1

Oral Quiz
1 M Hi, Anna. You didn’t show up for Emily’s birthday party. Were you
나타나다, 참석하다 1 ) W hy didn’t the girl
show up for Emily’s
W Well, actually Emily and I had an argument a few days ago. We birthday party?
말다툼하다, 싸우다
haven’t talked to each other since. She had an argument
with Emily.
M That’s too bad. You two used to be best friends. Aren’t you going to
너희 둘 ~였었다(더 이상 아니라는 의미 내포)
make up with her?
W Yes, but I don’t know how. What would you do if you were me?
M I would send her a text message or email if I didn’t feel comfortable
feel comfortable -ing:
talking to her in person. ~하는 것을 편하게 생각하다 2 ) W h a t w i l l t h e g i r l
직접, 몸소
W I’ll get started on an email after I finish my homework. Do you think it do first before she
~을 하기 시작하다 writes an email?
will work?
She will finish her
M I bet it will. I’m sure she wants to make up with you, too. homework first.
나는 ~라고 확신한다

More & More 구어체 표현

•‌‌feel comfortable -ing: ~하는 것을 편하게 생각하다
ex) I don’t feel comfortable asking a favor of him. 나는 그에게 부탁하는 게 편하지 않아.
•I bet (that) ~: ‘~라고 확신하다’라는 뜻으로 I’m sure ~과 같이 일상생활에서 자주 쓰이는 표현이다.
ex) I bet your dream will come true. 나는 네 꿈이 이뤄질 거라고 확신해.
Oral Quiz
2 W What did you do over the weekend, Peter?
지난 주말 동안 1 ) W hy did Peter make
M I spent all weekend playing the piano to prepare for my upcoming a big mistake at the
spend 시간 -ing: ~하면서 시간을 보내다 다가오는
piano recital. recital last year?
연주회, 발표회
He was so nervous on
W Oh, really? How’s it going?
어떻게 되고 있니? the stage.
M Not that well, Jane. You know I made a big mistake at the recital last
year because I was so nervous. I’m worried I’ll make a mistake again.
I’m worried (that) S+V: 나는 ~할까 걱정이야
W I understand how you feel, but you know you’re the best pianist at
our school, right?
M T hanks for your encouragement, but I just get really nervous
whenever I’m on stage. What would you do if you were in my
내 입장인 (= in my shoes)
W Well, I would have a rehearsal in front of my friends before the recital. 2 ) W h a t i s J a n e ’ s
가정을 나타내는 would suggestion to Peter?
M That sounds like a good idea. Will you come to my rehearsal if I set a
날짜를 잡다 Her suggestion is to
date? have a rehearsal in
front of his friends.
W I’ll definitely be there.
More & More 동사 set과 함께 자주 쓰이는 표현
•‌set a date 날짜를 잡다, 날을 잡다 •set a goal 목표를 세우다 •set a record 기록을 세우다

| More Sample for Talk Further |

A I often have an argument with my younger sister. I don’t know what to do.
B If I were you, I would make time to have a talk with her about why we often disagree in many things.

고등영어1(주석)_(008~029)_1단원-OK.indd 11 2017-12-19 오후 4:06:16

Living Together 수업 자료
스마트 교수자료 / Dictation Worksheet / Speaking Worksheet(수행평가)

‌ seems to me you won’t have

의견 표현하기 It
enough time. (내게는) ~인 것 같다 What kind of person do you think you are?
•유사 표현
In my view... . / In my opinion... . / I believe that... . ‌considerate ‌warm-hearted
(your own)

A Listen ↳
Sample I think I’m considerate.
I try to think about how my friends
1 Which of the following is Justin most concerned about? would feel when I say something
2 to them.
a his Mom’s health b his relationship with friends c his English exam to come

2 Fill in the blanks in the news article below.

No. 154 © The Seoul Daily Friday, March 13th, 2020

Go Bald, Show Support

Dongsu Kim, a second-year student at Hanguk High

School, was diagnosed with cancer . He lost all his

~으로 진단받다
hair due to the treatment he received. To show

support for him, his classmates shaved their heads.

삭발하다, 머리를 밀다

B Speak Out Link ‌스마트 교수자료(의소 PPT)

Talk with your partner about the given situations.

A Sam is now learning Korean, but he doesn’t think he’s improving.

B Really? Should we do something?
A Let’s give him Korean lessons. It seems that he might need more practice.

Situation Situation

Alice has Brian is in the

• b
‌ ringhim some
had difficulty • s‌pendsome time hospital because
books from the
adjusting to her with her he hurt himself
~에 적응하다
new school. playing baseball.
• s‌he needs friends • ‌ he might get
얘기할 친구
to talk to bored there
your own
Lesson 1

11 Sample Talk further Share your opinions on how to help your friend in need.
A David is working out these days, but he doesn’t seem to lose weight.
B Let’s ask how much he eats. It seems that he still eats a lot.

고등영어1(주석)_(008~029)_1단원-OK.indd 11 2017-11-28 오후 12:13:16

교사용 추가

Transcripts for Listen and Speak 2

Oral Quiz
1 W Justin! You look worried. What’s wrong?
걱정이 있어 보이다 1 ) W hy did Justin miss
M Actually, I’ve been sick with a severe cold. I’ve already missed three
학교를 3일 결석하다 school?
days of school. He was sick with a
severe cold.
W Oh, that’s why you haven’t been around these days.
요새 보이지 않다
M Yeah. I’m also worried about the English exam.
W You don’t have to worry. Let me help you.
~할 필요가 없다 2 ) What will Mary do to
M Thanks, Mary. Don’t you have a few exams to study for? It seems to help the boy?
~을 대비해 공부하다, ~시험 공부를 하다
me you won’t have enough time. She is going to help
him to study for the
W I can make time for you over the weekend. What are friends for? English exam.
시간을 내다 친구 좋다는 게 뭐니? / 친구가 그런 거지 않겠니?

More & More 주의할 전치사의 사용 for

•‌study for the exam 시험(을 위해) 공부를 하다 •‌study the exam 시험을 연구〔분석〕하다
•‌prepare for the exam 시험(을 위해) 대비하다 •‌prepare the exam 시험을 준비〔마련〕하다

Oral Quiz
2 M Sujin! Did you read the article?
1 ) W hy did one whole
W Which article do you mean? class shave their
M I’ve just read some news about Hanguk High School at the other heads bald?
반대편, 저쪽
end of town. One whole class shaved their heads bald! ‌They wanted to show
한 반 전체 머리를 밀다, 삭발하다 support for their
W Oh, no! Are they protesting something? classmate.

