Self Management Skill 1
Self Management Skill 1
Self Management Skill 1
Artificial intel igence -9th
Self-managementis all about the self-control or regulating your work oon your
is taking of responsibility for one's own behaviour and well-being. Own. Self
communicate and interact efficiently with fellow workers. supervisors,
also helpemployees make good decisions and improve time management. Selfand Self-managementcustfMoamers.
skills help to
help student to manage their time, take responsibility of their task
and cooperate with
school and home. This will help the students to perform better in studies. management
others in
Selfmanagement means taking responsibility for your own actions and doing
manner. It shows you are able to organise yourself and things in systematic
oter your own ideas on anyan topjc
needs to understand his/ her own interest and
abilities and then showing positive attitude withOne solk
confidence. It helps to meet challenges and difficulties in life.
The key of self management skills include
1. Self-awareness:
Self-awareness is an awareness of oneself that makes one's jdentihy
unique. These unique qualities include thoughts, experiences, likes, dislikes and abilities
2. Self-confidence:
Self-confidence is the ability to believe in yourself and trust your own
judgment. This skillis useful in difficult times or under
confident person,one should not come under stress evenproblematic situations. As a self.
in difficult situations.
3. Self-motivation: Self motivation is the
force that drives to do things. It is the internal
factor that drive you to work hard towards your goals andyou put effort into self-development,
and achieve personal fulfillment.
4. Self-control: Self-control is the ability to control one's
emotions, thoughts, and behaviour.
Self-control is a mental process that is necessary for regulating one's behaviour in order to
achieve specific goals.
5. Problem Solving: Problem-solving help you determine the
an effective solution. Problem solving may require source of a problem and find
industry or job-specific technical sklls.
Some key problem-solving skills include Active listening, Analysis and
6. Personal Hyglene and Grooming: Hygiene is one of the Research.
people to stay fit and healthy. Practicing good personal hygieneimportant practices that hep
is beneficial for two reasons
" It helps prevent people from catching and spreading illness and
" It helps people feel good about themselves and
their bodies.
Good hygiene includes thoroughly and regularly washing one's body (especially hands).
washing one's hair, brushing and flossing teeth, and caring for gums. These groominghabits
will reduce the threat of bacteria that constantly
reside on the body. as ateam, they can
7. Teamwork: Teamwork helps to solve problems. By working together
find the solutionsthat work best for solving any type of problem through exchanging ideas
Teamwork creates asystem to ensure that deadlines are met and that there is highquality
work. Teamwork builds morale. By working members of ateam feel astrong
of belonging and deep commitment to eachtogether,
other and the common goal.
8. Positive Thinking: Positive thinking will make easier to manage your life, reducestress,
and also help you to take care of yourself better. When you think positivethoughts,
Self-Management Skills 39
you don't allow your mind (conscious or subconscious) to entertain any negative thoughts
or doubts.
9. Time Management: Time management is the process of planning and controlling how
much time to spend on specific activities. Good time management enables an individual
to complete more in a shorter period of time, lowers stress, and leads to career success.
10. Goal Setting: Goal setting is a process for thinking about your ideal future, and for
motivating yourself to turn your future aspirations into realty.The process of setting goals
helps you choose where you want to go in life. By knowing what you want to achieve, you
know where you have to put on your efforts.
Self Management > get rid of the negative thoughts
Skills and Tips in your head;
think positively:
be happy with small things;
do not forget to tell yourself
that you are smart and intelligent.
Stress Management chat with positive people.
exercise your body;
enjoy yourself, rest yourself
as regularly as possible;
go to vacations and
holidays with the people Time Management
you love;
take walks in nature:
and Organization Skills
do hobbies.
set and prioritize your goals:
create aschedule;
make lists to tasks:
Self-motivation use different optimization tools;
> break large tasks into smaller tasks.
find and list your motives
(needs and desires);
find different sources of
motivation and inspiration
(music, books, activities); Have a Healthy
think expansive thoughts; Lifestyle and a
live fully in the present moments,
dear to have big dreams; Balanced Diet
dream often-every day: Healthy eating and physical
remeber that nothing is impossible. activities are extremely
important when it comes
to increasing your mind and
body power.
"Form pairs of students who are friends or know each other well.
The students to rate each other on the scale of 'Good, 'OK' or 'Bad, on self-management
skills given in the table below:
Myname : My friend's name :
Self-management skill My rating of my ability My friend's rating of my ability
Confident (Self-confidence)
Positive and Cheerful
(Positive Thinking)
Neat and Clean (Personal
Hygiene and Grooming)
On-time (Punctuality)
" Rate your partner on the same rating scale and skills.
Compare what you thought of yourself and what your partner thought of you. If it is the
same, than it means that youare aware of your skills. If the ratings are different, you can
discuss why the partner thought about you differently.
A. Multiple Choice Questions
Read the questions carefully and circle (a), (b), (c) or (d)
that best answers the
1. Which of the following is not a
(a) Problem solving
self-management skill?
(b) Bargaining
(c) Understanding (d) Self-confidence building
2. Grooming is a terrn associated with
(a) time management
(b) problem solving
(c) neat and clean appearance (d) self-management
B. Short Answer Questions
(a) Write a short note on the factors
influencing self-management.
(b) List any 5 self-management skills.
(c) Draw an outline of your right hand and label
each finger with different factors that influence
you in managing yourself.
Self-Management Skills 41
Astudent should first analyse his strength and weakness to give better performance in exams.