M N ot at all. The article said they did it to show support for their
W To show support for a classmate?
M Yeah. One student named Dongsu Kim was diagnosed with cancer,
~으로 진단받다
and the treatment caused all his hair to fall out. All of his classmates
~하도록(목적) (머리가) 빠지다
shaved their heads so he wouldn’t feel self-conscious.
(that) 남의 시선을 의식하는
W What a touching story! It seems to me that he has a great group of 2 ) H ow did Sujin feel
참 감동적인 얘기구나!(감탄문)
friends. after hearing the news
about Dongsu Kim?
M I agree. It’s good to see people come together like that in tough
뭉치다, 협동하다 She felt it was a touching
situations. story.

More & More 머리카락과 관련된 표현

•‌fall out (머리카락이) 빠지다 •lose one’s hair 탈모가 되다, 머리가 빠지다 (cf. hair loss 탈모)
•have thin hair 머리 숱이 적다 •have thick hair 머리 숱이 많다

| More Sample for Talk Further |

A Sally studied hard for the midterm test, but she didn’t get good grades.
B Let’s give her some encouragement. I think she gets too nervous during the tests.

고등영어1(주석)_(008~029)_1단원-OK.indd 12 2017-11-28 오후 12:13:17

Host a Talk Show
In Real Life (TV프로를) 진행하다, (행사를) 주최하다
Link ‌스마트 교수자료(동영상)

A Listen Teaching Tips 토크쇼 진행자의 어투, 억양 등에 주목해서 듣게 한다.

Listen and fill in the blanks.

Transcripts Hello, and welcome to the Tonight Show! My

name is Rachel Green. Today’s special guest is Paul Potts, a
successful salesperson-turned-singer who overcame many
difficulties. During his teens, he was bullied by his classmates
at school and suffered from a lack of self-confidence. But
those challenges didn’t stop him. His beautiful voice is loved
by millions of fans, and he is supported by his wife. It seems
that he has an inner strength that allows him to overcome
challenges in life. Today he is going to share with us how he
made his dream come true. Ladies and gentlemen, please
welcome Paul Potts!

Today’s guest is Paul Potts, a successful salesperson-turned- .

He overcame many 〔challenges〕 on his way. Let’s hear his story on how he
made his dream come true. Please welcome Paul Potts!

Words & Expressions

•salesperson-turned-singer 영업 사원에서 가수로 전향한 사람
•bully 괴롭히다, 왕따 시키다

B Speak Out •inner strength 내부의 힘, 마음의 힘

•come true 실현되다, 이뤄지다
Complete the following with your ideas. Then take turns introducing the guest to
your group members.

Guest J.K. Rowling

Hello, and welcome to the Tonight Show! I’m . Today’s special

guest is J.K. Rowling, the author of the Harry Potter series. It seems to me that
her great success was made by her
despite many difficulties. Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome Joanne Rowling!

배경지식 J. K. 롤링
J. K . 롤링은 영국의 아동 문학 작가이다. 본명은 조앤 캐슬린 롤링 Help Box
Link ‌
스마트 교수자료
(Joanne Kathleen Rowling)으로 1997년 처음 출판되어 2011년 전
(배경지식 PPT)
8권으로 완판된 판타지 소설 <해리 포터>시리즈의 작가로 잘 알려져 있다.
• passion for writing
이 시리즈로 롤링은 전 세계적으로 큰 주목을 받으며 여러 상을 받았고, 책 • enthusiasm towards literature
은 지금까지 67개 언어로 번역되어 4억 5천만 부 이상 판매됐다.
• determination to pursue her dream

Exchange books and evaluate one of your group
(your own)
members’ performance.
Lesson 1

Was the voice loud and clear? /5

Teaching Tips 발표 전 미리 평가 항목을 알게 하여 발표할 때 평가되
Was the speed of speech appropriate? /5
12 Did the speaker act like a talk show host? /5
는 항목을 인지시킨다. 그 후 모둠원이 돌아가며 발표를 시작하게 한다.
Plus+ Speaking Worksheet (p.138 in Teacher’s Material, 토크쇼 진행자로서
자신이 소개하고 싶은 인물에 대해 소개하는 내용으로, 수행평가 자료로 활용할 수 있다.)

고등영어1(주석)_(008~029)_1단원-OK.indd 12 2017-11-28 오후 12:13:35

Before You Read 3~6차시
수업 자료
스마트 교수자료 / Vocabulary Worksheet /
Further Questions for Reading

When I have some problems, I usually try to stop worrying and accept them as they
are. That helps me deal with the problems better. How about you?
A Get Connected B I ask for advice from my friends. I often find it hard to solve them on my own.

How do you deal with your problems? Check one that applies to you and talk about
it with your partner. 3

I tend to keep worrying about them. 차
I try to stop worrying and accept them as they are. 시
I ask for advice from friends to solve them.

I look for ways to solve them on my own.

Teaching Tips 짝과 대화 시 활용 가능한 질문

•How do you react to your worries?
•What do you do when you are faced with problems?
B Vocabulary
Guess the meanings of the underlined words and talk about them with your partner.

1 2 3

My hands are still numb from He is struggling in the face The glass is very fragile, so
[nm] ~에 직면하여 깨지기 쉬운
the cold. 감각이 없는, 시린
of adversity. he is handling it with care.
역경, 고난

4 5 6

경련이 나다, 쥐가 나다
My right leg is cr amping James ended up winning Sharon seldom shows her
because I’ve been sitting with the competition. 결국 우승하게 되다 sentiment in any circumstances.
대회, 경쟁 감정, 정서
my legs crossed for too long.
나의 다리를 꼰 채로
Plus+ Vocabulary Worksheet (p.139 in Teacher’s Material)

Self -check Timed Reading

Teaching Tips 본문 수업 전 과제로 내어
The more you read, the better you understand. Read
주어 미리 읽으면서 이해가 안 되는 부분은 체
the text (pp. 14–19) and record your reading time below.
크해 오도록 지도한다.
1st min. sec. 13
* While reading, check where your understanding fails.

고등영어1(주석)_(008~029)_1단원-OK.indd 13 2017-11-28 오후 12:13:54


Overview 이 글은 세 개의 짧은 스토리로 구성되어 있으며, 각 스토리는 삶에 대한 자세를 은유법(metaphor)을 통

해 비유적으로 전달하는 글이다. 첫 번째 글은 “고민 내려놓기”, 두 번째는 “고난에 유연하게 대처하기”, 세 번째 글은 “곤경에
처한 이웃 돕기”라는 주제를 전달한다.

Stories That Will Change

the Way You Think

해석 당신이 생각하는 방식
을 변화시킬 이야기들
때때로, 당신은 부모님과 선생 From time to time, you are told by parents or
님들께 “틀에서 벗어나서 생각하
라”라는 말을 듣는다. 이에 대해, teachers to “think outside the box.” To this, you
당신은 아마 “말은 행동보다 쉽지 틀에서 벗어나서 생각하다
요”라고 답할지도 모른다. 그러나 may say, “Easier said than done.” But try it. Looking
시험 삼아 한번 해 보아라. 다른 행동보다 말이 쉽다, 실천은 어렵다
관점에서 문제를 보는 것은 그 문 at a problem from a different perspective can lead
다른 관점에서
제를 다룰 새로운 접근 방식으로
당신을 이끌 수 있다. 그것은 정말
you to a new approach to handle the problem. It
lead A to B: A를 B로 이끌다 접근법 다루다 (= deal with)
로 효과가 있다. 다음의 이야기들
truly works. The following stories show how changing
은 당신의 시각을 바꾸는 것이 어
떻게 당신의 삶을 바꿀 수 있는지 your perspective can change your life.
를 보여 준다.
해석 물잔의 무게
한 교수가 강의 동안에 강단 위를 돌아다녔다. 그녀는 물 한 잔을 들어 올리고는, “이
물 한 잔이 얼마나 무거울까요?”라고 물었다. 학생들은 다양한 대답들을 외쳤다.
Teaching Tips 은유의 대상 파악하기
그녀는 “제 관점에서는, 이 유리잔의 무게는 중요하지 않습니다. 그것은 내가 이것을
첫 번째 글에서는 고민거리를 물잔에 빗대어 ‘고민에
얼마나 오래 들고 있는가에 모두 달려있습니다. 만약 제가 이것을 1분 또는 2분 동안 들
얽매이지 말고 내려놓아라’는 주제를 전달하고 있다. 고 있다면, 이것은 꽤 가벼울 것입니다. 만약 제가 이것을 한 시간 동안 들고 있다면, 이
것은 아마도 제 팔을 아프게 할 것입니다.

St o r y 1 The Weight of the Glass

• perspective A professor walked around on a stage while teaching.
 사방에, 빙 둘러 (she was)

She raised a glass of water and asked, “How heavy is this
• handle
glass of water?” Students shouted out various answers.

• reply She replied, “From my perspective, the weight

대답하다 내 견해로는, 내 생각으로는 [ 은유법 이해하기 ]
• fairly
of this glass doesn’t matter. It all depends on 5 “From my perspective,
• ache [eik]  중요하다 ~에 달려있다 the weight of your worries
how long I hold it. If I hold it for a minute or d o e sn ’t m at ter. It al l
전치사 on의 목적절 1분 내지 2분 depends on how long
two, it’s fairly light. If I hold it for an hour, it you think about your
 꽤 (형용사나 부사 앞에서) worries.”
may make my arm ache. If I hold it for an entire
사역동사 O O.C: 나의 팔을 아프게 만들다

Q1 Skim through the stories and choose the main purpose.

a to seek opinions from readers b to give life lessons c to describe events

고등영어1(주석)_(008~029)_1단원-OK.indd 14 2017-12-11 오후 5:21:22

(= and it) 분리부정사 (부사 eventually가
 아마 (= probably) 관계대명사의 계속적 용법 결국 뒤의 동사 drop을 수식)

day, my arm will likely cramp up, which will force me to eventually • cramp
경련이 나다, 쥐가 나다 force A to부정사: A가 ~하게 만들다 • force
drop the glass. In each case, the weight of the glass doesn’t change, but
• eventually
the longer I hold it, the heavier it feels to me.”
The 비교급+S+V, the 비교급+S+V: ~하면 할수록 더욱 ~ 하다

“Some of your worries are like this glass of water. Think about them • numb [nm]
걱정거리 = 물잔 (직유)
• be incapable of
5 for a short while, and nothing happens. Think about them a bit longer,
and you begin to ache a little. Think about them all day long, and you 명령문, and S+V:
~해라, 그러면 ~할 것이다
하루 종일 (= through the day, the whole day)
will feel numb and be incapable of doing anything else until you drop
감각이 없는 ~할 줄 모른다. ~할 수 없다
them.” 해석 만약 제가 이것을 하루 종일 들고 있다면, 제 팔은 아마도 경련이 일어나고, 그것은 결국 제가 유리잔을
떨어뜨리게 할 것입니다. 각각의 경우에서 유리잔의 무게는 변하지 않았지만, 제가 그것을 더 오래 들고 있을수록,
저에게 그것은 더 무겁게 느껴질 것입니다.”라고 대답했다.
“여러분의 걱정들 중 몇몇은 이 물 잔과 같습니다. 그것들에 대해
짧은 시간 동안 생각하면 아무 일도 일어나지 않습니다. 그것들에
대해 좀 더 길게 생각하면 여러분은 조금 아프기 시작할 것입니다.
그것들에 대해 하루 종일 생각하면 여러분은 감각이 없어지고 여러
분이 그것들을 떨어뜨릴 때까지 아무것도 할 수 없을 것입니다.”

Reading Strategy
Recognizing Metaphors
In a metaphor, one thing is compared to
another that has similar characteristics.
While reading , think about how metaphors
are used in the text. ( Q2 )

Q2 Fill in the blank to complete the metaphor.

• how long you hold the glass = how long you think about your worries
Q3 What do you think the professor’s message is? Sample Do not think about your worries for too long. 15

고등영어1(주석)_(008~029)_1단원-OK.indd 15 2017-11-28 오후 12:13:59

Teaching Tips 은유의 대상 파악하기
이 글은 우리 각자를 감자, 달걀, 커피에 비유하고, 우리가 처하는 고난(adversity)을 끓는 물(boiling water)에 비유하여 사람마다
고난에 대응하는 방식이 다르며 고난을 어떤 시각으로 바라보는 것이 옳은지에 대한 물음을 던진다.

St o r y 2 Potatoes, Eggs, and Coffee Beans

• struggle with One day, a daughter complained to her father about the problems she
frustrated complain about〔of〕: ~에 대해 불평하다

was struggling with. She was frustrated because it seemed that just as
~으로 고생하다, ~와 씨름하다 낙담한
one problem was solved, another followed.

• grind Her father took her to the kitchen. He filled three pots with water and
• hastily fill A with B: A를 B로 채우다
placed potatoes, eggs, and ground coffee beans in each of the three 5
• peel off 넣었다 (= put) grind(갈다)의 과거분사: 갈아진, 간
• take a sip of pots. He then let them boil. After twenty minutes, he turned off the
• aroma stove. Turning to her, he asked, “What do you see?” “Potatoes, eggs,
분사구문 (= When he turned to her)
and coffee,” she hastily replied. “Yes, but look closer,” he said, “and
성급하게, 경솔하게
tell me what happened to each.” Shortly after, she found that the
이내, 곧
potatoes became soft. After peeling off the shells of the eggs, 10
벗기다, 까다
she noted that the inside of the eggs became firm. Finally, she
took a sip of the coffee and smiled at the aroma.
~을 한 모금 마시다 ~에 미소 짓다 향기