Often it is observed thata student does good in one subject and not so good in other subject. The
problem can be that the child fails to analyse his strength and weakness. If the child can convert
his weakness into his strength then hisher performance can be improved. The first step here is to
understand yourself or know yourself.
2.3.1 Knowing Yourself
To know yourself, the first thing is to do self analysis by asking certain questions from oneself ike:
1. Who am 1?
2. What Ilike ?
3. What I do not like?
4. What is my opinion?
5. What are my beliefs?
6. What I can do well ?
7. What Ihesitate to do ?
8. What Iwant in life ?
9. What are my goals?
10. What I find interesting ?
Once you analyse who you are and what are your aspirations, then only you can determine
your strength and weaknesses.
t oD o ?
the I
on indo
AMI Path? What
Let us see which questions can help us find our strength and
1. Which quality makes me a team leader?
2. What do other people like in me?
3. What can I do best?
4. Why do I worry?
5. Why and where others perform better than me?
6. How am Idifferent from others?
7. What should I do to increase my
Self-Management Skills 43
and Abilities
2.3.3 Difference Between Interests
Interests are activities you do because youenjoy doing them. Interests capture your attention.
and 8satisfy your need to accomplish things. Abilities, onthe other hand, are
arouse your curiosity interest does
vOur natural strengths or acquired positive trait that come to you easily. Sometimes our according to
not match with our abilities. In such acase you may either improve your ability or act
sing. In such a
uOur interest. For example, you may have interest in music, but you are not able to some music
case. vou can either learn singing if your voice is good otherwise youcan also learn
instrument that may interest you.
" Form pairs of students. Make a list of tasks/activities you can do well.
Write your main aim in life.
" Share your notes with your partner and discuss your personal characteristics.
Fill in the table given below:
List what you believe as a person by starting the sentences with 'I am
(lam a sensitive person).
List all you can do well by starting the sentences with 'I can' (|
can identify safety aspect sand seeks up port when witnessing or
experiencing violence and abuse).
List what you plan to do by starting the sentences with Iwill' (I
train my self in yoga).
(My aim is
State your aim in life. Start the sentence with My aim is'
to become an accomplished sports person).
to prepare an action plan to
A. Fill in the table given below which can help you
activities that you would 1like to
overcome your weakness. Identify and list the your strengths.
undertake to improve upon your weaknesses and continue to
Weaknesses Action plan to overcome
S.No Strengths your weaknesses
44 Artificial Intel igence - th
B. Short Answer Questions
1. What is the difference between 'interest' and 'abilities'?
2. How are strength different from weaknesses?
Write down three qualities about yourself, your goals in life and your plan to achieve them.
My qualities My goals My plans
For example, I have For example, I For example, I will start my
the ability to run want to become day by exxercising and eating
100 metres race. a nationally a balanced diet.
recognised I willregularly run in a stadium
sports person. under the guidance of coach.
Using Positive Words.
Make qroup of four students each. Look at the below statements and make themn positie
by using positive words/thinking, such as 'I can' instead of 'Icannot'
(a) Icannot give speech in school assembly.
(b) Imade a lot of errors in my computer work.
(c) I did not like the school project.
Once witten in notebook, discuss within your group, how to make these statements positive?
Nails Hair
Trim nails Wash your
weekly. hair often.
Keep nails Keep it neat
short and by styling
clean. and brushing.
Exercise Hygiene
Bath or shower
Play outside and change
as much as underwear
possible. Dont't daily. Wash
sit and play on hands after
the computer or
watch TV L3 visiting the
toilet and
before eating.
too often
Homework Eat a healty
Take care balanced diet
with homework Choose heaithy
and always snacks such as
do it before fruit instead of
going our crisps and sweets
to play Avoid sweet, fuzzy drinks.
Drink water, milk or fresh fruit juice
Wet hands Apply enough soap Rub hands palm Rub back of each hand
with water to cover all hand surfaces to plam with palm of other hand
with fingers interfaced
Rub palm to palm with Rub with back of fingers Rub each thumb clasped Rub tips of fingers in
fingers interfaced to opposing palms with in opposite hand using a opposite palm in a
fingers interlocked rotational movement circular motion
10 11 12
Rub each wrist with Rinse hands Use elbow to Dry thoroughly with
opposite hand with water turn off tap a single-use towel
Personal Hygiene Practices
. Answer the statements with a Yes' or a No. If your answer is Yes, you are already following
personal hygiene standards. If your answer is No', then you have to start following the
personal hygiene standard immediately.
. Write your plan to improve for all the No' answers in the spaceprovided.
Statements Yes/No My plan for improvement
I wash my hands with soap every time Iuse the toilet.
Ido not bite my nails. They are always clean and
Icover my mouth every time I cough or sneeze in
public places.
Iregularly take bath to avoid body odour.
Ido not have dandruff or dirt in my hair.
Inever wear dirty clothes.
My feet are smooth and not dry.
My hair is clean, non-greasy/not oily and it smells fresh
all the time.
2.7 SESSION 6: GROOMING When you are well groomed, you alwavs
ensure that;
Grooming means those things that you do
to make your appearance clean and neat. Your hair and fingernails are clean:
For example, brushing your hair, wearing Your face, body, and teeth are clean;
clean and ironed clothes so that you look . Your clothes are clean and
neat and tidy. Dressing is a part of grooming. well-pressed;
" Your shoes are well polished:
Dressing means to put on clothes in a proper " Your hair is properly styled; and
Your over-all image is professional.
Iclip my finger nails I clip my toe nails Iuse lotion and Itake my medicine