해석 감자, 달걀, 그리고 커피콩

어느 날, 딸이 그녀의 아빠에게 그녀가 고심하고 있는 문제에 대해 불평을 했다. 그녀는 좌절감을 느끼고 있었다. 왜냐하면 하
나의 문제가 해결되면 또 다른 문제가 따라오는 것처럼 보였기 때문이다.
그녀의 아빠는 그녀를 부엌으로 데려갔다. 그는 세 개의 냄비를 물로 채우고, 세 냄비에 각각 감자, 계란, 그리고 커피 가루를
넣었다. 그리고서 그는 그것들이 끓게 두었다. 20분 후, 그는 가스레인지를 껐다. 그녀에게 돌아서면서, 그는 “무엇이 보이니?”라
고 물었다. “감자, 계란, 그리고 커피요.” 그녀는 성급히 대답했다. “맞아, 하지만 더 가까이 보고 각각에 무슨 일이 일어났는지 나
에게 말해 주렴.”이라고 그가 말했다. 잠시 후, 그녀는 감자가 부드러워진 것을 발견했다. 계란의 껍질을 벗겨낸 후에, 그녀는 계란
의 내부가 단단해진 것을 알아차렸다. 마지막으로, 그녀는 커피 한 모금을 마시고 그 향기에 미소를 지었다.

Q4 Why did the father tell his daughter to look closer?

a because her hasty reply irritated him
16 b because she didn’t figure out what he meant

고등영어1(주석)_(008~029)_1단원-OK.indd 16 2017-11-28 오후 12:14:57


“Alright, Dad. What are you trying to tell me?” she asked.
[은유법 이해하기]
= When we face adversity, we react to it on our own way.
He explained that each of these objects had faced the same adversity, • adversity
역경, 고난 • fragile
but each one reacted differently. “The potato was strong and hard, but
• harden
became soft and weak after sitting in the boiling water. The inside • intact

5 of the egg was fragile but became hardened after being boiled in the • fragrant
깨지기 쉬운 harden(단단해지다)의 과거분사 • flavorful
water. The ground coffee beans stayed intact but changed the water
stay+형용사: ~한 상태를 유지하다 온전한, 그대로인 More & More
  en + 형용사 or 형용사 + en =  동사
itself, making it fragrant and flavorful.” •enlarge / ensure / enable
분사구문(동시동작) 향기로운 맛 좋은, 풍미 있는 •deepen / sharpen / darken / shorten

“Which are you?” he asked his daughter, “When adversity knocks on • stiff
• circumstance
your door, how do you respond? You can lose your strength though you
비록 ~ 할지라도
10 started strong. You can be tough with a stiff spirit though you started
유사보어 강한, 뻣뻣한
weak. Or, you can change the circumstance that was brought about by
유사보어 환경 bring about(초래하다)의 수동태
adversity for the better. Are you a potato, an egg, or a coffee bean?”
좋은 방향으로, 나은 쪽으로
해석 “좋아요, 아빠. 저에게 무슨 말씀을 하려고 하시는 거죠?” 그녀가 물었다.
More & More
  유사보어 그는 이 각각의 물체들이 같은 역경에 처했지만, 각각은 다르게 반응했다는 것을 설명했다. “감
유사보어란 보어가 필요하지 않은 완전자동사 뒤에 명사나 형용사가 쓰여 주어 자는 강하고 단단하지만 끓는 물 속에 들어간 후에 부드럽고 연약해졌어. 계란의 내부는 깨지기 쉬
의 상황을 보충 설명하는 단어를 말한다. 웠지만 물에서 끓은 후에 단단해졌지. 커피 가루는 온전한 상태로 있었지만 물 자체를 바꿨고 그것
ex) ‌He died young. (그는 젊어서 죽었다.) 이 향기 나고 풍미 있게 만들었어.”
She went home disappointed. (그녀는 실망한 채로 집에 갔다.)
“너는 어떤 것이니?” 그는 그의 딸에게 물었다. “역경이 너의 문을 두드릴 때, 너는 어떻게 반응
하겠니?” 네가 시작은 강하게 했어도 너는 너의 강인함을 잃을 수 있어. 너는 연약하게 시작했을지
라도 강인한 정신으로 굳세어질 수도 있지. 또는, 너는 역경에 의해 야기된 상황을 더 나은 방향으로
바꿀 수도 있지. 너는 감자니, 계란이니, 아니면 커피콩이니?”

Q5 What does the same adversity in line 2 refer to? the boiling water
Q6 Coffee beans are different from the other two in that they change the boiling water into something aromatic.

고등영어1(주석)_(008~029)_1단원-OK.indd 17 2020-10-19 오후 6:52:37

Teaching Tips 은유의 대상 파악하기
이 글은 우리의 인생을 경주(race)에, 이기는 것(winning the race)을 성공적인 인생(successful life)에 비유하고 있다. 인생의
참된 목표는 다른 사람을 누르고 쟁취하는 무조건적인 승리가 아니라 다른 사람들과 함께 나아가는 것이라는 메시지를 던지고 있다.

St o r y 3 The Races

• athletic Once upon a time, there lived a young athletic boy who prepared
육상의, 운동의 주격 관계대명사
• competition
himself for a running competition. He ran with determination,
• determination 대회 투지, 결의
• beat strength, and power, and always beat other competitors. Whenever the
이기다 ~할 때마다
• still (a.) boy was running for a prize, a large crowd gathered together to watch
~에 대해 듣다 부사적 용법(목적)
• sentiment
the race. A wise old man, upon hearing of the boy, had traveled far to 5
upon -ing: ~하자마자 과거완료시제(과거시제보다 이전의 일)
watch his races. Though the crowd cheered loudly for the boy, the wise
man stayed still and calm, expressing no sentiment.
 가만히 있는, 조용한 분사구문(동시동작)

• present (v.) The little boy felt proud and important. “I can beat anyone!” cried the
• challenger
little boy. After hearing this, the wise man said to him, “Now I present
부사구 도치  제시하다
two new challengers to you.” Behind him were an elderly lady and a 10
도전자 부사구가 문장 앞으로 도치되어, 주어와 동사의 순서가 바뀜.
blind man. “Race!” said the wise man. (= An elderly lady and a blind man were behind him.)

The race began, and the boy was the only finisher because the elderly
lady and the blind man were left standing at the starting line.
be left -ing: ~하는 채로 남겨지다
The little boy noted that the crowd did not cheer for
관계대명사의 계속적 용법 부사구 도치
him this time, which puzzled him. In the middle 15
(= and it)
of the crowd was sitting the wise old man,
looking calmly at the boy. He ran to the wise
 조용히, 차분하게
man and asked, “Why don’t people cheer for
me now?”
해석 경주
옛날 옛적에, 달리기 대회를 준비하던 어린 육상 소년이 살고 있었다. 그는 투지, 강인함, 그리고 힘을 갖고 달렸
고, 항상 다른 경쟁자들을 이겼다. 그 소년이 상을 받기 위해 달리고 있을 때마다, 많은 관중들이 경주를 보기 위해
함께 모였다. 한 늙은 현자는 소년의 이야기를 듣자마자 그의 경주를 보기 위해 먼 길을 여행했다. 관중들은 그 소년
을 위해 큰 소리로 응원했지만, 현자는 어떤 감정도 표현하지 않고 가만히 그리고 차분한 상태로 있었다.
그 어린 소년은 뿌듯했고 자신이 중요하다고 느꼈다. “나는 누구든지 이길 수 있어!” 그 소년이 외쳤다. 이것을 들
은 후에, 현자는 그에게 말했다, “이제 내가 당신에게 새로운 두 명의 도전자를 제시하겠네.” 그의 뒤에는 노부인과
한 시각 장애인이 있었다. “경주하시오!” 현자가 말했다.
경주는 시작되었고, 노부인과 시각 장애인이 출발선에 선 채로 남겨졌기 때문에 그 소년은 유일하게 완주한 사
람이었다. 그 어린 소년은 이번에는 관중들이 그를 위해 응원하지 않았다는 것을 알아차렸고, 이것은 그를 혼란스럽
게 했다. 관중들 한 가운데에 현자는 앉아있었고, 차분하게 그 소년을 바라보고 있었다. 그는 현자에게 달려가 물었
다. “왜 지금은 사람들이 저를 위해 응원하지 않는 거죠?”

Q7 Which word best describes the boy?

a arrogant b wise c calm d insightful

고등영어1(주석)_(008~029)_1단원-OK.indd 18 2017-11-28 오후 12:15:16

“Race again,” replied the wise man, “but this time,
finish together.”

The little boy stood between the blind man and the elderly lady,
between A and B: A와 B 사이에
holding them arm in arm. The race began, and the little boy walked
분사구문(동시동작) 팔짱을 끼고
5 slowly with the others. When they crossed the finishing line, the crowd • arm in arm
wave at
cheered loudly and waved at the boy. The wise man smiled. He said, •

~을 향해 손을 흔들다
“Well done, little boy. You’ve won a lot more in this race than in any
비교급+than any other+단수명사: 다른 어떤 ~보다도 더
other you’ve run before. You are a real winner.” Now the little boy was
greatly delighted, and he felt proud and important again.
 대단히, 크게

해석 “다시 경주하게.”라고 현자가 말했다. “하지만 이번에는 함께 완주하게.”

그 어린 소년은 그들의 팔짱을 낀 채 시각 장애인과 노부인 사이에 서 있었다. 경주가 시작되자 그 소년은 다른 사람들
과 천천히 걸었다. 그들이 결승선을 지날 때, 관중들은 그 소년을 향해 큰 소리로 응원하고 손을 흔들었다. 현자는 미소 지
었다. 그는 말했다. “잘했네, 소년. 당신은 당신이 이전에 달렸던 다른 어떤 경주들보다 이번 경주에서 더 많은 것을 얻었
네. 당신은 진정한 승자이네.” 이제 그 소년은 크게 기뻐하였고, 다시 한 번 뿌듯함을 느꼈고 자신이 중요하다고 느꼈다.

Self -check
Teaching Tips 본문 수업 후 과제로 내어 주어
I understand how the metaphors are used. /5
다시 읽고 시간을 기록해 오도록 지도한다.
I understand the authors’ messages. /5
• ‌R ead the text again and record your reading time.
2nd min. sec.
Plus+ Further Questions for Reading (p.140 in Teacher’s Material)
• Read More! Go to page 146.

Q8 How about you? Which of the three stories did you find most meaningful? Why?
Sample The first story was most meaningful to me because it gave me a chance to think about the way I deal with

my own worries. 19

고등영어1(주석)_(008~029)_1단원-OK.indd 19 2017-11-28 오후 12:15:22

After You Read

A The three stories give meaningful messages about life. Complete the sentences.

Think Outside the Box

1 ) perspective
당신의 삶의 경로는 삶을 보는 The path of your life depends on the
당신의 시각에 달려 있다.
in which you view your life’s problems.

The Weight of the Glass Potatoes, Eggs, and Coffee Beans The Races

Don’t keep your worries When 3) adversity knocks on The beauty of our life lies in
in your head too long. your door, deal with it wisely. living 4 ) together .

Words worries perspective adversity together

Teaching Tips 여기 주어진 문장은 본문의 각 등장인물이 한 말로 각 이야기의 주제를 전달하는 문장이다.
각 문장이 비유적으로 전달하는 의미를 파악하게 지도한다.

B What is implied by the speaker of each quote below?

1 The longer I hold the glass, the heavier it feels to me. c

2 Each of the objects had faced the same adversity, but a

each one reacted differently.

3 Little boy, you’ve won a lot more in this race than in b

any other you’ve run before.

a People respond to life’s hardships in their own way.

b Your life can be more meaningful when you help others in need.
c If you think about your worries for too long, you become more stressed.
Lesson 1


고등영어1(주석)_(008~029)_1단원-OK.indd 20 2017-11-28 오후 12:15:27

C How do you respond when faced with hardships? Are you an egg, a potato, or a
coffee bean? Talk about it with your partner.

a cof fee
be a n
an egg
B y ov e rc o
m in g h a rd
I b e li e v e s h ip s,
I can ma
ouble, I tr y to k e th e
W he n I’m in tr tough circ
le m s. I th in k bette r.
fa ce m y p ro b
e stro ng er.
this m akes m

hen faced
I become weak w
m etim es,
w ith ad ve rs ity. So
d it.
I ju st want to avoi

You a potato

Teaching Tips 짝과 대화 시 활용 가능한 질문

•Which do you think you are, an egg, a potato, or a coffee bean?
•Why do you think you are an egg?

D Complete the following quotes about life with the given words. Then create your
own sentence about how to live a better life.

Worry often gives a small thing a big shadow . – An old saying in Sweden

 Failure is the opportunity to begin again more intelligently. – Henry Ford

A lone we can do so little; Together we can do so much. – Helen Keller

 Sample Life is not a destination but a journey. ‌(삶은 목적지가 아니고 – Jiwon Cha
(your own sentence) 여정이다.) (your name)

Words together failure shadow


고등영어1(주석)_(008~029)_1단원-OK.indd 21 2017-11-28 오후 12:15:35

Language Focus 7차시
수업 자료 스마트 교수자료 / Vocabulary Test / Grammar Worksheet

A Word Forms
7 adversity 역경, 고난 capable 능력 있는

차 vers cap( t)
anniversary 기념일 captivity 감금, 억류
(to turn) (to take, hold)

reverse 뒤집다, 반전시키다 capture 포획하다; 포착하다

Complete each sentence with a word from above. Change the form if necessary.

1 I’m glad my parents will have a party to celebrate their 20th wedding anniversary .

2 Sally is very intelligent and enthusiastic, so she is capable of doing the work well.

The thought of exploring the moon might have captured many people’s imaginations
the thought of -ing: ~한다는 생각
at that time.

Mr. Kim won’t reverse the decision because he has confidence in a successful
결정을 번복하다
More Sentences
•‌Many wild animals are in captivity in zoos around the world.
•‌I believe that by overcoming adversity, people can make themselves stronger.

B Expressions in Use

• ‌s truggle with to try hard to do something that you find very difficult
~으로 고생하다, ~와 씨름하다
• ‌p eel off to remove the outer layer of something
벗기다, 까다
• ‌t ake a sip of to drink something slowly by taking small amounts into your mouth
~을 한 모금 마시다

Complete each sentence with an expression from above. Change the form if necessary.

1 My sore throat is killing me, so I can barely take a sip of water.

목이 아파 죽겠어 거의 ~않다
2 Tony spent the whole night struggling with his math and biology homework.
Please peel off only the circle-shaped stickers from the walls that
원 모양의
surround the square.
Lesson 1

Self -check Make your own sentence, using one of the expressions above.

Plus+ Vocabulary Test (p.143 in Teacher’s Material)


고등영어1(주석)_(008~029)_1단원-OK.indd 22 2017-11-28 오후 12:15:36

▶ 관계대명사의 계속적 용법
C Grammar in Use 관계대명사 which가 콤마(,) 뒤에 쓰여 앞 문장 전체나 앞 문장의 일부의 내용을 받는다. 이때
which는 〔접속사+대명사〕로 바꾸어 쓸 수 있다.
ex) ‌He said he was sick, which was a lie.(그가 아프다고 말했는데, 그것은 거짓이었다.)
Point 1
Link ‌
스마트 교수자료
(문법 PPT) • ‌If I hold the glass for an entire day, my arm will cramp up, which will force me to drop it.
and it

• ‌The crowd did not cheer for the boy this time, which puzzled him.
and it

Self -check Skim through page 146 and underline the sentence with the structure above.
Teaching Tips 146쪽의 Read More!를 읽으며 해당 문법을 찾아보게 지도한다.
Choose an appropriate form to complete the conversation.
A What kind of career do you want to pursue in the future?
B Unfortunately, I have no idea, 1) (and / which) bothers me these days.
A I have no clue either, and 2 ) (it / which) frustrates me.
B W hy don’t we visit the career test center, 3 ) (where / which) is located on 9th Street?
A That’s a great idea. Let’s go right away.

▶ 부사구 도치
장소나 위치를 나타내는 부사구를 강조하고자 할 때, 부사구가 맨 앞으로 올 수 있다. 이때 주어와 동사의 위치가 바뀌는
도치가 일어나는데, 주로 위치나 장소를 설명하는 be동사, stand, lie, sit 등과 같은 자동사와 같이 쓰일 때 그러하다.
ex) ‌On the hill was a huge and old castle. (언덕 위에 크고 오래 된 성이 있었다.)
Point 2
Link ‌
스마트 교수자료
(문법 PPT) • ‌Behind him were an elderly lady and a blind man.
( → An elderly lady and a blind man were behind him. )

• ‌In the middle of the crowd was sitting the wise old man.
( → The wise old man was sitting in the middle of the crowd. )

Reshuffle the words in parentheses to complete the paragraph.

Today, I visited my teacher’s place with my classmates. At (lay / the entrance /
(개인의) 집 → the entrance lay a lamp
a lamp), which shed a warm light of welcome. In (a leather sofa / were / the living
→ the living room were a leather sofa
room) and a small tea table. Across from the sofa was a huge shelf filled with classical
music CDs as well as a pair of speakers for the music. It was a bit surprising that she
didn’t have a TV set in the living room.

Plus+ Grammar Worksheet (p.144 in Teacher’s Material)


고등영어1(주석)_(008~029)_1단원-OK.indd 23 2017-11-28 오후 12:15:36

Recommendation Letter
Writer’s Workshop 수업 자료 스마트 교수자료

A Get Ideas
Read about the candidates for the Student of the Month Award below and think
8 about who you would recommend at your school.

차 No. No.

시 1 “A True Friend” 2 “A Genuine Anima

l Lover ”

Good Deeds Good Deeds

‌ elps the elderly in subway • t‌ akes care of pets at the
stations 노년층, 노인 animal shelter
•d ‌ elivers lunch boxes to •v ‌ olunteers at animal
the elderly living alone hospitals
Main contribution Main contribution
has shown what it means to has taught people to be
live in harmony with others more responsible for their
~와 조화롭게 pets
Emily Jones Peter Davis

B Organize Ideas
Choose one of your friends as a candidate for the Award and answer
the following questions about the person.
Teaching Tips 질문에
답한 후 C 단계로 넘어 가
1 Who do you want to recommend for the award at your school?
기 전 파트너와 함께 자신
이 추천하고 싶은 친구에 → I want to recommend Jina Kim, one of my classmates .
대해 얘기해 보게 한다. 주
어진 질문을 활용하도록 2 Describe the person you chose.
지도한다. → Jina is a humorous happy energizer .

3 What are the good deeds she〔he〕 has done?

→ ‌ She greets us with a bright smile every morning

and cheers us up by telling jokes when we feel down .

4 What has she〔he〕 done for the community through her〔his〕 good deeds?
→ She has helped us see the bright side of life when we face difficulties.

Writing Tips contributions to a community

Lesson 1

raise public awareness about ~ / provide hope to those who ~ / send us a message that ~


고등영어1(주석)_(008~029)_1단원-OK.indd 24 2017-11-28 오후 12:15:41

C Write
Write a letter of recommendation for the person you chose.

Letter of Recommendation
March 30th, 2020

Dear Selection Committee,


I am writing to recommend Jina Kim as a candidate for

name /
the Student of the Month Award at Joy High School.
I think Jina Kim is a humorous, happy energizer . description
She〔He〕 has done many good deeds. For example, she greets us with

a bright smile every morning . good deeds

Moreover, she cheers us up by telling jokes when we feel down .

She〔He〕 deserves the award because she has helped us see the bright
side of life when we face difficulties and has tried to give energy to people who need help .
I have learned a lot from what she〔he〕 has done, and I’m proud to
~으로부터 많은 것을 배우다
call her〔him〕 a friend. If I can help clarify anything for you, please
명확히 하다
feel free to contact me at fellow @ korea.net . contact
More & More 편지글 맺음말은 받는 사람과의
관계에 따라 쓰는 말에 차이를 둔다. Truly,
•‌친구 관계: With love, With all my heart,
All the best 등
•‌공식적인 관계: Sincerely, Sincerely yours,
Joshua Jin your name
Best regards, Respectfully 등

해석 심사위원회에,
저는 Joy 고등학교에서 이달의 학생 상의 후보로 김지나를 추천하기
위해 이 편지를 쓰고 있습니다. 저는 김지나가 유머 있고 행복한 활력
을 주는 사람이라고 생각합니다. 그녀〔그〕는 많은 선행을 해왔습니다.
예를 들어, 그녀는 매일 아침 저희에게 밝은 미소로 인사합니다. 게다 Peer-check
가 그녀는 저희가 우울할 때 농담을 함으로써 저희에게 기운을 북돋아 STEP 1 Exchange books and evaluate your partner’s writing.
줍니다. 그녀는 우리가 어려움에 직면했을 때 우리가 삶의 밝은 면을 Leave comments where necessary.
보도록 도와주고 도움이 필요한 사람들에게 기운을 주려고 노력해 왔
기에 그녀〔그〕는 상을 받을 자격이 있습니다. 저는 그녀〔그〕가 해온 것 Are the good deeds described in the letter appealing? /5
들로부터 많은 것을 배우며, 제가 그녀〔그〕를 친구라고 부르는 것이 자 Does the letter describe the person properly? /5
랑스럽습니다. 만약 여러분을 위해 제가 무언가 명확히 알려드릴 수
STEP 2 Revise your letter based on your partner’s feedback. 25
있다면, [email protected]으로 언제든지 연락 주세요.

고등영어1(주석)_(008~029)_1단원-OK.indd 25 2017-11-28 오후 12:15:44

Wrap-up Test 9차시
수업 자료 스마트 교수자료
Listening & Speaking

Listen and answer the questions. M H i, Emily. How are your preparations
for the upcoming dance performance
coming along?
9 1 What is the relationship between the two speakers? W Overall, it’s going alright, Mr. Brown.
But I still feel unsure about a few
차 ① instructor – student dance steps.
M Oh? What seems to be the problem?
시 ② conductor – musician W Well, I just don’t seem to move well
with the music. My heel turns are
③ salesperson – customer awkward.
M I’m sorry to hear that.
④ counselor – patient W I might have to change the music.
What would you do if you were me?
M Well, I wouldn’t change the music
since you don’t have much time left.
2 What will the speakers do after the dialog? W You’re right. Changing the music isn’t
a good idea at this moment.
① ‌They will ask Justin’s neighbors about where Fluffy is. M W hy don’t you come over to my
office tomorrow afternoon? I’ll give
② They will make posters to let people know Fluffy is missing. y o u s o m e i d e a s a b o u t h o w t o
improve your heel turns.
③ They will look for Fluffy in the park with Justin’s friends. W Thank you very much, Mr. Brown. I’ll
see you tomorrow.
④ They will help Fluffy to find a missing person in the park.
M  ey, Katie. Did you hear that Justin lost his dog, Fluffy?
W Oh, no! She’s the cutest dog in the neighborhood. When did it happen?
M Justin said it happened yesterday while he was walking her in the park.
W Hmm... . We have to help him find Fluffy as soon as possible.
M Yeah. Some of the neighbors heard about it, and they are worried.
It seems that putting up posters will alert others that Fluffy is missing, too.
W That’s a great idea. Let’s go make some posters right away.
M Yeah, I have a feeling that it won’t be long before we find Fluffy.

Put the sentences in order and practice the dialog with your partner.
1 Andrew, I dropped my sister’s favorite doll house, and it broke into pieces.

2 You should have been more careful. Does she know?

6 Don’t worry. I’ll help you if you need a hand.

5 That would be impossible because I’ve never built a doll house in my life.

4 It seems to me it would be better to tell her about it and build a new one for her.

3 No. What would you do if you were in my shoes?

Lesson 1

Teaching Tips 대화를 완성한 후 완성된 대화를 바탕으로 파트너와 직접 대화를 해 보도록 지도한다. 이때, 문장을 보며 읽기보다는 내용의
26 흐름에 주목해서 자신의 말로 대화를 나눌 수 있도록 지도한다.

고등영어1(주석)_(008~029)_1단원-OK.indd 26 2017-11-28 오후 12:15:46


Reading & Writing

Read the passage and answer the questions.

A professor walked around on a stage while teaching. She raised a glass of water and
asked, “How heavy is this glass of water?” Students shouted out various answers. She
replied, “From my perspective, the weight of this glass doesn’t matter. ⓐ It all depends
on how (A) I hold it. If I hold it for a minute or two, it’s fairly light. If I hold it for an
hour, ⓑ it may make my arm ache. If I hold ⓒ it for an entire day, my arm will likely cramp
up, which will force me to eventually drop the glass. In each case, the weight of the glass
doesn’t change, but the longer I hold ⓓ it, the (B) it feels to me.”

4 Which pair of words best fits in (A) and (B)?

(A) (B) (A) (B)
① long – lighter ② long – heavier
③ often – lighter ④ often – heavier

5 Which underlined word is referring to something different? ⓐ

해설 ⓐ는 ‘물잔의 무게감’을 의미하고, 나머지는 ‘물잔’을 의미한다.

Read the passage and write your answers.

The little boy felt proud and important. “I can beat anyone!” cried the little boy. After hearing
this, the wise man said to him, “Now I present two new challengers to you.” Behind him was
an elderly lady and a blind man. “Race!” said the wise man. The race began, and the boy was
the only finisher because the elderly lady and the blind man were left standing at the starting
line. The little boy noted that the crowd did not cheer for him this time, which puzzled him.

6 Rewrite the underlined sentence in the grammatically correct form.

→ Behind him were an elderly lady and a blind man.
해설 도치된 문장에서 주어는 an elderly lady and a blind man이므로 was를 were로 고쳐야 한다.

7 Why didn’t the crowd cheer for the boy?

→ Sample He
‌ only cared about winning the race and did not consider his competitors
who were in need of help.
Self -check Which question(s) did you miss?
Listening Speaking Reading Writing
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
What do you need to review?:

고등영어1(주석)_(008~029)_1단원-OK.indd 27 2021-09-28 오후 3:50:05

My Learning Log 10차시 스마트 교수자료 / board,
수업 자료 color pens and pencils

Looking back at what I lear ned in this

lesson will help me become a better lear

Gather & Discuss

Make a group of three. Talk with your group
Look through the Self-checks and Peer-checks, members about the bad habits or qualities
and rate your learning below. you have and how you will change them.
** O ne person writes down what the members say
during the discussion.
My Learning
I have realized that my own perspective
can determine the way I live.

I had a chance to think about how I get

along with my friends and family.

Overall, this lesson has positively affected

the way I think.
▶ What is the most important thing you have learned
in this lesson?
ex) Through
‌ this lesson, I have been able to think Make & Decorate
about my own attitude toward my life. • Eachgroup makes a resolution board
by gathering members’ resolutions.
• Decorate the board with an attractive
Sample In this lesson, I realized that I can change the
title and visual aids.

way I see my problems!
** Make sure the resolutions are clear, specific,
and achievable!

My Attitude
Did I have an overall plan for this lesson?

Did I make connections between my

learning and my life?

Did I work well with my partners and

group members? STEP 3

▶ What will you do differently next time?

ex) I‌ need to think about others’ feelings more Present
when working with them. Present the board to your classmates
and post it on the classroom wall.

Sample I will skim through the whole lesson before class

begins. I think this will help me better prepare for the class.


고등영어1(주석)_(008~029)_1단원-OK.indd 28 2017-11-28 오후 12:15:50

Resolutions to Change My Life Project
h Thinking negatively
ti n g t oo muc
fatty f
g Watching TV for too long
e n din 차
r sp Bad Habits
Ove 시
or Qualities
Talking badly
No plann about others
Teaching Tips 모둠원과 대화 시 활용 가능한 질문
•Do you have any bad habits you want to break?
No exercising •What are some qualities of yours that you want
to change?
•How can you break those habits?

1. P
‌ r ais e my
e a rl y bird ! s elf a t le
1. B e co m e a n eve r y d a a s t o n ce
lo u d a t
2. ‌L a u g h o u t 2 . D o n ot
ve r y d a y! e a t a f te r
le a st o n ce e 3. ‌Skim t
9 p.m .
k et
e r of m y p o c hrou gh w
3. S ‌ a ve a q u a rt rig ht aft
h at I le a
rn e d
e r e a ch c
mon ey! 4. ‌Stretc la s s.
h my neck
love yo u ” to a nd should
4. T ‌ r y to sa y “I during lun
ch break. ers
Mom a nd D a 5. ‌S a y “ E
ve r y thin g
ie n d s if the y will b e
5. ‌H elp my fr a lrig ht ” w
he n I ’m d
own .
n e e d help !

Hi, everyone. I want to share my group’s resolutions with all of you.

We’ve decided to do five things to change our lives. First we’ll
become early birds … . Laughing out loud every day is our second
resolution ... .


고등영어1(주석)_(008~029)_1단원-OK.indd 29 2017-11-28 오후 12:16:03


Overview 이 글은 조로증(progeria)이라는 희귀병에 걸린 Sam Berns라는 소년의 편지글이다. 소년은 편지글에서


자신이 깨달은 삶에 있어 의미 있고 중요한 것을 친구들에게 말하고 있다.

A Letter from My Heart

October 25th, 2013

To my beloved friends,

I’m happy to have a chance to write this letter as I have just turned 17.
부사적 용법(원인)  (나이가 ~이) 되다
You’ve probably noticed that I look much older than you. The illness I’ve suffered
much는 비교급을 강조. ‘훨씬 더 나이든’ ~으로 고통받다, 겪다
from since I was born has aged my body much faster than normal people, and
 나이들게 하다, 노화시키다
I don’t know how many more years I will have. Through this letter, I’d like to
share with you a few things I’ve learned about life before it’s too late. 5
share A with B: A를 B와 공유하다 (문장에서 A가 길어서 with B가 먼저 옴)
First, try to be OK with what you ultimately CAN’T do. There is so much
you CAN do. I can’t do hard physical activities like running long distances.
Instead, I choose to focus on the activities I can do and I feel passionate about.
대신에 ~하기로 결정하다 내가 할 수 있고 내가 열정을 느끼는 활동들
Second, surround yourself with people you want to be around. I feel most
surround A with B: A를 B로 둘러싸다, 채우다
alive when I’m surrounded by those I love. Remember to appreciate and love the 10
관계대명사의 계속적 용법 remember to부정사: ~할 것을 기억하다
people around you, which will make a truly positive impact on your life.
(= and it) make an impact on ~ : ~에 영향을 미치다
Last but not least, keep moving forward. I try hard not to feel bad for
마지막이지만 그에 못지않게 중요한 건 뒤의 부정사를 부정함
myself. Whenever I feel down, I accept and acknowledge my feelings so that I can
so that S can … : S가 …할 수 있도록
move past them. Don’t look backwards for too long, but try to have something
형용사적 용법
to look forward to. Please take the time to think over my words. I hope they 15
can guide you through hardships you might face in your life.
guide ~ through ... : ~가 …을 통과하도록〔극복하도록〕 안내하다
With love,
해석 내 마음의 편지
사랑하는 친구들에게,
막 17살이 된 지금 내가 이 편지를 쓸 수 있는 기회를 가지게 되어 기뻐. 너희들은 아마도 내가 너희들보다 훨씬 더 나이 들어 보인
다는 것을 알아차렸을 거야. 내가 태어난 이후로 앓아 왔던 질병이 나의 신체를 보통의 사람들보다 훨씬 더 빠르게 노화시켰고, 나는 내
가 몇 년이나 더 살지도 모르겠어. 이 편지를 통해, 나는 너무 늦기 전에 내가 삶에 관해 깨닫게 된 몇 가지를 너희들과 공유하고 싶어.
첫째로, 너희들이 결국 할 수 없는 것들에 대해 편안해지려고 노력해 봐. 너희들이 할 수 있는 것들이 많이 있어. 나는 장거리를 달
리는 것과 같은 힘든 육체적인 활동들은 할 수 없어. 대신, 나는 내가 할 수 있고 내가 열정을 느끼는 활동들에 집중하기로 했어.
두 번째로, 네가 함께 있고 싶은 사람들로 네 주변을 채워 봐. 나는 내가 사랑하는 사람들과 함께할 때 가장 살아있다는 것을 느껴.
너 주변의 사람들에게 감사하고 사랑하는 마음을 가지려고 해 봐. 그러면 이것이 너의 삶에 진정으로 긍정적인 영향을 미칠 거야.
마지막이지만 그에 못지않게 중요한 건, 계속해서 앞으로 전진하는 거야. 나는 나 자신에 대해 실망하지 않으려고 정말 노력해. 우
울할 때마다, 나는 그 감정들을 극복해서 나아갈 수 있도록 나의 감정‌들을 받아들이고 인정해. 너무 오래 뒤를 돌아보지 말고, 기대할
수 있는 무언가를 가지려고 노력해 봐. 내 말들에 대해 곱씹어
A Little Biography
생각해 볼 시간을 좀 내어 보렴. 나는 나의 말들이 너희들이 인
Sam Berns (199 6-2014) 생에서 맞닥뜨릴지도 모르는 역경을 극복해 나가도록 너희들을
Born on October 23rd, 1996, Sam 이끌어 줄 수 있기를 희망해.
died on January 10th, 2014 at age 사랑을 담아, Sam
17. He suffered from progeria, a genetic
disorder whose symptoms
include a bigger head, tight skin,
loss of hair, and limited grow th.

‌Try to be OK with what you ultimately CAN’T do. / Surround yourself

with people you want to be around. / Keep moving forward.
Q1 What are the three things Sam wanted to tell his friends?
146 Q2 Discussion Of the three lessons Sam gave, which one do you find most meaningful?
Sample The second lesson is most meaningful to me because being around
people I love always gives me energy whenever I’m in a bad mood.

고등영어1(주석)_(144~151)_부록-OK.indd 146 2021-09-29 오전 10:12:48

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